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OFFICE OF THE 5th Floor, Block-Central,

PUBLIC WORKS (ROADS) DIRECTORATE e-mail: [email protected]

Memo No.: 1006/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022


No. 02/2022-23 of SE, NHC-I
“Restoration / Rehabilitation work of Birendra Sasmal Setu (over river Kangsabati) at Ch.
118.70 Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH Sub-Division of N.H. Division No. II, P.W. (Roads)
Directorate in the district of Paschim Medinipur, State of West Bengal”.

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, through the Government of West Bengal in the
Public Works Department (Roads Wing), is engaged in the development of National Highways and
as part of this endeavour, it has been decided to undertake “Restoration / Rehabilitation work of
Birendra Sasmal Setu (over river Kangsabati) at Ch. 118.70 Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH
Sub-Division of N.H. Division No. II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate in the district of Paschim
Medinipur, State of West Bengal” through an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)

The Public Works (Roads) Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal represented by the Chief
Engineer (National Highway Wing), acting through the Superintending Engineer, National
Highway Circle No.-I, Public Work (Roads) Directorate, now invites bids from eligible contractors
for the following project:
State NH ICB No. Name of work Estimated Cost Completion Maintenance
No. (Rs.) period period
Restoration / Rehabilitation work
of Birendra Sasmal Setu (over
West Bengal

Bid Package river Kangsabati) at Ch. 118.70 240

No. 02/2022- 11,09,35,326.00 3
23 of SE,
Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH (Two
60 (Including all (Three)
NHC-I Sub-Division of N.H. Division hundred
Taxes & Duties) years
No. II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate forty) days
in the district of Paschim
Medinipur, State of West Bengal.

The complete BID document can be viewed / downloaded from official portal of the CPPP
website: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app from 06.07.2022 to 23.08.2022 up to 11.00 hours
IST. Bidder must submit its Financial Bid and Technical Bid at
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app on or before 23.08.2022 (up to 11.00 hours IST). Bidder must
also submit its Technical Bid on the Bidder Information Management System (BIMS) at
https://bims.gov.in on or before 23.08.2022 (up to 11.00 hours IST). Bids received online shall be
opened on 24.08.2022 (after 11.00 hours IST).

Bid through any other mode shall not be entertained. However, Bid Security, Document Fee
Receipt, Power of Attorney, Joint Bidding Agreement shall be submitted physically by the Bidder
on or before 24.08.2022 (up to 11.00 hours IST). Please note that the Authority reserves right to
accept or reject any of the Bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.

For submission of Technical Bids in BIMS portal (https://bims.gov.in), bidder has to follow
the corresponding provisions given in circular no. RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP (Printing)-vol-IV
dated 28.11.2018 of MoRT&H.

Bid Pkg No. 02/2022-23 of SE/NHC-I : Birendra Sasmal Setu work on NH-60 Page 1
Restoration / Rehabilitation work of Birendra Sasmal Setu (over river Kangsabati) at Ch. 118.70 Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH Sub-Division of
N.H. Division No. II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate in the district of Paschim Medinipur, State of West Bengal.
In terms of Ministry's Circular no. RW/NH-37010/4/2010-EAP (Printing)-vol-IV dated
07.10.2019, evaluation of Technical Bids will be carried out using both mechanisms i.e. (i) as per
existing mechanism using CPP portal, and (ii) using BIMS portal. The final decision of the
evaluation shall be based on the report finalized as per the existing mechanism of e-procurement
procedure of CPP portal and the evaluation carried out using BIMS portal will be considered only
for comparison and validation process.

Points of Attention for submission of Bid.

• All data in respect of Technical / Financial Capacity of the Bidder duly certified by
Statutory Auditor should be made available through UDIN verifications and the
Statutory Auditor should mention the corresponding UDIN in each of its certificate. This
shall be considered in respect of Qualification requirements of Bidder as per Cl. 2.2.2 of

• The bidder has to provide ‘Self Certification’ that its Bid meets Local Content
requirement for ‘Class-I Local Supplier’ / ‘Class-II Local Supplier’ as the case may be,
mentioning the details of location(s) at which the local value addition is made as per RFP
Cl. 1.2.10 & 2.11 in both Technical as well as Financial Bid. In case, bidder don’t submit
the aforesaid certification the bidder will summarily treated as ‘Non-Local Supplier’.
Necessary certificate from the Chartered Accountant / Statutory Auditor in respect of
Local Content shall also to be submitted with Technical Bid if applicable.

Please note that selection of bidder shall be guided by the ‘Self Certification’ on Local
Content in accordance with Cl. 3.3.1 of RFP.

• ‘Certificate regarding Compliance’ by the Bidder to be furnished as per Cl. 2.2.1(d)(v) of

RFP along with Technical Bid.

