Tipid Abono Protocol
Tipid Abono Protocol
Tipid Abono Protocol
1. Buresh, R.J.; Witt, C.; Peng, S.; and Mamaril, C.P. The
evolving integrated nutrient Management systems in rice.
2. Concepion, R.N., 1997. Eight basic facts from Gintong Ani
Balanced Fertilization Program. Paper presented at the
National Consultation in Balanced Fertilization. April 21-23,
1997. Cebu City, Philippines.
3. Concepcion, R.N; Evangelista P.P.; Hernandez L.G.; Santos
I.E. ; and Palis M.L., 1998. Balanced Fertilization Strategy.
Reformulating National Fertilizer Recommendation for Rice. Tipid--Abono
♦Tipid Fertilization
Paper presented at the 10th DA-BAR National Research
Symposium. September 17-18, 1998. ♦ Pure Organic Farming
4. Corton, T.M.; San Valentin, G.O.; Mamaril, C.P.; and Josue,
J.P. 2000. Biological method for diagnosis of nutrient
♦ Rice Composting &
limitations and balancing fertilizer application in lowland rice
Nutrient Recycling
5. Philippine Rice Research Institute. Leaf Color Chart. Rice
technology bulletin, 1997 (no. 22)
6. Philippine Rice Research Institute. Hybrid Rice Production
Technology, 2001.
7. Philippine Rice Research Institute. Minus-one element
technique. Rice Technology Bulletin 2002 (no.30)
8. Philippine Rice Research Institute. 12 Steps in Rice
Production. “ Bawas Gastos,
Saganang Ani ”
Produced by:
In coordination with
The Agriculture and Fisheries Information Service
Department of Agriculture
Note: Every ton of harvested inbred rice corresponds to 2 tons of rice straw. In
cases of hybrid rice, one tone harvest corresponds to one ton rice straw
o If drying of rice straw occurs, step upon the rice straw for them
to become submerged in water.
o Rapid rice composting is the production of on-farm composting At present, prices of inorganic fertilizers, especially Urea are
using rice straw with the aid of Trichoderma, a fungus that increasing at the rate that impedes the gains obtained from
hasten the decomposition of biomass or farm wastes. crop improvement programs.
Trichoderma is also effective in decomposing lignocelluloses
like corn stalks, sugarcane bagasses, grasses and weeds. Most farms in the Philippines are heavily dependent on
inorganic fertilizers (to the extent that our concept of high yield
for a given cropping season will only be attained using these
o Compared with the traditional or natural method of composting
external inputs) while farm wastes are improperly managed
which takes about three to four months to make. The use of and nutrient management strategies are not widely applied in
Trichoderma accelerates the decomposition of rice straw in just many parts of the country. These practices have placed the
three to four weeks. farmers in the chain of debt burden from traders who finance
their production inputs.
o The Trichoderma fungus is also known as Compost Fungus
Activator (CFA). It is available in powder or granular form. One of the best options is Organic Based Agriculture-
Lately, pure culture contained in agar-oatmeal medium has Development Program (Agri-Kalikasan). It is a science-based
been found to be more convenient and practical to use with sustainable agricultural and rural development program that
similar effectiveness in hastening decomposition. advocates the implementation of organic-based farming guided
by scientific principles. It promotes safe and judicious use and
o The old method of rice composting using Trichoderma is done proper mixtures of oil-based chemical fertilizers; recycled
composted home and farm wastes and other forms and natural
through file method. This method, however, is laborious. Thus,
sources of soil ameliorants and organic fertilizers. This
new practical method is recommended for irrigated rice farms.
program is the primary DA strategic cost-reduction,
environment-friendly food production measure that aims to
reduce the dependence of vulnerable small farmers on
chemical-based fertilizers.
o Spread the rice straw in rice paddy together with 500 kg of II. OBJECTIVES
dried chicken manure (or its equivalent commercial organic
fertilizer) within a month before plowing. The program aims to establish a cost-efficient, competitive
and sustainable agricultural production system that is in
Note: Dried farm manure (pig, carabao or cattle) and plants with high N content harmony with nature and ensure long-term economic farm
such as ipil-ipil, azolla, sesbania, mungo, mani, cowpea, soybean, kakawate(madre productivity and natural resource-base productivity by
de cacao), acasia etc. . Rice straw after threshing could be spread in rice paddy mainstreaming organic-based farming into the DA’s
immediately while waiting for the release of irrigation water. sustainable agricultural development programs that reduces
vulnerability of small farmers to the uncontrolled prices of
chemical fertilizers.
o Allow water to flow into the paddy and soak the rice straw
within 12 hours. Be sure the farm ditch is closed. Leave the rice III. SCOPE
straw moist until decomposed.
