Training and Development Swati Mam
Training and Development Swati Mam
Training and Development Swati Mam
Project Report On
A Study of Training & Development at Jabalpur
Express, Jabalpur
(Dr. P S Rana)
All the data represented in this project is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. This work has not been submitted for any other
degree exam elsewhere.
Smita Khatarkar
Place: JABALPUR Smita Khatarkar
Date: MBA III Sem
Smita Khatarkar
Sr. No..
Particulars Page No.
Organization is the process of combining work which individuals or groups has to perform
with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the duties so performed provide the best
channels for efficient, systematic, positive and coordinated application of the available effort.
HRM is the planning organizing directing and controlling of the procurement, development,
compensation, integration, maintenance of human capital of an organization to achieve
individual, organizational and societal objectives.
The model developed by American Society for Training and development (ASTD) identifies
nine human resource areas:
The purpose of training is to achieve a change in behavior of those trained and to enable them to
do their job better in order to achieve this objective. Any training programme should try to bring
changes in:
Knowledge- It helps a trainee to know facts, policies, procedures and rules pertaining to
his job.
Skills-It helps him to increase his technical and manual efficiency necessary to do the job
Attitude- It moulds his behavior towards his co-workers and supervisors and creates a
sense of responsibility in the trainee.
Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-
managerial persons learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
The terms „Training‟ and „Development‟ are used synonymously. But they have different
meanings. While training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for
doing a particular job, the Management Development includes the process by which managers
and executives acquire not only skills and competence in their present job, but also capacities for
future managerial tasks of increasing difficulty and scope.
Development is a long- term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which
managerial persons learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for long term use.
1. Job requirements
The employee selected for a job might lack the qualifications required to perform the job
effectively. New and inexperience employees requires detailed introduction for effective
performance on the job. In some cases the past experience, attitudes and behavior patterns of
experienced persons may be in appropriate for new organization.
2. Technological Changes
The technology is changing fast. Increased use of fast changing techniques requires training in
mew technology. New jobs utilizing latest technology require new skills. Both new and old skills
require training.
3. Organizational Viability
In order to survive and grow an organization must continuously adopt itself to changing
environment. With increasing economic liberalization and globalization in India, Business firms
are experiencing international competition. So the firms must upgrade their capabilities. An
organization must build up a second line of command through training in order to meet the
future needs for human resources.
4. Internal Mobility
Training becomes necessary when an employee moves from one job to another due to promotion
or transfer.
Thus there is an even present need for training people so that new and changed techniques may
be taken advantage and improvements in old methods are effected. Need for training has
increased due to growing complexity of jobs, increasing professional management, growing
uncertainties in the environment, global competition, growing aspirations vast untapped human
potential, ever increasing gaps between plans and results and suboptimal performance levels.
Importance of Training
Benefits of Training
Types of Training
Induction training seeks to adjust newly appointed employees to the work environment. Every
new employee needs to be made fully familiar with his job, his supervisor and subordinates with
the rules and regulations of the organization. The induction training creates self confidence in
new employees.
Job training
It refers to the training provided with a view to increase the knowledge and skills for improving
performance of the job. Employees may be taught the correct methods of handling equipments
and machines used in the job. Such training helps to reduce accidents, waste and in efficiency in
performance of the job.
Safety training
Training provided to minimize accidents and damage to machinery is known as safety training. It
involves instruction to perform the work safely.
Promotional training
It involves training of existing employees to enable them to perform high level jobs. Employees
with potential are selected and they are given training before their promotion. So that they do not
find difficulty to shoulder the higher responsibilities of the new positions to which they are
Refresher training
When the existing techniques become obsolete due to development of better techniques,
employees have to be trained in use of new methods and techniques. Refresher training is
designed to revive and refresh knowledge and update the skills of existing employees.
Remedial Training
Remedial training is arranged to overcome the shortcoming in the behavior and performance of
old employees. Remedial training shall be conducted by psychological experts.
Importance of Executive Development
1. Analysis of development needs: - First of all the present and future development needs of the
organization are ascertained. It is necessary to determine how many and what type of executives
are required to meet the present and future needs of the enterprise.
