Review of Artificial Intelligence-Based Question-A
Review of Artificial Intelligence-Based Question-A
Review of Artificial Intelligence-Based Question-A
DOI: 10.1002/widm.1487
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia Abstract
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Use of conversational agents, like chatbots, avatars, and robots is increasing
Computer Science, University of Maribor, worldwide. Yet, their effectiveness in health care is largely unknown. The aim
Maribor, Slovenia
of this advanced review was to assess the use and effectiveness of conversa-
Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK
tional agents in various fields of health care. A literature search, analysis, and
synthesis were conducted in February 2022 in PubMed and CINAHL. The
Correspondence included evidence was analyzed narratively by employing the principles of
Gregor Stiglic, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Maribor, Zitna ulica 15, 2000 thematic analysis. We reviewed articles on artificial intelligence-based
Maribor, Slovenia. question-answering systems in health care. Most of the identified articles
report its effectiveness; less is known about its use. We outlined study findings
Funding information and explored directions of future research, to provide evidence-based knowl-
Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost edge about artificial intelligence-based question-answering systems.
RS, Grant/Award Numbers: N2-0101,
P2-0057 This article is categorized under:
Fundamental Concepts of Data and Knowledge > Human Centricity and
Edited by: Elisa Bertino, Associate Editor User Interaction
and Witold Pedrycz, Editor-in-Chief Application Areas > Health Care
Technologies > Artificial Intelligence
artificial intelligence, conversational agents, ChatGPT, health care, machine learning
Conversational agents, like chatbots, avatars, robots, embodied conversational agents (ECAs), and virtual patients are
increasingly substituting humans, especially in the applications with simple interaction between the computer and the
end-user (Van Pinxteren et al., 2020). Car et al. (2020) defined conversational agents as: “computer programs designed
to simulate human text or verbal conversations.” They use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to interpret user dialog
and conduct useful interactions with users (Montenegro et al., 2019). The key reasons why users interact with conversa-
tional agents are different, as seen by the variety of available conversational agents, which span from the popular
general-purpose voice assistants to domain-specific chatbots (van Heerden et al., 2017). Conversational agents are often
used to provide relevant information about a disease or discussing the results of clinical tests (van Heerden et al., 2017).
Employing conversational agents in clinical practice has various benefits for the health care system, such as support
of health care professionals and patients, disease screening, triage, counseling, health management, and training for
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2023 The Authors. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
health care professionals (Milne-Ives et al., 2020). In recent years, we observe the rapid development of health focused
apps with chatbots, also called “healthbots.” Despite the marketing promises, a study by Parmar et al. (2022) revealed
that only a minority of applications use machine learning based natural language processing techniques. Most applica-
tions supported a finite-state input, in which the system guided the discourse and followed a preset procedure.
Healthbots have the potential to transform care by focusing it on the user; yet they are still in their development and
need further work on development, automation, and adoption to have a population-level health effect.
There are different classifications of question-answering systems (QAS) in use. Nißen et al. (2022) classify CAS based
on their “temporal profile,” basically dividing them into short-term and long-term QAS. Short-term QAS are systems in
which users usually communicate with the system just once—for example, self-diagnosis health care chatbots—or for
repeated, ongoing interactions over a longer period; for example, a health care chatbot assisting patients with chronic
illness management (Kowatsch et al., 2018). On the other hand, it is also possible to classify the QAS based on the
knowledge or answer representation where two main categories are usually used, that is, flat and hierarchical
taxonomies. Flat taxonomies have only one level of categories while hierarchical taxonomies consist of super- and sub-
categories (Sundblad, 2007). Recently the first two categories have been extended by the knowledge graph-based sys-
tems (Figure 1) where answers are provided based on data storage structures that rely on principles from graph theory
to represent information (Pietrasik & Reformat, 2020). Knowledge graphs are multi-relational graphs that use triples to
describe entities and their relationships. A triple is often stated as (head entity, relation, tail entity) to indicate that two
entities are associated by a certain connection, such as (Metformin, treats, Type 2 diabetes mellitus). More recently, the
knowledge graph embedding algorithms are gaining even more attention as an integral part of the QAS. These algo-
rithms can learn the representations (i.e., embeddings) of entities and relations in low-dimensional vector spaces, and
these embeddings may be used for extremely quick question answering even in the large knowledge graphs (Wu
et al., 2022).
