Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other Types of Real Estate Holdings

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings


1. The condominium act.
a. RA 4726
b. RA 4276
c. RA 8799

2. Established the birth of the condominium corporation.

a. Master deed
b. By-laws
c. Articles of incorporation

3. Foreigner can own up to how many of the total number of units in a condominium.
a. 40%
b. 60%
c. 50%

4. Instances in which Condominium Corporation shall be voluntarily dissolved.

a. That two years after damage or destruction to the project in which the corporation owns or
holds the common areas, which damage or destruction renders a material part thereof, unfit for its
use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its
damage or destruction
b. That three years after damage or destruction to the project in which the corporation owns or
holds the common areas, which damage or destruction renders a material part thereof, unfit for its
use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its
damage or destruction
c. That one year after damage or destruction to the project in which the corporation owns or
holds the common areas, which damage or destruction renders a material part thereof, unfit for its
use prior thereto, the project has not been rebuilt or repaired substantially to its state prior to its
damage or destruction

5. Connecting to a minor road, shall be allowed for blocks not exceeding 60 meters.
a. 4m
b. 6m
c. 8m

6 Width of sidewalk for medium if road width is 8 m.

a. .6 m
b. .8 m
c. 1m

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

7. Minimum lot area of duplex for medium cost.

a. 80 sqm
b. 100 sqm
c. 120 sqm

8. Minimum floor area for open market housing shelter component.

a. 48 square meters
b. 42 square meters
c. 50 square meters

9. Suspension of License to Sell.

a. Upon verified complain by buyer
b. Unverified complain of buyer
c. By seller

10. Shall mean a subdivision plan of a registered land wherein a street, passageway or open space
is delineated on the plan.
a. Complex subdivision plan
b. Simple subdivision plan
c. Compound subdivision plan

11. Minimum drainage pipe.

a. 20 cm
b. 30 cm
c. 40 cm

12. Crown of the roads shall have a slope of not less than.
a. 5%
b. 3%
c. 1.5%

13. Shall mean any of the lots, whether residential, commercial, industrial, or recreational, in a
subdivision project.
a. Condominium lot
b. Subdivision lot
c. Project lot

14. Document showing that developer is authorized to sell any subdivision lot or condominium
unit in the registered project.
a. Permit to sell

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b. License to sell
c. Project permit
15. Real estate tax and assessment on a lot or unit as long as the title has not passed the buyer
shall be paid by.
a. Developer
b. Buyer
c. Seller

16. Maximum length of block or cluster.

a. 300 meter
b. 200 meter
c. 400 meter

17. Minimum Lot Frontage of medium cost regular lot

a. 8m
b. 12 m
c. 10 m

18. Minimum lot area of duplex open market.

a. 120 sqm
b. 96 sqm
c. 110 sqm

19. Width of sidewalk for medium if road width is 10 m.

a. .8 m
b. 1m
c. 1.2 m

20. Width of sidewalk for open market if road width is 15 m.

a. 1.2 m
b. 3m
c. .8 m

21. Allocation in percent for parks and playground if density of unit per hectare is 65 and above.
a. 8%
b. 9%
c. 7%

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

22. Instances in which Condominium Corporation shall be voluntarily dissolved.

a. That the project has been in existence in excess of 50 years, that it is obsolete and
uneconomical, and that more than 50 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the
b. That the project has been in existence in excess of 30 years, that it is obsolete and
uneconomical, and that more than 50 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the
c. That the project has been in existence in excess of 40 years, that it is obsolete and
uneconomical, and that more than 50 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the

23. Evidence of ownership in a condominium unit.

a. Certificate of ownership
b. Original certificate of title
c. Condominium certificate of title

24. Entire parcel of real property divided or to be divided into condominium.

a. Project
b. Building
c. Common unit

25. Profit from some ventures such as swimming pool fee.

a. Common profit
b. Common element
c. Common ventures

26. The condominium can be dissolved by.

a. Affirmative vote of all majority
b. Affirmative vote of all member
c. Affirmative vote of 80%