3. Planning individual development programmes: Each one of us has a unique set of physical,
intellectual and emotional characteristics. Therefore, development plan should be tailor-made for
each individual.
Methods of development or executive development can be broadly divided into two categories.
1) On the job development or executive development: it means increasing the ability of the
executives while performing their duties, to develop them in real work situation. It includes the
following methods:
a) On the job coaching: under this method superior only guides his subordinate about various
methods and skill required to do the job. Here the superior only guides his subordinate he gives
his assistance whenever required. The main purpose of this type of training is not only to learn
the necessary skills but to give them diversified knowledge to grow in future. The superior is
responsible for subordinate‟s performance. So the superior must always provide the subordinate
necessary assistance whenever required.
b) Understudy: under this method of development the trainee is prepared to fill the position of
his superior. He in the near future will assume to do the duties of his superior when he leaves the
job due to retirement, transfer or promotion.
c) Job rotation: here the executive is transferred from one job to another or from one plant to
other. The trainee learns the significance of the management principles by transferring learning
from one job to another. This method helps in injecting new ideas into different departments of
the organization.
d) Committee assignment: under this method committee is constituted and assigned a subject to
give recommendations. The committee makes a study of the problem and gives suggestions to
the departmental head. It helps the trainees because every member of the committee gets a
chance to learn from others.
2) Off the job development or executive development: here the executives gets the training off
the job means not when they are doing the job. It involves following methods:
a) Special courses: here the executives attend the special courses which are organized by the
organization. Under this experts from professional institutions provide them the training.
b) Specific readings: here the human resource development manager provides copies of specific
articles published in the journals to the executives to improve their knowledge. The executives
study such books or articles to enhance their knowledge.
c) Special projects: under this method the trainee is given a project related to the objective of
the department. The project helps the trainee in acquiring the knowledge of the particular topic.
d) Conference training: here the organization conducts a group meeting. In which the executive
learn from the others by comparing his opinion with others.
the individual and ability to understand others. T group generally sits together and discuss for
hours where the members learn about their own behavior and behavior of others.
The flow chart given below shows various stages of systematic approach to training and
Identifying training
objectives and policy
Conductiong training
1. Organizational Analysis
It involves a study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives, its resources, resource
allocation and utilization, growth potential and its environment.
It is systematic and detailed analysis of jobs to identify job contents, the knowledge, skills and
aptitudes required and the work behavior. Attention is paid to tasks to be performed, methods
used, the way employees have learnt these techniques and performance standards required is
analyzed in this stage. The purpose of operation analysis is to decide what should be taught.
3. Manpower Analysis
In this analysis the persons to be trained and the changes required in the knowledge, skills and
attitude of an employee is determined. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether performance
of employee is below standard and training needed. Secondly it is decided whether employee is
capable of being trained. Thirdly, the specific areas in which employee requires training. Lastly,
whether training will improve employee‟s performance or not is determined.
Training can be relevant and viable if the three types of analysis given above are carried out on
The overall aim of a training programme is to fill in the gap between the existing and the desired
pool of knowledge, skills and aptitudes. Objectives of training express the gap between the
present and the desired performance levels.
i. To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skills for efficient performance
definite task.
ii. To assist employees function more efficiently by exposing them to latest concepts,
information and techniques and developing the skills they require in the particular job.
iii. To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more
responsible positions.
iv. To broaden the narrow minds of senior managers through interchange of experience
within and outside so as to correct the narrow outlook caused due to over specialization.
f) Operational results to be achieved through training e.g. Productivity, cost, down time,
creativity, turnover, etc.
g) Indicators to be used in determining changes from existing to the desired level in terms of
ratio and frequency.
In order to achieve the training objectives, an appropriate training policy is necessary. A training
policy represents the commitment of top management to employee training. It consists of rules
and procedures concerning training.
Once the objectives and policies of training are decided, appropriate training programme can be
designed and conducted. Decisions on the following items are required for this purpose.
