Principles of Management Chap 4
Principles of Management Chap 4
Principles of Management Chap 4
It is a Managerial Function; it is found in all It is a process that involves the setting of the
levels and all departments of an organization. It organization's goals, establishing strategies for
involves choosing the future course of action accomplishing those goals and developing plans
from among alternatives. of actions that managers intend to use to
achieve said organizational goals.
Learning Outcomes:
It is the primary function of management; it
After successful completion of this lesson, you
provides the foundation from which all future
should be able to:
management function arises.
Discuss the nature of planning
It is goal oriented, since plans arise from
Compare and contrast the different types of objectives, and objectives provide guidelines for
plans planning. It is a Continuous Process of adapting
the organization with the changes in business.
Planning is Flexible, it selects the best 4. Contingency Planning -are made when
alternative based on assumptions, there is a something unexpected happens or when
possibility that there is a dead log in the something needs to be changed. Contingency
function of management, It has one more planning can be helpful in circumstances that
alternative suit for future situation. call for a change. Although managers should
anticipate changes when engaged in any of the
It is a Managerial Function; it is found in all
primary types of planning, contingency planning
levels and all departments of an organization. It
is essential in moments when changes cannot
involves choosing the future course of action
be foreseen. As the business world becomes
from among alternatives.
more complicated, contingency planning
TYPES OF PLANNING becomes more important to engage in and
1. Operational Planning- This type of planning
typically describes the day-to-day running of the
company. It is often described as single use
plans or ongoing plans. Single use plans are
created for events and activities with a single 1. Efficient Use of Resources- All organizations,
occurrence (such as a single marketing large and small, have limited resources. The
campaign). Ongoing plans include policies for planning process provides the information top
approaching problems, rules for specific management needs to make effective decisions
regulations and procedures for a step-by-step about how to allocate the resources in a way
process for accomplishing objectives. that will enable the organization to reach its
objectives. Productivity is maximized and
2. Strategic Planning- Includes a high-level
resources are not wasted on projects with little
overview of the entire business. It is the
chance of success
foundational basis of the organization and will
dictate long-term decisions. The scope of 2. Establishing Organizational Goal- It is one of
strategic planning can be anywhere from the the key aspects of the planning process. Goals
next two years to the next 10 years. Important must be aggressive, but realistic. Organizations
components of a strategic plan are vision, cannot allow themselves to become too
mission, and values. satisfied with how they are currently doing – or
they are likely to lose ground to competitors.
3. Tactical Planning -It supports strategic
planning. It includes tactics that the 3. Managing Risk and Uncertainty- is essential
organization plans to use to achieve what is to an organization’s success. Even the largest
outlined in the strategic plan. Often, the scope corporations cannot control the economic and
is less than one year and breaks down the competitive environment around them.
strategic plan into actionable chunks. Tactical Unforeseen events occur that must be dealt
planning is different from operational planning with quickly before negative financial
in that tactical plans ask specific questions consequences from these events become
about what needs to happen to accomplish a severe. Planning encourages the development
strategic goal; operational plans ask how the of “what-if” scenarios, where managers attempt
organization will generally do something to to envision possible risk factors and develop
accomplish the company's mission. contingency plans to deal with them. The pace
of change in business is rapid, and organizations
must be able to rapidly adjust their strategies to even this year. A short-term goal is something
these changing conditions. you want to accomplish soon.
4. Team Building and Cooperation-When the Long Term Goals – a long term goal is the goal
plan is completed and communicated to that takes time to achieve.
members of the organization, everyone knows
what their responsibilities are, and how other
areas of the organization need their assistance IMPORTANCE OF GOALS
and expertise in order to complete assigned
tasks. They see how their work contributes to O It gives you short term vision and long-term
the success of the organization as a whole and motivation.
can take pride in their contributions. Potential O It focuses your acquisition of knowledge and
conflict can be reduced when top management helps you to organize your time and your
solicits department or division managers’ input resources, so that you can make the very most
during the goal setting process. Individuals are of your life.
less likely to resent budgetary targets when
they had a say in their creation. O It allows to measure your progress because
you always have a fixed endpoint or benchmark
5. Creating Competitive Advantages- to compare with.
organizations get a realistic view of their
current strengths and weaknesses relative to THREE (3) LEVELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL
major competitors. The management team sees PRIORITIES
areas where competitors may be vulnerable a) Purpose-a broad,general statement that tells
and then crafts marketing strategies to take why your organization exists; it usually does not
advantage of these weaknesses. Observing change from year to year and is often the first
competitors’ actions can also help organizations statement in your constitution.
identify opportunities they may have
overlooked, such as emerging international b) Goals-statements describing what your
markets or opportunities to market products to organization wishes to accomplish, stemming
completely different customer groups. from your purpose. Goals are the ends toward
which your efforts will be directed and often
GOAL SETTING change from term to term or year to year,
Goal is an idea of the future or desired result depending on the nature of the group.
that a person or agroup of people envision, c) Objectives-descriptions of exactly what is to
plan, and commit to achieve. be done, derived from the goals. They are clear,
The definition of goal setting is the process of specific statements of measurable tasks that
identifying something that you want to will be accomplished as steps toward reaching
accomplish and establishing measurable goals your goals. They are short term and have
and time frames. deadlines.
