A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 5 (2015) 671-677

doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2015.08.005

A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of

Pampanga State Agricultural University in Central Luzon,

Norman De Jesus1, Honorio Soriano Jr1, Rafael Rafael2, Emmanuel Pangilinan3, Cesar Orpiada3, Estrella Zabala4,
Regina Loria5, Ernesto Supan1, Filomena Reyes1, Celso Reyes1 and Angelina De Jesus1
1. College of Agriculture Systems and Technology (CAST), Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU), Magalang, Pampanga
2011, Philippines
2. College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga 2011, Philippines
3. Alternative Low-Input Agriculture Systems (ALIAS) Center, Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga 2011,
4. College of Home Economics and Food Sciences (CHEFS), Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga 2011,
5. College of Education (COEd), Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga 2011, Philippines

Abstract: Alternative Low-Input Agriculture Systems (ALIAS) center advocates organic and sustainable food production system
through farm/field demonstration and piloting. The center undertakes activities, including research and development, extension and
training, technology dissemination, linkaging and promotional activities. The study established a campus-based demonstration
technology showcasing ALIAS to facilitate easy technology diffusion. The objectives of this research were to promote: (1)
bio-fertilizers and plant-based pesticides in managing insect pests and diseases of organic vegetables and fruit crops; (2) lotus-tilapia
integration as a new modality of farming system in frequently flooded areas; (3) honeybee as pollinators to enhance productivity of
organic vegetable and fruit crops; (4) Adlai as intercrop to organic vegetable and fruit crops in support to rice sufficiency; (5) native
chicken-coffee integration. The results show that: (1) microbial inoculants and plant-based pesticides are effective in controlling
diseases and insect pest, respectively; (2) lotus integration in tilapia production system have no negative effect on the tilapia yield; (3)
honeybees as pollinators enhances fruit setting by 42%-68% in different crops; (4) Adlai is a viable intercrop for organic vegetable
and fruit crops; (5) native chicken integration was found to be beneficial in terms of soil fertility, insect pest control, natural weeding
practices and cultivation in the coffee plantation.

Key words: Organic agriculture, bio-fertilizer, plant-based pesticides, honeybee integration, techno-demonstration.

1. Introduction with the said synthetic fertilizer materials. The

concerned government departments and private sector
The continuous use and overuse of chemical
alike are now pursuing ways and means to adopt
fertilizers create an imbalance in the nutrient
organic farming. Production from organic farming is
composition of the soil, which makes the soil acidic
healthy and highly palatable. Moreover, the increasing
and hence reduces the soil productivity. The soaring
cost of chemical fertilizer has increased farm
price of these fertilizers is likewise an alarming
production inputs/costs. The use of organic fertilizer
concern among farmers. Not to mention, the health
will substantially lower the production cost of
hazard poses to humans heavily by the crops applied
agricultural produce.
Corresponding author: Norman De Jesus, Ph.D., research
In support of Republic Act 10068, an act providing
field: organic agriculture.
672 A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

for the development and promotion of organic to utilize various types of bio-fertilizers (bio-fertilizer
agriculture in the Philippines, the Pampanga State compost, liquid bio-fertilizer, organic foliar fertilizer)
Agricultural University (PSAU), through its and beneficial microorganisms in the production of
Alternative Low-Input Agriculture Systems (ALIAS) organic vegetables. The aim was to demonstrate the
center, promotes organic and sustainable production technology that we can produce yields comparable or
systems through farm demonstrations and piloting. In better than that of conventional farming systems
the province of Pampanga in the island of Luzon, without using any synthetic chemicals. Different types
organic farmers obtained their knowledge through of plant extracts with bioactive components, such as
training and seminars [1]. In Central Luzon, organic neem, kakawate, marigold and microbial inoculants
production systems have low utilization and adoption. were used in the prevention of diseases and protection
Most of the constraint in the promotion of organic against different types of pests. The goal was to
agriculture in the region can be solved through an demonstrate alternative ways of controlling pests and
integrated production systems program [2]. Various diseases without relying on hazardous synthetic
organic production system techno-demo in the chemicals.
university will help hasten the promotion of organic
2.2 Lotus-Tilapia Integration as a New Modality of
agriculture in the region. The objectives of this
Farming System in Frequently Flooded Areas
ALIAS center research program were to demonstrate
the complementary effects of crops and livestock The project relates to increasing number of farms
integration in enhancing farm productivity and to frequently flooded due to climate change. The potential
generate substantial income for the university to of integrating lotus into tilapia farming system was
support sustainable research and development undertaken to enhance the productivity of tilapia
activities. The objectives of this research were to growers as a potent mitigating measure. A fish pond in
promote bio-fertilizers and plant-based pesticides the center where tilapia is grown was planted with
utilization, lotus-tilapia integration, honeybee lotus. The tilapia yield was recorded to determine the
integration, Adlai integration and native effect of lotus integration in tilapia farming system.
chicken-coffee integration.
2.3 Honeybee as Pollinators to Enhance Productivity
2. Materials and Methods of Organic Vegetable and Fruit Crops

