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BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012

BSI Standards Publication

Information technology —
Learning, education and
training — Metadata for
learning resources
Part 2: Dublin Core elements

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of
EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012. It is identical to ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee IST/43, Information technology for learning, education
and training.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2013.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2013
ISBN 978 0 580 78528 3
ICS 03.100.30; 35.240.99
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2013.
Amendments issued since publication
Date Text affected

ICS 03.100.30; 35.240.99

English Version

Information technology - Learning, education and training -

Metadata for learning resources - Part 2: Dublin Core elements
(ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011)

Technologies de l'information - Apprentissage, éducation et Informationstechnik - Lernen, Ausbilden und Weiterbilden -

formation - Métadonnées pour ressources d'apprentissage Metadaten für Lernressourcen - Teil 2: Datenelemente aus
- Partie 2: Éléments "Dublin Core" (ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011) Dublin Core (ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 11 November 2012.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012 (E)

The text of ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011 has been prepared by Technical Committee JTC 1 “Information
technology” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) and has been taken over as EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012 by Technical Committee
CEN/TC 353 “Information and Communication Technologies for Learning, Education and Training” the
secretariat of which is held by UNI.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2013, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by June 2013.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice

The text of ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012 without any

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................2
4 Abbreviated terms .................................................................................................................................3
5 Data element specifications .................................................................................................................4
5.1 Title (DES0100) ......................................................................................................................................4
5.2 Creator (DES0200) .................................................................................................................................5
5.3 Subject (DES0300).................................................................................................................................5
5.4 Description (DES0400) ..........................................................................................................................6
5.5 Publisher (DES0500) .............................................................................................................................7
5.6 Contributor (DES0600) ..........................................................................................................................7
5.7 Date (DES0700) ......................................................................................................................................8
5.8 Type (DES0800) .....................................................................................................................................9
5.9 Format (DES0900)..................................................................................................................................9
5.10 Identifier (DES1000).............................................................................................................................10
5.11 Source (DES1100)................................................................................................................................11
5.12 Language (DES1200)...........................................................................................................................12
5.13 Relation (DES1300)..............................................................................................................................12
5.14 Coverage (DES1400) ...........................................................................................................................13
5.15 Rights (DES1500).................................................................................................................................14
6 Resource Classes................................................................................................................................15
6.1 The resource class “Resource” .........................................................................................................15
6.2 The resource class “Learning Resource”.........................................................................................15
7 Predefined rule sets ............................................................................................................................16
7.1 Predefined rule sets from Part 1 and other Parts ............................................................................16
7.1.1 PRS0001 MLR String ...........................................................................................................................16
7.1.2 PRS0002 Date ......................................................................................................................................16
7.2 Predefined rule sets introduced in this Part.....................................................................................16
Annex A (normative) MLR vocabularies.........................................................................................................17
A.1 Vocabularies from other Parts (by reference only)..........................................................................17
A.2 Vocabularies introduced in this Part.................................................................................................17
Annex B (normative) Human interface equivalents: ISO English, ISO French and ISO Russian.............18
B.1 Terms and definitions from Clause 3 ................................................................................................18
B.2 Vocabularies and data element names .............................................................................................18

© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved iii

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO/IEC 19788-2 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 36, Information technology for learning, education and training.

ISO/IEC 19788 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Learning,
education and training — Metadata for learning resources:

⎯ Part 1: Framework

⎯ Part 2: Dublin Core elements

⎯ Part 3: Basic application profile

The following parts are under preparation:

⎯ Part 5: Educational elements

⎯ Part 6: Availability, distribution, and intellectual property elements

Technical elements will form the subject of a future Part 4.

iv © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

The primary purpose of ISO/IEC 19788 is to facilitate:

a) the description of a learning resource by providing a standards-based approach to the identification and
specification of the metadata elements required to describe a learning resource, e.g. as a metadata
learning resource (MLR) record; and

b) the search, discovery, acquisition, evaluation, and use of learning resources, for instance by learners,
instructors or automated software processes.

ISO/IEC 19788 is modularly structured with all subsequent parts corresponding to a specified set of user
requirements for the identification and specification of metadata elements having a particular focus and
intended use in the description of a learning resource. This includes categories of metadata elements focused
on technical perspectives, pedagogical aspects, availability and intellectual property aspects, bindings, etc.

This part of ISO/IEC 19788 uses the data element specification model and framework provided in
ISO/IEC 19788-1 to set Dublin Core ISO 15836:2009 elements and associated remarks into the framework of
ISO/IEC 19788 so that they can later be used with other data elements from type 1 parts of ISO/IEC 19788,
addressing specific user communities' needs for extensions, modularization or refinement.