Short Term Goals – a short term goal is 1. Brainstorm goals as a group. (People support
something you want to do soon. The near what they create and will accept responsibility
future can mean today, this week, this month or more easily.)
2. Choose from the brainstormed list those you At this level,managers attempt to address
want to attend to. questions such as:
4. Determine objectives and plans of action for b) What are their strengths and weaknesses?
each goal. Be specific and include deadlines.
c) What are our strengths and weaknesses?
5. Move into action. Follow through.
d) What advantages do we have over
6. Continually evaluate your progress. competitors?
b) What markets should the firm be in? 2. Ask your group to generate as many ideas as
possible-no matter how “off the wall”
c) In which business should the corporation
invest money? 3. Review the ideas, select the most interesting,
and then lead a discussion about how to
d) What resources should be allocated to each
combine, improve, and/or implement the ideas.
While this process may be simple in theory,
2. BUSINESS LEVEL- At this level managers focus
however, it is not always easy to generate new
on determining how they are going to compete
ideas out of nowhere. And that is why so many
effectively in market.
interesting and inspirational brainstorming
techniques have been developed. Radically Creative Brainstorming – If your team
Brainstorming is a terrific technique for idea seems to be stuck on conventional answers
generation,coming up with alternatives and
to brainstorming challenges, you may need to
possibilities, discovering fatal flaws, and
stir the pot to help them generate creative
developing creative approaches. But it is only as
ideas by using techniques that require out-of-
good as its participants and facilitator. The
the-box thinking. These may include the
better you are at selecting participants, setting
Charrette approach and "what if" challenges. It
the stage, and encouraging discussion, the
is one of the best-known techniques available
better your outcomes are likely to be.
for creative problem solving. It can be used for
TYPES OF BRAINSTORMING tasks including internal procedures,company
structure and written articles. Its primary
Analytic Brainstorming- it focuses on problem
objective is to get your mind out of the box by
solving, it can be useful to analyze the problem
producing as many solutions (or ideas), or
with tools that lead to creative solutions.
marketing campaigns as possible.
Analytic brainstorming is relatively easy for
most people because it draws on idea 1. Problem Statement Guidelines- it is a
generation skills they have already built in statement about an area of concern,a condition
school and in the workplace. No one gets to be improved upon, a difficulty to be
embarrassed when asked to analyze a situation. eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in
theory or in practice that points to the need for
Quiet Brainstorming- In some situations,
meaningful understanding and deliberate
individuals are so cramped for time that a
brainstorming session would be impossible to
schedule. In other situations, team members Key elements of an effective problem statement
are unwilling to speak up in a group or to include:
express ideas that others might not approve of.
a) Gap: Identify the gap (problem) that exists
When that is the case, you might be well served
with brainstorming techniques that allow
participants to generate ideas without meeting b)Timeframe, location, and trend: Describe
or without the need for public participation. when and where the problem was first
observed and what kind of trend it is following.
Role Play Brainstorming- it allows your team to
“become” their own clients, which often c) Impact: Quantify the gap (cost, time, quality,
provides surprisingly potent insights into environmental, personal, etc.)
challenges and solutions. Another plus of role
play is that, in some cases, it lowers d) Importance: Tothe organization, the
participants’ inhibitions. individual, etc. to better understand the
Brainstorming with Support- For groups that are
not intrinsically creative or communicative or 2. Strengths,Weaknesses, Opportunities &
are likely to get stuck once the most obvious Threat Analysis (SWOT Analysis)-requires you
ideas have been suggested, help is in order. You to be candid and provide an honest assessment
can provide that help up front by setting up the of the state of things. Eventually, you focus on
brainstorming process to include everyone in a the key issues. Strengths is the resource or
structured, supportive manner. capacity the organization can use effectively to
achieve its objectives. Weakness Is the
limitation, fault, or defect in the organization demonstrate the cause and effect relationship
that will keep it from achieving its objectives. among the causes
Opportunities is any favorable situation in the
3.4 When you are done with the causes, move
organization's environment. It is usually a trend
on to the consequences.When listing the
or change of some kind or an overlooked need
consequences, list the direct ones on the
that increases demand for a product or service
extreme left of the consequences section. The
and permits the firm to enhance its position by
consequences that result from these causes can
supplying it. While Threats is any unfavorable
be listed to right of this list.
situation in the organization's environment that
is potentially damaging to its strategy. The 3.5 Finally, when a comprehensive list of causes
threat may be a barrier, a constraint, or and consequences have been developed and
anything external that might cause problems, the related causes and consequences have been
damage, or injury. linked respectively, you are ready to display the
information pictorially.