Exploratory research was done to determine the To enhance the productivity of organic vegetable and
advantages, limitations and challenges of the different fruit crops, beekeeping was introduced as pollinators to
production systems. The research was broken down organic vegetable and fruit crops. Bee colonies were
by production system as follows: (1) bio-fertilizers placed at strategic locations at the different production
and plant-based pesticides; (2) lotus-tilapia integration; areas of ALIAS center. The bee colonies were placed at
(3) honeybee as pollinators; (4) Adlai as intercrop to the sweet tamarind, cashew, squash, cucumber and
organic vegetable and fruit crops; (5) native tomato production areas. Percent fruit set of the crops
chicken-coffee integration. pollinated by honeybees were recorded and compared
with those with honeybees.
2.1 Bio-fertilizers and Plant-Based Pesticides in
Managing the Insect Pests and Diseases of Organic 2.4 Adlai as Intercrop to Organic Vegetable and Fruit
Vegetables and Fruit Crops Crops in Support to Rice Sufficiency

The first component of the project showcased how Adlai seeds were planted in the field of existing
A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State 673
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

organic vegetables and fruit orchards of PSAU, in controlling plant diseases, eliminating plant pests and
between squash, okra, eggplant, pole sitao and tomato, converting nutrients into more available form for
also in between mango trees, tamarind trees and in plants. It was found out, during the various technology
between coffee plants. Individual and combined yield demonstrations, the difference of using bio-fertilizers
performance and profitability of these said crops were and microbial inoculums using single strain
determined and analyzed following the analysis of microorganism and multi-strains. It was imperative to
variance. The standard cultural management for both use multi-strains to achieve the desired microbial
crops was followed, that is, nutrient management, fertilizer efficiency. The single strain was lacking in
insects and diseases management done organically. terms of fertilizer efficiency. This was observed from
Organic fertilizer with 5 ton/ha was basally applied the efficiency of using effective microorganisms
before Adlai seeds were drilled. Goat manure tea and compared to just using Lactobacillus spp. and
vermicompost tea were sprayed every 15 d until Trichoderma spp.. Most microbial inoculants used as
flowering. Adlai grains were also used to feed native effective microorganism production are bacteria [3].
chickens and developed various food and non-food They can not tolerate high temperature and dry
products. conditions. They can not be stored for a long time and
2.5 Native Chicken-Coffee Integration only used in liquid form. Spore forming
microorganisms, like Trichoderma, are easily stored,
Native chickens were raised under coffee plantation
transported and applied in dust or granule form. These
to showcase the positive effects of their integration
limitations in using various microorganisms in crop
and complementation to enhance productivity. The
production should be considered to achieve the
daily weight gain, egg hatchability and chick mortality
desired result in using them.
were recorded. The effect on the coffee trees was also
The microbial inoculation approach often needs a
long time to work and may not meet the plant’s need
2.6 Training and Extension Activities in time. Mixing the microbial inoculants to the
bio-fertilizer, both in solid and liquid form produces a
The center continuously conducts hands-on training
quick-acting and long-term acting organic fertilizer.
and orientation to various stakeholders about organic
Plant-based pesticides rely on the bioactive
production systems. Furthermore, to enhance
components found in the plant parts, such as alkaloids
promotion and dissemination, the following were also
and tannins that can be utilized to improve plant
undertaken: media interviews, poster and leaflets
health and protection from the pest. Preparation of
production, participation to conferences and exhibits,
plant-based pesticides can be done by various means,
among many others. The number of clienteles who
such as extraction, expression as well as by
benefited from the project from 2010 to 2013 was
fermentation. The latter was the preparation of choice
tallied. The income generated by the project was also
in the various technology applications at ALIAS due
to the synergistic effect of both using plant bioactive
3. Results and Discussion components and beneficial microorganisms.
Plant-based pesticides were developed to prevent
3.1 Bio-fertilizers and Plant-Based Pesticides in
insect infestations. Different plant preparations were
Managing the Insect Pests and Diseases of Organic
developed for different types of insects. The
Vegetables and Fruit Crops
concentration of the bioactive component of the plant
Soil microorganisms play important roles in is the main factor that affects the efficiency of
674 A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

plant-based pesticides. commercialization as well.

