Anlaysis Sediment Transport Data
Anlaysis Sediment Transport Data
Anlaysis Sediment Transport Data
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4 authors, including:
Jens-Uwe Wiesemann
Technische Universität Darmstadt
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J.-U. Wiesemann
Lahmeyer International GmbH, Bad Vilbel, Germany
A.S. Elzein
Dams Implementation Unit, Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity, Khartoum, Sudan
ABSTRACT: The River Nile is the backbone for the water resources management within Sudan. The
heavy sediment load of the river imposes challenges for hydropower and irrigation. A comprehensive sedi-
ment measurement program was initiated in 2004 to develop the design and operation of eight planned
dams and one existing dam. Analysis of the first data set from 2005 to 2008 are presented. Suspended
sediment measured at the station El Koro composes mainly of silt (60%), clay (34%) and a small portion
of fine sand (6%). The discharge varied between 454 and 11,335 m3/s, and the sediment concentration
from 0.004 to 14.6 g/l. The relation between concentration and discharge shows a dominant clockwise
hysteresis for the entire flood season. However, counterclockwise loops have been noted for short periods.
By dividing the flood to rising limb, falling limb and base flow, empirical relations were developed to
account for the hysteresis effect.
Keywords: suspended sediment; hysteresis; discharge-concentration relation; field data; River Nile
1 introduction
Williams (1989) systematically explored and
grouped the hysteresis loops in five common
classes; single valued, clockwise, counterclockwise,
single valued plus a loop, and eight-shaped. In
general, clockwise hysteresis with higher sediment
concentrations during the rising stage are reported
(e.g. Williams 1989, Ahanger et al. 2008, Baĉa
2008, Wang & Linker 2008).
Ahanger et al. (2008) showed that even for data
obtained in laboratory experiments it is a chal-
lenging task to relate suspended load to water
discharge. Nevertheless, functional relationships
are required in order to make long-term forecasts Figure 3. Data set at station El Koro (flood periods are
for dams operation, like flushing. For this purpose indicated by the arrows).
a new key station has been established at El Koro
(see Fig. 1) in 2004 where water level, discharge
and suspended sediment concentration are meas- water discharge, suspended sediment transport, and
ured on a regular basis. bed material started in August 2005.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the The discharge was determined via measurements
station El Koro and the data set measured in the of the flow velocity with a Price AA current meter
years 2005 to 2008. First results of discharge and in 2005. Since 2006 discharge measurements have
suspended sediment concentration analysis are been done with a Workhorse Rio Grande ADCP.
presented. Depth-integrated measurements of the sus-
pended load were carried out with an US P-61 sam-
pler at four verticals within the cross-section. The
2 Data base positions of the verticals were determined by sub-
dividing the cross-section in increments of equal
2.1 Station El Koro discharge. At the same verticals bed material was
The measuring station El Koro was installed in sampled with an US BM-54. The positioning of
2004. El Koro is located about 35 km upstream of the boat, which carried the measuring equipment,
the backwater curve of Merowe Dam and 225 km was determined with a laser range finder referenc-
downstream of the confluence with Atbara River, ing to fixed poles with reflectors on each bank.
the last tributary of the Nile. Thus, the station
allows to collect samples of almost the total sedi- 2.2 Water level and discharge
ment load of the River Nile.
The rectangular cross-section of the station is At El Koro simultaneous measurements of water
ca. 550 m wide and ca. 10 m deep (see Fig. 2). It is level and discharge are available for the period from
located in the last quarter of an 8 km long almost August 2005 to November 2008 (see Fig. 3). The
straight reach of the River Nile. relation between discharge and water level follows
An overview of the data analysed in this paper is a polynomial function with high accuracy, indi-
given in Figure 3. The station is equipped with a staff cated by a coefficient of regression of 0.998. This
gauge to determine the water level. Since May 2004 allows to calculate the discharge for the days when
daily gauge readings are available. Measurements of only the water level was recorded. The hydrographs
of discharge and water level for the years 2005 to
2008 are shown in Figure 4.
During the low flow season from November
to June the average discharge is about 1000 m3/s.
The rain fall events in the catchment areas of the
two main sources White Nile on Equatorial Lakes
Plateau and Blue Nile on Ethiopian Plateau lead
to a rapid increase of the discharge which peaks on
average at 10,500 m3/s in August.
Figure 4. Hydrographs of discharge and water level. Figure 6. Characteristic diameters of suspended sedi-
ment as a function of the discharge.
g rain-size d100 = 1 mm, on average. A lateral sort- suspended sediment concentration on the cross-
ing of the grain-size distribution of the bed sectional position was determined. Thus, the cross-
material within the cross-section is not evident. sectional averages are calculated and analysed in the
Plotting characteristic diameters as a function of following. The concentration is plotted as a func-
the discharge (Fig. 5) reveals that the bed material tion of the discharge in Figure 7. It increases lin-
becomes finer with increasing discharge. early with the discharge up to a value of 1600 m3/s.
For higher discharges the data scatter remarkably.
