BS en Iso 23936-2-2011
BS en Iso 23936-2-2011
BS en Iso 23936-2-2011
Petroleum, petrochemical
and natural gas industries
— Non-metallic materials in
contact with media related
to oil and gas production
Part 2: Elastomers
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of
EN ISO 23936-2:2011.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee PSE/17/-/7, UK experts in ISO TC 67 Working Groups.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© BSI 2012
ISBN 978 0 580 71167 1
ICS 75.180.01
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity
from legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2012.
Amendments issued since publication
Date Text affected
ICS 75.180.01
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 23936-2:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN ISO 23936-2:2011 EN ISO 23936-2:2011 (E)
This document (EN ISO 23936-2:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67 "Materials,
equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries" in collaboration
with Technical Committee CEN/TC 12 “Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum,
petrochemical and natural gas industries” the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2012, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by June 2012.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
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Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 23936-2:2011 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO 23936-2:2011 without any
BS EN ISO 23936-2:2011
ISO 23936-2:2011(E)
Contents Page
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 23936-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67, Materials, equipment and offshore structures
for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries.
ISO 23936 consists of the following parts, under the general title Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production:
Part 1: Thermoplastics
Part 2: Elastomers
Part 3: Thermosets
ISO 23936 is intended to be of benefit to a broad industry group, ranging from operators and suppliers to
engineering companies and authorities. ISO 23936 covers relevant generic types of non-metallic material
(thermoplastics, elastomers, thermosetting plastics, fibre-reinforced plastics, etc.) and draws upon a wide
range of existing technical experience, which has never before been summarized in a technical standard.
ISO 23936 does not cover polymeric coatings such as thermal insulation and paint that are applied to the
outside of components but that are not in contact with oilfield fluids.
The evaluation and qualification process described in this part of ISO 23936 is intended to ensure that the
user of non-metallic materials has sufficient understanding and knowledge of the applicable materials to
obtain acceptable performance in the specified environment, and that the user can rely on stable quality to
meet given specifications. A quality system is useful to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part of
ISO 23936.
Successful qualification of a manufacturer and a specific material is intended to be valid for other projects and
different operators. The consideration of qualification of a manufacturer is at the discretion and determination
of the purchaser, normally on the basis of documentation provided by the manufacturer, as required in this
part of ISO 23936 or any specific additional documentation.
The purchaser is responsible for ensuring (if necessary, with external competence) that the manufacturers
selected are qualified.
1 Scope
ISO 23936 describes general principles and gives requirements and recommendations for the selection and
qualification of non-metallic materials for service in equipment used in oil and gas production environments,
where the failure of such equipment could pose a risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel, or
to the environment. It can be applied to help avoid failures of the equipment itself. It supplements, but does
not replace, the material requirements given in the appropriate design codes, standards or regulations.
This part of ISO 23936 describes the requirements and procedures for qualification of elastomeric material
used in equipment for oil and gas production.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 34-1:2010, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tear strength — Part 1: Trouser,
angle and crescent test pieces
ISO 48, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and
100 IRHD)
ISO 815-1, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of compression set — Part 1: At ambient or
elevated temperatures
ISO 3601-3:2005, Fluid power systems — O-rings — Part 3: Quality acceptance criteria
ISO 13628-10:2005, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Design and operation of subsea production
systems — Part 10: Specification for bonded flexible pipe
ASTM D297, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Products — Chemical Analysis
ASTM D395, Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property — Compression Set
ASTM D412, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers — Tension
ASTM D624, Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic
ASTM D1415, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — International Hardness
ASTM D2240, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Durometer Hardness
accelerated test
test undertaken under conditions designed to speed material deterioration
NOTE This is usually accomplished by increasing temperature, in order to raise chemical reaction rates, but fluid
concentration and stress are variables which can also be manipulated.
asset operator
person who operates an asset, who has knowledge of well parameters and who transmits this information to
the user (3.1.15)
NOTE 2 Well parameters can be fluid exposure, temperatures, pressures, duration, etc.
compression set
difference between the original sample height and the post-test height, divided by the interference, expressed
as a percentage
amorphous material mechanically mixed with other constituents to form a rubber compound, which is then
shaped by flow into articles by means of the manufacturing processes of moulding or extrusion, and then
(invariably) chemically cured at elevated temperature to form an elastic insoluble material
medium such as a gas, liquid, supercritical gas, or a mixture of these
difference between the original sample height and the height of spacer bar, each measured in the same
direction as the direction of compression
compound manufacturer
producer of the elastomer material or of semi-finished products made from elastomer materials
tensile stress at a given elongation
high molecular weight molecule, natural or synthetic, whose chemical structure can be represented by
repeated small units which collectively form molecular chains
NOTE This material class has three main sub-groups: elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets.
rapid gas decompression
explosive decompression
rapid pressure-drop in a high pressure gas-containing system which disrupts the equilibrium between external
gas pressure and the concentration of gas dissolved inside any polymer, with the result that excess gas tries
to escape from the solution at points throughout the material, causing expansion
NOTE If large enough, and if the pressure-drop rate is faster than the natural gas diffusion rate, blistering or rupturing
can occur.
room temperature
temperature of (23 2) °C
seal cross-section
cross-section diameter
free height of a seal at room temperature, measured normal to seal diameter in the direction of compression in
the test
seal type
seal design of specified geometry, size and orientation
EXAMPLE An O-ring.
material capable of being repeatedly softened by heating and hardened by cooling through a temperature
range characteristic of the plastic and, in the softened state, of being repeatedly shaped by flow into articles
by moulding, extrusion or forming
person responsible for the selection of suitable materials for a service operation based on information
received from the asset operator (3.1.2)
party responsible for procuring the elastomer material or component
HP high pressure
4 Technical requirements
Technical requirements depend on material property characteristics and specific functional tests for an
Elastomer selection shall be based on evaluation of compatibility with service environment, functionality under
service and the design lifetime. This part of ISO 23936 covers materials tests and not functional tests. The
following should be considered as appropriate to the component requirements and evaluated when selecting
the material:
a) adequate physical and mechanical properties (density, hardness, tensile strength, elongation at break,
modulus of elasticity, compression set, tear strength, etc.); standard properties from which design
specifications are selected and for quality assurance and control aspects;
b) resistance against RGD events; a property of importance in high pressure gas sealing applications,
covered in depth in this part of ISO 23936;
d) low temperature flexibility; a property highly relevant to low temperature sealing applications;
e) for large components exposed to gaseous production fluid, high pressure gas permeation; a property
highly relevant to possible gas pressure build-up within the component structure, e.g. for hoses;
f) resistance to high pressure extrusion or creep (functional tests not covered by this part of ISO 23936);
g) resistance to thermal cycling and dynamic movement (functional tests not covered by this part of
ISO 23936).
Clause 2 gives references to relevant standards for elastomeric materials. The standards describe the test
methodology for performing particular materials tests. The test conditions and durations shall be as described
in this part of ISO 23936 and shall take precedence in those cases where this part of ISO 23936 deviates from
the referenced standards.
Long term (ageing) test objectives are described in Clause 7; procedural details are given in Annex A.
RGD test objectives and procedures for elastomer O-ring seals are described in Clause 7 and Annex B.
It is the responsibility of the asset operator to provide all necessary information about service conditions and
5 Documentation requirements
NOTE The required documentation of material properties of thermoplastic materials is described in ISO 23936-1.
Table 1 also defines the minimum amount of production and quality control testing required during
manufacturing of the elastomer materials. The final procedures, with respect to key parameters and
tolerances, shall be defined based on results from testing performed according to this part of ISO 23936.
The user shall define the necessary requirements with tolerances in the purchase specification.
Guidelines on selection of standards are given in parentheses. Characteristics, which are not relevant for
expected service conditions and/or material type, may be omitted.
Material property tests may also be omitted if users have documented performance-based functional tests that
they use to approve rubber materials.
It is the requirement of the manufacturer to provide documents attesting that the material has been
manufactured and tested appropriately and that the material has met the relevant quality control requirements
in this part of ISO 23936.
The testing shall be performed on specimens produced from specific rubber formulations and, where possible,
production procedures. The COC should include as a minimum density, batch hardness, tensile properties
(moduli, strength, elongation at break), date of manufacture and (where referenced) the sample curing
process. The COC should be signed by a quality representative. For large rubber components, tests on small
components shall be suitable for the properties of the large component unless otherwise agreed between the
interested parties.
This part of ISO 23936 specifies the required types of tests that shall be performed in order to document the
material suitability and compatibility with test fluids specified in this part of ISO 23936 which are applicable to
the intended application.
The testing shall apply for the elastomer materials and the results shall be valid as long as the requirements
stated in 6.2 are satisfied. For later supplies of identical material from the same manufacturer, a quality control
of each batch of material shall be sufficient. Table 2 lists typical quality assurance and quality control
document templates showing imaginary data.
It may not be necessary to perform qualification testing for a particular material, if relevant successful well-
documented in-service experience with traceable production records and quality control documentation is
available to all relevant parties. This shall be agreed between interested parties.
Such documentation shall contain detailed information about service conditions such as time, temperature,
pressure, fluid composition and chemicals added. An asset operator can, for example, provide the
documentation of flawless service. The existing service temperature recorded therein shall be in the same
range as for the new application (it shall be a maximum of 10 °C below), the existing service pressure shall
not be more than 10 % below that for the new application, and the existing service life shall be a minimum of
50 % of design life.
The manufacturer who has tested and qualified his compound(s) can make a statement making this known.
Such a statement shall define which parts of ISO 23936 are complied with. Further, the statement shall
include whether the testing was done according to Annex A and/or Annex B, and define the fluid composition,
conditions and overall duration for the testing.
The elastomer properties shall apply to each specific elastomer compound produced by each specific
manufacturer. The existing elastomer data used by one purchaser may also be accepted by subsequent
purchasers, provided the requirements in this part of ISO 23936 are still complied with.
A compound shall be re-tested if changes are made to the compound or the process. If compound mixing
and/or moulding is carried out at different plants/locations, a separate qualification shall be performed for each
NOTE All materials previously approved in accordance with NORSOK M-710 are approved in accordance with this
part of ISO 23936.
7.1 General
The technical necessities for the testing of elastomeric materials are divided into two parts:
7.2 defines the chemical ageing test requirements (see Annex A);
7.3 defines the requirements for RGD testing (see Annex B).
The test regimes shall be selected based on an analysis of the service conditions applying to the material in
question, if these are known. Such an assessment shall include the nature and type of all fluids which contact
the elastomer. The service life of the seal material in the relevant service environment shall be evaluated
using appropriate techniques.
7.2.1 General
This part of ISO 23936 defines test procedures for the prediction of the progressive degradation of elastomeric
materials exposed to fluids at elevated temperatures over extended periods of time. It is applicable where it is
necessary to forecast material life in a specific application and for directly comparing the performance of
candidate elastomer materials. Other standards, such as API TR6J1, also provide methods to assess life of
elastomer materials.
