06lab Sales Razzle
06lab Sales Razzle
06lab Sales Razzle
1.) Re-examine the program that you created during the demonstration and
answer the following questions:
a.) On what specific part of the program were the java.awt and javax.swing
packages used? Explain how. (Essay: 15 points)
Java.awt used to develop either GUI or window-based applications in
Java. While java.swing generate JPanels, JFrames, JTextFields, and JLabels
input and output objects, are used to provide the JFrames, which enclose the
panel and give it a pleasing form, a background. JTextFields are used to
provide a place for the user to type, and JLabels are used to provide labels to
assist the user in entering an IP address into the textfield. The JButtons are
also used to hold the IP addresses and subsequently clear the textual input
("clear") or deliver the input to the rest of the program ("okay").
b.) On what specific part of the program was the java.awt.event package
used? Explain how. (Essay: 15 points)
When extending the JavaAWT, btnFindIP, btnClear, and btnOkay
classes to listen for anaction called "ActionListener" from the java.awt.event
package. Furthermore, the ActionEvent object passed into the two
overridden functions actionPerformed in both btnClear and btnOkay comes
from the event package java.awt.event.
2.) In line with the concept of the program that you created (a program that
generates IP address), search for at least one (1) framework that can be used
in creating the same program. Explain how you will implement the
framework. (Essay: 15 points)
SwingX: The SwingX framework can be used to create much of the same
program. SwingX is based on Swing and it would be simple to recreate the same
program due to the common syntax and components of Swing on which it is based
3.) After re-examining the program and finding another suitable framework,
search for at least five (5) mobile user interface (UI) toolkits which are not
included in 06 Handout Provide the following details for each toolkit:
Toolkit Name
Fair Mobile UI kit
Flat Mobile App UI
Phoenix UI
Ecommerce UI Kit
Routes UI kit for iOS
Toolkit creator/Developer
Fair Mobile UI kit - Komol Kuchkarov
Flat Mobile App UI - Kristijan Binsk
Phoenix UI - Adrian Chiran
Ecommerce UI Kit - Ritesh Malviya
Routes UI kit for iOS - Beans UI
Base on your understanding, how will this toolkit help developers and designers
create a better user interface? Cite some examples, if possible. (Essay: 15 points)
They will gain more knowledge and understand on which or how to improve
their UI by viewing various UI kits. Using this kind of toolkit it will assist developers
and designers in creating a better user interface by providing ideas and