1. Balanced and judicious Organic-based farming “Tipid
o Mix the right amount of Trichoderma in a knapsack sprayer
♦ This is a technology intervention, which promotes
according to yield (4 bottles of trichoderma for every ton of rice
the balanced and judicious use of organic and inorganic
straw). Spray evenly to rice straw in the paddy.
combination of fertilizers to address the increasing cost of
oil-based fertilizers and the need to sustain the target
yield for rice and corn for national food security in a long
term cost-efficient and sustainable development. Table 9. Result of Leaf Color Chart (LCC) Monitoring
PROGRAM COMPONENTS MT Soil & plant sampling at Mid-Tillering stage. Each sampling mark
consist of 3 hills.
PI Soil & plant sampling at Panicle Initiation. Each sampling mark
PC 1. Tipid Abono and Balanced Fertilization Program comsist of one hill
This program is the primary cost reduction strategy for food
production, which promotes the judicious use and combination of WATER Collect before planting at entrance of irrigation canal at MT & PI
within the plot
organic and inorganic fertilizers to address the increasing cost of
fertilizers while sustaining the targeted optimum yield for rice and
Table 8b. Comparative Rate of Production Inputs for Rice corn to ensure national food security.
ITEM Farmer-Cooperator/ Non-
Techno-demo (TD) Techno-demo PC 2. Balik Pataba sa Bukiran (Rice Composting and Nutrient
Before During (NTD) Recycling)
Material Inputs This program focuses on the production of on-farm compost
Seeds (kgs) using rice straw with the aid of Trichoderma, a fungus that hastens the
decomposition of biomass or farm wastes, in designated GMA cluster
variety production areas to only 21-28 days. To facilitate the implementation of
Fertilizer (bags) activities, Trichoderma production facilities will be set-up in selected
Commercial Organic municipalities where model farms are located.
Rice Straw PC 3. Integrated Organic Based Model Farms
Establishment of a model farm for Tipid–Abono fertilization and
massive composting for solid waste reduction and as alternate source of
18-46-0 fertilizer especially for rural poor community. It will become a part of the
16-20-0 community learning centers where there will be an exchange and
21-0-0 sharing of information on organic-based farming among farmers,
Zinc sulfate agricultural technicians, and the local academe. These model farms will
(if applicable) have the following facilities:
Others (specify)
o Trichoderma and Compost Production Facilities
Fuel for land
preparation (lid) o Post harvest infrastructure/facility
Fuel for irrigation (lid)
I. Tipid Abono Fertilization
Labor (days/ha) The “Tipid-Abono” Fertilization Program is a cost reduction
Operator & Family strategy through judicious and optimum fertilization, adopted by the
Hired Department of Agriculture to guide farmers, particularly the hybrid and
Fixed Costs certified rice producers, for using the right mixtures of fertilizers and the
timely application of the most appropriate type and amounts of fertilizer
Landlord share
that will ensure optimum crop yields and better income without causing
Land tax decline in soil fertility. The TAFP also use the Leaf Color Chart (LCC)
Land rent tool of PhilRice to help farmers visually assess the Nitrogen status and
Harvester/Thresher requirement of the rice plant at different growth stages. Time and
Share amount of Nitrogen application is determined after LCC readings. As
Irrigation Fee part of TAFP monitoring, soil analysis by Soil Test Kit (STK), Rapid Soil
Test (RST) , and laboratory analysis are employed to confirm and
Other costs (specify)
determine in situ, soil nutrient status and plant nutrient uptake through
Total Cost - plant tissue samples.
