Group 2 Beverage Industry Plant Design Project

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Plant Design and Economics Project BY:-


1) Solomon Birhane BDU158497MKL

2) Eyerusalem Wendwossen BDU159177MKL

3) Bisrat Belay BDU159128MKL

4) Tibebu fikrie BDU129787MKL

5) Wengelawit Mulaw BDU130095MKL

6) Yared Yemane BDU158021MKL

Submitted to Mr. Tesfa Nega

Submission date:-29/06/2015
List of figures

Figure 1: Hop Leaf

Figure 2: Structure of Geshoidin (β-sorigenin-8-O-β-D-glucoside)

Figure 3: Chemical Structure

Figure 4: Flow diagram of the extraction process

Figure 5: Flow Chart from Mash tun to Whirlpool

Figure 6: Water treatment

Figure 7: fermenter tank

Table 1: Purchased Equipment Cost in 2008

Table 2: Estimated costs

Table 3: specific heat capacities

Table 4: specific heat capacity

Table 5: specific enthalpy of components

Figure 7: fermenter tank..........................................................................................................................2
Background Information..........................................................................................................................4
1.1 History of Beer...................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Types of Beer.....................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Well Know Beers in Ethiopia..............................................................................................................6
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................8
1. Production of CO2 Hop Extract from Gesho........................................................................................8
2. 2. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Types of Kettle Hop.....................................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Why CO2?.................................................................................................................................15
2.8 Literature Review................................................................................................................................18
3. Material and Methods............................................................................................................................22
3.1.1 Equipments...............................................................................................................................22
3.1.2 Chemicals.................................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Liquid carbon dioxide hop extraction process..........................................................................24
3.2.2. Extract Analysis........................................................................................................................26
3.3 Expected Extract Result...................................................................................................................28
3.4 Future work & Conclusion...................................................................................................................28
4. Process Technology...............................................................................................................................29
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................29
4.2 Raw materials..................................................................................................................................29
4.3 Beer production steps......................................................................................................................30
Types of mashing.......................................................................................................................................31
5. Choice of plant location.....................................................................................................................34
6. Waste Water Treatment Plant...............................................................................................................35
7. FINANCIAL EVALUATION........................................................................................................................37
Working capital......................................................................................................................................37
Capital investments..............................................................................................................................37
7.2.1 Fixed capital investment Manufacturing..................................................................................38
7.2.2 The nonmanufacturing fixed-capital investment (indirect cost) includes.................................38
Cost index..................................................................................................................................................39
7.4 Estimation of fixed capital investment cost.....................................................................................40
8. MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE..........................................................................................47
8.1 Material balance............................................................................................................................47
8.2 Energy balance....................................................................................................................................52
Background Information
1.1 History of Beer
Beer is one of the oldest beverages humans have produced, dating back to at least the
fifth millennium BC and recorded in the written history of ancient Egypt and
Mesopotamia and was spread out to the world. No one is exactly sure how the process
of beer making was discovered or who first discovered it, but it is thought that some
bread or grain got wet, fermenting into an inebriating pile of mush thanks to yeast in
the air.

Despite all the scientific developed in the last century, some brewing information
remains culturally derived. Some of the pioneers of beer production are the Sumerians
of ancient Babylonia, the Egyptians, the Jews, the Greeks and the Romans, the Indians
in the Americas, Great Britain and Germanic peoples.

Beer is an alcoholic drink made from the saccharification of starch in malt, flavored
with hops, and fermentation of the resulting sugar. Although it is possible to replace
some part of the barley with other starchy raw materials (e.g., corn, rice, wheat, oats or
potatoes), it is usually the main constituent. Other raw materials are water hops and
yeast. The starch and saccharification enzymes are often derived from malting cereal
grains. The preparation of beer is called brewing and the person in charge of it is called
the brew master. The purpose of brewing is to convert the starch source in the sugary
liquid called the wort and to convert the wort in to the alcoholic beverage known as
beer in a fermentation process affected by yeast. Beer is the world most widely
consumed alcoholic beverage, and the third most popular drink overall, after water and
tea. The strength of beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume.

1.2 Types of Beer

There are two main types of beer that we need to know: ales and lagers. All beer is
made from four basic ingredients: malted barley, hops, yeasts and water. The only
difference between ales and lagers is the type of yeast used.

Lagers are relatively new types of beer, dating back to the mid-19th century. Lagers are
made using bottom-fermenting yeast and are fermented at cooler temperatures
around 46-55oF. Pale lager is one of the most popular type of lager, boasting a lighter
color and body which is highly carbonated and have a much lighter taste. Pilsner is
another lager beer created in the 1840s in Pilzen, Czechoslovakia. It’s similar to the
pale lager in color, but is much bitterer. Light lager also falls under lager category which
contains less hops and barley in an attempt to make a low calorie beer. Dark lager, not
like their counter type light lagers, are much more full-bodied and flavorful. They are
typically very malty with a gentle hops flavor.

A. Ales

Ales are the oldest types of beer and have been around for thousands of years. Ales are
made using top-fermenting yeast and are fermented at warmer temperature around
65-76oF. Pale Ale is one type ale of beer is made with gently roasted barley and pale
malt. It is a bitter and spicy brew. Another ale beer which falls to this category is Brown
ale which ranges from dark amber to copper in color and contains a higher level of
malt. These beers are mild in flavor and tastes ranges from sweet to hoppy to earth.
Porter another ale type of beer that are very dark in color and nearly opaque. These
are made with roasted malt and barley and some even taste like chocolate. Stouts are
very known kind of ale beer that are the darkest and thickest type of beer and are
typically made with highly roasted malt or barley. These beers have a thick, creamy
head and are very fullbodied.

1.3 Well Know Beers in Ethiopia

Ethiopia that commercially produce beer. They are; Diageo Ethiopia (Meta Abo
Brewery), Harrar Brewery, Bedele Brewery, and Dashen Brewery. These breweries
produce total of about 3,300,000 hectoliters of beer per annum. Just to mention the
breweries on Ethiopia;

A. St. George Beer: St. George beer the national beer of Ethiopia is the most
popular and the oldest beer. Brewed by BGI Ethiopia, St.George is named after
the patron saint of Ethiopia. It is light much similar to American beers. This
golden-yellow colored beer with a mild touch of amber taste malty sweet with
only a hint of Dimethly Sulfide.
B. Amber Beer is also a product of BGI Ethiopia. This is light copper colored dark
beer’s aroma and dry with a nutty caramel and light chocolate note. The taste is
a medium sweet and a light bitter. This Smell of sweet corn adjuncts with
some light hops in the aroma with no carbonation or head, something that
would serve as a perfect accompaniment to spicy and salty Ethiopian food. B.G.I
produces St. George beer with alcoholic content of
4.5% and 5.5% for amber of both being bottled in 33cl.

C. Meta Abo Beer: It is the only brewery which gets water from a big reserve of
soft spring water (locally known as holy water of St. Abo). The spring water
meets the international brew standard to be used without any treatment. The
brewery produces bottled and draught beer. The brewery has recently been
taken over by the English company Diageo. This beer is produced with alcoholic
content of 5% and volume of 33cl bottle.

D. Dashen Beer: Brewed by Dashen Brewery, Dashen beer is pale yellow with
foamy small white head, yeast aroma slightly sour yeast taste with a metallic
tang. Dashen beer is bottled with 33cl bottle having alcoholic content of 4.5%.

E. Harer Beer: Harer Brewery’s Beer is among the most preferred ones, it’s pretty
sold in the Northern regions of the country. It has a perfect blend of hops and
malt add an enticing golden color with a small white head. This light bodied
beer is bottled with a moderate carbonation and alcoholic content of 5%
bottled in 33cl bottle.

F. Bedele Beer: The brewery is well known for Bedele beer and more recently for
its bottled beers Bedele premium and Bedele special. More recently, it has
started supplying draught beers which is becoming well received by the
customer base. Bedele beer has an alcoholic Content of 4.5% for normal beer
and 5.5% for bedele special of both being bottled in 33cl bottle.

G. Walia Beer: Walia is the other well-known beer in the country. Walia is brewed
in Ethiopia by HBSC (Heineken Brewery Share Company). This is light gold
colored, mildly bitter beer carries the aroma of banana-pear soufflé and
honeyed hominy flavors of pretzel bread and sprouts. Walia has an alcoholic
content of 5% and is being bottled in a 33cl bottle.

H. Habesha Beer: Habesha beer also known as “Cold Gold” is one of the beer
types which is produced in Ethiopia and took the market by surprise. This beer
has an alcoholic content of 5% with 33cl total bottle volume.
Executive Summary
Production of hop extract using liquid carbon dioxide provides a convenient method of
obtaining a high-quality product which usually contains over 90% of the available α-
acids in the original hops. Under suitably controlled conditions, this solvent does not
extract significant amounts of hard resins, fats, waxes, or pigmented materials which
have negative impact on brewing process. The extraction method consisted of hop
drying, milling, injection of hop with liquid carbon dioxide, spent hop removal and CO 2
gas recovery for reuse. The extract then will be characterized using appropriate
methods and materials. The influence of different parameters on the extraction
process such as operating temperature and pressure of carbon dioxide were explored
and optimum conditions were recommended.

