Estimation of Groundwater Recharge GIS
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge GIS
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge GIS
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Estimation of groundwater recharge using a GIS-based distributed
water balance model in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Abstract Sustainable groundwater management requires Groundwater potential is directly dependent on recharge.
knowledge of recharge. Recharge is also an important Groundwater recharge can be defined as the entry into the
parameter in groundwater flow and transport models. saturated zone of water made available at the water-table
Spatial variation in recharge due to distributed land-us.e, surface (Freeze and Cherry 1979). It is the most important
soil texture, topography, groundwater level, and hydro- parameter for groundwater sustainability in arid and
meteorological conditions should be accounted for in semiarid regions because the abstraction from a ground-
recharge estimation. However, conventional point-estimates water reservoir should, in the long term, not be larger than
of recharge are not easily extrapolated or regionalized. In this the long-term average recharge. Quantifying groundwater
study, a spatially distributed water balance model WetSpass recharge is thus a prerequisite for efficient and sustainable
was used to simulate long-term average recharge using land- groundwater resource management. As aquifers are
use, soil texture, topography, and hydrometeorological depleted, recharge estimates have become more essential in
parameters in Dire Dawa, a semiarid region of Ethiopia. determining appropriate levels of groundwater withdrawal
WetSpass is a physically based methodology for estimation (de Vries and Simmers 2002). Unfortunately, there has been
of the long-term average spatial distribution of surface no such study conducted in the Dire Dawa groundwater
runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. basin, a semiarid region in eastern Ethiopia.
The long-term temporal and spatial average annual rainfall As there are no surface-water resources, groundwater is
of 626 mm was distributed as: surface runoff of 126 mm the sole source of water supply for domestic, agricultural,
(20%), evapotranspiration of 468 mm (75%), and recharge and industrial use in the Dire Dawa area. Dire Dawa is the
of 28 mm (5%). This recharge corresponds to 817l/s for the second largest industrial and commercial town in the
920.12 km2 study area, which is less than the often-assumed country. The Sabian well field, located in the town,
1,000l/s recharge for the Dire Dawa groundwater catchment. supplies water to the town. In addition, there are a number
of wells owned by individuals for domestic and industrial
Keywords Ethiopia . Geographic information systems . uses. Dire Jara well field is also soon to be operational to
Groundwater recharge/water budget . Water balance . supply water at a rate of 240 l/s to Harar, which is another
WetSpass large and historical town about 65 km south-east of the
Dire Jara area. The groundwater level in the Sabian well
field has been dropping over the years to such an extent
Introduction that at present some of the wells (e.g. PW1, PW2, and
PW3) are dry. The water level measured in four boreholes
Knowledge of groundwater resource potential is important (PW5, PW6, PW7, and PW9) showed an average water
for groundwater management and sustainable use. level decline of 11 m from its initial measured value in
1989 (Dire Dawa Administrative Council integrated
Received: 8 June 2008 / Accepted: 2 March 2009
Published online: 24 March 2009 resource development master plan study project, water
works design and supervision enterprise (WWDSE), Vol. III
© Springer-Verlag 2009 (Water resources), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, unpublished,
2004; cited hereafter as ‘WWDSE 2004 unpublished’). This
K. Tilahun : B. J. Merkel indicates, at least, the existence of imbalance between
Department of Hydrogeology, abstraction and replenishment. However, the only informa-