Beneficial microorganism plays an important role
3.3 Honeybee as Pollinators to Enhance Productivity
in the control and prevention of plant diseases [4]. The
of Organic Vegetable and Fruit Crops
various mechanisms of disease control and plant
protection were tested, such as microbe-microbe The contribution of honeybees on selected crops as
interaction (Trichoderma versus fungi), plant-microbe pollinators was measured. Cashew and squash showed
interaction (Trichoderma in roots, leaves, etc.) and 61% to 68% dependency to pollinators, while sweet
metabolite produced (lactic acid by Lactobacillus tamarind, cucumber and tomato had 42% to 45%
spp.). Trichoderma, due to its hyperparasitic nature, dependency (Fig. 1). The production system has
can be used as biological control of plant fungi [5]. mutual benefit between the crop and the honeybee.
During seed germination and plant growth, they Organic vegetable and fruit crop production ensure
become intimately associated with developing the food resources needed to sustain the honeybees as
root-rhizosphere ecosystem, which leads to improving well as other pollinators [8]. It can be emphasized
growth and protects the roots system from diseases [6]. further that other important products, such as honey,
Lactobacillus spp. produced lactic acid, which is an pollen, propolis, beeswax, among others, can be
anti-microbial compound. Lactobacillus inoculums derived. Also, other products, like scented candles,
and effective microorganisms can be sprayed on soap, ointment, lip balm, can be processed.
plants to prevent bacterial diseases.
3.4 Adlai as Intercrop to Organic Vegetable and Fruit
3.2 Lotus-Tilapia Integration Crops in Support to Rice Sufficiency

The growth parameter of tilapia harvested from Adlai is planted as intercrop to the selected organic
ponds with lotus plants was found at par with those vegetable crops and orchards. In both cases, the
raised without lotus. This implied the positive contribution of Adlai in enhancing the crop
integration effect of the two. On the study of Yi et al. productivity was undertaken and measured. Under
[7], lotus co-cultured with tilapia is an effective way orchard, Adlai planted between the coffee plants was
of recycling nutrients in the pond and an recorded to have the highest added income amounting
environmentally-sound production system. to Php21,200/ha. Moreover, those planted between
Noteworthy is the capacity of lotus plants to filter organic squash and organic okra obtained
polluted water. Other lotus-based food products and Php19,400/ha and Php18,000/ha, respectively.
non-food products were developed and ready for Adlai as intercrop is a viable sustainable intensification

Fig. 1 Percent (%) fruit set of selected crops pollinated by honeybees.

A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State 675
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

practice to support rice sufficiency. Sustainable months of rearing per native chicken reared under
intensification practices increase productivity and coffee, and it was found to be comparable to a
income, conserve soil and water, reduce external standard parameter on native chicken under backyard
inputs, improve agro-ecological processes, such as raising system. Egg hatchability was recorded at 65%
nutrient and water cycling, boost human nutrition and while the chick mortality during brooding and the
adapt to climate change [9]. hardening period were only 2.5%. Integrated
Also, Adlai grain was used as feed to native crop-animal system can be strengthened through
chickens. It was noted that Adlai grain produced increased promotion of organic agriculture in the
comparable growth effects to native chicken vis-a-vis region [10]. The system of production was found to be
it regular counterpart, which is corn. Food products more beneficial in terms of soil fertility, insect pest
were likewise developed from Adlai grains, such as control, natural weeding practices and cultivation.
Adlai tinapay, Adlai bilo-bilo, sticky Adlai dumplings Likewise, a symbiotic relationship was observed for
and Adlai wine. These are being evaluated for native chicken raised under the coffee trees.
3.6 Training and Extension Activities
3.5 Native Chicken-Coffee Integration
For the past four years of its operation, the center
A substantial growth rate of 6.5 g average daily was able to cater to about 2,696 individuals, who were
gain was recorded with a final weight of 1.2 kg for six afforded either of the following extension modalities

Fig. 2 Number of clientele/beneficiaries who have been benefited from the project from 2010 to 2013.