3 | A I - B A S E D Q A S IN H E A L T H CA R E
To characterize the current state of research in QAS, we conducted a brief literature review, analysis, and synthesis that
were conducted in February 2022. First, a study question was developed based on the preliminary literature search and
following recommendations by Stillwell et al. (2010). The preliminary search was conducted to identify relevant articles,
ensure the validity of the proposed idea and avoid duplication. We included papers describing conversational agents
like chatbots, avatars, and robots and explored their use and/or effectiveness. A literature search was not limited to the
study type or accessibility. One researcher conducted the literature search in CINAHL, and PubMed using the following
search string: (question-answering system OR conversational agent) AND (health care OR nurs* OR medic*) AND
(evaluat* OR accepta*). Additionally, Google Scholar was used to identify more relevant studies.
A total of 65 papers were included in our analysis. Table A1 provides characteristics of included studies, such as
study aim, type of conversational agent, the field of health care, study sample, and main study findings.
It is evident that conversational agents are most frequently used in the field of psychiatry (n = 18), public health
and preventive medicine (n = 7), and general health care (n = 7) (Figure 2).
The effectiveness and use of conversational agents were checked among the general population (n = 23), patients
(n = 14), students (n = 8), health care professionals (n = 3), patient family members (n = 2), and other (health care
professionals and pharmacist, health care professionals and researchers, health care professionals and patients, and
patients, carer, general population; n = 6) (Figure 3).
Most QA systems were designed to empower or improve mental health in company employees/students/patients
with mental illness (n = 13; 23%), followed by mental illness screening systems, behavior change techniques and pro-
grams to reduce/treat smoking and/or alcohol dependence (n = 3; 5%) (Figure 4).
Although, conversational agents are seen as useful (Bibault et al., 2019; Inkster et al., 2018) and easy to use
(Cameron et al., 2019). Zuchowski and Göller (2022) reported that health care professionals preferred to type medical
notes, rather than dictate using speech recognition software. Speech recognition software reduces the amount of time
to complete medical documentation. Also, error rates were lower while using speech recognition software compared to
BUDLER ET AL. 3 of 21
the traditional methods. However, acceptance of new technology among clinicians is limited, which possibly can be
explained by misconceptions about the accuracy of this technology. Mujeeb et al. (2017) show that conversational
agents can be useful for practitioner psychologists to assist a psychologist as well as save time and resources.
Among the population of students, conversational agents were useful in improving the confidence in communica-
tion skills (Borja-Hart et al., 2019), reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Fitzpatrick et al., 2017) and in the
development of clinical reasoning and history taking skills (Isaza-Restrepo et al., 2018). Students' willingness to engage
with AI-led health chatbots depends on their IT skills, utility, attitude, and perceived trustworthiness (Nadarzynski
et al., 2019).
Conversational agents were useful also for patients (Chaix et al., 2019; Denecke et al., 2020; Inkster et al., 2018;
Kowatsch et al., 2017; Philip et al., 2017) and helped them to track treatment effectively (Chaix et al., 2019; Dworkin
et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2018). They are most frequently studied in the field of psychiatry. The integration of conversa-
tional agents for mental health was shown to be acceptable to both mental health professionals and users (Danieli
4 of 21 BUDLER ET AL.
et al., 2021). Sun et al. (2018) reported that patients found the conversational agents easy to use, quick to learn, with
minimal required interaction. However, conversational agents are relatively new and to properly assess their usefulness
and effectiveness one should adhere to their usage. Bickmore et al. (2018) reported that only 15% of patients used a con-
versational assistant regularly while Wolters et al. (2016) found that the intensity and style of the cognitive assistant's
voice must be adjusted to the user's wishes. The realistic appearance of a virtual agent and responsiveness have a big
role in engaging users with the QAS (Ali et al., 2020). Milne-Ives et al. (2020) conducted a literature review and found
mixed evidence of the effectiveness and resilience of conversational agents.