The objective is to assess the physical effects of the fluid on the elastomer and to thermally accelerate
chemical reaction (if this occurs) between the fluid and the elastomer, causing tensile and related property
levels to shift systematically towards a pre-defined limit of acceptability. The material is considered to have
“failed” (i.e. reached the end of its useful life) when this limit is attained. These data are then used to quantify
service life and suitability for service.
By running exposure tests with test fluids at three different elevated temperatures above the operating
temperature, three different times to reach the acceptance boundary will result, with the highest test
temperature producing the shortest “time to failure”. Plotting the log of failure times against the reciprocal of
the test temperature should result in a linear trend, enabling an estimate of service life at the operating
For accelerated testing, the upper test temperature should be limited to give some confidence that only
service-relevant chemical and/or physical processes will occur.
The preferred test piece geometry is the tensile dumbbell; various standards apply (see Table 1). The ageing
of moulded sheet, for subsequent stamping-out of tensile test pieces, is not allowed. The elastomer shall be
tested in unconstrained mode; that is, free-standing, with fluid able to freely access all surfaces.
When extrapolating data from the present procedures, appropriate statistical techniques shall be applied. For
example, if progressive degradation is apparently dependent on a single chemical ageing process, a method
based on the Arrhenius relationship shall be used as described in Annex D. It is recommended that results
always first be assessed on an Arrhenius basis. If an Arrhenius relationship does not exist or ageing does not
occur, see Annex E for further guidance.
Test media, conditions, equipment, procedures and test report requirements are described in detail in
Annex A.
The acceptance criteria shall be established prior to commencing the ageing test. The following criteria have
been established as the maximum acceptable ranges for three particular properties; any relaxation of these
requirements shall be agreed upon by the user. A narrower acceptance range can be applied to any of these if
required by circumstances.
Hardness: 10/20 units (5/20 units when initial nominal hardness is 90); applies to Shore A and IRHD
Tensile: 50 % [modulus (at 50 % or 100 % elongation), tensile strength, elongation at break]
Tensile test results shall be used to extrapolate the service life according to Arrhenius equation (see
Annexes A and E). Other properties may be used by agreement between all parties.
7.3.1 General
This part of ISO 23936 gives test procedures for measuring the effect on elastomeric O-ring seals of rapid
depressurization after periods at elevated temperature and high pressure in gaseous environments. In
addition, guidance notes for interpretation of the results are provided. The supplier shall discuss with the user
those applications for which this failure mode is relevant.
The test fluids, conditions, procedure, equipment, inspection procedure and test reporting requirements are
described in Annex B.
No seal cross-section shall have a rating of more than 3 (see Clause B.4).
8.1 General
Bonded flexible hose is the general class of flexible hose constructed from layers of elastomer and wire, wire
fabric or textile fabric reinforcement that are bonded together by vulcanization during manufacture. The hose
section from the internal to external diameter generally consists of the following:
liner: inner layer of elastomer providing resistance to the fluids being transported;
body layers: layers of reinforcement typically including textile fabric or parallel cords impregnated with
elastomer, parallel steel wire cords impregnated with elastomer, and embedded helical wire. Infill
elastomer layers may also be present;
insulation or buoyancy: an additional outer layer for hoses where either insulation or buoyancy is required.
The hose structure is integrated into suitable end fittings according to the specific design, usually by bonding
of the elastomer to the metal end fitting with a suitable curable adhesive system during the vulcanization of the
a) lower pressure applications that are typically used for loading and discharge of liquids and LNG in
offshore mooring situations;
For a), guidance is provided in GMPHOM/OCIMF [Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore
Moorings (Oil Companies International Marine Forum)], including materials tests for the liner and cover
materials for materials acceptance and prototype hose approval.
For b), ISO 13628-10 specifies material property requirements and test procedures for the qualification of liner,
breaker and reinforcing layers in terms of mechanical/physical properties, thermal properties, permeation
characteristics and compatibility/ageing properties covering all pressures.
In the context of this part of ISO 23936, the main consideration is the qualification of the liner material that is in
contact with the fluids being transported. For the longer term, the effects of the permeation of fluids through
the liner to other elastomer layers should also be considered as well as ageing effects on mechanical/physical
properties. Because of the multi-layer construction of bonded hoses, not only should the properties of the
individual elastomer layers be considered, but also the adhesion between layers including the bonding with
the end fittings.
8.2.1 General
Qualification should be according to the subclauses below, which are based on the existing guidelines
mentioned in 8.1.
The procedure of GMPHOM/OCIMF should be applied or adapted as appropriate with regard to materials test
procedures. It possesses two clauses entitled Materials Tests, one under “Acceptance Tests” and one for
“Prototype Hose Approval”; the most relevant should be agreed between supplier and purchaser and
employed. Particular points are:
a) Within both clauses termed Material Tests, for resistance to liquids, GMPHOM/OCIMF specifies the use
of ISO 1817 using the conditions 48 h at 40 C in the test liquid as a volume swell test, with a requirement
of swell being no greater than 60 %.
NOTE GMPHOM/OCIMF specifies use of (ASTM) liquid C, which can still conform to this part of ISO 23936 if
liquid C is stated to be the bespoke liquid agreed between participants (see Annex A).
This part of ISO 23936 allows the same procedure for use with a standard liquid selected to be
reasonably representative of the composition of the service fluid to be transported or contained, in
accordance with Annex A. Bespoke acceptance properties will be required if alternative low temperature
requirements and/or products and/or service fluids are relevant.
b) GMPHOM/OCIMF specifies for temperature resistance “no significant deterioration” at –20 °C using the
Gehman test to ISO 1432.
c) Under “Acceptance Tests”, GMPHOM/OCIMF also specifies adhesion testing between bonded layers of
body and end-fitting elastomer using a standard peel test as described in ISO 36:2005, which specifies a
test method for measuring the force required to separate two plies of fabric bonded with rubber, or a
rubber layer and a fabric ply bonded together. The ply surfaces should be plane or nearly so, with no
gross irregularities. Supplier and user should agree a threshold force for acceptance, based on
d) If the service temperature is higher than ambient, the material test temperature should be increased
accordingly. The test conditions, test duration and acceptance criteria should be agreed between supplier
and purchaser. Consideration to the temperatures and fluids chosen should be made with consultation to
ISO 1817.
ISO 13628-10 and API 17K specify property tests for liner and reinforcing layers (see Tables 9 and 11 in
API 17K:2005) and describe test procedures and acceptance criterion for fluid permeability (liquid and gas),
blistering, fluid compatibility, ageing and void formation (the last being a component test), concerning
interlayer failures. Much of ISO 13628-10 and API 17K is useful for incorporation in this part of ISO 23936, but
some variations are required.
Gas permeation testing should be made at appropriate high pressure on a specimen from liner or other layer
material, and procedures shall vary depending on conditions and fluid type. Test gases shall be in accordance
with Tables A.2 and A.3, using the bespoke category for testing single gases.
For high pressure (HP) gas permeation testing of an elastomer material, a test assembly pressure cell with the
following features is required.
a) A chamber which can be pressurized to high pressure by a gas supply. This will be separated from a low
pressure chamber by a suitably sealed elastomer test piece. Facilities for continuous monitoring of the
pressures in the high and low pressure chambers are required.
b) Heating (insulated band heater) facilities and temperature monitoring and control of the permeation cell to
within 2 °C.
Test times are governed by diffusion characteristics of candidate elastomers (see Annex E). In one test
arrangement, test pieces of test elastomer of diameter 10 mm are bonded during vulcanization into a suitable
holder. Moulding pressure shall be high to minimize porosity and microporosity. The test specimen holder is
installed and sealed in the HP permeation cell. A porous steel sinter necessary for supporting the specimen is
inserted appropriately. The cell is then heated to test temperature and allowed to equilibrate before applying
test gas to the specimen and pressurizing. As a minimum, the following test conditions shall apply:
high pressure (P1): hose design pressure, may be used if pipe design pressure is not known;
temperature (T): service, or three higher temperatures for three accelerated tests followed by Arrhenius-
extrapolation of the three resulting data points to service (see Annex D).
The pressure increase due to permeation in the low pressure chamber with time may be converted to the rate
of gas permeation (cm3/s at standard temperature and pressure), assuming the gas to be ideal, by
Equation (1):
P2 is expressed in atmospheres.
The permeation coefficient Q can be obtained from the gradient, at steady state conditions, of the permeated
gas pressure versus time plot using Equation (2) (see also Annex E):
QA P h P
1 2
The initial transient stage of the test can be used to provide an estimate of the diffusion coefficient D, as
shown in Equation (3):
D (3)
where time-lag is the value of time where the back-extrapolated steady state line intersects the time axis.
Q Ds (4)
The concentration c of a single gas absorbed into the polymer surface may be calculated from Equation (5):
c s P1 (5)
The measured criteria are the permeation coefficient Q in cm2/s/atm, the diffusion coefficient D in cm2/s, the
solubility coefficient (s) in atm–1, and the dimensionless (i.e. cm3 gas/cm3 elastomer) concentration c applying
at the high pressure face. For a lining material contacting an essentially impermeable layer (e.g. external steel
piping), c will eventually be achieved (or nearly so) throughout. For a series of accelerated tests, these
coefficients can be used for Arrhenius extrapolations (see Annex E). Q values can be used to predict
permeation rates through hose liners (see Annex E). D can be used for rough estimates (root mean squares)
of migration distance within the material after time t, using (2Dt)½. Experience suggests that breakthrough
time can reasonably be taken as ½().
For mixed gases – yielding apparent coefficients only by the above procedures – any following estimates
should be for guidance only.
The presence of the steel sinter support may reduce measured permeation rates. For tests carried out as
above, this observation should be included on the test report.
RGD performance for hose linings according to this part of ISO 23936 should follow the procedures of
in ISO 13628-10:2005 or API 17K, but using gas compositions taken from Tables A.2 to A.4 of this part of
ISO 23936.
Because diffusion rate is proportionate to the square of distance migrated, soak times for hose linings should
be increased from those used for testing small seals by a factor, K, which relates distances to be migrated in
seals and hoses raised to the power of 2. This factor to calculate the soaking time is as shown in Equation (6):
K = (h/r)2 (6)
h is the hose lining thickness with fluid entering the lining from one exposed surface only;
r is the radius of the seal cross-section for the test arrangement described in Annex B.
The starting point is a seal cross-section radius of 2,66 mm with a minimum soaking time of 68 h.
The specimen for RGD testing of hose lining should include some fabrication to allow assessment of the
elastomer’s RGD resistance when supported as in service. Single textile fabric layers should sandwich the
elastomer lining layer. The specimen should be moulded to the required thickness and cured in a plunger
mould. Moulding pressure should be 0,7 MPa 1) to be similar to that met in hose manufacture or as agreed
between interested parties. Lining thickness including fabrics should be 3 mm to 4 mm and specimen
diameter 30 mm, or as similarly agreed. Fabrics should be rubberized and of the type used in the manufacture
of hoses for this service.