1. Responsibility of training
The type of training method to be used will depend upon the type of persons to be trained. So it
is necessary to decide in advance who are to be trained workers, supervisors or executives. The
employees will be interested in training if they believe that it will benefit them personally. A
climate conducive for learning has to be created through physical and psychological
3. Preparing Trainers
The success of a training programme depends to a great extent upon the instructors or the
resource persons. The trainer must know both the job to be taught and how to teach it. He should
have an aptitude for teaching and should employ right training techniques.
This step involves deciding the content of training, designing support materials for training and
choosing appropriate training methods. It may involve the specific instructions and procedures
for doing a job. In addition to the contents, methods and time period it also includes budget.
Supporting materials may include detailed syllabus, study notes, case studies, pamphlets, charts,
manuals, brochures and movie slides.
This is the action phase of training. Here the trainer tells, demonstrates and illustrates in order to
put over the knowledge and operations. However, before it a learner should be put to ease. It is
necessary to explain why he is being taught to develop his interest in training. Instructions should
be clear and complete. Key points shall be stressed upon and one point should be trained at a
time. Trainees should be encouraged to ask questions.
In the evaluation step, the effectiveness of training programme is assessed. The feed back
generated through follow up will help to reveal weaknesses or errors if any; Necessary corrective
action can be taken. If necessary training can be repeated until trainees learns whatever has been
taught to him. It also helps in designing future training programme.
The training methods employed for training of operatives may be described under.
In this method trainees are placed on regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform it.
The trainee learns under the supervision of superior or instructor. It is also called learning by
2. Vestibule training
In this method a training centre called vestibule is setup and actual job conditions are stimulated.
Expert trainers are employed to provide training with machines that are identical to those used in
work place.
3. Apprentice training
In this method the theoretical instruction and practical learning are provided to trainees in
training institutes. The aim is to develop all-round craftsmen. Generally a stipend is paid during
Under this method training is provided to company class room. Lectures, case studies group
discussions and audio visual aids are used to explain knowledge and skills to employees. Class
room training is useful for teaching concepts and problem solving. It is also useful for orientation
training and safety training.
5. Internship training
It is a joint programme of training in which educational institutions and business firms cooperate.
Selected candidates carry on regular studies for prescribed period. They also work in some
factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills. This method helps to provide good
balance between theory and practice.
It is necessary to evaluate the extent to which training programmes have achieved the goals for
which they were designed. Such evaluation will provide useful information about effectiveness
of training as well as about design of future training programmes. The evaluation of training
provides useful data on the basis of their relevance of training and integration with other
functions of human resource management can be judged.
Training effectiveness is the degree to which trainees are able to learn and apply the knowledge
and skills acquired in the training programme. It depends on the attitudes, interests, values and
Evaluation Criteria
Methods of Evaluation
Feed back
After evaluation process the situation should be analyzed to identify the possible causes for
difference between expected outcomes and actual outcomes. Necessary precaution should be
taken in designing and implementing future training programmes so to avoid causes.
has 3 editions published from Jabalpur, Balaghat, Chhindwara and sub editions
published from seoni narsinghpur and mandla with a combined readership of more
Chhindwara, Jabalpur, India. It was started in year 1991 and owned by Express
Group. The Express News published from bhopal, gwalior, katni, jabalpur,
the largest circulated daily newspaper of Madhya Pradesh . It is owned by Express
in Jabalpur in 1991, it expanded in 1993 with the launch of Narsingpur edition.
and Marathi.
Jabalpur Express was launched in 1991 to fulfill the need for a Hindi language
one of the leading newspaper in Madhya Pradesh and was declared the fastest-
outside MP, and identified Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, as the market with
Jabalpur Express goal was to enter Jaipur as the No. 2 newspaper (in terms of
circulation) on its first day, with 50,000 copies. To achieve this target, an in-house
Based on survey feedback, they went back to each of the households surveyed to
show them a prototype of the newspaper and gave them the option of an advance
distributed in India. It has 19 versions in seven states and one union domain
+91-761-2314792, 400636
Jabalpur Express.
corporate image.
inter-team collaborations.
Sample Design
A sample design is a finite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. Simple. Random
sampling is used for this study.