Answering the questions is a current topic in the field of natural language processing. Systems pose a major challenge
as traditional systems are not sufficient for some knowledge domains (Huang et al., 2021). The difficulty in the biomedi-
cal field is that most current systems only handle a limited number of questions and responses, requiring further effort
to increase their effectiveness (Zhou et al., 2018). One of the current solutions is the mapping of new questions to previ-
ously answered questions that are “similar” (Ben Abacha & Demner-Fushman, 2019).
Conversational agents built to mimic human text or voice discussions are being employed in several industries,
including healthcare, as they can improve patient care by enhancing accessibility, personalization, and efficiency (Car
et al., 2020).
Most of the literature reports on text-based conversational agents mention the use of AI and smartphone apps (Car
et al., 2020). The authors report that study participants who experienced interactions with speech and augmented real-
ity in addition to interactions with text-based conversational agents reported higher user engagement and involvement.
Human-like conversational agents with verbal and non-verbal cues improve user engagement through interactivity and
empathy (Chew, 2022).
In contrast to a review on a similar topic, Luo et al. (2022) focused their review on the effectiveness and usage of
QAS in contrast to their technical aspects.
6 of 21 BUDLER ET AL.
5 | C ON C L U S I ON
This review provides some characteristics of the current QAS in healthcare. It was demonstrated that conversational
agents are seen as practical and user-friendly. Additionally, they may save time and resources.
There are many fields where QAS were successfully employed in healthcare field. For example, conversational
agents were beneficial for enhancing students' confidence in their communication abilities, lowering symptoms of sad-
ness and anxiety, and fostering clinical reasoning when delivering cognitive behavior therapy. Additionally, it was
shown that patients often utilize QAS to monitor their therapy. Engagement with AI-driven health chatbots relies on
the user's IT literacy, perceived benefit, attitude, and sense of trust.
Leona Cilar Budler: Data curation (equal); formal analysis (equal); investigation (equal); methodology (equal). Lucija
Gosak: Data curation (equal); formal analysis (equal); investigation (equal); methodology (equal). Gregor Stiglic: Con-
ceptualization (equal); data curation (equal); formal analysis (equal); investigation (equal); methodology (equal).
Not applicable.
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency grants ARRS N2-0101, ARRS N3-0307, and ARRS P2-0057.
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article.
Leona Cilar Budler
Lucija Gosak
Gregor Stiglic
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How to cite this article: Budler, L. C., Gosak, L., & Stiglic, G. (2023). Review of artificial intelligence-based
question-answering systems in healthcare. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(2), e1487. https://
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
(Zuchowski & Göller, 2022) Prospective study To evaluate time and Speech recognition— Nephrology, hematology, and Clinicians (n = 15) The majority preferred to type
cost savings Indicda easySpeak emergency medicine participated in the study their medical notes, rather
associated with and dragon (313 samples were than dictating using speech
speech recognition naturally speaking produced, 163 with speech recognition software. They
technology, and software recognition software and also stated that they wanted
potential for 150 by typing) to see greater use of speech
improving health recognition software in the
care processes. hospital.
(Bibault et al., 2019) Randomized To test if AI Chatbot Vik Oncology Patients (n = 142) A conversational agent can be
controlled trial conversational used to inform patients with
agent can provide cancer and save time from
answers to patients visiting doctor.
with breast cancer
with a level of
satisfaction like
answers given by
(Borja-Hart et al., 2019) Mixed-methods study To assess students' Virtual patient Pharmacology Pharmacy students (n = 205) VP improved student
confidence and confidence in verbal and
impressions in written communication
using their skills.
skills with VP and
to evaluate their
skills using this
(Cameron et al., 2019) Cross-sectional study To assess the usability Chatbot iHelpr Psychiatry Health care professionals Conversational agent was
of a chatbot. (n = 7) assessed as easy to use.
