SITXINV002 Maintain The Quality of Perishable Items (1.03) - Student
SITXINV002 Maintain The Quality of Perishable Items (1.03) - Student
SITXINV002 Maintain The Quality of Perishable Items (1.03) - Student
Maintain the quality of perishable items
SIT - Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package
Developed by ACTE
This document is a Student Assessment Pack
for the above Unit of Competency and is to be
completed by a student to demonstrate his/her
Table of Contents
Purpose of Assessment................................................................................................................ 3
Target Group................................................................................................................................................ 3
Selected Methods and Intended Use............................................................................................................ 3
Standard Instructions for Assessor/Trainer..........................3
Standard Instructions for Learners........................................3
Assessment Cover Sheet.................................................................3
How your assessments will be marked.............................................3
Assessment Appeals........................................................................4
Reasonable Adjustment....................................................................4
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).................................................4
Adelaide College of Technical Education
Purpose of Assessment
Purpose of this assessment is to check that the competency should be achieved on all elements of
performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to maintain the quality of perishable
supplies for food and beverage, commercial cookery or catering operations. It requires the ability to
store perishable supplies in optimum conditions to minimise wastage and avoid food
Target Group
ACTE’s learners enrolled in the unit SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items must be
having basic literacy and numeracy skills who are either experienced or having no experience of
working in a professional environment.
Your responses to the assessment task have met the required unit
assessment criteria.
NOT SATISFACTORY Your responses to the assessment task have not met the required
assessment criteria. Additional learning or practice is required.
You must achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ result for all assessment tasks to be deemed competent for this
Assessment Appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it
to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.
Reasonable Adjustment
A reasonable adjustment is any measure or action that a student requires because of their
disability, and which has the effect of assisting the student to access and participate in education
and training on the same basis as students without a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it
achieves this purpose while taking into account factors such as the nature of the student’s
disability, the views of the student, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others
who might be affected, and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment. ACTE will also
maintain the academic integrity of a course and to consider the requirements or components that
are inherent or essential to its nature when assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable. There
may be more than one adjustment that is reasonable in a given set of circumstances; ACTE will
make adjustments that are reasonable and that do not cause the RTO unjustifiable hardship.
Support Services
Your trainer/assessor is able to clarify any aspect of an assessment task prior to it being
administered. This may include clarifying: knowledge and skills covered during the training
program; the meaning of written assessment questions; performance standards for practical
assessments; and marking criteria.
Once the assessment process has commenced however, the assessor is not able to provide
any intervention or guidance, unless it is to prevent an unsafe act from being performed.
Please ask for help when you need it, as your trainer/assessor may not be aware that you have
not understood aspects of the training program, or are not feeling confident enough to engage in
assessment activities.
Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of others and presenting them as your own. Plagiarism is a
type of intellectual theft. It can take many forms, from deliberate cheating to accidentally copying
from a source without acknowledgement. In your assessments you must come up with your own
ideas, however, at times you may need to make reference to work that has been conducted by
others. Important points to be aware of:
Assessor Expectations
All Tasks should be answered with a minimum of half (½) page length per question/activity/issue,
unless otherwise advised, or to be answered as per the requirement of the Task in an appropriate
Consulting Trainers
You are required to use a word processing program such as Microsoft Word to compile your report.
The following guidelines for your report (wherever required) is a suggested style guide. Submission
of assignment can also be done in other formats which should be clearly readable and legitimate.
3. Headings
• Arial, Size 12 pt., Bold
4. Text
• Arial, Size 11 pt.
5. Table Content
• Arial, Size 10 pt.
6. Line Spacing
• 1.5
7. Report length
• The number of words is detailed in the instructions/task description for each
individual assessment method.
Your Trainer/Assessor will guide you through the assessment method/requirements for each
RTO ID: 40336 CRICOS ID: 03187D Page 7 of 35 V1.03 Nov 2018
Assessment tool – SITXINV002 Copyright 2018 © Adelaide Educators Pty Ltd ABN 84136893831
Adelaide College of Technical Education
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to maintain the
quality of perishable supplies for food and beverage, commercial cookery or catering operations. It
requires the ability to store perishable supplies in optimum conditions to minimise wastage and
avoid food contamination.
The unit is particularly important within a food safety regime and applies to hospitality and catering
organisations, including hotels, restaurants, clubs, educational institutions, health establishments,
defence forces, cafeterias, residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, event and
function caterers.