The Schedule of Bidding Process tabulated hereinafter:

Sl. No. Event Description Date

1. Invitation of RFP (NIT) 05.07.2022
2. Last date for receiving queries 29.07.2022 upto 14:00 hrs.
01.08.2022 at 14:00 hrs. at the Office
Chamber of the Superintending Engineer,
N.H. Circle No. I, P.W. (Roads)
3. Pre-BID meeting at venue 2.11.4 (i)
Directorate, “Khadya Bhavan” 5th Floor,
Block-Central, 11A, Mirza Galib Street,
4. Authority response to queries latest by 08.08.2022
5. Last date of Request for BID Document 23.08.2022 upto 11:00 hrs.
6. BID Due Date 23.08.2022 upto 11:00 hrs.
7. Physical Submission of Bid Security / 24.08.2022 upto 11:00 hrs.
POA etc.
8. Opening of Technical BIDs at venue 24.08.2022 after 11:00 hrs.
2.11.4 (i)
9. Declaration of eligible / qualified Bidders To be notified later on.
10. Opening of Financial BID To be notified later on.
11. Letter of Acceptance (LOA) To be notified later on.
12. Return of signed duplicate copy of LOA To be notified later on.

Bid Pkg No. 02/2022-23 of SE/NHC-I : Birendra Sasmal Setu work on NH-60 Page 2
Restoration / Rehabilitation work of Birendra Sasmal Setu (over river Kangsabati) at Ch. 118.70 Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH Sub-Division of
N.H. Division No. II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate in the district of Paschim Medinipur, State of West Bengal.
13. Validity of BID 120 days from Bid Due Date
Within 30 days of receipt of LOA. (The
bidder has the option to provide 50% of PS
Submission of Performance Security (PS)
and APS, if any within 30 days of receipt of
14. and Additional Performance Security
LOA and the remaining PS and APS, if any
(APS), if any
to be provided within 30 days of signing of
Within 10 days from the receipt of 50% of
15. Signing of Agreement Performance Security and 50% of
Additional Performance Security, if any.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P. W. (Roads) Directorate.

Memo No. 1006/1(3)/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Secretary, Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House, Sahajahan Road, New Delhi -
110011 with the request to publish the notice in the http://irc.org.in website.
2. The Addl. Director General (East-II), Ministry of Road Transport & Highway, R.O.-
Bhubaneswar, Plot No.-184, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003. E-mail: [email protected]
3. The Superintending Engineer-RO, Ministry of Road Transport, Department of Roads
Transport & Highways, GoI, CGO Complex, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 064.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W. (Roads) Directorate

Memo No. 1006/2/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to the Sabhadhipati, Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parishad &
Chairman District Planning Committee.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W.(Roads) Directorate

Memo No. 1006/3/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to the District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W.(Roads) Directorate

Bid Pkg No. 02/2022-23 of SE/NHC-I : Birendra Sasmal Setu work on NH-60 Page 3
Restoration / Rehabilitation work of Birendra Sasmal Setu (over river Kangsabati) at Ch. 118.70 Km. of NH-60 under Salboni NH Sub-Division of
N.H. Division No. II, P.W. (Roads) Directorate in the district of Paschim Medinipur, State of West Bengal.
Memo No. 1006/4(5)/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The P.S. to Secretary, P.W.D., Govt. of West Bengal. E-mail: <[email protected]

2. The Engineer-in-Chief & Ex-Officio Secretary, P.W.D., Govt. of West Bengal. E-mail:
[email protected]
3. The Chief Engineer, Head Quarter, P.W. Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal. E-mail:
[email protected]
4. The Chief Engineer (NH), P.W.(Roads) Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal. E-mail:
[email protected]
5. The Chief Engineer, Head Quarter, P.W. (Roads) Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal. E-
mail: [email protected]

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W.(Roads) Directorate

Memo No. 1006/5(3)/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to the:-

1. Superintending Engineer, N.H. Circle No. II, P.W.(Roads) Directorate.

2. Superintending Engineer, N.H. Circle No. III, P.W.(Roads) Directorate.
3. Superintending Engineer, N.H. Planning & Design Circle, P.W.(Roads) Directorate.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W. (Roads) Directorate

Memo No. 1006/6(16)/RFP/W-240 Date: 05.07.2022

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Executive Engineer, N.H. Planning & Design Division No.-I, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
2-12. The Executive Engineer, NH Div. No.- I/II/III/IV/V/VI/VII/VIII/IX/X/XII, P.W. (R) Dte.
13. The District Contractor’s Association, Paschim Medinipur District.
14. The Executive Engineer & Technical Assistant to S.E., N.H. Circle No.-I, P.W.(Rds) Dte.
15. Estimating Section of N.H. Circle No.-I, P.W. (Roads) Dte.
16. Notice Board of N.H. Circle No.-I, P.W. (Roads) Dte.

Superintending Engineer
National Highway Circle No.-I
P.W. (Roads) Directorate

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by ASHOK KUMAR SAHA
Date: 2022.07.05 16:21:09 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC
Bid Pkg No. 02/2022-23 of SE/NHC-I : Birendra Sasmal Setu work on NH-60 Page 4

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