(Chaix et al., 2019) Prospective study To evaluate 1 year of Chatbot Vik Oncology Patients (n = 4737) The more the patients used the
conversations chatbot, the more adherent
between patients they were. Patients were
with breast cancer satisfied with a chatbot. Vik
and a chatbot. was their support and helped
them to track treatment
11 of 21
TABLE A1 (Continued)
12 of 21
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
(Dimeff et al., 2020) Cross-sectional study To develop and Avatar Dr. Dave Psychiatry, emergency medicine Patients (n = 24) and health Avatar Dr Dave is a powerful
evaluate an avatar care professionals (n = 21) method of facilitating suicide
system for suicidal prevention interventions and
patients and point-of-care tools for
medical workers in suicidal patients.
(Fulmer et al., 2018) Randomized To assess the Chatbot Tess Psychiatry, University setting Students (n = 75) There is a significant reduction
controlled trial feasibility and in anxiety symptoms. No
efficacy of using changes in depression
Tess to reduce self- symptoms.
identified symptoms
of depression and
anxiety in college
(Håvik et al., 2018) Cross-sectional study To explore the Chatbot Rob Psychiatry General population (n = 11) Participants were satisfied with
potential of the chatbot Rob. It is evident
conversational useful screening utility in the
interfaces in mental health domain, and
providing screening useful addition to a paper
services for mental version when screening for
health care. ADHD.
(Inkster et al., 2018) Mixed-methods study To present Wysa app Psychiatry Global users (n = 129) The high users' group had
preliminary data on significantly higher average
effectiveness and improvement. Users found
engagement levels the app experience helpful
of the Wysa app on and encouraging.
users with self-
reported symptoms
of depression.
(Isaza-Restrepo et al., 2018) Mixed-methods study To present evidence Virtual patient University setting Medical students (n = 20) VP is a valuable and useful tool
on the effectiveness for the development of
of VP and the clinical reasoning and history
development of taking skills in medical
necessary medical students, as part of a
skills. constructivist learning
(Ly et al., 2017) Mixed-methods study To assess the Chatbot Shim Psychiatry Adult population (n = 28) Significant interaction effects of
effectiveness and group and time on
adherence of psychological well-being and
chatbot Shi) and to perceived stress.
explore participants'
TABLE A1 (Continued)
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
views and
experiences of
interacting with a
(Nakagawa et al., 2018) Experimental study To collect audio and Talkbox Scikit General health care Adult population (n = 14) The usefulness of the
video data from estimation system was
healthy participants reported using multimodal
during a data.
conversation with a
agent and to
evaluate the
(Philip et al., 2017) Cross-sectional study To test the Embodied Psychiatry Patients (n = 221) Patients found the face-to-face
performance of a conversational interview with the ECA very
diagnostic system agent acceptable.
for MDD and to
evaluate the
acceptability of
(Spänig et al., 2019) Prospective study To develop an AI to Virtual doctor Endocrinology Patients (n = 4814) The system can predict type 2
interact with a CMUSphinx diabetes mellitus based on
patient (virtual non-invasive sensors and
doctor) by using a ChatGPT-like deep neural
speech recognition networks.
and speech It provides an easy-to-interpret
synthesis system. probability estimation for
T2DM for the patient.
(Kowatsch et al., 2017) Randomized To develop and MobileCoach Public health and preventive Patients (n = 10; n = 14) MobileCoach is effective among
controlled trial evaluate a mobile medicine young patients for the
chat app for the treatment of obesity.
behavioral health
(Bickmore et al., 2018) Observational study To determine the Siri, Alexa, Google General health care Patients (n = 54) Only 15% reported using a
prevalence and Assistant conversational assistant
nature of the harm regularly, 41% had never
that could result used one, and 44% had tried
from patients or one a few times.
consumers using
13 of 21
TABLE A1 (Continued)
14 of 21
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
assistants for
(Denecke et al., 2020) Quasi-experimental To introduce mobile SERMO Psychiatry Patients (n = 129) Efficiency, perspicuity and
study application with attractiveness are considered
integrated chatbot as good.
that implements
methods from
cognitive behavior
therapy to support
mentally ill people.
