Numerical Modeling of A River Site For In-Stream Energy Converters
Numerical Modeling of A River Site For In-Stream Energy Converters
Numerical Modeling of A River Site For In-Stream Energy Converters
of interest.
Water in rivers flows downhill driven by potential en-
ergy. This potential energy has traditionally been con-
verted to electricity by hydropower turbines. Less com-
mon is to extract the kinetic energy in river flows using
in-stream mounted turbines, although this has gained in-
creased attention in the past years, and various methods
to do this are described in [2]. The concepts are similar
to tidal energy systems, although smaller in scale, but the
information can be mutually valuable for both research
areas. Stockholm
The extraction of kinetic energy from moving water is
highly dependent on the current speed and for a resource
assessment it is therefore important that the nature of the
flow is accurately described. Numerical methods have
been used in e.g. [3] where time series of the veloc-
ity around Portland Bill were produced, in [4] where (a) Outline map of Sweden.
effects of tidal energy extraction at Portland Bill was
estimated and in [5] where the extractable resource in Lake
m3 /s
Table 1: ADCP measurement parameters. Figure 4: Regression plot between hour averaged ADCP cur-
rent speed and flow.
Frequency 1200 kHz 600 kHz only basic properties such as bottom stress. The govern-
Ensemble interval 6 min 6 min ing equations are the well known depth averaged shal-
Pings/ensemble 50 50 low water model. The main equations are well described
Bin size 0.25 m 0.5 m in [8] and are therefore omitted from this work. The
Measured depth range 4.5 m 2.5 m equations used to describe the conditions at the site are
ADCP depth 6.5–7 m 5.5–6 m presented below.
Duration of deployment 33 days 29 days
Standard deviation 96 mm/s 119 mm/s 3.1 Theory
ment has thus been omitted, but the water level readings In Mike21 Flow model FM [8], bottom friction is as-
were used to compare with the 1200 kHz ADCP, Fig 3. sumed to vary quadratically with the velocity above the
bottom according to
1200 kHz
600 kHz τ~b = ρ c f u~M u~M .
Manning number, M as
−0.1 g
cf = 2 . (1)
−0.2 Mh1/6
18/2,23.18 28/2,21.18 h is the total depth which is the sum of the still water
depth, d and water level deviation from this, ηM . The
Figure 3: Water level measured by the two ADCPs. Manning number represents the bottom surface rough-
ness and is the resistance to flow in channels. It depends
The data from the ADCP was compared with flow on factors such as the type and size of the material of the
and water level readings. The hourly averaged flow channel, and the shape of the channel [9].
data was provided by Vattenfall AB; the owners of the Lateral turbulence is modeled using a sub–grid scale
hydropower station upstream of the sampling location. horizontal eddy viscosity concept as proposed in [10].
Hourly water level measured in the downstream lake The horizontal eddy viscosity, νt , is related to a charac-
were received from Fortum AB and is denoted ηL . The teristic length scale (grid length scale), l, according to
data was taken from a water gauge station in the down-
stream lake (not on the map), but there was no informa- νt = c2s l 2 2Si j S ji , (2)
tion on the accuracy of the data.
The yearly flow variation, seen in Fig. 2, shows a where cs is the Smagorinsky coefficient and Si j is the
mean flow of 300 m3 /s and a maximum flow that exceeds deformation rate given by
600 m3 /s.
1 ∂ ui ∂ u j
Si j = + (i, j = 1, 2) .
3 Numerical modeling 2 ∂ x j ∂ xi
Table 2: Mike 21 parameters. extracting energy. In this study, the numerical model
is two-dimensional and effects on the surrounding flow
Simulation Validation field can be expected to be somewhat different, since it
Time period 090204 – 090228 is possible to account for wake effects and a velocity in-
Time step 360 s crease around the turbines.
Nr of time steps 2500 A set of 10 turbines were included in the model and
South boundary Q (Fig 6(a)) distributed pair-wise along the channel (Fig. 5). The
North boundary ηL (Fig 6(c)) structure of the farm has not been optimized to give max-
Manning number 32 m1/3 s−1 imum power output, but to simulate effects on the sur-
cs 0.28 rounding flow. The distance was approximately ten di-
ameters in between each row.
Bathymetry data, Fig. 1(b), was received from mea-
Each turbine had a quadratic cross section area, Ae ,
surements, maps and drawings for the area. Due to the
see Table 3. The effects on the water level and velocity
bathymetry data being rather scarce, it is considered one
in the channel for the turbine setup could be calculated
of the greatest sources of errors for the simulation.
for several flow rates and cd -values.
