Robichaud CV 2022
Robichaud CV 2022
Robichaud CV 2022
Robichaud ||
Ph.D. Biology, University of Waterloo 2021
Thesis: “Multi-trophic effects of invasive species suppression in a coastal wetland”
o Nominated for the W.B. Pearson medal for creative research
o Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Rooney (PI, UW),
o Committee: Dr. Heidi Swanson (UW), Dr. Barry Warner (UW), Dr.
Marcel Pinheiro (UW), Dr. Claude Lavoie (Université Laval)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Bennett Lab, Carleton University 2021-present
• Collaborating with partners at Nature Conservancy Canada to develop and apply
open-source decision support tools to optimize the conservation of Canadian wetlands.
• Working with Point Pelee National Park to enhance their ongoing wetland restoration
using “where to work” conservation decision support tools.
• Leading a project on drivers of successful wetland restoration in Canadian and
American wetlands
• Broad interest in conservation decision-making, using data to enhance conservation action
in Canada, and identifying sources of uncertainty in decision-making.
Research Technician, UW & Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 2016-2019
• Evaluated the concentration of glyphosate, its primary breakdown product
(AMPA), and water-safe surfactant following herbicide-based control of P.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Roles included project conception1, experimental design2, field work3, laboratory work4, statistical
analyses5, and writing6. Trainees are underlined.
Published or In Press
1. Robichaud, C.D.1-6, and Rooney, R.C. 2022. Invasive grass causes biotic homogenization in wetland
birds in a Lake Erie coastal marsh. Hydrobiologia. Pre-print:
2. Cooke, S.J., Michaels, S., Nyboer, E.A., Schiller, L., Littlechild, D.B.R., Hanna, D., Robichaud,
C.D.6, Murdoch, A., Roche, D., Soroye, P., Vermaire, J.C., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Provencher,
J.F., Smith, P.A., Mitchell, G.W., Avery-Gomm, S., Davy, C.M., Buxton, R.T., Rytwinski, T.,
Fahrig, L., Bennett, J.R., and Auld, G. 2022. Reconceptualizing Conservation. Invited Opinion for
PLoS Sustainability and Transformation.
3. Robichaud, C.D.2-6, and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Differences in above-ground resource acquisition and
niche overlap between a model invader (Phragmites australis) and resident plant species: Measuring
the role of fitness and niche differences in the field. Biological Invasions.
4. Robichaud, C.D.1-6, Basso, J.V., and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Control of invasive Phragmites australis
(European common reed) alters macroinvertebrate communities. Restoration Ecology. e13548
5. Robichaud, C.D.2-6, and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Effective suppression of established invasive P.
australis leads to secondary invasion in a coastal marsh. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 14:
9 -19
6. Robichaud, C.D.2-6 and Rooney, R.C. 2020. Concentrations of glyphosate remain low after direct
over-water application to control an invasive aquatic plant. Water Research. 188: 116573
7. Rooney, R.C., Davy, C., Gilbert, J., Prosser, R., Robichaud, C.D.6, Sheedy C. 2020. Periphyton
bioconcentrates pesticides downstream of catchment dominated by agricultural land use. Science of
the Total Environment. 702: 134472
8. Remmer, C.R., Robichaud, C.D.2,6, Polowyk, H. and Rooney R.C. 2019. The role of ecological drift
in structuring periphytic diatom communities. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 34: 363-377
9. Robichaud, C.D.2-6, and Rooney, R.C. 2017. Long-term effects of a Phragmites australis invasion on
birds in a Lake Erie coastal marsh. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 43: 141-149
In review
10. Yuckin, S.J., Howell, G., Robichaud, C.D.3,4,6, and Rooney, R.C. In review. Phragmites australis
invasion and herbicide treatment changes freshwater wetland carbon dynamics. Pre-print:
Literature Reviews, Reports and Monitoring Programs
1. Robichaud, C.D. 2022. Literature review on invasive Ludwigia peploides (Evening Primrose-
willow). Prepared for the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
2. Sesin, V., and Robichaud, C.D. 2021. Impacts of Phragmites australis on freshwater biota. Prepared
for Fisheries and Oceans Canada on behalf of the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre.
