Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Atul Dwivedi1, Shweta Shukla Dwivedi2*, Muhammad Raheel Tariq3, Xiaoming Qiu4,
Suzhen Hong1, Yu Xin1
Department of Clinical and Basic Sciences, Medical College of Hubei Polytechnic University (HBPU) Huangshi,
Hubei, China
Department of Dental Surgery, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Department of Internal Medicine, North Sichuan Medical college, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical
College, Sichuan, China
Department of Radiology, Huangshi Central Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Polytechnic University
(HBPU), Edong Health Care Group, Huangshi, Hubei, China
Artificial Intelligence concept is becoming popular in search engines, voice recognition software’s, biometric recognition
software’s, automatic vehicles, healthcare electronic device. With the assistance of Artificial Intelligence, clinicians can sort out
the relevant information about the management of a disease in order to take right decisions. Moreover, clinicians could consult
e-books, websites, e-journals for collecting updated information. As technology is evolving day by day, Medical researchers also use
this technology in setting up appropriate modalities and algorithm for several diseases.
Artificial Intelligence methods excel at recognizing tumor’s at stages, complex images, exact pathologies behind several disease
and tumors. AI also reserved its importance in robotics, by which several complicated surgeries can be performed easily. Here, we
also explore the emerging potential of Artificial Intelligence in research, in which, AI can extract the relevant information from
huge data towards taking perfect clinical decision in healthcare system. Artificial Intelligence has got its application in several
branches of medicine. In this review, we tried to establish a general understanding and scope of Artificial Intelligence in medicine.
Key words: Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Algorithm, Deep learning, Computer aided diagnosis, Automated
computer diagnosis
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Atul Dwivedi, Shweta Shukla Dwivedi, Muhammad Raheel Tariq, Xiaoming Qiu, Suzhen Hong, Yu Xin, Scope of
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2020, 8 (3):137-140.
monitoring vital functions with biosensors and lumpectomy by 30% in patients whose breast
to reach optimal therapeutic compliance [9,10]. needle biopsies are considered high risk lesions
AI techniques can help the clinicians to sort out but finally found to be benign after surgical
clinically relevant information from massive excision [22].
amount of data, so that clinicians can take
Recently, Bhandari et al. reported that the
decisions easily and appropriately. Additionally,
progress in cloud computing, big data analytics
AI can assist the researchers to analyses huge
and AI have led to evolution of more intelligent
clinical data within a short time, in order to make
robots and subsequently with the application of
the healthcare facility successful [11-13].
deep learning, several surgical companies are
In other words, Artificial Intelligence also assist collaborating with tech Companies for developing
physicians by giving them updated information intelligent robots. There is huge development in
from journals, websites, e-books about clinical the field of autonomous robotics. However, the
practice. Simultaneously, Artificial Intelligence role of robotics in operation theatre remains
System can minimize the diagnostic and hazy. It is time, when surgeons actively take part
therapeutic errors, which are inevitable to in development of next generation smart and
avoid. With real time reference, as technology intelligent robots [23].
moving ahead, Artificial Intelligence filters key
The primary aim behind the emergence of
information from gigantic population data to
Artificial Intelligence in radiodiagnosis is
make prior health risk alert and therapeutic
because of greater efficacy and efficiency in
outcome predictions [13-17].
clinical outcome & clinical settings. Patrick et al.
CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE also reported that Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(AI) IN MEDICINE (MRI) is an effective modality in the selecting the
patients suitable for arthroscopy from a general
AI is becoming the main constituent of health
population [24]. Google launched its Deep mind
care, including drug discovery, remote patient
Health project, which is used to collect the data
monitoring, medical diagnostics, medical imaging,
of medical records for efficient health services.
virtual assistance, hospital management and risk
In 2016, they also launched a cooperative project
assessment and management. Many branches of
with Moorefield’s Eye Hospital NHS Foundation
medicine dealing with huge data such as analysis
Trust to improve eye treatment [25]. Some other
of DNA and RNA sequencing, imaging data
companies also there, who are using artificial
including radiology, pathology, dermatology and
intelligence to improve health care outcome
ophthalmology, have already benefitted from
mentioned in Table 1.
Artificial Intelligence implementations [18-20].
Pathologists have utilized Artificial Intelligence Study reported that AI and ML can be used in
to decrease their error rate in the recognition the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease and few
of cancer- positive lymph nodes from 3.4% to studies also reported about interpretation of
0.5% [21]. Additionally, Artificial Intelligence images on chest X-ray and diagnosis of bronchial
improved the outcomes in the field of surgery asthma. Despite, ML may be helpful in making
and radio-diagnosis for improved identification clinical decisions, can't replace the expertise
of high risk patients, also reduced the rate of completely [26]. Importantly, Nick identified
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science | Vol. 8 | Issue 3 | May 2020
Atul Dwivedi et al J Res Med Dent Sci, 2020, 8 (3):137-140
16 review studies related with AI applications disease, novel modalities of treatment, where
in acute stroke diagnosis and added that stroke there is no prior information for therapeutics,
onset timing, core and penumbral volume, diagnosis, prognosis and outcomes. Obviously,
clinical examination may be combined for exact in the lack of information, AI may not replace
detection of LVO (Large vessel occlusion) in human knowledge and human brain reasoning
order to enhance the patient selection for a rapid power [44]. Telemedicine filling the gap between
thrombectomy [27]. Multispecialty hospital and Primary health care
units, where Surgeons and super specialist can
Applications of Artificial Intelligence have
give relevant suggestions and diagnosis online,
also shown importance in prediction of
but they can't provide surgical treatment online.
development of Alzheimer's disease from
positron emission tomography [28], detecting CONCLUSION
cancers in mammograms [29], analyzing CT
scans [30,31], identifying brain tumor lesions Artificial Intelligence is expanding its roots in
Magnetic resonance imaging [32], detecting several branches of medicine, such as radiology,
Arrhythmias [33], identification of cancerous pathology, oncology, surgery, etc. As technology
skin lesions [34,35], assessment of embryo evolves, Artificial Intelligence also able to
quality for maximizing the success chances change the decision of Surgeons and Physicians.
of in vitro fertilization [36], interpretation of Additionally, healthcare professional able to
retinal imaging [37], improvement in genomics keep themselves safe in the era of pandemic
expression [38] etc. (COVID -19), with well programmed robots,
which can scan the patient's vital sign without
Commonly, Outcomes of most of the orthopedic
coming into direct contact with them. Last but
surgeries are uncertain, because even after
not the least, huge clinical evaluation is essential
success full surgeries, surgeons can't avoid
for ensuring the efficiency, accuracy and safety
inevitable complications such as malunion,
of Artificial Intelligence.
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