To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:
Assessment Methods
In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must competently complete all the following
assessment tasks:
Assessment Definitions
• Help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work; and
• Help faculty recognise where students are struggling and address problems immediately
Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point
Information from summative assessments can be used formatively when students or faculty use it
to guide their efforts and activities in subsequent courses.
Assignment: A task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.
Written Response: In a response submission, you do assess the item you’ve been assigned to
observe, but you add your personal reaction and impressions to the report. The steps for
completing response submission are:
• Observe or read the piece for an initial understanding;
• Re-read the piece and stop to reflect often;
• Record your thoughts and impressions in notes;
• Develop an opinion; and
• Write an outline.
Online Assessment
Enter the user name and password provided to you by your Trainer.
Ensure that you have completed all the check points within the unit.
Checkpoints are to be completed on the online Futura portal using your student user ID/login so no
assignment coversheet is needed.
This formative assessment will be marked automatically by the online portal and feedback will be
provided automatically.
Enter the user name and password provided to you by your Trainer.
Ensure that you have completed the e-Quiz of the unit before the due date.
Quiz is to be completed on the online Futura portal using your student’s user ID/login so no
assignment coversheet is needed.
This formative assessment will be marked automatically by the online portal and feedback will be
provided automatically.
Assessment Receipt
Student Name
Student Number
Receipt of Assignment
I certify that this assignment is my own work based on my personal study and/or research and that
I have acknowledged all materials and resources used in the preparation of this assignment
whether they are books, articles, reports, lecture notes and any other kind of document, electronic
or personal communications. I also certify that the assignment has not previously been submitted
for assessment in any award or course and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise
plagarised the work of other students and/or persons. I have read the advice on plagiarism and
understood its implications. I can produce another hard/soft copy of this assignment within 24
hours if requested.
Unit Code SITXINV002 Unit Name Maintain the quality of perishable items
This assignment will not be marked unless the the above declaration is signed
Learner Name
I agree to undertake this assessment in the knowledge that the information gathered will only be
used for the purpose of determining my skills as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory for each
assessment method. Additionally, the information gathered is for the determination of my
Competency by the collection of all assessment evidence for this unit of competency and can
only be accessed by my workplace supervisor, my RTO and nominated regulatory authorities.
Learner Signature
Assessor Signature
Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
Trainer/Assessor Balraj Chatha
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks
outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the
following aspects:
meaning of:
o wastage to a commercial catering organisation and reasons to avoid it
o contaminant, contamination and potentially hazardous foods as defined by the Australia New
Zealand Food Standards Code
reasons for protecting food from contamination
different types of contamination:
o microbiological
o chemical
o physical
methods of rejecting contaminated food
potential deficiencies of delivered perishable food items:
o contaminated food
o food that is intended to be:
frozen but has thawed
chilled but has reached a dangerous temperature zone
o packaged food that is exposed through damaged packaging
correct environmental storage conditions for each of the main food types specified in the Performance
o correct application of humidity and temperature controls
o correct ventilation
o protecting perishables from exposure to:
heating or air conditioning
accidental damage through people traffic
environmental heat and light
o sanitary cleanliness
o storing perishables:
in dry stores
in cool rooms
in freezers
in refrigerators
sanitised and hygienic conditions
at room temperature
food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies:
o appropriate containers
o labelling and coding
o first in first out methods
o storage environments
o temperature, humidity, light and ventilation specifications for storage
o cleaning and sanitising processes for food storage areas
o quarantining the storage of items that are likely to be the source of contamination of food:
personal belongings
indicators of spoilage and contamination of perishable supplies:
o degradation of flavour, aroma, colour and texture
o enzymic browning
o drying and hardening
o crystalisation
o infestation of animal and pest waste
o mould
o exposed packaged food through damaged packaging
o odour
indicators of quality of perishable items:
o currency of best by or use by dates
o freshness
o size
o weight
o correct and environmentally sound disposal methods for kitchen waste and hazardous substances.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Resources Requirement: Pen, Paper, internet access or a copy of “Australia New Zealand Food
Standards Code - Standard 3.2.1 - Food Safety Programs (Australia Only)” or an organisational
food safety plan as set out in the TP.
You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with
instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.
Statement of Authenticity
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
Student Signature: Date: / /20
Extension – Date: / /
This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Date
/ /
Signature(s): :
Student Signature / /
Assessment 1
Your task:
Following are the main important points to avoiding wastage in a commercial kitchen operation.
The minimizing waste in the workplace will help the business to have the less operating
By changing menu requirements and different amount to make the different recipes.