3. Problem Tree- is a pictorial representation of
a problem, its causes, and its consequences. 4. Logical Framework- or log frame is a
This analysis tool helps the project teamget a document that gives an overview of the
quick glance of how a range of complex issues objectives, activities and resources of a project.
contribute toward a problem and how this It also provides information about external
problem branches out into a set of elements that may influence the project, called
consequences. Both causes and consequences assumptions. Finally, it tells you how the project
are fitted into the diagram on a hierarchical will be monitored, through the use
preference basis. of/content/indicators. All this information is
presented in a table with four columns and four
rows – although variations on this basic scheme
do exist. It has two types the vertical and
3.1 Begin with a brainstorming session to horizontal logic.
identify the major problems affecting the
5. Forcefield Analysis- was created by Kurt
project. For each problem you will have to carry
Lewin in the 1940s. Lewin originally used itin his
out a separate problem tree analysis.
work as a social psychologist. Today, however, it
3.2 Divide your board or the paper you are is also used in business, for making and
using to record the analysis into three vertical communicating go/no-go decisions. The idea
sections and write the problem in the middle behind Force Field Analysis is that situations are
section. The left side can be reserved for the maintained by an equilibrium between forces
causes and the right side for the consequences. that drive change and others that resist change,
as shown in figure 1, below. For change to
3.3 Discuss with the team the possible causes
happen, the driving forces must be
that can be held responsible for the problem
strengthened, or the resisting forces weakened.
situation. From this, list and identify the ones
which have a direct relationship with the CONCEPT OF DECISION MAKING
problem. These direct causes can be listed on
the extreme right-hand side of the section
reserved for the causes. The causes which lead According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s
to these direct causes can be listed to the left of Dictionary, the term decision making means the
this list. Relational arrows can also be used to
process of deciding about something important, 2.1 All managers in the management
especially in a group of people or in an hierarchy take decisions, within the
organization. limits of their authority, pertaining to
their areas of functioning.
Trewartha & Newport defines decision making
2.2 Decision-making is done in all
process as follows:“Decision-making involves
functional areas of management e.g.
the selection of a course of action from among
production, marketing,finance,
two or more possible alternatives in order to
personnel, research, and development
arrive at a solution for a given problem”.
Further, decision making process can be 2.3 Decision-making is inherent in all
regarded as check and balance system that functions of management i.e. planning,
keeps the organization growing both in vertical organizing, staffing, directing, and
and linear directions. controlling.
3.Decision-Making is an Intellectual
It means that decision making process seeks a Exercise: Decision-making calls for
goal. The goals are pre-set business objectives, creativity and imagination on the part
company missions and its vision. of managers; in that decision-making
To achieve these goals, company may face lot of forces managers to think in terms of
obstacles in administrative, operational, developing best objectives and best
marketing wings and operational domains. alternatives for attaining those
Some types of decision making are routine and objectives.
basic decision making, personal and 4. Decision-Making Involves a Problem
organizational decision making, individual and of Choice: Decision-making is
group decision making, programmed and non- fundamentally a choosing problem i.e. a
programmed decision making and tactical and problem of choosing the best
strategic decision making. alternative, from out of a few
alternatives, in a rational and scientific
DECISION-MAKING is an integral part of modern manner.
management. Essentially, rational, or sound 5. Decision-Making is a Continuous
decision making is taken as primary function of Process: Decision-making process
management. Every manager takes hundreds commences since the inception of
and hundreds of decisions subconsciously or business and continues throughout the
consciously making it as the key component in organizational life. All managers take
the role of a manager. Decisions play important decisions for organizational purposes;
roles as they determine both organizational and so long as the enterprise is in existence.
managerial activities. 6. Decision-Making is the Basis of
1. Decision-Making is Goal-Oriented: Each Action: All actions of people operating
decision of management major or the enterprise are based on the
minor must make, at least, some decisions taken by management vis-à-
contribution towards the attainment of vis organizational issues.
organizational objectives. 7.Decision-Making Implies a
2. Decision-Making is Pervasive: There are Commitment of Organizational
three dimensions of the pervasiveness Resources:Commitment of
of decision-making. organizational resources time, efforts,
energies, physical resources etc. is the evidence for or against said
implied both during the process of alternatives. See what companies have
taking decisions and more particularly, done in the past to succeed in these
at time of implementation of decisions. areas and take a good hard look at your
8.Decision-Making is Situational: own organization’s wins and losses.