(Fitzpatrick et al., 2017) Randomized To determine the Text-based Psychiatry, University setting Students (n = 70) Students in the Woebot group
Controlled Trial feasibility, conversational significantly reduced
acceptability, and agent Woebot symptoms of depression and
preliminary efficacy anxiety.
of conversational
agent to deliver a
self-help program
for college students
who are having
symptoms of
anxiety and
(Ghandeharioun et al., 2018) Quasi-experimental To present the design EMMA––EMotion- Psychiatry Generally mentally healthy Extraverts preferred EMMA
study and evaluation of aware mHealth population (n = 39) significantly more than
EMMA. agent introverts. Personalized
machine learning model
worked as well as relying on
gold-standard self-reports of
emotion from users.
(Kamita et al., 2019) Cross-sectional study To assess the stress Chatbot SAT BOT Psychiatry Students (n = 27) The self-esteem score in the
reduction effect by chatbot course group before
using the chatbot the course is in the “lower”
course with level and the STAI score is in
smartphones and the “much higher” level.
the motivation to
the courses and
investigate the
effectiveness of
chatbot in the self-
guided mental
health care course.
TABLE A1 (Continued)
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
(Kobori et al., 2018) Cross-sectional study To investigate efficacy Chatbot Public health and preventive Patients (n = 70) The accuracy rate of a diagnosis
and usability of a medicine of sexually transmitted
chatbot. infection with chatbot was
77.7%. 97.7% of patients
thought to visit clinic earlier
after they used a chatbot.
(Kocielnik et al., 2018) Qualitative study To present reflection Reflection companion General health care Adult population (n = 33) Mini-dialogues were successful
companion. in triggering reflection and
this reflection led to
increased motivation,
empowerment, and adoption
of new behaviors.
(Mujeeb et al., 2017) Experimental study To emphasize the use Chatbot Aquabot Psychiatry Adult population (n = 30) Aquabot is useful for
of a chatbot in the practitioner psychologists to
diagnosis of assist a human psychologist.
Achluophobia and Aquabot saved time and
autism disorder. resources, and also achieved
an accuracy of 88 percent
when compared against
human psychologists'
diagnosed results.
(Nadarzynski et al., 2019) Mixed-methods study To explore AI-based chatbot University setting Students (n = 29 in There was moderate
participants' system qualitative part; n = 215 in acceptability which was
willingness to quantitative part) correlated negatively with
engage with AI-led perceived poorer IT skills
health chatbots. and dislike for talking to
computers as well as
positively correlated with
perceived utility, positive
attitude, and perceived
(Stein & Brooks, 2017) Longitudinal To evaluate weight Lark weight loss Public health and preventive Adult population (n = 70) The use of an AI health coach
observational study loss, changes in health coach AI medicine is associated with weight loss
meal quality, and (HCAI) comparable to in-person
app acceptability lifestyle interventions.
among users of the
Lark weight loss
health coach AI
(HCAI), with the
overarching goal of
increasing access to
15 of 21
TABLE A1 (Continued)
16 of 21
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
health care via
mobile health.
(Vita et al., 2018) Mixed-methods study To design, develop “Doctor Apollo” Infections Patients (n = 34) A chatbot interface between
and evaluate a chatbot patients and clinical centers
digital health is an effective tool for its
personnel-patient flexibility.
(Wang et al., 2018) Experimental study To evaluate the WeChat platform Public health and preventive Adult population (n = 401) The presence of a
performance of medicine conversational agent
their social media- effectively increased
based participant engagement and
conversational enhanced their smoking
agent in a smoking cessation outcomes.
cessation program.
(Wilson et al., 2017) Cross-sectional study Authors assess the Siri and Google Public health and preventive Adult population (n = 3221) 41% of internet users go online
quality of sexual Assistant medicine for health-related questions,
health advice 22% are having done so in
offered by Siri and the previous week.
Google Assistant in
comparison to
Google search.
(Tanaka et al., 2017) Experimental study To develop and Computer avatar Psychiatry General population (n = 18) Computer-based social skills
evaluate a social and people with ASD training is useful for people
skills training (n = 10) who experience social
system. difficulties.