1. Production of CO2 Hop Extract from Gesho

2. 2. Introduction
2.1 What are Hops?
Hops (Humulus lupulus) are a perennial (self-renewal) plant of the Cannabaceae family
that also includes the genus Cannabis. In the production of beer, hop is an essential
component. Hops provide bitterness to balance the sweetness of malt sugars, as well
as flavors, aromas, resins that increase head retention, and antiseptics to retard
spoilage. Raw hop contains alpha acids, beta acids, Hard resins (up to 25% in total), hop
oils (up to 3%), hop polyphenols (up to 14%), cellulose (up to 50%), water (up to 12%),
protein (up to 22%), minerals (up to 10%) and lipids, waxes, pectin and carbohydrates
(each 2-3%). The composition of hops varies depending on the variety, crop year and
location. The lupulin glands of hop provide the essential components that brewers
need. These are the bittering compounds (α & ß acids) and hop oils.
Figure 1: Hop Leaf

Brewery industries use different types of hops as their interest, capacity to produce
beer and kind of process they use. Hops can be added at several points in the brewing
process to enhance bitterness, flavor and aroma. While most hops are added in the boil
kettle, they can be added at various stages prior to and after the boil as well. Kettle
hops is the name given to those hops added to the kettle during boiling process. These
include early addition for bitterness and late addition for flavor and aroma.

2.1.1 Types of Kettle Hop

1. Bittering Hops – Bitterness from hops comes from alpha acids found in the
lupulin glands of the hop flowers. The main alpha acids are humulone,
cohumulone and adhumulone. In order to become bitter these acids must be
chemically altered, isomerized, by boiling. Isomerization is a chemical process in
which a compound is changed into another form with the same chemical
composition but a different structure. The percentage of the potential alpha
acid that is isomerized is referred to as utilization. Because the length of the boil
determines degree of utilization, bittering hops are usually added at the
beginning of the boil or with at least 60minutes of boiling time remaining.

2. Flavor Hops – Hop flavor and aroma are derived from essential oils found in the
lupulin glands. These oils include humulene, myrcene, geraniol, and limonene,
among others. The flavors are released as these oils become dissolved into the
wort during the boil. However, these oils are highly volatile and are to a large
degree lost to evaporation. For this reason flavor hops are added with twenty to
forty minutes remaining in the boil. This provides a compromise between
isomerization of the alpha acids and loss of essential oils.

3. Aroma Hops – Because the aromatic essential oils are highly volatile, aroma
hops are added in the last minutes of the boil to minimize their loss to

In Ethiopia, Domestic beverages such as tella and tej are produced using the leaves and
stems of Rhamnus prinoides (Amharic name, Gesho). It is used to provide a special
aroma and flavor. Different chemical substances are found in Rhamnus prinoides such
as chrysophanol, physcion, emodin, prinoidin, musizin, β-sorigenin, rhamnocitrin,
rhamnazin, quercetin and 3-Omethylquercetin but from all these naphthalenic
glucoside (Geshoidin) is the basic bittering agent for beverages. Geshoidin is a non-
toxic substance found in abundance amount in the stem and leaves of Rhamnus
Prinoides. Although Gesho may have antibacterial effect against some groups of
bacteria during fermentation process, its main purpose in the process is believed to
impart the typical bitter taste to local beer (tella or tej).
From all the components gesho has, its leaf contain 1.13% w/w essential oil and
18.46% w/w total resin & its stem contain 0.6% w/w essential oil and 17.16% w/w total

Table 1 – Component and Composition of Gesho Leaf

Components Wt./100 gm
Moisture 8.9 – 10.6 gm
Nitrogen 1.1 – 2.1 gm
Protein 7.1 – 9.2 gm
Fat 2.0 – 4.0 gm
Carbohydrate 6.19 – 76.3 gm
Fiber 11.7 – 28.7 gm
Ash 5.8 – 11.5 gm
Calcium 1012 – 2392 mg
Phosphorus 100 – 190 mg
Iron 15.9 – 118 mg
Β-carotene equivalent 4.82 – 11.40 mg
Thiamine 0.04 – 0.08 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.59 – 0.67 mg
Niacin 1.8 – 2.9 mg
Ascorbic acid 4 – 18 mg
Figure 2: Structure of Geshoidin (β-sorigenin-8-O-β-D-glucoside)

2.2 The Big Three

There are three main chemicals that hop contributes to the brewery process:

A. Alpha acids (α - acids) - are a class of chemical compounds primarily of

importance to the production of beer. They are found in the resin glands of the
flowers of the hop plant. They have two main purposes in beer. First, they give
beer that unique bitter taste. Alpha acids may be isomerized to form iso-alpha
acids by application of heat in solution. Iso-alpha acids (Iso -α - acids) are
typically produced in beer from the addition of hops to the boiling wort. The
degree of isomerization and amount of bitter flavor produced by the addition of
hops is highly dependent on the length of time hops are boiled. Longer boiling
times will result in isomerization of more alpha acids and thus increased
bitterness. Another very important aspect of alpha acids are there antiseptic
nature. Before the usage of hops, high alcohol content was the only way to
make beer last a long time. The addition of hops (especially the alpha acids) to
beer helped prevent unwanted growth of bacteria, and on the other hand
enhanced the ability of yeasts to grow and ferment the wort to beer.
Special care has to be taken with alpha acids though. If Iso-alpha acids are
allowed to react with light, and riboflavin (vitamin B2 coming from the malt),
the beer will produce unpleasant smell. This is why beers are bottled in brown
glass, to prevent certain wavelengths of light from starting this process.
Primary alpha acids include:

a) Humulone

b) Cohumulone

c) Adhumulone

B. Beta acids (β - acids) - do not contribute much to the beer as a whole, but help
in two areas. First, beta acids contribute some to the bitter flavor of the beer.
Although the bitterness from the beta acids are harsher than the alpha acids,
due to their insolubility, not much comes off in the beer. The beta acids do not
isomerize like there alpha counterpart, but rather oxide in the beer to produce
bitter flavor.

Beta acids have also been shown to have great antiseptic qualities for the beer,
aiding in shelf life and yeast’s ability to grow. Some research has been done
using from H. lupulus to aid in the preservation of foods.

Primary beta acids include:

a) Lupulone

b) Colupulone

c) Adlupulone

C. Essential oils - are another key component of hop cones, adding aroma and
flavor. Extracting the oils takes very little time when brewing beer. Due to their
volatile nature, most of the initial oils from the starting hops (bittering hops) are
evaporated off during the boil. The strength of the oils is seen in the last
minutes of boiling (around 5 minutes). These oils produce most of the hop flavor
and aroma smelled in beer. “Grassy” , “piney”, “earthy” ,”citrus”, or “spicy” are
all the terms and fragrances that essential oils give to the beer.

Figure 3: Chemical Structure of α & β acids

2.3 What is CO2 Hop Extract?

CO2 Hop Extract (CO2 Extract) is a hop product developed from the extraction of the
components of hops that are important to brewers in the production of beer namely
the alpha-acids and essential oils that contribute to beer’s bitterness, aroma, foam, and
microbiological stability. These are the compounds of the most benefit to brewers that
are utilized from whole hops and hop pellets in the brew kettle during the brewing
process that follow through into the final beer.

CO2 Extract eliminates a great deal of the inert materials that come with the vegetative
portion of hops and hop pellets, and thereby reduces weight, handling, and residual
hop material that needs to be removed from the wort during brewing.

CO2 Extract is designed for use in the brew kettle or whirlpool on the “hot side” of brewing.

Because the extract provides hop alpha acids – the same as those found in whole hops
and hop pellets – the isomerization of these alpha acids into iso-alpha acids is still
necessary by means of the boiling process in the brew kettle (and to a lesser extent in
the whirlpool). Also, as with whole hops and hop pellets, the timing of the addition of
CO2 Extract in the process will influence the utilization of the various hop essential oils
important in the flavor development in beer. Hop utilization refers to how well the
hops have imparted their taste and aroma into the beer.

CO2 Extracts have many advantages over other hop kettle products:

i. They are the most stable form of hop product. Pure resin extracts can be stored
for several years at ambient temperature with negligible loss of brewing value.

ii. Hop extract provides better utilization of alpha acids compared to other
traditional nonisomerized kettle products.

iii. Hop extracts are extremely uniform. The alpha acids content in the container
can be adjusted to customer specifications for optimum consistency.

iv. Shipping, storage weight, and volume are substantially reduced, as only the
extract material is retained and packaged (typically 20 to 25% of the original
hop material for high-alpha hops).

There are two types of CO2 hop extract productions; using subcritical or supercritical
system. Using subcritical system tends to pull out mostly light oils (Essential oils) and
soft resins (mostly the beer bittering acids) and leaves behind waxes, paraffin and hard
resins. Extraction time can be longer and yields can be lower due to its high selectivity.
While supercritical system extracts the higher molecular weight materials (like waxes,
paraffin, lipids and hard resins) and chlorophyll which give beer off-flavors and
interfere with the solubility of iso-α-acids also its higher temperature and pressure
(120oF and 5000psi) can cause thermal degradation of the essential oils.