3. Rooney, R.C. and Robichaud, C.D. 2019 & 2020. Monitoring plan to address potential immediate
and acute effects of glyphosate-based invasive Phragmites australis control actions. Prepared for
Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Climate Change Canada
4. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2019. The effect of invasive Common Reed and large-scale
wetland restoration on Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) foraging habitat: final report for RF-35-18-
UW2. Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario (SARRFO)
a. Results were included in the Government of Ontario progress review towards the protection
and recovery of Barn Swallow
5. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2019. Lake Erie Phragmites australis control monitoring final
report. Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Ministry of the
Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Non-Peer Reviewed Contributions
1. Rooney, R.C., and Robichaud, C.D. 2020. The gifts of wetlands. GreenUP. Link.
2. Robichaud, C.D. 2020. Tackling invasive European common reed. Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Invited article. Link.
3. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2016. Study finds birds with specific habitat needs are excluded
from Phragmites patches – bad news for Least Bittern. Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative. Link.
4. Rooney, R.C. and Robichaud, C.D. 2015. Masked effects of an invasive reed on bird use. BirdWatch
Canada, Bird Studies Canada (Print magazine).
Media Coverage
1. Storytellers of STEMM. 2022. #143 - Freshwater wetlands & Phragmites australis. Podcast. Link
2. Water Research. 2021. Controlling invasive grasses in a Ramsar wetland: Results from the direct,
over-water application of herbicides. University of Waterloo Water Institute. Link.
3. The Roving Naturalist. 2018. Marsh Madness: Invasion. YouTube show. Link
Research Grants & Acquired Funding
Invited Talks and Seminars
1. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2022. Biotic communities respond positively to Phragmites
australis control. National Phragmites Conference, Canadian Council on Invasive Species. Invited
keynote speaker.
2. Robichaud, C.D. 2021. Bird communities in reference mangrove forests. Gaea Conservation
Network Webinar Series.
3. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Wetland restoration and invasive Phragmites: How biotic
communities responded to invasive species removal. Point Pelee National Park Community of
4. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Competition, niche space, and native vegetation recovery:
Invasive Phragmites australis and freshwater marshes. UW Biology Seminar.
5. Robichaud, C.D., Basso J., and Rooney R.C. 2021. Measuring invertebrates and aerial insectivore
birds after Phragmites australis control in a freshwater marsh. Great Lakes Phragmites collaborative:
Students of Phrag Seminar Series
6. Robichaud, C.D. 2020 Monitoring the suppression of invasive Phragmites australis in Lake Erie
coastal marshes. UW Society for Ecological Restoration.
7. Robichaud, C.D., Polowyk, H., and Rooney, R.C. 2019. Invasive Phragmites australis in Lake Erie
coastal marshes. Nature Guelph Wildflower Society, Guelph, ON.
8. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2019. Monitoring herbicide-based Phragmites control in Lake
Erie coastal marshes. First Nations Engagement Session, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry,
Rondeau Provincial Park, ON.
9. Robichaud, C.D., and Yuckin, S. 2018. An overview of European Common Reed: wetland invasion,
effects, and restoration. Guelph-Wellington Master Gardeners seminar series.
10. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2018. Ecological effects of invasive Phragmites in a Lake Erie
coastal marsh. Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative.
Conference Presentations
1. Daniel, J., Joseph-Witzig, A., Buckmire, Z., Robichaud, C.D., Smart, W., Douglas, V., Gibbs, N., St.
Claire, B., Cornwall M., Rosa, P. (Summer 2022). When conservation interests and coastal
development collide – a new cautionary tale from Grenada. Birds Caribbean.
2. Rooney, R.C., and Robichaud, C.D. 2022. Measurements of carbon assimilation reveal competition
asymmetry in wetland invaded by Phragmites australis. PP Systems ‘How To’ Webinar.
3. Rooney, R.C., Polowyk, H., Robichaud, C.D., Jordan, M. 2022. Six years of tracking invasive
Phragmites australis suppression efficacy in a biodiversity hotspot. Invasive Species Centre: Invasive
Species Forum. Online.
