SITXWHS002-003 29 May Sharn
SITXWHS002-003 29 May Sharn
SITXWHS002-003 29 May Sharn
Student ID:
Summarise the responsibilities of the following duty holders regarding the management of risks in a
workplace according to your state or territory legislation.
Discuss the ramifications of not complying with the WHS duties described in Question 1, including
legal penalties.
Discuss why it is important for employers to have consultation arrangements in place for their staff
and others in the workplace when identifying hazards and assessing and addressing risks in the
ANS: Consultation is a legal requirement and an essential part of managing health and
safety risks. A safe workplace is more easily achieved when everyone involved in the work
communicates with each other to identify hazards and risks, talks about work health and
safety (WHS) concerns and works together to find solutions.
Consultation is a two-way process between you and your workers where you: talk to each
other about WHS matters; listen to their concerns and raise your concerns; seek and share
views and information; consider what your workers say before you make decisions; advise
workers of the outcome of consultation in a timely manner. You must consult with workers
when: identifying hazards and assessing risks; making decisions about ways to eliminate or
minimise those risks; making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of
workers; proposing changes that may affect the health or safety of your workers; making
decisions on health and safety procedures. If workers are represented by a Health and
Safety Representative (HSR), the consultation must involve that representative.
if you work in kitchen ,equipments used, environmental safety
a) List all the consultation processes that are available for staff and supervisors in the training kitchen.
ANS: processes included in the training kitchen WHS document:
for example:
suggestion box
WHS meeting
risk assessment process
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
b) Explain examples of how management can use the following consultation methods to get staff
feedback on WHS issues.
Meetings with agendas, minutes and Formal process to meet legal obligation to address whs
action plans concern, staff feedback
WHS representatives and committees Formal process to meet legal obligation to address whs
concern, Gain expert advice on behalf of employee,
review policy and procedure
Special staff meetings or workshops to Provide training as per legal obligation when
specifically address WHS issues implementing policy and procedure
WHS discussions with employees during If door breakdown what to do in there, building and
the course of each business day maintaining safety culture
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
c) Employers are required by law to provide a safe workplace for all employees. This includes
providing employees with information about their WHS rights and responsibilities. Summarise the
information that you would include in a fact sheet given to employees their rights and responsibilities.
ANS: Employees health and safety rights include:
- the right to be shown how to work safely
; - the right to appropriate safety equipment
; - the right to speak up about work conditions
; - the right to say no to unsafe work
; - the right to be consulted about safety in the workplace
; - the right to workers compensation
; - the right to a fair and just workplace
; - the right to fair pay and conditions.
Employees health and safety responsibilities to follow whs policies and procedures include: -
taking reasonable care of yourself
; -not doing anything that would affect the health and safety of others at work
; -following any reasonable health and safety instructions from your employer.
d) Explain how you can use staff handbooks containing WHS information as a part of consultation
ANS: staff are fully informed regarding their WHS policies and procedures, and
responsibilities. Employee handbooks is a document given to employees which outlines your
company’s policies and procedures and expectations of behaviour and performance in the workplace.
Although not a legal requirement in Australia, an employee handbook is a great way to induct new
staff into your organisation and give existing staff a document they can reference to keep their
knowledge of workplace policies and procedures up to scratch.
Employee handbooks should be written to meet the specific needs of your business and the industry
in which you operate. Of course, the contents of the document will need to be updated and
recirculated each year to accommodate for changes to employment law.
Employee handbooks contains the following information: background and culture of the company;
mission and vision statements; code of conduct; health and safety policy; workplace procedures;
hours of work; leave processes and procedures; pay and benefits; performance standards; rules of
company; training and development; termination of employment and use of company vehicles.
Outline the important times when an organisation must undertake hazard identification processes.
ANS: it is legally required. It takes place any times when changes are made to workplace. For
example: in the kitchen, there is a new exhaust fan install, hazard identification take place at that time.
