Types of Manuscripts
Types of Manuscripts
Types of Manuscripts
The African Journal of Range & Forage Science publishes includes the following: interesting preliminary results; novel
peer reviewed Research Papers, Research Notes, Reviews research based on a small or pseudoreplicated data set;
and Commentaries. Papers are evaluated on the quality and papers reporting on advances in research methodolo-gies;
originality of the material and its interest to our reader-ship. research that is mainly applied and not contextualised in
Papers are reviewed by two anonymous referees (three in theory; papers reporting descriptive findings or based on
the case of Reviews), who are selected by an Associate routine protocols that provide valuable case studies but lack
Editor. The identity of the author(s) is withheld from review- novelty; or research that is fairly straightforward and can
ers to ensure a fair review process. Final acceptance or be communicated fully in a short paper. Research Notes
rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief. In addition, the should not exceed 3 000 words, excluding the abstract and
Journal also publishes Letters to the Editor and invited Book including the reference list and have no internal headings.
Reviews, which are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and the The total number of tables and figures should be limited to
Book Reviews Editor, respectively. no more than three.
Research Papers report original research that is of interest Reviews critically evaluate and synthesise existing data and
to a wider audience. The research should be contextu-alised literature. Reviews should go beyond simply summarising
in the relevant theory and test hypotheses that are founded the literature and may take forward debates, propose novel
on existing theory and literature. Studies should be based theory, highlight issues of public concern or expose impor-
on sound experimental design and analysed using appropri- tant data gaps pertaining to important research questions.
ate statistical methods. The conclusions and management Reviews may be invited by the Editor-in-Chief, in which case
implications must be supported by the data. Papers that are the published paper is marked as an Invited Review. Invited
descriptive, e.g. which characterise landscape patterns or Reviews are subject to the same peer review process as
classify vegetative communities, or work based on quantita- other reviews. As a general rule, reviews should not exceed
tive models are also accept-able, provided they are of suf- 10 000 words, excluding the abstract and including the ref-
ficient general interest. Research papers must be based on erence list. Authors may make a case for a longer review
sufficient data and be suitably replicated to allow the findings paper if the topic and available information warrant it.
to be extrapo-lated beyond the immediate area and time
frame in which the study was conducted. Where the focus is Commentaries are short papers that provide well-sub-
on comparing yields between different treatments, research stantiated viewpoints on issues of interest. Commentaries
papers should be based on a minimum of two seasons’ field may critically analyse or explore the policy implications of
data. Research papers should not report work that simply recent research developments, and may provide alternative
followed well-established protocols and report familiar find- viewpoints. Commentaries should be thought-provoking and
ings without some context that adds novelty (e.g. results stimulate debate. Arguments should be substantiated with
for subhumid areas that are different to previous work done academic literature and not merely be based on personal
in arid areas). There is no length limit on research papers, opinion. Commentaries should not exceed 3 000 words,
but they should be concise and contain only as much text, excluding the abstract and including the reference list.
tables and figures as is required to accurately describe the
research and convey its findings. For most research papers, Letters to the Editor are short discussions of recently
this should be less than 6 000 words, excluding the abstract published articles in the African Journal of Range & Forage
and includingthe reference list. Science. Letters to the Editor are accepted based on their
The Introduction of research papers should outline the relevance, wider interest, insights and timeliness. Letters
problem in general and clearly state the study objectives. should be submitted within six months from the final online
References to previous work are only desirable if they have publication date of the article under discussion. There is not
direct bearing on the subject of the paper. A detailed review word limit to Letters to the Editor, but authors are encour-
of the literature is usually inappropriate. Typically, the inter- aged to keep their communications as concise as possible.
mediate sections will be Materials and Methods, Results, The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to shorten Letters.
Discussion, Conclusions and Acknowledgements (including
funding sources and names of presubmission reviewers). Book Reviews are invited reviews of recently published
books of interest to the journal’s readership. Authors wish-
Research Notes report on work that is of interest to a wider ing to contribute a book review should contact the Editor-
audience but is more suited to a short communication. This in-Chief.