Sl. Name of the Work Value of Work Bid Security Cost of Bid Period of
No. put to Tender (EMD) Document Completion
Excluding GST (In Rs. (In Rs.)
(In Rs. Lakh) Lakh)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Construction, testing, 541.84 5.42 10,000/ Construction
commissioning & trial run of 2 - - 10 Months
Nos. of Septage Treatment & Trial Run,
Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) O&M - 1
& Biramitrapur (10 KLD)
Towns of Odisha
2. Critical Dates:
Sl. No. Description Critical Dates
(i) Period of availability of tenders on-line : From 14.00 Hrs. of 02.03.2020
to 17.00 Hrs. of 19.03.2020
(ii) Last date & time of seeking : 17.00 Hrs. of 06.03.2020
clarification as per Schedule-J
(iii) Date and time of Pre-Bid Meeting : 15.30 Hrs. of 07.03.2020
(iv) Last date & time of bidding on-line : 17.00 Hrs. of 19.03.2020
(v) Last Date & Time for submission of : 17.00 Hrs. of 23.03.2020
Cost of Bid Documents, EMD/Bid
Security (as applicable), Original
Affidavit(s) as mentioned in this DTCN
(vi) Date & time of opening of Technical : 12.30 Hrs. of 24.03.2020
support of such claim along with its on-line bid failing which, its bid will be treated
as incomplete/non-responsive and hence, will be rejected outrightly.
6. The Firms/ Companies/ Registered Contractors should have Executed Construction
Work(s) valuing not less than Rs.162.55 Lakh (30% of the estimated cost) in any
one year during the last 5 (five) years (2014-15 to 2018-19). The work
experience during the financial year 2019-20 till date of submission of bid for this
work shall also be considered. Such constructed work(s) should cover at least one
RCC liquid storage tank of minimum 20 cum capacity in a single contract relating to
water supply or sewerage or septage or building construction or irrigation work(s)
executed for Govt. or public sector unit/undertaking/enterprise. The firm shall have
to submit the completion certificate(s) of the aforesaid liquid storage tank work(s)
constructed by him/them and documents featuring the nature and value of the
work(s) executed by him/them during the aforesaid period. This/These
certificate(s) and document(s) should have been issued/signed from/by
appropriate authority i.e., not below the rank of Executive Engineer/equivalent.
Weightage @ 10% per year shall be given on the value of the work(s) executed in
the preceding years as mentioned below.
7. The Firms/Companies/Registered Contractors should have annual financial turnover
of not less than Rs.216.74 Lakh (40% of the estimated cost) in any one year in
Construction Works during last 5 (five) years (2014-15 to 2018-19) and the
turnover need to be certified by Chartered Accountant. Weightage @ 10% per year
shall be given on the annual turnover of the preceding years as mentioned below.
8. Weightage Factor (On Compound basis):
Following enhancement/compounding factors will be used for the cost of work(s)
executed and to bring the financial figures to a common base value.
Year Multiplying factor
2018-19 1.10
2017-18 1.21
2016-17 1.33
2015-16 1.46
2014-15 1.61
9. To arrive at the value of construction work(s) undertaken in any financial year
(2014-15 to 2018-19) vide Sl. 6 above, value of such construction works
executed through multiple contracts in the corresponding financial year shall also
be considered. For this purpose, the certificate(s) given by the appropriate
authority(s) [refer 6 above], for the corresponding financial year of execution of
the said construction work(s), shall be the basis for evaluation. In case the value of
work(s) executed in any one financial year is not available in the certificate(s), the
same shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis, considering the total executed value
and the time schedule in days.
10. The Bidder should not have been blacklisted by the Central Govt./Union Territory
Administration/State Govt. or its subsidiaries in India as on the bid submisison
date. Declaration by the Bidder in the form of Affidavit is to be enclosed
in original along with the financial instruments vide Sl. 4 and 5 above.
11. The original documents mentioned above at Sl. 4, 5 and 10 and also as per the
Schedules and Annexures of this DTCN along with a letter, should be submitted by
each bidder in a closed envelop either physically in this office or through speed
post/regd. post in the address mentioned at Sl. 18 below so as to reach this office
before scheduled date and time of opening of the Technical Bids positively failing
which, the on-line bid of the corresponding bidder will be rejected. The envelop
should be superscribed on its outer cover with the Bid Reference No. OWSSB-
03(1)/19-20, Dt.24.02.2020 only. Name of the work for which bid is submitted,
should not be written/mentioned on the closed envelop. The tender inviting
authority or any of its official will be held responsible neither for delay, if any, in
delivery of the above closed envelop in this office nor for any damage caused to
the envelop/documents inside the envelop during transit/handling prior to receipt
of the same by the office of undersigned.
12. The bid for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 (One Hundred Twenty)
days from the date of opening of Financial Bid. If any Bidder/Tenderer withdraws
its bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and
conditions of its bid, the said bid shall be rejected followed by forfeiture of its EMD
and/or other actions as deemed fit by OWSSB.
13. Bids from Consortium/ Joint Venture are not acceptable.
14. The above mentioned documents to be submitted along with the bid by each
bidder should not be treated as exhaustive and sequential. Before bidding, each
intending bidder should go through the complete bid documents available in
website www.tendersodisha.gov.in.
15. All amendments, clarifications, etc. will be uploaded in the website only. Bidders
should regularly visit the above website to keep themselves updated.
16. Authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
reasons thereof.
17. Mode of Submission of tender: Tender should be submitted on-line through
18. Name and Address of the Officer Inviting Bids
2nd Floor, Unnati Bhawan, Satyanagar,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751007.
Phone : 91-674-2571185,
email : [email protected]
Name of the Work : Construction, testing, commissioning & trial run of 2 Nos.
of Septage Treatment Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) & Biramitrapur (10 KLD)
Towns of Odisha
Whether Reference
Sl. Reference to
Particulars furnished to Page
No Clause no.
Yes No no.
01. Cost of Bid Document Rs.10,000/- As per NIT
(In shape of Bank draft)
02. Bid Security (EMD) for Rs.5.42 lakh DTCN Clause
(In shape of Prescribed Securities) No.2(B)23.1
03. Copy of valid Registration Certificate DTCN Clause
04. Copy of valid GST Registration Certificate/ DTCN Clause
GSTIN No.2(A).a.iii
05. Copy of PAN Card DTCN Clause
06. No Relationship Certificate DTCN Clause
07. Works Experience - Schedule-D
(a) List of similar works executed during last Schedule-D
5 years (Item-3)
(b) Works in hand-Approximate value of Schedule-D
existing commitment and ongoing works. (Item-4)
(c) Bid Capacity Calculation Sheet Schedule-D
08. Information regarding current litigation, Schedule-E
(a) debarring / expelling of the tender or
abandonment of the work by the tenderer
(b) Affidavit / Declaration Schedule-F
09. Work schedule in the form of Bar Chart DTCN Clause
10. Sealed envelope containing additional DTCN Clause
performance security or declaration as No.23.4 of
the case may be Section -2(B)
11. Self-declaration certificate by the bidder As per NIT
in the form of Affidavit- for not being
blacklisted by any Govt./ Govt.
12. Self-declaration certificate by the bidder DTCN Section -
in the form of Affidavit- declaring that in 2(B) Clause
last 3 financial years they have not No.8.4
applied for/ are undergoing Corporate
Debt Restructuring (CDR) /Strategic Debt
Restructuring (SDR) or facing recovery
proceedings from Financial Institutions or
those are facing Sickness and under
consideration of Board for Industrial and
Financial Reconstruction (BIFR)
SN Item Details
1 Bid Reference No. EICPH-03 (1)/2019-20 Dt.24.02.2020
2 Name of the Work Construction, testing, commissioning &
trial run of 2 Nos. of Septage Treatment
Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) &
Biramitrapur (10 KLD) Towns of
3 Officer inviting tender EIC-cum-Member Secretary, OWSSB,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
4 Executive Engineer concerned with Executive Engineer, concerned PH
head quarters authorized as Division.
Engineer-in-charge of this work.
5 Superintending Engineer with head Superintending Engineer, concerned PH
quarter Circle.
6 Accepting Authority EIC-cum-Member Secretary, OWSSB,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
7 Estimated Cost Rs.541.84 lakh
8 Intended completion period/Time Construction - 10 Months & Trial Run,
period assigned for Completion O&M - 1 Month
9 Last Date & time of submission of 17.00 Hrs. of Dt.19.03.2020
10 Cost of Bid Document Rs.10,000/-
(In shape of Bank draft)
11 Bid Security (EMD) Rs.5.42 lakh
(In shape of Prescribed Securities)
12 Additional Performance Security
Differential Cost i.e., Estimated Cost put
i) Amount
to tender minus the Quoted Amount
Executive Engineer, concerned PH
ii) Pledged in favour of
iii) Payable at Headquarters of concerned PH Division.
iv) Type of Instrument As specified in the Bid document
13 The Financial years of last five years 2014-15 to 2018-19
14 Bid validity period 120 days from the date of opening of
Price Bid
15 Currency of Contract Indian Rupees
16 Language of Contract English
(a) Scanned copies of the following documents to be up-loaded in appropriate place in
PDF format in the website www.tendersodisha.gov.in.
i. Cost of Bid Document.
ii. Bid Security (EMD).
iii. GST Registration Certificate / GSTIN.
iv. PAN Card.
v. Registration Certificate.
vi. Affidavit regarding correctness of certificates.
vii. Affidavit regarding no relation certificate.
viii. Work experience certificate from the authority not below the rank of Executive
ix. Annual Turnover Certificate from Chartered Accountant for last five financial
years with break-up of Construction Works & Total Works for each
financial year.
x. Any other relevant required document, if any.
(b) Scanned Copies of the Certificates/Formats showing details of information to be
furnished as per the enclosed formats should be uploaded in appropriate place
after converting the same to PDF.
Schedule A - Structure & Organisation.
Schedule B - Financial statement
Schedule C - List of tools, plant & equipment proposed to be deployed in
the work.
Schedule D - Work experience
Schedule E - Information regarding current litigation/debarment etc.
Schedule F - Information on Electrical License/Collaboration. (Not
Schedule G - Declaration.
Schedule H - Solvency Certification from Bank
Schedule I - Any other information.
Schedule J - Format for Seeking Clarification
(The details of the Format is enclosed in the DTCN)
(c) Uploaded documents of valid successful bidders will be verified with the original
before acceptance of offer.
(d) DTCN is not to be uploaded by the bidder. The bidder has to only agree / disagree
on the conditions in the DTCN. The bidders, who disagree on the conditions of
DTCN, can not participate in the tender.
(e) Cost of Bid Document & Bid Security amount (EMD) will be paid in shape
of Bank draft from a Nationalised/Scheduled bank in favour of the
Member Secretary, OWSSB, Bhubaneswar by the Bidder, failing which the
bidder will be disqualified.
1. Definitions:
(OWSSB) an undertaking of the Government of Odisha represented by the
Engineer-in-Chief-cum-Member Secretary, OWSSB, Odisha,
Bhubaneswar or his authorised representative with whom the selected
Contractor signs the contract for the services.
(b) “Contractor” / Bidder / Firm / Engineer Firm / Company carry the same
meaning through out the DTCN and Contract.
(c) “Contract” means the contract/ agreement signed by the parties along with
all attached documents listed in the DTCN (Tender Document Part -I & II).
(d) “Data Sheet” means such part of the Instructions to Contractor as are used
to reflect assignment conditions and evaluation of the bid.
(e) “Day” means a calendar day.
(f) “Government” means the Government of Odisha.
(g) “Instructions to Bidders (Section-2(B) of the Part-I of DTCN) means the
document which provides all information needed to prepare their proposals.
(h) “NIT” (Section-1 of the DTCN) means the Letter of Invitation being sent by
the Employer.
(i) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the
Contractor and assigned to perform the services in full or in any part thereof.
(j) “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal (Tender Document Part I – General
& Technical Bid) and the Financial Proposal (Tender Document Part II – Price
(k) “DTCN” means the Detailed Tender Call Notice prepared by the Employer for
the selection of contractor which includes Part-I & II.
(l) “Govt”. means Govt. of Odisha or Govt. of India as the case may be.
The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the execution of the work on
lump sum Rate Bid. The Employer is not bound to accept any proposal, and
reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time prior to contract
award without thereby incurring any liability to the Contractor.
4. Source of Funding:
The work will be funded by Government of Odisha.
5. Eligibility:
5.1. A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of India.
5.2. A Bidder shall be ‘A’ Class or Special Class Contractors registered with the
Odisha State Government and Contractors of equivalent grade/class registered with
Central Government/ any other State Government/ MES/ Railways.
5.3. Registered Contractor of ‘A’ Class or Special Class of Odisha State PWD or
equivalent class of CPWD / Railway / MES / Central or other State Govt. Proof of
registration is to be furnished along with the tender.
6. History of Litigation and Criminal Record:
If any criminal cases are pending against the Contractor (him/her/partners) at the
time of submitting the tender, then the tender shall be summarily rejected.
7. The Contractor has to furnish a declaration that no near relatives are working in
the cadre of an Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Executive Engineer and above in the
Organisation of OWSSB/Public Health Engineering Organisation (PHEO) of State of
8. Other Requirements:
8.1. Even if the Contractor meets other criteria, his tender shall be summarily rejected if
he is found to have misled or made false representation in the form of any of the
statements submitted in proof of the eligibility and qualification requirements.
8.2. The tender shall also be summarily rejected if he has a record of performance such
as absconding from work, works not properly completed as per contract, inordinate
delays in completion, financial failure.
8.3. In addition to the above, even while executing the work, if it is found that he
produced false / fake, certificates in his tender, he will be blacklisted.
8.4 The bidders who have in last 3 financial years applied for / are undergoing
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR)/Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) or facing
recovery proceeding from Financial Institutions or those are facing Sickness and
under consideration of Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) are
not eligible for qualification. Self declaration Certificate by the bidder in the form of
affidavit is to be submitted.
9. Original Certificates:
Original documents/certificates shall be produced as and when required to verify
the copies of statements and other information furnished along with tender. Failure
to produce original documents in time will lead to disqualification.
10. Cost of Tendering:
The Contractor shall bear all expenses associated with the preparation and
submission of his tender, EIC-cum-Member Secretary, OWSSB, Odisha,
Bhubaneswar shall in no case be responsible or liable for reimbursement of such
11. Site Visit:
The contractor is advised to visit and examine the site at at Bargarh Town of
Bargarh District & Biramitrapur Town of Sundargarh District in the State of
Odisha and its surroundings and obtain for himself all information that may be
necessary for preparing the tender and quoting rates at his cost and responsibility.
12. Tender Documents:
12.1. A set of Tender Documents comprising of the General & Technical Bid and the
Price Bid includes the following together with all Addenda thereto, which may be
issued in accordance with Clause 2(B)13 and Clause 2(B)14.
Section Description
DTCN Part – I: General & Technical- Bid
Section-1 Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
Check List to be Filled up by the Bidder
Contract Data
Section-2(A) Details of the Documents to be Furnished for Online Bidding
Section-2(B) Instructions to Bidders
Section-2(C) Data Sheet
Section-2(D) Letter for Submission of Tender
Section-2(E) Tender Declaration
Section-2(F) Letter of Acceptance of Tender
Section-2(G) Memorandum
Section-3 Information regarding Tenderer
Section-4 Declaration by the Tenderer
Section-5 Form of Agreement
Section-6 Conditions of Contract
Section-7 Special Conditions of Contract
Section-8 Scope of Work
Section-9 Technical Specifications & Design Criteria
Section – 10 Payment Break-up Schedule
Schedule-A to L Formats for furnishing Information by the Bidder
Executive Instruction regarding calling for and acceptance of
Appendix - I
tenders in e-Procurement in Govt. of Odisha
DTCN Part – II: Illustrative Price Bid/BoQ
12.2. The Contractor is expected to examine carefully all instructions, terms of reference,
tender conditions, forms, appendices to tender, addenda in the tender documents.
