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Prasanna2016 Cyanobacteria-Based Bioinoculants Influence Growth and Yields-Maize Hybrids

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European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23

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European Journal of Soil Biology

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Original article

Cyanobacteria-based bioinoculants influence growth and yields by

modulating the microbial communities favourably in the rhizospheres
of maize hybrids
Radha Prasanna a, *, Amrita Kanchan a, Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan a, Kunal Ranjan a,
Siddarthan Venkatachalam a, Firoz Hossain b, Yashbir S. Shivay c, Prameela Krishnan d,
Lata Nain a
Division of Microbiology, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India
Division of Genetics, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India
Division of Agronomy, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India
Division of Agricultural Physics, ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 110012, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Interactions between ten maize hybrids (Prakash, HM4, HM8, HM9, HQPM1, HQPM5, PEHM7, PEHM3,
Received 26 February 2016 PEHM5 and VH27) and five cyanobacteria based inoculants, along with uninoculated control, were
Accepted 3 April 2016 evaluated for identifying the promising combinations for improved soil microbial activities and crop
production. The rhizosphere soil samples analyzed at mid-crop stage revealed significant interactive
Handling Editor: C.C. Tebbe effects of hybrids and inoculants on the concentrations of glomalin and polysaccharides and dehydro-
genase activity. Acetylene reduction (assayed as an estimate of nitrogenase activity) was three folds
Keywords: higher in the inoculated treatments. In the phospholipid fatty acid based analysis of selected rhizosphere
Community profiles soils, the concentrations of total PLFAs were found to range from 163 to 398 nmol g1 soil with lowest at
Microbial consortia H1B1 (control) and highest at H5B2 (HQPM1 inoculated with Anabaena þ Nostoc consortium). The
Plant growth promotion principal component analysis suggested that H1B1 (control) and H4B2 (HM9 inoculated with Anabaena
Nutrient availability -Nostoc consortium) shared common characteristics of community profiles with higher abundance of AM
Phospholipid fatty acid profiles fungi and Eukaryotes. Among the inoculants, Anabaena-Azotobacter, Anabaena-Trichoderma biofilms, and
the Anabaena þ Providencia consortium were identified as the most promising for all the hybrids tested,
while the combination of hybrid Parkash and Anabaena-Trichoderma biofilm was superior to other
combinations, exhibiting highest values for both crop and microbiological parameters. Maize plant
height, was positively influenced by the cyanobacteria-based formulations, though the cob yields were
statistically at par with control (no inoculation), albeit with 20e30% increases in all inoculated treat-
ments. These analyses suggest the promise of these bioinoculants as plant growth promoting options in
the integrated nutrient management strategies for maize hybrids.
© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction maize in many countries, including India [1]. Both the conventional
and molecular approaches have been deployed for increasing pro-
Maize is an agronomically important crop that is cultivated for duction and productivity. However, this crop has a heavy reliance
the preparation of human food, animal feed and fodder, and raw on the chemical fertilizers for increasing its productivity [1]. But,
materials for industries. New food habits among the humans and chemical fertilizers have been found to be hazardous for soil health
higher requirements for the production of oil and starch by the in the long-term as well as for the well-being of human and animal
industries have led to an increasing growth rate in the cultivation of populations. The contemporary agriculture emphasizes on the
reduction of the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers; the
search for alternative ways to sustain the agricultural production is
very intensive [2]. The introduction of biological agents is now
* Corresponding author.
preferred to the application of chemical fertilizers as they are not
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Prasanna).

1164-5563/© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
16 R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23