ISO/IEC 19788-3 provides a recommended approach to further enhance interoperability through an

application profile based on the data element specifications from this part of ISO/IEC 19788 as is, or with
added constraints.

© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved v

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012

Information technology — Learning, education and training —

Metadata for learning resources —
Part 2:
Dublin Core elements

1 Scope
ISO/IEC 19788 specifies, in a rule-based manner, metadata elements and their attributes for the description of
learning resources. This includes the rules governing the identification of data elements and the specification
of their attributes.

These metadata elements are used to form the description of a learning resource, i.e. as a metadata learning
resource (MLR) record.

This part of ISO/IEC 19788 provides a base-level data element set for the description of learning resources,
from the ISO 15836:2009 Dublin Core metadata element set, using the framework provided in
ISO/IEC 19788-1. This provides interoperability at the time of expressing existing Dublin Core records within

These elements can later be combined with other descriptive elements, including those from other type 1
parts of ISO/IEC 19788 or other standards, including Dublin Core refinements and IEEE 1484.12.1-2002, in
order to address more specific topics such as technical or educational information.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 639-2:19981), Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code/Codes pour la
représentation des noms de langue — Partie 2: Code alpha-3

ISO 8601:2004, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of
dates and times

ISO 15836:2009, Information and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element set

ISO/IEC 10646:2003, Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning
resources — Part 1: Framework

1) This part of ISO/IEC 19788 uses Table 2 Terminology code set, hereafter referred to as “ISO 639-2/T”. For additional
information, see ISO 639-2:1998, 4.1, Form of language codes.

© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved 1

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 19788-1 apply.

NOTE The following terms and definitions from ISO/IEC 19788-1 are the most important for the comprehension of
this document.

content value
information recorded as the content of the data element (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.11), in compliance with its
data element specification (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.14)

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.10]

representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.15]

〈data element〉 resource class (3.9) whose resources (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.30) are described by the
data element (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.11) under consideration

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.16]

sequence of characters capable of uniquely identifying an entity (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.17)

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.19]

learning resource
resource (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.30) used for learning, education and training

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.20]

designation of an object by a linguistic expression

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.25]

〈data element〉 resource class (3.9) to which the content values (3.1) of the data element
(ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.11) belong, or set of literals (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.21) comprising the string
representations of the permissible values of the data element under consideration

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.28]

2 © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

BS EN ISO/IEC 19788-2:2012
ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

〈data element specification〉 have an associated property which is a sub-property of the property associated

NOTE 1 This implies that the value of the domain attribute of the first data element specification is identical to or a
proper subset of the value of the domain attribute of the second data element specification and that the value of the range
attribute of the first data element specification is identical to or a proper subset of the value of the range attribute of the
second data element specification.

NOTE 2 Data element instances of the first data element specification are said to refine data element instances of the
second data element specification.

EXAMPLE 1 Property “is son of” refines property “is child of”.

EXAMPLE 2 Property “has mother” refines property “has parent”.

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.29]

resource class
set of resources (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.30) that can be identified by listing or description of boundaries
and meaning and whose properties and behaviour follow the same rule (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.32)

NOTE 1 A resource class has the following attributes:

⎯ Identifier;
⎯ Name;
⎯ Definition;
⎯ SubclassOf [multiple inheritance];
⎯ Note.

EXAMPLES Learning Resource (set of all learning resources), Person (set of all Persons), Rights (set of all rights
objects), and Document (set of all documents).

NOTE 2 Adapted from the definition of “object class” in ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004, 3.3.22.

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.31]

rule set
defined and pre-established set of rules (ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.32) that are used together

[ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 3.33]

4 Abbreviated terms
DC Dublin Core
DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DES Data Element Specification
DOI Digital Object Identifier
ISAN International Standard Audiovisual Number
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ISIN International Securities Identification Number

© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

ISMN International Standard Music Number

ISSN International Standard Serial Number

PRS Predefined Rule Set

PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator
RC Resource Class
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URN Uniform Resource Name
UUID Universally Unique IDentifier

5 Data element specifications

5.1 Title (DES0100)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0100

Data element attributes

Property name title

Definition name given to the learning resource

Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example 1 金葉和歌集 (jpn)

Example 2 Collection of Golden Leaves (eng)

This element refines the element “title” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element

4 © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

5.2 Creator (DES0200)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0200

Data element attributes

Property name creator

entity primarily responsible for making the learning


Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) John Doe

1. This element refines the element “creator” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Examples of Creator include a person, an
organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a
Creator should be used to indicate the entity.