Failure to comply with the requirements of tender submission will be at the
contractor’s own risk.
13. Clarification of Tender Documents:
The Contractor shall carefully examine the tender documents and be fully
informed of all the conditions and matters, which may in any way affect the work
or the cost thereof. Should a Contractor find any discrepancy in or omission from
the specification or any other of the tender documents or should he be in doubt as
to their meaning, he should immediately address a clarification online as per
format at Schedule-J.
13.1 Pre-Bid Meeting:
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled to be held in the office of the tender inviting authority
in the schedule date & time as per section-1 clause-2 of DTCN. The purpose of the
meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be
raised at that stage. The bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit the
questions in writing or by e-mail, to reach the Employer before schedule date & time
of seeking clarification. It may not be practicable at the meeting to answer questions
received late. Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions (without
Identifying the source of enquiry) and the responses given together with any
responses prepared after the meeting, will be uploaded in the website
www.tendersodisha.gov.in for reference by all bidders. Attendance at the pre-bid
meeting is not mandatory and non-attendance will not be a cause for disqualification
of the bidder.
14.1. At any time prior to the dead line for submission of tenders, EIC-cum-Member
Secretary, OWSSB, Odisha, Bhubaneswar may for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to the clarifications requested by the prospective
Contractor, modify the tender documents by issuing an Addendum.
14.2. Such addenda will be notifying in the website and will be binding upon them.
14.3. In order to afford prospective Contractor reasonable time to take such addenda
into account in preparing their tenders, EIC-cum-Member Secretary, OWSSB,
Odisha, Bhubaneswar at his discretion, may extend the dead line for the
submission of tenders, if necessary.
21.1. The proposal must remain valid for 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days from the
date of opening of price bid.
21.2. A Contractor agreeing to the request of extending the validity period of the
proposal will not be required or permitted to modify his tender, but will be required
to extend the validity of his EMD.
22.1. The tender document shall be digitally signed by a person duly authorized to do so.
Proof of authorization shall be furnished in the form of a certified copy of Power of
Attorney, which shall accompany the tender.
22.2. The completed tender shall be submitted without any alterations, inter-relations or
erasures except those which accord with instructions given by the EIC-cum-
Member Secretary, OWSSB, Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
22.3. Only one tender shall be submitted by a contractor. Submission of bids through e-
Procurement portal the system shall consider only the last bids submitted through
23. Earnest Money Deposit / ISD / SD / Additional Perform Security & GST:
23.2. Return of EMD:
The earnest money given by other parties except one whose tender is accepted
shall be refunded within 15 (Fifteen) days of the acceptance of the tender on their
application to the tender inviting Authority.
EMD shall also be returned to the unsuccessful bidders of General & Technical Bid
(Part–I of tender documents) after finalisation of its evaluation
23.7. The EMD shall be forfeited, if, (a) a contractor withdraws the tender during the
validity period of tender or (b) if the firm fail to furnish ISD within due time or (c)
the successful tenderer fails to sign the Agreement for whatever reason.
23.8. In consideration of the EIC-cum-MS, OWSSB/Executive
Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer/Engineer-in-
Chief/Government to investigate and to take into account each tender and in
consideration of the work thereby involved, all earnest money deposited by the
tenderer will be forfeited in the event of such tenderer either modifying or
withdrawing his tender at his instance within the validity period.
25.2. At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Employer may amend the
DTCN by issuing an addendum/corrigendum which shall be published in the
portal. The addendum/corrigendum shall be binding for the bidders. To give the
bidders a reasonable time to take into account the amendment into their
proposals the Employer may, if the amendment is substantial, extend the deadline
for the submission of proposals. The purpose of this is to clarify issues on any
matter, a tenderer may raise concerning the tendering of the works.
26 In view of adoption of e-procurement process pursuant to Government of Odisha
in Works Department Office Memorandum No.FA-R-3/08-4657/W dated 12.03.08,
4666/W dated 12.03.2008, 1027/W Dt.24.01.2009 & 7885/W dated 23.07.2013
following changes/ modification/ addendum shall be effected.
(ii) In case if the bidder has not submitted following document with the bid due to
any reason, clarification may be sought and queries may be issued to the
bidders for submission of the same with a stipulated period, failing which their
offer shall be liable for rejection.
d) Proof of eligibility and qualifications is not enclosed.
e) There are any criminal cases pending.
f) PAN is not enclosed.
g) Affidavit is not enclosed.
h) Power of Attorney is not enclosed.
i) Record of litigation and arbitration is not enclosed.
j) Other documents as required not enclosed.
k) GST Registration Certificate/GSTIN.
30.3. Any such conditions shall be minuted and the price bid shall not be opened. The
price bid shall be opened only for those bidders who qualify in the technical
evaluation as described at Clause – 2(B)33. The date of opening of price bid
shall be intimated by FAX/ E-mail/ Speed Post to the qualified bidder of technical
30.4. The EIC-cum-MS, OWSSB, Odisha, Bhubaneswar may prepare, for his own
record, minutes of the tender opening, including the tender opening summary
which shall be posted in the portal.
Escalation Factor:
Following enhancement factors will be used for the costs of works executed and
the financial figures to a common base value for works completed in India.
Year before Multiplying factor
One 1.10
Two 1.21
Three 1.33
Four 1.46
Five 1.61
(Applicant should indicate actual figures of costs and amounts for the work
executed by them without accounting for the above mentioned factors)
In case the financial figures and value of completed works are in foreign currency
the above enhanced multiplying factors will not be applied. Instead, current market
exchange rate (State Bank of India BC selling rate as on the last date of submission
of the bid) will be applied for the purpose of conversion of amount in foreign
currency into Indian rupees. (Works Deptt. OM No.FA-Codes-97/11-6300
33.2. Any effort by a bidder to influence the client in any form directly or indirectly
during the examination, evaluation, ranking of proposals, and recommendation for
award of the contract may result in the rejection of the contractor’s proposal.
33.3. Evaluation of Technical Proposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals
until the technical evaluation is concluded.
33.5.4. The Evaluation Committee will correct any computational errors. When correcting
computational errors, in case of discrepancy between a partial amount and the
total amount or between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail.
33.5.5. If the bid price increases as a result of these corrections, the amount as stated in
the bid will be the bid price and any increase will be treated as rebate. If the bid
price decreases, the decreased amount will be treated as bid price.
33.6. Selection of contractor on the basis of Price Bid:
Other condition being equal, the contractor bidding the lowest price will be
considered for acceptance by competent authority.
34. Negotiations:
34.1. Negotiations will be held if required with the lowest valid tenderer. In the event
of the L1 tenderer has furnished any condition which grossly affects the tender
value / contains such conditions which make the value of the offer indefinite, he
may be given an opportunity to withdraw such condition(s) to make the tender
definite. Failure to withdraw such condition(s) may lead to rejection of the tender
as in consistent / non responsive. In such case the employer may explorer the
possibility of considering the next valid tender as L1.
35. Award Criteria:
35.1. After acceptance of price bid of the tender by competent authority selected
contractor will be intimated about such acceptance.
35.2. The contractor is expected to commence the work on the date and at the
location specified in the Data Sheet.
37.2. Any effort by any contractor to influence the Department officials in scrutiny,
clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, and in any decisions
concerning award of a contract, may result in the rejection of their Tender.
iii. The letter to proceed with the work shall be issued by Engineer-in-
charge only after signing of the agreement. The notification of award
will constitute the formation of the contract subject to the furnishing of
performance security and additional performance security in accordance
with the provisions of the agreement.
iv. On acceptance of the composite bids by the competent authority the
letter of award will be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of the major
component of the work on behalf of the Governor of Odisha.
Ref Cl. Description
2(B)33.6 Method of selection: Qualifying in the Technical Bid and L1 in the Price Bid.
2(B)26. Two Bid System: Part-I: General & Technical Bid and Part-II: Price Bid to be
submitted as detailed at Clause-2(B) 26.
2(B)21. Offers must remain valid for 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days from the date of
opening of Price Bid.
2(B)30 The tender (Technical Bid) will be opened on date & time:12.30 Hrs. of
2(B)33.5 The date of opening of Price Bid shall be intimated separately by writing or by
mail after the technical evaluation is over.
[To be filled in by the Bidder]
Note:- (1) Additional conditions appended to the tender will make the tender liable for rejection.
(2) Non-submission of EMD in proper shape and other required documents as detailed
hereinafter shall make the tender liable for rejection.
Sub: Tender for the Work: Construction, testing, commissioning & trial
run of 2 Nos. of Septage Treatment Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) &
Biramitrapur (10 KLD) Towns of Odisha
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
[To be filled in by the tenderer]
I/We hereby tender for execution of the work specified in the enclosed
memorandum at the rates given in the price bid and will complete the said work in all
respects within the period as specified in the Detailed Tender Call Notice and in
accordance with the specifications, designs and drawings and other documents referred
to therein, which shall have to be approved by the OWSSB/Public Health Engineering
Organisation (PHEO), Odisha, and such other written instructions as may be given by
the OWSSB/PHEO, Odisha from time to time for duly carrying out of the said works and
with such materials as are provided for in accordance with the conditions and special
conditions hereto attached. I/We have inspected the work site and studied its conditions,
labour, materials and have understood the tender implications fully.
Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all
the terms and provisions of the said conditions and special conditions of the contract
annexed hereto or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Odisha the
sums of money mentioned in the said conditions and in the event of such default the
transaction effected by this tender shall cease and determine.
Signature of Tenderer /
Odisha, Bhubaneswar
Signed on behalf of the
OWSSB/Governor of Odisha
(To be filled in by the contractor during signing of Agreement)
Construction, testing,
commissioning & trial run of 2 Nos.
1. Name of the work of Septage Treatment Facilities in
Bargarh (30 KLD) & Biramitrapur (10
KLD)Towns of Odisha
A. In case of individuals:
i. Name of Tenderer :
i. Names of Partners :
1. I have visited the site and have fully been acquainted myself with the local
situation regarding materials, labour and the factors pertaining to the work
before submitting the tender.
4. I shall follow all rules and regulations of the state in force with regard to
engagement of labour for the work.
5. The documents furnished with the tender are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief and if any information found to be incorrect in future,
the Department has the liberty to take any action as deemed fit.
This contract made the ……………………day of……………………… to
…………………………….. between the Governor of Odisha acting through (designation)
Ministry of ……………………. Department of …………………..Government of Odisha (address)
(name and address of employer) (hereinafter called “the employer” and
(name and address of contractor ) (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) of the other
………………………… (Name and identification number of contract) (hereinafter called “the
Works”) and the employer has accepted the Bid by the contractor for the execution and
completion of such works and the remedying of any defects therein, at a contract price of
1. In this contract, words and expressions shall assume the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the conditions of Contract hereinafter referred
to and they shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of the
2. In consideration of the payments to be made by the employer to the contractor
as hereinafter mentioned, the contractor hereby covenants with the Employer
to execute and complete the works and remedy the defects therein in
conformity in all aspects with the provision of the contract.
3. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the contractor in consideration of the
execution and completion of the works and in remedying the defects wherein
the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under the
provisions of the contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the
4. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed
as part of this contract, viz:
i) Letter of acceptance
ii) Notice to proceed with the works
iii) Contractor’s bid
iv) Bidding data
v) General conditions of contract (including special conditions of
vi) Specifications
vii) Drawings
viii) Bill of quantities
ix) Any other documents listed in the contract data as forming part of
the contract.
x) Drawing and design of structure(s) or part thereof submitted by the
tenderer and duly approved by the competent authority after this
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this contract to be executed the day and
year first before written.
In the presence of
6.1. Decision of Executive Engineer is Final:
The party whose tender is accepted hereinafter called the contractor is to provide
everything of every sort and kind (with the exceptions noted in the schedule
attached) which may be necessary and requisite for the due and proper
execution of the several works included in the contract according to the true
intent and meaning of the drawings and specification taken together, which are
to be signed by the Executive Engineer, concerned P.H. Division, herein
after called the Executive Engineer and the contractor whether the same may or
may not be particularly described in the specification or shown on the drawing
provided that the same are reasonably and obviously to be inferred there from
and in case of any discrepancy between the drawings and the specifications the
Executive Engineer is to decide which shall be followed.
The Officer-in-charge of the work shall have the right to decide whether any
labourer employed by the contractor is below the age of fourteen years and to
refuse to allow any labourer whom he decides to be below the age of fourteen
years, to be employed by the contractor.
of the contractor's agent which is to be constantly kept on the ground by the
contractor and to whom instructions can be given by the Executive Engineer.
6.11. Execution with Defective Workmanship & Improper Materials.
If in the opinion of the Executive Engineer any of the works have been executed
with improper materials or defective workmanship, the contractor is then
required by the Executive Engineer forthwith to re-execute the same and to
substitute proper materials and workmanship and in case of default of the
contractor in so doing within a week, the Executive Engineer is to have full power
to employ other agency to re-execute the work and the cost thereof shall be
borne by the contractor.
general methods, arrangements, and timing for all the activities in the
Works along with monthly cash flow forecast.
iii) To ensure good progress during the execution of the work the contractors
shall be bound in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds
one month to complete, 1/4th of the whole time allowed under the contract
has elapsed, ½ of the whole of the work before ½ of the whole time
allowed under the contract has elapsed, 3/4th of the whole of the work
before 3/4th of the whole time allowed under the contract has elapsed.
iv) If at any time it should appear to the Engineer-in-Charge that the actual
process of the work does not conform to the programme to which consent
has been given the Contractor shall produce, at the request of the Engineer-
in-Charge, a revised programme showing the modifications to such
programme necessary to ensure completion of the works within the time for
completion. If the contractor does not submit an updated Programme within
this period, the Engineer-in-Charge may withhold the amount of 1% of the
contract value from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold
this amount until the next payment after the date on which the overdue
Programme has been submitted.
v) An update of the Programme shall be a programme showing the actual
progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the progress achieved
on the timing of the remaining work including any changes to the sequence
of the activities.
vi) The Engineer-in-Charge’s approval of the Programme shall not alter the
Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise the Programme and
submit it to the Engineer-in-Charge again at any time. A revised Programme
is to show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events.
e) Management Meetings
i) Either the Engineer or the Contractor may require the other to attend a
management meeting. The business of management meetings shall be to
review the plans for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in
accordance with the early warning procedure.
ii) The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and is to
provide copies of his record to those attending the meeting and to the
Employer. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken to be
decided by the Engineer either at the management meeting or after the
management meeting and stated in writing to all who attended the meeting.
f) Rescission of Contract:
To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice in writing to the
contractor under the hand of the Executive Engineer shall be conclusive
evidence), 20% of the value of leftover work will be realized from the
contractor as penalty.
(Amendment as per letter No.10639 dt.27.05.2005 of Works
Department, Odisha)
6.18. The Executive Engineer shall make payment of work in full or part thereof those
shall have been certified, subject to availability of Letter of Credit (LoC).
by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India,
New Delhi.
C1 = The all India wholesale price index for Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) for the month under consideration as published by the Ministry
of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi.
Pc = Percentage of Cement Component of the Work.
19(a)(iii): Adjustment for Steel Component
Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of steel procured by
the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula:
Vs = 0.85 x Ps/100 x R x (S1- S0)/S0
Vs = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the month under
consideration due to changes in the rates for steel.
S0 = The all India wholesale price index for steel (Mild Steel long products)
on 28 days preceding the date of opening of Bids as published by the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi
S 1= The all India wholesale price index for steel (Mild Steel long products)
for the month under consideration as published by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India, New Delhi.
Ps = Percentage of steel component of the work
Note: For the application of this clause, index of (Mild Steel long
products) has been chosen to represent steel group.
19(a)(iv): Adjustment of Bitumen Component
Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of bitumen shall be
paid in accordance with the following formula:
Vb = 0.85 x Pb/100 x R x (B1- B0)/B0
Vb = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the month under
consideration due to changes in the rate for bitumen.
