0732-9393 (2000) 017 (0010 Sap) 2.0.co 2
0732-9393 (2000) 017 (0010 Sap) 2.0.co 2
0732-9393 (2000) 017 (0010 Sap) 2.0.co 2
Source: Wetland Science and Practice, 17(2):10-11.
Published By: The Society of Wetland Scientists
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1672/0732-9393(2000)017[0010:SAP]2.0.CO;2
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1672/0732-9393%282000%29017%5B0010%3ASAP
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Page 10 SWS Bulletin
The SWS Awards Program honors individuals worldwide who are con- land plants and the classification and bio-
individuals and/or institutions that have cerned about science based conservation diversity of Estonian wetlands. Dr.
demonstrated outstanding innovation and and management of wetland resources. Bingol received her M.S. at Southern
dedication to wetland research and man- The National Wetlands Research Center Illinois University, in Carbondale,
agement and service to the Society. The has also provided assistance with another Illinois, USA, and her Ph.D. in Botany at
recipients provide an example of dedicat- important communication device, the the University of Anatolia, Turkey. She is
ed commitment to the field of wetland SWS Bulletin, which is sent to nearly currently a Research Assistant at
ecology and management and protection 5,000 members and institutions world- Dumlupina University in Kutahya,
of a valuable resource. The following wide. The Center’s support and encour- Turkey.
awards will be presented at the Society’s agement extends a partnership with SWS
Annual Meeting in Québec City, Canada, that brings two important communication Merit Award
August 2000. tools to the wetland science community The Merit Award is presented to an
and the public-at-large. individual in recognition of an outstand-
Award Descriptions International Travel Award
ing piece of original research, achieve-
ment, or contribution to wetland science.
President’s Service Award The International Travel Awards pro- The award recognizes individuals for
vide financial assistance to wetland sci- specific accomplishments in any field of
The President’s entists who are disadvantaged through wetland science and management and to
Service Award recog- regional economic conditions, to enhance inspire future effort.
nizes significant con- their participation in Society activities. Dr. James B.
tributions to the The goal of this award is to foster partici- Grace of the U.S.
Society and its mem- pation of the international membership Geological Survey’s
bers. The President’s through a travel grant to an annual meet- National Wetlands
Service Award will ing and free membership in the Society Research Center, in
be presented to the for 3 years. Lafayette, Louisiana,
U.S. Geological USA will receive the
Survey’s National Dr. Robert E. Stewart Society’s Merit
Wetlands Research Award for 2000 in
Center in Lafayette, LA, USA, Dr. Québec City. Dr.
Robert E. Stewart, Director. The National Dr. James Grace
Grace is recognized
Wetlands Research Center is internation- for his use of
ally recognized for its scientific contribu- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to
tions to wetland understanding, conserva- further our understanding of patterns of
tion, management, and outreach. This wetland species diversity and plant com-
award recognizes the Center’s contribu- munity organization. SEM provides a
Prof. Jaanus Paal Dr. Nuket Bingol
tions that have helped further wetland means to assess the relative importance
science and the goals of the Society. The This year’s Travel Awards to attend the of the different processes operating on
National Wetlands Research Center has Society’s annual meeting in Quebec City plant communities and allows a way to
been instrumental in the initiation and go to Professor Jaanus Paal of the predict the response of communities to
continued importance of the Society’s Institute of Botany and Ecology, changes in multiple environmental fac-
electronic communication tool, the SWS University of Tartu, Estonia and Dr. tors. His use of wetland systems as mod-
Web Site (http://www.sws.org). This site Nuket Bingol of the Department of els to address basic questions in plant
is an important communication link Biology, Dumlupina University, Turkey. community ecology has produced a fun-
among wetland scientists worldwide. The The Society is pleased to provide the damental shift in the way ecologists
web site provides the Society with the financial support for their attendance at approach studies of species interactions
ability to widely inform users about the annual meeting. Professor Paal is a and community dynamics and provides
important wetland science issues, wet- phytosociologist who has done important new insights into coastal wetlands and
land conferences, training, employment work in Estonia on the biology of wet- the factors controlling wetland plant
opportunities, and answer queries from
June 2000 Page 11