(Ali et al., 2020) Qualitative study To present the design LISSA––Live Psychiatry Teenagers with autism Realistic appearance of a
of an online social interactive social (n = 9) virtual agent and
skills development skills assistance responsiveness are important
interface for in engaging users. Users
teenagers with ASD. should be fully briefed at the
outset about the purpose and
limitations of the system, to
avoid unrealistic
(Beiley, 2019) Qualitative study To examine the user Chatbot Theodore Psychiatry Students (n = 3) Initial results indicate a positive
experience with user experience,
(Demirci, 2018) Qualitative study To explore qualities of Woebot Psychiatry General population (n = 16) Improvements should be
conversational directed to system operations
Agent focused on and functionality in terms of
subjective well- its attractiveness, perspicuity,
TABLE A1 (Continued)
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
TABLE A1 (Continued)
18 of 21
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
interfaces. Agent impacted
their beliefs concerning the
harms, uncertainty, and risk
denials for the HPV vaccine.
(Kadariya et al., 2019) Experimental study To present kBot for Chatbot kBot Infections Clinicians (n = 8) and kBot achieved an overall
health applications researchers (n = 8) technology acceptance value
and adapted to help of greater than 8 (11-point
pediatric asthmatic scale) and a mean System
patients to better Usability Score greater than
control their 80.
(Rehman et al., 2020) Experimental study To present a medical Medical instructed Internal medicine Students (n = 119) User experience shows
instructed real-time real-time relatively good results in all
assistant that listens assistant––MIRA aspects. MIRA efficiently
to the user's chief predicts a disease based on
complaint and chief complaints and
predicts a specific supports the user in decision
disease. making.
(Bennion et al., 2020) Randomized To compare the Manage your life General health care Adult population (n = 112) MYLO was rated as
controlled Trial system usability, online––MYLO significantly more helpful
acceptability, and and likely to be used again.
effectiveness in System usability of both the
older adults of two conversational agents was
Web-based associated with the
conversational helpfulness of the agents and
agents that differ in the willingness of the
theoretical participants to reuse.
orientation and
(Hauser-Ulrich et al., 2020) Randomized To describe the design Chatbot painSELfMA General health care Adult population (n = 102) SELMA is feasible, as revealed
controlled Trial and implementation nagement––SELMA mainly by positive feedback
to promote the and valuable suggestions for
chatbot SELMA, future revisions.
and to present
findings on
influence of
intention to change
behavior, pain
duration, working
TABLE A1 (Continued)
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
acceptance, and
(Gong et al., 2020) Randomized To evaluate the Laura Endocrinology Adult population (n = 187) The MDC program was
controlled Trial adoption, use, and successfully adopted and
effectiveness of the used by individuals with type
My diabetes coach 2 diabetes and significantly
(MDC) program, an improved their quality of life.
agent, Laura.
(Chinkam et al., 2021) Qualitative study To assess the ECA Obstetrics Women with previous Both groups state that the chat
feasibility and caesareans (n = 12) and agent provides easy access to
acceptability of prenatal providers (n = 8) information for patients and
conversational could increase visits to
agent to support providers.
about the type of
birth after a
previous cesarean.
Chavez-Yenter et al., 2021) Descriptive study To assess user Automated Oncology Patient (n = 103) The majority of users who
interactions with a conversational completed a chat with a chat
conversational agent agent wanted to continue
agent for pretest testing (21/30, 70%). The
genetics education. interviewing agent has
provided patients with
sufficient information and
may be an expandable
alternative to pretest
counseling for patients
considering genetic testing
for cancer.
Ponathil et al., 2020 Empirical study Evaluate and compare Virtual conversational Family health history General population (n = 50) Participants spent 53 s longer
the conversational agent (VCA) using
approach with the virtual conversational agent
standard interface compared to the standard
for using the FHx task completion interface.
collection. The virtual conversational
agent was rated with a
higher ram than other
19 of 21
TABLE A1 (Continued)
20 of 21
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
(Auriacombe et al., 2018) Qualitative study Evaluate the ECA Jeanne Tobacco and alcohol use General population (n = 139) The ECA was very well
acceptability of the disorders received with high marks.
agents Jeanne.