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, tion available on recharge in Dire Dawa groundwater basin is
Gustav-Zeuner Straße 12, 09599, Freiberg, Germany various estimates based on very crude assumptions (Harar
Present Address: water supply project groundwater resources. Ministry of
K. Tilahun ()) Water Resources, Ethiopia, unpublished, 2005 (cited here-
School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences, after as BCEOM-WWDSE-CECE 2005 unpublished);
Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, Australia Greitzer 1970; WWDSE 2004 unpublished). These studies
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +49-3731-392039 used some simplified approaches to estimate recharge such
Fax: +49-373-1392720 as assumption of runoff coefficient and use of spring
Fig. 1 The study site showing DDAC, Dire Dawa groundwater basin, well fields, towns, and surface drainage
P ¼ Ss þ Es þ Rs ð4Þ
P ¼ So þ Eo þ Ro ð5Þ
P ¼ Si þ Ei þ Ri ð6Þ
and Rycroft (1988), Pilgrim and Cordery (1992), and
Chow et al. (1988). In the second stage, the potential where the index i refers to impervious surfaces. The total
surface runoff is adjusted for recharge areas by taking into water balance, per raster cell and hydrological season is
account the seasonal precipitation intensity distribution stated as:
(Pi) in relation to the soil infiltration capacity (Ic; Rubin,
1966) as: ET c ¼ av ET v þ as Es þ ao Eo þ ai Ei ð7aÞ
Table 1 Linear regression between elevation and climatic data of the study area
Precipitation (mm) Temperature (°C) Potential ET (mm) Wind (m/s)
Equation R2 Equation R2 Equation R2
Winter 0.039Z + 107 0.600 −0.0066Z + 31 0.924 −0.176Z + 1107 0.936 1.5
Summer 0.231Z + 132 0.821 −0.0087Z + 37 0.915 −0.291Z + 1428 0.783 2.7
Annual 0.273Z + 238 0.880 −0.0077Z + 34 0.919 −0.467Z + 2535 0.871 2.1
Z = elevation (masl)
6. Elevation and slope higher recharge rates than do fine-grained soils (Cook et al.
1992). The textural map of the catchment was adapted from
A 90 m digital elevation model (DEM) of the study the map prepared during the Dire Dawa Administrative
area was developed by mosaicking individual 1° blocks of Council master plan study (WWDSE 2004 unpublished).
three arc second (Fig. 7). Elevation varies from 1,028 to The soil textural class with corresponding area coverage is:
2,673 masl with an average of 1,503 masl. The slope was loam (41%), sandy clay loam (28%), sandy loam (19%),
derived from the elevation map using ArcView. The loamy sand (6%), sandy clay (3%), and silty clay (3%)
average slope of the major land-use classes in the study area (Fig. 9).
is: urban and built-up area (4% slope), bare land (10% Almost all of the urban land (94%) is covered with
slope), cultivated land (9% slope), and physiognomic sandy loam soil. About 73% of the bare land is loam soil.
vegetation (7% slope). The urban areas (i.e. Dire Dawa and The cultivated land is covered by 49, 23, and 13% sandy
Melka Jebdu) are located in the plain area. In general, the clay loam, loam, and loamy sand respectively while 41, 35
minimum, average, and maximum slopes of the area are 0, 8, and 16% of physiognomic land is loam, sandy loam, and
and 39% respectively (Fig. 8). sandy clay loam respectively.
Fig. 7 Topographic map of Dire Dawa catchment (meters above sea level)
Fig. 10 Average annual surface runoff from Dire Dawa catchment modeled by WetSpass
in runoff rates was observed, which can be attributed to a result potential evapotranspiration is high. The urban and
number of factors. Areas close to the southern catchment built-up areas are mainly impervious surfaces with lower
divide have higher amount of runoff. This is due to the evaporation and transpiration.
high slope and heavy soil texture (sandy clay loam). The Evapotranspiration has two components: evaporation
other area with high runoff is the north eastern periphery, and transpiration. Soil evaporation was highest from bare
an area with bare land, sand clay soil, and high slope. lands and lowest from urban and built-up areas (Fig. 13).
Despite sandy loam soil and plain topography, a higher Transpiration was highest from physiognomic vegetation
runoff was also simulated for the town of Dire Dawa. This and lowest from urban and built-up areas (Fig. 14). As
is due to the impervious surfaces in the urban area which shown in Fig. 15, in the urban and bare land areas,
prohibit infiltration and promote runoff. evaporation dominates while in the cultivated land and
The annual surface water balance of the Dire Dawa physiognomic vegetation areas transpiration dominates.
groundwater basin for major land-use units is presented in The WetSpass simulated recharge to the Dire Dawa
Fig. 11. The average simulated annual runoff in the study groundwater basin is presented in Fig. 16. The average
catchment is 126 mm which is 20% of annual precipitation. annual recharge in the Dire Dawa groundwater basin is
The highest runoff rate occurs from urban and built-up areas 28 mm. This is 5% of the average annual precipitation
because of impervious surfaces in this land-use class. The (626 mm) over the catchment. About 80% (22 mm) of the
next highest runoff was from cultivated lands. This is due to recharge occurs on the escarpment with the remaining
the high slope (9%) and the soil type (49% sandy clay loam) 20% (6 mm) occurring in the plain area. Considering the
both of which are major factors to initiate runoff. Plain areas, 920.12 km2 of the study area, this corresponds to 817 l/s
more sandy soil covers, and areas with vegetation cover have of recharge. For a sustainable groundwater use the
low runoff rates. abstraction from the basin should thus not exceed this
The simulated actual evapotranspiration is presented in rate. From the water balance of the catchment (Fig. 11), it
Fig. 12. The average annual actual evapotranspiration can be seen that high recharge occurs from bare land on
(ET) from the catchment was 468 mm which is 75% of the the escarpment. This land-use unit has lower runoff and
annual precipitation (Fig. 11). The highest actual ET was evapotranspiration compared to the cultivated land.
from physiognomic vegetation followed by cultivated Batelaan and De Smedt (2001) have also found the
land. The least ET was from urban and built-up areas. highest simulated recharges on bare soils in the interfluves
The physiognomic vegetations are mainly in the plain of Gote Nete Basin, Belgium. Another good recharge area
lowland areas where the temperature is high and as a is the high lands near Kulubi. This is due to the high
Urban Bare Cultivated Physiognomic
Fig. 11 WetSpass simulations for runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and recharge for different land-use classes in the study area
precipitation and low evaporation in these areas. The area. The sandy soil texture and the plain topography of
lowest recharge was found for physiognomic vegetation. the town of Dire Dawa favors recharge. For a similar
Unlike observations in other studies (e.g. De Smedt semiarid region in northern Ethiopia, Asfaw (2005) found
and Batelaan 2003), the urban and built-up areas in this runoff, evapotranspiration, and recharge rates of 16.7,
study have relatively high recharge. This is due to the fact 75.6, and 7.7% of precipitation respectively. Higher
that, unlike the areas in the former studies, the ratio of recharge and lower runoff might be because he used the
bare lands to impervious lands is high in the Dire Dawa same parameters, including rainfall intensity, as used for
Fig. 13 WetSpass simulated average annual soil evaporation from Dire Dawa catchment
Fig. 14 WetSpass simulated average annual transpiration from Dire Dawa catchment
400 sand (9%), sandy clay (4%), sandy loam (3%), silty clay
(1%). The loam area in the escarpment is mainly bare land
300 while the sandy clay loam area close to the catchment
divide is cultivated land.
200 The annual water balance of Dire Dawa catchment
summarized by soil textural classes is presented in Fig. 17.
The sandy clay loam area receives the highest rainfall
amount (741 mm). The highest runoff is generated from
sandy clay loam area which is located in the high slope
Urban Bare Cultivated Physiognomic and high rainfall area. The runoff rate increases as the soil
Landuse gets heavier: loamy sand (36 mm), sandy loam (50 mm),
Fig. 15 Evaporation and transpiration components of actual loam (68 mm), sandy clay loam (237 mm), sandy clay
evapotranspiration components in different land-use units (280 mm), silty clay (253 mm). The evapotranspiration
seems not to show a clear pattern with soil texture as has
the temperate condition in WetSpass. However, in this also been observed by Zhang et al. (2004). It is rather
study, rainfall intensity, a major factor affecting runoff much affected by elevation, with soils in the plain area
rate, was determined from 30 years hourly rainfall data at (high temperature area) having high evapotranspiration.