only eco-friendly and economical but are also involved in biofilms- Anabaena -T. viride and AnabaenaeAzotobacter sp. were
improving and maintenance of soil biodiversity and health [3]. developed and characterized, as given in Prasanna et al. [14,15]. The
Grain yield in maize is a complex trait yet there are breeding selected organisms used for this study have been evaluated in
programmes to develop hybrids with desired maturity and grain riceewheat cropping system, legumes and in maize hybrids
yield. Since these plants depend on the rhizosphere microbiome for [12,13,16]. The growth media used were Jensen's medium for
making the nutrients accessible to them or for phytohormones, Azotobacter sp., nutrient broth for Providencia sp., and potato
which improve growth [4], different maize genotypes may influ- dextrose broth for T. viride (HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai,
ence the composition and diversity of microbial communities in India). The above mentioned organisms were incubated at 30 ± 2  C
their rhizospheres differently. Peiffer et al. [5] observed the in a shaking incubator, except for T. viride, which was processed as
enrichment of the rhizosphere microbial members belonging to the the static culture at 30  C. The standard procedures were used for
orders Burkholderiales, Oceanospirillales and Sphingobacteriales of axenizing the selected cyanobacterial cultures [17] and grown in
the Proteobacteria and also a heritable variation in the bacterial Haffkine flasks using nitrogen-free BG11 medium [18], under a
diversity in 27 modern maize inbreds, planted across fields. The temperature of 27 ± 1  C (light:dark cycles; 16: 8) and white light
bacterial enrichments in the maize rhizospheres can change (50e55 mmol photons m2 s1).
dynamically from early to late growth stages [6] and can also serve
as protectants against pathogens. Gaining a better understanding of 2.2. Preparation and incorporation of formulations
these ecological interactions is vital to the breeding and manage-
ment for the sustainable maize production [7]. Paddy straw compost after amendment with vermiculite (1:1)
The use of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to was used as a carrier, by amendment with the respective cultures
improve crop production has become an integral part of sustainable [12,13]. For the cyanobacterial cultures and their respective bio-
agriculture. Plant growth is directly influenced by PGPR producing films, the chlorophyll content was measured according to the
and releasing phytohormones or indirectly influenced by PGPR method of MacKinney [19] and the concentration of chlorophyll
limiting the detrimental effects of phytopathogenic organisms in pigments in all the bioinoculants was normalized at 100 mg g1
the rhizosphere or facilitating the availability and uptake of certain carrier. Likewise, the colony forming units were normalized as
nutrients from the root environment [8,9]. The selected strains of 107e108 CFU for each bacterial or fungal partner.
PGPR are used as seed inoculants as there are increases in seed
emergence, plant weight, crop yields and disease control [10]. The 2.3. Experiment with the maize crop
beneficial effects of cyanobacterial inoculation on crops including
rice, wheat and maize have been recently observed [11e13]. The field experiment was conducted at the research farm of
Nevertheless, the alterations in the ecological interactions due to Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (28 400 N, 77120
the application of bioinoculants are not clearly understood. Though, E and 228.6 m above the mean sea level). The mean annual evap-
the colonization of plants, functional activities and their effect on oration in Delhi is about 850 mm while the mean annual rainfall is
plant growth are evaluated, it is not known whether there are 650 mm. More than 80% of rainfall generally occurs during the
changes in the composition of native microbial communities or southwest monsoon season (JulyeSeptember). The soil is a well-
enrichments due to the application of bioinoculants in the rhizo- drained old alluvium soil, classified as a coarse sandy loam mem-
spheres of maize hybrids. This information is essential to identify ber, non-acidic, a mixed hypothermic family of Typic Haplustept.
the maize hybrids that can favour better enrichments of beneficial The experimental field soils contained 225 kg ha1 alkaline per-
microorganisms or colonization by the introduced bioinoculants. In manganate oxidizable N, 16 kg ha1 available P as estimated by
the present study, we examined the changes in the rhizosphere standard protocols [20e22] and a pH of 7.5 (1: 2.5 soil-and-water
microbial communities as influenced by the microbial formulations ratio). The chemical sources of N, P, and K fertilizers were prilled
that consist of plant growth promoting cyanobacteria and their urea, single super phosphate, and muriate of potash. The applica-
combinations with rhizobacteria or fungi. The evaluation of tion of recommended dose of fertilizers (120:80:60 NPK kg ha1)
selected plant parameters, soil microbial activities and the was based on the soil test values, measured and considered as
compositional changes in the microbial communities aided in the control; all the microbial inoculant treatments received 50%
selection of promising inoculants and specific inoculants-hybrid N þ full dose of P and K fertilizers. The treatments included: B1-
combinations. Control (no inoculation); B2- Cyanobacterial consortium (BF1- 4 of
BF1 Anabaena torulosa; BF2 Nostoc carneum; BF3 Nostoc piscinale;
2. Materials and methods BF4 Anabaena doliolum); B3- Anabaena sp.eTrichoderma sp. biofilm;
B4- Anabaena sp.e Azotobacter sp. biofilm,; B5- Anabaena
2.1. Selection and maintenance of microorganisms sp. þ Providencia sp. (CW1þPW5) and B6- Anabaena
sp. þ Providencia sp. (CR1þPR3); and ten different maize hybrids
The cyanobacterial strains-BF1 Anabaena torulosa; BF2 Nostoc (H1-Parkash, H2-HM-4, H3-HM-8, H4-HM-9, H5-HQPM-1, H6-
carneum; BF3 Nostoc piscinale; BF4 Anabaena doliolum, Anabaena sp. HQPM-5, H7-HQPM-7, H8-PEHM-3, H9-PEHM-5 and H10-VH27).
(CW1), Anabaena sp. (CR1) and bacterial strains, viz. Providencia sp. The experimental design was split plot design with three replica-
(PW5), Azotobacter chroococcum (W5), and Providencia sp. (PR3) tions. In the main plots, different bioinoculants were applied, while
were collected from the germplasm of the Division of Microbiology, in the subplots, half of the recommended dose of fertilizers was
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. The applied to different maize hybrids tested. Each maize hybrid was
salient characteristics of these strains include higher nitrogen grown in 3 m row with 20 cm plant-to-plant and 75 cm row-to-row
fixing ability and IAA production, their ability to promote plant spacing. The soil samples were collected at the tasseling and silking
growth and enhance nutrient mobilisation in soil as well as uptake stages.
by crop plants including maize. The details of their potential for
plant growth promotion in rice and maize are provided in 2.4. Evaluation of soil microbial parameters
Refs. [12,13]. Trichoderma viride (ITCC 2211) used for preparing
biofilm was supplied by the Indian Type Culture Collection (ITCC), The concentrations of Glomalin Related Soil Proteins (GRSPs)
Division of Pathology, IARI, New Delhi, India. Cyanobacterial were assayed by adding 20 mM citrate buffer (pH 7.0) at 121  C for
R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23 17