With Family Labor
Total Cost - This cost reduction strategy is also employed to address the high
Without Family Labor and increasing cost of inorganic fertilizers which is dependent on
escalating prices of crude oil.
The Program would ultimately provide primary measures to
reduce cost of production and to sustain the increased farmers’ income Table 8a. Comparative Cost and Return Analysis for Rice
and savings obtained from the “Tipid Abono” fertilization. It will also
support the small scale organic fertilizer industry and create job ITEM Farmer-Cooperator/ Non-Techno-
Techno-demo (TD) demo
opportunities for about 6,000 persons per cropping season.
Before During (NTD)
Expected results include: consistent yield of certified and hybrid
No. Reporting
seeds (5-7 tons/ha) despite reduction in the amount of fertilizer use;
reduced production cost for rice and corn by 37-46 percent; savings of Average Crop Area (ha)
at least two (2) bags of urea/ha per year (1 bag/ha per cropping) and
soil rehabilitation. Yield (kg/ha)
Total Production Value
Production Cost -
1. Department of Agriculture With Family Labor (PhP/ha)
Production Cost -
o Reduce vulnerability of small farmers to the uncontrolled Without Family Labor (PhP/ha)
prices of chemical fertilizers by mainstreaming organic based
farming in sustainable agricultural development programs. Net Crop Income -
With Family Labor (PhP/ha)
o Establish cost-efficient, competitive sustainable agricultural
production system that is in harmony with nature and ensure Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
long-term economic farm productivity and natural resource With Family Labor
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Without Family Labor
2. Bureau of Soils and Water Management
4 25
Table 7b. Yield data of techno-demo farmer cooperators
3. Department of Agriculture – Regional Field Units
Name of Area Palay Yield at harvest
farmer (ha.)
o Take the lead in the implementation of the Tipid-Abono
No. of Ave. Wt. Total Wt.
bags per bag (kg)
Fertilization Program in the region in consultation with BSWM
o Coordinate
Result ofamong local agencies
the MOET, however,involved in as
will serve the one
of the
1. o Facilitate
basis thefor further
conduct reformulation
of trainings related to theof project;
2. o Assistrecommendation
in the conductforof the next water
soil and cropping season
sampling and bysocio-
3. fertilizersurvey,
economic groupings in extreme
and other casesactivities;
data gathering where other
4. nutritional disorders still occur as yieldoutputs
limiting factors.
Etc. o Facilitate the promotion of techno-demo
o Assist in site selection and conduct of techno-demo
Total Minusassistance
o Provide One Element in Technique
the analysis (MOET) is a
of soil, technology
water, and plant
that determines the nutrient deficiencies in irrigated low-
tissue samples through its Regional Soil Laboratory.
Ave. land rice. It shows the status of essential nutrients in
soils such as N, P, K, Zn, S and Cu. The method simu-
Adjusted average grain yield (kg/ha.) @ 14% M.C: 4. Philippine Rice Research Institute (PHILRICE)
lates actual field condition (i.e. flooded or submerged
condition), is farmer friendly, and does not require so-
Total yield of farmer-cooperators (kg) o Provide technical briefings for the TAFP particularly on the
phisticated equipment.
= ———————————————– x MF Leaf Color Chart (LCC) and Minus One Element Technique
Total harvest area (ha.) (MOET) technology
o Provide LCC and MOET kits/materials necessary in the
Where: M.C. - moisture content of palay at harvest conduct and implementation of the TAFP
o Serve as co-partner in monitoring and evaluating
M.F. (Moisture factor) = 100 - M.C.
demonstration sites
o Provide technical assistance necessary in the course of the
TAFP implementation.
Table 7c. Farmers’ practice (NTD)*
5. Local Government Unit
Name of Area Palay yield at harvest o Facilitate the promotion of the “Tipid-Abono” Fertilization
farmer (ha) technology; conduct of trainings related to the project; and
No. of Ave. wt. Total wt.
bags Per bag (kg) assist in the soil and water sampling, socio-economic survey
and other data gathering needs/activities
1. o Commit/provide Technicians as technical counterparts in the
2. implementation of the project.