2.3.1 Why CO2?

There are a lot of reasons for the preference of CO2 as a solvent for hop extraction.
These include:
1) It is a harmless by-product of fermentation.

2) It is an effective solvent for soft resin and essential oils.

3) It is an effective solvent at sub-ambient temperatures.

4) It is a solvent that was chemically inert with respect to the compounds being
5) It is a solvent that provided its own inert atmosphere and hence prevented the
access of oxygen to the extracted material.

6) It is a solvent that exhibited unparalleled selectivity for the hop components of


7) Using other solvents such as Methanol, Ethanol and Hexane might give us a
good yield but these solvents extract not only the bittering acids and essential
oils but also all the heavy weight materials such as hard resins, waxes and
chlorophyll which are not needed during the brewery process. But the bittering
acids and essential oils dissolve to the liquid CO2 at sub-critical condition due to
its high selectivity to only extract the hop component of desire.

8) Using other solvents such as ethanol and methanol, might change the extract
flavor but

not CO2.

9) If an extracting plant is installed in a brewery factory, it’ll have abundant CO2

feed for the extraction process from fermentation and since the extraction
system uses cyclic process using CO2 again and again, this will reduce the
production cost further.

2.4 Statement of the Problem

The brewing industry is becoming more competitive and constantly looking for ways to
improve beer quality and reduce manufacturing costs in the worldwide. In tropical
countries like Ethiopia, Hops has been imported from other temperate countries and
this involves the expenditure of scarce foreign exchange. Rhamnus prinoides (Amharic,
name: Gesho) is a cultivated indigenous shrub which is also known to occur far west as
Cameroon and as far south as South Africa, and Ethiopia. It has a potential use as a
commercial hopping agent in the beer industry. Gesho is a new potential substitute for
imported hops which can be used as an alternative substrate and also raise economic
benefits through import substitution.

2.5 Objective

2.5.1 General Objective

Production of CO2 hop extract from Rhamnus prinoides (Gesho)

2.5.2 Specific Objectives

i) To extract CO2 hop extract.
ii) To analyze the extract. iii) To give guidance on how to find the bittering yield
of the extract on beer production.
iv) To identify the proper processing parameters such as temperature and pressure
for maximum and efficient hop extraction.

2.6 Significance of the Project

The reason behind doing this project is because:-

i) It provide an economically feasible option to produce hops locally, which will

play a major role to substitute the imported hops which saves foreign currency
and create job opportunity for people.

ii) It introduces the Gesho as a local raw material for use in the beer production
process. iii) It helps to encourage import substitution to meet growth and
transformation plan.
iv) It helps to satisfy the brewery industry ensuring stability and sustainability of
input raw material.

v) It creates opportunity to increase domestic agricultural products as a raw

material in the industrialization effort.

2.7 Scope of the Project

Since we did not do any experimental work, we can only show this project as a future
work, that can be commenced later, which ranges from extracting hop using CO 2 as a
solvent at sub-critical temperature and pressure, analyzing and determination of the
extract content and recommending proper parameters for efficient extraction.

2.8 Literature Review

I. S. Daoudand and S. Kusinski investigated both Liquid CO2 and Ethanol Hop
extraction with optimal parameters. For ethanol extraction first, Hop cones and pellets
were milled through a 1 mm screen using a Wiley Knife mill then 1.5 kg of the milled
hops was placed in a 10 liter glass jar and 5 liters of AR quality ethanol was added. The
jar was fitted with a lid and the contents stirred vigorously for 5 hours at 30 oC. The
mixture was filtered through a Buchner Funnel and the residual hops were washed
with 500 ml of ethanol. The filtrate was sorted for 24 in a refrigerator. The hop residue
was returned to the glass jar, covered with 3 liters ethanol and mixed thoroughly
before being left unstirred at 30°C. After a further 24 hours the contents of the glass jar
were filtered through a Buchner Funnel and the residue washed with 1 liter ethanol.
The two filtrates were combined and the resulting solution evaporated slowly under
reduced pressure to remove the ethanol and for Liquid CO2 extraction, they used a twin
column pilot scale extractor to extract hops for 7-8 hours at a temperature of 7 oC and
at a pressure of 700-800 psig, using LCO2 flow rates between 20 and 35 kg/hr. A
description of the plant is given elsewhere for Commercial hop pellets were milled
through a 1 mm sieve using a Wiley Knife mill. Up to 4.3 kg of the powered hops were
then packed into each extraction column, which could be used separately or in series.
The liquid leaving the columns was passed into an evaporator at 40°C where the CO 2
was boiled off. The extract was collected periodically by opening the tap at the bottom
of the evaporator. The gaseous CO2 was passed through a column packed with
activated charcoal before being discharged to atmosphere. Finally they concluded that,
the maximum achievable extraction efficiency of alpha acids depends on the alpha
acids content of the hops at the time of extraction [1].

Fekadu Ashine studied ethanol hop extract using local hop (Gesho) in well manner.
First, extraction of well vented and dried samples of Gesho was performed by socking
in 97% ethanol as an extracting agent. A weight of 750g of the dried and powdered
Rhamnus prinoides leaves with stem put in 2000 ml Erlenmeyer flask was soaked in
1500ml of 97% ethanol for a period of about 72 hours with by shaking on a shaker Hy-
5A Manoeuvre. Fresh solvent was used in every 12hr socking extract was filtered
through a medium density filter paper fitted in Buchner funnel. And the extract of
Rhamnus prinoides i.e. ethanol extracted concentrated using rotary evaporator. After
ethanol extraction, using the extract he brewed a beer and found out that Rhamnus
Priniodes (Gesho) could give comparable bitterness and aroma and finally
recommended that partial replacement of imported hop would give a better result out
of the two[2].

On another study in Germany, Whole hops were mixed with a 90% ethanol and water
solution in a wt grinding mill. The slurry of hop powder and ethanol is the pumped into
the continuous counter-current extractor. Countercurrent to the flow of hops, ethanol
is constantly percolated though the hop bed and in this way it is enriched with hop
components. After the hops have passed through the extractor, they leave the
extraction as spent material...The solution of ethanol and polar hop material - referred
to as “miscella” - is pumped to the evaporation stage. The ethanol is removed by
evaporation in a multistage vacuum evaporator. The resulting raw extract contains hop
acids as well as water soluble components such as polyphenols. After further reduction
of the ethanol content, the raw extract is separated into resin and hot water extract by
means of separators. The polyphenols polymerize due to thermal treatment. After the
study, 25 – 55% w/w of α- acids, 15 – 35% of β-acids, up to 10ml/100gm of essential
oils with viscous kind liquid of obtained [3].

F. R. Sharpe and D. Crabb milled the hop in a Wiley mill previously cooled with solid
carbon dioxide and containing a screen of 1 mm nominal mesh. The Milled hops (1 kg)
were packed into one of two stainless steel columns (internal diameter 2 in, length 8ft).
The columns were connected to a stainless steel tube evaporator (internal diameter 1
in, length 5 ft.). The empty column was isolated and the column in use was filled with
liquid CO2 previously sub-cooled to 6°C in a cooling bath. The pressure of the system
was then between 625 and 900 psig. Then the solution was heated to 40°C by
circulating water through a jacket via a thermostatically controlled water bath. The
evaporator was then connected in series with a carbon filter, a heater and a differential
pressure cell. The outlet from the differential pressure cell was led to waste. The filter
removed particulate matter and highly volatile hop components. The heater ensured
that the CO2 was above its critical temperature and the differential pressure cell
controlled the rate of bleed of gaseous CO2 from the system. The differential pressure
cell adjusted the gaseous carbon dioxide flow rate to be 200 liters per minute. The
result shown that the extract performs as well as, and in some cases better than, hops
or conventional hop extracts, giving high utilizations and beers with longer shelf lives

C.L. Bodkin et al. Hop pellets were milled in a hammer mill, and the milled hops
(normally 900 g) were packed by gravity into a single extraction column. Liquid CO 2 was
then passed upwards through the hops at a flow rate of 20 kg/hr. for 4 hr. with an inlet
temperature of +7°C and an operating pressure of 5,500kPa (800 psi). At the end of the
extraction period, during which the liquid CO2 was vented to atmosphere as described
above, the extract was recovered by being drained from the bottom of the evaporator.
The bittering acids content and Essential oil content was determined using HPLC &
vacuum steam distillation method respectively. Then concluded that liquid CO 2 may
give a lower yield but have a good selectivity over supercritical CO2 [5].

