Project Based Learning: Warmer

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Project Based Learning

Every lesson should include a fun warmer. Ideally the topic is related to the content of the lesson, but
Warmer it can also be independant of it.

The lead-in sets the

context for the lesson,
Lead-in: Set Context but it also generates
interest in the topic Discussion cards, respond to media,
and accesses mingle, discuss flashcards, quiz, teacher’s
pre-existing story, relia etc.
knowledge (activating
schemata). Use the project brief
slide to introduce the
driving question and
give students the
context in which to
Entry Event explore this question.
Highlight areas such
as what they must
It’s important to give include, project
students the length, tech tool etc.
language they need
Review of to complete a task
useful/functional (process language).
Ideally these activities
language To be effective you
must engage will be productive as the
students with the PBL assessment criteria
language. is based on productive
It’s important to show a skills.
prepared demonstration of a
sample project students could
Running Dictation / Backs
make and present it as a
student would. This is a good to the Board / Pictionary /
Demo opportunity to model good Mingle / Find someone
presentation skills and to who… / roleplay / Board
introduce feedback. Elicit good Race etc.
presentation skills and invite
students to comment on your

Scaffolding: Guided
Brainstorming/ Planning Sheet - starting with single
Research words, then moving on to full sentences
Break the task down into its
most essential elements, then
Worksheet(s) and the finally the full script.
reconstruct it. The key is to
build on the easiest tasks so Mind maps / graphic organisers (venn
that each successive step diagrams, comic strips, cause and effect
becomes easier. flowcharts etc.)

It’s important to use countdown timers,

Project Work especially during device time, as the primary
focus needs to be the language.You must
ensure that you have left enough time for
students to practice and give the advice as to
how do this to give students enough
Practice/Rehearsal confidence to present.

This stage is very

important because it
Presentations provides Two stars and a smiley face / Scorecards /
opportunities for Category feedback / feedback forms etc
content and
language feedback
Delayed error correction
and to wrap-up the
Peer Feedback lesson.
/ Error

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