1. Protecting food from the contamination is a big part in any food safety business. This
include protection from bacteria, fungus and chemicals to have the best and pure thing for the
2. The food protected from contamination will have a healthy impact rather than the food which
is contaminated from different things.
3. The prevention from contamination is also helpful in prevention of increasing bacteria and
other insects to contaminate food.
3. What are the different types of contamination? How are these caused?
4. What are the requirements for checking foods and perishables when a delivery arrives? This
needs to include the underpinning regulatory requirements, e.g. how to check/record
temperature, recording mechanisms etc.
Following are the some major points to take in consideration for checking foods and
perishables when a delivery arrives.
First one is to have the delivery docket from the supplier driver.
In second, check the details of the shipment, either its same as the order from or
In third, check the list of materials that were ordered on the suppliers delivery list
As the material and goods are still in the trunk, calculate the quantity and brand each
After checking, if the brand and goods are same then unload it.
Last part, check if something is inside out box that you haven’t ordered write it on the
5. List the suitable storage area, provision for correct storage (e.g. sanitised container) and typical
storage temperatures for each of the commodities listed in the table. Explain how these storage
areas should be prepared prior to storing food items following a delivery.
2. Beverages Cool room and Fresh jices1*C- AS the fresh juices have the
dry storage 4*C and fresh ingredients need to
beverages 13*C- store in the less cool
20*C environment. Other than in
case of beverages the goods
need to be highly chilled.
3. Dairy products Cool Room 2*C-4*C The dairy items are more
sensitive to heat and any
drop in the temperature.
Dairy products include
yogurt, cream, cheese and
5. Dry goods Dry and cool 10*C-15*C This need to be dry in the
place store but needs some cold to
freshen the goods and their
6. Cooked Food Items Cool room and Below 5*C to Cooked food should be kept
freezer above 60*C in this temperature to keep
its freshness for long.
10. Oils Dry storage 14*C-20*C Dry storage and the goods
not affecting from sunlight
will help in prservance.
12. Seafood Cool room 1*C-3*C Fresh sea food must be pack
freezers in the ice for the better taste
and freshness.
around 1 year.
Storage is mainly divided in two types. One is dry storage and one is wet storage. Wet storage
comes in classification of freezer and cool storage. While the dry storage falls in the category of
dry which refers to the dry things place where is limited temperature and environment.
6. What needs to be done if a delivery does not meet specifications or legislative temperature
requirements or is spoilt or contaminated? Who needs to be informed?
When receiving the deliveries, if the deliveries does not meet the specifications or legislative
temperature requirements or contaminated do not receive them. Because they are not up to
mark and will have negative affect on the food. This need to be reported to the internal and
external audit.
7. What are the humidity and ventilation requirements for dry store, cool room and freezers?
What are the requirements for monitoring and documentation?
Dry storage must be clean and tidy to prevent the growth of mild and bacteria. Dry store foods
must need a constant temperature to freshen the food and save it from contamination and
bacterial attacks. Dry store foods must be kept in 50F to make it the most. However, 70 F is
recommended for the most of products.
8. What are the provisions for effective pest control and maintenance requirements?
Following are the some methods to take in consideration while doing provisions for effective
pest control and maintenance requirements.
Preventive actions
Treatment selection
9. You receive a delivery of fresh, frozen and dry goods. How will you store these items to ensure
food safety requirements, prevent spoilage and ensure security of goods?
Fresh foods: In case of fresh foods this needs to be store in 4*C in cold storage.
Frozen foods: In the case of frozen foods it needs to be store in negative temperature. The
frozen food must be store in the -18*C.
Dry goods: The dry goods while receiving and needs to be store in dry and low cool place for
the better prevention. Also, they need to be close in the kitchen corner.
10. What are the labelling and coding requirements for food items? How does this assists in
effective FIFO procedures?
Following are the main labelling and coding requirements for food items are given below.
List of ingredients
Manufacturing date
Date of expiration
Nutrition labelling
Labelling and coding will give the information about the product. FIFIO procedures links in the
above mentioned things.
Stock rotation is defined as the process of organizing food items to mitigate the food loss and
prevent it from loss.
The first purpose is to have the best inventory for food and calculated purchases.
The second purpose of this it is designed in a way to get rid from the old stock.
The third one is that the while on the shelf some stock go on the last while showing new
and freshly baked items.
12. What are the recommended methods for cleaning and sanitising floors, wall and shelving in
storage areas to ensure food safety for storage?
User hot, clean and potable water with specified temperature for 2 minutes to clean it.