B0 = The official retail price of bulk bitumen at the IOCL/ BPCL depot at
nearest center on the day 28 days prior to date of opening of Bids.
B1 = The official retail price of bulk bitumen at IOCL/ BPCL depot at
nearest center for the 15th day of the month under consideration.
Pb = Percentage of bitumen component of the work
(vi) Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of plant and machinery
spares procured by the Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the
following formula:
Vp- 0.85 x Pp/100 x R x (P1-P0)/P0
Vp- Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the month under
consideration due to changes in the rates for plant and machinery
P 0- The all India wholesale price index for manufacture of machinery for
mining, quarrying and construction on 28 days preceding the date of
opening of Bids as published by the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India, New Delhi.
P 1- The all India wholesale price index for manufacture of machinery for
mining, quarrying and construction for the month under consideration
as published by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government
of India, New Delhi.
Pp- Percentage of plant and machinery spares component of the work.
Note: For the application of this clause, index of manufacturing of
machinery for mining, quarrying and construction has been
chosen to represent the Plant and machinery Spares group.
Regarding wholesale price Index (WPI) for appropriate commodity for
payment of price adjustment, due to change of base year of WPI from 1993- 94
to 2004-05 & 2011-12, it is observed that, the commodity 'Bars and Rod',
'Cement', 'Heavy machinery and parts' included in the list of WPI 1993-94 series
are not mentioned as such in the WPI 2004-05 & 2011-12 series. Therefore, the
following items in the WPI 2004-05 & 2011-12 series shall be considered
corresponding to items in WPI 1993-94 series:
Sl. Item in WPI 1993- Item in WPI 2004- Item in WPI 2011-12
No. 94 series 05 series series
1. Cement Grey Cement Ordinary Port land
2. Bars & rods Rebars Mild steel long products
3. Heavy Machinery & Construction Manufacture of
parts Machinery machinery for mining,
quarrying &
*Note: Further break up may be worked out considering the consumption of Cement.
Steel, Bitumen, pipe and Plant & Machinery Spare Component in the concerned
works and shall be provided in the bid document in shape of "Schedule of
Adjustment Data" as an "Appendix to Bid". (enclosed herewith).
Appendix to Bid
Schedule of Adjustment Data
[For all works, adjustment factor for Labour and POL shall be considered @ 5% each.
Steel, Cement, Pipes, other Materials and Machinery shall contribute to 90% of Price
Adjustment and shall be calculated for each work separately during preparation of
estimate, shall be approved by the authority during technical sanction as a "Schedule of
Adjustment Data" and shall form part of the Bid Document]
Cl. No-31 of Index Source of index Base Base Weightage
of Item**
F2/G2/P1 description value* Date*
Sl. No.
31 (a)(i) Other All India Whole sale price
Materials index (all commodities) as
published by the Office of the
Economic Advisor to the
Govt. of lndia, Ministry of
Commerce and lndustry.
31 (a)(ii) Cement All India Whole sale price
index for Cement (Ordinary
Portland Cement) as
published by the Office of the
Economic Advisor to the
Govt. of lndia, Ministry of
Commerce and lndustry.
31 (a)(iii) Steel All India Whole sale price
index for Steel (Mild Steel-
Long Products) as published
by the Office of the Economic
Advisor to the Govt. of lndia,
Ministry of Commerce and
31 (a)(iv) Bitumen Official retail price of bulk
(VG-30) bitumen at the nearest
31 (a)(v) Pipes All India Whole sale price
index for the type of pipe
under consideration, as
published by the Office of the
Economic Advisor to the
Govt. of lndia, Ministry of
Commerce and lndustry.
31 (b) Labour Minimum Wage notified by 5%
the Labour and Employee’s
State Insurance Department
of Government of Odisha,
31 (c) POL Official retail price of HSD at 5%
nearest IOCL/ HPCL/ BPCL
Consumer Pump Depot.
31 (d) Plant and All India Whole sale price
Machinery index for Manufacture of
Machinery for Mining,
Quarrying and Construction
as published by the Office of
the Economic Advisor to the
Govt. of lndia, Ministry of
Commerce and lndustry.
Total : 100%
* Values to be filled up at the time of drawl of contract.
** Values to be filled up in the bid document.
6.20. If at any time after the commencement of the work the Governor of Odisha shall
for any reason whatsoever not require the whole thereof as specified in the tender
to be carried out the Engineer-in-charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to
the contractor who shall have no claim to any payment or compensation
whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage, which he might have derived
from execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in consequence of
the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall he have any
claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the
original specification, drawings, designs and instruction which shall involve any
curtailment or increase of the work as originally contemplated.
6.22. Contractor Liable for Damage done & for Imperfection for 6 (six)
months after Certificate:
If the contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface, injure or
destroy any part of a building or structure in which they may be working or any
building, road, fence, enclosure or grass land cultivated ground continue to the
premises on which the work or any part of it is being executed or in any damage
shall happen to the work while in progress from any cause whatsoever or any
imperfection become apparent in it within six months from the date of the final
certificate of its completion shall have been given by the Engineer-in-charge, as
aforesaid, the contractor shall make the same good at his own expenses or in
default the Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be made good by other
workman and deduct the expenses of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-
charge shall be final from any sums that may be then or at any time thereafter
may become due to the contractor or from his security or the proceeds of sale
thereof or a sufficient portion thereof and the contractor shall be liable to pay of
the expenses not so recovered by the Engineer-in-charge.
6.23. Action where No Specification is mentioned:
In the case of any class or items of works for which there is no such specification
as mentioned in file, if such work shall be carried out in accordance with the
detailed standard specification of Odisha, as followed by the State PWD and in
the event of there being no specifications born in the said standard specification
of Odisha for such items of work, then in such case the said item of work shall be
carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of
the Engineer-in-charge after obtaining approval from competent authority.
A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed
by the Engineer-in-charge for all works executed in the previous month and the
Engineer-in-charge and/or Assistant Engineer and/or Junior Engineer in immediate
charge of the work shall take the requisite measurements for the purpose of
having the same verified, and the claims for as admissible adjusted if possible
before the expiry of ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor
does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge
and/or his Engineering subordinates shall measure up the said work in the
presence of the contractor, whose counter signature to the measurement list will
be sufficient warrant, and the Engineer-in-charge and/or Assistant Engineer
and/or his Engineering subordinates shall prepare a bill from such list which shall
be binding on the contractor in all respects. Payment shall be made to the
contractor in all respects.
6.26. If the rate quoted by the bidder is less than 15% of the tendered amount, then
such a bid shall be rejected and the tender shall be finalized basing on merits of
rest bids. But if more than one bid is quoted at 14.99% (Decimals upto two
numbers will be taken for all practical purposes) less than the estimated cost, the
tender accepting authority will finalize the tender through a transparent lottery
system, where all bidders / their authorized representatives, the concerned
Executive Engineer and DAO will remain present.
(As included in Appendix – IX, Clause – 36 of OPWD Code Vol.II vide Works
Department letter No.12366/W dt.18.11.2013).
6.27 If L1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalization of the tender, then
he shall be debarred from participation in bidding for three years and action will
be taken to blacklist the contractor. In that case, the L2 bidder, if fulfils, other
required criteria would be called for drawing agreement for execution of work
subject to the condition that L2 bidder negotiates at par with the rate quoted by
the L1 bidder otherwise the tender will be cancelled. In case a contractor is black
listed, it will be widely published and intimated to all Departments of Government
and also to Government of India agencies working in the State.
(As included in Para 3.5.14 Note-I of OPWD Code Vol.I vide Works Department
letter No.12366/W dt.18.11.2013).
6.28. Before acceptance of tender, the successful bidder will be required to submit a
work programme and milestone basing on the financial achievement so as to
complete the work within the stipulated time and in case of failure on the part of
the agency to achieve the milestone liquidated damaged will be imposed.
(As included in Para 3.5.18 Note-VIII of OPWD Code Vol.I vide Works Department
letter No.12366/W dt.18.11.2013).
7.1. Changes in Constitution of Firm:
In the case of tender by a partnership firm, any change in the constitution of the
firm shall be forth with notified by the contractor to the Executive Engineer/
Superintending Engineer/ Chief Engineer/ Engineer-in-Chief/ EIC-cum-
MS, OWSSB for his information. In case of failure to notify the change in the
constitution within 15 days, the Executive Engineer/ Superintending
Engineer/ Chief Engineer/ Engineer-in-Chief/ EIC-cum-MS, OWSSB may
by notice in writing, rescind the contract and the security deposit of the contractor
shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the Governor of
Odisha and the same consequence shall ensure as if the contract had been
rescinded thereof and in addition the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or
be paid for any work there for actually performed under the contract.
7.7. The Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996.
In accordance with the provisions under the said Act 1% (One) of the approved
agreement value will be deducted from the R/A Bill at the time of making payment
to the contractor and such amount shall be remitted in favour of The Odisha
Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.
7.11. Rates:
The Tenderer shall quote their offer on ‘Lump Sum Rate’ in the Price Bid
appended to the tender document for complete work in all respects. The
estimated cost is excluding GST. The rates of item basing on which
estimated cost has been derived are excluding GST on different
components to arrive at such rates. The offer shall be inclusive of cost of all
materials, labour, T&P including the building and other construction workers
welfare cess with surcharge, tollages, royalties, packing and forwarding,
transportation, insurance, loading & unloading, storage, watch and ward, delivery
of the materials to the site etc. and all other expenses incidental thereto for
successful completion, testing & commissioning of the work.
GST as applicable on works contract shall be paid over the bill amount at
the time of Payment of Bill.
7.12. Transportation:
The contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of all materials, tools and
plant, equipment and machinery to the work site as may be required at site.
(1) The contractor shall submit monthly progress report of the work in a
computerised form. The progress report shall contain the following, apart
from whatever else may be required as specified:
(2) The progress report submitted by the contractor shall be checked and
certified by the Junior Engineer and the Assistant Engineer, and has to be
reviewed by the Executive Engineer and the Superintending Engineer, over
their dated signatures.
(3) Work of unique importance and character irrespective of the value of the
work, should have videography undertaken at various stages of construction
right from the day of start of work to date of completion / occupation,
covering all major events, inspections, visits by dignitaries, etc.
In addition to the ISD, 5% of the bill amount shall be deducted from each bill
towards the security deposit. The earnest money deposit, the initial security
deposit before and after acceptance of tender together with the subsequent
deduction from the contractor’s bill shall form part of the security deposit
equivalent to 7% of the contract value for the due fulfilment of the contract.
The security deposit of the contractor shall be refunded only 12 (twelve) months
after the date of completion of the work provided the final bill has been paid and
defects if any rectified.
If however there is inevitable delay in payment of final bill, the earnest money
deposit and initial security deposit forming part of the security deposit may be
refunded on orders of competent authority.
7.16. Monitoring of the Project:
Time is the essence of the contract. The execution of the project shall be closely
monitored to ensure that quality; cost & time of the project are not compromised
in any manner.
The contractor shall submit monthly progress reports in a format as may be
prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge. The monthly progress report shall be
evaluated by the Executive Engineer vis-à-vis the approved Bar chart & PERT
Chart and any deficiency observed thereto shall be communicated to the
contractor. The contractor shall have to make up the deficiencies within the specific
time period communicated to him by the Executive Engineer failing which the
contractor shall be liable for action as per Clause -7.26.
In addition, the contractor shall submit monthly day-wise work program one month
in advance to Executive Engineer for approval under intimation to the
Superintending Engineer, concerned PH Circle, Chief Engineer, PH
(Urban) & Engineer-in-Chief, P.H., Odisha, Bhubaneswar to ensure speedy
implementation of the work and effective monitoring at all levels. Failing to do so
shall also invite action under Clause-7.26.
7.18. Guarantee:
Defect liability period is 12 (twelve) months from the date of final acceptance of
the work conforming to provisions in scope of work. During this period, the
contractor shall replace the defective materials if any or rectify the defects if any at
his own cost as pointed out by the Engineer-in-charge to the satisfaction of the
7.19. Land:
The Department may provide land if available for construction of site office to the
contractor on payment of usual rent.
7.20. Unilateral Stoppage of Work:
Unilateral stoppage of work by the contractor without prior written permission of
the Engineer-in-charge shall be considered as breach of contract and the Governor
of Odisha reserves the right to take such actions as it may be deemed fit.
is used in carrying the materials, suitable foot holds and handholds shall be
provided on the ladder.
The Engineer-in-charge will have the right to inspect the scaffolding and
centring etc. for the work and can reject partly or fully such structure if found
defective in his opinion.
ii) Working Platforms: Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall be
constructed such that they do not sag unduly or unequally. If the height of the
platforms or gangway or stairway is more than 3.25 meters above the ground
or floor level, it shall be closely guarded, have adequate width and suitably
iii) Safe means of access: Safe means of access shall be provided to all
working platform and other working places.
iv) Precaution against Electrical Equipment: Adequate precaution shall be
taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. Hand lamps shall be
provided with Mesh guard, wherever required.
v) Preventing Public from Accident: No materials on any of the sites shall be
so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or
public. The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and light to protect
public from accident and shall be bound to bear expenses of defence or any
suit action or other proceedings at law that may be brought by any persons
for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precaution and to pay any
damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit action or
proceedings to any such person or which may with the consent of the
contractor, be paid to compromise any claim by any such person. The
contractor not to come cause blockage of traffic /disruption of the traffic.
vi) Demolition: Before any demolition work is commenced and also during
process of work:
a) all roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be
closed or suitably protected,
b) no electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger
shall remain electrically charged,
c) all practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons
employed from the risk of fire, explosion or flooding,
d) no floor roof or other parts of the building shall be so over loaded
with debris or materials as may render it unsafe.
vii) Personal safety equipment: All personal safety equipment shall be made
adequately available by the contractor for use of persons employed at the site
of work and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use. The
contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipment by
persons concerned.
viii) Precaution against fire: Suitable fire extinguishers, water and sand buckets
shall be provided at the work site to tackle situations of fire.
When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases
aforesaid, the accepting authority shall have the powers to rescind the
contract (of which rescission notice in writing to the contractor under the
hand of Executive Engineer shall be conclusive evidence), 20% of the value
of the left over work will be realized from the contractor as Penalty
7.26.1. In case of rescission of contract as per Clause-7.26 the contractor shall have
no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by regions of having
purchased or procured any materials or entered any engagement on account of
or with a view to execute the work / performance of the contractor.
7.27(a) Conditions for Reimbursement of Levy/Taxes if Levied after Receipt
of Tenders:
i) All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies payable under
respect statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (46th Amendment)
Act, 1982, if any further tax or levy is imposed by Statute, after the last
stipulated date for the receipt of tender including extensions if any and the
contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such taxes/levies the
contractor shall be reimbursed the amount so paid, provided such payments, if
any, is not, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Chief, P.H., Odisha,
Bhubaneswar (whose decision shall be final and binding on the contractor)
attributable to delay in execution of work within the control of the contractor.
ii) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents
for the purpose of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow
inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative of the Department
and/ or the Engineer-in-Charge and further shall furnish such other
information/ document as the Engineer-in-Charge may require from time to
iii) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such
further tax or levy, pursuant to the Constitution (Forty Sixth Amendment) Act,
1982, give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge that the same is
given pursuant to this condition, together with all necessary information
relating thereto.
7.27(b) Other statutory Taxes such as I.T. etc, will be deducted at sources
from the bills of the contractor and deposited with concerned
7.27(c) Royalty at the prevailing rate on minerals will be deducted from the bills of the
contractor and deposited with concerned authority.
Explanation – “Fair Wage” means wages, whether for time or piece work
prescribed by the State Public Works Department provided that where
higher rates have been prescribed under the minimum wages Act 1948
wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
The Executive Engineer shall have the right to enquire into and decide any
compliant alleging that the wages paid by the contractor to any labourer for
the work done by such labourer is less than the wages as per sub-
paragraph-I above.