Figure 1 shows the specimen and portholes for high pressure gas to enter it through one face only. More
portholes above the specimen allow permeated gas to arrive in a vented chamber (a vertical line showing the
vent). Figure 2 shows the test arrangement with a stack of seal jigs located in a suitable pressure chamber (to
accommodate test pressure plus a safety factor), and the vented gas led outside it.
1 fabric layers
2 elastomer
3 high pressure gas
Figure 1 — RGD test jig holding fabricated specimen; HP gas applied unidirectionally
1 gas in
2 PC controlled blowdown
3 pressure transducer
4 thermocouple
5 permeated gas vent
The temperature, pressure, number of test cycles, decompression rate and acceptance criteria of
ISO 13628-10 and API 17K shall apply.
Test fluids should be selected from Tables A.2 to A.5 in this part of ISO 23936; those from Table A.3 and
Table A.5 (sour conditions) should only be used if gas emitted during decompression can be handled safely.
In ISO 13628-10 and API 17K, the test liquid used for exposure tests is chosen by the component purchaser;
to comply with this part of ISO 23936, liquids given in Tables A.1, A.4 and A.5 should be used. Ageing as a
materials test procedure should use the same approach as that taken in this part of ISO 23936 for seal
elastomers (Clause 7), with the acceptance criteria also being the same.
The cover material should possess good mechanical properties, including tear strength/impact resistance, to
resist mishandling issues, etc.; low sea-water uptake should be demonstrated if the cover is subject to
seawater immersion. Layers between liner and cover should be manufactured from elastomer types
intermediate in characteristics between the two, each having evidence provided of good bondability to
adjacent layers and to any fabric, textile, wire reinforcement, etc. embedded in them.
9.1 General
For large components, although it is likely that component testing under particular conditions required by the
user will take on increased relevance, materials testing will often still be required to aid material selection for
the component and for qualification purposes. This clause describes qualification for elastomers in different
9.2.1 General
Flexible joints are part of the subsea system used in the production and export transportation systems for
offshore production platforms. The joints provide rotational flexibility at the connection points that reduces
bending stresses and increases the fatigue life of the metallic components in critical regions. The flexibility is
provided by a spherical joint that consists of a laminated construction of spherical layers of steel and
elastomer bonded together during the vulcanization process. Rotational flexibility is achieved by shearing of
the elastomer layers referred to as structural layers, whilst internal pressure and tension loads in the line are
reacted by compression of these layers. The edges of the steel plates and structural elastomer layers may be
protected from direct fluid/gas exposure by an elastomeric cover layer which is usually a similar material to the
main structural layers. Typical constructions employ either nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) or hydrogenated
nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) materials. The fluids being carried are in contact with one side of the joint,
whilst the other side is in contact with either seawater or air. Fluids transported include production fluids
imported to the platform, and gas and oil exported from the platform after processing. Risers may also
transport well injection fluids such as gas or water and any other additives to control wax build-up and to
provide corrosion protection.
The flexible joint vendor will carry out a fatigue analysis using the specified conditions to demonstrate an
acceptable life of the design to the user’s satisfaction. Contributions from time dependent creep rupture failure
under the mean components of the loading should be considered as well as cyclic fatigue damage arising
from the dynamic components (see Reference [20]). Compression of the rubber layers due to pressure and
tension loads results in concentrations of shear at the edges of the layers; in typical designs, these are highest
on the seawater/air side of the layers.
Fluid compatibility with the cover and structural layers is covered by ISO 1817.
The effects of fluid permeation through the cover layer and into the structural layers and bonds should be
addressed, as should the effects of ageing in terms of their impact on the design life of the flexible joints. The
effects of any chemicals used in the lines and which may come into contact with the elastomer may also need
to be assessed in terms of chemical compatibility and swelling. The effects of gas decompression on the
integrity of the cover layers and structural layers may also need to be addressed.
Due to the complexities involved regarding different design solutions that can limit fluid/gas exposure and how
the rubber layers perform in protecting the structural layers, testing for fluid/gas exposure will need to be
performed using test specimens and techniques agreed upon between the asset operator and the component
manufacturer, including any third-party verification as required.
9.3.1 General
Elastomeric seals employed in blow-out preventers (BOPs) should be qualified as appropriate in accordance
with Clause 7. Test conditions based on operational conditions should be agreed upon by the user and/or
asset operator. Other components are much larger, which will lead to some differences in approach.
The performance testing given in ISO 13533 or API 16A for elastomer materials should be followed using
relevant standards. ISO 16070 covers flow control equipment which does not relate to packers. Additionally
API 14A applies to surface and subsurface safety valves and again does not relate to packers. Ram shear
seal elastomeric components should be specified and qualified with regard to an acceptable magnitude of
appropriate properties and fluid resistance. Exposures to fluids should be based on the most appropriate of
those tabulated in Annex A. RGD assessments should be based on the approach used for hoses rather than
used for seals in 8.2, because they are also larger components.
This subclause refers to all types of packers including permanent and retrievable casing packers and bridge
plugs, inflatable thru tubing, casing and open hole packers, and open hole mechanical packers. Use of this
equipment may reflect both short- and long-term performance requirements.
Elastomeric seals employed in packers generally shall be qualified as appropriate according to Clause 7.
Validation procedures for packer assemblies are covered in ISO 14310. Generally, for retrievable casing
packers and bridge plugs, packing element sealing compounds should offer a combination of high extrusion
resistance and adequate strain capability to pack off without suffering fracture. Maximum extrusion resistance
of a permanent packer, due to typically near 100 % mechanical back up, is slightly less important than
adequate strain capability. Inflatable packers should demonstrate high tear strength magnitudes and high
extensibility at high temperatures, which should be specified from the options in Table A.6.
The requirements for qualification of materials for permanent packers, traditional and polished bore receptacle
(PBR) shall be the same as for other large components. High pressure gas permeation testing may be
Drilling fluids and later production fluids may be contacted in sequence; testing may need also to be
conducted in sequences to mirror this.
Annex A
A.1.1.1 General
Tests fluids shall be representative of the application environment and be stable at the test temperature. This
might be in the form of sweet service, sour (H2S-containing) service, or might involve testing in completion
brines or other added fluids such as corrosion inhibitors, drilling muds, injection fluids, hydraulic fluids, etc.
The fluid contacting each side of the seal needs to be considered.
The production fluids are defined as either sweet or sour and can be single phase (e.g. gaseous or liquid) or
multiphase (e.g. oil and water and gas). Fluid composition options for testing are given in Tables A.1 to A.5.
The reasoning behind these choices is given in informative Annex E. The fluid compositions are given in
scales of severity except the bespoke variant which may be more or less severe. For example, qualifying a
material to A.1.ii also qualifies a material to A.1.i, but not vice versa. Similarly, testing in sour service
conditions will also qualify the seal material for sweet service conditions.
Table A.1 — Hydrocarbon liquid phase options for sweet and sour ageing tests
Variation classification Type
A.2.i Normal 5 % CO2, 95 % CH4
A.2.ii Bespoke As agreed between interested parties
Variation classification Type
Table A.4 — Fluid phase distribution for classification A.4 — Sweet multi-phase fluid ageing
Table A.5 — Fluid phase distribution for classification A.5 — Sour multi-phase fluid ageing
The composition of all fluids to which the test specimen is exposed shall be detailed in the test report.
In addition to production fluids, it will be necessary in many instances to perform application-specific testing of
materials in contact with other types, e.g. drilling fluids, scale inhibitors, hydrate inhibitors, well stimulation
fluids and corrosion inhibitors. Specific test procedures shall be written detailing the exposure environment.
The test methodology shall be according to this part of ISO 23936.
Since data from accelerated tests are required to enable extrapolation, tests shall be run at a minimum of
three temperatures, all of which are above operating temperature. If the service level is not known, the
temperatures selected should be as high as possible for the material type. Exposure test temperatures should
be selected from Table A.6. Particular care is required to ensure that reactions occurring are representative of
those which will occur at the operating temperature. The limitations to extrapolation regarding temperature
inherent in the Arrhenius method shall apply.
Table A.6 allows test temperatures according to ISO 10423:2009, if required (see Annex E). However, a
temperature service range rather than value is specified for the classified ratings. Three higher test
temperatures are shown for each service temperature range; using these, an Arrhenius extrapolation may be
possible to provide a result for the highest temperature in the range – thus qualifying the whole range from a
worst-case viewpoint.
Alternatively, the extrapolation can be continued to a lower specific temperature if required. If a more precise
test temperature is agreed between interested parties, the bespoke option should be used.
Elevated test
Temperature Operating minimum Operating maximum
classification °C °C
K 60 82 97, 112, 127
NOTE This is consistent with ISO 10423 and API 6A temperatures or relevant to down-hole applications.
The tolerance on test temperature is 2 °C. Test temperature versus time details plus classification, if
appropriate, shall be fully described in the test report.
For chemical ageing, it is important to start each ageing period with the same quantity of the sour gas mixture
present in the vessel. The length of each interval at test temperature will vary but is not likely to exceed
14 days.
A typical procedure is to pressurize the test vessel to (6 0,5) MPa at room temperature with the test gases
and then heat to the required temperature. The changing pressure should be continuously recorded. An
alternative method is to add a fixed amount of the test gas at a given low temperature before heating the
vessel to the test level. Cell pressure, once temperature stabilizes, will then vary with target temperatures but
the starting quantity of (reactive) H2S in the vessel will always be the same. Hence, the test vessel should be
heated to 50 °C and (6 0,5) MPa of the test gas mixture admitted, before raising temperature to the required
level. The pressure should be continuously recorded.
The time required for relevant tensile properties of an elastomer compound to reach the pre-defined “failure”
limit will vary with temperature and material type: some elastomers will not exhibit any chemical ageing
characteristics at all. Elastomers will saturate quickly at elevated temperatures but can take much longer to
react chemically with H2S (if present) to a meaningful extent. It is recommended that the highest temperature
exposure test be started first, in order to gauge the extent of material chemical change with time. Several
weeks may be required to determine material behaviour trends (see Annex E).
Tensile specimens shall be obtained from moulded sheet of elastomer, having a nominal thickness of 2 mm.
Any tensile test piece defined in a published standard will be acceptable; the same geometry shall be used
throughout the test programme. The level of tensile test piece replication shall be a minimum of five. It is not
permitted (or desirable) to age moulded sheet and subsequently cut tensile specimens from it.
A.2 Equipment
The test vessel shall be rated for use at the test temperature and pressure and the metallic materials shall be
resistant to the test fluid. The fluid capacity shall be such that the ratio of fluid to test specimen volume is at
least 25:1. The vessel shall be capable of being purged to remove air before testing. The test pieces shall be
immersed in a free state such that test fluid can contact all surfaces.