13. Provide 7 examples of indicators which can be used to identify whether stock is spoiled or
1.If there is slimy film on the surface of the food. Vegetables becomes less hard and taste not
2.There is a visible mold on the surface of the food. You can see in the molds of food to check
the contamination.
3.The food get discoloured. This makes the food contaminated and not for eating purpose.
5.The texture of food looks odd. This gives the proper identification of contaminated food.
6. Frozen remaining’s are caked in frost. This makes the food less tasty and porous.
14. How would you dispose of kitchen waste and potentially hazardous substances according to
environmental requirements and to prevent potential contamination in a food production area?
In case of food items, they needs to be in proper packing while disposing the food. This needs
to be in proper place when disposing.
Substances which can take flame quickly, e.g. cooking oil and others need to be properly
dispose to prevent contamination in food production area.
Broken glass
Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items
Trainer/Assessor Balraj Chatha
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
conduct temperature and quality checks on each of the following delivered goods to establish
whether they are within allowable tolerances:
o cold or chilled foods
o frozen foods
o raw foods
o reheated foods or ingredients
maintain quality of at least six of the following range of perishable supplies for food and beverage,
commercial cookery or catering operations:
o beverages
o dairy products
o frozen goods
o fruit
o meat
o poultry
o seafood
o vegetables
identify spoilt stock and dispose of according to organisational procedures.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located in
the teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training
1. To undertake this assessment you must have been instructed how to use each piece of
equipment in your work area or workplace and participated in an induction in your
workplace or place of training/study.
2. You are required to wear a complete uniform relevant to your area of training (Cookery,
Food and Beverage, Housekeeping etc.).
3. Your personal presentation must reflect the standards typically expected and acceptable in
the TH&E industry.
4. You will be observed on 3 separate occasions undertaking a variety of tasks relevant to
your level of training and the practical subjects you are enrolled in, and currently do as part
of your training for example preparing simple dishes, preparing mise en place for a bar or
food and beverage section or participating in the servicing of rooms etc. as relevant.
5. You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with your
Statement of Authenticity
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
Student Signature: Date: / /20
Date: / /
Date: / /
Assessment 2
Your task:
Assessment Instances – Overview
Indicate what will be observed during the assessment instances (1 or several instances as
dairy products
frozen goods
3. Identify spoilt stock and dispose of
according to organisational
dairy products
frozen goods
dairy products
frozen goods
Your Tasks
You will need to perform the tasks below or as instructed by your trainer.
1. You will receive a delivery of different food (and beverage) items including fresh, frozen,
perishable and dry goods. Your trainer will outline the expected varieties to you as relevant
2. Identify any signs of vermin infestation
3. Prepare the storage areas to accommodate the expected deliveries according to Food
Safety Requirements
4. Record the readings of all temperatures for these storage areas
5. Prepare any recording tools and equipment required to receive and check incoming stock
6. Prepare any equipment which may be required to move stock into storage
Receiving Process
7. Demonstrate to your trainer how you will process the delivery to ensure all items meet
specifications and the requirements according to Food Safety Standards
8. Meet all recording requirements
9. Identify any Discrepancies and explain to your trainer the processes that should be followed
for these
17. Identify and dispose of any stock in line with organisational procedures or as instructed by
your trainer
1.Attempt 2. 3. Attempt
Observation Criteria Attempt
S S S Comments
× × ×
Student Name
The Learner has been provided with Name of Assessor: Balraj Chatha
feedback and informed of the Signature of Assessor:
assessment result and the reasons for
the decision.
I have been provided with feedback on Name of Learner:
the evidence I have provided. I have Signature of Learner:
been informed of the assessment
result and the reasons for the decision.
Unit Code SITXINV002 Unit Name Maintain the quality of perishable items
2.1. Regularly check and adjust the CP2-4,5 Q.6,9,13 A1- Q.11
environmental conditions of all storage
areas and equipment to maintain CP3-3,4 Practical Observation
perishable supplies at optimum quality.
3.2. Inspect items for animal and CP6-5 Q.22,27,28 A1- Q.2,8
pest damage and report incidents of
infestation. CP7-4,5 Practical Observation
3.4. Safely dispose of spoilt stock CP7-1,2 Q.24,25 A1- Q.6,14 Practical Observation
and waste to minimise negative
environmental impacts.
Result: Satisfactory
Result: NOT Satisfactory
Overall, the candidate was
assessed as: Competent Not Yet Competent
Re-Assessment Required YES NO
Trainer Signature
Learner Signature