(c) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the
performance of the contractor’s part of this agreement, the contractor shall
comply with or cause to be complied with all regulations made by
Government in regard to payment of wages, wage period deductions from
wages, recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorizedly made,
maintenance of wage register, wage cards, publication of scale of wages
and other terms of employment, inspection and submission of periodical
returns and all other matters of a like nature.
(d) The Executive Engineer or Sub-Divisional Officer concerned shall have the
right to deduct, from the money due to the contractor, any such required or
estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or
workers by reason of non-fulfilment of the conditions of the contract for the
benefit of the workers non-payment of wages or of deduction made from his
or their wages, which are not justified by their terms of the contract or non-
observance of the regulations. Money so deducted should be transferred to
the workers concerned.
(e) Vis-à-vis, the Government of Odisha, the contractor shall be primarily liable
for all payments to be made under and for the observance of the
regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from
his sub-contractor.
(f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and
any breach thereof shall be breach of this contract.
[Odisha PWD/Electricity Department Contractor’s Labour
7.28.1. Short title – These regulations may be called “The Odisha Public Works
Department / Electricity Department Contractor’s Regulations”.
7.28.2. Definitions – In these Regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated the
following words and expressions shall have the meaning here by assigned to
them respectively, that is to say -
(2) The contractor shall also maintain a wage card for each worker employed on
the work.
(3) The Executive Engineer may grant an exemption form the maintenance of
wage bond, wage cards to a contractor who, in his opinion – may not
directly or indirectly employ more than 100 persons on the work.
(ii) No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss
shall be made from his wages until the worker has been given an
opportunity of showing cause against such fines or deduction.
(iii) The total amount of fines which may be imposed in any one wage period on
a works shall not exceed an amount equal to five paise in a rupee of the
wages payable to him in respect of that wage period.
(i) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by instalments,
or after the expiry of 60 days from the date on which it was imposed.
notice is received, or to the Labour Commissioner or any other person
authorized by the Government of Odisha on his behalf.
The intent of this Section is to specify the work items to be covered on ‘Lump Sum Rate
Basis’ in conformity with the technical specifications as enumerated in the subsequent
clauses for the work:- Construction, testing, commissioning & trial run of 2 Nos.
of Septage Treatment Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) & Biramitrapur (10 KLD)
Towns of Odisha.
8.1. Location:
8.2.1 General Scope:
i. The successful bidder will prepare the layout plan and structural drawings for
construction which will be approved by the OWSSB/PHEO before execution begins
at site.
ii. The executing agency will carry out site investigation such as soil exploration by
SPT and determine bearing capacity of soil for foundation design.
iii. The foundation type, depth and site provided in the scope is tentative. It will be
finalized only after soil bearing capacity (SBC) is determined. Required foundation
as per site condition shall be designed and provided.
iv. There is no extra cost for preparation of structural designs & drawings. There will
be no extra cost if foundation design as per site is different from the one given in
the scope of the bid documents,
v. The agency will carry out the design of steel structural truss and support structures
for sludge drying bed shed and sludge storage shed.
vi. The approximate distance between available 11 KV electric power supply
source/tapping location and the corresponding SeTP site has been mentioned in
Table-4 of Section-8 of DTCN. However, as envisaged in the DTCN, the intending
bidders should undertake field visit to assess and understand the site conditions,
verify the source/tapping locations for power supply to the corresponding SeTP
sites and submit their bids accordingly.
vii. There is no extra cost towards site survey inspection and preparation of GA
8.2.2. Detailed Scope:
The detailed scope of work for each component of the SeTP are described below:
Table No.-1: Dimensions of Components of SeTP are given in the table
13 Lab Room 1 no.*6.0m*4.0m 1 no.*6.0m*4.0m
14 Admin Room 1 no.*6.0m*4.0m 1 no.*6.0m*4.0m
15 Store Room 1 no.*4.0m*4.0m 1 no.*4.0m*4.0m
16 Panel Room 1 no.*3.0m*4.0m 1 no.*3.0m*4.0m
17 Electrical Substation 25KVA 25KVA
18 Production Well (Depth) 1 no.*100m 1 no.*100m
19 Overhead Tank (Capacity) 1 no.*5000 litre 1 no.*5000 litre
20 Internal Road 600 m 500 m
21 Compound Wall Table 2 Table 2
Provision of 11 KV
Overhead Line upto SeTP Table-4 Table-4
22 Sub-Station
23 Storm Water Drain 400 m 300 m
For Sl. No. 2 to 11 in table no.-1, all dimensions for length, breadth & depth are
internal only.
Length of compound wall shall vary for each site as per perimeter of land available. See
Table No.-2 for length of compound wall of each site of the package.
Different pump sets with appropriate connect to panel is required at different locations.
See Table No.-3 for location, capacity and quantity.
Table No.-2: Compound Wall (Ref Sl. No 21 of Table No. -1)
i. Depending on the ground profile, a ramp of approved size of RCC M-25 shall be
constructed to a height so that delivery of septage from the cesspool vehicles to
the sludge receiving inlet chamber can be done by gravity.
ii. The ramp should be located by one of the side of the sludge receiving chamber
along the direction of flow.
iii. The ramp shall be built of RCC M-25 grade of concrete consisting of RCC slab of
0.15 m thickness supported by RCC walls of 0.20m thickness with footings as
required. Depth of the foundation for walls is1.0 m below GL.
iv. The approach slope shall be 1:7 along the ramp axis on both sides.
v. The length of the flat portion of the ramp should be at least 8.0 metres and total
length including slope on both side shall not be less than 30 metres.
vi. The height of ramp shall be minimum 1.6 m from finished ground level so that
cesspool vehicles can discharge by gravity to the sludge receiving chamber. The
width of the ramp shall be at least 3.5 metres.
vii. Parapet walls shall be provided on both sides of the ramp for safety purposes to a
height of 1.0 m.
viii. The inside of ramp shall be filled and compacted properly with sand to prevent
settlement under loading. The flat portion of ramp shall be supported at both ends
and at the mid span by RCC walls of 0.2m thickness.
i. The screen channel shall be preceded by one septage receiving chamber of RCC
M-25 grade.
ii. The floor of sludge receiving chamber will be approx. 1.2 m from the finished
ground level (depending on site requirement) in order to provide required
hydraulic head for flow to the settling cum thickening tank, anaerobic baffle
reactor & polishing pond by gravity.
iii. The sludge receiving chamber along with the screen channel shall be supported
by columns of appropriate dimension as per the approved drawing.
iv. In the column foundation, sand filling of 0.15 m thickness and PCC (1:3:6) of 0.1
m thickness shall be provided. A RCC raft of 0.3 m thickness shall also form the
foundation for the columns supporting sludge receiving chamber & screen channel.
v. The sludge receiving chamber shall be neatly plastered both outside & inside over
the RCC work with punning inside. The plaster shall be 6 mm thick cement plaster
(1:4) to RCC surfaces finished smooth and applied over the RCC surface after filling
up any honeycomb that might exist.
vi. The inside surface of sludge receiving chamber shall be painted with epoxy paint to
minimise seepage of water and prevent corrosion of the reinforcement.
vii. Two coats of wall painting with weather coat of approved shade on outside portion
with primer of one coat of approved make/brand or as per the directions of
Engineer-in-charge shall be applied.
viii. The sludge receiving chamber shall contain a flexible pipe with coupling of HDPE
material or any other durable material cast at 1.0 m above the sludge receiving
chamber floor for a length of about 4 m suitable for coupling with the cesspool
emptier discharge pipe at the time of delivery of septage into the chamber.
ix. The septage receiving chamber shall be provided with a MS/GI screen basket of
removable type.
x. One screen channel of same depth as that of the sludge receiving chamber with
open top shall be constructed of appropriate length (minimum length is 3.0 m
which may vary upto 4.5 m) depending upon the location of the settler-cum-
thickener and receiving chamber in the plant layout plan.
xi. Walkway of 1.0 m wide in RCC M-25 shall be provided on both sides of screen
channel and receiving chamber with chequered tiles over the surface.
xii. The screen channel shall run up to the settling-cum-thickening tank and will be
bifurcated into two channels along the width of the tank.
xiii. The screen channel shall be neatly plastered both outside & inside over the RCC
work with punning on all surfaces. The plaster shall be 6 mm thick cement plaster
(1:4) to RCC surfaces finished smooth and applied over the RCC surface after filling
up any honeycomb that might exist after casting.
xiv. The inside portion of screen channel shall be painted with epoxy painting.
xv. Wall painting 2 coats with weather coat of approved shade on outside portion with
priming one coat of approved make/brand or as per the directions of Engineer-in-
charge shall be applied.
xvi. The screen channel shall be provided with two nos. of 25 mm bar screen, vertically
placed inside the channel having sufficient recess on the side walls for placement
and removal of the screen.
xvii. The screens shall be of removable type and shall be made of SS 304.
xviii. The height and width of the screen shall be 1.00 m and 0.60 m respectively. The
width of the screen channel is 0.60m.
xix. The thickness of the bar shall not be less than 10 mm built into a SS frame of 1.00
m height and 0.75 m width ±25 mm. Two such screens shall be provided.
xx. The required T&P shall be supplied by the agency for removal of solid waste from
the septage receiving chamber along with wheel barrow for it’s transport to
storage before final disposal during one month of O&M and trial run. These T&Ps
will not be returned to the Agency.
xxi. Stainless steel of 304 grade hand railing using 50mm dia. of 2mm thick circular
pipe with Balustrade of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C and stainless
still square pipe bracing of size 32 mm x 32 mm x 2 mm in 3 rows shall be
provided as per the requirement at site on the perimeter of the 1 m wide walkway
on the sides of screen channel.
xxii. Any other minor items (pipes, valves, sundry items) that are essentially required
shall be taken up by the agency as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
rows shall be provided. A SS 304 grade ladder with tread of 0.25 m and rise
of 0.15 m shall be provided for access to settling-cum-thickening tank.
i. Chequered tiles on 25mm. thick bed of CM (1:1) jointed with cement slurry
shall be provided on the walkway. The walkway shall be extended from settler
to the roof of the ABRs.
j. Two sludge draw off pipes of 150 mm size of DI/HDPE make shall be provided
at the pit and laid at the bottom of settling-cum-thickening tanks connecting
to sludge wet well. Each pipe shall be fitted with a knife edge valve / sluice
valve ahead of wet well with proper fixing of the pipe with the pit wall to
avoid displacement and leakage. The sludge wet well is to be constructed on
the side of the settling-cum-thickening tank.
k. Freeboard in Settler cum Thickening tank is 0.4 m.
i. The Sludge Drying Beds (SDB) shall be in the form of a battery of required no of
beds as per the approved layout plan with common wall in between.
ii. The foundation work shall be of 0.15 m thickness for sand filling & PCC (1:3:6) of
0.10 m thickness. The depth of foundation is minimum 1.0 m below GL.
iii. The walls of the SDBs shall be of RCC M-25 grade of 0.20 m thickness.
iv. The under drainage shall be one main drain for each bed and laterals @ 1.0 m
v. The main drain size is 200 mm (W) x 250 mm (D) minimum in fly ash brick in CM
vi. The lateral drains shall be connected to main longitudinal drain on the floor for
leachate collection. The lateral drain size is 100 mm (W) x 100 mm (D).
vii. The size of RCC connection chambers shall be 1.0 m x 1.0 m. Connection chamber
will be provided @7.5 m c/c and also at change of direction. They will be
connected with 200 mm diameter HDPE pipes up to leachate sump for flow by
gravity. The pipe slope is 1 in 100.
viii. Bed slope of 10% shall be provided in the laterals.
ix. The slope of main drain shall be 1 in 100.
x. The floor shall be constructed in fly ash brick on edge flooring in CM (1:8). The
brick size is 230mmx110mmx75 mm.
xi. Perforated slabs of size 1000 mm x 1000 mm x 100 mm shall be provided on top
of drains for supporting the gravel layer. The size of perforations is 20-25 mm.
xii. 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:6) over brick work including cement punning shall
be provided.
xiii. Sand bed of 0.15m thickness with Uniform Co-efficient (UC) less than 4 shall be
provided as top layer on the sludge drying bed. Below the sand bed, gravel shall
be placed in 2 layers.
xiv. The bottom most layer shall be gravel of 20-40 mm size and above this, the
gravel size shall be 6 to 12 mm. The thickness of two layer of gravel bed at the
side wall is 0.3m and increasing towards the center of the bed.
xv. The beds shall be provided with a plastic wire hexagonal mesh or metal wire mesh
coated with plastic of durable type to protect sand bed from being removed with
the dried sludge.
xvi. RCC collection chambers shall be constructed as per site and directions of
Engineer-in-charge. The chambers shall project 0.3m above FGL with RCC cover
slab and RCC cover ring.
xvii. The freeboard above the sand surface shall be at least 0.5 m. The height of
sludge drying beds shall be 0.6m above FGL.
xviii. MS Splash plate of size 1.0 m x0.6 m shall be fixed to the walls through brackets
which can be removed during maintenance. A gate valve provided in the pumping
pipe line in each bed shall control inflow of sludge on the splash plate.
xix. The splash plate shall be affixed to the wall of the bed and the gap between the
valve opening and splash plate shall be 25 mm.
xx. All piping to the SDB shall be 200 mm size of HDPE / DI material.
xxi. All valves shall be of DI make.
xxii. Wall painting 2 coats with weather coat of approved shade with priming one coat
of approved make/brand or as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge shall be
xxiii. Crusher broken hard granite metals may be used if gravel is not available within
15 km of the ULB with approval by Engineer-in-charge.
i. 50% of the sludge drying beds shall be provided with a movable cover with a
roof to protect them from rain to avoid rewetting of the drying sludge. The shed
should extend at least 0.3 m away from the outer walls to prevent rain water
entering the beds.
ii. The roof structure shall be of MS truss and movable i.e. sliding on wheels over
two rails along the lengths of the drying beds. Sliding should be possible by
pushing manually. The two rails shall be fixed over the RCC walls. The MS truss,
rails and rollers shall be designed by the Agency.
iii. The truss shall be fixed with GCI sheets (preferably TATA dura shine). The truss
shed shall be sloped to both sides of the bed to drain the rain water away from
drying beds.
iv. The MS truss shall be made from angle and channel section duly welded &
designed to withstand all loads including wind loads for the area.
v. Arrangements shall be made for Fitting & Fixing of Ridges & Wind Ties to fix /
lock the moving roof over a bed during the storm so that they are not displaced
by strong winds.
vi. The painting of truss structure shall be done with painting of two coats of enamel
paint over a coat of Primer.
i. The baffled tanks shall be constructed with M25 grade RCC. It shall be
constructed in two parallel trains with a central wall with RCC top.
ii. For foundation, sand filing of 0.15 m followed by PCC (1:3:6) of 0.1 m shall be
constructed with a raft/base slab of RCC (M-25) of 0.25 m thickness.
iii. This ABR shall have one settler tank and several baffled tanks followed by two
anaerobic filters as per the dimensions given.
iv. The ABRs are provided with a 1 m x 1 m inlet box at entrance. The depth of the
inlet box is 0.2m.
v. Shafts shall be provided for flow distribution at the floor level from chamber to
chamber. The intermediate partition walls shall be of RCC and at least 125 mm
thick. The ports shall be of 0.15 m dia. circular with 0.3 m spacing. The top of
the ports shall be 0.30 m below the water surface.
vi. The baffle wall of the shaft shall be 0.3 m from the partition wall. The bottom
clearance of the baffle wall is 0.2 m to allow flow from the preceding chamber to
flow up to the next chamber. The thickness of the baffle wall shall be 75 mm.
vii. The last two chambers are anaerobic filters where RCC perforated bottom slab is
placed above 500 mm from the floor of the chamber. The slab is perforated with
25 mm diameter holes. Holes shall be at least 50% of the surface area of the
slab. In order to retain the strength of the slab, 25 mm size PVC pipes are
inserted during casting of the slab. The slab shall be at least 0.09 m thick with
HYSD steel of diameter not less than 8 mm. The slabs shall rest on 0.20 m deep
beams laid along the length of the chamber to support the perforated slabs.