4. Robichaud, C.D., Basso, J.V., and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Invertebrates and aerial insectivore birds
respond to wetland restoration. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
5. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2021. Removal of an invasive wetland grass (Phragmites
australis) increases the quantity of emerging invertebrates and avian aerial foraging activity. Society
for Restoration Ecology 9th World Conference
6. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2020. Multi-trophic responses to invasive Phragmites australis
suppression. Latornell Student Symposium, University of Guelph. Student Spotlight & Panelist
7. Robichaud, C.D., Rooney, R.C., Gilbert, J., Yuckin, S., and Bolding, M. 2019. Monitoring
herbicide-based Phragmites control in Lake Erie coastal marshes. Ontario Phragmites Working Group
AGM. Waterloo, ON
8. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2019. Invasive wetland grass influences secondary productivity
and aerial insectivore birds. 21st International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Montreal,
9. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., Bolding, M.T., Beecraft, L., Polowyk, H., Yuckin, S.
2018. Phragmites australis control EUR monitoring and research. Department of Fisheries and
Oceans Meeting. Waterloo, ON
10. Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2018. Effects of invasive Phragmites australis and wetland
restoration on biotic communities in a World Biosphere Reserve. Upper Midwest Invasive Species –
North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference. Rochester, Minnesota.
11. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., Polowyck, H., Yuckin, S. 2018. Results of large-scale Phragmites
australis control in a Lake Erie coastal marsh. Latornell Conservation Symposium. Alliston, ON
12. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D. and Yuckin, S. 2018. Bioconcentration of pesticides in periphyton:
wetland food webs at risk? University of Windsor Biology Seminar Series. Windsor, ON.
13. Polowyk, H., Yuckin, S., Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2018. Effects of invasive Phragmites
australis control using the herbicide glyphosate. Ontario Parks Webinar Series. Webinar.
14. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., Yuckin, S. 2018. Monitoring aerial herbicide treatment of
Phragmites australis: Implications for future work. Ontario Vegetation Management Association
AGM. Ingersoll, ON.
15. Robichaud, C.D., Yuckin, S., Pearson, J., Polowyk, H., and Rooney, R.C. 2018. Do aerial
insectivores respond to invasive Common Reed and wetland restoration? Canadian Society for
Ecology and Evolution annual meeting. Guelph, Ontario.
16. Yuckin, S., Robichaud, C.D., Howell, G. Polowyk, H., Pearson, J., Rooney, R.C. 2018. Phragmites
australis invasion of coastal marsh causes significant change in nutrient standing stocks. Canadian
Society for Ecology and Evolution annual meeting. Guelph, Ontario.
17. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., Koiter, L. 2018. Pesticide and periphyton: community dynamics.
Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual meeting. Guelph, Ontario.
18. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., and Gilbert, J. 2018. Ecological recovery following large-scale
Phragmites australis control in a Lake Erie coastal marsh. Society for Wetland Scientists (SWS)
annual meeting. Denver, Colorado.
19. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., and Yuckin, S. 2018. Herbicide use to control invasive Phragmites:
efficacy, fate and effects. Queen’s University Evolutionary Biology Seminar series.
20. Yuckin, S., Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2018. Effects and restoration of invasive
Phragmites australis. Nature Conservancy of Canada. Invited webinar.
21. Rooney, R.C., Gilbert, J., Howell, G., Polowyk, H., Robichaud, C.D., and Yuckin, S. 2018.
Monitoring Phragmites australis control project in Lake Erie coastal marsh. Ontario Phragmites
Working Group Annual General Meeting.
22. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2017. Invasive common reed dampens response of water birds to
wet conditions. Ecological Society of America (ESA) annual meeting, Portland, Oregon.
23. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D., and Yuckin, S. 2017. Glyphosate application to control invasive
Phragmites australis in a Lake Erie coastal marsh. Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington.
24. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2017. Hidden effects of the Phragmites invasion on birds:
Considering the lag time and functional traits. Long Point Biosphere Reserve Foundation 5th
Research and Conservation Conference, Long Point, Canada.
25. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D, Howell, G. and Yuckin, S. 2017. Review of Phragmites control
efficacy and fate and effects of glyphosate used in Long Point and Rondeau, Ontario. First Nations
Consultation with representatives from six communities.
26. Rooney, R.C., Howell, G., Robichaud, C.D, and Yuckin, S. 2017. Can we restore ecological
integrity by controlling Phragmites australis? International Association for Great Lakes Research
(IAGLR) annual conference for Great Lakes Research, Detroit, United States of America
27. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2017. Effect of invasive Phragmites australis on wetland avian
communities. 8th Binational Meeting of the Lake Erie Millennium Network, Windsor, ON. Poster
28. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2016. Phragmites in the field: Quantifying aboveground
competition. International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) annual conference for
Great Lakes Research, Guelph, Canada.
29. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2016. Effect of invasive Phragmites australis on wetland avian
communities. Long Point Biosphere Reserve Foundation 4th Research and Conservation Conference,
Long Point, Canada. Poster presentation.
30. Howell, G., Yuckin, S., Robichaud, C.D., and Rooney, R.C. 2016. Reed it and weep: Invasive
Phragmites australis in a Great Lakes coastal marsh. Waterloo Region Nature Naturalist Club.
Invited talk.
31. Rooney, R.C., Robichaud, C.D. Howell, G., and S. Yuckin. 2016. Biodiversity hotspots transformed
by an invasive grass. Centre for Applied Research in Ontario Protected Areas (CASIOPA), Waterloo,
32. Robichaud, C.D. and Rooney, R.C. 2014. Phragmites australis establishment and bird communities
at Long Point, Ontario. International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) annual
conference for Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Canada.
Guest Lectures
• “Yours to Protect: Minister’s Zoning Orders, Provincially Significant Wetlands, and Winter 2021
what you can do”
o Queen’s University, Science Communication (ENSC 480)
Teaching Assistantships
• Ecology and Evolution (BIOL 150) Fall 2017, 2018 & 2020
o University of Waterloo
• Biostatistics and Experimental Design (BIOL 361) Winter 2017, 2018 & 2019
o University of Waterloo
• Plant Structure and Function (BIOL 120) Fall 2015 & 2016
o University of Waterloo
• Introductory Zoology (BIOL 110) Winter 2016
o University of Waterloo
• Graduate Student Mentor, BIOL 5512, Advances in Applied Ecology, Carleton 2021-present
o Providing guidance and expertise on a project synthesizing tipping
points in aquatic ecosystems to a working group of graduate students,
postdocs, faculty, and staff led by Dr. Steve Cooke.
• Graduate Student Mentor (5), Waterloo Wetland Lab, University of Waterloo 2017-present
o Mentoring M.Sc. students at the University of Waterloo in all aspects
of their research projects including field and lab protocols, working
with ecological datasets, statistical analyses, reproducible coding,
writing reports and manuscripts, and presentation feedback.
Introduction to Project-Based Workflows with GitHub March 2022
• Co-organized with Dr. Emma Hudgins for Carleton University
• Executive member, Women in Science society, University of Waterloo 2017-2018
• Science Faculty Board Member, Graduate Student Endowment Fund 2016-2018
• Project Review Committee, Graduate Student Endowment Fund 2016-2018
• Experienced TA, University of Waterloo, Biology TA Training 2016 & 2017
• Science Graduate Student Representative, TD Walter Bean Lecture Series 2015
o Topic: Invasive Species, Guest: Dr. Tom Stohlgren
• Host & Organizer, Ontario Phragmites Working Group AGM 2015
Additional Service
• Foundations of Data Science (Course 1), Data Science Certificate Program May-August 2022
o University of Waterloo and University of Toronto
o Extracting, cleaning, and storing data using Python and SQL
• Research Ethics based on Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for April 2022
Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2: CORE 2022) course
o Carleton University
• Introduction to Python 3 Programming January 2022
o University of Waterloo Professional Development (24 hours of
• CESI Summer Intensive in Critical Community-Engaged Scholarship August 2021
o College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph
• Organizing Sustainably: Empowerment, Justice, and Practice in community advocacy Feb-April 2021
o Sustainable Concordia, Concordia University