6. Land Bank of the Philippines
o Provide assistance to farmers in terms of loans for purchase
Ave. of production inputs
o Provide assistance in technology promotion through briefings/
production inputs and other post-harvest facility
requirements Table 7a. Data on agronomic parameters
8. National Agriculture and Fishery Council (NAFC) Biomass Matter
Tiller Count
PLT. NO. (g/hill) Yield
o Provide financial support to various packages of organic- (g/hill)
based production programs
M.T. P.I. Harvest Harvest
9. Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority (FPA) 1
6 23
Table 5. Data on Water Analysis
o Should include the best farmers in the locality who have
Growth Stages
consistently shown high yields; possess leadership and ability
PROPERTIES At Entrance* Mid - Panicle to influence and share his knowledge to other farmers.
Tillering Initiation
o Should show interest and recognize the importance of the
1. pH techno- demo trial.
2. E.C. o Should be willing to follow the requirements of the techno-
3. SO4 demo, provide free labor and the use of a portion of his field
for the duration of the techno-demo, and be a good innovator
4. P and accepts newly introduced technology.
5. K
7. NH4-N o Varieties to be used should depend on the adaptability to site
and prevailing cropping season (hybrid or certified inbred
8. Cu
9. Zn
Choose only one variety within the techno-demo site for
10. Fe uniformity in maturity, crop stand and easy interpretation of
11. Mn yield results.
o Choose the right high yielding variety with good eating quality
* Benchmark data taken before establishment of techno-demo at the en- and of desired maturity; resistant or tolerant to major pests,
trance of irrigation canal diseases and salinity problem soils.
1. Pre-techno-demo activities
Table 6. Data on plant analysis
o Coordination with DA-LGU, DA-RFU, Philrice, LBP, and
Growth Stages
N (%) P (%) K (%) Zn (%) Quedancor.
22 7
Note: Determine the soil fertility level using STK analysis within the
clustered farms. Based on the dominant fertility level, decide where to > For Heterogeneous Plots
put up 10m x 10m harvest area for monitoring and data gathering pur- (High and low areas with non-uniform crop growth)
poses; submit the soil samples of that farm where harvest area is lo-
cated for complete laboratory analysis as benchmark data indicated in
Table 3. If the area is heterogeneous, that is, there are low or elevated
areas or different soil nitrogen status, divide the area into several
laboratory for water analysis as benchmark data plots of similar characteristics. Then get LCC readings of 10
indicated in Table 5. representative plants from each plot. For each plot, if there are five
or more leaves with LCC readings below 4, apply 30 kg N/ha. This is
o Where available, conduct Minus One Element Technique equivalent to 1 1/3 bags of urea or 3 bags of ammonium sulfate.
(MOET) based on enclosed procedure. ______________________
Source: PhilRice
For Rapid Soil Testing (RST) and Soil Test Kit (STK), refer to brochures or manual
Note: Result of the MOET, however, serve as one of the basis for
further reformulation of fertilizer recommendation for the next cropping
season by fertilizer groupings in extreme cases where other nutritional Table 3. SOIL DATA
disorders still occur as yield limiting factor. Minus One Element Tech-
nique (MOET) is a technology that determines the nutrient deficiencies Soil Properties Initial At Harvest
in irrigated lowland rice. It shows the status of essential nutrients in the
1. pH
soil such as N, P, K, Zn, S, and Cu. This method simulates actual field
condition (i.e. flooded or submerged condition), is farmer friendly, and 2. Organic Matter (%)
does not require sophisticated equipment. 3. Nitrogen
4. Phosphorus
5. Potassium
2. Establishment and Management of Techno-demo sites
6. Sulfate
♦ Land Preparation 7. Calcium
8. Magnesium
o Start preparing the field 3 weeks before seeding or 9 Zinc
transplanting. Fix all dikes, soak the field for at least 1 8. Texture
day to soften the soil, then plow to a depth of at least 10- Table 4. Soil data taken at phenological stages
15 cm to incorporate weeds and rice stubbles to hasten
decomposition. Irrigate the field after plowing to prevent Use STK Use RST
nitrogen loss from the soil Phenological Stages
pH N P K Zn Ca Mg
o Puddle the soil by harrowing 3-5 days after plowing. Mid Tillering (M.T.) *
Begin second harrowing 5-7 days. Keep the field Panicle Initiation (P.I.) **
* M.T. = 38-40 DAS or 18-20 DAT (for 110 - 115 days early maturing variety)
o Harrowing and final leveling should be finished a day = 41-45 DAS or 21-25 DAT (for 116 - 125 days medium maturing variety)
before the scheduled transplanting. Level the field
thoroughly to ensure uniform water depth in the field. ** P.I. = 45-50 DAS or 25-30 DAT (for 110 - 115 days early maturing variety)
Note: DAS includes 20 day old seedlings in the seedbed using wetbed method. In
dapog method, however, it is safer to use DAT instead of the computed DAS in deter-
mining mid-tillering stage (M.T.). P.I. is computed by subtracting 65 days from ma-
turity of variety.