These slabs shall be of removable type for maintenance.
viii. The filter material for the anaerobic filter shall be lightweight cinder (which is
light in weight) or plastic of high surface area. The sizes shall be less than 0.15 m
in diameter. The top of the filter medium shall be 0.30 m below the water level in
the tank. The cinder/plastic shall be placed inside plastic wire mesh bags with
appropriate strength so that it can be lifted easily for cleaning and other
maintenance. The settled sludge below the perforated slab is to be cleaned by
suction of cesspool truck through the access manholes provided on the roof of
the shaft.
ix. The ABR shall be provided with a 1.0m x 1.0m outlet chamber and 0.2m deep.
From the outlet chamber a 200 mm dia. HDPE pipe shall convey the flow to the
horizontal planted gravel filter (constructed wetland). Adequate drop of 0.15 m
shall be provided from inlet to outlet of the ABR.
x. Size of manhole: 600 mm x 600 mm. All reactors compartments shall have one
manhole each for sludge removal. In case of anaerobic filters, two manholes in
each tank shall be provided. A manhole shall also be provided on the shaft of the
anaerobic filters for drawing of sludge by suction vehicles.
xi. Adequate ventilation of all the compartments through piping shall be provided at
the top of the roof.
xii. The freeboard in hybrid ABR is 0.25 m.
i. The PGF shall be in two treatment trains in parallel with a common wall to
facilitate alternate loading and loading of one while the other one is under the
ii. The foundation work shall be of 0.15 m thickness for sand filling & PCC (1:3:6) of
0.10 m thickness.
iii. The walls of the PGF shall be constructed of RCC M-25 grade.
iv. The walls will be 150 mm thick.
v. The floor of the PGF will be of 100mm thick RCC M25 over a layer of 100 mm
thick PCC (1:3:6) and 150 mm thick sand well watered and rammed.
vi. The floor will have a slope of 1 in 100 along the flow direction.
vii. The inlet side of the PGF shall be provided with a channel made of RCC fixed with
the side wall of the PGF for the full width.
viii. The width of the channel shall be 300 mm and depth 0.15 m.
ix. The channel shall have 25 mm slot opening @0.3m spacing at the channel floor
for the entire channel length for even distribution of flow to the wetland.
x. The slot shall be made perfectly horizontal to have uniform flow.
xi. The slot shall be between 10 cm above the top surface of the gravel bed.
xii. A freeboard of 0.25 m above the gravel bed shall be provided. The outer walls of
the PGF should be extended 0.25 m above the FGL for preventing storm water
entering the planted gravel filter.
xiii. Each PGF shall be provided with two RCC cross walls with same reinforcement
as that provided in the outer walls at the mid-length. The first wall is at mid-
length and the second wall is at 1.5m downstream of the 1st wall. These walls
shall be for the entire width of the PGF. The height of the 1st wall is same as the
side walls. Opening/slots shall be provided on the wall at the floor level. The size
of the opening is 100 mm diameter and spacing is 0.6m in one row. The height
of the downstream second wall is only 0.3m without any slots/opening at the
floor level.
xiv. The ground outside the PGF shall be levelled and compacted.
xv. First 1.50 meter and last 1.50 meter along the flow of the planted gravel filter
shall be filled up with 40 to 50 mm size gravel for a thickness of average
0.80m.There will be an inlet zone, outlet zone and partition zone of 1.0m length
each and shall be filled up with 40 mm to 50 mm size gravel along the direction
of flow with RCC flooring and walls in addition to the internal dimensions of PGF.
xvi. From the end, before the last 1.5 m gravel bed, sand bed shall be provided with
0.1mm to 0.4 mm coarse sand for a thickness of 0.90 m. The length of the sand
bed shall be 3.0m. Before the outlet zone, there will be a sand zone filled with
0.1 mm to 4 mm size coarse sand for a length of 1.50 m in the direction of flow
for a thickness of average 0.75 m.
xvii. The 1.5 m wide between the two intermediate walls described above are filled
with 40 mm to 50 mm size gravel. The rest of the PGF gap will be filled with
8mm to 16 mm gravel. The PGF shall be filled with 8 mm to 16 mm size gravel.
xviii. Two outlet chambers, one for each PGF train shall be provided. The size is 1.0
mx1.0 m. The chamber will project 0.3m above FGL.
xix. In each outlet chamber, a flexible pipe shall be attached to the tee pipe through
leak proof connection to adjust the PGF water level and flow in the outlet
channel according to the hydraulic conductivity of filter media in planted gravel
xx. Water level at 100 mm to 150 mm below the gravel surface shall be maintained.
xxi. Perforated pipe of 200 mm diameter HDPE shall be laid at the floor along the
entire width of planted gravel filter surrounded by 40 mm to 50 mm size gravel
at end of planted gravel filter for collection of treated effluent. A TEE pipe of 100
mm dia. connection shall be made up to the outlet box. The perforations shall
be slots of 6 mm long and 2 mm wide or round holes, staggered and covering
50% of the pipe surface area.
xxii. No large trees shall be grown near the wetland as its root may penetrate the
wall or the floor and the fallen leaves shall clog the filter bed surface.
xxiii. For plantation purpose, two bunches of plants or sprouted rhizomes shall be
provided during initial stage
xxiv. The plants like Phragmitesaustralis, typhaangustifolia, and canna lily
shall be suitable for the purpose.
xxv. A combination of all these plants shall be done with proper spacing for
beautification of the filter bed area.
xxvi. The two outlet chambers shall be connected by a gravity channel and the
common outlet channel shall be laid up to the polishing pond. Flow
measurements will be done at the channels. The inlet to the pond will be
through a pipe.
xxvii.In case gravel is not available within 15 km of the ULB, crusher broken hard
granite metals may be used with approval by the Engineer-in-charge.
i. The foundation work shall be of 0.15 m thickness of sand filling & PCC (1:3:6) of
0.10 m thickness.
ii. The pond shall be of rectangular size as per the dimensions specified in the
iii. The pond side wall shall be vertical.
iv. The pond walls shall be made by RCC M-25 grade of 0.30 m thickness.
v. The bottom of the pond shall be natural soil, cleaned, weed free and filled with
150 mm sand.
vi. The depth of the water level in pond shall not exceed 1.0 m.
vii. The required gradient between the planted gravel filter and the pond shall be
created to have adequate driving head.
viii. Adequate slope is to be provided in the outlet channel from the PGF up to the
polishing pond. A drop of 0.15 m shall be provided from the PGF outlet to pond
ix. An aeration arrangement shall be provided at the center of the pond through a
vertical column and cascading steps in RCC M-25.
x. A series of circular steps of RCC M-25 grade of increasing diameter from top to
bottom supported on a RCC column is to be provided as per the following
dimensions (minimum no. of steps shall be 4).
a. 1st Step – 1.5 m (Diameter) x 0.10 m (Thickness)
b. 2nd Step – 1.2 m (Diameter) x 0.075 m (Thickness)
c. 3rd Step – 0.9 m (Diameter) x 0.075 m (Thickness)
d. 4th Step – 0.6 m (Diameter) x 0.0.75 m (Thickness)
xi. An aeration column of RCC M-25 grade of minimum height of 3.0 m (excluding
foundation) and 0.3 m diameter shall be fixed for cascading flow and eventual
aeration of the effluent. The top aeration step of 0.6 m dia. shall be 0.5 m above
xii. The RCC steps and the RCC column shall be fixed with mosaic tiles as per the
directions of Engineer-in-charge to provide aesthetic look.
xiii. Ceramic wall tiles shall be fixed on the wall of the pond of approved brand and
colour as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
xiv. A SS hand rail of Stainless steel of 304 grade in hand railing using 50mm dia of
2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm @
0.90mtr. C/C and stainless square pipe bracing of size 32 mm x 32 mm x 2 mm
in 3 rows shall be provided all around the perimeter of the pond for safety
purpose. Paver blocks/tiles shall be provided all around the pond perimeter next
to hand rail for a width of 0.6 m as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for
stability & aesthetics.
xv. The RCC M-25 grade of 0.30 m width wall of the pond shall extend 0.25 m
above the FGL.
xvi. One recirculation Pump Set (0.5 KW) with pipe arrangement and electrical
fixings, fittings and starter panel all complete shall be provided for cascade in
the pond.
xvii. Two discharge pump sets of 1.5 KW each (1 Working & 1 Standby) with pipe
arrangement and electrical fixings, fittings and starter panel etc. all complete
shall be provided for discharge of the treated effluent for gardening purposes or
as per the instruction of Engineer-in-Charge.
xviii. The pipe size shall not be less than 100 mm dia.
xix. The pump control panel shall be placed in the panel room separately built for
operation of all pumps installed in septage treatment plant.
xx. Underground cabling with required electrical specification confirming to the
technical specifications as provided in the bid document shall be provided.
xxi. The length of cabling shall be decided as per the direction of the Engineer-in-
Charge keeping in mind that the cable routes is not taken in garden area,
pavements or in vicinity of structures.
xxii. Adequate safety measures shall be adopted while of the cables and the cable
trenches shall be marked with an over ground marker protruding from the
surface indicating the alignment of the cable.
i. One leachate sump of 3.0 m dia. and 4.0 m deep of M-25 RCC with top RCC
cover shall be provided along with pumping arrangement to pump out leachate
from sludge drying bed to the ABR inlet.
ii. The foundation work shall be of 0.15 m thickness of sand filling & PCC (1:3:6) of
0.10 m thickness.
iii. The grade of concrete shall be M25. Minimum reinforcement required as per the
design requirement shall be provided. The wall thickness of wet well is 0.3 m.
The raft thickness at bottom is minimum 0.3 m.
iv. The top of the leachate sump shall be 0.3 m above FGL.
v. The plastering shall be 6 mm thick cement plaster in CM (1:4) with punning to
RCC surfaces.
vi. The sump shall be kept 0.3 m above finished ground level.
vii. Required rungs/steps with plastic cover shall be provided in the sump wall for
access @ 150 mm c/c.
viii. Two submersible sludge pump sets of 1.5 KW each (one working and one
standby) shall be installed with one working & one as standby. Capacity of each
pump is 1.5 KW.
ix. Delivery pipe shall be 40 mm dia. PVC laid till the inlet of the ABR.A full way
valve shall be provided.
x. The pump control panel shall be placed in the panel room separately built for
the purpose of operation of all pumps installed in septage treatment plant.
xi. Underground cabling with required electrical specification confirming to the
technical specifications as provided in the bid document shall be provided.
xii. The length of cabling shall be decided as per the direction of the Engineer-in-
Charge keeping in mind that the cable routes is not taken in garden area,
pavements or in vicinity of structures.
xiii. Adequate safety measures shall be adopted while laying of the cables and the
cable trenches shall be marked with an over ground marker protruding from the
surface indicating the alignment of the cable.
i. Roof top PVC water tank of 5,000 liters capacity shall be provided over the
admin building with RCC support and piping arrangements.
ii. Adequate bracing is to be done to protect the overhead PVC tank from the
heavy winds.
iii. All pipes shall be of PVC/other polyethylene types.
iv. All full way valves shall be of brass/CP type.
v. The delivery pipe from the roof tank shall be connected to different fixtures
inside the Admin building such as laboratory sink, wash basins, lavatories, water
closet, taps etc.
i. All piping works are to be executed in accordance with the technical
specifications provided in the bid document.
ii. The pipe sizes shall vary as per the specific requirement in case of a component.
iii. The length of piping work shall be finalized along with the plant layout plan and
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
iv. Valves of different sizes wherever required as per the design shall be provided.
v. Butterfly valves/Penstock/Gate valves of DI make only shall be provided.
vi. Pipes of HDPE/DI as approved by the Engineer-in-charge shall be provided.
i. The septage treatment facility shall be provided with yard lighting for lighting
during night hours.
ii. Yard lighting using GI, tubular poles single/double arm and energy saving
lighting devices i.e. LED units shall be provided.
iii. The height of the pole shall be at least 20 feet (6.0m) and diameter not less
than 100 mm and shall be of the heavy duty type.
iv. Electric poles @ 15.0 m c/c & double armed shall be provided and in case of
specific requirement as decided by the Engineer-in-charge extra poles shall be
v. The poles shall be provided with S.S. bracket suitable for installation of LED
vi. The poles and brackets shall be adequately painted with anti-corrosive paints
and enamel paints to protect against corrosion.
vii. Adequate and proper arrangements shall be made to make cable connection
running inside the poles up to the LED point fixed on the bracket. All cable
connections shall be provided with proper sealing against water leakage inside
the pole.
viii. The LED bulb shall not be less than 70 watt per pole and only white LED shall be
ix. The location of LED posts shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge before
i. The agency will access and execute required length of high transmission
(HT)/Low transmission (LT) poles for external power supply to Septage
treatment plant.
ii. One 25 kVA capacity transformer with electrical sub-station is to be erected
inside Septage treatment plant. OWSSB/PHEO will obtain necessary permission
from CESU/NESCO/WESCO/SOUTHCO before the execution.
iii. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of HT/LT/Transformer/Sub-
station/Connection to Panel room etc. shall be done by the agency.
iv. The sub-station shall have a separate enclosure within the boundary of the SeTP
as per the requirement of the Electrical Authorities.
v. Adequate safety measures shall be taken to avoid any unwarranted hazards.
vi. One no. of 3 Phase 10 KVA diesel generator shall be supplied by the agency for
use in case of power outage. Change over switch and control panel shall be
provided. Change over shall be manual.
i. Construction of 3 phase 11 KV Line on 150 mm x150 mm, 11 meter long RS joist
using 100 mm square AAAC with double disc insulator at tension point from the
nearest electrical supply point to SeTP premises including supply of all material,
labour, fees, installation, testing & approval by the Electrical Authorities.
ii. The cost of testing and other fees shall be borne by the agency.
iii. Necessary permission from CESU/NESCO/WESCO/SOUTHCO shall be taken
before for execution by OWSSB/PHEO.
iv. Adequate safety measures shall be taken to avoid any unwarranted hazards.
i. Following buildings are to be constructed in accordance with the PWD
specifications. The building shall be a RCC M-25 frame structure.
