Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
12-DTK/PLN EE/Sgr/Co
Construction of toilet OF 2024 re/TS/ 52 “AAY”
1. Wazu Block at Khankai 36.13 1100/- 72260/- 60 days DATED : 26- of 2023-24
Moulla Srinagar Dated:
11/03/2024 “BEE”
2.2 The 1st lowest bidder has to produce an amount equal to 5% of contract as Performance Security in
the shape of CDR/FDR/BG in favour Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Srinagar-Core (as the case may be)
within 15 days after the date of receipt of letter of acceptance and shall be released after successful completion of DLP. The
Bank Guarantee should be valid for 45 days beyond DLP.
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c) In case contractor fails to execute the agreement within 28 days after fixation of contract.
6. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process.
6.1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the “Downloads” option as well as
from “Bidders Manual Kit” on website www.jktenders.gov.in to acquaint bid submission process.
6.2 . To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get ‘Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)’ as per
Information Technology Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved vendors.
6.3 The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. No financial
bid will be accepted in physical form.
6.4 Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para-2.
6.5 Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents mentioned in NIT and SBD with
technical bid. Documents which has/have not been uploaded shall not be entertained in form of hard
copy. However, in case of any clarification the bidders shall have to produce original documents in
support of soft copies if need arises.
7. Instructions to Bidders (ITB).
7.1 All bidders shall include the following information and documents with their bids: -
a. All bidders must submit copies of original documents defining their constitution/legal
status, place of registration, and principal place of business, as well as their cell phone
number and e-mail address.
b. Valid Contractor/Firm Registration Certificate issued by a competent authority in
accordance with the Contractor Registration Act with latest Renewal over Registration
Card including valid verification certificate. (The contractors registered with PW(R&B) Deptt.
shall have mandatory online registration on JKPWDOMS portal along with latest renewal and for the
contractors who’s registration/ renewal is issued by other department shall also register online on
JKPWDOMS portal.
c. Treasury Challan (tender document cost , The Date of Treasury Challan must be between the
date of start of bid and Bid Submission End date, also mentioning the NIT No/S.No. / Name Of The
Work).) by debit to M.H.0059 .in favour of Executive Engineer (R&B) Division Srinagar-
d. Earnest money in shape of CDR/FDR/BG pledged to Executive Engineer (R&B) Division
e. Valid PAN Card (as reflected in GST Regd. /GSTR Form -3B).
f. Scanned copy of GSTIN registration along with return clearance certificate (Form
GSTR-3B) for the month of April-2024 or latest or Quarter (Jan-March, 2024-25).
All bidders shall upload Enlistment Registration Card Verification Certificate from concerned Chief Engineer
/Superintending Engineer.
The failure to upload any of the documents as mentioned in E- NIT/ SBD will lead to the disqualification of the
Bidder at the Technical Bid stage.
Note: - Scan all the documents on 100 dpi with black and white option.
8. Bidders are expected to submit technical bids along with scanned copies of all required documents.
No document (s) that have not been uploaded will be accepted in hard copy for evaluation
consideration. However, if need arises, Hard copies of any specific supporting documents, on the
other hand, may be required on demand in support of documents posted online for clarification
during technical evaluation.
9. The bidder should visit and examine the site of work and its surroundings before submitting a bid,
and no claim based on constrained site conditions will be entertained after the bid is accepted.
10. General Conditions of Contract: -
10.1 The start date of the work shall be calculated within one week from the date of issuance of
the LOI/contract allotment, as applicable. The work must be completed within stipulated
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time. If contractor/agency fails to complete the work within stipulated time penalty clause
as per governing rules will be imposed on the defaulting agency/ contractor.
10.2 Penalty for delay in completion: In the event that work is not completed within the
specified time frame, a penalty of up to 10% of the contract value will be imposed.
10.3 Time extension: A suitable time extension shall be granted in the event of an increase in
the scope of work and a delay beyond the contractor's control, as determined by the
10.4 In any case, if any item not included in the allotted items of work is required to be executed
on-site with prior approval from the competent authority under relevant clauses of the
Manual of Works and GFR, it shall be paid at the same rate as the percentage quoted/
allotted for other items of work.
10.5 Advance Payments: -No mobilization advance/equipment advance/ secured advance shall
be admissible/ paid under this contract.
10.6 Schedule of Payment: The payment schedule shall be determined by the Engineer
following the award of the contract in favour of the successful bidder, based on the schedule
of release/availability of funds and the value of work completed, as well as other circular
instructions issued by the Government in this regard from time to time.