The polymer samples shall be exposed in the liquid phase for a multiphase fluid ageing.
A.3.1 General
The following clauses describe the procedures to be employed to determine the chemical ageing
characteristics of elastomeric materials.
This procedure aims to quantify the rate of change of material properties as a function of time and
temperature. All property measurements shall be made at room temperature. The measurements in A.3.2
shall be made before and after immersion testing. All measurements shall be recorded and reported in the
test report.
The level of tensile test piece replication per fluid exposure condition (time/temperature) shall be five.
A minimum of three elevated temperature fluid exposure tests shall be run, with an initial test plus a minimum
of four time periods per temperature.
The hardness and tensile property levels (modulus at 50 % and 100 % elongation, tensile strength, elongation
at break) of as-received material shall be measured at room temperature according to the referenced
procedures; individual and mean values shall be reported.
The tensile property levels of liquid saturated material (i.e. not chemically aged – no H2S) for reference
purposes can be determined in two ways. First, an extra set of replicate specimens can be included in the
exposure test vessel and the cell is heated to test temperature and vapour pressure for 48 h; the sour gas
mixture is not added. The vessel is then cooled and opened and one set of tensile test pieces is removed for
tensile testing. The sour gas mixture is added and the vessel is re-heated in accordance with A.1.2.2, to
commence the ageing portion of the test. Alternatively, a single set of replicates can be heated to test
temperature in a suitable vessel (containing the relevant test liquids) in an oven for 48 h before retrieval.
The mass and volume change of the elastomer versus exposure time at each temperature shall be
determined by including a small piece of the rubber in each test cell; a 25 mm × 25 mm sample is sufficient.
The volume change shall be determined according to the displacement method. A balance with an accuracy
of 1 mg shall be used. The percentage change in mass and volume as a function of time at each temperature
shall be included in the test report, preferably in graphical form.
A.3.3.1 A recommended sequence of actions is given below. The procedure used shall be documented in
the test report.
b) Install test specimens in the liquid phase of the test liquid; close vessel.
c) Purge vessel with nitrogen gas (< 5 ppm O2); bubbling the nitrogen through the liquid phase with a flow
rate of 100 ml/min for at least 15 min is preferred to remove most of the oxygen.
d) Pressurize the vessel with at least 4 MPa nitrogen and perform leak check.
e) Release the nitrogen at 0,1 MPa/min, heat the closed vessel to test temperature and hold for a period of
48 h minimum; this ensures that the elastomer test pieces will be saturated.
f) Cool to room temperature, open the vessel and remove the 5 reference test pieces, close vessel, repurge
with nitrogen and leak check vessel.
i) Record the changing test pressure and maintain and record temperature for the specified period.
A.3.3.2 When a vessel is cooled for sample removal and at the end of the exposure period, the following
procedure is recommended to reduce the risk of decompression damage.
b) Reduce remaining pressure safely at a maximum rate of 0,1 MPa/min, neutralizing the sour gas with a
d) Open vessel and retrieve test specimens; these should be kept wet by following the procedure in A.3.5.
e) Carry out post-test procedures of inspection (see A.3.4) and measurement (see A.3.2).
The test specimens shall be visually inspected for damage directly after removal from the vessels. The nature
of any damage, e.g. embrittlement, swelling, blistering, shall be recorded. A photographic record of
representative damage features shall be included in the test report.
Test specimens retrieved from ageing fluid shall be stored in fresh fluid (of the same composition used in the
immersion test) until required for measurement. When weighing, remove sample from the liquid, pat dry and
weigh in air and then in water within 3 min to minimize evaporative losses; return to liquid immediately until put
back into the test vessel. When removing samples for tensile testing, remove each sample individually from
the storage liquid, measure neck dimensions and tensile test, all within 10 min.
Tensile tested material shall be stored in re-sealable polyethylene bags, appropriately labelled.
The compound manufacturer, manufacturer’s compound name/number or other reference, recipe revision
level, batch/lot number and cure date shall be reported. The base elastomer type according to the definitions
in the current issue of ASTM D1418 should be specified. However, it is recognized that developments in
material technology exceed the pace of standard development and it may not be possible to assign an
elastomer type in all cases – this is particularly true of fluoroelastomers.
a) test medium identification with classification, sub-classification where appropriate, and detailed
The ageing time is the time the material was subjected to test pressure and test temperature; time spent
heating and cooling the test-cell shall not be included in the calculation. Significant deviations of test
temperature and/or pressure shall be justified technically.
modulus at 50 % and 100 % elongation, tensile strength, elongation at break; individual and mean values
using the original measured dimensions of the sample;
visual condition.
Tensile properties and mass/volume change at each test temperature shall be presented graphically as plots
versus immersion time. If applicable, an Arrhenius graphical presentation [logarithmic time against 1/T
(absolute temperature (K)] based on trends for tensile properties shall be made. A best-fit line should be
drawn to permit interpolation or extrapolation to service temperatures and the equation stated. Annex C and
Annex E provide more detail.
b) all details necessary for complete identification of the material or product tested;
c) the type of specimen used, its method of preparation, its dimensions, surface condition, etc.;
Shore A/IRHD
Hardness 76 to 84 ISO 48
% (maximum/minimum) 3,5
Mass change ASTM D1414
% maximum/minimum) 5,6
Volume change ASTM D1414
Modulus at 50 % elongation MPa (minimum/maximum) 2,9 to 5,7 ASTM D1414
Tensile strength MPa (minimum/maximum) 5,8 to 11,4 ASTM D1414
Elongation at break % (minimum/maximum) 137 to 205 ASTM D1414
Visual condition Unchanged
Test time at temperature
Modulus at 50 % elongation
time to 50 % change at 210 °C days 39,4
time to 50 % change at 220 °C days 19,0
time to 50 % change at 230 °C days 10,6
Service life calculated via Arrhenius extrapolation
time to 50 % change at 150 °C years 11,5
time to 50 % change at 100 °C years 180
X exposure time, days
Y modulus at 50 % elongation, MPa
1 210 °C; y = 0,079 2x 6,618 2
2 220 °C; y = 0,163 5x 6,613 6
3 230 °C; y = 0,260 6x 6,259 1
A modulus at 50 % elongation of a dry unaged sample
B modulus at 50 % elongation of a wet unaged sample; zero reference
X inverse temperature, 1/TK
Y In(1/t50)
1 y = 15 958x 29,386; R2 = 0,997 3
time to 50 % change at 150 °C: 11,5 years
time to 50 % change at 100 °C: 180 years
Annex B
B.1.1.1 General
In this annex, options are given for fluid composition, temperature and pressure, as well as the variables
having less of an effect on RGD performance. The applicability of each of the alternatives will depend on the
intended application for the seal, if known.
Successful testing at particular values of temperature and pressure will automatically qualify the material for
use in applications where the service temperature and pressure lie below these values. Extrapolation of RGD
resistance to temperatures and pressures above the test levels is not permitted.
The use of dry gas is sufficient to provide an adequate indication of elastomer resistance to RGD events.
However, where liquid (e.g. hydrocarbon oil, methanol) is known to be present in service, it should be included
in the test; the procedure should ensure replenishment of added liquid between pressure cycles. The RGD
test fluid options are defined in Table B.1.
Testing in B.1.i also qualifies for B.1.ii, and testing in B.1.ii also qualifies for B.1.i.
CO2 is currently considered to be a suitable substitute for H2S; however, see Annex F. Hence, when RGD
testing for sour gas applications, the H2S can be replaced by CO2 in the test gas mixture. Seal material sour
ageing characteristics shall be qualified according to relevant environment and requirements of Annex A.
a) (100 2) °C;
b) bespoke, with agreement between interested parties.
For a sealing compound to be certified, it shall meet the acceptance criterion after being tested at a
temperature of 100 °C and a pressure of 15 MPa (see B.1.1.4); these are considered to be reasonable
minimum conditions for RGD resistance. RGD testing at any temperature below 100 °C, with pressure below
15 MPa, is not sufficient to be certified. The bespoke option allows any other temperature to be selected,
perhaps associated with a particular application.
Temperature shall be recorded during the test with calibrated temperature measurement equipment,
preferably linked to a PC running data acquisition software. The thermocouple should be located in the centre
of the test vessel. The temperature-time log shall be included in the test report.
When performing the RGD test, the temperature shall be increased to the test level and be steady for at least
15 min before the gas pressure is applied. The temperature shall be maintained during the depressurization
stages of the test as far as possible, although slight (and transient) reductions are unavoidable during
depressurization events. After the final depressurization, the test vessel shall be allowed to stand at test
temperature with port(s) open for at least 12 h to allow the test seals to degas, before cooling.
a) 15 – 0,5 MPa;
b) bespoke, with agreement between interested parties.
For a sealing compound to be certified, it shall meet the acceptance criterion after being tested at standard
conditions of pressure (15 MPa) and temperature (100 °C; see B.1.1.3); these are considered to be
reasonable minimum conditions for RGD resistance. RGD testing at any pressure below 15 MPa, with
temperature below 100 °C, is not sufficient to be certified. The bespoke option allows any other pressure to be
selected, perhaps associated with a particular application.
Pressure shall be measured with calibrated pressure measurement equipment, and recorded during the test.
The measuring rate should be reduced for the depressurization stages of the test; an interval of 30 seconds is
recommended. The pressure-time log shall be included in the test report, as well as sensor calibration details.
When performing the RGD test, the vessel should be pressurized only after it has been stable at test
temperature for at least 15 min. After the final depressurization, the vessel shall be allowed to stand at test
temperature with port(s) open for at least 12 h, to allow the test seals to degas, before cooling.
The initial exposure period (first cycle) shall be a minimum of 68 h continuously at test pressure and test
temperature. The total number of pressure cycles shall be eight; see Annex F for additional information.
Each cycle of the RGD test shall consist of the following operations conducted at test temperature:
After the eighth depressurization and the degas period, the vessel should be cooled (according to B.1.1.3).
The eight cycle RGD test is designed to be completed within a one week period, commencing on a Friday; an
example schedule is given in Table B.2. There is no provision in the standard test procedure for intermediate
sampling; see Annex F.
Friday morning 0 load vessel, heat and pressurize; hold for at least 68 h
morning 1 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 6 h
afternoon 2 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 12 h
morning 3 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 6 h
afternoon 4 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 12 h
morning 5 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 6 h
afternoon 6 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 12 h
morning 7 depressurize, hold, re-pressurize; hold for at least 6 h
afternoon 8 depressurize; leave at test temperature to degas
morning cool cell
afternoon retrieve and inspect test seals
The test seals shall be inspected according to the guidance given in Clause B.4.
a) (2 0,2) MPa/min;
b) bespoke, with agreement between interested parties; this includes multiple rates.