8 21
Starting on the 14th day after planting, observe the growth
Note: Uniform water depth helps suppress growth of weeds and
of the rice plants. maximize fertilizer efficiency. It also avoid portions of the field with
high water depth that may reduce number of tillers and prone to possi-
Step 5 - After 45 days, compare the growth of the plants in each pot ble damage of snails during early vegetative stage.
with that of the plants in complete treatment (N, P, K, Zn, S,
and Zn) that must be healthy. If the growth of the plants in ♦ Seedbed Preparation and Raising Healthy Seedlings
all pots is as healthy as that of the plants in the complete (Wetbed method)
treatment, then the soil has sufficient nutrients.
o While the seeds are being soaked, prepare the land and
Step 6 - Compare the biomass for each treatment with that of the make a 400m2 seedbed at 2m x 20m plot size (10 plots) or
complete treatment. If the biomass (dry weight of the whole any convenient length and width such as 1m x 20m (20 plots)
plant, excluding the roots) of a treatment is less than 80% or 2m x 5m (40 plots).
of that from the complete treatment, the nutrient o Apply any organic materials for every 400 m2 in the seedbed
represented in the label of the pot is deficient. in order to make the soil loose to facilitate pulling of seedlings
______________________ and minimize root damage.
Source: PhilRice
o Use 20 kg new hybrid seeds per hectare or 40 kg of inbred
seeds (seeding rate)
o Soak the hybrid seeds in clean water within 12-24 hours and
How to use the Leaf Color Chart (LCC)
not less than 24 hours for inbred seeds
o Incubate the hybrid seeds within 12-36 hours and 24-36
o Compare the color of the topmost fully expanded and healthy hours for inbred seeds.
leaf of a representative rice plant with the LCC. o Sow the incubated seeds on the seedbed at a rate of 50g/m2
(hybrid) and 100g/m2 (inbred)
o The LCC comes with six color gradients, starting with yellowish o Control weeds immediately (through hand weeding) and
green (1) representing the lowest N concentration, and dark protect seeds and seedlings from rats (through rat bait) and
green (6) or highest N concentration. The critical value set for golden snail (hand picking). Weed growth is expected in
irrigated lowland rice variety is 4. Apply 30 kg N/hectare (1 1/3 sparsely sown seeds.
bags urea or 3 bags ammonium sulfate) if majority of the leaves o If nutrient deficiency is observed like yellowing of seedling
in a sample have LCC reading below 4 . No need to apply leaves, apply ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) or complete (14
fertilizer if majority of the leaves in the samples have LCC -14-14) fertilizer at the rate of 5-10 g/m2 ten (10) days after
reading above 4. seeding whichever is available and cheaper.
o Water the seedbed 2-3 days after sowing (DAS) or when the
o Take readings between 8-10 am when there is no much glare soil begins to crack. Maintain 2-3 cm water depth to avoid
from the sun. Avoid taking readings very early in the morning producing tall and weak seedlings in the seedbed.
since dew drops can make reading difficult.