As an input to the model both the Manning number
and a value for the Smagorinsky formulation is required.
Since it is a dredged channel and the surrounding area
is of sand and gravel, the Manning number was set to
32 m1/3 s−1 which corresponds to a rather smooth sur- T9
face [9, 11], and cs in Eq. 2 was set to 0.28.
The simulations were executed as shown in Table 2 to T7
validate the numerical model. The two open boundaries T5 T8
were the power station (south) and the lake (north). Flow
readings for February were used at the first boundary and T3
water level for February at the second. T4
Data from the numerical model was extracted at the T1
location of the two ADCPs, which were deployed in be- T2
tween and slightly downstream two pillars.
Further simulations were done to estimate current
speed for different flow rates with and without including
turbines. The same parameters for n and cs were used. Figure 5: Turbine configuration.
1.3 UM∗ 380
1.1 280
flow / m3/s
40 T2
0.9 30
20 T5
11/2 18/2 28/2 10 T7
(a) Current speed. 0 T9
0 10 20 30 40 T10 50
Mike data ADCP data
90 5000 90 4000
120 60 120 60
2500 30 2000 30 90
150 150
210 330 210 330 0.6
240 300 240 300 0.4
270 270
0 0.2
(b) Rose plot. 0 10 20 30 40 50
0.2 ηM∗
ηL Figure 7: Top: Effects of cd on power output modeled in
Mike21 at a flow of 500 m3 /s. Maximum power for each tur-
bine is denoted by *. Bottom: Force and velocity at turbine T8
with increasing cd .
11/2 18/2 28/2 The model assesses the current speed reasonably
(c) Water level.
well, but not the water level deviations. Using more ac-
curate bathymetry data and including other parameters
such as wind data over the lake could have improved
Figure 6: Mike data extracted from the measurement location
by the bridge and ADCP data from the 1200 kHz instrument. these results, but no such data was available.
(a) Current speed at the bridge (left axis, UM∗ and UA ) com-
pared with flow at power station, Q. (b) Rose plot between 4.2 Turbine influence
measured and modeled current direction data (c) Water level at The power output from each turbine was calculated
the bridge (ηL and ηA ) compared with water level at the lake for different cd - and flow values using Eq. 3. In Table 3,
the power output for three flow rates, 300 m3 /s (mean),
In the same figure it is seen that UM∗ follows UA 500 m3 /s and 700 m3 /s ( maximum), is presented, show-
closely, but the magnitude of the simulated current speed ing the total power output is more than 10 times higher
is slightly lower. This is probably due to bathymetry er- in the case for maximum flow as compared to the mean
rors. As mentioned previously, there were some difficul- flow.
ties in re-creating the bathymetry due to scarce data. The The power is proportional to the force of the turbine,
bathymetry could be improved by more measurements. which in turn depends on Qt2 (through the turbine) and
At the shallow depths as in the present channel, small cd . Maintaining a constant flow in the channel, an in-
changes in the bathymetry greatly alter the flow field. creased cd -value will decrease the flow through the tur-
The rose plot in Fig. 6 shows there is a slight de- bine, a result of an enhanced flow at the sides of the tur-
viation in the modeled current direction compared with bine. At a certain cd , the power output starts decreasing.
the measured one. The ADCP was located downstream a Maximum power for each turbine in a flow of 500 m3 /s
few bridge pillars where the flow is turbulent. Therefore, is plotted in Fig. 7. Comparing this plot with simple cal-
depending on the cross-channel position, the flow direc- culation using P = 12 ρ AeU 3 shows that for a velocity of
tion can vary. The deviation can be a result of that the 1 m/s and a cross sectional area of 100 m2 , as is the case
data from the simulation was extracted from a location for turbine T1, the maximum kinetic energy is 50 kW.
slightly different than from the measured one. For turbine T1 and T2 this value is reached already at a
Fig. 6(c) shows the simulated (ηM∗ ) and measured cd -value in between 1 and 2. It is thus not recommended
(ηA ) water level deviations from mean. Although ηM∗ at to apply a cd -value above 1 for realistic simulations.
times shows the same variation as ηA , the model is not In [12] the model was forced by a varying water level,
able to simulate the magnitude of the water level. The and increased turbine drag resulted in a decreased veloc-
maximum variation (max(η ) – min(η )) of ηA was 0.47 ity in the whole channel. Here, the driving force is a
Table 3: Power [kW] for three different flow rates. cd -value is 0.8.
No turb
0.4 cd=0.4
0.3 cd=0.8
T1,2 T3,4 T5,6 T7,8 T9,10
(a) No turbines.
T1,2 T3,4 T5,6 T7,8 T9,10
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