The internal dimensions of the buildings are:
a) Guard room: (3.0m x 3.0m) to be constructed at the entrance (with 1.50
mtr wide verandah and M.S door)
b) Admin Building consisting of:
I. Administrative room: (6.0m x 4.0 m)(with 1 no. Toilet within the room)
II. Panel Room: (3.0m x4.0 m)
III. Store/Equipment Room: (4.0m x4.0 m)
IV. Laboratory Room: (6.0mx4.0m) with lab table, sink, tap, shelf & forced
(Common portico of 3.5 width for Admin room, panel room, store room & laboratory room
to be provided in RCC)
ii. The foundation work shall be sand filling of 0.15 m thickness & PCC (1:3:6) of
0.10 m thickness.
iii. Column, beam, Roof Beam, Chajja, Lintel beam, shelves, slabs etc. shall be
constructed of RCC M-25 grade.
iv. Plinth protection of 1.0 mtr width shall be provided all round the buildings with
C.C. (1:2:4) of 100 mm thickness.
v. Fly Ash brick masonry in CM (1:4) using fly ash bricks shall be used for brick
vi. The laboratory room shall be provided with RCC shelf, RCC platform of adequate
length for installation of various testing equipment.
vii. One large sink shall be provided for washing of various apparatus etc. in the lab
viii. 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) finished smooth shall be provided on RCC
ix. 12mm thick cement plaster (1:6) shall be provided over brick work.
x. Ceramic tiles shall be provided on the walls of toilet room.
xi. Vitrified tiles of size 600 mm x 600 mm of approved make laid on 20 mm thick
cement mortar (1:4) shall be provided on the floors of all the five rooms with
ceramic anti-skid tiles shall be provided in the bathroom/toilet floors.
xii. Chequered tiles shall be provided in portico floor.
xiii. Aluminium door with OEL anodized Aluminium door with 12mm thick pre
laminated NOVAPAN Board of appropriate size shall be provided as per
xiv. Window (sliding type) made of Aluminium section as window frame with 5mm
thick black glass as panel of appropriate size shall be provided as per
xv. M.S. window grill for the windows shall be provided as per requirement.
xvi. PVC door for bathroom/toilet of appropriate size shall be provided as per
xvii. All building shall be provided with PH and electrical connections as per the
xviii. Wall painting for two coats with plastic emulsion paint over a coat of primer of
approved make shall be done on the inner portion of the buildings.
xix. Wall painting for two coats with weather seal coat over a coat of water bound
wall primer of approved make shall be done on the outer portion of the
xx. Painting two coats with synthetic enamel paint over a coat of primer over iron
works for grill and other iron works shall be provided.
xxi. Adequate numbers of windows along with ceiling fan including LED bulbs shall
be provided.
xxii. LED bulbs of preferably 9 W capacity shall be provided. The make of all electrical
items like switch, plug, ceiling fan, exhaust fan, cables/internal wiring etc. to be
installed shall be duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
xxiii. One exhaust fan shall be provided in the laboratory room.
xxiv. All arrangements shall be completed as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
xxv. Construction of a 10-user septic tank along with external & internal PH works
shall be done.
xxvi. A Fire Extinguisher is to be provided in the Admin building.
i. For foundation, sand filing of 0.15 m followed by PCC (1:3:6) of 0.1 m shall be
constructed with a raft/base slab of 0.25 m thickness.
ii. RCC of M-25 grade for slab.
iii. Fly Ash bricks masonry in CM (1:4) using fly ash bricks shall be used for brick
work and brick footings.
iv. Length of platform shall be 10.5 m with flat portion 6 m and slope of 4.5 m.
v. The width of the platform is 4.5 m with a spacing for 0.8 m in the centre for
ease of vehicular movement.
vi. Plaster of 12 mm (1:6) on brick surface shall be provided.
vii. Drainage from washing platform will be through open drains/pipes to the sludge
drying bed.
viii. A PVC pipeline of 40 mm dia. with stop cock from the production well shall be
provided for supply of water to the washing platform for cleaning of vehicles etc.
i. Sign boards for each component, glow boards at entrance and inside SeTP,
caution boards shall be provided by the Agency as per the direction of Engineer-
ii. Layout plan and process description display boards shall be provided inside
Admin Room.
iii. The two display boards inside the Admin room shall be printed in flex and glass
bound in metal frame.
i. A solar panel set of capacity 10 KW shall be supplied and installed by the agency
of a reputed brand or as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
ii. The agency shall ensure on-grid connection of the solar system.
iii. All other ancillary connections, safety inspection, insurance certificates,
installation permission shall be borne by the agency.
iv. The work may be executed through a agency approved by OREDA. All incidental
expenses for the work shall be borne by the Agency including permissions and
approvals of concerned Authority/Department/Organization.
v. Agency will contact OREDA or any other relevant Agency to obtain estimates,
approvals, meters, deposits, required fees, charges as required to execute the
solar power work.
i. The approximate area for landscaping in each septage treatment plant is about
one acre. This may vary (±) 10% depending on the plant layout and site
ii. The agency shall have the provision of digging holes in all kinds of soil and
refilling the same with the excavated earth mixed with manure or sludge in the
ratio of 2:1 by volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by
20% : 1 part of stacked volume of manure after reduction by 8 %) flooding with
water, dressing including removal of rubbish and surplus earth if any with all
leads and lifts (cost of manure, sludge etc.).
iii. Spreading of dump manure and/or good earth in required thickness as per
direction of office in-charge.
iv. Mixing earth and manure in the required proportion specified as directed by the
v. Supplying and stacking at site dump manure from approved source including
vi. Planting of following varieties of trees at specific locations as per the directions
of Engineer-in-Charge.
a) Cocos Nucifera (Coconut)– (4’0” height)-25 nos.
b) Bottle Brush (Yellow) – (6’0” height)-25 nos.
c) Foxtml Plam – (10’0” height)-29 nos.
d) Bauhinia Blakeana– (6’0” height)-17 nos.
e) Mini Ixora (New)– (1’0” height)-489 nos.
f) Manilkara Zaputa (Chiku)– (6’height)-27 nos.
g) Variegated Lilly– (0’9” height)-160 nos.
h) Mini Allmanda – (1’0” height)-376 nos.
i) Acalypha – (1’0” height)-235 nos.
j) Variegated Tager– (1’6” height)-333 nos.
k) F. Blaki (Topiary)– (3’0” height)-14 nos.
l) F. Prestige (Topiary)– (3’0” height)-01nos.
m) F. Starlight– (3’0” height)-02 nos.
n) Juniper Africana -– (3’0” height)-22 nos.
o) Amrapalli Mango -– (5’0” height)-05 nos.
p) CollismanPolandi – (3’0” height)-47 nos.
q) IxoraDafic – (21’0” height)-57 nos.
vii. Application of the pesticide such as 2-4 D Sodium salt/glyphoctparaquat 5ml per
liter of water over vegetation area (wildly grown, unwanted wild bushes) two
applications at an interval of 15 days.
viii. Turfing with grass selection No 1 grass including water and Maintenance of the
lawn for 60 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn, free form weeds and
fit for mowing including supply of good earth of required quantity as per the site
condition and to achieve adequate height for drainage.
ix. Anti-termite treatment of lawn area through premises 30.50% I P. One liter
premise diluted in 499 liters water and applying solution @ 1.00 liter solution per
sqm lawn or bed area. (two application including cost of chemical) and as per
direction of Officer-in-charge.
x. Required quantity of good earth for the entire landscaping area to achieve
adequate elevation for aesthetic as well as drainage purposes shall be brought
and spread. Unsuitable earth shall be removed from the site if required.
xi. A sprinkler system consisting of water sprinkler set and associated accessories
with delivery pipe of length about 40 m shall be provided at regular intervals in
the periphery of the landscaping area for proper watering and maintenance of
the garden and plants.
xii. Effluent discharge system from the polishing pond shall consist of PVC pipeline
of 40 mm & 25 mm dia shall be installed with brass stop cock. The openings for
the fixing of taps for discharge shall be 20 meter c/c.
900 V-Notch made of 2 mm thick SS plate shall be fixed at the following places for
measurement of flow
1. Outlet of Settling-cum-Thickening Tank
2. Outlet of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
3. Outlet of Planted Gravel Filter
i. The trial run & operation & maintenance shall be for a duration of one month
after successful completion of all works and commissioning of the SeTP.
ii. The agency shall provide required manpower as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge for operation of the facility for a period of one month from date of
completion of the project (written confirmation to be issued by the Engineer-in-
charge) the cost of which shall be borne by the agency.
iii. The cost of electrical energy during the trial run period shall be borne by
iv. Warranty of equipments, electrical parts and all such items procured as finished
items, shall have the manufacturer’s warranty and in absence of the same, the
agency shall take the responsibility of its repair/replacement within the period of
defect liability described elsewhere in the bid document.
v. All the watch and ward round the clock shall be provided by the Agency till
completion of project including trial run and operation and maintenance period
of one month in the septage treatment plant.
vi. The list of personnel to be provided during trial run and operation and
maintenance is given in Annexure-III of this document.
Note: The scope of work, if described elsewhere in the bid document is different or
contradicts what has been described in this scope of work, the details provided in this
scope of work shall supersede all such descriptions. However, if such descriptions are
additive in nature and supplements the description provided in this scope of work, the
same shall prevail along with this scope of work.
The contractor shall be entirely responsible for the detailed design of Septage Treatment
Plant at identified spot etc. including civil, PH works, Pipe laying, structural designs for the
capacities specified except the major items of works whose detailed engineering have
been done by OWSSB. The design submission and approval formalities are essentially
required. The contractor has to conduct all tests at site at his own cost, such as, plate
load test, bore log up-to required depth, SPT, Ground water table etc. for determination of
SBC, which are required for design purpose
submit computer aided drawings drawn in different colors conforming to other
specifications as described above.
4) In case of computer aided designs, the firm shall also additionally submit the soft
copy containing the software & the design to the Department to facilitate checking
of the designs. The contractor shall also furnish the design calculations through
manual methods if demanded by Department.
For computer aided design, the contractor shall use only widely accepted standard
software of International/ National repute.
1 Metal spatula-S.S- 8" Nos 2
2 Porcelain crucible-15ml Nos 2
30ml Nos 2
3 Silica Crucible 50ml Nos 2
4 Filter paper-whatman No.41-11cm-pkt Nos 1
5 Pair of tongue S.S 8" 12” Nos 1
Nos 2
6 Burette stand- Tarson make or equivalent Nos 2
7 Pipett stand- Tarson- vertical or equivalent Nos 1
8 Test tube stand-Tarson or equivalent Nos 1
9 Test tube holder Nos 2
10 Pipette pump-Pkt of 4nos Nos 2
11 Plastic wash bottle -500ml Nos 2
12 Tripod stand-Iron-8'*5" Nos 1
13 Imhoff cone with stand Nos 2
14 Glass beads-2mm-500gm gm 500
15 Reagent Bottle plastic
250ml 6
1000ml 4
16 sample collection bottle-1000ml 4
17 Chemical Gloves-pair packet 1
18 Nose masks-Pkt of 20 packet 1
19 Appron-Cloth Nos 2
1 Sulfate (FAS) Ammo Ferrous sulphate gm 500
2 Potassium Dichromarte gm 500
3 Mercuric sulfate gm 250
4 Silver Sulfate gm 25
5 Ferroin indicator ml 100
6 Manganese sulfate gm 500
7 SodiumAzide gm 500
8 Soidumlodide gm 250
9 Starch indicator gm 500
10 Sodium thiosulfate gm 500
11 Potassiumlodide gm 100
12 Sodium hydroxide gm 500
13 Potassium chloride gm 500
14 Buffer PH 4 ml 500
1 Sulfuric Acid ml 500
2 Hydrochloric acid ml 500
Annexure II
List of office furniture
Annexure III
Personnel for Operation and Maintenance
11. The surplus earth and debris should be lifted after completion of work and
proper levelling of site as directed by Engineer-in-charge without any extra
12. Pumps and motors to be of reputed and approved make.
13. All the work including supply of materials to be executed as per relevant IS
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
14. Foundation of all structure including supply of materials shall be designed
depending on Ground water table / subsoil condition. In no case the Depth
of foundation below virgin soil shall be less than 1 mtr. at respective places.
15. All equipment, accessories, auxiliaries, piping, electrics, instruments,
installations, construction, buildings etc. including all mechanical, electrical &
civil engineering works covered under the scope of work of contractor shall
be subjected to inspection & testing by the Department for its material,
quality, workmanship and the performance. The contractor shall arrange
and carryout all such inspection, testing, trial run etc. and demonstrate in
presence of the Engineer-in-charge of the Department.
16. The cost of such inspection, testing, trial run, demonstration etc. shall be
borne by the contractor. All responsibility of such inspection, testing, trial
run, demonstration etc. and any damage/ loss that may cause directly or
indirectly shall exclusively rest with the contractor.
17. Such inspection, testing, trial run, demonstration etc. shall, however, not
relieve the contractor of their liability for replacing/ rectifying any defects,
which may subsequently appear or be detected during erection and
guarantee period.
18. All equipment, sub-assembly and components, auxiliaries and accessories
shall be tested at manufacturer’s workshop/site in accordance with relevant
Indian Standards/ International Standards. The contractor shall furnish all
test certificates etc. related to the quality of all the materials to the
Department along with the delivery of the materials at site without which no
payment shall be released. However, such test certificates, quality
assurance certificate shall not relieve the contractor of it’s obligation to
replace forth with any instrument/ materials found defective during tests at
works / trial running period/guarantee period.
19. Testing for performance of equipment shall be carried out and be checked
with the approved parameters and performance characteristic curves for the
purpose of acceptance.
20. Design Criteria and Specification for Water retaining structures: All
the RCC Water Retaining structures shall be designed as per IS456-2000
and IS: 3370 -2009. The structural design shall be done by Working
Stress Method. The steel used for reinforcement shall be Corrosion
resistance high yield strength deformed bars confirming to IS:1786 (with
latest revision).
21. Design Criteria and specification for RCC Structures: Concrete
structures should be designed as per IS:456 -2000 using Limit State
Method of design. For RCC works the Grade of concrete shall not be less
than M-20 Machine mix shall be used in concrete works of the structures.
Vibrators of appropriate type shall be used for compaction of the concrete.
The contractor shall give at his own cost concrete cubes to the department
made from fresh concrete prepared for the work taken as per IS:1199 cured
for 7 days and 28 days for testing by the department at any
recognized/Govt. testing laboratory, and the testing charges shall be borne
by the contractor.
22. Electrical equipment/ installation: All the Electrical equipment/
installations shall be energy efficient and confirm to star rated/ BEE as
applicable. The Electrical Power Factor should not be less than 0.92.
23. The successful bidder shall source all ISI Marked Pipes & Fittings.
24. Power Supply: The installations shall generally be carried out in conformity
with the requirements of Indian Electricity Act 1910 as emended up to date
and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 framed there under, the relevant
regulations of the Electric Supply Authority concerned and also with the
specifications laid down in the Indian Standard IS:732/1963 “Code of
Practice (Revised) for Electrical Wiring Installations (System Voltage nor
exceeding 650-V)”. The work shall be executed as per the National Electrical
Code and if any item is not covered there under or there is any doubt, the
specification approved by the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and binding.
Obtaining electric power supply from the corresponding
Distribution Companies of Odisha (DISCOMs) in time, either for construction
activity or for trial run- operation- function of the septage treatment facilities
at each site of the corresponding Package/work, shall be the responsibility of
the successful bidder. However, PHEO/OWSSB shall facilitate for the same to
the extent possible.
2. The contractor after completion of the work shall arrange for inspection of the
Electrical Inspector and obtain formal approval to charge the electric line and
substation constructed. The copy of the inspection report of the Electrical Inspector
should be submitted to the concerned Executive Engineer, P.H. Division. The fees
payable for such inspection will be paid by the Department in shape of Treasury challan in
appropriate head of account which will be deducted from the contractor’s bill.
3 The contractor shall do all liaisons with concerned Electrical distribution Company for
connection, short down required for charging the eclectic substation.
4 The Executive Engineer / Assistant Engineer / Junior Engineer P.H.D concerned shall write
the letter required for the above work to respective Executive Engineer of concerned
Electrical distribution Company as and when the contractor needs so.
5 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for procurement of all materials
equipment tools and plants etc. The materials those to be supplied by the contractor
should confirm to latest ISI / CPRI specification.
6 The contractor has to purchase the materials only from the firms having valid OGST /
CGST registration certificate and from the approved firms of the concerned Electrical
distribution Company in the jurisdiction of which the project is situated. The authority
of purchase along with warranty / guarantee certificate and test certificate of such
major materials i.e. Transformer, RS Joist pole, Electrical conductors, Lightning
arrester, AB switch, distribution boxes as may be required by the concerned
Executive Engineer, P.H. Division and respective Executive Engineer of concerned
Electrical distribution Company shall have to submitted by the contractor. In case of
Transformer EMR testing is mandatory certifying that the Transformer is OK. The
contractor should arrange for required letter of intimation to this effect the EMR
Division of concerned Electrical distribution Company
7 After completion of the work a certificate from the concerned Electrical Executive
Engineer in support of the satisfactory execution and performance of the work should
be submitted.