27. If there is no provision in the master deed ownership of common areas is .

a. Equal
b. Based on floor area being own
c. By unit

28. Lays down the provisions for insurance coverage, management, maintenance and
a. By-Laws
b. Master deed
c. Deed of restriction

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

29. Hold title on the land of the condominium project.

a. Condominium Corporation
b. Association
c. Project owner

30. Conflict of provision between article of incorporation and master deed, which shall prevail.
a. Article of Incorporation
b. Master deed
c. Association

31. Formation of Condominium Corporation is.

a. Optional
b. Necessary
c. It depends

32. Allocation in percent for parks and playground if density of unit per hectare is 20 and below.
a. 4%
b. 3.5%
c. 5%

33. Allocation in percent for parks and playground if density of unit per hectare is 21 and 25.
a. 6%
b. 5%
c. 4%

34. Allocation in percent for parks and playground if density of unit per hectare is 51 and 65.
a. 7%
b. 8%
c. 9%

35. Width of Planting Strips for medium cost if road width is 8 m.

a. .4 m
b. .6 m
c. .8 m

36. Minimum lot area of rowhouse open market.

a. 80 sqm
b. 60 sqm
c. 100 sqm

37. Minimum lot area of single detach for medium cost.

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

a. 100 sqm
b. 110 sqm
c. 120 sqm

38. Minimum floor area for medium cost housing shelter component.
a. 40 sqm
b. 20 sqm
c. 30 sqm

39. Mandatory distance for provision of street lighting per pole.

a. 60 m
b. 40 m
c. 50 m

40. Weeks that License to sell shall be obtained by developer from registration of project.
a. Two weeks
b. Three weeks
c. Four weeks

41. Shall have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate the real trade and business in accordance with the
provisions of PD 957.
b. NHA
c. HGC

42. Minimum water supply requirement per capita household.

a. 100 liters
b. 150 liters
c. 80 liters

43. When a major road used as main access road, it shall not be less than.
a. 10 meters
b. 12 meters
c. 8 meters

44. Shall mean any person directly engaged as principal in the business of buying, selling or
exchanging real estate whether on a full-time or part-time basis.
a. Owner
b. Seller
c. Dealer
45. Shall mean the person who develops or improves the subdivision project or condominium
project for and in behalf of the owner thereof.
a. Owner

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b. Developer
c. Seller

46. Shall refer to the registered owner of the land subject of a subdivision or a condominium
a. Seller
b. Buyer
c. Owner

47. The registered owner or developer of the subdivision or condominium project, upon
completion of the development of said project may donate the roads and open spaces found within
the project to the city or municipality wherein the project is located.
a. Optional
b. Mandatory
c. Voluntary

48. Shall initiate the organization of a homeowners association among the buyers and residents of
the projects for the purpose of promoting and protecting their mutual interest and assist in their
community development.
a. Developer of condominium project
b. Owners
c. Corporation

49. Minimum Lot Frontage open market irregular lot

a. 10 m
b. 8m
c. 6m

50. Minimum Lot Frontage medium cost interior lot.

a. 4m
b. 3m
c. 5m

51. Width of Planting Strips for medium cost if road width is 10 m.

a. 1m
b. .6 m
c. .8 m

52. Major road right of way for medium cost if project size is 2.5 hectare and below.
a. 12 m
b. 10 m
c. 15 m

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

53. Major road right of way for medium cost if project size is above 30 hectares.
a. 15 m
b. 12 m
c. 10

54. If there is no Zoning Ordinance or approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan what principle shall
a. Dominant land use
b. Eminent domain
c. Police power

55. Maximum saleable are of open market and medium cost subdivision.
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 70%

56. Maximum non saleable area of open market and medium cost subdivision.
a. 30%
b. 40%
c. 20%

57. Established birth of the condominium project.

a. By laws
b. Master deed
c. Articles of Incorporation

58. Pays realty tax in condominium project.

a. Individual unit owner
b. Corporation
c. Association

59. Entire project excepting units separately granted or held reserve.

a. Common areas
b. Reserve area
c. Project area

60. To divide the ownership thereof or other ownership therein.

a. To divide real estate
b. To subdivide real estate
c. Division of real estate

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

61. Ownership consisting of individual co-owners residing in multiunit structures who have joint
ownership in common areas.
a. Corporation
b. Subdivision
c. Condominium

