Nathan Tamborello - Expository Lesson Plan

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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Note: Suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. ​Delete all blue text​ and replace it with your own.

Name of Teacher Candidate  Nathan Tamborello

Lesson Overview: 
Grade Level 8th grade Pre-AP
Estimated Time Needed 50 minutes
Students will cooperatively work in groups of 3-4 analyzing a selected article
from the NewsELA Website
z0Sqjrel3k4mM/edit?usp=sharing​). The students will all read the same
article, working as a group to synthesise the information to create quiz
Lesson Description
questions about the article. Students will choose their best question, which
teacher will then add to a Kahoot Quiz to be played after analysis is
complete.Technology will be used to analyse the article and the
Quiz will be used to determine mastery.

Content Area Standards 8.10

Students will use chromebooks to access and analyse the expository article
Technology Standards AND
Students will use Kahoot to determine mastery of the objective
Objective 8.10: Students analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions
Objectives about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their

graphic aids
table of contents
text structure
topic sentence
supporting details
logical order
cause and effect
main idea
Technology Resources Chromebooks to use for article access and Kahoot quiz
Other Resources Sentence stems to use as question starters

Lesson Procedures ​lesson description management /differentiation resources needed

This template is built on the A step-by-step description of the Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
traditional “Madeline scope and sequence of lesson the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Hunter” lesson structure activities, with estimated time on task including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
and Fundamental Five noted in parentheses for each step. learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
In other words, completely describe at each point), location (e.g., used.
frame the flow of the lesson-the content to classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
be presented, and the strategies to outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
be used. Include actual words you considerations, such as for any safety considerations
will use and questions you will ask differentiated instruction. needed.
students. Consider items such as: After every 5-10 minutes,
parts of the lesson that might be provide brief student
difficult, and how you will know micro-discussion. Use
whether you can go on; how to pre-planned questions using
ensure that students completely Bloom’s and the targeted
understand directions before TEK action verb.
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Frame the lesson by giving students
a clear picture of what they will be
doing/learning and what they will be
able to do with that knowledge -
“Framing the Lesson”. Be sure to
include a closing question, product
or task to ensure students have clear
understanding of objective.
Read 1 chapter for daily Read
Aloud as introductory activity (10
objective posted as “we
Today we utilise an expository
will” statement visual
article to analyse, synthesise,
Focus/Anticipatory Set Daily read aloud novel
and determine main ideas in
(motivational hook) modelling fluency and Read Aloud novel
order to create a demonstrate
State the daily learning voice. document camera
mastery over a Kahoot Quiz.
objective(s) “we will…” Read Aloud auditory
In our groups, we will work to
and visual of novel
determine the various ideas
using doc camera
behind the article in order to
analyse it.

How do the
characteristics of the
expository text
communicate its
Students will groups using the intended purpose?
following article pulled from (synthesis)
(Could include content Chromebooks to read
the NewsELA website: How do authors convey
outline, presentation, & access article and
perspective through
questioning, modeling, to create questions their reporting?
gebob-squarepants/id/47773/ (analysis)

How does the author’s

use of logical order
affect the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
What effect do the
speaker’s word and
phrase choice have on

Questions and sentence

*Why did the author
include the information in
specific paragraphs?
*What can the reader
conclude after reading
paragraph _____?
*What is a correct
Teacher to monitor groups,
paraphrase of paragraph
Guided Practice  making note of students not
(identify students who mastering lesson objectives ___?
failed to master lesson and providing feedback to *Which is the best
objectives.) readjust student research question to
FSGPT comprehension if needed or guide further investigation
elaboration. of the topic in the article?
*What is the author’s
purpose in writing this
*What is the main idea of
the passage?
*Which organizational
pattern did the author
Independent Practice  Students to complete 3-4
(reteaching and questions about the article and
enrichment) including submit them for final Kahoot
critical writing review.
Kahoot Quiz using the site on
Closure  students’ created questions. chromebooks and
(10 min) projector

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

Students offered multiple opportunities to collaborate with other students.
Special Education  Close proximity and special seating when necessary.
Students  Vocabulary bank as needed.
Sentence stems for question creation.
English Language  Students will use formal and informal language through group collaboration and
Learners  analysis of expository texts in groups.
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Students offered multiple opportunities to collaborate with other students.
Students offered graphic organizer chart for activities.
Students will be monitored by teacher and other students for oral and written
Students will describe patterns and relationships found in expository texts and
describe those patterns and relationships.
Vocabulary bank as needed.
Sentence stems.
Students who finish early will access one of the following expository texts/
reader responses to complete:

Bruno Mars Article

Gifted and Talented  Bruno Mars Quiz/Response

Seasonal Foods Article

Seasonal Foods Quiz/Response


Potential Challenges/Plan B 
Challenges with technology - tech station omitted if needed and kahoot closure changed to pair/share or exit

Formative assessment gathered per monitoring of students in groups.
Questioning of students during station activities.
Kahoot technology activity as closure.

Notes and Credits 


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