Sample Size
Number of the sampling units selected from the population is called the size of the sample.
Sample of 50 respondents were obtained from the population.
Sources of Information:
The data were collected through Primary and secondary sources.
Primary Source:
The primary sources are discussion with employees, data’s collected through questionnaire.
Secondary Source:
The secondary data mainly consists of data and information collected from records, company
websites and also discussion with the management of the organization. Secondary data was also
collected from journals, magazines and books.
A well defined questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on Employee
satisfaction of employees. A defeated questionnaire was carefully prepared and specially
numbered. The questions were arranged in proper order, in accordance with the relevance.
% of respondents
On-the-job training Others
Inference: The entire employees responded has undergone On-the-job training
in the organization. Special training based on the needs is conducted in addition
to on- the job-training.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the management of Jabalpur Express
identifies the training needs of employees”. A five point likert scale from “strongly agree‟ to
“highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are recorded in both tabular
form and graphical form.
Table 2
Table showing training needs identification by management
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 12 24
Agree 29 58
Partially Agree 9 18
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
% of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
Inference: 24% of respondents strongly agree that management identifies the training needs. 58
% of respondents agree that management identifies training needs. 18% of respondents partially
agree that management identifies the training needs. Nobody disagrees to the statement.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the training is given adequate
importance in Jabalpur Express”. A five point likert scale from
„strongly agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are
recorded in both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 3
Table showing importance given to the training and development
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 20 40
Partially Agree 15 30
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
15 % of Respondents
Inference: 30% of respondents strongly agree that importance is given for training t. 40 % of
respondents agree that importance is given for training and development. 18% of respondents
partially agree that management identifies the training needs. Nobody disagrees with the
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the senior managers of Jabalpur
Express are eager to help their juniors develop through training”. A five point likert scale from
„strongly agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response.
Table 4
Table showing eagerness of senior managers to help the juniors develop through training
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 39 78
Partially Agree 11 22
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Chart 4 Eagerness of senior managers to help the juniors develop through training
% of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
Inference: 78 % of respondents agree that senior managers are eager to develop juniors through
training and development. 32% of respondents partially agree that senior managers are eager to
develop juniors through training and development. Nobody disagrees with the statement.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the Induction training is given
adequate importance in Jabalpur Express”. A five point likert scale from “strongly agree‟ to
„highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are recorded in both tabular
form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 5
Table showing importance given to induction training
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 50 100
Partially Agree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
% of Respondents
Inference: Entire respondents agree that, the adequate importance is given for induction training
in the organization. Nobody disagrees with the statement.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the training given in Jabalpur Express
is realistic useful and based on the business strategy of the organization”. A five point likert scale
from „strongly agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses
are recorded in both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 6
Table showing training based on usefulness, reality and business strategy
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 18 36
Agree 26 51
Partially Agree 6 18
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
% of Respondents
Inference: 36% of respondents strongly agree that the training given in the organization is
useful, realistic and based on the business strategy of the organization. 52% of respondents agree
that the training given in the organization is useful, realistic and based on the business strategy of
the organization. 18% of respondents partially agree that the training given in the organization is
useful, realistic and based on the business strategy of the organization. Nobody disagrees with
the statement.
Table 7 : Usefulness of training in developing technical knowledge and skills
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 26 52
Partially Agree 9 18
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
% of Respondents
Strongly AgreeAgreePartially AgreeDisagreeHigly Disagree
Inference: 30% of respondents strongly agree that the training given in the organization is
helpful in developing technical knowledge and skills to perform their duties. 52% of respondents
agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in developing technical knowledge and
skills to perform their duties. 18% of respondents partially agree that the training given in the
organization is helpful in developing technical knowledge and skills to perform their duties.
Nobody disagrees with the statement.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the emphasis is given on developing
managerial capabilities of managerial staff through training and development”. A five point
likert scale from „strongly agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The
responses are recorded in both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the
Table 8
Table showing emphasis in developing managerial capabilities
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 26 52
Partially Agree 6 12
Disagree 3 6
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Table showing emphasis in developing managerial capabilities
% of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
Inference: 30% of respondents strongly agree that the training given in the organization is
helpful in developing managerial capabilities. 52% of respondents agree that the training given in
the organization is helpful in developing managerial capabilities. 12% of respondents partially
agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in developing managerial capabilities.
