Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar
SESSION 2022-23
Teacher’s sign
Database Management System
Creating A Database Object There are several
popular RDBMS applications like microsoft
access,open office base.Here we shall use libre office
base open source database applications.
Opening libre office
1. Start > all programs > libre office
Creating a DataBase
1. Open libre office and select base database from
the sidebar
2. In the pop up window click on database
3. In the database wizard dialogue box select create a
new database option
4. Click next
Step 4
As with queries, the results in reports can be sorted.
By default results are sorted by the group field
(Author). You can specify more levels of sorting.
Leave the default values.
Step 5
In this step we choose the Layout for the data and the
headers and footers of the report. Click on the
available options to preview each layout.
Step 6
Here we specify the title and the type of the report. A
dynamic report generates data from the current table
data. This means that if we update data on the table
that feeds the report, the report will change
I have taken help of
• Our class 10 IT textbook
• Vedantu
• BYJU’s
• Google