Derek R. J. et al Powdered hops (200 g) were placed in the column of the extractor
and carbon dioxide gas was pumped from a storage tank to the condenser. At the
condenser, the gas was condensed by using cold water since it is jacketed followed by
compression to extraction condition. The liquid carbon dioxide then was injected to the
column vessel containing the powdered hops. The solution was then transferred to the
evaporator to separate the extract and the carbon dioxide in form of gas. At the
bottom of the evaporator, using manual opening the extract was removed and carbon
dioxide was discharged into the atmosphere. Lead conductance values were used as a
guide to levels of α-acids in the extract. Β-acids and iso-α-acids were estimated by
column chromatography. They found that the liquid carbon dioxide extracted 81100%
of the available α-acids, 56-91% of the β-acids, and 66—88% of the available oils and
recommended that using longer extraction times could increase degree of extraction

Zoran al (2006) have done investigation on the extraction of five cultivars of hop
by the method of supercritical fluid extraction using carbon dioxide (SFE-CO 2) as
extracting agent. The cultivars used are Magnum, Hallertau Tradition, Spalt select,
Aroma and K-62. The extraction (50g of hop sample using a CO2 flow rate of 97.725L/h)
was done in the two steps: 1.extraction at 150 bar and 40°C for 2.5h (sample of series A
was obtained) and, after that, the same sample of hop was extracted in the second
step: 2.extraction at 300 bar and 40°C for 2.5h (sample of series B was obtained).The
Magnum cultivar was chosen for the investigation of the extraction kinetics. Two of
four the most common compounds of hop aroma (alpha-humulene and beta-
caryophyllene) were detected in samples of series A. In addition, alpha-acids and a high
content of beta-acids were detected. The alpha-acids content in the samples of series B
was the highest in the extract of the Magnum cultivar (It is a bitter variety of hop).The
low contents of alpha-acids in all the other hop samples resulted in extracts with low
alpha-acids content, i.e. that contents were under the prescribed alpha-acids content.
In order to prevent the thermal decomposition of hop compounds, the temperature of
40°C was selected for the SFE CO2.Two steps were used for the SFE–CO2 to obtain
extracts containing aroma and bitterness hop compounds: SFE–CO2 extraction of hop
at 150bar, i.e., a solvent density of 0.790g/cm3, for 2.5h (Samples of series A) and,
subsequently, same sample of hop was extracted at 300bar, i.e., a solvent density of
0.915g/cm3,for2.5h(Samples of series B). These samples showed, of course, a higher
content of alpha-acids than the native hop sample sand, again, the highest alpha-acids
content in CO2-exract were obtained for Magnum hop cultivar(41.0%).Finally from the
investigation it was concluded that the extracts of the investigated hop varieties are
different in terms of their qualitative and quantitative composition [7].

3. Material and Methods

3.1 Materials

3.1.1 Equipments
Table 2 – Extracting and Analyzing Equipments


For Extraction Purpose

Miller to make the hop easy to handle and increase surface
CO2 Storage to store liquid CO2 before further usage
Condenser to liquefy CO2 from gas state
CO2 Pump to compress CO2 to the desired pressure
Column Vessel to store hops and being a vessel for mixing with liquid
Filter To separate the extract containing solution from the
Spent hops
Carbon Filter to filter the CO2 gas efficiently for reuse
Sub cooler to cool CO2 to a separation temperature
Extract Storage to store extract that comes out of Evaporator
Pressure control valve (PCV) to adjust separation pressure for CO2
Heat Exchanger to adjust separation condition for CO2
Evaporator to separate CO2 from desired extract

For Analysis Purpose

Round bottom flask used in hop oil determination for distillation process
Distillation Column used in essential oil content determination to separate
water and oil content

High performance liquid used to determine α & β acids concentration


3.1.2 Chemicals

CO2 – used as a solvent in the extraction process.

Methanol – used in HPLC method of determining α&β acids concentration.

Distilled Water – used in essential oil concentration determination.

3.2 Method

3.2.1 Liquid carbon dioxide hop extraction process

Gesho leaves & stems will be collected from the local market with a sum amount of 1Kg
in total. To reduce the water content, the sample will be dried in an open air for about
5 days protected from direct exposure to sunlight. After that, to obtain maximum
surface area and efficient amount of extracted hop, the dried hop (Gesho) will be
powdered using hammer mill till 1mm nominal mesh is gained. This dried and
powdered gesho will be putted into the column vessel. At atmospheric temperature
and pressure, CO2 is gaseous so the CO2 pump will compress CO2 to the desired
pressure ~ 63 bars and the heat exchanger will temper CO2 to about 7oC to liquefying
CO2. The liquid CO2 will flow into the column vessel at about 4ml/min mixing and
extracting the essential components from the milled hop by the use of internally fitted
stirrer for about 4hrs. Then using filter, the hop component containing solution will be
filtrated and spent hops will be removed at the bottom of the filter. The PCV (pressure
control valve) will depressurize reducing the operating pressure to atmospheric
pressure (1 atm) for purpose of separation. Then the solution will be sent to the
evaporator to separate liquid CO2 from the extract at 40oC. The extract will be collected
at the bottom of the evaporator and CO2 gas will be sent to the carbon filter to insure
its quality since it has been mixed with the extract. After that, using a condenser CO 2
gas will be cooled to storage condition before sent into the CO2 storage tank. Using a
sub cooler, the gaseous CO2 will be liquefied to 7oC followed by compression ~63 bars
by CO2 pump for further usage (cyclic process).
Dried Hops





Spent Hops

Figure 4: Flow diagram of the extraction process


M – Miller E – Evaporator HE – Heat Exchanger

CV – Column Vessel C – Condenser CF – Carbon Filter

F – Filter SC – Sub cooler

CST – CO2 Storage Tank PCV – Pressure Control Valve

ES – Extract Storage CP – CO2 Pump

3.2.2. Extract Analysis Determination of α-acids and β-acids by High Performance Liquid

High performance liquid chromatography is a technique in analytical chemistry used to
separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. It relies on pumps to
pass a pressurized liquid solvent containing the sample mixture through a column filed
with a solid adsorbent material. Each component in the sample interacts slightly
differently with the adsorbent material, causing different flow rates for the different
components and leading to the separation of the components as they flow out of the

A sample of hop extract (~ 2 gm) will be accurately weighed and dissolved (dispersed)
in 100 ml with methanol. A Sample of the solution 5 ml to be exact will be diluted to
volume (50 ml) with methanol. The diluted methanolic sample will be mixed with an
internal standard solution and the resultant solution will be analyzed by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Determination of Total Essential Oil Content

A sample (10 g) of powdered hops will be placed in a round-bottomed flask (3-L) with
distilled water (1,500 ml). The mixture will be distilled with cohobation (repeatedly
distilled by subjecting the distillate to a new act of distillation) for about 2 hrs and the
essential oil layer being collected in an oil trap. At the end of the distillation period the
volume of oil will be measured. Yield of bitter substance

Bitterness yield of the CO2 hop extract from Gesho can be obtained by taking the ratio
between the remaining bitter substances after beer from gesho has been produced and
amount of the bittering substances which are mainly the alpha acids, in this case
Geshoidin, dosed in the wort kettle measured in AAU (alpha acid unit). So according to
the following rule:

Yield = bitter compounds in the finished beer * 100%

Bitter hops dosed in wort kettle

And is calculated as the isomerization rate as follows:

Rate of isomerization = iso-alpha-acids in the final beer * 100%

Alpha-acids dosed

Utilization of alpha acids is normally 25 – 45 %, typically 35% Determination of proper parameters for maximum hop extraction

The maximum achievable extraction efficiency of alpha-acids depends upon the alpha-
acids contents of the hops at the time of extraction. Specifically, maximum extraction
efficiency increases with alpha-acid content. Improper storage of hops before
extraction leads to hop deterioration (loss of alpha acid) which has a great effect on
quantity and quality of extraction. Also the conditions (Temperature & Pressure) of the
extracting solvent, in this case CO2, during extraction has a huge outcome of the final
extract. A lot of studied have been done to know the optimum extracting condition for
CO2 and using food grade CO2 at extraction temperature of 5 15oC (41 -59oF) and
Extraction Pressure 55 -70bar has shown to give a good of yield of extract.

3.3 Expected Extract Result

Since there was no experimental work, we can only predict the outcome based on
previous studies. After the extraction process, we should be able to find golden yellow
colored solvent largely consisting of α-acids, β-acids, essential oils and moisture.

3.4 Future work & Conclusion

3.4.1 Future Work
In the future, we should be able to do the project including raw material analysis such
as moisture content, ash content and comparison of the locally extracted and imported
hop in terms of cost.

3.4.2 Conclusion
From different literatures we have found that, the maximum achievable extraction
efficiency of hop depends upon the desired components of hop contents at the time of
extraction, the extraction solvent characteristics and extracting conditions, amount of
time taken for the extraction.

4. Process Technology
4.1 Introduction
Beer is an alcoholic beverage produced from malted barley; hops, water and yeast by the serious
of different process starting from raw material cleaning to bottling of the produced beer.

4.2 Raw materials

Malt: is the starch source in a beer provides the fermentable material and a key determinant of
the flavor of the beer .barley must be malted before being used to brew beer. Malting is the
process of bringing grain to its highest point of possible soluble starch content by germination.
Different roasting time and temperature are used to produce different color of malt from the
same grain. Barley dry matter has the following average chemical composition.