10.7 Amendment of bidding document: The Employer reserves the right to make
changes to the bidding documents by issuing an Addendum prior to the bid
submission end date.
10.8 For sake of public works, the tender receiving authority reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all tenders without giving a reason.
10.9 Restoration of work: When any job in the contract is completed, the
contractor is responsible for removing all un-used material and equipment at
his own expense in order to make the site serviceable/functional for
11. Traffic regulations: The contractor is required to follow traffic regulations as they
apply from time to time and to make arrangements at its own cost for the smooth
regulation/flow of traffic during the execution of work and no claims whatsoever shall
be entertained on this account.
12. Arbitration: The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration
procedure outlined in the J&K Conciliation and Arbitration Act No: -xxxv of 1997, as amended by
SRO No: -403 issued by the J&K Govt., "Law Department" on December 11, 1997.
13. Defect Liability Period/Maintenance Period: The DLP/Maintenance Period shall be
calculated from the date of certified Physical completion of work and shall be 18 Months after
the date of completion.
14. The 10% normal bill deposit for the work shall be retained at each bill & will be released upon
successful completion/performance in the mandatory DL/Maintenance Period as outlined.
15. All Key Construction materials to be used in the execution must strictly adhere to the
prescribed specifications/standards and be approved by the Engineer In-Charge.
16. Safety: The contractor shall be responsible for the environmental and social safety of all activities
on the job site.
17. Tests: The contractor shall be solely responsible for carrying out the mandatory tests required for
quality control in support of the work acceptability of the Works executed under the contract.
18. If the Contractor breaches the contract, the Department reserves the right to award the
remaining work to new bidders at the defaulting contractor's expense immediately after the
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notice of breach has been served on the defaulter. In the event of a breach of contract by the
Contractor, the Performance Security will be forfeited along with the contract termination.
Furthermore, on the first default, the defaulting contractor will be barred from participating
in future R&B Department Bidding Processes for a period of one year. Any Subsequent
Breach shall result in process of irrevocable cancellation of Registration.
19. Fundamental breach of contract will include:
20. Continuous stoppage of Work for a period of 28 days without authorization of Engineer in-charge.
21. Contractor is declared bankrupt.
22. Any evidence of involvement of contractor in corrupt practices.
23. If the contractor indulges in wilful disregard to the quality control measures put in place by the
24. Contractor delays the completion of work beyond stipulated time of completion.
25. Contractor fails to start /complete the work, within the stipulated time period,
26. Major Labour Laws applicable to establishment engaged in building and other construction
27. Workmen compensation act 1923.
28. Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.
29. Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952.
30. Maternity Benefits Act 1951.
31. Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970.
32. Minimum Wages Act 1948.
33. Payment of Wages Act 1936.
34. Equal remuneration Act 1979.
35. Payment of bonus Act 1965.
36. Industrial disputes Act 1947.
37. Industrial employment standing orders Act 1946.
38. Trade Union Act 1926.
39. Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986.
40. Inter State Migrant workmen’s (Regulation of employment & Conditions of service)Act 1979.
41. The Building and other Construction workers (Regulation of employment and Condition of
service) Act 1996 and the Census Act of 1996.
42. Factories Act 1948.
43. Compliance with Labour Regulation Laws of J&K
44. Specification/Quality Control: All items of works shall conform to specifications
as per IS codes and to be followed strictly as per J&K DLP enforcement manual
(Govt. Order No. 42-PW(R&B) of 2022 dated 03-02-2022.
45. Insurance: Insurance cover to Labour / Machinery / Work / Plant material /
Equipment by the contractor shall be mandatory
46. Laws Governing the Contract: The contract shall be governed by Laws of the
47. All work components shall be executed strictly in accordance with the
specifications laid out in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways publication
"Specifications for Road and Bridge Works" and any amendments made up to the
date of issuance of N.I.T.
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48. A periodic sieve analysis of each type of aggregate, as well as a periodic check of
aggregates at the gradation control unit, shall be performed to ensure that the
specified proportion of aggregates is complied.
49. Conducting mandatory quality control tests in the lab and/or field for various
components of the advertised work, will be the sole responsibility of the contractor, as will
the correct execution of the work.
Copy to the: -
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Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by KAMRAN ZAHOOR
Date: 2024.05.30 11:38:51 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK