Princiottacv Mar2019
Princiottacv Mar2019
Princiottacv Mar2019
DeVaul Princiotta
S. DeVaul Princiotta
Heinze AW, CL Truesdale, SB DeVaul (Princiotta), J Swinden, and RW Sanders (2013) The
role of temperature in the vertical distribution, growth, and grazing rates of the mixotrophic
chrysophyte Dinobryon. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 71: 155 – 163
S. DeVaul Princiotta
Microbial food web dynamics in a green world: Biotic relationships between a bloom-forming
cyanobacteria and a flagellate predator. Honors Seminar Program, Center of Excellence for
Field Biology and Department of Biology. Austin Peay State University, Clarksville TN. March
Toxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa mediates biotic interactions within the microbial food web.
Department of Biological Sciences BioSci Seminar Series. Northern Kentucky University,
Highland Heights KY. February 2019.
Blue-green algal blooms: A global problem in your backyard. Kentucky Sierra Club, Great
Rivers Chapter. Murray KY. October 2018.
A tale of two trophies: Mixotrophy in freshwater food webs. Department of Biodiversity, Earth,
and Environmental Science Seminar Series. Drexel University, Philadelphia PA. October 2017.
Lacawac Sanctuary’s vision for citizen science in the Poconos. Coalition for the Delaware River
Watershed, Trenton NJ. December 2016.
Princiotta SD, SP Hendricks, and DS White. Can mixotrophic protists graze the bloom?
Trophic interactions between a phagotrophic phytoflagellate and a toxin-producing
cyanobacteria. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February 2019.
Princiotta SD, J Brentrup, RW Sanders, and CE Williamson. What lies beneath: Integrating
automated sensor technologies in aquatic ecology to explore vertical plankton dynamics.
Northeastern Ecosystem Research Cooperative, Saratoga Springs NY. March 2017.
S. DeVaul Princiotta
Fay SA, RJ Gast, SB (DeVaul) Princiotta, and RW Sanders. Studying trophic compartments of
eukaryotic food webs using a thymidine analog and environmental DNA sequencing. ASLO
Ocean Sciences, Salt Lake City UT. February 2012.
Instructor of Record
2017 Penn State Worthington Scranton, Science Department, Dunmore PA
Biology: Molecules and Cells (BIOL 230W)
Biological Sciences: Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution (BISC 002)
Undergraduate Mentorship
2018 – current Hancock Biological Station, NSF Research Experience for
Undergraduates (M. Franklin)
2017 Lacawac Sanctuary and Biological Field Station, Undergraduate Research
Internship Program (N. Kremp, D. Valle, C. Wildenstein)
2017 Pocono Lake Ecological Observatory Network, Undergraduate Internship
Program (A. Saul, L. Williamson)
S. DeVaul Princiotta
2014 – 2016 Temple University, President’s Scholar Program (J. Angeles, E. Nealon,
T. Nguyen)
2014 – 2015 Temple University, Undergraduate Research Program (B. Smith)
2012 – 2014 Temple University, Undergraduate Research Program (J. Lepkowski)
Manuscript Review
ISME, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Functional Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography,
Nature Scientific Reports
Public Outreach
2018 – current Scientific Advisory Board, Pocono Lake Ecological Observatory Network
2018 Media coverage in Minnesota Daily, #Lake365 project aims to track lake
changes with social media
2016 – 2017 Chief scientist, Pocono Lake Ecological Observatory Network: water
quality monitoring and environmental education in Northeastern
2016 Participant, Women in STEM Symposium, Lacawac Sanctuary and
Wayne Pike Workforce Alliance, Pocono Mountains PA
2013 Program facilitator and mentor, Scholar Advancement Program, Temple
University Office of Scholar Development and Fellowships Advising
2013 Judge and mentor, George Washington Carver Science Fair, W.B. Saul
High School, Philadelphia PA
2013 Future Farmers of America sponsor, Agriscience fair, W.B. Saul High
School, Philadelphia PA
2013 Mini-course instructor, Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia PA
2012 Research exhibitor (Marine Invasions in NJ), Philadelphia Science
Festival, Independence Seaport Museum