Dire Dawa.
Loamy sand Sandy loam Loam Sandy clay Sandy clay Silty clay
Soil texture
Fig. 17 Annual precipitation and WetSpass simulated runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and recharge for soil texture classes in the Dire
Dawa catchment
report of the joint work by BCEOM-WWDSE-CECE approach, the groundwater recharge in DDAC was
(2005 unpublished), a runoff coefficient of 10% was estimated to be 910 l/s. In the steady-state flow approx-
assumed based on a study conducted in the nearby imation or Darcy method, groundwater recharge was
Alemaya catchment. Recharge estimated in this way was estimated by assuming about 5.5 km width of aquifer in
24% of precipitation in Kulubi area and 8% in the the NW–NE groundwater flow direction, its gradient in
Dengego area. It would be obvious that this recharge is this flow direction, and the average transmissivity of the
so high because of the low runoff estimate in the water aquifer. The estimated recharge was 1,018 l/s.
balance (i.e., low runoff coefficient of 10%). Recommended
runoff coefficients for agricultural/croplands are 40%, for
grass lands/herb lands 25%, and for urban area 70%
(Schwab et al. 1993). Using spring-area relationship for the Conclusions
260 km2 area between Melka Jebdu and Hurso, a spring
discharge of 363 l/s (i.e., 44 mm or 6% of the mean annual A water balance of a semiarid region groundwater system
rainfall of 721 mm) was estimated. in Ethiopia was determined using a GIS-based distributed
Sir Alexander Gibb and Seureca consulting engineers hydrologic model WetSpass. The goal was to estimate
(the town of Harar water supply, Hydrogeological study recharge to the economically and socially important Dire
interim working paper. Ministry of Water Resources, Dawa aquifer. Use was made of the available field data
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, unpublished, 1996), who estimated and GIS technology to determine the seasonal and annual
a yield of 110 l/s for a 90 km2 area for Dire Jara and 100 l/s runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and recharge. The
for the 85 km2 Hurso area, which is adjacent to Dire Jara simulated recharge map reflected the already perceived
area, stated that recharge over 5% of mean annual rainfall is knowledge about the recharge and discharge areas. It was
unlikely. Greitzer (1970) based on the study of recharge in found that the annual rainfall is apportioned as: 75%
Harar area estimated 40 to 50 mm recharge on the evapotranspiration, 20% runoff, and 5% recharge. Con-
sedimentary rocks and 30 mm for the alluvial plains in Dire sidering the 920.12 km2 area of the catchment, this
Dawa. This recharge is about 6.5–5% of the mean rainfall. estimated recharge corresponds to 817 l/s. This is less
WWDSE (2004 unpublished) estimated recharge for than the currently assumed recharge of 1,000 l/s. The fact
Dire Dawa and Dire Jara areas by taking different that the latter is not the true recharge is already evidenced
infiltration coefficients for different rocks based on the by declining groundwater levels in boreholes pumped at
Abbay Basin Master Plan Study Hydrogeology Report by equivalent rate in the Sabian well field.
BCEOM (Abbay River basin integrated development The current knowledge based on the available infor-
master plan project, Vol. II, part 3: hydrogeology. Ministry mation tells us that the recharge to the Dire Dawa aquifer
of Water Resources, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, unpublished, is less than what was already thought. The future
1997) and Darcy’s approach. The assumed infiltration groundwater development and management in the area
coefficients were: alluvial deposits (3%), basalts (2%), should take this into account. The result is also useful for
upper sandstone (10%), Hamanlei sandstone (10%), groundwater modeling and vulnerability studies in the
Adigrat sandstone (2%), and basement rocks (2%). In this area. However, it should be noted that the current recharge