5.3 Subject (DES0300)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0300

Data element attributes

Property Name subject

Definition topic of the learning resource

Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

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MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (eng)

1. This element refines the element “subject” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element set.
2. Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords,
Note(s) key phrases or classification codes. Recommended best
practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
3. To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the learning
resource, use the ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1400
(coverage) element.

5.4 Description (DES0400)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0400

Data element attributes

Property Name description

Definition account of the learning resource

Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

This Java applet shows a car moving with constant

acceleration. The green control panel contains text fields
where you can vary the values of initial position, initial
velocity and acceleration. (eng)
1. This element refines the element “description”
described in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information
and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata
Note(s) element set.
2. Description may include, but is not limited to, an
abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation,
or a free-text account of the learning resource.

6 © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

5.5 Publisher (DES0500)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0500

Data element attributes

Property Name publisher

entity responsible for making the learning resource


Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) British Museum (eng)

1. This element refines the element “publisher” described

in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Examples of Publisher include a person, an
organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a
Publisher should be used to identify the entity.

5.6 Contributor (DES0600)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0600

Data element attributes

Property name contributor

entity responsible for making contributions to the learning


Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

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Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) John Smith

1. This element refines the element “contributor”

described in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information
and documentation — The Dublin Core metadata
element set.
2. Examples of a Contributor include a person, an
organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a
Contributor should be used to indicate the entity.

5.7 Date (DES0700)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0700

Data element attributes

Property name date

point or period of time associated with an event in the

lifecycle of the learning resource

Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) 1990-08-15

1. This element refines the element “date” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Date may be used to express temporal information at
any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to
use an encoding schema such as the W3CDTF profile of
ISO 8601 [3]

8 © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

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5.8 Type (DES0800)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0800

Data element attributes

Property name type

Definition nature or genre of the learning resource

Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) interactive resource

1. This element refines the element “type” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element

2. It is understood and accepted that “type” here refers to

“content type” (and not media type, format type, etc.)
3. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled
vocabulary such as the DCMI Type Vocabulary [1].

4. To describe the file format, physical medium, or

dimensions of the learning resource, use the
ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0900 (format) element.

5.9 Format (DES0900)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0900

Data element attributes

Property name format

file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the

learning resource

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Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example 1 video/mpeg
Example 2 text/html

1. This element refines the element “format” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element

2. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled

Note(s) vocabulary such as the list of MIME Media Types [4]

3. Although ISO 15836:2009(E) includes size and

duration as examples for this element, the
ISO/IEC 19788-2 Standard does not recommend that
practice. ISO/IEC 19788-4 Technical elements provides
specific data elements for those two dimensions.

5.10 Identifier (DES1000)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1000

Data element attributes

Property Name identifier

unambiguous reference to the learning resource within a

given context

Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

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Example 1 0-262-68093-9 (ISBN-10)

Example(s) Example 2 978-0-262-68093-6 (ISBN-13)

Example 3 1661-7738/020203-43 (ISSN)

1. This element refines the element “identifier” described

in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Recommended best practice is to identify the learning
resource by means of a string conforming to a formal
identification system (such as URI, URL, URN, PURL,

5.11 Source (DES1100)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1100

Data element attributes

Property name source

related resource from which the described learning

resource is derived

Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example 1 0-262-68093-9 (ISBN-10)

Example(s) Example 2 978-0-262-68093-6 (ISBN-13)

Example 3 1661-7738/020203-43 (ISSN)

1. This element refines the element “source” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element

Note(s) 2. The described learning resource may be derived from

the related resource in whole or in part. Recommended
best practice is to identify the related resource by means
of a string conforming to a formal identification system

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ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

5.12 Language (DES1200)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1200

Data element attributes

Property name language

language of the learning resource

Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) fra

1. This element refines the element “language” described

in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
Note(s) set.

2. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled

vocabulary such as RFC 4646 [5].

5.13 Relation (DES1300)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1300

Data element attributes

Property name relation

Definition related resource

Linguistic indicator non-linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

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MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example(s) 10.1007/s11784-008-0095-0 (DOI)

1. This element refines the element “relation” described

in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Recommended best practice is to identify the related
resource by means of a string conforming to a formal
identification system (such as URI, URL, URN, PURL,

5.14 Coverage (DES1400)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1400

Data element attributes

Property name coverage

spatial or temporal topic of the learning resource, the

Definition spatial applicability of the learning resource, or the
jurisdiction under which the learning resource is relevant

Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example 1 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (eng)

Example 2 Paleolithic Age (eng)

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1. This element refines the element “coverage” described

in Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
2. Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named
place or a location specified by its geographic
coordinates. Temporal topic may be a named period,
Note(s) date or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named
administrative entity or a geographic place to which the
learning resource applies.
3. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled
vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic
Names [6] Where appropriate, named places or time
periods can be used in preference to numeric identifiers
such as sets of coordinates or date ranges.