When open new restaurant, before working in there, hazard identification take place at that time. An
organisation must undertake hazard identification processes at various times, including: if it has not
been done before; when a hazard has been identified; when a change to the workplace may introduce
or change a hazard; such as when changes occur to the work equipment, practices, procedures or
environment; as part of responding to a workplace incident, even where an injury has not occurred;
where new information about a risk becomes available or concerns about a risk are raised by workers;
at regularly scheduled times appropriate to the workplace.
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
a) Outline the importance of WHS training, and when it must occur.
ANS: it is legal requirement for all the employees for WHS training. They have to provide the
training to staff. Whenever some changes are made to workplace, the training must be
provided. The WHS training is an important part of the development of a positive
workplace. The WHS training will usually cover a wide range of work health and safety issues
including the health and safety responsibilities of the employer and the employee as well as
the organisation’s process for reporting incidents and hazards in the workplace, risk
management procedures and its emergency and first aid procedures.
The WHS training must occur at various times, including: train of new workers; train of
workers for specific tasks; support of regular refresher training
c) Summarise why it is important for an organisation to maintain accurate and current records of
training given to staff.
ANS:it is legally required and it improves safety on the workplace,continuous improvement
process. For an organisation it is important to maintain accurate and current records of training given
to staff because in this way they can decide whether the employee can be given more responsibilities
to match their skills or should they be further trained to take on more managerial roles. These records
help to ensure employees become competent in other areas apart from their basic duties.
a) List the other WHS records/documentation and reports that organisations must keep.
hazard identification
risk assessment
monitoring report
b) Discuss the information that must be recorded about formal meetings where WHS consultation
takes place.
Meeting agenda and minutes
(in a paragraph)
a) Outline the legal requirements for using WHS representatives and committees.
ANS: WHS representatives: PCBU must arrange health and safety representatives if asked to
do so by the employee.
and WHS committees : PCBU must arrange for the appointment of health and safety
committee if asked by representatives or number of works
ANS: WHS representatives: represent the workers in their work group in relation to
work health and safety matters
monitor the measures taken by the person in control of a business or undertaking to
comply with the Act in relation to their work group members
investigate complaints from work group members about work health and safety
inquire into anything that appears to be a risk to the health or safety of work group
members, arising from the conduct of the business or undertaking.
Summarise how the training kitchen WHS policies demonstrate:
a) the organisation’s overall approach to WHS
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Scenario: You (acting as supervisor) and your team are going to be cooking for festival goers at an
outdoor event.
a) The event organiser provides you with a safety checklist before the day of the event. Explain why
this is an important document to complete.
ANS: the safety checklist is important because it will make sure the event, guest and staff will be safe.
By running the checklist, we will make sure to avoid possible hazards and to comply with
requirements and legislations.
a) Explain what you must do before setting up your equipment to ensure the safety of your staff and
patrons for the day.
ANS: you have to undertake site safety audit. A safety audit is a structured, methodical assessment
and evaluation of how workplace activities affect safety and health. They serve to continuously
improve an organisation's occupational health and safety procedures by evaluating compliance and
performance procedures.
b) Explain the safety steps must you take during the event to ensure that everyone around your stall
stays safe.
ANS: Monitor the workplace environment and work activities: Employers should monitor
and record the exposure of workers to ensure their safety and health. They should ensure
that workers are not exposed to any other hazard to an extent which exceeds exposure
limits or other exposure criteria for the evaluation and control of the working environment.
Health and Safety Risk Assessment:
1: Identify hazards, i.e. anything that may cause harm. Employers have a duty to assess the
health and safety risks faced by their workers.
2: Decide who may be harmed, and how.
3: Assess the risks and take action.
4: Make a record of the findings.
5: Review the risk assessment.
Develop An Emergency Plan. it’s important to plan for any situations that will require urgent
action. This could be anything from a fire to a stage collapsing or a terrorist incident. Even
bad weather could create an emergency situation.
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Develop emergency procedures to be followed by anyone working on the event and discuss
your plans with the venue management.
c) During the event it begins to rain heavily. When using the electric griller, one of the staff gets a mild
electrical shock. Explain what steps you must take after the event.
ANS: Make sure first aid is given
fill out the incident report form
investigate the incident
organisation register for incident
List all the people who might be involved in a risk assessment for a commercial kitchen.
