Modelling and Multi Objective Optimization of Ultrasonic Inserting Parameters Through Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Modelling and Multi Objective Optimization of Ultrasonic Inserting Parameters Through Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
Modelling and Multi Objective Optimization of Ultrasonic Inserting Parameters Through Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm
As the usage of plastic components has increased in various industries, the methods for fastening have increased rapidly.
When the plastic components are fastened by self-tapping screws or bolts, failure occurs because of stripped threads or plastic
creep. In these circumstances, threaded metal inserts provide improved joint performance and ability to assemble and disas-
semble the components without degrading them. Even though many techniques such as insert moulding, thermal insertion
and cold insertion are available for joining thermoplastic material with metal insert, ultrasonic insertion is one of the most
preferred processes because of the shorter cycle time usually less than a second, possibility of simultaneous installation of
the multiple inserts and large-scale automation possibilities for higher production operations. The technical problems faced
by the industries in ultrasonic insertion process are poor insertion quality which affects the function of the product. These
problems arise because of the improper selection of insertion parameters. The objective of this paper is to optimize the
ultrasonic insertion parameters for improving the quality of joint through non-traditional optimization techniques. Response
surface methodology (RSM) is used to design the experiments, and then pullout strength and stripping torque are measured.
Data obtained from the measurement are utilized to develop a nonlinear equation between the responses and predictors, and
optimal combinations of insertion parameters are found out by fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm (GA) approach. From the
confirmatory test, it was observed that the fuzzy logic yields better output results than GA.
Keywords Ultrasonic insertion · Pullout strength · Stripping torque · Response surface methodology · Fuzzy logic · Genetic
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Stepped Al Horn
Brass Insert
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2.6 Stripping torque test Threads with M10 size were machined on the drill bit, and
it was mounted on spindle of the drilling machine. Thermo-
Stripping torque is the torque at which metal inserts are plastic test specimen was fixed with three-jaw chuck which
stripped out from the thermoplastic component. Drilling is connected to digital control panel of dynamometer. When
machine and drilling tool dynamometer were employed to spindle rotates, M10 threads assemble with metal insert, and
measure stripping torque of ultrasonically inserted joint. then, metal insert will be stripped out from plastic part at
Poly carbonate
Test Specimen
Holding Fixture
Fig. 8 Polycarbonate specimens
after pullout testing
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maximum torque [11]. The stripping torque values for all the Step 1 Normalize the response in order to remove cer-
experiments are listed in Table 2. Torque-testing facility and tain degree of uncertainty. Other reason behind normaliza-
initial set-up for testing are shown in Fig. 9. tion is that membership function (MF) curve depends on
the mapping of input variables in its range of 0–1 [1]. The
2.7 Methodologies formula used for normalization is
Y(i) − YMAX (i)
2.7.1 Fuzzy logic X (i) = , (1)
YMAX (i) − YMIN (i)
Fuzzy logic is the form of logic that is approximate rather where X(i) is the normalized value, Y(i) is the observed
than precise. It is modelling of human intelligence in lin- value, YMAX(i) is the maximum value of ith response, YMIN
guistic form. In contrast to classical logic theory, “either (i) is the minimum value of ith response.
the statement is true or false (0 or 1)”, fuzzy logic has the Step 2 Simultaneous maximization of pullout strength
capacity to handle the concept of partial truth, where the and stripping torque are the objective of analysis. All the
truth value is in the range between complete truth and normalized input values are given to inference engine, and
complete false. It consists of three main steps: fuzzifica- FMPI output is generated by MATLAB fuzzy logic tool-
tion, mamdani inference engine and defuzzification. The box. For maximizing the FMPI, the optimum combination of
flow chart for fuzzy logic unit is presented in Fig. 10. In process parameters has to be determined. The fuzzy values
fuzzification, the membership function is used to fuzzify are defined by membership function. The linguistic values
the normalized values. The mamdani inference engine uses of input and output are expressed in analysis. So, divide the
IF–THEN rules to perform fuzzy reasoning and defuzzifi- input into small (S), medium (M), large (L) and output is
cation to convert the fuzzy values into single fuzzy multi- expressed as very small (VS), small (S), medium (M), large
performance index (FMPI). This FMPI value is predicted (L) and very large (VL). The sharing of values is given in
for every run in the experiment, and corresponding FMPI Table 3 and Fig. 11 which shows the graphical representa-
value is found. tion of membership function for inputs and FMPI. Various
There are four steps which are to be followed, and they
M10 Bolt
Drilling Tool
X1 Inference engine
Fuzzification (Mamdani) Defuzzification Y
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degrees of membership of the fuzzy values are calculated The relative importance among the inserting parameters
based on the values of X1, X2 and Y. should be known for getting the highest value of FMPI. For
Step 3 In fuzzification, triangle membership function this, optimum combination of inserting parameter levels
is most commonly used. Next step is to establish relation- can be determined by calculating average FMPI values.