♦ Transplant Seedlings and Replant Missing Hills
> For Homogenous Plots
(Fairly level area with uniform crop growth) o Transplant 20-25 day-old seedlings (hybrid) at 1-2 seedlings/
hill and 2-3 seedlings for inbred
Measure the topmost fully expanded healthy leaves of ten o Planting distance is 20 cm x 15 cm during dry season and 20
plants from a plot or hectare if the area is homogenous. If five or cm x 20 cm during wet season.
more of the leaves have LCC readings below 4, apply 30 kg N / o Replant missing hills not later than 3-5 days after transplanting
ha. This is equivalent to 1 1/3 bags of urea or 3 bags of to avoid uneven maturity of the crop.
Ammonium Sulfate.
20 9
How to use Minus One Element Technique (MOET)
(Dapog Method)
o Materials (7 plastics pots or any suitable container); 28 kgs soil
o Use 1 kg seeds /1.5m2 or 40 kg of seeds/60m2; water 4-5 to be tested, preferably wet; pre-weighed fertilizer formulation
times a day or as often as needed. Press seeds (then the (available at PhilRice Los Baños); at least 28-35 rice seedlings
young seedling) with board to flatten the roots and avoid (10-15 days old) or pre-germinated seeds.
seedlings to grow on top of each other.
Step 1 - Mix the soil sample thoroughly. Put 4 kg of soil per pot. If
♦ Water Management After Transplanting and at Harvest the organic matter in the soil is still actively decomposing,
keep the soil in the pot flooded for at least 2 weeks before
o Irrigate for 1-3 days after transplanting. Maintain 2-3 cm transplanting or sowing.
water depth for wetbed seedlings, and 1 cm for dapog
seedlings 2 days after transplanting. o Collect your soil sample before land preparation to make
o During the early vegetative stage, maintain 3-5 cm depth sure that your sample is not affected by fertilizer
of water. From maximum tillering stage up to flowering , application. Collect the soil randomly at a depth of 20 cm. If
maintain 5 cm water depth. the whole field has different fertility status as evidenced by
o Drain water 2 weeks before harvest during wet season. crop stand, divide the field into uniform sampling units and
Gradually drain to saturation point during dry season. test each sampling unit separately. Don’t get your sample
Avoid drying-up of the soils as this will affect grain quality. from abnormal location such as Carabao ponds or near
piles of decomposing matter because these give erroneous
♦ Pest and Disease Management results.
o Insect. Practice synchronous planting - plant within a Step 2 - Before transplanting or sowing, mix the fertilizer formulation
thoroughly with the soil in each pot. Label the pots:
month of the regular planting time in the community.
complete, -N, -P, -K, -Zn, -S and –Cu.
Regularly monitor the crop at various growth stages to
check the presence of insect pests and diseases. Apply
control measures whenever necessary. o After mixing each fertilizer formulation with soil samples in
o Golden Snail. Herd ducks in the field after harvest; its pot, make sure to wash your hands with water to avoid
handpick snails and their eggs; control water; put screen contamination. Cigarette butts, dash, and other
wires along water outlets and inlets or use recommended contaminants should also be avoided. Proper handling of
molluscides. fertilizer formulation packets is important.
o Weeds. Apply pre-emergence herbicides 2-5 days after
transplanting. Hand weed, if needed or use rotary weeder Step 3 - Transplant 4-5 seedlings per container. When using pre-
for straight row system of transplanting. germinated seeds, it is best to sow more seeds per pot to
avoid replanting
o Rats. A community effort is needed to destroy all breeding
sites of rats before cropping season starts.
o Keep the soil wet but without standing water until the
(Direct Seeding) seedlings have fully recovered from transplanting shock.
Once water is introduced, see to it that the pots have
standing water. It is more practical to use tap or irrigation
o Direct seeding reduces labor costs because it does away water. Retain only the 2 best growing plants per pot 7 days
with seedbed preparation, seedbed care, pulling of after transplanting or 7-10 days after sowing.
seedlings, and transplanting which could mean substantial
savings for the farmer. Step 4 - Grow the plants up to 45 days after transplanting or sowing.
10 19
Continuation: Table 2
o Direct seeding results in a shorter duration of maturity.
Group 4 Basal application: 10 kg. Zinc sulfate CARAGA: Agusan Sur
104 kg N 1 sack 18-46-0 (for zinc deficient and Norte, Surigao Sur Generally, a direct seeded crop matures 7-10 days earlier
30 kg P205 1 sack 14-14-14 areas) CAR: Ifugao, Kalinga, than a transplanted crop because seedlings are not pulled.