15 14
3 5

Fig. 3 Distribution of income of the major components of ALIAS center for the year 2013-2014.
676 A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines

and other related technology transfer, such as training, the farm from various main products and secondary
hands-on demonstration, orientation and seminars, products but also to the health of the soil and
among many others (Fig. 2). The technology afforded environment. Wastes are processed into organic
to them ranges not only from organic vegetable and fertilizer through composting with the use earthworms
fruit crops production systems to product processing (African nightcrawler) and also fed into biogas
and development but also native chicken and pigs as digester to produce cooking fuel and ultimately into
well. organic fertilizer.
In between processes, varied products and
3.7 Income Generated
sub-products are produced. Main products produced
About Php1,451,000 income was generated for the are fresh organic vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh eggs
year 2013-2014 for all the research projects under and chicken meats, fresh native pig meets, seeds and
ALIAS center. The top earners are sweet tamarind seedlings, honey, fish, among others. Sub-products are
seedlings and fruits, and the mixed organic vegetable wine, jam, vinegar, tea, bread, ointment, soap, lotion,
crops pegged at Php801,000 and Php250,000, lip balm and others. The technology behind of such
respectively (Fig. 3). The income generated flows products is even available to be diffused to interested
back into funding new research and extension private entrepreneurs. About Php1,451,000 income
activities in the center. was generated for the year 2013-2014 for all the
components under PSAU-ALIAS center. The top
4. Conclusions
earners are sweet tamarind seedlings and fruits and the
Techno-demo of the various organic production mixed organic vegetable crops pegged at Php801,000
systems helps promote the organic agriculture and Php250,000, respectively.
advocacy of the government. The following are
lessons learned from the research activities of ALIAS
center: [1] De Jesus, N. G., Juico, C. C., and Guinto, R. N. 2011.
“Initiatives to Promote Organic Agriculture in the
(1) Microbial inoculants and plant-based pesticides
Province of Pampanga, Philippines.” Journal of ISSAAS
are effective in controlling diseases and insect pest, 17 (1): 247.
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(2) Lotus integration in tilapia production system 2015. “Going Organic: Understanding the Organic
Vegetables Production Environment in Central Luzon,
has no negative effect on the tilapia yield;
Philippines.” Journal of Agricultural Technology 11 (2):
(3) Honeybees as pollinators enhance fruit setting 341-66.
by 42%-68% in different crops; [3] Higa, T., and Parr, J. 1994. Beneficial and Effective
(4) Adlai is a viable intercrop for organic vegetable Microorganisms for a Sustainable Agriculture and
Environment. Atami, Japan: International Nature Farming
and fruit crops;
(5) Native chicken integration is found to be [4] Diver, S. 2001. “Nature Farming and Effective
beneficial in terms of soil fertility, insect pest control, Microorganisms.” Accessed August 27, 2002.
natural weeding practices and cultivation in the coffee
[5] Harman, G. E., and Kubicek, C. P. 1998. Trichoderma
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Besides, there are about 350 to 450 individuals Commercial Applications. Vol. 2. London: Taylor &
every year who benefit from the various activities of Francis, 393.
[6] Weeden, C. R., Shelton, A. M., and Hoffman, M. P. 2008.
the center. The complementation of each agri-enterprises
“Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in
produces not only an overall enhanced productivity to North America.” Accessed March 23, 2007.
A Sustainable Agriculture Production Model of Pampanga State 677
Agricultural University in Central Luzon, Philippines
http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/predators/c Conservation Agriculture in Subsistence Farming: Case
oleomeg.html. Studies from South Asia and beyond 2015, edited by
[7] Yi, Y., Lin, C. K., and Diana, J. S. 2002. “Recycling Chan, C., and Fantle-Lepczyk, J. Wallingford, UK: CABI
Pond Mud Nutrients in Integrated Lotus-Fish Culture.” International, 22-54.
Aquaculture 212 (1-4): 213-26. [10] Simarak, S., Loapaiboon, B., Sommart, K., Duangjinda,
[8] Winfree, R., Williams, N. M., Dushoff, J., and Kremen, C. M., Pattarajinda, V., Lowilai, P., and Phasuk, Y. 2005.
2007. “Native Bees Provide Insurance against Ongoing “Integrated Crop-Animal Systems in Thailand.” In
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[9] Ares, A., Thierfelder, C., Reyes, M., Eash, N. S., and Current Status and Prospects, edited by Sombilla, M. A.,
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Conservation Agriculture for Small Households.” In Research Institute (IRRI), 117-49.

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