As far as possible the gas pressure shall be released continuously via the valve attached to the test cell. The
depressurization rates shall be calculated from the pressure log and the mean value included in the test report.
The standard test specimen shall be an O-ring seal with a (nominal) CSD of 5,33 mm. A minimum of four
replicate O-ring seals shall be tested. There is no limit to the number of replicate seals that can be included in
an RGD test; however, all of the tested seals shall meet the acceptance criterion (see 7.3.2) for the compound
to be certified in accordance with this part of ISO 23936.
The smallest allowable O-ring size is 312. There is no upper size limit but practical considerations mean that
O-rings larger than size 329 are unlikely to be employed as test pieces. All seals shall conform to
ISO 3601-3:2005, class N.
It has been found that if a 5,33 mm section O-ring passes the RGD test under a given set of conditions, then
smaller section O-rings (e.g. 3,53 mm, 2,62 mm) of the same compound shall be considered to pass providing
all else is equal (i.e. method of seal manufacture, housing geometry). Extrapolation of RGD performance from
a small section seal to a larger section diameter seal is not permitted. If the standard RGD test is applied
successfully to O-ring seals having, for example, a CSD of 3,53 mm, then 5,33 mm O-rings of the same
compound would also have to be successfully tested in order for O-rings having this CSD to be certified.
RGD testing shall be performed using replicate whole O-ring seals, constrained radially in appropriate metallic
grooves which allow gas to access both sides of every seal. Performance information obtained from the
testing of free-standing seals or housed seal sections is not acceptable.
Groove dimensions shall be measured and reported, along with the radial CSD of each test O-ring. The level
of groove fill, calculated on a sectional area basis using the measured CSD, shall be reported. The
percentage deflection (or squeeze) imposed by the assembled housing on the O-ring shall be reported, using
the measured CSD and groove dimensions.
The arrangement that shall be tested is one in which the O-ring seal
The choice of alternative groove geometry for the O-ring test seals is open and the source shall be given in
the test report, e.g. International Standard, corporate specification, etc.
Alternative deflections and groove fill parameters can be used if agreed between the parties.
It is convenient to test O-rings in metallic fixtures designed to house two or four seals. Figure B.1 a) shows a
photograph of the component parts of a steel fixture which can hold two size 312 O-rings; Figure B.1 b) shows
a) Example of a stainless steel fixture designed to hold two O-rings for RGD testing
b) Dimensions of a stainless steel fixture designed to hold two O-rings for RGD testing
Figure B.1 — Stainless steel fixture designed to hold two O-rings for RGD testing
a) measure the CSD of each replicate test seal in the radial direction at three circumferentially
equidistributed positions. Measure each test fixture groove ID, OD and width;
b) install the test seals in the test fixtures; light lubrication to aid installation is permitted;
d) charge the vessel with nitrogen to 1 MPa minimum and check for leaks. Release the nitrogen;
f) once temperature has been stabilized at the test level for at least 15 min, charge the vessel with the test
gas mixture to the test pressure: temperature and pressure should be recorded continuously; a sampling
interval of 10 min is recommended; this should be reduced to 30 seconds for depressurization and
pressurization operations;
g) maintain test pressure and temperature for a minimum period of 68 h (cycle 0);
h) depressurize the vessel at the required rate and hold at ambient pressure and test temperature for 60 min
10/0 min (cycle 1);
v) depressurize the vessel at the required rate and hold at ambient pressure and test temperature for a
minimum period of 12 h, with port/valve open (cycle 8);
w) cool the vessel to room temperature: a schematic pressure/temperature profile for the standard RGD test
is shown in Figure B.2;
y) remove the test seals from the fixtures: describe the appearance of each test seal within 30 min;
photograph relevant features;
z) section and rate each test seal according to the procedures given in Clause B.4.
X time, hours
Y1 temperature, °C
Y2 pressure, MPa
Figure B.2 — Schematic of pressure (solid line) and temperature (dashed line) versus time
requirements for the standard 8 cycle RGD test
Table B.3 — Relationship between O-ring size and number of cuts for rating purposes
312-316 4
317-324 6
325-329 8
330-3XX 10
Sections should be made with a sharp blade, e.g. a new scalpel, razorblade; the latter is recommended for
high hardness seals. The blade can be wetted with soapy water to facilitate cutting and improve exposed
surface quality. The first cut should be made through the centre of the largest visible damage feature (e.g. a
blister or crack). The second cut should be made through the next most obvious unrelated feature. The
remaining cuts should then be made at approximately equal intervals in the intervening regions. If there is no
damage visible on the seal, the initial cut can be made anywhere, with the remaining cuts distributed in a
symmetric pattern around the seal. Examples of O-ring sectioning are displayed in Figure B.3.
The line on certain O-rings represents a visible fracture; the protruding bump a blister.
Examine each cut section surface using a loupe (or other optical device) which gives a magnification of at
least 10×. For the purposes of rating, three crack types have been defined – internal, external and split; these
are illustrated schematically in Figure B.4.
Crack length is defined as a percentage of the nominal seal CSD. For example, the CSD of series 3XX
O-rings is 5,33 mm. This value shall be used in the calculation of the crack length; the use of the actual
sectional dimensions is forbidden. Experience has shown that most exposed seal sections can be rated easily
by inspection, with crack measurements only required in those cases where the rating could be a 3 (pass) or a
4 (fail).
The majority of RGD cracks are expected to be linear, or near linear. Accordingly, the preferred measurement
method is direct end-to-end; for fractures with some curvature, length can be measured along the crack path.
Crack orientation and location are not relevant factors. Projection of a crack onto a plane for measurement
purposes is not permitted.
Each seal section shall be rated according to the system given in Table B.4. The single digit represents the
number, length and type of cracks present in the exposed section.
NOTE The rating system in Table B.4 is only applicable to O-ring seals. A satisfactory system for less symmetric seal
profiles (e.g. spring-, T-, chevron) has yet to be developed.
Table B.4 — Rating number system for exposed O-ring seal section surfaces
● Any number of cracks, each < 25 % CSD: total crack length shall not exceed CSD.
- external cracks shall be < 10 % CSD; no splits permitted.
● Any number of cracks, each < 50 % CSD: total crack length shall not exceed 2X CSD. PASS
- external cracks shall be < 25 % CSD; no splits permitted.
● Any number of cracks of which 2 internal cracks can each have length 50 % to 80 % CSD:
total crack length shall not exceed 3X CSD. 3
- external cracks shall be < 50 % CSD; no splits permitted.
Schematic representations of the range of fracture damage associated with ratings 1 through 5 are shown in
Figures B.5 to B.9, along with photographic examples.
Figure B.5 — Schematic representations of the “1” rating, and photographic examples
Figure B.6 — Schematic representations of the “2” rating, and photographic examples
Figure B.7 — Schematic representations of the “3” rating, and photographic examples
Figure B.8 — Schematic representations of the “4” rating, and photographic examples
Figure B.9 — Schematic representations of the “5” rating, and photographic examples
For each tested O-ring the ratings should be listed in descending order, with the four highest values defining
the RGD performance of the seal. Examples are given in Table B.5.
b) date of test;
c) test seal CSD (radial); fixture groove ID and OD; % deflection (squeeze) and % groove fill;
j) other pertinent information, e.g. any deviation from the test procedure.
A basic report template example is shown below, for a standard dry gas RGD test.
Annex C
Table C.1 gives the general designation of the most commonly used elastomeric materials from ASTM D1418.
For the range of different grades, an upper temperature value or range is given along with common
characteristics. In addition, the general fluid resistance to a number of common fluids is given to identify
fitness for purpose. This is a guide only and it is strongly recommended that each compound be characterized
for the specific environment in which it is to be used. The cure system is highly influential for the performance
of elastomers.
NOTE 1 OK covers a range of performance, e.g. FKM crude oil resistance is better than that of NBR/HNBR, although nitrile are
usually considered as acceptable.
NOTE 2 Service situations involving CR contact with H2S are unlikely to exist.
NOTE 3 Nitriles will chemically age, NBR more readily than HNBR, in contact with H2S; temperature and concentration factors apply.
NOTE 4 Methanol is 100 % (neat); dilution with water will make methanol less aggressive.
NOTE 5 FKM 5 has better resistance than FKM 1-3. As some fluids may degrade this elastomer type testing is recommended.
NOTE 6 FKM cure important; generally, peroxide cure gives better chemical resistance than bisphenol cure chemistry.
Annex D
Ageing data has been obtained for an FKM elastomer exposed to the fluid shown in Table D.1 and to the
conditions listed in Table D.2.
NOTE 1 The fluid and test details were based on conditions relevant to NORSOK M-710 and might not apply directly to
this part of ISO 23936, but the procedure for service life derivation remains the same. For this part of ISO 23936, suitable
test fluid compositions are given in Annex A and the applicable test procedure is given by ISO 37.
The polymer samples were placed in the hydrocarbon liquid phase while being exposed to a sour test gas.
Test temperatures and exposure periods used in the programme are shown in Table D.2; test pressure was
nominally 10 MPa.
Table D.3 lists the average results for the modulus at 50 % elongation recorded as a result of the exposure
testing. The samples were tested at room temperature while still soaked with fluid. Also included in Table D.3
are values of the modulus at 50 % elongation obtained by soaking the material in the hydrocarbon phase of
the fluid only (that is, without the sour test gas present) as well as the original dry unaged modulus at 50 %
elongation for comparison. This exposure was performed separately to the ageing tests and for 3 days at
230 °C in order to obtain a modulus at 50 % elongation for the saturated material without ageing (wet unaged),
referred to as the zero reference. This value can have a significant effect on the subsequent service life
Modulus at 50 % elongation is most often used for predictive purposes because it can directly reflect the
degree of ageing occurring in elastomers and thermoplastics either through its relation to crosslink density (for
elastomers) or polymer chain degradation (for thermoplastics). Chemical bonds are frequently formed or
broken during the ageing process, thereby increasing or decreasing (respectively) the stiffness or flexibility of
the material. Elongation at break will often mirror the changes in modulus at 50 % elongation but because it is
a destructive property, it has less relevance to service; that is, if a seal physically breaks during service (in
other words exceeds its tensile strength or elongation limits), there are likely to be other more important
factors occurring than chemical ageing. Therefore, elongation at break and tensile strength are less often
used for predictive purposes but can be used if modulus at 50 % elongation is insensitive to the changes
Modulus at 50 % elongation
Exposure conditions
The data in Table D.3 are plotted together as exposure time versus modulus at 50 % elongation in Figure D.1.
X exposure time, days
Y modulus at 50 % elongation, MPa
1 210 °C; y = 0,079 2x 6,618 2
2 220 °C; y = 0,163 5x 6,613 6
3 230 °C; y = 0,260 6x 6,259 1
A modulus at 50 % elongation of a dry unaged sample
B modulus at 50 % elongation of a wet unaged sample; zero reference
Figure D.1 — Change in property level with exposure duration and temperature
Figure D.1 shows how increasing temperature accelerates the decrease in modulus at 50 % elongation.
