Meta Analysis Offers Research On Research For MR Articles
Meta Analysis Offers Research On Research For MR Articles
Meta Analysis Offers Research On Research For MR Articles Page 1 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM
Effect sizes are typically measured by means, proportions, risk ratios, odds
ratios or correlations. However, meta-analysis is not simply a matter of
adding up effect sizes in each study and dividing by the number of studies we
are examining, nor is it just counting the number of significant differences
favoring one hypothesis over another and choosing a winner. Instead, it uses
statistical techniques to combine the results of multiple studies. Ideally, data
from individual subjects (individual participant data) in each study would be
used but more typically this is not obtainable and aggregate data must be
analyzed instead.
Weighted by precision
Forest plots Page 3 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM
Variations of meta-analysis
When fixed-effect models are used, studies with larger sample sizes will Page 4 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM
receive relatively more weight and smaller studies relatively less weight,
though this by itself should not determine whether a fixed-effect or random-
effects model is chosen. Confidence intervals under random-effects models
will be wider because both within and between (across studies) sources of
variation are taken into account. Random-effects meta-analysis tends to be
preferred because the primary studies as a rule are heterogeneous in
participant (i.e., respondent) characteristics, in the implementation of
treatments themselves or in other important operational aspects. It is
generally, though not always, more realistic to assume that the true effect
could vary from one study to the next. A new method, the quality-effects
model, has been advocated as an alternative to random-effects models.
Psychometric meta-analysis
Any study has methodological faults that affect its results, sometimes
substantially. Psychometric meta-analysis, also known as validity
generalization or Hunter-Schmidt meta-analysis, attempts to adjust effect Page 5 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM
Researchers must take into account many factors when selecting primary
studies. Obvious ones include the topic, the sample composition, how the
sample was drawn and from what population and when and where the
research was conducted. Less obvious, perhaps, are details of the study
design (e.g., whether it was experimental or observational). (See my article,
"Forget exact science: Drawing conclusions from observational research," in
the July 22, 2013, edition of Quirk's e-newsletter, for an overview of
experimental versus observational research.)
Somewhat contentious Page 7 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM
admitting that many of them do indeed have merit but that they apply even
more to traditional narrative literature reviews or simply counting significant
differences (vote-counting). In meta-analysis, it is claimed that these dangers
are more transparent. My own view is that, while properly-conducted meta-
analyses have important benefits, we do need to be vigilant against potential
malpractice, perhaps more so than in the case of narrative literature reviews,
which, in my experience, tend to be circumspect in their conclusions.
Who cares?
In a tiny nutshell
The foregoing is meta-analysis in a tiny nutshell. For those who'd like to study
it in depth, there are numerous online sources and papers in addition to
textbooks. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized
Causal Inference (Shadish et al.) is a widely-cited textbook that offers a Page 8 of 9
Meta-analysis offers research on research for MR | Articles | 9/19/17, 9'50 AM Page 9 of 9