Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions (Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety Practices )
Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions (Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety Practices )
Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions (Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety Practices )
Unit Title Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
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Task summary
This is an open-book test. You need to answer all of the written questions correctly. Your
answers must be word processed and uploaded to LMS.
The following resources and tools are required to complete this assessment:
a) Internet access
b) Word processing software
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o I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
Student Name: Atiquel Haque
Student ID: ATC210103
Assessment Name: Assessment 1 Knowledge questions
Signature of Student: ATIQUEL HAQUE
Date: 11/10/2022
1. Identify five examples of actions that a business needs to take to be legally compliant under
WHS legislation.
The work environment, systems of work, machinery and equipment are safe and
properly maintained.
Information, training, instruction, and supervision are provided.
Adequate workplace facilities are available for workers.
Any accommodation you provide to your workers is safe.
3. Identify four responsibilities employees must ensure a safe workplace for themselves, their
colleagues and others who attend the workplace.
4. List three reasons businesses are required to consult with the workforce on WHS matters.
Consultation is required when identifying hazards, assessing risks, and deciding on measures
to eliminate or minimize those risks.
Here are three reasons why having effective procedures in place to comply with the WHS Act
is essential for our workplace:
Avoid preventable costs from health and safety hazards.
5. Name the four occasions when employers are required by WHS legislation to consult with the
Employers must consult when: identifying hazards and assessing risks. making decisions about ways
to eliminate or control risks. changing or updating workplace facilities.
Workers’ compensation and rehabilitation
Safety inspection and audit reports
First aid and medical records
6. Identify who the employers are required to consult with regarding WHS issues.
In deciding how to eliminate or minimize risks, employers must consult with workers who will be
affected by this decision, either directly or through their health and safety representative. Their
experience may help the employers to identify hazards and choose practical and effective control
7. Complete the box below by briefly explaining how each option operates to enable effective
consultation on WHS issues.
Fact sheets about WHS rights and Employers have the right to expect reasonable work
responsibilities. performance from their employees as well. The WHS
Act protects employee rights more than employer
rights. Understanding your employees' rights can also
help you better understand your responsibilities.
Formal WHS representatives and A health and safety representative's (HSR) primary
committees. role are to represent the health and safety interests of
a work group and to raise any issues with their
employer. After consultation, negotiation, and
agreement between workers and the employer, or
persons conducting a business or undertaking, there
can be as many HSRs and deputy HSRs as needed
Formal meetings with agendas, Formal meetings should be conducted with the above
minutes and action plans. committee members monthly with the agenda to be
discussed, minutes of the meetings, and action plans
for a problem discussed in the agenda. This will focus
more on precautionary measures rather than
reactionary measures.
Informal meetings with notes. This can be done by the worker who is a WHS
Champion with the other workers. This can be an
informal meeting which can be conducted once a
fortnight and important points can be jotted down.
Severe points can be discussed in the monthly
WHS discussions with employees This is the most important discussion as it helps in
during the course of a business reinforcing in the minds of workers what is expected
day. of them as per WHS guidelines. This can be a formal
discussion conducted by the human resources.
Regular staff meetings that involve This can be done at the start of each shift like a
WHS discussions. briefing where all the guidelines are discussed and
any issues pertaining to the previous day can be
discussed and workers can be informed what
corrective measures are taken by the management for
the same.
Seeking staff suggestions for The guidelines are set by management and WHS but
content of WHS policies and any addition or changes can be done keeping in mind
procedures. the requirements of the workers. So suggestions can
be invited formally or anonymously in the suggestion
Staff handbook containing WHS Should be present in each line and section so that all
information. the staff members can refer to it. If possible, a copy
should be handed over to workers at the time of
onboarding or induction.
Surveys or questionnaire that This can be done once in two months so that workers
invite staff feedback on WHS can observe and let the management know whether
issues. the WHS guidelines are being followed properly or
not. Whether any issues require special attention.
They can hand over the survey forms at the start of
the shift and ask to hand it over when the shift ends or
end of the day.