(Kowatsch et al., 2021) Single-Arm feasibility To assess the reach of MAX Chronic disease management Patient-family member Conversational agents designed
study MAX, acceptance of (n = 49) as digital gadget represent
MAX, and the potential to improve
conversational skills in managing chronic
agend-patient diseases.
working for
(Easton et al., 2019) Cross-sectional study Co-creation of the Autonomous virtual Self-management for patients Patient with COPD (n = 6) The system received a medium
content of an agent with an exemplar long-term and health professionals rating from the participants.
autonomous virtual condition (n = 5) 50% of participants answered
agent and that they would use the
assessment of system often.
(Martínez-Miranda et al., 2019) Cross-sectional study Assessment of user ECA Psychiatry Individuals with suicidality The authors note that
acceptance, antecedents (n = 32) emotional competence and
perception, and level of attachment were
commitment assessed as positive.
(Bian et al., 2020) Exploratory The study aims to AI-assisted follow-up Postoperative care Patient (n = 270) The effectiveness of monitoring
quantitative and compare the cost- conversational patients using intelligent
qualitative Study effectiveness of agent intelligence was not inferior
using AI, or to that of manual
accurate monitoring monitoring. However, it has
of the patient after caused fewer costs.
surgery, and to
compare the
feedback given
through AI or
manual monitoring.
(Sun et al., 2018) Experimental study Evaluate the technical Voice-activated Patient safety Specialist medical doctor and Participants found the system
feasibility of a conversational a pharmacist to be easy to use, quick to
dialog interface interface learn, and minimal
application with interaction required.
speech recognition
software and
TABLE A1 (Continued)
Reference Study design Study aim agent Field of health care Study sample Main findings
conduct a pilot
study of its
applicability to
clinical contexts.
(Cao et al., 2011) Experimental study Present the AskHERMES General health care Clinicians (n = 3) AskHERMES was comparable
AskHERMEES to others with the same
system, compare it median rating of 4, which
with Google tells us that the interface is
(Google and Google efficient and user-friendly.
Scholar) and AskHERMS received the
UpToDate and lowest score in terms of
evaluate them in response quality.
terms of ease of use,
quality of answers,
time spent, overall
(Wolters et al., 2016) Qualitative Study Determine whether Intelligent cognitive Chronic disease management Man with dementia (n = 1), The intensity and style of the
intelligent cognitive assistant man with dementia and intelligent cognitive
assistants are vision impairment (n = 1), assistant's voice must be
acceptable for use male carer (n = 1), older adjusted to the user's wishes.
among the elderly women with dementia
with dementia and (n = 4); older man (n = 2)
how to adapt them and older women (n = 2)
to the patient's without dementia
(Abdullah et al., 2018) Prospective cohort Assess feasibility and ECA Tobacco and alcohol use Veterans (n = 6) Veterans reported satisfaction
study acceptability to disorders with the use of ECA to set a
support users to smoking cessation date.
quit smoking.
(Owens et al., 2019) Pretest/posttest study Assess the impact of iDecida Oncology Patients (n = 354) Participants reported improving
iDecide on prostate knowledge about prostate
cancer knowledge cancer and the self-efficacy
and self-efficacy in of their decision-making.
decision making.
(Sezgin et al., 2022) Pretest/posttest study Understand feasibility Siri Public health and preventive Parents of children with Voice interaction and the
of voice interaction medicine special health care needs incorporation of automated
and automatic (n = 24) speech recognition into
speech recognition mobile apps are practical and
(ASR) for medical useful for tracking symptoms
note taking at and health events at home.
21 of 21
Abbreviations: AI, artificial intelligence; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ECA, embodied conversational agents; IT, innovative technology; MDD, major depressive
disorders (MDD); n, number of participants in the sample; STI, sexually transmitted infections; VP, virtual patient; WA, Watson Assistant.