Decision-making much depends on the 5. Choose among alternatives- Here is
situation facing the management; at the the part of the decision-making process
time when a decision-making problem where you, you know, make the
crops up. decision. Hopefully, you have identified
and clarified what decision needs to be
PROCESS OF DECISION MAKING made, gathered all relevant
1. Identify the decision- To decide, you information, and developed and
must first identify the problem you considered the potential paths to take.
need to solve or the question you need You are perfectly prepared to choose.
to answer. If you misidentify the 6. Take action- Once you’ve made your
problem to solve, or if the problem you decision, act on it! Develop a plan to
have chosen is too broad, you will make your decision tangible and
knock the decision train off the track achievable. Develop a project plan
before it even leaves the station. related to your decision, and then set
2. Gather relevant information- Once the team loose on their tasks once the
you have identified your decision, it is plan is in place.
time to gather the information relevant 7. Review your decision- After a
to that choice. Do an internal predetermined amount of time, which
assessment, seeing where your you defined in step one of the decision-
organization has succeeded and failed making process, take an honest look
in areas related to your decision. Also, back at your decision. Did you solve the
seek information from external sources, problem? Did you answer the question?
including studies, market research, and, Did you meet your goals? If so, take
in some cases, evaluation from paid note of what worked for future
consultants. reference. If not, learn from your
3. Identify the alternatives-With mistakes as you begin the decision-
relevant information now at your making process again.
fingertips, identify possible solutions to Activities/Assessments:
your problem. There is usually more A. ESSAY.ANSWER THE FOLLOWING
than one option to consider when QUESTIONS.
trying to meet a goal-for example, if 1. What is the nature of planning and
your company is trying to gain more why it is important in the success of any
engagement on social media, your business and organization?
alternatives could include paid social 2. Describe the different types of plans
advertisements, a change in your and explain how it can be used to
organic social media strategy, or a accomplished results in any
combination of the two. organization?
4. Weigh the evidence- Once you have
identified multiple alternatives, weigh
3.What are the different planning debunked the assumption that demand
techniques and tools and how can a for Internet traffic was growing at 1,000
manager make effective planning? percent a year. Odlyzko's careful
4. Formulate an effective plan for a analysis concluded that growth was
specific business endeavor during this much slower-only 100 percent a year!
pandemic crisis of the Covid-19. Although still large, that growth rate
B.CASE PROBLEM was not nearly large enough to fill the
In 1997 Michael O’Dell, the chief massive flood of fiber optic capacity
scientist at WorldCom, which owned that was entering the market.
the largest network of “Internet Moreover, Odlyzko noted that new
backbone” fiber optic cable in the technologies were increasing the
world, stated that data traffic over the amount of data that could be sent
Internet was doubling every hundred down existing fibers, reducing the need
days. This implied a growth rate of over for new fiber. But with investment
1,000 percent a year. O’Dell went on to money flooding into the market, few
say that there was not enough fiber paid any attention to him. WorldCom
optic capacity to go around, and that was still using the 1,000 percent figure
“demand will far outstrip supply for the as late as September 2000.
foreseeable future.” As it turned out, Odlyzko was right.
Electrified by this potential opportunity, Capacity rapidly outstripped
a number of companies rushed intothe demand,and by late 2002 less than 3
business.These firms included Level 3 percent of the fiber that had been laid
Communications,360 Networks, Global in the ground was actually being used!
Crossing,Qwest While prices slumped, the surge in
Communications,WorldCom,Williams volume that managers had bet on did
Communications Group, Genuity not materialize. Unable to service the
Inc.,and XO Communications. In all debt they had taken on to build out
cases the strategic plans were their networks, company after company
remarkably similar: Raise lots of capital, tumbled into bankruptcy- including
build massive fiber optic networks that WorldCom,360 Networks, XO
straddled the nation (or even the Communications,and Global Crossing.
globe), cut prices, and get ready for the Level 3 and Qwest survived, but their
rush of business. Managers at these stock prices had fallen by 90 percent,
companies believed that surging and both companies were saddled with
demand would soon catch up with massive debts.
capacity, resulting in a profit bonanza C. CASE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
for those that had the foresight to build 1.Why did the strategic plans adopted
out their networks. It was a gold rush, by companies like Level 3,Global
and the first into the field would stake Crossing, and 360 Networks fail?
the best claims. 2. The managers who ran these
However, there were dissenting voices. companies were smart, successful
As early as October 1998 an Inter net individuals, as were many of the
researcher at AT&T Labs named investors who put money into these
Andrew Odlyzko published a paper that
businesses. How could so many smart
people have been so wrong?
3. What specific decision-making biases
do you think were at work in this
industry during the late 1990s and early
4. What could the managers running
these companies have done differently
that might have led to a different