8. Explain the role and responsibilities of health and safety representatives. In your answer, also
discuss requirements in regard to how they are appointed.
The health and safety representative is the one who will be representing the workers in the
workplace and also to monitor the measures that are taken by the employer for the
organisation. They are the one who is responsible for investigating any complaints that are
occurring among the workgroup members and also looking into anything which will be more
riskier and safety threatening and health hazard for the workers who are represented by him.
9. Identify three obligations an employer has to their health and safety representative.
Provide access to information relating to hazards and risks in the workplace, that will affect
the workers' health and safety. Talking with the HSR about health and matters. provide
access to any resources the HSR may need to carry out their functions. Provide a safe work
environment; ensure safe use, handling and storage of machinery, structures and substances.
make sure your facilities are well-maintained and at an acceptable standard. Give your
workers any information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety.
10. List three roles and responsibilities of workplace Health and Safety Representatives.
The work health and safety laws set out the roles and responsibilities of a health and safety
representative (HSR), The powers and functions of a HSR are to:
represent the workers in their work group for work health and safety matters
monitor the measures taken by the PCBU to comply with the work health and safety
laws in relation to their work group members
investigate complaints from work group members about work health and safety
11. List five occasions that WHS hazard identification would need to take place.
12. List three categories of workplace hazards that must be identified when undertaking workplace
hazard identifications.
There are three steps used to manage health and safety at work.
Spot the Hazard (Hazard Identification)
Assess the Risk (Risk Assessment)
Make the Changes (Risk Control)
13. List five acceptable ways in which workplace hazard identification might occur.
15. List the six classifications of risk controls provided for in the ‘Hierarchy of Risk Controls’.
Hierarchy of Controls
Engineering controls.
Administrative controls.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
16. List five requirements’ organisations need to comply with in relation to WHS record keeping.
This includes:
accident and injury report, including records of investigations and near misses.
all WHS related policies, procedures and guidelines, such as safe work procedures.
results and outcomes of inspections, reviews and audits.
risk assessments.
training and inductions carried out.
repair and maintenance records.
Version: 002 Page 8 of 14
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 June 2021 RTO No.:421279
Next Review: 29 June 2022 CRICOS No.: 03457B
SITXWHS003 || Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
17. List three requirements organisations need to comply with in relation to acceptable record
keeping mechanisms.
18. Explain the requirement an employer is under to provide workplace WHS training to employees.
The WHS responsibilities of employers include a wide range of requirements to help ensure a
safe work site. Some of the core responsibilities include: Providing necessary health and
safety instruction, supervision & training. Ensuring all staff understands their roles and
responsibilities. It is common practice to provide WHS induction training to all new
employees, and refresher training every 12 months, or as necessary, for existing employees,
to make sure that the workplace is safe and that anyone working in or visiting the workplace
is not exposed to hazards or harmed by the work.
19. Describe three employee responsibilities in relation to participating in established WHS practices
and training.
While at work, workers must take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and
that of others who may be affected by the worker's acts or omissions. A worker must
also: comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with any reasonably instruction that is given
by the PCBU to comply with the model WHS Act and.
Protect your own health and safety.
Do not place others at risk.
Treat others with respect.
Reporting safety concerns.
Further information.
20. Identify ten possible ramifications for employers who fail to observe OHS or WHS laws and
Failure to comply with the Act can result in fines, imprisonment or both. The maximum
penalties for WHS breaches, including Category 1 breaches, are $3,463,000 (for a
corporation) and $692,500 for body corporate officers. Category one offences can also result
in a five-year prison term.
21. Detail comprehensive details of the Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice ‘Hazardous
manual tasks’.
A hazardous manual task is a task requiring a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or
otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing involving one or more of the
− repetitive or sustained force
− high or sudden force
− repetitive movement
− sustained or awkward posture, or
− exposure to vibration.
These hazards directly stress the body and can lead to an injury.
22. List three methods of receiving updated information on OHS or WHS laws and Code of practice.
For Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Workplace Health and Safety
Professionals (WHSPs) the most common sources were Government Acts/ regulations and
publications and Employer/ industry associations. Online government websites that have
pertinent information about the WHS act. Law enforcement agencies that are charged with
enforcing the laws detailed in the Work, Health & Safety act. Libraries that have written
material on-hand.