90 min [23]. The supernatant was removed by centrifugation at were trans-esterified to fatty acid methyl esters, extracted with
3000 rpm for 15 min. The extracted GRSPs were diluted again and hexane, evaporated and analyzed by gas chromatography. Fatty
mixed with the Bradford dye; the absorbance was recorded at acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were separated on a 25 m
590 nm and the concentration of GRSPs was expressed in long  0.2 mm internal diameter  0.33 mm film thickness column.
mg g1 soil. The total polysaccharides in soils were quantified by the The analytical conditions were as follows: temperature of the oven
method of Lin [24], and the concentrations of total polysaccharides was 190  C initially, with ramping to 285  C at the rate of
were expressed in mg g1 soil. The soil dehydrogenase activity was 10  C min1, and then to 310  C at 60  C min1, followed by a hold at
assayed using 3% triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (3%) and, after 310  C for 2 min; temperature of the injector was 250  C while that
extraction with methanol, the absorbance was measured at 485 nm of the flame ionization detector was 300  C. The system was
[25]. The available N in the soil was quantified using the alkaline controlled using the MIS Sherlock (MIDI, Inc, Newark, DE, USA). The
permanganate method as described by Subbiah and Asija [22]. The identification of FAMEs was performed using the MIDI PLFAD1
acetylene reducing assay was done using the soil samples collected calibration mix and naming table. The concentrations of FAMEs
at the flowering stage according to Prasanna et al. [26]. were calculated using an internal standard of methyl
2.5. Activity of defense enzymes in maize leaves at the flowering Different fatty acid types such as straight, branched, hydroxyl,
stage monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFA), dimethyl acetal and other mixed functional groups were
The leaf samples were homogenized with 50 mM Tris HCl buffer expressed as nmol g1 soil. These fatty acids were also summed
and the homogenates were centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 20 min at notionally into different ‘microbial groups' as suggested by Fros-
4  C. Then, the supernatants were stored at 20  C until further tegard and Baath [30], Zelles [31] and Ringelberg et al. [32]. The
analysis. The activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was assayed concentrations of PLFAs representing different microbial groups
using catechol as the substrate with the modification of the method were ordinated using principal component analysis based on the
of Jennings et al. [27]. The enzyme extract (100 ml each) were correlation to explore the variability among the treatments using
collected in the cuvette (2 ml) containing 0.02 M citrate phosphate the statistical analysis package of XL STAT (version 2014.5.3).
buffer (pH 6.0), proline (5 mg ml1), and catechol (2 mg ml1).
Before the addition of catechol, the mixture was aerated, and the 2.8. Statistical analyses
enzyme activity was determined spectrophotometrically at 546 nm
by recording the difference in absorbance at 30 s intervals for 2 min. The data for the various parameters were analyzed by ANOVA
One unit of enzyme was defined as the change in absorbance of using WINDOWSTAT 8.0 statistical package. The mean performance
0.01 IU min1. of inoculants (B2eB6 treatments) over uninoculated treatment
For the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity, the L-phenylala- (control B1) was calculated individually and denoted as microbial
nine (2%) in 50 mM TriseHCl (pH 5e6) buffer solution was used. inoculation efficacy for each hybrid. Pearson's correlation analyses
The reaction mixture was incubated at 40  C for 60 min as were performed using the Microsoft Excel.
described by Beaudoin-Eagan and Thorpe [28]. The amount of
trans-cinnamic acid formed from L-phenylalanine was measured 3. Results
spectrophotometrically at 290 nm against the blank of distilled
water. One unit of enzyme (IU) was defined as the change in 3.1. Changes in the soil functions
absorbance min1 g1 fresh weight.
The concentrations of GRSPs in the rhizospheres of maize hy-
2.6. Plant biometric analyses brids tested with different bioinoculants ranged from 8.7 to
10.8 mg g1 soil (Table 1). The highest concentration was recorded
At the flowering stage, canopy reflectance of the maize crop was in the B2 treatment (Anabaena eNostoc consortium, BF1þ2þ3þ4),
observed to find the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index followed by B5 (Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp., CW1þPW5). The
(NDVI) to characterise the extent of green vegetation in an area. The bioinoculant treatments led to significant increases in the con-
measurements were taken with the Green Seeker Handheld Optical centrations of GRSPs, as compared to control. Total polysaccharides
Sensor unit (NTech Industries Inc, USA) in all the plots. The bio- in the rhizosphere soils were between 4.4 and 5.0 mg g1. The
metric measurements and the number of days to 50% male and highest concentration was recorded in the B5 (Anabaena
female flowering time were recorded for each hybrid. The ear sp. þ Providencia sp., CW1þPW5) treatment, while the lowest was
height and cob yield were recorded at the time of harvest. in the B6 treatment (Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp., CR1 þ PR3).
The concentration of polysaccharides in the control B1 (no inocu-
2.7. Community profiling by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) in the lation) treatment was at par with that of the B3 treatment.
rhizosphere soils The soil dehydrogenase activity was significantly higher due to
the application of cyanobacteria-based formulations than the
The standard protocol of Buyer et al. [29] was employed to control B1. While the dehydrogenase activity ranged from 15.2 to
prepare the PLFAs from the soil samples collected at the flowering 18.2 mg TPF g1d1 in these soils, the highest activity was recorded
stage of the selected treatments (H1B1, H1B2, H1B3, H1B4, H1B5, in the B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. (CR1þPR3) treatment. The
H1B6, H2B2, H2B3, H2B6, H4B2, H4B3, H4B6, H5B2, H5B3, H5B6, inoculated treatments B2eB5 also recorded significantly higher
H9B2, H9B3, and H9B6). The selection of treatments was based on values as compared to control B1. The acetylene reduction assay
their superior performance in terms of soil microbial parameters (ARA as an index of nitrogen fixation) showed a three fold higher in
and enzyme activities of leaves. The lipid fractions in the fresh soil the activity due to the application of cyanobacteria-based formu-
samples (5 g each) were extracted using a modified Blight-Dyer lations, about that of the control. The B4 treatment of Anabaena sp.-
extraction. The stream of nitrogen was used for evaporation; the Azotobacter sp. biofilm showed the highest activity, followed by the
lipid fractions were then separated on a solid-phase extraction B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp.(CW1þPW5). The rhizosphere
column. The methanol was used to elute these fractions, which soils had the concentrations of available phosphorus ranging from
were then evaporated under nitrogen. Later, the phospholipids 34.7 to 46.8 mg kg1. All the cyanobacteria-based inoculants led
18 R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23