62. An act amending section four and section sixteen of RA 4726.

a. RA 8799
b. RA 7899
c. RA 4726

63. Maybe amended or revoke upon registration of instrument executed by simple majority of the
registered owners of the property.
a. Articles of Incorporation
b. Master deed
c. By-Laws

64. The term of the condominium corporation is coterminous with the condominium .
a. Association
b. Building
c. Project

65. Minimum strength for road pavement

a. 22.7 Mega Pascal
b. 21.7 Mega Pascal
c. 20.7 Mega Pascal

66. Minimum thickness of asphalt pavement in PD 957.

a. 50 millimeters
b. 60 millimeters
c. 70 millimeters

67. Sidewalk pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength.

a. 16.2 Mega Pascal
b. 17.2 Mega Pascal
c. 15.2 Mega Pascal

68. Minimum lot area of single detach open market.

a. 120 sqm
b. 100 sqm
c. 110 sqm

69. Minimum number of houses per block or cluster.

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a. 20 unit
b. 15 unit
c. 10 unit

70. No real estate dealer, broker or salesman shall engage in the business of selling subdivision
or condominium units unless he has.
a. Registered with DTI
b. Registered with DENR
c. Registered with HLURB

71. Revocation of Registration Certificate and License to Sell.

a. Unverified complain of buyer
b. Upon verified complain by buyer
c. By seller

72. Shall mean a tract or a parcel of land registered under Act No. 496 which is partitioned
primarily for residential purposes into individual lots with or without improvements thereon, and
offered to the public for sale, in cash or in installment terms.
a. Subdivision project
b. Project lot
c. Condominium

73. Shall include any contract to buy, purchase, or otherwise acquire for a valuable consideration a
subdivision lot, including the building and other improvements, if any, in a subdivision project or a
condominium unit in a condominium project.
a. Development
b. Realty
c. Buy and sell

74. The rights of the buyer in the event of his failure to pay the installments due for reasons other
than the failure of the owner or developer to develop the project shall be governed by.
a. RA 5662
b. RA 6552
c. RA 6523

75. The owner or developer shall deliver the title of the lot or unit to the buyer upon.
a. 50% paid
b. 80% paid
c. Full payment

76. No owner or developer shall change or alter the roads, open spaces, infrastructures, facilities

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

public use and/or other form of subdivision development as contained in the approved subdivision
plan and/or represented in its advertisements, without the permission of the Authority and the
written conformity or consent of the .
a. homeowners' association

b. corporation
c. buyer

77. Shall include every disposition, or attempt to dispose, for a valuable consideration, of a
subdivision lot, including the building and other improvements thereof, if any, in a subdivision
project or condominium unit in a condominium project.
a. Sale or sell
b. Foreclose
c. Auction

78. Shall mean a natural or a juridical person.

a. Corporation
b. Person
c. Partnership

79. Caliper diameter of shrubs and desirable ground cover per Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) rules that shall be preserved.
a. 200 millimeter
b. 150 millimeter
c. 100 millimeter

80. Minimum Lot Frontage open market duplex

a. 12 m
b. 10 m
c. 8m

81. Minimum Lot Frontage open market rowhouse.

a. 4m
b. 5m
c. 6m

82. Width of Planting Strips for open market if road width is 12 m.

a. .6 m
b. .8 m
c. 1m

83. Width of sidewalk for open market if road width is 12 m.

a. 1.2 m

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b. 1m
c. .8 m

84. Major road right of way for open market if project size is 2.5 hectare and below.
a. 15 m
b. 12 m
c. 10 m

85. Major road right of way for open market i; project size is above 30 hectares.
a. 15 m
b. 12 m
c. 10 m

86. In times when Condominium Corporation involuntarily dissolved, whose rights are superior?
a. Owners
b. Creditors
c. Corporation