7 kg K20 Apayao
Region 4: Cavite, Pulling usually causes root injuries requiring a period
Broadcast application based on Palawan, Romblon recovery which prolongs the crop’s duration of maturity.
Leaf Color Chart (LCC): Region 9: Zamboanga del
4 sacks AmmoSul Norte o After a 36-48 hour incubation (radical breaks seed coat),
2 sacks Urea open the sacks to cool off the seeds before broadcasting.
Group 5 Basal application: 20 kg Zinc Sulfate CAR: Tabuk, Kalinga Use a rate of 80-100 kg per hectare.
104 kg N 1 sack 18-46-0 Region 1: San Manuel
30 kg P205 1 sack 14-14-14 (for zinc deficient and Urdaneta, o Prepare the field thoroughly so the crop has an initial
7 kg K20 areas) Pangasinan headstart over weeds. Take note that weeds are more
Broadcast application based on Region 2: Villaverde,
Leaf Color Chart (LCC): Solano and Bagabag,
competitive in direct seeding since they grow almost
4 sacks AmmoSul Nueva Vizcaya simultaneously with the crop. Level the soil by planking.
2 sacks Urea Region 3:
Camiling,Tarlac; o Do not broadcast seeds immediately after the last harrowing/
Arayat and levelling. Allow the mud to settle for 12-24 hours before
Magalang, Pampanga;
San Ildefonso, Bulacan;
broadcasting the seeds.
Her mosa, Bataan; o Broadcast seeds on a saturated field, but do not allow any
Gapan, Nueva Ecija
Region 4: Sta. Cruz, standing water. Irrigate the field three days after
Laguna broadcasting to re-saturate the soil. Herbicides may be
Region 6: Banga, Aklan;
Sibalom, Antique,
applied for more effective weed control 3-6 days after
Barotac, Nuevo broadcasting
Cabatuan and
Pototan, Iloilo o When necessary, handweed 20-25 days after broadcast to
Region 8: Palo, Leyte; eliminate weeds which survive herbicide treatments.
Basey, Samar
Region 9: Polanco, Zamb.
del Norte; Tukuran, ♦ Integrated Nutrient Management
Zamb. del Sur; Zamb.
Region 10: Gingoog City o Follow the tabulated “Tipid-Abono“ Recommendation for rice
Caraga: Butuan City,
Agusan Norte; Pros
according to Fertilizer Groupings indicated (Table 1).
peridad, Agusan Sur o Apply the recommended commercial organic fertilizer three
ARMM: Sinsuat,
Maguindanao (3) days before transplanting to allow decomposition.
Group 6 Basal application: 10 kg. Zinc Sulfate Region 1: Curimao, Ilocos
94 kg N 1 sack 18-46-0 Norte; Sta. Catalina and o Apply the recommended inorganic (N, P, K and Zn) fertilizers
30 kg P205 1 sack 14-14-14 Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur;
12 kg K20 Binmaley, Lingayen, and
14 DAT (days after transplanting). When applying fertilizer ,
Broadcast application based on Leaf Sual, Pangasinan reduce water level to almost field saturation (3cm) just
Color Chart (LCC): Region 2*: Appari; Boguey;
3 sacks AmmoSul Cama, Lanuigan, enough to dissolve the fertilizer. Do not, however, dry the
2 sacks Urea Ballesteros, Sanches
Mira, Claveria, Santa,
field.(i.e. soil surface showing cracks)
Pamplona, Sta.Teresita,
Region 3: Sesmoan,
o Take the Leaf Color Chart (LCC) reading at weekly interval
Macabebe and Masantol, after 14 DAT or 21 DAS to determine the succeeding amount
Region 5*: Calabanga, and right time of N application up to the initial flowering.
Canaman, Bonbon,
Magarao, Libmanan,
Cabusao, Pamplona,
o After first fertilizer application at 14 DAT, apply succeeding
Gainza, Camaligan, nitrogen requirement if nitrogen deficiency occurs based on
Camarines Sur.
