Accelerate change to exploit the future Top management are the Nursing Directors, Chief Nurses,
Top to bottom planning with objectives Deans :
Associated with science & technology
overall management operations of nursing services
strategic planning
Represent the organization
Middle Management are the Nursing Supervisors,associate
or assistant deans : directs the activities for implementation
to the different units Policies
Lower Management /First Line Management are the Head A policy is a statement of expectations that sets boundaries
Nurses, Charge Nurses : directly responsible for the actual for action taking and decision making (Paige, 2003). Means
production of nursing services for accomplishing goals and serve as basis for future
decisions consistency is important
Acts link between higher middle management and
staff nurses Implied - are not directly voiced or written but are established
by patterns of decisions; may deliberately be implied
TYPES OF PLANNING because it could be illegal or reflect questionable
Long range or strategic planning Expressed – oral could be more flexible; in written policy
chance of misinterpretation is decreased.
extends 3-5 years
begins analysis of SWOT Analysis If you have people who are accountable to you, you
determines direction of the organization don’t need to formally issue policy statements to
allocates resources create policy.
Parents, bosses, boards, government
Operational Planning administrations, etc. are producing implied policy all
of the time.
everyday management plans
Formal dress code, disciplinary procedures,
Actual delivery of the service to the community vacation or sick leave
Stages of Planning Originated or internal usually developed by top
A. DEVELOPMENT OF: management to guide subordinates
Mission Statement– A mission statement lays out the Appealed when a staff do not know to solve a problem, they
purpose of an organization. It tells “why” an organization appeal to the nurse manager for a decision
exists, what does it stand for? Who are we to help? Imposed thrust on an organization by external forces,
Vision Statement– An organization’s vision reflects what an Government policies or labor unions
organization hopes to become. It answers “where” the Procedures
organization is going.
Procedure manuals provide a basis for orientation
Core Values – The values an organization chooses to and staff development and are ready reference for
highlight reflect beliefs about priorities. Core values may be all personnel.
related to characteristics specific to the organization.
They standardize procedures and equipment and
For example, an organization that is faith-based can provide a basis for evaluation.
Improvement in operating procedures increases
Goals – goals are broad based strategies needed to achieve productivity and reduces cost.
your organization’s mission.
Guide to action than a policy; manuals provide basis for
Objectives – objectives are specific, measurable, action orientation and staff development and are ready reference
oriented, realistic and time bound for all personnel
Philosophy – statement of belief based on core values or the Example: Procedural forms to request supply; Procedure for
inner forces that give the organization a purpose. ambulating a client
SWOT Analysis
Strategy Formulation
Strategic Implementation
Strategic Control