Table 1
Soil functional activities in the rhizosphere of maize hybrids as influenced by the application of cyanobacteria-based inoculants.

Treatment GRSPs Polysaccharide Dehydrogenase ARA nmol ethylene Available phosphorus Available nitrogen
mg g1 soil mg g1 soil mg g1 d1 g1 soil h1 kg ha1 soil kg ha1 soil

B1 Control-No inoculation 8.66 4.45 15.20 12.14 34.65 112.67

B2 Anabaena-Nostoc consortium 10.81 4.71 16.99 38.31 43.47 130.03
B3 Anabaena sp. eTrichoderma sp. 9.67 4.42 16.85 37.48 46.78 136.35
B4 Anabaena sp. e Azotobacter sp. 9.54 4.78 16.59 39.24 38.16 140.90
B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia 9.73 5.07 17.82 39.05 40.03 136.00
B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. 9.28 4.13 18.21 35.41 41.98 142.17
CD (5%) 0.25 0.12 0.51 1.90 2.43 10.54
CV % 5.07 5.01 5.88 11.03 11.58 15.46

significant increases, compared to the control; highest was in the and H4B2 (HM9 inoculated with Anabaena sp þ Nostoc consortium
B3 Anabaena sp.-Trichoderma sp. biofilm, followed by B2 Anabaena B2) shared common characteristics of community profiles with
eNostoc consortium (BF1þ2þ3þ4). Likewise, the concentrations of higher abundance of AM fungi and eukaryotes. The community
available nitrogen were also positively influenced by the bio- profiles of H1B5, H2B2, H2B3, H5B2, H9B3, and H9B6 were similar
inoculants. The B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp.(CR1þPR3) while those of H1B4, H2B6, H4B3, H5B5 and H9B2 shared similar
showed a significant increase, relative to the control. characteristics. Likewise, the PLFA community profiles of H1B2,
H1B3, H1B6, H4B6 and H5B6 had comparable characteristics sug-
3.2. Microbial community changes based on the PLFA profiles gesting their similarities.

The concentrations of total PLFAs ranged from 163 to 3.3. Enzyme activities in maize leaves
398 nmol g1 soil (Table 2) with lowest at H1B1 (control) and
highest at H5B2 (HQPM1 inoculated with Anabaena þ Nostoc con- Both the polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammo-
sortium, B2). The fatty acid types differed characteristically in these niaelyase enzyme activities were analyzed using the leaf samples.
soils (Table 3). Straight chain fatty acids were negatively correlated The phenylalanine ammoniaelyase (PAL) activity was higher than
with branched chain fatty acids (0.57) and poly unsaturated fatty the polyphenol oxidase activity (Table 4). The activity of PAL in the
acids (PUFA) (0.74 at a ¼ 0.05). The concentrations of 18:1 w9c leaf tissues was between 1.87 and 8.62 IU g1 fresh tissue. The
and 18:2 w6,9c were negatively correlated (0.9514). When these values in the inoculated treatments were statistically at par,
fatty acid types were analyzed as biomarkers for the notional although significantly higher than control B1. The B5 Anabaena sp.þ
groups of microorganisms, the abundance of Gram-negative bac- Providencia sp.(CW1þPW5) recorded the highest activity, followed
teria was found to be positively correlated with those of actino- by that of B4 Anabaena sp.-Azotobacter sp. biofilm. The polyphenol
bacteria and fungi but negatively correlated with eukaryotes. The oxidase activity ranged from 1.30 to 1.92 IU g1 fresh tissue and
principal component analysis showed that both the principal showed a positive and significant correlation with the number of
component 1 (PC1), and component 2 (PC2) represented 68.03% of days to male and female flowering (r ¼ 0.36, 0.38, respectively). The
the variability (Fig. 1). The biplot chart showed that H1B1 (control) B2 Anabaena eNostoc consortium (BF1þ2þ3þ4) application

Table 2
Microbial groups notionally identified using PLFA biomarkers (nmol PLFAs g soil1) in the rhizosphere of maize hybrids as influenced by the application of cyanobacteria-based

Treatment Gram-positive bacteria Gram-negative bacteria Anaerobe Actinobacteria AM fungi Fungi Methanotrophs Eukaryote

H1B1 18.76cde 46.38c 3.15c 1.55d 0a 5.72d 0a 24.44h

H1B2 19.57def 49.83cd 5.38fg 0.71b 0a 5.72d 0a 18.78g
H1B3 20.66efg 36.33b 3.09b 0a 0a 4.94c 0a 34.99j
H1B4 22.55gh 49.31cd 5.69g 1.00c 0a 7.41ef 0a 14.04f
H1B5 18.10cd 58.86e 4.85de 3.10i 0a 9.55i 1.46c 4.09a
H1B6 20.80fg 51.01cd 10.48j 0a 0a 2.90a 0a 14.80f
H2B2 17.10c 53.44d 5.8g 2.28g 0a 9.40i 0.080b 11.19de
H2B3 13.93b 61.92e 3.64c 2.47h 0a 8.60h 0a 9.43cde
H2B6 21.42fg 52.17d 4.80de 1.76e 0a 8.41h 0a 11.45e
H4B2 11.84a 27.34a 2.30a 0.81b 1.46d 3.31ab 0a 52.94l
H4B3 23.96h 51.12cd 6.84hi 3.78j 0.35c 7.45ef 0a 6.50b
H4B6 20.16ef 31.29a 4.57d 1.04c 0a 4.95c 0a 37.99k
H5B2 18.83cde 63.17e 5.10ef 1.95f 0.29b 7.72fg 0a 2.14a
H5B3 24.22h 51.24cd 7.10i 3.13i 0a 7.02e 0a 7.30bc
H5B6 22.12g 36.16b 6.61h 0a 0a 3.67b 0a 31.43i
H9B2 19.59def 58.64e 5.11ef 4.27k 0a 3.41ab 0a 8.98cd
H9B3 17.15c 53.46d 5.82g 2.19g 0a 9.48i 0.83b 11.07de
H9B6 12.93ab 62.96e 3.61c 2.65h 0a 8.21gh 0a 9.03cd
CD (5%) 8.60 10.17 4.24 1.08 e 1.09 e 7.84

n. d. (not detected-Below the detection limit of the instrument) was considered as 0 for statistical analysis. Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significant by Duncan's
Multiple Range Test.
R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23 19

Table 3
Concentrations of different fatty acid types (nmol g soil1) in maize rhizospheres as influenced by the cyanobacteria-based inoculants.

Treatment Total Straight Branched Hydroxy Cyclo MUFA PUFA DMA 18:w9c 18:2w6, 9c 10-methyl

H1B1 163.41c 36.38a 11.94j 0a 0a 12.06j 15.55g 2.00def 17.44j 3.64j 0.98f
H1B2 325.69g 50.16c 10.12i 0.22b 0.65b 10.77i 9.28e 2.66g 12.98fg 2.83fg 0.35b
H1B3 207.32d 35.13a 12.81k 0a 0a 9.16gh 21.09i 1.86de 12.75e 2.98g 0a
H1B4 105.16a 53.45cde 10.50i 0a 0a 8.93fgh 6.53d 2.65g 14.03gh 3.45ij 0.47c
H1B5 131.95b 62.81h 6.73de 0a 0a 7.86cde 1.52ab 1.8d 14.57hi 3.55j 1.15h
H1B6 292.47f 57.42efg 8.86gh 0a 0a 16.72l 6.30d 4.46i 5.01a 1.24ab 0a
H2B2 200.05d 35.23a 11.56j 0a 0a 7.01bc 20.01i 1.54c 10.34d 1.45bc 0a
H2B3 385.91h 61.79gh 5.56c 0a 0a 9.52h 3.58c 1.38bc 13.97gh 3.26hi 0.94f
H2B6 202.14d 52.00cd 10.28i 0.22b 0a 6.78b 5.50d 2.95h 17.39j 4.04k 0.84e
H4B2 295.15f 44.55b 6.79de 0a 0a 8.68efg 29.22j 1.27ab 7.21b 1.83d 0.45c
H4B3 375.37h 71.54i 7.02de 0a 0a 8.13def 1.83ab 1.93def 6.39b 2.10e 1.07g
H4B6 174.65c 54.26cde 9.22h 0a 0a 7.86cde 17.38h 2.09f 6.46b 2.26e 0.47c
H5B2 398.64h 59.97fgh 7.59ef 0a 0a 10.12hi 1.18a 2.04ef 15.24i 3.09gh 0.78de
H5B3 260.90e 63.04h 8.95gh 0a 0a 10.51i 2.70bc 2.62g 8.42c 2.59f 1.16h
H5B6 224.20d 55.86def 1.08a 0a 0a 10.50i 13.74f 2.89h 5.31a 1.61cd 0a
H9B2 382.01h 68.34i cd 0a 0a 13.74k 2.83bc 1.16a 4.75a 1.07a 1.50i
H9B3 199.63d 51.97cd 8.24fg 0a 0a 5.52s 5.52d 2.80gh 20.56k 4.55l 1.05g
H9B6 380.05h 60.21fgh 4.23b 0a 0a 7.34bcd 2.47abc 1.12a 12.45e 3.01gh 0.72d
CD (5%) 9.44 5.74 4.51 e e 2.28 5.14 0.98 2.36 1.10 0.54

n. d. (not detected-Below the detection limit of the instrument) was considered as 0 for statistical analysis. Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significant by Duncan's
Multiple Range Test.

Fig. 1. Principal component analysis of abundances of biomarker PLFAs representing different microbial groups in the rhizosphere soils of maize hybrids, as influenced by the
inoculation of cyanobacterial bioinoculants. The details of selected treatments are provided in Table 1.

resulted in higher activity than the control. Both the B3 Anabaena Anabaena sp.þ Providencia sp.(CR1þPR3) showed late flowering by
sp.-Trichoderma sp. biofilm and the control had the polyphenol one day. But the inoculants such as B2 (Anabaena þ Nostoc con-
oxidase activities that were statistically at par. sortium, BF1þ2þ3þ4), B3 (Anabaena sp.-Trichoderma sp. biofilm)
and B3 (Anabaena sp.-Trichoderma sp. biofilm) showed similar
values as B1 (control), in terms of days to male flowering. The
3.4. Plant biometric and yield parameters
number of days to female flowering was more than that of the male
flowering. It took about 53.4e54.5 days. The B6 Anabaena sp.þ
The number of days to male flowering was about 50e51; the B6
20 R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23

Table 4
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase and polyphenol oxidase activities in leaves of maize hybrids as influenced by the application of cyanobacteria-based inoculants.

Treatment Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (IU g1leaves f.w.) Polyphenol oxidase (IU g1leaves f.w.)

B1 Control-No inoculation 1.87 1.30

B2 Anabaena-Nostoc consortium (BF1þ2þ3þ4) 4.85 1.92
B3 Anabaena sp. eTrichoderma sp. biofilm 5.79 1.39
B4 Anabaena sp. e Azotobacter sp. biofilm 7.29 1.59
B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. (CW1þPW5) 8.62 1.47
B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. (CR1þPR3) 6.86 1.26
CD (5%) 2.03 0.17
CV% 67.42 22.16

Providencia sp.(CR1þPR3) and the control treatments took a day for the plant health and productivity.
more than all other inoculants. A significant and positive correla- The rhizosphere niches have greater functional diversity than
tion was recorded between days to male/female flowering with the bulk soil [34]. In the present study, we estimated the GRSPs that
yield (r ¼ 0.44 & 0.48, respectively). The Normalised Difference are known to contribute towards the aggregation and sequestration
Vegetation Index (NDVI) values ranged from 0.614 to 0.646 due to of organic matter. These proteins are of microbial origin, and their
different cyanobacterial inoculants, and these indices were statis- chemical compositions depend largely on the diversity of micro-
tically at par with B1 control (Table 5). Among the bioinoculant organisms including those of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [35]. The
treatments, the B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp.(CW1þPW5) had recent proteomic studies suggest that this fraction may also contain
the highest index while the B2 Anabaena þ Nostoc consortium significant amounts of other soil-related heat-stable proteins,
(BF1þ2þ3þ4) had the lowest. NDVI showed a significant correla- mainly of non-mycorrhizal origin [36]. These fractions are closely
tion with number of days to male and female flowering and yield related to net primary productivity and constitute a substantial
(r ¼ 0.54, 0.54, & 0.46, respectively). portion of the terrestrial carbon pool [23]. An enhancement of
Highest plant height (168.5 cm) was recorded in the B6 Ana- 7e10% over control was recorded in terms of GRSPs. Analyses of
baena sp. þ Providencia sp.(CR1þPR3), followed by the B3 Anabaena GRSPs in cyanobacterial cultures used in this study, including the
sp.-Trichoderma sp. biofilm and the B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia biofilms, revealed values of 200e300 mg g1 wet weight or
sp. (CW1þPW5) treatments. The plant heights in the inoculated 2400e3900 mg GRSPs g1 dry weight (pers. commun.), which
treatments were significantly higher than that of the control (B1). provide support to the observed enhancement. The results of the
The values of ear height, another index of plant growth, ranged present study were in agreement with our earlier reports with
between 81.8 and 87.8 cm in the maize hybrids tested. Plant height maize as well as other crops [13,37] in which more than 4 folds
and ear height showed a strong positive correlation (r ¼ 0.82). enhancement in GRSPs relative to the control was recorded. Both
There were no significant differences among the cyanobacteria- the B2 (Anabaena eNostoc consortium, BF1þ2þ3þ4) and B5 (Ana-
based inoculants; only B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia baena sp. þ Providencia sp., CW1þPW5) led to higher concentra-
sp.(CR1þPR3) recorded significantly higher values as compared to tions of GRSPs in the present study. These results suggest that the
control B1. The yield was between 6.45 and 6.88 g plant1; the combination of bioinoculants is an important determinant for the
different cyanobacterial inoculants showed statistically non- production of GRSPs, which can subsequently influence the soil
significant increase compared to the B1 control treatment. The aggregation. Another factor involved in soil aggregation is the
yield also positively correlated with plant height and ear height polysaccharide content of soil. This was significantly enhanced only
(r ¼ 0.34 & 0.35, respectively). in B5 (Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp., CW1þPW5), B2 (Anabaena
eNostoc consortium, BF1þ2þ3þ4) and B4 (Anabaena-Azotobacter
biofilm) over the control B1, illustrating the significance of speci-
4. Discussion
ficity and selectivity in microbe-genotype interactions.
The soil enzymes mediate many transformation processes of
Maize is cultivated year after year in many cropping systems and
elements and are an important determinant of soil fertility [38].
the interactions between the plants and soil microorganisms are
When compared to the enumeration of microbial members from
critical to plant health and productivity. Dohrmann et al. [33]
the soil using the culture medium or microscopical observations,
retrieved more than 500, 000 bacterial 16S rRNA genes from the
the activity measurements of soil enzymes are rapid and sensitive
rhizosphere of the field grown maize. They also found that maize
[39]. Since the microbial activity and soil fertility are closely related,
plants selected a core bacterial community, despite the differences
they are often considered to be an early and sensitive indicator of
in varietal characters, age or soil. But, the application of chemical
soil fertility status. Soil dehydrogenase activity was significantly
fertilizers in the monoculture of maize to enhance the yield pro-
higher due to the application of cyanobacteria-based formulations,
ductivity, can affect the core microbial community that is essential

Table 5
Yield and yield related parameters of maize hybrids as influenced by the application of cyanobacteria-based inoculants.

Treatment Plant height (cm) NDVI Days to male flowering Days to female flowering Ear height (cm) Yield g1 plant

B1 Control-No inoculation 160.2 0.622 50.7 54.1 81.8 6.45

B2 Anabaena-Nostoc consortium (BF1þ2þ3þ4) 166.7 0.614 50.2 53.6 83.2 6.79
B3 Anabaena sp. eTrichoderma sp. biofilm 166.3 0.629 50.1 53.4 85.0 6.71
B4 Anabaena sp. e Azotobacter sp. biofilm 168.5 0.634 50.6 54.1 85.0 6.77
B5 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. (CW1 þ PW5) 167.7 0.646 50.8 54.1 84.5 6.66
B6 Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. (CR1þPR3) 169.7 0.631 51.1 54.5 87.8 6.89
CD (5%) 4.0 0.019 0.7 0.8 3.7 0.52
CV% 4.65 5.823 2.88 2.90 8.6 15.16
R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23 21

