The Earliest Attempt To Produce A Mechanical Writing Device Was in 1714
The Earliest Attempt To Produce A Mechanical Writing Device Was in 1714
The Earliest Attempt To Produce A Mechanical Writing Device Was in 1714
typewriter was produced by Remington in 1873.It had most of the features of later machines,
except that it typed only in capital letters. With the addition of lower case (“small”) letters
in1878 the original design was in place.
Portable typewriters appeared in 1912, and electric machines became available in 1925. By
this time millions of typewriters were in use, and in countries using the Roman alphabet, very
few official letters and documents were still being handwritten. Although typewriters are still
manufactured in small quantities, they have largely replaced by computer word processing
applications. Some people remain nostalgic for the old-fashioned typewriters, though. It
requires no electricity, no separate printer and no expensive ink cartridges (a single ribbon will
type hundreds of pages, and is quick and cheap to replace). Most significantly, perhaps, with
no easy correction, sentences have to be fully thought-out before they are committed to paper
- an intellectual discipline perhaps in danger of being forgotten in the age of cut, copy, paste