NOTE 2 An increase in modulus at 50 % elongation can also occur for materials which form crosslinks during ageing,
such as HNBR elastomers.
Also apparent is the change in initial modulus at 50 % elongation brought about by measuring the material
after saturation in hot test liquid; compare point A (8,0 MPa; dry unaged sample) to point B at time 0 (7,0 MPa;
zero reference).
Best fit straight lines have been added at each temperature using the zero reference value, and the equations
describing each line are given in the key to Figure D.1.
NOTE 3 Other fitting solutions might need to be assessed depending on the data. For example, some materials might
show an initial decrease in property level (often attributable to swelling) followed by increases; the region associated with
continuous change affects long-term performance, thus forming the basis for life estimation. Additional information is given
in Annex E.
y = 0,079 2 x 6,618 2
so that for a modulus at 50 % elongation, y, equal to half the zero reference point, i.e. 7/2:
Therefore, the time to reach 50 % change of the initial modulus at 50 % elongation at 210 °C is 39,4 days.
Time to 50 % change
210 39,4
220 19,0
230 10,6
These times are then re-calculated as the natural logarithm of the rate [ln(1/t50)] and plotted against the
inverse of the test temperature (1/TK), expressed in K–1, which is the fundamental relationship described as
the Arrhenius relationship. Table D.5 shows the values. The associated plot is shown in Figure D.2.
NOTE The Arrhenius relationship describes the rates of chemical reactions in terms of the energy required to force
the reaction to progress, hence the dependence on temperature.
Table D.5 — Rates of change in property level and test temperatures expressed as Arrhenius variables
The straight line shown in Figure D.2 is then used to back-extrapolate data to lower temperatures. For
thermoplastics, back-extrapolation across a thermal transition (e.g. Tg) should not be performed.
This is accomplished by reference to the equation given in the key to Figure D.2, which can be used to
calculate the time to 50 % change in modulus at 50 % elongation at temperatures other than test
temperatures, e.g. the seal service temperature. This becomes the estimated service life of the material. The
R2 term indicates the “closeness” of the data points to the straight line fit; the nearer to 1,0 the better and the
more appropriate an Arrhenius approach becomes to life estimation.
X inverse temperature, 1/TK
Y In(1/t50)
1 y = 15 958x 29,386 R = 0,997 3
In the Arrhenius equation, the temperature is given as an absolute temperature expressed in kelvins, which
gives the value for y. The time to 50 % change, expressed in years, is (1/ey)/365. Thus:
ln y = x constant
y = ex constant
100 1 802
150 11,5
180 0,9
As the prediction at 180 °C in Table D.6 shows, values are often conservative but give a good indication of
expected material performance in high levels of hydrogen sulphide (in this instance) and a general
assessment of operation in sour fluids; in this case, good long-term performance is indicated at moderate
If no ageing occurs and the property levels stay within the specified limits at the test temperatures, then the
material can be described as having indefinite life at the lowest test temperature and temperatures below this.
Annex E
The kinetics of absorption are ruled by diffusion, so that, for example, during absorption of a single liquid the
mass uptake versus root time plot is ideally essentially linear until conditions are reached where the polymer
has reached its equilibrium mass uptake and will absorb no more liquid (see Figure E.1). If required, diffusion
and solubility magnitudes can be obtained from such a plot (and even associated permeation rates can be
estimated by using the appropriate coefficients).
X time in solvent, in hours½
Y mass change, in %
Figure E.1 — Mass change curve for an unaged elastomer sheet sample immersed in a solvent
This swelling behaviour and associated effects are consequences of physical ageing. Another physical effect
could arise if the contacting liquid leaches out of a polymer some liquid plasticizer which the manufacturer had
added during processing (see Figure E.2).
The polymer would theoretically harden (and shrink) as a result, although in reality a balance will eventually be
achieved between leaching (to give hardening) and absorption of the liquid itself (to give softening), likewise
for swelling and shrinkage.
X time in solvent, in hours½
Y mass change, in %
1 deplasticized
2 plasticized
Figure E.2 — Mass change versus time for plasticized and deplasticized material immersed in a
Regarding the swelling aspect, individual liquids and polymers each possess their own “solubility parameter”
() (see Reference [21]). This is a thermodynamic property which is related to the energy of attraction between
molecules. In its simplest form, a polymer will possess a drive to absorb a liquid of similar , and be swollen by
NOTE Additional contributions to from, for instance, hydrogen bonding forces (studied in detail in Reference [22]),
have not been relevant to the present general usage of this parameter.
As the difference between the solubility parameter values of species increases, so their affinity for each other
decreases. The commonest units for in the literature are (cal/cm3)1/2; to convert these values to MPa1/2,
multiply by 2,05.
Thermodynamically, intermixing as above arises from achieving a negative free energy from the process; in
turn, this arises by balancing a contribution from enthalpy (heat content) with another from entropy (involving
material structural aspects). The solubility parameter reflects the enthalpic term.
Solubility parameter spectroscopy (SPS) is a means of determining the value of a polymer, and furthermore
gives a better indication of the range across which swelling might occur for a polymer/liquid system –
frequently more useful when selecting materials for an application involving a known liquid. For SPS, replicate
polymer samples are immersed in a series of carefully selected liquids or miscible liquid mixtures, each of
known solubility parameter, and a plot (spectrum) of equilibrium mass uptake versus liquid solubility
parameter is thus developed. The value coinciding with the maximum of the plot is taken as the value for
the polymer.
SPS spectra obtained for four common oilfield elastomers of benchmark recipes are shown in Figure E.3 and
four other fluorine-containing benchmark elastomers in Figure E.4; these should be considered as guides only
for elastomers based on the same generic species as these, but based on different recipes. An added benefit
from such plots is that the width of its solubility parameter peak indicates the range across which substantial
swelling of an elastomer can occur in low viscosity solvents. As viscosity increases when using other solvents
or real crude oils, peak width and height are reduced.
X solubility parameter, in (cal/cm3)½
Y equilibrium mass uptake, in %
2 22% ACN NBR
3 38% ACN NBR
Figure E.3 — Solubility Parameter Spectra for elastomers ethylene propylene, nitrile (at 22 % and 38 %
acrylonitrile content) and tetrafluoroethylene propylene copolymer
Five pure liquids of different values have been used for SPS; intermediate liquid values were obtained by
mixing these. The value of the mixture is equal to the volume-weighted sum of the individual component
liquid values. Thus the mass uptake of a miscible liquid mixture by a polymer may be very much greater
than the swelling which would occur when immersed in either one of the constituent liquids alone. The mixture
could of course comprise more than two liquid components, and an analogous situation reasonably applies;
this approach has been extended and applied to the offshore oil production sector to give test liquid mixtures
(see Clause E.2).
The technique of reverse solubility parameter spectroscopy has been developed to determine the value for a
liquid (e.g. an oil), from a series of swelling measurements using a range of elastomers of known . In this way,
for crude Brent oil from the North Sea has been found to be 8,2 (cal/cm3)1/2.
X solubility parameter, in (cal/cm3)½
Y equilibrium mass uptake, in %
1 FKM copolymer (FKM 1)
2 FKM terpolymer (FKM 3)
4 another FFKM
Figure E.4 — Solubility parameter spectroscopy plots for selected fluoroelastomers (FKMs) and
perfluoroelastomers (FFKMs)
Regarding liquids, different combinations of hydrocarbon and other liquids possess different values of – as
indicated above, a factor strongly affecting the degree of liquid absorption by the polymer. In order to minimize
testing the vast range of liquid mixtures possible in service, a selection of model oils has been devised. In
addition, to minimize secondary factors associated with intermolecular forces that act within liquids, these
model oils comprise a mixture of aliphatic (or paraffinic), naphthenic, and aromatic hydrocarbons. The most
convenient hydrocarbons to use in this way as test liquids are respectively heptane, cyclohexane and toluene,
present in proportions which follow two conditions:
a) ideally, they should replicate the aliphatic-naphthenic-aromatic proportions for the oilfield crude oil being
b) they should give a value similar to that possessed by the oilfield crude oil.
For testing according to this part of ISO 23936, it is clearly impracticable to cite the many variations that would
be needed to simulate all crude oils that might be met by users. However, if a number of different general
compositions are developed, these can be selected to give a reasonable choice for most applications.
Similarly, more variation of gas mixture is necessary, for instance, to give a model gas akin to natural gas (but
simplified), or to allow a high CO2 mixture for use with RGD resistance tests. A further aspect is the desire to
align a number of these gas phase conditions with some of those employed in ISO 10423:2009, F.
and Table F.2, which applies to wellhead testing. ISO 10423 allows use of any oil for its liquid phase so that
the liquids in this part of ISO 23936 are suitable. This approach allows concurrent testing of equipment and
material. Tables A.1 to A.5 show the compositions for testing developed in this way.
The level of equilibrium swelling can be highly temperature dependent for a given polymer. This is illustrated
in the plots shown in Figure E.5. These show mass change curves for polymers immersed in a hydrocarbon
liquid at several different high temperatures (but measured at room temperature). Fluoroelastomer A swells
more as temperature is raised, whereas the equilibrium swelling of fluoroelastomer B is relatively insensitive to
exposure temperature. The tensile property levels of fluoroelastomer A are therefore temperature dependent.
The third chart shows curves for a high modulus thermoplastic immersed in the same liquid at three different
temperatures, all well above its glass transition temperature. Here the rate of swelling increases noticeably
with temperature. The time scales should be noted: the elastomers swell rapidly compared to the
thermoplastic. Hence when saturating reference samples, sufficient time should be allowed.
a) Fluoroelastomer A b) Fluoroelastomer B
Figure E.5 — Mass change plots versus time immersed in hydrocarbon liquid at different elevated
To determine the diffusion coefficient D (discussed below) for a liquid, absorption tests involving weighings are
used. Then
mt 2 Dt
m h '
Eventually D becomes concentration-dependent as, after a while, liquid that has already entered the polymer
can contribute to the rate at which fresh liquid diffuses. One simple and convenient method of obtaining a
representative value of diffusion coefficient is to measure Dav, an “average” D at the point of 50 % mass
uptake, so that:
2 D t
0,5 av av (E.2)
Note that thickness is expressed as 2/h' in this equation, but will be denoted as h in later discussions. Dav can
be conveniently derived from plots of m versus t, reading off tav at 50 % uptake. A miscible liquid mixture is
treated herein as if it were a single species – a representative D is obtained as above.
