NCM119 Midterm Notes
NCM119 Midterm Notes
NCM119 Midterm Notes
Tools in Planning
1. SWOT Analysis
2. PESTEL or PESTLE Analysis
3. BALANCED Score Card
C. Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard is a planning tool used in collecting and
analyzing the data from four organizational perspectives:
customer/stakeholder, internal process, learning and
growth, and financial. This aims to develop
objectives, measures or key performance indicators,
targets or thresholds, and initiatives. TOOLS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT:
1. Gantt Chart show task and schedule information. The
Balanced Scorecard tasks are numbered and listed vertically. A bar shows the
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and starting date and projected completion date of each task.
management system that Color or shading is sometimes used to show
organizations use to: how much of each task has been completed. It is both a
✓ Communicate what they are trying to accomplish. management tool and a communications tool.
✓ Align the day-to-day work that everyone is doing with 2. Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
strategy. The PERT or the Performance Evaluation and Review
✓ Prioritize projects, products, and services. Technique is a network system model for planning and
✓ Measure and monitor progress towards strategic control which involves identifying key activities, sequences
targets. them in a flow diagram and assigning a specific duration
for each phase of work.
C. STEEPLE Analysis This is a strategic planning tool which 3. Critical Path Method or CPM
The Critical Path Method (PM)
can calculate time and cost estimates for each activity. This