Caraga*: Nasipit, Cabadbaran, LCC readings specially during the critical period at maximum
Magallanes, RTR,
tillering stage and one week before flowering.
* for verification (saline areas)
18 11
Note: Maximum tillering stage of transplanted 20 day old seedling is Table 2. Recommended Fertilization where Organic Fertilizer
is not available
estimated at 40-45 DAS (20-25 DAT) for early maturing varieties and 46-
55 DAS (26-35 DAT) for medium maturing varieties. This is estimated by
Fertilizer Recommended Fertilizer Additional
subtracting 70 days from the maturity of variety. Regions
Grouping (kg/ Grade Combination Zinc sulfate/ ha.
One week before flowering of transplanted 20 day old seedling during dry Group 1 Basal application 15 kg. Zinc sulfate Region I: Ilocos Sur,
season is estimated at 61-66 DAS (41-46 DAT) for early maturing varie- 100 kg N 1 sack 18-46-0 Ilocos Norte, La
ties (110-115 days) and 67-76 DAS (47–56 DAT) for medium maturing 37 Kg P205 2 sacks 14-14-14 Union, Pangasinan
varieties (116-125 days). This is estimated by subtracting 45 days from 14 kg K20 Region 2: Isabela
the maturity of variety during wet season and 49 days during dry season. Region 3: Tarlac
(saline areas)
o Record the actual yield of each farmer-cooperator and adjust
average grain yield of techno-demo to 14% MC (refer to Table
Table 1. Recommended Balanced “Tipid-Abono” Fertilization
o Economic information such as area planted, yield, farming by Specific Province
practices, production costs and income within the cropping
period under study should be gathered from the farmer- Recommended Recommended
cooperators of techno-demo farms (TD), and at least three Fertilizer* Fertilizer Grade
Zinc sulfate/ ha.
Grouping (kg/ha) Combination
(3) non techno-demo farms (NTD) or farms adjacent to the
Group 1 Basal application 15 kg. Zinc sulfate Region I: Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte,
TD to compare the TD and NTD within the same cropping 68/91 N 5 sacks of organic La Union,
season. Additionally, same information would be gathered 35 kg P205 fertilizer Pangasinan
only from the farmer-cooperators before the 12 kg K20 1 sack of 18-46-0 Reg.3: Tarlac
1 sack of 14-14-14 Region 2: Isabela
implementation of Tipid Abono Fertilization Program Region 5: Albay
(TAFP). Broadcast application
based on Leaf Color
o Refer to Table 3 to 9 for the prescribed presentation Chart (LCC):
format of laboratory analysis results and information on 2-3 sacks Urea
Group 2 10 kg. zinc sulfate CAR: Abra
69/92 kg. N Region 2: Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya,
♦ Harvesting 38 kg. P205 Cagayan
5 kg. K20 Region 3: Nueva Ecija, Bulacan,
Bataan, Zambales, Pampanga,
o Harvest palay when 80-85% of the grains are matured. Aurora
Region 4: Laguna, Quezon, Mindoro
o Thresh immediately to minimize field losses and Occidental
deterioration of grain quality. Basal application Region 5: Catanaduanes, Cam. Sur,
5 sacks of organic Cam. Norte, Masbate, Sorsogon
fertilizer Region 6: Aklan, Antique, Capiz,
♦ Field Day/Harvest Festival 1 sack of 18-46-0 Iloilo, Negros Occ.
1 sack of 16-20-0 Region 7: Bohol, Negros Oriental
Region 8: Leyte, Samar
o Ceremonial harvesting Broadcast application Region 10: Misamis Oriental, Mis.
based on Leaf Color Occ., Bukidnon
o Presentation of techno-demo harvest results (yield per Chart (LCC): Region 11: Davao Oriental, Davao
hectare, yield increment) 2-3 sacks Urea del Norte, ComVal, South Cota-
o Testimonials of success stories Region 12: Lanao del Norte, North
Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat
Broadcast application
based on Leaf Color
Chart (LCC):
2-3 sacks Urea
* Recommended rates include nutrients from organic fertilizer based on the fol-
lowing analysis:
2.5% N; 2.0% P2O5; 2.0% K2O
14 15