ship between input and output variables by IF–THEN rules. From Table 4, pressure is at rank 1 and it is the most influ-
Mamdani inference engine is used to evaluate these rules, encing parameter. The main effect plot for FMPI mean is
and the minimum memberships of various fuzzy sets are shown in Fig. 13. From the graph, the optimum combination
taken into account. The mathematical notation is of parameter is P (3.5 bar), IT (3.5 s) and HT (3.5 s).
𝜇AB(X,Y)=MIN(𝜇A(X) ,𝜇B(Y) ) (2) 2.7.2 Development of mathematical model
where 𝜇A(X) and𝜇B(Y) are membership functions of different
fuzzy sets. As ultrasonic insertion is a nonlinear process, a second-
These rules are combined together to form the final out- order mathematical model was used for the accurate pre-
put. These fuzzy output values can be obtained in the form diction of the response for getting the relationship between
of linguistic terms, when the fuzzy implication and fuzzy input process parameters and the output responses. It can
aggregation are united. The fuzzy logic reasoning is shown be expressed as FMPI = f (P, IT, HT), where FMPI value
in Fig. 12. In this study, for each rule, the two inputs are was obtained from fuzzy logic and it was considered as the
assigned in the fuzzy subsets and the first two columns rep- output response or yield. The equation expressed to find out
resent it. The number of rules gained from the present study the second-order polynomial is given by Eq. (4)
is 20.
Step 4 Finally, the defuzzifier converts the fuzzy values 3
∑ 3
∑ 3
into non-fuzzy crisp values through centre of gravity or cen- Y = 𝛽0 + 𝛽i Xi + 𝛽ii Xi2 + 𝛽ij Xi Xj , (4)
troid method. So, inference output 𝜇y is transformed into i=1 i=1 i,j=1i≠j
Fig. 11 Membership function
for inputs and FMPI
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pressure and holding time is the least significant param- pressure, inserting time and holding time. Fitness of all
eter. HT * HT is the non-significant parameter. The same chromosomes is determined by the use of rank scaling
result can be obtained for p value interpretation. function. Now, these members are called as parents. The
parents were selected based on roulette wheel function for
2.7.3 Genetic algorithm reproduction. The elite count, crossover rate, crossover
fraction, crossover function, mutation function and muta-
Genetic algorithm is an unconventional optimization tech- tion rate are specified in reproduction options to create
nique used for solving both constrained and unconstrained children for the next generation.
problems based on natural selection “survival of the fit- For moving the individuals between sub-populations
test” strategy. A double-vector random chromosome popu- based on the condition that the population size should be
lation was first initialized. The genes are decoded, namely set as a vector length of more than 1, this process could
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Table 5 ANOVA results for Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Cal P value F-Tab Significance
Model 8 1.35436 0.169296 25.03 0 2.95 Significant
Linear 3 0.95059 0.316865 46.84 0 3.59 Significant
P (bar) 1 0.66327 0.663269 98.05 0 4.84 Significant
IT (s) 1 0.20982 0.209815 31.02 0 4.84 Significant
HT (s) 1 0.07751 0.0775110 11.46 0.006 4.84 Significant
Square 3 0.21758 0.072526 10.72 0.001 3.59 Significant
P (bar)*P (bar) 1 0.11465 0.114648 16.95 0.002 4.84 Significant
IT (s)*IT (s) 1 0.08848 0.088476 13.08 0.004 4.84 Significant
HT (s)*HT (s) 1 0.02899 0.028995 4.29 0.063 4.84 Non-significant
2-Way interaction 2 0.18619 0.093196 13.76 0.001 3.98 Significant
P (bar)*HT (s) 1 0.06259 0.062587 9.25 0.011 4.84 Significant
IT (s)*HT (s) 1 0.12360 0.123604 18.27 0.001 4.84 Significant
Error 11 0.07441 0.006764
Lack-of-fit 6 0.06947 0.011578 11.72 0.008
Pure error 5 0.00494 0.000988
Total 19 1.42877
be controlled by migration parameters such as migration and holding time 3 s, respectively. The best individual and
direction, migration interval and migration fraction. In this best fitness are plotted and shown in Fig. 14.
operation, the worst individuals are replaced with the best
individuals in another sub-population. After all these opera-
tions, the correct population was replaced with the children 3 Results and discussion
to form the next generation. The algorithm stops when it
meets the specified number of generations as the stopping 3.1 Effect of insertion parameters on pullout
criteria [1]. strength
The MATLAB optimization toolbox was used to maxi-
mize FMPI value as given in Eq. 5. The insertion parameters, Figures 15, 16 and 17 show the interaction effect of pres-
search ranges and the parameter setting for genetic algorithm sure and inserting time on pullout strength by keeping hold-
are given in Table 6. From the mean fitness plot, the conver- ing time as constant. It was observed that pullout strength
gence was observed and best fitness plot variables with best increases from inserting time 2.5–3 s, and the reason is
fitness were revealed. From this plot, process parameters for plastic flows around the insert and settled in the external
optimum conditions are pressure 3 bar, inserting time 3.5 s features of insert. Pullout strength decreases from inserting
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The reason is that the correlation of response can be pressure of 3.5 bar, inserting time of 3.5 s and holding
prevented and individual priority weights need not be time of 3.5 s are the optimum combinations to get best
assigned. insertion performance using this method.
• Based on its main effects results, pressure which occu- • FMPI data were used to develop a second-order math-
pies rank 1 followed by inserting time and holding time ematical model, and analysis was performed to test
are the most influencing parameters on the response. A the accuracy of the model with the experimental value
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using ANOVA. This model can explain the variation in was obtained. From the best individual plot, inserting
FMPI up to 94.79% time was the most influencing parameter followed by
• The developed mathematical model was used as fitness pressure and holding time. The optimum condition
function for genetic algorithm. After certain iterations, is pressure 3 bar, inserting time 3.5 s and holding
the optimum combination of the process parameters time 3 s.
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Fig. 21 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on pullout strength (P = 3 bar)
• From experimental investigation, the maximum value reason was higher pressure gives greater strain and
of pullout strength and stripping torque was obtained frictional force on the plastic material that allows the
when the input parameters were at a higher level. The plastic to the external features of the insert. Higher
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Fig. 22 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on pullout strength (P = 3.25 bar)
Fig. 23 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on pullout strength (P = 3.5 bar)
inserting time gives sufficient time for plastic material • Finally, a comparison of fuzzy logic and genetic algo-
to flow and settle around the external features of the rithm was made to check which one is accurately opti-
insert and higher holding time squeezes molten plastic mizing the parameters to get the maximum FMPI value.
to cool and solidify around insert. From the results, it was observed that fuzzy logic tech-
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nique gives high FMPI value than genetic algorithm. • In the present study, the insertion parameters such as
So, fuzzy logic is better and economical way of predict- pressure, inserting time and holding time were opti-
ing the process variables. mized to improve the quality (pullout strength and
stripping torque) of the joint. Since the profile of the
ultrasonic horn also influences the quality of the joint,
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Fig. 30 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on stripping torque (P = 3 bar)
Fig. 31 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on stripping torque (P = 3.25 bar)
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Fig. 32 Interaction effects of inserting time and holding time on stripping torque (P = 3.5 bar)
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