than that of the control (without any bioinoculant application). The mechanisms against Fusarium wilt [15]. The polyphenol oxidase has
soil dehydrogenase activity is a good indicator of microbial activity broad substrate specificities, with the capability of oxidizing ortho-
as these enzymes are of intracellular nature [25] and earlier studies diphenolics, such as caffeic acid and its conjugates, catechol de-
have shown an increase of 10e25% over the control [11e13,15,16]. rivatives, and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). In the present
In the present study, the use of Anabaena sp. þ Providencia sp. experiment, the phenylalanine ammoniaelyase (PAL) activity was
formulation (B6) showed the best performance, with an enhance- found to be higher than the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and
ment of 20% in the dehydrogenase activity compared to that of both the activities increased due to the bioinoculants tested. Earlier
control. Besides these biochemical changes, the cyanobacteria- studies in maize and rice with these inoculants had illustrated the
based formulations brought about 20e22% enhancement in the positive correlation of micronutrient mobilisation to flag leaf/grains
concentrations of available nitrogen and available phosphorus in and PAL/PPO activity [13,45]. However, in these hybrids, PPO ac-
the rhizospheres of the maize hybrids tested. In an earlier report, tivity of leaves showed a positive correlation only with days to
Shaharoona et al. [40] showed that the combination of rhizo- male/female flowering, and a positive correlation of PAL/PPO ac-
bacterium and nitrogen improved the N availability by 60% tivity of roots with Zn concentration in flag leaf, which was
compared to that of rhizobacterium alone, and our results of the observed an earlier study [13]. The complex interactions between
present study are in agreement. This is very significant as the bio- the maize hybrids and bioinoculants involving the plant defense
inoculants tested improved the available forms of N and P, more so enzymes warrant future studies on the changes in the cellular
in the case of N, which was only applied at the half dose of the mechanisms at the level of transcription and proteomics as re-
recommended levels. ported by Faleiro et al. [46] and Planchamp et al. [47] using single
The maize rhizosphere may support numerous microorgan- species in maize.
isms for sustaining the functional activities. In a recent study, Another important plant attribute which is used as a predictor
Peiffer and Ley [7] reported that there was heritable variation in of yield is Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or the
the microbial communities of the rhizosphere of 27 field grown greenness index, whose values ranged from 0.614 to 0.646. This is
modern maize hybrids, and concluded that maize genotype an important parameter which is known to be a reliable predictor
significantly influences a and b diversity across fields. In the of yield in maize [48] and in our study, indices were found to
present study, the microbial community changes were investi- correlate significantly with yield (r ¼ 0.46) and available P in soil
gated by profiling the PLFAs of the selected maize genotypes and (r ¼ 0.275). Grain yield was observed to show a strong relation-
bioinoculants. These analyses of biomarker PLFAs for the notional ship with a number of plant attributes, including ear height and
groups of microorganisms suggested that there were differences plant height. Such a positive interaction has been observed
in the abundance of these microbial groups due to the interactions earlier in studies undertaken with a large set of maize varieties,
of maize genotypes and bioinoculants. Some of the maize geno- in different agro-ecological zones in Kenya and Nigeria, which
types (H4 when applied with the B2 and B3 and H5 with B2 revealed that grain yield was positively and strongly correlated
bioinoculant) supported the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in their with ear height, plant height and days to male/female flowering
rhizospheres, evidently from the PLFAs in detectable amounts [49,50].
while others were not. The actinobacteria were not detected in the Intensive cultivation of crops using fertilizers and pesticides
rhizospheres of H1B3, H1B6 and H5B6. The principal component often leads to the loss of biodiversity and disturbances in the
analysis showed that both the principal component 1 (PC1), and biologically mediated processes [51]. Kamaa et al. [52] observed
component 2 (PC2) represented 68.03% of the variability. The that the application of inorganic fertilizers (120 kg N and
community profiles of these maize hybrids treated with bio- 52.8 kg P) resulted in the bacterial diversity loss in a thirty-two-
inoculants formed three different groups: Group I of H1B5, H2B2, year-old long-term trial in Kenya. Lazcano et al. [53] reported
H2B3, H5B2, H9B3, and H9B6; Group II of H1B4, H2B6, H4B3, H5B5 that the application of inorganic fertilizer decreased the abun-
and H9B2; and Group III of H1B2, H1B3, H1B6, H4B6 and H5B6. dance of PLFA biomarkers for Gram-negative bacteria compared to
The present analysis using the selected rhizosphere samples and the manure application. In a recent study in the soil and rhizo-
the following groupings indicate the stronger influences of both sphere of field-grown sugarcane, Paungfoo-Lonhienne et al. [54]
the maize genotypes and bioinoculants. More importantly, the found that both the composition and taxon richness of fungal
modulation of the effect of genotype by the inoculant was clearly communities were modified by the nitrogen fertilizer application,
perceived, which was also reported earlier by Aira et al. [4]. The even promoting the fungal genera with known pathogenic traits.
causal relationship between the changes in communities and The use of bioinoculants along with fertilizers at half of the rec-
maize yield is hard to demonstrate with the relatively low reso- ommended dose of N led to the marginal increases in the yield
lution method of PLFA profiling used in the present study and also over the control (B1) with the full recommended dose of N along
due to the dynamic changes in the microbial communities during with P and K fertilizers in our study. This kind of integrated
the plant growth period [34,41]. strategy with appropriate selection of plant genotype, microbial
The identification, screening and characterisation of rhizo- inoculants, and lower fertilizer quantities is vital to the long-term
bacterial isolates have shown their abilities to promote plant sustainability of maize cultivation.
growth and development, and subsequently yield in many crops The application of bioinoculants to attract and support complex
including maize [13,42,43]. The presence of a high diversity of microbial communities that contribute to plant health and yield is a
microorganisms capable of plant growth promotion makes the simpler approach than the breeding of several new maize geno-
search for unique species difficult. Besides, the breeding of maize types. Also, such a strategy comprises dual objectives of obtaining
hybrids had often aimed at enhancing the yields. Hence, the utili- high-yield and responsiveness to favouring only the beneficial
zation of proven microbial bioinoculants can provide the oppor- microbial interactions in the rhizosphere soils [3,4]. The cyano-
tunities for identifying those interactions that are useful. bacterial formulations tested are quite promising and the
Cyanobacterial inoculation, alone or as in consortia is known to complexity of these formulations can provide resilience and pro-
bring out significant enhancement in soil fertility and yields of mote the functional activities in the maize rhizosphere, even under
several crops [37,44,45]. Our earlier study showed that cyano- the stress conditions. These combinations of bioinoculants need to
bacterial formulations trigger high levels of plant defense enzyme be tested further for their synergy in different agro-climatic con-
activity, especially in tomato plants; this is one of the bioprotection ditions where maize is intensively cultivated.
22 R. Prasanna et al. / European Journal of Soil Biology 75 (2016) 15e23

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