Gas also enters a polymer by a process of solution (in the polymer surface) followed by diffusion. However, in
contrast, the amount of gas dissolved depends on its actual pressure. Gas permeation involves two steps, as
described below.
a) The gas is dissolved in the surface of the polymer according to Henry’s Law:
c=sP (E.3)
c is the concentration;
In the event of a gas mixture, the concentration of any constituent gas in the surface of the polymer may
be determined by using its partial pressure in the above expression.
b) Diffusion of gas through polymeric materials is governed by Fick’s law, an integrated version of which is
given for a sheet membrane sample as:
1 q 1
A t D c1 c 2 h (E.4)
h is the thickness.
The permeation coefficient is simply the product of the coefficients of diffusion and solubility:
Q=Ds (E.5)
The equation for gas permeation through a sheet membrane – often the situation when testing – is
therefore as follows:
q 1
t QA P1 P2 h (E.6)
For a hollow cylinder containing gas, i.e. an elastomeric hose, the analogous equation is:
q 2LQ P1 P2
t ln r / r (E.7)
2 1
Annulus environment predictions in terms of the presence of CH4, H2S, CO2 and H2O should take gas
permeation (likely to be reduced by the contacting armour layer) into consideration, as well as venting
flow rate, reduction of annulus volume due to water condensation and consumption of CO2 in corrosion
For liquids and gases, all of the coefficients Q, D and s (collectively termed C) are described by Arrhenius-
type relationships with temperature as follows:
C = C0 exp(-Ea/RT) (E.8)
where C0, Ea and R are all constants. Hence plots of log C versus reciprocal temperature are linear and
suitable for extrapolations to service temperatures from accelerated tests made at higher temperatures.
Where elevated temperatures exist, the aggressive species can be assumed to have diffused into the polymer
bulk quickly, so that chemical ageing can be considered to have started at the same time throughout the
Relative rates of physical and chemical ageing might become obvious. For a chemically-resistant elastomer,
the physical absorption of fluid will probably occur more quickly, so that initial modulus changes will be
negative. Subsequently, chemical ageing induced by the hostile fluid might in time reverse this trend by
causing stiffening; conversely, the chemistry might continue the downward trend. In addition, it has been
observed on occasions for those elastomers that stiffen that a second reaction can occur after even longer
times to cause softening again; this is again thought to be associated with molecular chain or crosslink
scission, but here this reaction only occurs slowly.
Slower absorption can delay onset of both physical and chemical aspects of ageing. Also, slow absorption and
fast chemical ageing could probably involve an increase in modulus at 50 % elongation from the start. This is
one reason for allowing materials to saturate with oil before introducing the chemically hostile H2S.
E.6.2 Regarding sour gas, H2S can interact chemically with certain oilfield polymers. FEPM and FFKM
generally perform well in the presence of H2S even at elevated temperatures. FKM resistance is more variable
at high temperatures. Differences in performance can be observed between different grades of one elastomer,
and compounding can also make a difference.
Thermoplastics PTFE, PEEK and PPS can resist H2S well; the high stiffness of PEEK and PPS, especially
when fibre reinforced, makes them especially useful materials as back-up (anti-extrusion) rings for elastomeric
These are added to produced, completion, etc., fluids to perform specific functions, e.g. corrosion
inhibition, H2S scavenger, etc., duties.
Their concentration is invariably low, but they are active chemicals that form basic solutions.
Alkalineresistant FKMs are now available. These are called base resistant elastomers (BRE).
Figure E.6 shows some examples of chemical attack of polymers where visible evidence of change is
a) methanol physically swells some FKMs (previous clause) to an unacceptable extent; slight dilution with
water solves the problem;
b) water can be chemically aggressive, e.g. nylons and some elastomers depending on compounding
ingredients, but also can have physico-chemical effects;
c) FKM compounded with MgO and Ca(OH)2 degrades after long times in water at 150 °C and above; PbO
as substitute solves the problem.
b) Such definitive data, particularly from actual service, is unlikely to be available, so recourse shall be made
to choosing the best material available (as identified by testing) by deciding upon a failure criterion which
gives confidence in the ability of a material to perform long term, before again testing at several elevated
temperatures to give a back-extrapolation.
The back-extrapolation made above is purely empirical. Ideally, the best type of plot to track ageing in this way
is an Arrhenius one, based on firm physical chemistry principles. A chemical reaction results in a decrease in
reactant concentration and an increase in that of the product. With all-fluid reactants, the rate of the reaction
can be calculated from the change in concentration of reactants or products with time. Various factors can
influence the rate of a chemical reaction, including temperature, pressure, light, catalytic activity, etc. In
classical physical chemistry, their influence can be explained by collision theory, that is, for a reaction between
two chemical species to take place, their molecules shall initially make contact (collide) and stay contacted for
a short instance. But this in itself is not enough; only those temporarily joined pairs which attain a level of
energy above the so-called activation energy Ea will proceed to complete the chemical reaction – the pair will
thus change to become a new molecule of the product. This approach can be applied to elastomer ageing by
linking concentration – here, of crosslinks between molecular chains – with property magnitude.
This view helps understand why increasing temperature also increases reaction rates. Increasing temperature
puts more kinetic energy into the system, causing increased molecular motion, hence increasing the number
of reactive pairs formed and their energetics, so that more of these attain the required activation energy and
the reaction will proceed more quickly. Mathematically, Arrhenius developed an equation in 1889 which shows
that the Boltzmann factor ‘exp(-Ea/RT)’ is the fraction of molecules that manage to obtain the necessary
energy. More practically, when handling test data, applying this equation in its logarithmic form allows so-
called Arrhenius extrapolations to be carried out.
In Arrhenius plots, as indicated in Figure E.7, the logarithm of reciprocal of the time to reach a certain change
in property (a rate) is plotted against reciprocal absolute temperature, with the slope of the resulting linear plot
divided by the gas constant (R) quantifying Ea. The link for its usage with elastomers is that material modulus
increase is associated with an increase in the number of crosslinks within the polymer brought about by the
ageing – hence there is a change in the concentration of crosslinks. There is also no reason why the approach
should not also be applied to the other situation sometimes seen in oilfield usage as a second, long-term,
ageing effect occurs after long times where the fluid interaction with an elastomer brings about a decrease in
modulus at 50 % elongation.
X1 time
Y1 property, e.g. stiffness
X2 1/T
Y2 ln(1/t)
b) Step 2: Plot In(1/t) versus 1/T and obtain activation energy from gradient
For seals, in some cases, the effect of ageing on actual O-ring seals with regard to compression set may be
needed. If such testing is agreed, the seal cross-section height after test in the direction of compression
should be measured 24 h after removal from the test fixture. The measurement should be reported as a
“% Compression Set”:
From a practical viewpoint, when sour-testing, if purchasing gas cylinders containing already mixed gas
compositions, pressures higher than cylinder pressure may require topping up resulting in reduced H2S
concentrations within the test vessel. This situation should be agreed between interested parties.
In Figure E.8, the mean values of modulus at 50 % elongation [see Figure E.8 a)], tensile strength [see
Figure E.8 b)] and elongation at break [see Figure E.8 c)] are plotted against immersion time for two
fluoroelastomer types, FKM and FEPM. This particular FKM ages in the fluid, shown by the increase in
modulus at 50 % elongation, and decreases in elongation (which both occur despite some initial swelling). The
FEPM is resistant to chemical change under these conditions; modulus at 50 % elongation decreases initially
due to swelling and then remains constant over the longer term. Elongation increases in response to swelling
but changes little thereafter. For both materials, tensile strength reduces significantly at the first sampling point
but alters little with additional exposure time: tensile strength is not particularly sensitive to ageing.
The large fall in FEPM modulus at 50 % elongation is a consequence of the aromatic content of the test
hydrocarbon oil (A.1.ii, Table A.1); the level of swelling is enough (here) to fail the material on the volume
swell criterion. Hence, a non-aromatic oil option has been specified (A.1.i, Table A.1); it is probable that this
formulation will be specified for FEPM-TFE/P compounds submitted for sour ageing evaluation.
Polymers which are very resistant to sour ageing cannot be appraised using methods which rely on
progressive property level changes with time and temperature. Instead, such materials are best described as
being chemically stable under all the accelerated test conditions employed, and therefore very likely to have a
long useful life at lower temperatures.
Another ageing trend is illustrated in Figure E.9: modulus at 50 % elongation exhibits an initial fall, before
establishing a rising linear trend over the longer term. The initial reduction can be the result of swelling. The
region associated with continuous change affects long-term performance and so should form the basis for life
X time, in days
Y1 modulus at 50 % elongation, in MPa
Y2 tensile strength, in MPa
Y3 elongation at break
Figure E.8 — Tensile property levels as a function of immersion time in wet sour oil at elevated
temperature for FKM (dashed) and FEPM (solid)
X time
Y modulus at 50 % elongation
1 trend for life prediction
Figure E.9 — Tensile property change as function of immersion time in ageing fluid, illustrating
portion to be employed for life estimation calculations
Annex F
F.1 Definition
Rapid pressure-drop in a high pressure gas-containing system disrupts the equilibrium between external gas
pressure and the concentration of gas dissolved inside any sealing elastomer. Excess gas seeks to come out
of solution at points throughout the material, causing expansion. If large enough, and if the rate of pressure
release exceeds the diffusion rate of gas in the polymer, blistering or rupturing of the elastomer can occur,
which can compromise sealing function.
F.2 Discussion
When an elastomer part contacts pressurized gas, many times its own volume of gas can become dissolved
at equilibrium; this arises from Henry’s law which directly relates equilibrium concentration of dissolved gas to
applied gas pressure. An ensuing rapid drop of external pressure will disrupt this equilibrium. Just as carbon
dioxide dissolved in lemonade appears as bubbles when the pressure is released by opening the bottle-cap,
so gas dissolved under pressure in elastomers will come out of solution when the external pressure is reduced,
e.g. by shutting down a pumping system. Carbon dioxide bubbles in lemonade can be seen to grow with time
as they rise to the surface. This is because, with time, more gas is coming out of solution. However, bubbles
similarly growing inside an elastomer are trapped – and as they expand they may eventually possess enough
energy to tear the rubber, perhaps between bubbles with coalescence occurring, or through the elastomer
bulk. In extreme cases the elastomer seems to explode – hence the term “explosive decompression”. This
description is rather emotive and the term “rapid gas depressurization”, or RGD, is preferred to describe the
phenomenon. Many examples are shown photographically in Annex B, which illustrates a grading system for
the severity of the damage in O-ring seals.
Where do the bubbles initiate? Although there is ample evidence to show that the presence of flaws is not
necessary to bring about RGD damage, it has been shown in filled sealing elastomers that micro-
discontinuities present due to processing considerations do contribute in promoting failure, as do contaminant
particles present in the elastomer. By moulding samples in non-standard ways, it has been possible to induce
moulding flow to traverse sheet samples – rather than follow the plane of the sheet as is more usual – and in
subsequent RGD testing, failures unusually followed this crossways direction, rather than occurring in the
more normal planar direction for this geometry. However, even in the most homogeneous of elastomers, at
the molecular level, local momentarily existing low density regions arising from chain fluctuations according to
the kinetic theory could reasonably still be starting points for RGD failure. It should be evident from above that
the method of O-ring manufacture can influence its RGD resistance.