2.4 Grain-size distribution of suspended sediment
The grain-size distribution of the suspended sedi- 3 suspendeD sediment dynamics
ment was determined for selected samples in the
years 2005, 2007, and 2008 (see Fig. 3). The sam- The data, presented in Figure 7, scatter distinctly
ples were taken at discharges between 4000 and less when the date of sampling is considered in the
11,000 m3/s. Analysis of the data revealed no depend- rating curve. Figure 8 shows the rating curves of
ency of the grain-size of suspended sediment on the suspended sediment concentration sorted accord-
position within the cross-section. Moreover, the ing to the class of hysteresis as suggested by
characteristic diameters of the suspended sediment Williams (1989).
show no relation with neither the discharge, shown In general, the hysteresis have clockwise trends
in Figure 6, nor the magnitude of the suspended with higher sediment concentrations during the
sediment concentration. On average the suspended rising stage, which is typical for large rivers accord-
sediment consists of 34% clay, 60% silt, and 6% fine ing to Baĉa (2008). However, in the years 2005 and
sand with a maximum diameter of 0.09 mm. 2007 counterclockwise loops occurred during the
rise of the flood (Fig. 8a), which was not observed
in the years 2006 and 2008 (Fig. 8b).
2.5 Suspended sediment concentration
The big loops in 2005 and 2007 correspond to sud-
As for the grain-size distribution of bed material den drops in the discharge. The discharge decreased
and suspended sediment no dependency of the in 2005 within three days by about 2200 m3/s, and
Thus, the most likely reason for the counter-
clockwise loops within the clockwise hysteresis
is the first one given by Williams (1989), i.e. that
changes in discharge travel with wave velocity but
the suspended sediment travel with a velocity close
to mean flow velocity, which is slower.
Due to the described hysteresis of the suspended
sediment concentration and the discharge a unique
relationship for a rating curve cannot be found. To
account for the hysteresis and to improve the corre-
lation, first, it was distinguished between dry season
and flood season, and second, the flood was divided
into rising and falling limbs. Thus, the rating curve
could be subdivided into three parts with different
functional relationships according to the discharge.
Figure 9 shows the data, already presented in
Figure 7, sorted according to the three divisions
in a semi-logarithmic plot. A linear relation for a
discharge less than 1600 m3/s had been calculated.
In the rising limb of the hydrograph, a logarithmic
function was fitted, and an exponential trend for
the falling limb of the hydrograph until a discharge
of 1600 m3/s was reached again.
Figure 8. Rating curve of suspended sediment concen- In the years 2005 to 2008 the concentration of
tration considering time, a) for the years 2005 and 2007, suspended sediment always peaked at a discharge of
b) for the years 2006 and 2008. about 9000 m3/s, i.e. before the maximum discharge
was reached. Thus, the boundary value between the
rising and the falling limb was set to 9000 m3/s.
in 2007 within five days by about 1700 m3/s. In both The base flow below 1600 m3/s is well presented
years the absolute maximum of suspended sediment by the linear trend and also the assumption of
concentration was measured at the first day of the an exponential function for the falling limb is
decreased discharge. With a time lag of one day quite satisfying. However, it is obvious that the
also the sediment concentrations decreased. Also function for the rising limb needs improvement.
smaller counterclockwise loops could be related to Especially, the highest sediment concentrations
steep negative gradients of the discharge. are not well considered by the logarithmic trend.
Williams (1989) gave three possible reasons It is not expected that the values are outliers, but
for counterclockwise hysteresis: the relative travel measuring concentrations larger than 10 g/l only
times of flood wave and sediment flux, high soil four times within four years (three floods) does
erodibility combined with prolonged erosion, and not justify fitting to the extreme values. Moreover,
seasonal variability of rainfall distribution and of the large scatter of the sediment concentration
sediment production in the catchment. between 4 and 10 g/l at discharges between 6000
The main source of suspended sediment is
definitely soil erosion in the Ethiopian highlands.
However, information about rain fall intensity
and areal distribution were not available for this
study, and thus cannot be discussed. Moreover,
the second and third reason given by Williams
(1989) are more related to the overall behaviour of
the hysteresis and not to short-term effects. Local
sediment sources like bank failures, as observed in
the field after abrupt water level drops, or reservoir
flushing could be assumed to contribute to the sed-
iment concentration. However, dam operations did
not temporally correlate with changes in the con-
centration trends, and the amount of suspended
sediment delivered by bank failures seem to vanish Figure 9. Rating curve of suspended sediment concen-
compared to the sediment concentration caused by tration and trends sorted according to base flow, rising
soil erosion in the catchment. limb, and falling limb (open symbols are outliers).
and 9000 m3/s requires further consideration.
Discussing Figure 8 it has been shown that the
gradient of the discharge plays an important role.
Thus, it is expected that implementing the gra-
dient of the discharge as suggested by Wang &
Linker (2008) will lead to a better estimation of
the suspended sediment concentration.
Figure 10 shows the calculated and measured
hydrographs of suspended sediment concentration
together with the hydrograph of the discharge.
4 Conclusion
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