5.15 Rights (DES1500)

Data element specification

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1500

Data element attributes

Property name rights

information about rights held in and over the learning


Linguistic indicator linguistic

Learning Resource

Range literal

MLR String
Content value rules

Refines -

Example 1 Creative Commons Attribution-

Noncommercial 3.0 United States License (eng)
Example 2 Copyright of this publication is held by the
British Museum (eng)

1. This element refines the element “rights” described in

Table 1 of ISO 15836:2009(E), Information and
documentation — The Dublin Core metadata element
Note(s) set.
2. Typically, rights information includes a statement about
various property rights associated with the learning
resource, including intellectual property rights.

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ISO/IEC 19788-2:2011(E)

6 Resource Classes
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 19788, the following predefined resource classes from
ISO/IEC 19788-1 are used.

6.1 The resource class “Resource”

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011::RC0001

Name Resource

Set of all entities that can be identified and referenced by an

Definition unambiguous and stable identifier in a recognized
identification system

SubclassOf -


6.2 The resource class “Learning Resource”

Identifier ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011::RC0002

Name Learning Resource

Set of all resources that can be used for learning,

education and training

SubclassOf ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011::RC0001 (Resource)


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7 Predefined rule sets

7.1 Predefined rule sets from Part 1 and other Parts

For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 19788, the following predefined rule sets from ISO/IEC 19788-1 apply.

7.1.1 PRS0001 MLR String

ID: ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011::PRS0001

Rule_ID Rule statement / Example(s) & Note(s)

01 Sequence of characters that are members of the set of elements of “ISO/IEC 10646:2003
Information technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)” and are used
as graphic characters including digits (numbers), letters, ideograms, glyphs, signs, special
characters, etc., (but not control characters).

NOTE 1 A MLR string does not include characters in “ISO/IEC 10646:2003 Information technology –
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)” with code points from U+D800 through
U+DFFF, i.e., control characters.

NOTE 2 If one or more control characters are required for use in an MLR Part, this shall be specified in
that Part.

7.1.2 PRS0002 Date

ID: ISO_IEC_19788-1:2011::PRS0002
Name: DATE

Rule_ID Rule statement / Example(s) & Note(s)

01 A string constructed according to “ISO 8601:2004(E) Data elements and interchange formats
– Information interchange – Representation of dates and times” (clause 4.1 Date)

NOTE Both the basic format and the extended format may be used.

EXAMPLE 1 1985-04-12
EXAMPLE 2 1985-102
EXAMPLE 3 1985-W15-5

02 Meaning is provided by ISO 8601:2004

7.2 Predefined rule sets introduced in this Part


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Annex A

MLR vocabularies

A.1 Vocabularies from other Parts (by reference only)


A.2 Vocabularies introduced in this Part


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Annex B

Human interface equivalents: ISO English, ISO French and ISO Russian

B.1 Terms and definitions from Clause 3


B.2 Vocabularies and data element names

According to ISO/IEC 19788-1:2011, 6.2.2: “each data element property name may have multiple equivalent
property names in different languages”. Data elements names are provided here in the three ISO official
languages as a starting point for translation and use in other languages.

Term ID ISO English ISO French2) ISO Russian3)

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0100 title titre заголовок

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0200 creator créateur автор

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0300 subject sujet тема

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0400 description description описание

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0500 publisher éditeur издатель

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0600 contributor collaborateur участник

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0700 date date дата

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0800 type type тип

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES0900 format format формат

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1000 identifier identifiant идентификатор

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1100 source source источник

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1200 language langue язык

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1300 relation relation связь

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1400 coverage couverture охват

ISO_IEC_19788-2:2011::DES1500 rights droits правовая информация

2) French translation based on the page found in http://dublincore.org/resources/translations/.

3) Russian translation provided by Russian NB.

18 © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

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[1] DCMI Type Vocabulary. Available at http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/

[2] IEEE 1484.12.1-2002, IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata

[3] Date and Time Formats, W3C Note. Available at http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime

[4] MIME Media Types. Available at http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/

[5] RFC 4646 Tags for Identifying Languages. Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt

[6] Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names.

Available at http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/tgn/

[7] ISO/IEC 11179-1:2004, Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 1: Framework

© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved 19

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