ANS: Contractors
WHS committee members
staff supervisors and so on
List all the occasions when risk assessments must be undertaken.
ANS: New or modified work environment
on regular task based on organisation policy and procedure
hazard has been identified
new equipment are introduced and previous equipment are modified
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Students are to complete a hazard identification by analysing the pictures given below.Complete the kitchen WHS hazard identification procedures templates.
Students must accurately identify all hazards to successfully complete this task.
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Department Date
Workplace Activity:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Rare (Monthly) 1 Minor – e.g. small cut, first 1 Elimination is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first
aid treatment only instance.
Occasionally 2 Moderate – e.g. sprained 2 Substitution involves replacing the hazard or environmental aspect by one of
(Weekly) ankle, one day off required lower risk.
Frequent (Daily) 3 Major – e.g. loss of limb or 3 Engineering controls involve physical barriers or structural changes to the
bodily function environment or process.
Constant (Hourly) 4 Catastrophic – e.g. fatality 4 Administrative controls reduce hazard by altering procedures and providing
• Minor/no risk (risk score 1-2) – is acceptable. No further action on risk control measures is necessary
• Moderate risk (risk score 3-4) - indicates conditional acceptability. Further risk control measures should be considered and existing controls monitored
• Major risk (risk score 5-6) - indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls and measures must be developed and implemented in the short to medium term
• Catastrophic risk (risk score 7-16) - indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls must be immediately implemented or the risk eliminated (i.e. cease activity)
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Record yourself, following the below given fire evacuation proceduresand Send the recorded video to your trainer.
(please use any YouTube video recording to as a que to evacuate the building)
2: Say that you are going to leave work and follow the instructions and evacuate the building right away.
3: Ensure that you will only use the fire exits to exit the building. In case you are not on ground floor then use the fire exit stairs.
4: Reach the fire assembly point and say that you are waiting for the fire safety warden and you are only going to return, once it is confirmed by the fire
department to do so.
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
During the meeting, the role of chairperson will be rotated to each participant so that you will have the
opportunity to demonstrate your ability to co-ordinate consultation. Your assessor will be observing
the meeting to see that you are able to successfully undertake the risk assessment process, which
Identify all the risks and assess their likelihood and consequences
Identify the best possible controls for the risks by using the hierarchy of controls
Identify how the controls will be introduced, when, and by whom
When you are chair of the meeting, your assessor will be observing you to determine that you can
Co-ordinate the consultative processes to manage the safety hazards and risksas per the training
kitchen policies and procedures
Ensure that all ‘staff’ are able to contribute to the process
Make sure you take notes about the section you chaired, so that you can write your report for
Assessment Task 4. Make note of:
Urgency of implementation of new controls
Staff training needs
The effectiveness of the consultation
Adjustments required to the consultation process
Any suggested review of WHS policies or procedures
When you have completed the meeting, your trainer will ask you to demonstrate how you would
discipline the staff who were bullying the new staff member in Assessment Task 2 Part B.
After the meeting, submit you risk assessment template to your assessor.
Agenda :
Date :
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Time :
Next Meeting :
Minutes of Meeting
Agenda :
Date :
Time Commence :
Time Concluded :
Chairperson :
Opening Points:
Business Arising:
General Business:
Meeting Focus:
Manager’s Report:
Next meeting:
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Your report should demonstrate your report writing skills, ability to analyse the effectiveness of WHS
management practices, ability to make recommendations for change and complete accurate records
for regulatory compliance.
Refer to the How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks (model) Code of Practice OR State Code
of Practice as appropriate and your state or territory WHS legislation to assist you with this task.
Your report must address the specific hazards discussed when you were chair. You must describe the
consultation process, the procedures you followed, and the templates you used. You must also refer
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Full Name:SIT40516 - Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
The structure of your report should include:
Title page
Contents page
Introduction and conclusion
Headings based on the topics mentioned above
Page numbers
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SITXWHS002-Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks
SITXWHS003- Implement and monitor work health and safety practices