Witness Contractor
according to accepted contract value relates to that location)
Break up
Description of Items price
A Capital Works
1 Construction of RCC Ramp 1.37
Construction of foundation, including excavation, sand filling,
A 0.34
PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25) footings
Construction of first lift (1.5m) super structure, including
B columns, beams and concreting with supply and erection of 0.34
HYSD reinforcements and shuttering and centring works, co
Construction of second lift (1.5m – 3.0m) super structure,
including columns, tie beams, &slabs, brickwork and concreting
C 0.34
with supply and erection of HYSD reinforcements, sand filling
and compacting, construction of parapet walls.
All finishing works, including plastering & punning with correction
D of honeycombs and painting with one coat primer and two coats 0.35
of weather coat paint
2 Sludge Receiving Chamber 0.35
Construction of foundation, including excavation, sand filling,
A 0.11
PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25) footings
Construction of RCC M-25 super structure, including columns, tie
B beams, walls, floor slab and concreting with supply and erection 0.12
of HYSD reinforcements and shuttering and centring works
All finishing works, including plastering & punning with correction
of honeycombs and painting with one coat primer and two coats
C 0.12
of weather coat paint and one coat of anti – alkali and anti – acid
paint on inner surfaces, supply & fitting of screen basket.
3 Screen Channel 0.27
Construction of foundation, including excavation, sand filling,
A 0.09
PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25) footing
Construction of RCC M-25 super structure, including columns, tie
beams, walls and floor slabs, inlet channel, RCC stairs,
B 0.09
concreting with supply and erection of HYSD reinforcements and
shuttering and centring works
All finishing works, including plastering & punning with correction
of honeycombs and painting with one coat primer and two coats
of weather coat paint one coat of anti – alkali and anti – acid
C 0.09
paint on inner surfaces, pumping works including supply and
fitting of valves, supply & fixing of SS screens & inlets to the
settling-cum-thickening tanks.
4 Settling-cum-Thickening Tank & Sludge Wet Well 5.41
Construction of foundation, including excavation, sand filling,
A 1.35
PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25) footing
Construction of RCC M-25 super structure, including columns, tie
beams, walls, baffle walls, outlet channel to ABR, floor slabs,
B 1.35
RCC staircase and concreting with supply and erection of HYSD
reinforcements and shuttering and centring works
All finishing works, including plastering & punning with correction
of honeycombs and painting with one coat primer and two coats
of weather coat paint, one coat of anti – alkali and anti – acid
C paint on inner surfaces, plumbing and electrical works including 1.35
supply and fitting of valves, PVC coated footsteps, SS 304
steps/staircase and handrail and grating, supply & fixing of
chequered tiles etc.
Civil Works- Construction of sludge wet well, including all
construction with excavation, sand filling, PCC (1:3:6), RCC
D 0.68
work, RCC walls, RCC slabs, reinforcements, rungs.
plastic emulsion, cement putty, OEL anodized doors and
aluminium sliding windows, iron grill works and vitrified floor
tiles, anti-skid tiles in toilet & bathrooms, plumbing and
electrical works with supply & fixing of ceiling fans, exhaust fans,
bulbs, tube-lights, electrical boards etc. , supply & fixing of
sanitary fixtures in bathroom & toilet etc.
Construction of RCC portico and paver blocks/floor tiles in all
E 0.95
fitting and finishing
3 Overhead Tank, Production Well & Sprinkler System 1.26
A 200 m bore of 100 metre dia. with piping 0.31
B Plumping and electrical works and submersible pumps 0.32
C Construction of roof top overhead tank with staging 0.32
D Sprinkler system with garden pipes with all accessories 0.31
C Power Supply & Lighting
Electrical Sub-Station (25KVA), cabling to panel room, supply &
1 fixing of control panels for pipes, valves, motors, pumps, lighting 1.31
system etc.
2 Yard Lighting with main lighting and associated works 1.15
Supply & fixing of Caution, Glow, Flex, Component Sign Boards
3 0.27
4 Solar Panel & On-Grid Connection with net metering 2.25
(11 KVA) Electrical Overhead Line up to SeTP site and
5 1.67
connection to 25 KVA transformer
6 3 Phase 10 KVA diesel generator with operations panel 0.63
D Other Structures
1 Internal Road 6.90
A Earthwork 1.72
B Sand filling 1.73
C PCC (1:3:6) work 1.73
D RCC (M25) work 1.72
2 Storm Water Drains 4.31
For first 1/3 of the length of the drain - foundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
A 1.44
walls & drain floor, supply and erection of HYSD reinforcements,
6mm cement plaster (1:4) with cover slab wherever required
For second 1/3 of the length of the drain - foundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
B 1.43
walls & drain floor, supply and erection of HYSD reinforcements,
6mm cement plaster (1:4) with cover slab wherever required
For final 1/3 of the length of the drain - foundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
C 1.44
walls & drain floor, supply and erection of HYSD reinforcements,
6mm cement plaster (1:4) with cover slab wherever required
3 Washing Platform 0.44
Foundation works including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6)
A 0.15
and RCC (M25) footing
Construction of super structure including RCC (M25) for slabs,
B walls & brickwork and supply and erection of HYSD 0.15
Sand filling & 12 mm Plastering (1:6), one coat plastic emulsion
C 0.14
paint and one coat primer & all piping works
4 Compound Wall with MS Gate and MS Iron Spikes 10.17
For first ¼ of the length of the compound wall oundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
footing, construction of super structure including RCC (M25) for
A columns, tie beams etc., brickwork and supply and erection of 2.54
HYSD reinforcements, 12 mm Plastering (1:6), one coat primer
and two coats weather coat paint, supply and installation of MS
spikes with all fit and finish
For second ¼ of the length of the compound wall oundation
works including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC
(M25) footing, construction of super structure including RCC
B (M25) for columns, tie beams etc., brickwork and supply and 2.54
erection of HYSD reinforcements, 12 mm Plastering (1:6), one
coat primer and two coats weather coat paint, supply and
installation of MS spikes with all fit and finish
For third ¼ of the length of the compound wall oundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
footing, construction of super structure including RCC (M25) for
C columns, tie beams etc., brickwork and supply and erection of 2.54
HYSD reinforcements, 12 mm Plastering (1:6), one coat primer
and two coats weather coat paint, supply and installation of MS
spikes with all fit and finish
For final ¼ of the length of the compound wall oundation works
including earthwork, sand filing, PCC (1:3:6) and RCC (M25)
footing, construction of super structure including RCC (M25) for
columns, tie beams etc., brickwork and supply and erection of
D 2.55
HYSD reinforcements, 12 mm Plastering (1:6), one coat primer
and two coats weather coat paint, supply and installation of MS
spikes and MS gate with one coat of red oxide primer and two
coats of synthetic enamel paint with all fit and finish
Site Development and Landscaping Works
E 9.37
(4000 Sqm), Lab Equipment & Office Accessories
Site development, plantations and landscaping including levelling
of land, digging holes, supply of good earth, procurement &
1 planting of trees as specified, supply & planting of grass turf, 6.24
supplying & application of manure, supply & spraying of
insecticide etc.
Supply and fitting of laboratory equipment, chemicals, office
2 3.13
furniture and desktop computer with all accessories
Testing, Commissioning and Operation & Maintenance
F 10.00
with Trial run (1 Month)
Total 100.00
N.B.: Further sub-break up of payment may be allowed with due approval of
OWSSB/PHEO if required in the interest of projects.
Note 1:
a. The percentage of payment mentioned above are with reference to the total
value of each component as per the agreement entered into by the
b. The payment shall be made for each component as per the actual
measurement, upto the percentages mentioned above for the stage of progress
of each component. In the case of actual value of works carried out becoming
lesser than the percentage limits prescribed for the stages, the payments shall
be restricted to the actuals.
c. 5% of the value of every running bill shall be retained by the Employer as
additional performance security.
d. Payments shall become eligible only for finished items of works in all respects.
The Contractors will submit their bills every month in the M.Book format for the
Quantity only of the relevant running bill duly signed. This will be treated as claim
of the Contractor to consider payment every month.
The Contractor shall submit their bills to the Executive Engineer or any oftheir
subordinate officer undertheir control as directed by the Executive Engineer. The
Executive Engineer shall be responsible to scrutinize and make payment to the
Contractor within 15 days from the date of submission of bills by the Contractor
During the course of the contract period, deduction of income tax shall be made at
the prevailing rates from every payment as may be specified by the Income Tax
Department and as amended from time to time.
c. The value put to tender in invitation for bids does not include GST.
Towards contribution of fund for the benefit of manual workers employed in the
construction works an amount equivalent to (1%) one percent of total bill amount of
the construction work proposed will be paid by the Employer by way of deducting the
amount from each running bill and deposited to the respective welfare Board, subject to
issue of amendments from time to time by the respective department of Government of
(Provision for this contribution has been appropriately made in the Estimates sanctioned
for the schemes and the amount would be remitted at the end of the financial year to the
labour welfare Deptt.)
1. General Information
a) Name of Applicant
E-mail Address:
Telephone No. (Landline) Fax No.:
Mobile Phone No.
E-mail Address:
Telephone No. (Landline)
Mobile Phone No.
Fax No.:
E-mail Address:
Telephone No. (Landline)
Mobile Phone No.
Fax No.:
[Correspondence between the Authority & the Bidder through the above E-mail
should be treated as official and at par with the conventional written
communication. Similarly, information/instruction imparted by the Authority
to the Bidder through the above telephone number should be treated as
a) Office
Name(s) Educational Designation Relevant Remarks
qualification Experience
[To be given separately for each constituent Firm]
Financial statement shall be audited for five years by Regd. Chartered Accountant or
competent financial organization / authority. The audit certificate should be included
with the document.
1) Name of Applicant:
2) Total annual turnover & Annual turnover in Construction Works, undertaken for
each of the last five financial years.
(Rs. In lakh)
FINANCIAL Home Abroad Total
Total Turnover Total Turnover Total Turnover
Turnover in Const. Turnover in Const. Turnover in Const.
Works Works Works
Proposed to be deployed by the Applicant for use on the work
Sl. Name of Name of Value of Total Financial Stipulated Stipulated Actual date Reasons Remarks
No. the work/ the Contract Value of year-wise date of date of of for delay
location employer price work Computed commence- completion completion
Agmt. No. executed amount ment
& Dt.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
NB: Certification of the employer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/equivalent is to be furnished in support of the
above claim.
4. Approximate value of existing commitment and ongoing works: (Rs. in lakh)
Description Place Name of Contract Contract Stipulated period of Balance value of Remarks
of work employer No value completion (indicate date of work to be
commencement & executed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
NB: Certification by the engineer in charge not below the rank Executive Engineer/equivalent in support of the above claim
should be furnished.
3. Bid Capacity Calculation (Refer clause 32.3 of Section 2 (B) of DTCN).
A = Maximum value of works executed in any one year during the
last five years (updated to the current price level)= Rs.. ________ lakhs.
B= Value of current price level of the existing commitments
and ongoing works to be completed during the next years = Rs. _________lakhs
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which the bids are invited = 1
Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (AxNx2-B) Estimated cost put to tender.
6. Works for which bid already submitted but not finalized. (Rs. in lakh)
Description Place of Name & address of Estimated Offer valued Stipulated Date on which Remarks
of work work employer cost of by the bidder period decision
work of completion expected.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: - a) Certificate from the employers not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent may be attached
b) Non-disclosure of any information in the schedule will result in disqualification of the firm.
1.(a) Is the applicant currently involved in any litigation relating to any contract works -
(b) If yes, give details
2.(a) Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners have been debarred / expelled by
any agency in India during the last 5 years - Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details
3 (a) Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners failed to perform/absconded/
rescinded on any contract work in India during the last 5 years - Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details
(Applicable where the proposed works covers Electrical Items of works only)
1. The contractor shall have appropriate class of electrical license for External & Internal
Electrical Works.
2. I/We agree that the decision of the Govt. of Odisha in selection of contractors will be
final and binding upon me/us.
3. All the information furnished herewith are correct to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief. In case of any information or documents furnished found to be false or
incorrect, I / we have no objection if my / our tender is rejected.
4. I/We agree that I/We have no objection if inquiries are made about construction work
and its related areas regarding all projects and works listed by us in the accompanying
sheets or any other enquiry on information furnished herewith in the accompanying
5. I/We agreed that I/We have no objection if our past construction works are inspected
by any authority of Govt. of Odisha to assess the quality of construction.
Place: Signature
Name & Designation
Name of the organisation
This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information M/s./Sri
…………………………………………………..…………………… having marginally noted address a
customer of our bank and are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement
upto a limit of Rs.…………………………………………………………………………… (Rupees
[For Bid Security]
SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this _________ day of __________ 2020.
THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:
1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdrawstheir bid during the period of Bid validity specified in the
Form of Bid;
2) If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance oftheir bid by the Employer during the period
of Bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders, if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Instruction
to Bidders; or
(c) does not accept the correction of the Bid Price pursuant to Clause 28.2;
we undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt oftheir first written
demand, without the Employer having to substantiatetheir demand, provided that intheir demand the
Employer will note that the amount claimed by them is due to them owing to the occurrence of one or
any of the three conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date ____________________2 days after
the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the Instructions to Bidders or as it
may be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank istheyreby waived. Any
demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Note:The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures denominated in
Indian Rupees. The validity of BG should be 60 days after the end of the validity period of the Bid.
The Executive Engineer,
(A) ___________________________________________ [name and address of contractor]
(hereinafter called the “Contractor") has executed an agreement (hereinafter called the
“Agreement”) with the [Executive Engineer, concerned PH Division representing
Engineer-in-Chief, PH, Odisha], (hereinafter called the “Authority”) for the construction of
the work “Construction, testing, commissioning & trial run of 2 Nos. of Septage
Treatment Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) & Biramitrapur (10 KLD) Towns of
subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement.
(B) The Agreement requires the Contractor to furnish a Performance Security for due and
faithful performance of its obligations, under and in accordance with the Agreement,
during the {Construction Period & Defects Liability Period} (as defined in the
Agreement) in a sum of Rs.__________ Lakh (Rupees _______________ Lakh) (the
“Guarantee Amount”).
(C) We, _______________________ through our branch at _________________ (the
“Bank”) have agreed to furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”)
by way of Additional Performance Security.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and affirms
as follows:
1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful
performance of the Contractor’s obligations during the {Construction Period & Defects
Liability Period} under and in accordance with the Agreement, and agrees and
undertakes to pay to the Authority, upon its mere first written demand, and without
any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any reference to the
Contractor, such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum of the Guarantee Amount as the
Authority shall claim, without the Authority being required to prove or to show grounds
or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein.
2. A letter from the Authority, under the hand of an officer not below the rank of
[Executive Engineer, concerned PH Division], that the Contractor has committed default
in the due and faithful performance of all or any of its obligations under and in
accordance with the Agreement shall be conclusive, final and binding on the Bank. The
Bank further agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to whether the
Contractor is in default in due and faithful performance of its obligations during and
under the Agreement and its decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final and
binding on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the Authority and the
Contractor, or any dispute between them pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrators
or any other authority or body, or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason
3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the
Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor
and/or the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or
otherwise, shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank
under this Guarantee.
4. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this
5. The Authority shall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability of the
Bank under this Guarantee, to vary at any time, the terms and conditions of the
Agreement or to extend the time or period for the compliance with, fulfilment and/ or
performance of all or any of the obligations of the Contractor contained in the
Agreement or to postpone for any time, and from time to time, any of the rights and
powers exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor, and either to enforce or
forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement
and/or the securities available to the Authority, and the Bank shall not be released from
its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the
liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the
Contractor or any other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the
Authority or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to
sureties and guarantors would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the
Bank from its liability and obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives
all of its rights under any such law.
6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or
security now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to
the Agreement or for the fulfilment, compliance and/or performance of all or any of the
obligations of the Contractor under the Agreement.
7. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore, the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force
for the period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is
made by the Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under
this Guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities
8. The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect on ****$. Unless a demand or claim
under this Guarantee is made in writing before expiry of the Guarantee, the Bank shall
be discharged from its liabilities hereunder.
9. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and warrants that it
has the power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on
behalf of the Bank.
$ Insert date being 18 (Eighteen) Months from the date of issuance of this Guarantee (in accordance with Clause 23.4 of
the Section 2(B) & Clause 6.22 of Section 6).
10. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch, which shall be deemed to have been
duly authorized to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith, and if
sent by post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have
been delivered in due course of post and in proving such notice, when given by post, it
shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope containing the notice was posted and a
certificate signed by an officer of the Authority that the envelope was so posted shall be
11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect for up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by
the Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.
Appendix - I
Executive Instruction regarding calling for and acceptance of
tenders in e-Procurement in Govt. of Odisha.
Government of Odisha
Works Department
Office Memorandum
File No.07556900042013 (Pt-II) – 7885/W Dated 23.07.2013
i. To take up auditing
https://tendersodisha.gov.in, notice board and through paper publication and
such notice shall form part of the bidding documents.
13.2 The system generates a mail to those bidders who have already uploaded their
tenders and those bidders if they wish can modify their tenders. The bidders
are required to watch the website till last date and time of bid submission for
any addendum/ corrigendum/ cancellation thereof. Tender Inviting Authority is
not responsible for communication failure of system generated mail.
14.1 All the volumes/documents shall be uploaded in the portal by the tender creating
officer (Procurement Officer Administrator) and published
14.3 by the Officer Inviting Tender (Procurement Officer Publisher) using their DSCs
in appropriate format so that the document is not tampered with
14.4 The tender document comprise the notice inviting tender, bid document/ SBD,
drawings in .pdf format and the schedule of quantities / BoQ in .xls format to be
uploaded by the Officer Inviting Tender.
14.5 Procurement Officer Administrator creates tender by filling up the following
ii. COVER CONTENT: The Procurement officer Administrator should briefly describe
the name and type of documents to be uploaded by the bidder in the following
(a) For Single Cover/Packet:
Sl No Cover Type Document Description Type
1 Fee/ Tender Cost, EMD, VAT, PAN, Contractor RC .pdf
Prequal/ Affidavits, undertakings and any other document .pdf
Technical/ as per SBD/DTCN.
Finance BoQ .xls
iii. TENDER DOCUMENT: The Procurement Officer Administrator should upload the
NIT in .pdf format.
v. FEE DEATILS: The Procurement Officer Administrator should mention the cost of
tender paper and EMD amount as laid down in DTCN/SBD.
vi. CRITICAL DATES: The Procurement Officer Administrator should mention the
critical dates of tender such as publishing date, document download start date &
end date, seek clarification start date & end date (optional), bid submission start
date & closing date, bid opening date as per DTCN/SBD.
vii. BID OPENER SELECTION: The Procurement Officer creator can select two / three
/ four bid openers for a particular bid. If required the bid openers can also be
selected within an organization from other procurement units (Circles /Divisions).
viii. WORK ITEM DOCUMENTS: The Procurement Officer Administrator should upload
the digitally signed tender document (SBD/DTCN) or any other addition
document/drawings in .pdf format and Bill of Quantities in .xls format.
ix. PUBLISHING OF TENDER: The Procurement Officer Publisher shall publish the
tender using his/her DSC after detail scrutiny of the fields created and
documents uploaded by the Procurement Officer Administrator. Procurement
Officer Publisher can publish tenders for multiple procurement units using
multiple DSCs procured for each post separately. After being relieved from the
additional charges he has to surrender the additional DSCs to the Nodal Officer
of the concerned organisation.
15.6.4 The tender accepting authority will verify the originals of all the scanned
documents of the successful lowest bidder only within 5 days of opening of
the tender. In the eventuality of failure on the part of the lowest successful
bidder to produce the original documents, he will be debarred in future from
participating in tender for 3 years and will be black listed by the competent
authority. In such a situation, successful L-2 bidder will be required to
produce his original documents for consideration of his tender at the
negotiated rate equal to L1 bidder.
15.6.5 Contractor exempted from payment of EMD will be able to participate in the
tender directly by uploading documentary evidences towards his eligibility for
such exemption
15.6.6 Government of Odisha has been actively considering integrating e-payment
gateway in to the portal for payment of Cost of Bid and Bid Security/ Earnest
Money Deposit. The process of using e-payment gateway shall be issued
separately after it is established.
16.1 The bidder shall carefully go through the tender and prepare the required
documents. The bid shall have a Technical Bid & a Financial Bid. The Technical bid
generally consist of cost of Bid documents, EMD/ Bid Security, VAT, PAN / TIN,
Registration Certificate, Affidavits, Profit Loss statement, Joint venture agreement,
List of similar nature of works, work in hand, list of machineries, and any other
information required by OIT. The Financial Bid shall consist of the Bill of Quantities
(BOQ) and any other price related information/undertaking including rebates.
16.2 Bidders are to submit only the original BoQ (in .xls format) uploaded by
Procurement Officer Publisher (Officer Inviting Tender) after entering the relevant
fields without any alteration/ deletion / modification. Multiple BoQ submission by
bidder shall lead to cancellation of bid. In case of item rate tender, bidders shall fill
in their rates other than zero value in the specified cells without keeping it blank. In
the percentage rate tender the bidder quoting zero percentage is valid and will be
taken at par with the estimated rate of the work put to tender.
16.3 The bidder shall upload the scanned copy/copies of document in support of
eligibility criteria and qualification information in prescribed format in Portable
Document Format (PDF) to the portal in the designated locations of Technical Bid.
16.4 The bidder shall write his name in the space provided in the specified location in
the Protected Bill of Quantities (BoQ) published by the Officer Inviting Tender. The
bidder shall type rates in figure only in the rate column of respective item(s)
without any blank cell in the rate column in case of item rate tender and type
percentage excess or less up to two decimal place only in case of percentage rate
16.5 The bidder shall log on to the portal with his/her DSC and move to the desired
tender for up loading the documents in appropriate place one by one
simultaneously checking the documents.
16.5.1 Bids cannot be submitted after due date and time. The bids once submitted
can not be viewed, retrieved or corrected. The Bidder should ensure
correctness of the bid prior to uploading and take print out of the system
generated summary of submission to confirm successful uploading of bid.
The bids can not be opened even by the OIT or the Procurement Officer
Publisher/ opener before the due date and time of opening.
16.5.2 Each process in the e-procurement is time stamped and the system can
detect the time of log in of each user including the Bidder.
16.5.3 The Bidder should ensure clarity/legibility of the document uploaded by him
to the portal.
16.5.4 The system shall require all the mandatory forms and fields filled up by the
contractor during the process of submission of the bid/tender.
16.5.5 The bidder should check the system generated confirmation statement on
the status of the submission.
16.5.6 The Bidder should upload sufficiently ahead of the bid closure time to avoid
traffic rush and failure in the network.
16.5.7 The Tender Inviting Officer is not responsible for any failure, malfunction or
breakdown of the electronic system used during the e-procurement process.
16.5.8 The Bidder is required to upload documents related to his eligibility criteria
and qualification information and Bill of Quantity duly filled in. It is not
necessary for the part of the Bidder to up-load the drawings and the other
Bid documents (after signing) while uploading his bid. It is assumed that the
bidder has referred all the drawings and documents uploaded by the Officer
Inviting the Bid.
16.5.9 The Bidder will not be able to submit his bid after expiry of the date and time
of submission of bid (server time). The date and time of bid submission shall
remain unaltered even if the specified date for the submission of bids
declared as a holiday for the Officer Inviting the Bid.
16.6 SIGNING OF BID: The ‘online bidder’ shall digitally sign on all statements,
documents, certificates uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness
/ authenticity as per IT ACT 2000. If any of the information furnished by the bidder
is found to be false / fabricated / bogus, his EMD/Bid Security shall stand forfeited
& his registration in the portal shall be blocked and the bidder is liable to be
17.1 All bid uploaded by the Bidder to the portal will be encrypted.
17.2 The encrypted Bid can only be decrypted / opened by the authorised openers on
or after the due date and time.
18.1 Resubmission of bid by the bidders for any number of times before the final date
and time of submission is allowed.
18.2 Resubmission of bid shall require uploading of all documents including price bid
18.3 If the bidder fails to submit his modified bids within the pre-defined time of receipt,
the system shall consider only the last bid submitted.
18.4 The bidder should avoid submission of bid at the last moment to avoid system
failure or malfunction of internet or traffic jam or power failure etc.
18.5 The Bidder can withdraw his bid before the closure date and time of receipt of the
bid by uploading scanned copy of a letter addressing to the Procurement Officer
Publisher (Officer Inviting Tender) citing reasons for withdrawal. The system shall
not allow any withdrawal after expiry of the closure time of the bid.
19.1 Bid opening date and time is specified during tender creation or can be extended
through corrigendum. Bids cannot be opened before the specified date & time.
19.2 All bid openers have to log-on to the portal to decrypt the bid submitted by the
19.3 The bidders & guest users can view the summary of opening of bids from any
system. Contractors are not required to be present during the bid opening at the
opening location if they so desire.
19.4 In the event of the specified date of bid opening being declared a holiday for the
Officer Inviting the Bid, the bids will be opened at the appointed time on the next
working day.
19.5 Combined bid security for more than one work is not acceptable.
19.6 The electronically submitted bids may be permitted to be opened by the predefined
Bid opening officer from their new location if they are transferred after the issue of
Notice Inviting Bid and before bid opening. Further, action on bid documents shall
be taken by the new incumbent of the post.
19.7 In case of non-responsive tender the officer inviting tender should complete the e-
Procurement process by uploading the official letter for cancelled / re-tender.
20.1 All the opened bids shall be downloaded and printed for taking up evaluation. The
officer authorized to open the tender shall sign and number on each page of the
documents downloaded and furnish a certificate that “the documents as available in
the portal containing ______ nos. of pages”.
20.2 The bidder may be asked in writing/ online (in their registered e-mail ids) to clarify
on the uploaded documents provided in the Technical Bid, if necessary, with
respect to any doubts or illegible documents. The Officer Inviting Tender may ask
for any other document of historical nature during Technical Evaluation of the
tender. Provided in all such cases, furnishing of any document in no way alters the
Bidder’s price bid. Non submission of legible documents may render the bid non-
responsive. The authority inviting bid may reserve the right to accept any additional
20.3 The bidders will respond in not more than 7 days of issue of the clarification letter,
failing which the bid of the bidder will be evaluated on its own merit.
20.4 The Technical evaluation of all the bids shall be carried out as per information
furnished by Bidders.
20.5 The Procurement Officer-Evaluators; will evaluate bid and finalize list of responsive
20.6 The financial bids of the technically responsive bidders shall be opened on the due
date of opening. The Procurement Officer-Openers shall log on to the system in
sequence and open the financial bids.
20.6.1 The Financial Bid will be opened on the notified date & time in the presence
of bidders or their authorised representative who wish to be present.
20.6.2 At the time of opening of “Financial Bid”, bidders whose technical bids were
found responsive will be opened.
20.6.3 The responsive bidders’ name, bid prices, item wise rates, total amount of
each item in case of item rate tender and percentage above or less in case
of percentage rate tenders will be announced.
20.6.4 Procurement Officer-Openers shall sign on each page of the downloaded
BoQ and the Comparative Statement and furnish a certificate to that respect.
20.6.5 Bidder can witness the principal activities and view the documents/summary
reports for that particular work by logging on to the portal with his DSC from
20.6.6 System provides an option to Procurement Officer Publisher for reconsidering
the rejected bid with the approval of concern Chief Engineer / Head of
21.1 For examination, evaluation, and comparison of bids, the officer inviting the bid
may, at his discretion, ask the lowest bidder for clarification of his rates including
reduction of rate on negotiation and breakdown of unit rates.
22.1 The Employer/Engineer-in-Charge shall notify acceptance of the work prior to
expiry of the validity period by cable, telex or facsimile or e-mail confirmed by
registered letter. This Letter of Acceptance will state the sum that the Engineer-in-
Charge will pay the contractor in consideration of execution & completion of the
Works by the contractor as prescribed by the contract & the amount of
Performance Security and Additional Performance Security required to be furnished.
The issue of the letter of Acceptance shall be treated as closure of the Bid process
and commencement of the contract.
22.2 The Contractor after furnishing the required acceptable Performance Security &
Additional Performance Security, “Letter to Proceed” or “Work Order” shall be
issued by the Engineer-in-Charge with copy thereof to the Procurement Officer –
Publisher. The Procurement Officer-Publisher shall up load the summary and
declare the process as complete.
22.3 If the L-1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalization of the tender,
then he shall be debarred from participation in bidding for three years and action
will be taken to blacklist the contractor. Besides the consortium / JV / firm where
such an agency / firm already happens to be or is going to be a
partner/member/proprietor, he/ they shall neither be allowed for participation in
bidding for three years nor his/ their application will be considered for registration
and action will be initiated to blacklist him / them. In that case, the L-2 bidder, if
fulfils other required criteria, would be called for drawing agreement for execution
of work subject to condition that the L-2 bidder negotiates at par with the rate
quoted by the L-1 bidder, otherwise the tender will be cancelled.
Unblocking of portal registration of a contractor shall be done by a Committee
consisting of the following members.
EIC (Civil)-cum-CPO, - Chairman
Engineer-in-Chief (WR) - Member
Concerned Chief Engineer - Member
Sr. Manager (Finance), SPC - Member
Officer Inviting Tender - Member
Chief Manager (Technical), SPC - Convener
24.2 The Chief Manager (Tech), State Procurement Cell will be the convener and he will
maintain all records for this purpose. The Committee shall meet not less than once
in a month if required & shall consider the recommendation of the officer inviting
tender for unblocking of portal registration. The quorum of the meeting will be four.
24.3 The minimum period of blocking of Portal Registration shall in no case be less than
90 days. After blocking of Portal Registration, the Contractor whose Portal
Registration has been blocked may file application to the concerned officer inviting
tender showing sufficient ground for unblocking of his portal registration along with
a Treasury Challan showing deposit of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) only
(non-refundable) under the head of accounts ‘0059 - Public Works’ as processing
fees. The officer inviting tender shall forward the application filed by the contractor
to the Chief Manager (Tech), State Procurement Cell.
24.4 On receipt of recommendation from the concerned Chief Engineer along with the
copy of challan as mentioned above, the Chief Manager (Tech) being the member
Convener of the Committee shall place the case before the Committee for
examination and taking a decision in this regard. After examination the Committee
may recommend for unblocking of the portal registration of said contractor if the
Committee is satisfied that the fault committed by the contractor is either
unintentional or done for the first time.
24.5 After scrutiny by the State Procurement Cell if it is found that the portal registration
of a contractor has been blocked for the 2nd time the Chief Manager (Tech), SPC
may not consider his case to be placed before the Committee and may advice the
concerned officer inviting tender to issue show cause notice to the contractor
asking him to explain as to why his portal registration shall not remain blocked. On
receipt of show cause reply from the contractor the officer inviting tender shall
examine the same & if considered proper he may report to the Chief Manager
(Tech), SPC along with his views furnishing the copy of the show cause reply for
placement of the same before the Committee for taking a decision in respect of
blocking/ unblocking. If the Committee found that the contractor is in habit of
committing such fault again and again intentionally the committee may advice the
concerned officer inviting tender to initiate proceeding for blacklisting as per the
existing rule.
1. These amendments shall take effect from the date of issue of the order.
2. This amendment is an addition to the existing provision and will be placed
below Appendix-IX to OPWD Col, Vol-II.
3. Accordingly Office Memorandum No.1027 dt.24.01.2009 stands modified.
4. This has been concurred in by the Finance Department vide their UOR No.3-
WF-1 dt.04.01.2013.
E.I.C-cum-Secretary to Govt.
Item Rate BoQ
Name of Work: “Construction, testing, commissioning & trial run of 2 Nos. of Septage Treatment
Facilities in Bargarh (30 KLD) & Biramitrapur (10 KLD) Towns of Odisha”.