Carbohydrate 70 – 85%
Protein 10.5 – 11.5%
Inorganic matter 2.0 – 4.0%
Fat 1.5 – 2.0%
Other substance 1.0 – 2.0%
Hops: the composition of the hop is extremely important for the quality of beer. In order to get
the best composition of the hop, the raw hop must be extract from its impurities by using
different extraction processes such as CO2 extraction, alcohol extraction, hexane extraction
process. The extract Hops contain several characteristics that brewers desire in beer: They
contribute a bitterness that balance the sweetness of the malt and provide the flavor and aromas
of beer.

Caramel: - is produced from the controlled heat treatment of carbohydrates, typically glucose
syrup. The glucose can be combined with food grade catalysts to facilitate the browning process
and provide caramel stability. A standard beer caramelisalon polymer chain that is a positive
charged colloidal solution which lends to its beer stability due to the positive charge of the beer
(malt protein charge). Caramel, an inert, physically stable product when stored properly, will not
promote bacterial growth. Beer caramels are available in a range of color intensities as well as a
variety of different hues (from pale yellow, to red, to brown).

Caramel can be produced by the following major process

1. Pyrolysis
2. Caramelisation
Pyrolysis is simply scorching, (from the Greek "pyro" - burning) and involves the total loss of
water from the sugar molecule and the breaking of carbon-carbon linkages, i.e. the *destruction*
of the sugar molecule. This is what happened when your Grandmother neglected the "candy" she
was making for toffee apples. The result was a burnt and inedible flavour.

Caramelisation is a heat induced transformation of reducing sugars alone in a concentrated

solution, through so called "an-hydro sugars".

Yeast: are unicellular fungi that responsible for metabolic process in fermentation. Yeast
metabolizes the sugars extracted from grains, which produces alcohol and carbon dioxide, and
thereby turns wort into beer. In addition to fermenting the beer, yeast influences the character
and flavor.

Water beer is comprises more than 95% of water and it can be affect the quality and
characteristic of beer. Instead of this the quality of the brew water must be high.

4.3 Beer production steps

1. Production of malt: - is the process of bringing grain to its highest point of possible soluble
starch content by steepening germination and kilning process. Generally malting is the means of
preparing barley for brewing.
2. Malt cleaning
Malt is supplied with the presence of stones, dust, metals, spent and unmodified malts. Since
these unwanted materials can damage rollers, clogging pipes and can cause haze for the final
product of beer.
3. Milling
Milling is a mechanical process to open the grain and during it the husks must be treated
carefully because they are used as a filter material during lautering.
Objective of malt milling
 To split the malt husks longitudinally to expose the starch endosperm maintaining the
husk integrity to aid wort separation.
 To crush the endosperm, making its contents accessible to enzyme action.
 To give malt enzymes.
 Husk stays intact.
4. Mashing
Mashing is the process of mixing grain with water, and also the process in which malt grist and
water are mixed at a suitable temperature. Mashing is performed by mash tun kettle. The types of
processes in mash tun kettle are
 Conversion of starch into usable sugar.
1. Heating of the mash
2. Rest for starch degradation
3. Receiving of part mash from the mill star
4. Saccharification test
5. Heating of combined mash
6. Transferring of the total mash to lauter tun.
Chemicals added during mashing are:-
- CaCl2:- will be added in the wort for the purpose of yeast flocculation
- CaSo4:- is added to keep the PH of the wort at normal value and flavor
- H3Po4:- keeping the PH of the wort at normal value and flavor to adjust the water PH.
- Ultra max and Term amyl both are artificial enzymes and are used facilitate the rate of

Types of mashing
1. Infusion mashing: refers to mashing with just one mash conversion vessel without any
transfer of part of the
2. Decoction mashing: refers to either
 Removing part of the malt mash for boiling then returning into the mash or
 Boiling and adjunct malt in a separate vessel which then joins the all malt-mash later.
Figure 5: Flow Chart from Mash tun to Whirlpool

5. Lautering: - is the process of separating the wort from spent grain by filtering the mashed
wort to get
1, Run off the first wort (main wort)
2, sparing (washing out) of the spent grain weak wort (2nd wort)

6. Wort-collection tank (wort pre run tank)

After the wort is separated from the lauter tun, the wort run into wort pre run tank, wort collected
& caramel is added for coloring the beer. The purpose of adding caramel is to impart brownish
color to the beer.

7. Wort boiling (Wort kettle)

The wort obtained is boiled for one and half hour, during this time hops are added in the dosing
tank. The main purpose of wort boiling is to extract flavor and aroma compounds from hops with
the following incidental advantages.
 The wort is sterilized
 Terminating enzyme action
 Evaporating water (around 10%)
 Encouraging wort color product
 Remove unwanted harmful, volatile component
 Formation & precipitation of protein, poly phenol components
8. Whirl pool (Wort clarification):- in the process of precipitate and removed excess protein or
tannin compounds in the wort

 To ensure flavor and colloidal stability

 To avoid blocking of heat exchanger during wort cool
 To avoid fouling of yeast cell wall and yeast sedimentation during
 To minimize wort loss
9. Wort cooling: - is the process of decreasing the temperature of the wort by passing the hot
wort through plate and frame heat exchanger, to temperature suitable for yeast development and
risk of infection.
10. Fermentation

The main objective of beer fermentation is to utilize the ability of the yeast cells to convert
sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Fermentation is energy yielding process in which organic
compounds are metabolized under anaerobic or micro aerobic conditions. Fermentation is
exothermic reaction which is done according to the following reaction.


During fermentation of beer there are two types of fermentation are done subsequently such as
primary and secondary fermentation.

11. Beer filtration

 Greater the resistance with which Filtration is a separation process in which the yeast
cells and other turbidity causing materials still present in the beer are removed from the
 The purpose of filtration is to make the beer so stable that no visible changes occur for a
long time and so the beer looks the same as when it was made.
 The driving force during filtration is the pressure difference between the filter inlet and
the filter out let. The pressure at the inlet side is always greater than the pressure at the
outlet side. The greater the pressure difference the filter opposes filtration.

12. Bottling Packaging:-is the process of filling the beer in the bottle and package the product to
prevent from microorganisms attack and increase the product shelf life.

5. Choice of plant location

The importance of the geographical location of the plant can be over emphasized. The location
considered for the sitting of activated carbon plant is around Bahir Dar city. Different aspects of
site selection must be given some consideration. There are a number of considerations
concerning the choice of site locations for gesho plant with in the country. Some of these are
general considerations are:
 Raw material availability

 market competency in terms of distribution

 transportation accessibility

 accessibility of utility

 customers

 suitability of the environment to cultivate gesho plant

 Weather condition suitability for growth of gesho plant

 Center of the market to distributed our product to any suppliers and customers
 Human power can be getting easily and cheapest compare to other city.

 A good working environment is preferable for the workers.

6. Waste Water Treatment Plant
It is necessary to treat waste water before it is discharge to the environment. Brew house and
bottling are the major contributors of waste water to this plant. So, water from brew house will
be collected to brew house pump pit and water from bottling house will be sent to filling line
pump pit. These pits starts to pump waste water to the next process as their sensor indicates
80% for brew house pump pit and 60% for filling line pump pit. From these pits, water will be
passed through primary screen for removal of plastics. Then water will be transferred to
influent pit which has deflator that removes oil from water using density difference. The oil free
water will pass through static screen which traps materials that are larger than 0.5mm in
diameter. Then water will be pumped to equalization tank. In this tank, Sodium Hydroxide
(NaOH) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) will be used simultaneously to adjust the water’s PH. But if
this didn’t work, using PH correction tank it will be regulated. After that, the water will be sent
to anaerobic reactor which has an artificial bacteria at the bottom of the tank that will
decompose the sludge in the water. Here methane gas will be produced due to decomposition
process but small in amount. Methane gas can’t be used for bio-gas purpose due to small
amount of production. So it used to be separated and burnt using Bio-gas torch. But since last
year the bio torch is out of service so using bio filter methane is extracted and released to the
atmosphere. And the water pass through reparation tank for good mixing and air sacking
before released to the nearby river.
Figure 6: Water treatment
It is essential that the chemical engineer be aware of the many different types of costs involved
in manufacturing processes. Capital must be allocated for direct plant expenses, such as:

 Raw materials
 Labor
 Equipment
Total capital investment is the sum of working capital investment for the project, manufacturing
fixed capital investment and non-manufacturing fixed capital investment.

Working capital
The working capital for an industrial plant consists of the total amount of money invested in:
1. Raw materials and supplies carried in stock

2. Finished products in stock and semi-finished products in the process of being


3. Accounts receivable

4. Cash kept on hand for monthly payment of operating expenses, such as salaries, wages, and
raw-material purchases

5. Accounts payable and

6. Taxes payable.

Capital investments
The capital needed to supply the necessary manufacturing and plant facilities is called the fixed-
capital investment, while that necessary for the operation of the plant is termed the working
capital. The sum of the fixed-capital investment and the working capital is known as the total
capital investment. The fixed-capital portion may be further subdivided into manufacturing ked-
Capital investment and nonmanufacturing ked-capital investment.

7.2.1 Fixed capital investment Manufacturing

Fixed-capital investment represents the capital necessary for the installed process
equipment with all auxiliaries that are needed for complete process operation. This is
also called direct cost. Like
 Purchased equipment
 Purchased equipment installation
 Expenses for piping
 Instrumentations and controls including insulation
 Service facilities
 Site preparations are typical examples.

7.2.2 The nonmanufacturing fixed-capital investment (indirect cost) includes

 Engineering and Supervision
 Construction expanses
 Contractor’s Fee
Table 1: Purchased Equipment Cost in 2014

No Purchased Material of Quantity Measurement Unit Total cost($)

Equipment construction capacity cost($)
1 Roller mill Stainless Steel 1 26493.5kg/d 129785.58 129785.58
2 Mush tun Stainless steel 1 3.16m3 161940.42 161940.42
3 Lautre tun Stainless steel 1 5.2 m3 114630.42 114630.42
4 Pre-run tank Stainless steel 1 4.588 m3 101212.62 101212.62
6 Wort kettle stainless steel 1 4.2 m3 92847.778 92847.7788
7 Whirlpool Stainless steel 1 4.11m3 93306.72 93306.72
8 Fermenter Stainless steel 15 31.3m3 1023166.4 15347497.38
9 Hx Stainless steel 2 1.5m2 124885.86 249771.72
10 washer Stainless steel 1 Standard 619433.82 619433.82
11 pasteurizer stainless steel 1 Standard 825910.62 825910.62
12 Storage tank Stainless steel 5
Total 17736337.07

Cost index
The available cost data are values at some time in the past, such value is become changed after a
year due to change in economic condition. The method used to upgrade the past data to present is
cost index. Cost index are value for a given point in the time showing the cost at that time related
to a certain base time.

index value at present

Present cost = original cost ( )
index value at time original cost was obtained

The estimate is fairly accurate if the time is less than 10 years2024 Equipment index, beer factors
national average industrial Florida department of revenue.
Therefore Cost index factor in 2023 = 1.15

Then multiply purchased equipment cost by 1.14 to find current purchased equipment cost
current purchased equipment = $17736337.0788*1.15

= $20,396,787.64062

7.3 Estimation of total capital investment cost

The percentages indicated in the following parts are the various constituting capital investment.
This approximation is applicable to ordinary chemical processing plants. It should be realized
that the value given could vary depending on many factors, such as plant location, type of
process, complexity of the instrumentation. The purchased equipment cost is the basis of several
predesigned methods for estimating capital investment. To estimate the total capital investment
and the fixed capital investment the total purchased equipment cost used as a basis.

7.4 Estimation of fixed capital investment cost

 Purchased Equipment cost = (15-40% of Fixed Capital Investment)
The assumed value is 20 % of the FCI

$ 20,396,787.64062
FCI = = $ 101983938.2031

And the total capital investment can be calculated as follows

 Fixed Capital Investment = (80-90% of the total capital investment)

The assumed value is 80% of TCI
$ 101983938.2031
TCI = = $127479922.7538

 Working Capital Investment = (10-20% of the TCI)

The assumed value is 20% of TCI

WCI = $127479922.7538*0.2 = $25495984.550775

Calculation on direct and indirect cost for the fixed capital investment
Direct cost Estimation

 Installation including insulation and painting (6-14% of FCI)

The assumed value is 9% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.09 = $11473193.0478
 Instrumentation and controls, installed (2-12% of FCI)
The assumed value is 7% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.07 = $8923594.5927
 Piping installed (4-17% of FCI)
The assumed value is 8% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.08 = $10198393.8203
 Electrical accessories installed(2-10% of FCI)
The assumed value is 8% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.08 = $10198393.8203
 Building and process auxiliary (2-18% of FCI)
The assumed vale is 10% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.1 = $12747992.27538
 Service facilities ,installed (8-30% of FCI)
The assumed value is 10% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.1 = $12747992.27538
 Yard improvement (2-5% of FCI)
The assumed value is 3% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.03 = $3824397.6826
 Land (1-2% of FCI)
The assumed value is 2% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.02 = $2549598.455
TOTAL DIRECT COST = $72663555.9695

Indirect cost estimation

 Engineering and Supervision (4-20% of FCI)

The assumed value is 8% of FCI
= $127479922.7538*0.08 = $10198393.8203

 Construction expanse ( 4-17% of FCI)

The assumed vale is 15% of FCI

= $127479922.7538*0.15 = $19121988.413

 Legal expense (1-2% of FCI)

The assumed value is 2% of FCI

= $127479922.7538*0.02 = $2549598.4551

 Contractor’s fee(2-6% of FCI)

The assumed value is 4% of FCI

= $127479922.7538*0.04 = $5099196.91

 Contingency (5-15% of FCI)

The assumed value is 9% of FCI

= $127479922.7538*0.09 = $11473193.0478

TOTAL INDIRECT COST = $48442370.6462

Components Selected assumed Normalized Estimated

percentage of FCI (%) Cost($)
Direct Cost
Purchased Equipment 20 17.39 20,396,787.64062
Installed 9 7.83 11473193.0478
Instrumentation & controls, 7 6.08 8923594.5927
Piping ,installed 8 6.95 10198393.8203
Electrical accessories ,installed 8 6.95 10198393.8203
Building and process auxiliary 10 8.69 12747992.27538
Service facilities, installed 10 8.69 12747992.27538
Yard improvements 3 2.61 3824397.6826
Land 2 1.73 2549598.455
Total Direct Cost 93,060,343.61
Indirect Cost
Engineering & Supervision 8 6.95% 10198393.8203
Construction Expanse 15% 13.04% 19121988.413
Legal Expanse 2% 1.73% 2549598.4551
Contractor’s Fee 4% 3.48% 5099196.91
Contingency 9% 7.83% 11473193.0478
Total Indirect Cost 115% 100% 48,442,370.6462
Total cost 141,502,714.256
Table 2: Estimated costs

7.5 Estimation of total production cost

Cost of operating labour:

Total number of labour = 100

Average salary of labour = $65/month = $780 / year

So total labour cost = $780* 300 = $234,000/year

Manufacturing Cost =direct production cost + fixed charges + plant overhead costs

Estimation of fixed charges

Fixed charges (10-20% of the Total Production Cost)

 Depreciation (20% of the original value)

First determine salvage value to calculate depreciation, assume (20%of original value)
Vs = $20,396,787.64062*0.20 = $4079357.528

Depreciation = where, V = original value of purchased equipment

Vs = salvage value

n = service life of equipment

v−vs $ 20,396,787.64062−$ 4079357.528

d= = = $1359785.8427
n 12

 Rent and local tax = 0, because we are already spent capital for land and buildings.
Total fixed charge = Depreciation + Local Taxes + Insurance
= $1359785.8427 + 0+0
= $1359785.8427

¿ 1359785.8427
Total Production Cost = Total ¿ charge 0.2 =

= $6798929.2135

 Plant overhead cost (5-15% of operating labor cost)

= $234,000 * 0.1 = $23,400
Estimation of direct production cost

Direct production cost = (about 60% of total production cost)

Direct Production Cost = $6798929.2135*0.60 = $4079357.5281

 Direct Supervisory and clerical labor (10-25% of TPC)

The assumed value is 17% of TPC
= $6798929.2135*0.17 = $1155817.96629
 Utilities (10-20% of TPC)
The assumed value is 15% of TPC
= $6798929.2135*0.15 = $1019839.382
 Maintenance and repair (2-10% of TPC)
The assumed value is 6% of TPC
= $6798929.2135*0.06 =$407935.7528
 Laboratory charges(10-20% of TPC)
The assumed value is 15% of TPC
= $6798929.2135*0.15 =$1019839.382
Manufacturing Cost = direct production cost + fixed charges + plant overhead costs

= $4079357.5281 +1359785.8427 + $ 23,400

= $5462543.3708

General expanses = Administration Costs + Distribution Costs + Research and

Development Costs

 Administrative costs (2-6% of TPC),including costs for salaries, clerical, wages, office
supplies, and commendations
= $6798929.2135*0.04 = $271957.16854
 Distribution and selling (2-20% of TPC); including costs for sales offices, salesmen,
shipping and advertising.
= $6798929.2135*0.11
= $747882.21348
 Research and development (about 5% of TPC)
= $6798929.2135*0.05
= $339946.461
General expanses = $271957.16854+$747882.21348+$339946.461
= $1359785.8427
Interest (simple):- we can calculate the interest by using discount cash flow method in
this period interest can be calculated as
S = P (1 + in) where S= the entire amount of money after n interest period
P = principal –the amount of original capital on which interest is paid
i = minimum interest
n = interest period

7.6 Profitability analysis

 Production Capacity of the plant = 266.67hl/day
 The operating hours per day = 24 hours
 Operating days per year = 300 days
 Total production per year = 80,000 hl/year
 The selling price of beer in the market = $2.1/L
Total selling price/year = $8,000,000L/year*$2.1/L

= $16,800,000= Gross earning

Total profit = Gross earning – Total Production Cost

= $16,800,000 – $6,798,929.2135

= $10,001,070.7865

Taxes = 35% of profit

= $10,001,070.7865*0.35 = $3,500,374.77527

Total net profit after 35% taxes = 10,001,070.7865- 3,500,374.77527

= $6,500,696.01122

total plant investment−working capital

Payback period =
net yearlyincome after tax+depreciation

¿ capital investment
net yearlyincome after tax+depreciation


= 16 years

8.1 Material balance

As described our plant production capacity is 80,000hl/year and the annual working time is 300
days. There for the daily production capacity is about 266.67hl/day or 26.667m3/day.

To achieve this objective, we have expected to do energy and material balance at each stages of
the process. And to do so, we need standards of beer production data. From standard beer
production data (SBPD): 0.1m3 of beer is produced from 17Kg of malt. From this standard, we
can find the amount of malt required to produce 26.667m3/day.

17 Kg
Mass of malt (m) = 26.667m3/day *
0.1 m3

= 4533.9Kg/day

Our plant will operate 8 batches per day. To find the amount of malt required per batch, divide
the above figure by 8.

1 batch = mass of malt/no. of batch

m 4533.9
= =
n 8

=566.73 Kg/batch

A. Material balance on milling

Water (W1)@580c

Malt (m Kg/d) p1
From SBPD (for 24.5 kg malt 1hl water required)

1hl∗566.73 kg
W1 =
24.5 kg

=23.13 hl/Batch


= 2.313m3*1000kg/m3, since the density of water is 1000kg/m3

W1= 2313kg

Then, p1=W1+m

=2313kg + 566.73kg

= 2879.73kg

B. Material balance on the next series (mash tun, lauter tun and pre-run tun)

X (CaCl2 and CaSO4) sparging water (SW) caramel(c)

2879.73 kg/batch Mash tunep2 p2 Lauter tune p4 p3 Pre run tune p4

Spent grain (sg)

NB: H3PO4 will be added to mash tun kittle if necessary to adjust pH variation.

p1+X = p2

And from the standard brew data: for 4900kg malt, 12kg CaCl2 and 8kg CaSO4 is added for yeast
growth and flocculation. Using this data we can find the value of CaCl2 and CaSO4.

566.73 kg∗(8+ 12)kg

4900 kg

= 2.313kg
Therefore, p2 = p1 + X

= 2879.73kg +2.313kg

P2 = 2882kg

Material balance around lauter tun

P2 + SW – sg = p3

From standard sparging water to malt ratio (160hl sparging water per 4900kg malt)

For 566.73kg malt

160 hl∗566.73 kg
SW =
4900 kg

=18.505hl = 1.8505m3

= 1.8505m3*1000kg/m3

= 1850.5 kg

To find the amount of wort (p3) we need to use the standard brew data of wort to malt ratio. i.e.
from 4900kg malt, 345hl wort is produced.

345 hl∗566.73 kg
P3 =
4900 kg

= 39.90hl wort

= 3.990m3

Since the density of wort from the standard (1048kg/m3)

P3 = 3.990m3*1048kg/m3

= 4181.52kg

Therefore, sg = p2+sw-p3

= (2882 + 1850.5 - 4181.52)kg

= 550.98kg

Mass balance around pre run tun

From (SBPD) 3litter caramel is added for 345hl wort

3 L∗39.9 hl
Caramel(C) =
345 hl

= 0.3469L

= 0.003469hl

P4 = p3+ C

= 39.9hl + 0.003469hl

= 39.903469hl

Material balance on wort kettle and whirlpool

Evaporated water (EW)

Hop (H)

P4 = 39.9034hl p5 Whirl pool p6

Wort kettle

11% extract 12%extract

Trub (T)

Extract in the feed = 11kg/hl *39.90369hl

= 438.938kg

P4+H = EW + P5

And P5*12kg/hl = 438.938kg

P5 = 36.578hl
= 3.657 m3

From standard beer production data 1kg hop is added for 376.923kg malt

*Assume the amount of hop evaporated is negligible

566.73 kg malt∗1 kg hop

H= = 1.503 kg hop
376.923 kgmalt

The amount of water evaporated (EW) = P4 + H – P5

EW = (39.9hl*1048kg/hl) + 1.503kg – (36.57hl*1048kg/hl)

= 3491.34kg i.e. around 34.9134hl

The average Trub resulted is 0.153 hl per 100kg malt

566.73 kg∗0.153 hl
T= = 0.867hl
100 kg

Material balance on whirl pool

P6= P5 -T

But P6 = 36.57hl – 0.867kg

P6 = 35.70hl

After whirl pooling of the wort, then the wort is sent to be chilled to decrease the temperature of
the wort from 1030c to 9-110c.

35.70hl Wort chillier p7 Buffer Tank P8

When the wort becomes cooled, the volume will decrease by 4%V/V. Therefore, the volume of
the chilled wort is to be decreased to 316.98hl/batch.

P7 = 0.96*35.70= 34.27 hl /batch

Each of the above calculation is worked per batch. To find the amount of chilled wort per day,
since our plant work eight batches per day;

P7=34.27hl/batch*8batch/day = 274.20 hl/d

Finally P8 = 274.20hl/day

8.2 Energy balance

Energy balance around the milling

Steep water@580c

Malt Milling machinegrist@580c

Energy in to the system + energy generated = energy out + energy accumulated

E in + E gen = E out + E acc


CP is constant from 25 to 58 0c

E generated = E accumulated =0

The malt is fed at room temperature (25 0c).

∆H feed + ∆Q supplied = ∆ H out, where ∆ H is the change in enthalpy, ∆Q is the change in

heat supplied to steep the malt

∆Q supplied=∆H out - ∆ H feed

∆Q supplied = m cpmix (T-Ts) - ∆ H feed where cpmix=specific heat capacity of mixture, Ts is

the datum temperature (250c).

It is known that about 80% of the grist is water;

∆Q supplied = 2879.73kg *(4.2*0.8 +1.6*0.2) KJ/0C*(58- 25)0C -mw*cp*(Tw-Ts)

=349714.411- 327858.3KJ =21856.11KJ

Where, Cp of water =4.2Kj/kg0c, Cp of malt = 1.6KJ/kg0C

Energy balance around mash tun kittle


grist@580c MTK mash @780c

2879.73kg /batch


Energy in to the system + energy generated = energy out + energy consumed+ energy

E in + E gen = E out + E acc


CP is constant from temperature of 58 to 78 oc

E generated = E accumulated =0

E in = E out

∆H feed + ∆Q steam = ∆H out

∆Q steam = ∆H out - ∆H feed

= m Cpmix* ∆T - ∆H feed

= m Cpmix ∆T - ∆H feed
= 2879.73kg *(0.8*4.2 + 0.2 * 1.6) KJ*(78-25) oC -357646.248 KJ

∆Q steam = 561662.54 – 357646.268 kJ

= 204016.2kJ

Since cp of water =4.2Kj/kg0c, cp of malt = 1.6KJ/kg0C

Energy balance around wort kittle

Steam evaporated water (EW) = 3491.34Kg

Wort@780c Wort boiled wort@1030c

39.90hl 3833.37kg


Mass of wort at the inlet = 39.90 hl*1048kg/m3

= 3.99 m3*1048kg/m3 = 4181.52kg

E in + E gen = E accu + E out


 Steady state

 No generation of energy (E accumulation =E generation = 0) and

 Negligible amount of wort evaporated

And we have the Latent heat of vaporization water =2260KJ/kg from latent heat data

So, the energy required to evaporate 3400kg of water

= 2260KJ/kg*3491.34Kg = 7890428.4KJ

E in = E out
Ein = m cpmix ∆T + 7890428.4KJ

Ein =∆H = 4181.52kg *2.303 KJ/kg0c (103 - 78)0c+7890428.4KJ

Ein =∆H = 8131177.86KJ

Q of steam added to boil the wort = 8131177.86KJ

Where: - Cp of wort after wort boiling is 2.303kJ/kg0c.

4181 kg wort@1030c cooled water (Q cold)

Wort chillier
Cooled wort@ 100c

Warm water

Amount of Heat lost by wort = amount of heat gained by the water

Q cooled= m* Cpmix ∆T

=4181kg*2.303KJ/kg0C* (10 – 103)0C

= - 895482.39KJ, the negative sign indicates heat is lost from wort to the chilled water

Energy balance on the first fermenter (CSTF)

Glucose (2668.48 kg/d) CO2 (717.52kg /d)

100c 60c C2H5OH (750.14kg/d)

C6H12O6 (1200.82kg/d)

Assumptions; Q agitation is negligible compared to Heat generated by yeast metabolism.

Steady state operation (accumulation = 0)

Q accu =∆H rxn + ∆H feed + Q agitation –Q coolant - ∆H product

H reaction = ∆Hrxn = Q coolant + ∆H product - ∆H feed

Heat of reaction; ∆Hrxn = ∑ mHfp - ∑ m Hfr

Where, Hfp is heat of formation of product and Hfr is heat of formation of reactant

Heat of formation of substances

From introduction of chemical engineering J.Smith and Perry chemical engineering hand book.

Components ∆Hf (kJ/kmol) ∆Hf( kJ/kg)

Glucose -280.5 -1.5580
Carbon dioxide -393.509 -8.943
Ethanol -277.69 -6.038
From glucose fermentation equation

2668.48kg /d m n

C6 H12 O6 yeast 2CO2 + 2C2 H 5OH

180Kg/K mol 88 Kg/K mol 92 Kg/K mol

And 55% conversion as indicated above in the first fermenter; the amounts of CO2 and ethanol
formed is easily calculated as follows.

0.55 *2668.48kg m n

C6 H12 O6 yeast 2CO2 + 2C2 H 5OH

180Kg/K mol 88 Kg/K mol 92 Kg/K mol

m = (0.55*266.48kg)*88/180 =717.52kg/d

n = (0.55 *2668.48kg *92)/180 = 750.14kg/d

∆Hrxn = ∑ mHfp - ∑ m Hfr

∆Hrxn = 717.52*(-8.943) + 750.14*(-6.038) + 0.45 * 2668.48*(-1.558)

∆Hrxn = -12817 kJ

To produce 750.14kg of ethanol the fermentation reaction releases about 12817 kJ

Component A 103B 106C 10-5D

Glucose 7.93 -111.7 202.83 -

Carbon 5.451 1.045 - -1.157

Ethanol 33.866 -172.6 349.17 -

∆Hrxn = Q coolant + ∆H product - ∆H feed

∆H feed = m*Cp*dT

The Cp value of glucose at 200c is given from Perry as Cp=0.275cal/g0c

Assume Cp is constant from 10 to 25 0c

Therefore, ∆H feed =0.55 *2668.48kg/d* 0.275cal/g0c*4.18J/cal* (10-25)0c

∆H feed = -25306.2kJ where, it is the sensible heat

Table 3: specific heat capacities

Components ni (kmol) niA ni 103B ni106C ni 10-5D

C6H12O6 68.23 541.06 -7621.29 13839.1 -
C2H5OH 167 5655.62 -28824.2 58311.39 -

CO2 167 911.32 174.5 - -193.22

∑niCpi 7108 - 36271 72150.49 -193.22

T 279

∆H p =∫ nicCpidT =∫ ¿ ¿0.07215T2 -19322000T-2) d T

T0 283

= (7108T- 36.271T2/2 + 0.07215T3/3 +19322000T-3/3) Substituting the values
∆Hp = -50372.63kJ 298

Therefore the amount of cooling water required to cool the first fermenter is;

Q coolant = -∆H product + ∆H feed +∆Hrxn

= - (-50372.63kJ) – 25306.2kJ -12817 kJ = -12249.4KJ

Energy balance on the second fermenter (PFF)

C6H12O6 (1200.82kg/d) CO2 =340.5 kg/d
60c 00c C2H5OH = 355.98 kg/d

C6H12O6 (504kg/d)
Assume; Steady state operation (accu=0),

Q accu =∆H rxn + ∆H feed –Q coolant - ∆H product

H rxn = ∆Hr = Q coolant + ∆H product - ∆H feed

Heat of reaction: - The enthalpy of product for the first reactor is equal to the enthalpy of feed to
the second reactor. Thus, ∆H feed = -50372.630kJ

∆Hrxn = ∑ mHfp - ∑ m Hfr ; and from fermentation equation 58% of

the glucose is converted in the plug flow fermenter (about 4664.142kg/d is the unconverted

0.58*1200.82kg /d m n

C6 H12 O6 yeast 2CO2 + 2C2 H 5OH

180Kg/K mol 88 Kg/K mol 92 Kg/K mol

m =340.5 kg/d, n= 355.98 kg/d

Table 4: specific enthalpy of components

Component ∆Hf (kJ/kmol) ∆Hf( kJ/kg)

Glucose -280.5 -1.5580
Carbon dioxide -393.509 -8.943
Ethanol -277.69 -6.038
∆Hrxn = ∑ mHfp - ∑ m Hfr

∆Hrx = ((-8.943*340.5) + (-6.038*355.98) + (-1.558* 504)) - (- 1.5580*1200.82)

= -4108.76KJ

Component ni (kmol) niA ni 103B ni106C ni10-5D

C6H12O6 68.23 541.06 -7621.3 13839.1 -

C2H5OH 79.14 2680 13659.56 27633.3 -
CO2 79.14 432 -82.7 - -91.565
∑nicpi 3653.06 5955.59 41472.4 -91.565
Table 5: specific heat capacity

T 273

∆Hp =∫ nicpidT = ∫ ¿ ¿ – 5.95559T + 0.041472.4T2 -9156500T3)

T0 298

Integrating this gives; ∆Hp=5222.28kJ

∆Hrxn = Q coolant + ∆H product - ∆H feed

Q coolant = ∆H feed + ∆Hrxn -∆H product

= 2883.52kJ - 42027.3KJ - 5222.28kJ

= - 44365.78kJ

This amount of heat is trapped or gained by the coolant from the PFF to cool the beer to the
desired temperature (00c).

Energy balance on tunnel pasteurizer

The amount of steam required for pasteurization is the amount needed to heat the wort from 0 0c
to 670c.since the next process at the pasteurization is cooling the bottled beer from 670c to room
temperature mostly 250c. And to cool steam is not needed .thus the amount of steam needed is
the only needed for heating from 0oc to 67 0c.

Our capacity is 3.3334m3/batch, and volume of a bottle of beer = 0.00033m3

From this number of bottle =

= 10101 bottles/batch

Mass of full bottle of beer is = 650g

Mass of bottle = 650g*10101 = 6565738g= 6565.738kg

Cp of bottled beer = 45kJ/kg k

Q = mCpdt =6565.738*45*(67-0)


Energy balance on washer

The washer machine washes beer container bottles and during washing the bottles are heated to
easily remove waste on the bottle and to sterilize the bottle. The amount of steam needed for
washing is the steam needed for sterilizing the bottle up to temperature of 25 to 670c

Q = mCpdt where, m =mass of empty bottles


= 231639kJ

9 . equipment design

From the above material balance we have the following data’s:

No Purchased Capacity from energy Capacity with 15%
Equipment balance allowance
1 Roller mill 23037.8kg/d 26493.5kg/d
2 Mush tun 2.74m3 3.16m3
3 Lautre tun 4.52m3 5.2 m3
New let us
4 Pre-run tank 3.98m3 4.588 m3
design the
6 Wort kettle 3.65m3 4.2 m3
size of major
7 Whirlpool 3.57m3 4.11m3
8 Fermenter 27.21m3 31.3m3
standing from
the above capacities

Design of fermenter


Figure 7: fermenter tank Hcc

From literature review we know that the height to diameter ratio of the vessels is 3 to 1.and the ratio
of height of cylinder to height of cone is 7 to 1.

Therefore, the size of the fermenter become:-

But from the above general data we know that

H/D = 3 from these we can say that H = 3D = 6*r

H/Hc = 7 from these we can say that H = 7Hc

Therefore the above equation become

Total volume = volume of cylinder + volume of cone

= πr2H + 1/3 πr2Hc = πr2*6*r + 1/3 πr2*1/7*H

πr 2∗6∗r
= πr2*6*r + 1/3 πr2*1/7*6*r = πr2*6*r +

22∗πr 2∗6∗r
= …………………..but we know that total volume = 31.3m3

22∗πr 2∗6∗r
Therefore 31.3m3 =

31.3 m3∗21
R3 = = 1.58m3

1.58 m3 = 1.16m

D = 2*R = 2.32m and H = 3*D = 6.96m so, Hc = 1/7* H = 0.99m

Fermenter thickness

Given data

Di = 2.32m

PD = 0.9 *105N/m2 = 9*104N/m2 = Pc

TD = 16oc

Φ = 1 (100% radiography)

[б]+ = 165N/mm2, since the construction material is stain less steel (unstabilised 304).

C2 = 2mm = 0.002m
C1 = 0.7mm

The design temperature should be taken as the maximum working temperature of the material, with
allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperature.

Equation of the shell thickness is as follows:

2 [ б ]∗Φ−Pc


= 0.063m

= 6.3mm

Sd = S+C1 = 6.3mm+2mm

= 8.3mm

Sn = Sd + C2 = 8.3 + 0.7mm

= 9.0mm

1. I.S. Daoud and S. Kusinki, Liquid and Ethanol Extraction of Hops, Brewing
Research Foundation, Nutfield, Redhill, January-February, 1992,
2. Fekadu Ashine, Production of barley malt beer using Gesho (Rhamnus
priniodes) in Ethiopia Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, 2015
3. HHV Hallertauer Hopfenveredlungs GmbH, Germany
4. F.R. Sharpe and D. Crabb, Pilot plant extraction of hops with liquid carbon
dioxide, Brewing research foundation, Nutfilled, March – April 1980, Vol 86,
pp. 60 – 64.
5. C.L. Bodkin et al, Preparation and Analysis of Liquid CO2 Hop Extracts,
Carlton and Breweries Limited, Melbourne, Autralia, May 14,1980
6. Derek R.J et al, Production of Solvent – free Isomerized Extract, Brewery
Research Foundation, Nutfield, Surry, Britain
7. Zoran al, Super Critical Fluid Extraction of Hops,Serbia,2006
8. American society of brewing chemists Newsletter: Vol. 59, No 4.
9. Kunze browing and malting technology 2nd edition
10. G. T. Austin, Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, 5th Edition
11. Fermentation and Enzyme Technology, Wiley, New York (1974).

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