87. The corporation shall not be voluntarily dissolved through an action for dissolution under
Rule 104 of the Rules of Court until this document is revoked.
a. Certificate of title
b. Articles of Incorporation
c. Master deed

88. Instances in which corporation shall be voluntarily dissolved.

a. The damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-half or more of the units therein
untenable and that more than 30 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the repair
b. The damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-third or more of the units therein
untenable and that more than 30 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the repair
c. The damage or destruction to the project has rendered one-half or more of the units therein
untenable and that more than 20 percent of the members of the corporation opposed to the repair

89. Sum assessed by the association but unpaid by a unit owner.

a. Enforceable lien
b. Debts
c. Balance

90. Owners of the apartment in a condominium can do all of the following.

a. Mortgage the common property
b. Lease their unit

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

c. Partition the common

91. Part of the condominium project intended for any type of independent ownership.
a. Building
b. Unit
c. Stairs

92. Instances in which Condominium Corporation shall be voluntarily dissolved.

a. That the project or material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the
project is no longer viable or that the members holding in aggregate more than 70 percent interest
in the corporation opposed to the continuation of condominium regime
b. That the project or material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the
project is no longer viable or that the members holding in aggregate more than 60 percent interest
in the corporation opposed to the continuation of condominium regime
c. That the project or material part thereof has been condemned or expropriated and that the
project is no longer viable or that the members holding in aggregate more than 50 percent interest
in the corporation opposed to the continuation of condominium regime

93. Interior Subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest public road and the
right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting road with a minimum width of ____.
a. 6m
b. 8m
c. 10 m

94. Subdivision projects abutting main public road must provide a setback at both sides of the
subdivision entrance to accommodate loading and unloading of passengers.
a. 3m deep by 5 m length
b. 3m deep by 4 m length
c. 4m deep by 5 m length

95. Width of Planting Strips for open market if road width is 15 m.

a. 3m
b. 1.2 m
c. 1.3 m
96. Minimum thickness of concrete pavement in PD 957.
a. 120 milimeters
b. 150 milimeters
c. 100 milimeters

97. Minimum lot area of rowhouse for medium cost.

a. 80 sqm
b. 50 sqm
c. 100 sqm

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98. Minimum Lot Frontage of open market corner lot.

a. 10 m
b. 8m
c. 12 m

99. Any Person in violation of PD 957 shall be penalized with.

a. Fine of not more than twenty thousand (P20,000.00) pesos and/or imprisonment of not more
than ten (10) years
b. Fine of not more than twenty thousand (P20,000.00) pesos and/or imprisonment of not more
than seven (7) years
c. Fine of not more than twenty thousand (P20,000.00) pesos and/or imprisonment of not more
than six (6) years

100. Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall in no case be less than.
a. 100 sqm
b. 80 sqm
c. 50 sqm

1 A 22 A 43 A
2 C 23 C 44 C
3 A 24 A 45 B
4 B 25 A 46 C
5 B 26 B 47 A
6 A 27 A 48 A
7 A 28 C 49 C
8 B 29 A 50 B
9 A 30 B 51 C
10 A 31 A 52 B
11 B 32 B 53 A
12 C 33 C 54 A
13 B 34 A 55 C
14 B 35 A 56 A
15 A 36 B 57 B
16 C 37 A 58 A
17 C 38 C 59 A
18 B 39 C 60 A
19 C 40 A 61 C
20 A 41 B 62 B
21 B 42 B 63 B

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Condominium Concept and Other Types and Other types of Real Estate Holdings

64 C 78 B 92 A
65 C 79 A 93 C
66 A 80 C 94 A
67 B 81 A 95 C
68 A 82 B 96 B
69 A 83 A 97 B
70 C 84 C 98 C
71 B 85 A 99 A
72 A 86 B 100 A
73 C 87 C
74 B 88 A
75 C 89 A
76 A 90 C
77 A 91 B


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