23. Complete the table by providing a reason for each time that hazard identification must be carried
Before premises are used for the first The premises must be carried out for
time. hazardous identification before they are used
because this will help in finding the available
hazardous material and can prevent from any
potential harm/injury to anyone.
Before and during the installation or Before installation or alternation of any plant,
alteration of any plant, machinery or machinery or equipment, it is necessary to
equipment. ensure that plant is free from presence of any
hazardous substance to avoid/prevent from
any potential impact/issue. This will help in
easy installation or alternation of any plant,
machinery or equipment.
When any new information relating to This is required to check for any hazardous
health and safety risks becomes presence with respect to the new information
available. received related to health and safety risks. This
new information may bring new opportunities
of hazardous risks and preventive actions to be
implemented for such existing risks.
24. List five possible inclusions in workplace WHS record keeping systems.
This includes:
accident and injury report, including records of investigations and near misses.
all WHS related policies, procedures and guidelines, such as safe work procedures.
results and outcomes of inspections, reviews and audits.
risk assessments.
training and inductions carried out.
repair and maintenance records.
26. Identify three hazard identification records that need to be maintained in a workplace.
Identifying three hazard identification records that need to be maintained in a workplace are
as below
· Land/Soil hazardous records
· Water hazardous records
· Air hazardous records
27. Identify five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has not been impacted that need to
be reported.
A notifiable incident has been any person dies, or any person would experience a serious
injury or illness, or any potentially dangerous incident occurs without harming the
so, five examples of notifiable incidents where a person has not been impacted or injured but
needs to be reported could be the example of a hazardous leak in the organisation for example
chemical organisation where any person is not impacted but the incident is important to be
notified. Another information could be the electricity shock or fire hazard in the organisation,
any dangerous machine broke down and then the machine has electrocuted the whole
building, the incident of over functioning or malfunctioning of machines, collapse or partial
collapse of a building, explosion, fire etc.
28. List five examples of ‘notifiable incidents’ where a person has been impacted or injured that need
to be reported.
The analysis and audit of WHS information is essential in the identification of antagonistic
health and safety drifts and considers persistent improvement of the WHS management
framework and the University's WHS execution.
Keeping records keeps a powerful work environment health and safety management
framework. Records can help hazards and control risks before there is an episode which
could cause injury or ailment.
Records are crucial to risk management - records can be utilized to demonstrate consistence,
stay away from likely punishments and charges, and illuminate business choices. ... Record
keeping risks are additionally firmly connected with management-related issues. For instance,
the inability to share or distribute information can prompt unfortunate direction.
30. Discuss how the following are used when developing monitoring reports and making
recommendations for change:
committee members
consultation processes
diaries of meetings
risk controls
It is essential to guarantee that all representatives are completely prepared in health and safety
to guarantee that they understand their obligations with respect to health and safety in the
work environment.
Employers ought to express to workers the hazards related with their job in the association,
how to inform their Health and Safety Representative when hazards are recognized, how to
follow health and safety strategies and techniques and the consultative plans related with
health and safety.
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While deciding the most proper strategy for preparing, employers ought to consider the
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kind of preparing being directed.
31. Identify three reasons there is a need for workplaces to establish and maintain records regarding
risk assessments including risk control actions that have been implemented.
Keeping and maintaining accurate WHS records will help you to check the health and safety
performance of your business and allow you to make improvements where necessary. It's also
essential that everyone in your workplace is aware of the records they need to keep, including
knowing how to do this. Good records will help you do the following: Monitor the progress
of your business. Prepare your financial statements. Identify sources of your income
32. Identify five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training plans
developed by an organisation for their employees.
33. List five examples of details that need to be maintained regarding WHS training undertaken by
employees of an organisation.
all WHS related policies, procedures and guidelines, such as safe work procedures.
results and outcomes of inspections, reviews and audits.
risk assessments.
training and inductions carried out.
repair and maintenance records.