At the start of an RGD event, as external pressure diminishes, gas concentration at the elastomer outer
surface drops at an equally rapid rate, so that gas further into the bulk is now at a relatively higher
concentration. Gas will try to escape by diffusion to satisfy the drive of equilibrating its concentration
magnitudes throughout. At some time, any of this excess gas which has not yet escaped by diffusion to the
outer surface seeks to come out of solution at points throughout the material, causing expansion – but before
this happens the elastomer will probably withstand some excess of gas concentration; this gas is then
supersaturated, a meta-stable, if stressed, state. If the pressure-drop becomes large enough and acts at a
rate significantly faster than the diffusion rate of escaping gas from inside the elastomer, a critical stress will
be achieved, gas molecules will come out of solution, bubble growth will follow, and material blistering or
rupturing can occur. This process could continue with more rupturing if the elastomer is re-pressurized and
then decompressed again, and so on.
The simplest strategy for avoiding RGD damage in an elastomer, if it is practicable, is slow decompression. If
the pressure can be reduced sufficiently slowly, then gas which is dissolved in the elastomer can diffuse out of
the rubber naturally without building up sufficient internal stresses to cause damage. The rate of
decompression required may be roughly calculated if the diffusion coefficient of the gas and its solubility in the
elastomer are known – but in practice it will probably require a laboratory simulation.
Table F.1 shows a summary of the variables involved in gas decompression damage, their effects and
preferred magnitude to reduce RGD damage.
Table F.1 — Ways to lessen risk of RGD damage for sealing elastomers in service
Material modulus at
HIGH Restricts initial bubble inflation
50 % elongation
To prevent subsequent rupture; however, a high level is not
Tear strength HIGH
usually achievable in high modulus elastomers
Above 7 MPa to 14 MPa (1 000 psi to 2 000 psi), risk of RGD
Gas pressure LOW
damage greatly increases
Gas concentration LOW Depends on gas, elastomer and temperature
CO2 tends to be more soluble in some oilfield elastomers than
Gas type LOW CO2 methane; hence high CO2 levels increase the chance of RGD
damage occurring
Diffusion coefficient HIGH Depends on gas, elastomer and temperature (high best)
Although gases are more soluble and escape by diffusion more
Temperature LOW slowly at lower temperatures, material mechanical properties are
beneficially high
If very low, RGD damage will not occur; however, often an
Decompression rate LOW
impracticable procedure in service
RGD damage is more likely in thicker sections for gas diffusion
Seal cross-section SMALL reasons (the gas has further to travel and therefore more
opportunity to cause damage in the process)
Inhibits seal expansion, and hence could limit (i) amount of gas
Seal constraint
HIGH taken up initially, (ii) any expansion and hence bubble formation
(groove fill)
plus rupturing during/after decompression
High levels of elastomer O-ring deflection when housed can
Squeeze level APPROPRIATE
exacerbate RGD damage
FEW Likelihood of damage increases with cycle number
Many subtleties associated with RGD, for instance, accompanying thermodynamic cooling issues, failure
processes and effects of localized stresses, are discussed in detail in an extensive review on this topic (see
Reference [23]). Other workers have observed similar fracture effects arising from rapid temperature increases
whilst maintaining pressure (see Reference [24]): the connection here with RGD is via Henry’s law linking
dissolved gas concentration and solubility coefficient, and the fact that solubility coefficient decreases (in an
Arrhenius fashion, as it happens) for readily-condensable (i.e. less volatile) gases when temperature
The number of permutations involving the above variables is huge. Fortunately, some have more influence
than others in determining elastomer RGD resistance. The key material properties are stiffness and tear
strength: here, a balance should be struck when compounding. Very stiff (often high hardness) compounds
can resist bubble inflation but are less able to prevent crack propagation, should initiation occur – they have
low tear strength, particularly at elevated temperatures.
There are many sealing elastomer compounds on the market, and many organizations are active in
development of new compounds for high pressure gas service. The great majority (if not all) are high
hardness materials (85-95 Shore A), designed to resist bubble formation. There are various ways to increase
material stiffness, e.g. increased filler loading (thereby diluting elastomer content), or tighter crosslinking.
Groove fill is an important part of seal design for pressurized gas applications. By restricting the volume
available for the seal to expand during/after an RGD event, blistering and crack growth can be suppressed.
Levels of groove fill in the 80 % to 85 % range are appropriate. Exceeding 90 % is not advisable: an O-ring
shall have some free space around it in the groove, to accommodate thermal expansion and fluid absorption.
Similarly, the deflection applied to the O-ring when housed should not be excessive; high levels of squeeze
(say above 20 %) can exacerbate decompression damage. Experience has shown that a deflection range of
11 % to 17 % in the radial direction is adequate for O-rings seals in pressurized gas service.
Temperature is an important operational variable. Not only does it determine the behaviour of a gas – diffusion
and concentration characteristics – but it has a large influence on the ability of the elastomer to withstand the
forces associated with decompression damage. As temperature is increased, elastomer stiffness and tear
strength decrease, reducing RGD resistance. Conversely, at elevated temperatures gas solubility is reduced
(lowering gas concentration) and gas diffusion coefficient rises (enabling faster gas exit from the rubber). At
very high temperatures (e.g. above 150 °C) in pressurized gas, although there may be little gas dissolved in
the elastomer and the diffusion rate is high, the mechanical condition of the material is so poor that little
energy is required to cause irreversible fracture damage.
At low temperatures (undefined, but say below 60 °C) the stiffness and tear strength magnitudes of many
sealing compounds are sufficiently high to resist blister and fracture formation. The quantity of gas dissolved
can be significant, however, and when the seal is released from its housing, it instantaneously expands; over
time, as the gas diffuses out, it gradually contracts but is unlikely to regain its original (as-manufactured)
The test conditions given in this part of ISO 23936 (see B.1.1) are intended to act as a baseline for materials
development, screening, selection, etc. Accordingly, temperature (100 °C) and pressure (15 MPa) are set at
levels which provide a reasonable (but not a severe) challenge for materials under test. Only compounds
which pass under these conditions should be considered worthy of being taken to the next level, e.g. a
functional test.
Many service fluids include hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the gas phase. For obvious reasons, RGD testing with
H2S (or gas mixtures containing H2S) is rarely (if ever) undertaken. Currently, CO2 is considered as a suitable
substitute gas but there is evidence, for nitrile elastomers at least, that H2S is absorbed more readily and in
greater quantities at equilibrium than is carbon dioxide. Hence the strong possibility exists that H2S is the
more hostile gas, all else being equal, in terms of elastomer RGD resistance. Research activity continues in
this area.
The inclusion of a liquid in an RGD test can strongly influence performance, although the quantity of public
domain information available on this topic is very limited. The elastomer will absorb liquid (or vapour) resulting
in swelling. While such expansion weakens the elastomer mechanically, reducing RGD resistance, it can also
increase groove fill, helping to prevent blister formation. When performing RGD tests with gas and liquid, it
may be prudent to include fixtures in each phase (if two phases exist at test conditions).
The rate of pressure release from a gas system in real life will invariably be non-linear. It is more likely to start
rapidly and then slow as the pressure falls towards ambient. It is not necessary to replicate this profile in a test
intended to evaluate basic RGD resistance; a linear drop is adequate. The release of pressure at 2 MPa/min
is best achieved manually via the valve attached to the test vessel. Continuous gas release is preferable to
stepped depressurization. This is easily accomplished if there is a reasonable quantity of gas in the vessel; a
pressure gauge attached to the cell and a stopwatch are the only items required. Automated depressurization
is specified by some end users and this can be accomplished using appropriate control equipment and
software. Releasing the pressure linearly in two or more stages, at different rates, is also possible.
The number of pressure cycles can clearly affect material performance. The standard 8 cycle test described in
Annex B is designed to be run without interruption for O-ring compounds which have been developed to a
degree which gives the supplier a high level of confidence in their surviving intact. It can be completed in
7 days, a convenient interval for many laboratories. For development work, or where the RGD resistance of a
compound is not known, intermediate sampling is beneficial in allowing the onset of fracture damage to be
established. As a minimum, at least two replicate seals should be examined after the first and third (or fifth)
cycles in such test programmes.
It is also possible to run RGD tests with more than 8 cycles, perhaps to find the point at which fracture
damage eventually appears in a resistant material. A high number of cycles may also be a requirement
specified by an end user for a particular service situation. In such cases, it is recommended that the
compound first be certified under the standard conditions, with subsequent RGD testing to end user conditions,
with intermediate sampling points included.
The damage rating system specified in Table B.4 can be used to rate O-ring seals subjected to RGD tests that
do not comply with this part of ISO 23936. For instance, seals removed from a functional test could be rated,
for interest. The acceptance criterion should not be relaxed (i.e. increased to 4). However, it can be tightened
should the user require a more searching acceptance criterion for their materials; some organizations consider
ratings greater than 1 to be unacceptable.
[1] ISO 36:2005, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of adhesion to textile fabrics
[2] ISO 1432, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of low-temperature stiffening (Gehman
[3] ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids
[4] ISO 3601-1, Fluid power systems — O-rings — Part 1: Inside diameters, cross-sections, tolerances and
designation codes
[5] ISO 10423:2009, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment —
Wellhead and christmas tree equipment
[6] ISO 11346, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Estimation of life-time and maximum temperature of
[7] ISO 13533, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling and production equipment — Drill-through
[8] ISO 14310, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Packers and bridge plugs
[9] ISO 16070, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Lock mandrels and
landing nipples
[10] ISO 23936-1, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Non-metallic materials in contact
with media related to oil and gas production — Part 1: Thermoplastics
[11] ASTM D3032, Standard Test Methods for Hookup Wire Insulation
[12] API 6A, Specification for wellhead and Christmas tree equipment
[13] API 14A, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Subsurface safety valve
[17] ASTM D1418-05, Standard Practice for Rubber and Rubber Latices-Nomenclature
[18] GMPHOM/OCIMF, Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore Moorings (Oil
Companies International Marine Forum)
[19] NORSOK Standard M-710, Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials and manufacturers
[20] POTTORFF, T. and GUTIERREZ, D., Design Method Enhancements for Laminated Elastomeric Bearings,
Proceedings Oilfield Engineering with Polymers, 2008
[21] HILDEBRAND, J.H., PRAUSNITZ, J. M. and SCOTT, R.L., Regular and Related Solutions, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, NY, 1970
[23] BRISCOE, B.J., SAVVAS, T. and KELLY, C.T., Rubb. Chem. & Technol., 67, 384, 1994
[24] GEORGE, A.F., SULLY, S. and DAVIES, O.M., Fluid Sealing, 437, 1997
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