9% of respondents disagree that the emphasis is given in developing managerial capabilities
training and development in the organization. Nobody disagrees highly to the statement.
Table 9
Table showing usefulness of training in developing human relation competencies
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 41 82
Partially Agree 9 18
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
% of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
0 36
Inference: 82% of respondents agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in
developing human relationship competencies. 18% of respondents partially agree that the
training given in the organization is helpful in developing human relation competencies.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the training given in Jabalpur Express
has improved the skill, ability and talents of the employees”. A five point likert scale from
„strongly agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are
recorded in both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 10
Table showing improvement in developing skill, ability and talent
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 33 66
Agree 14 28
Partially Agree 3 6
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
30 % of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
Inference: 66% of respondents strongly agree that the training given in the organization is
helpful in developing skills, ability and talent. 28% of respondents agree that the training givenin
the organization is helpful in developing skills, ability and talent. 6% of respondents partially
agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in developing skills, ability and talent.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the training given in Jabalpur Express
has improved the commitment towards work”. A five point likert scale from „strongly agree‟ to
„highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are recorded in both tabular
form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 11
Table showing improvement in commitment towards work
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 41 82
Partially Agree 9 18
Disagree 0 0
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
Inference: 82% of respondents agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in
improving commitment towards work. 18% of respondents partially agree that the training given
in the organization is helpful improving commitment towards work.
Respondents were requested to react to the statement that “the training given in Jabalpur Express
is useful in developing positive attitude and team work”. A five point likert scale from „strongly
agree‟ to „highly disagree‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are recorded in
both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
Table 12
Table showing usefulness of training in developing positive attitude and teamwork
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 0 0
Agree 41 82
Partially Agree 6 12
Disagree 3 6
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
30 % of Respondents
Inference: 82% of respondents agree that the training given in the organization is helpful in
developing positive attitude and teamwork. 12% of respondents partially agree that the training
given in the organization is helpful in positive attitude and teamwork. 6% of respondents are
disagreeing that the training given in the organization is helpful in developing positive attitude
and teamwork.
Table 13 Table showing the number of employees who take the training programme seriously
Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of
Strongly Agree 15 30
Agree 26 52
Partially Agree 3 6
Disagree 6 12
Highly disagree 0 0
Total 50 100
Source: Primary Data
30 % of Respondents
Strongly Agree Agree Partially Agree Disagree Higly Disagree
Inference: 30% of employees strongly agree that they take training programme seriously. 52%
of respondents agree that they take training programme seriously. 6% of respondents partially
agree that the training they take training programme seriously. 12% of respondents are
disagreeing that they takes training programme seriously.
Respondents were requested to react to rate the standards of in-house trainers. A five point likert
scale from „Excellent‟ to „Poor‟ was used to measure their response. The responses are
recorded in both tabular form and graphical form. Inferences are arrived from the data.
ExcellentVery GoodGoodSatisfactoryPoor
Inference: 82% of employees say that the standards of in-house trainers are good. 6% of
respondents say that the standards of in-house trainers are satisfactory.
After studying and analyzing various training programmes with in questionnaire survey of the
employees of Jabalpur Express. a brief summary is illustrated below.
Jabalpur Express has a good team of employees who has under gone training and development in
on-the-job method. All the respondents are graduates with most of them also holding their post
graduation and technically skilled.
The impact of the training on the employees of Jabalpur Express is reasonably good and the
reason that employee have positive attitude and they take training seriously.
On-the job training techniques is employed to train the employees. Induction training to new
employees is given adequate importance. Management is giving adequate importance to develop
employees through training.
Majority of the employees felt that the quality of training programmes are good, were fully
useful to them and training programme has helped in improving their performance and quality of
the work.
Majority of the employees who have under gone the T & D programmes felt that the training
programme has helped in improving their technical skills, Managerial skill and human relation
The standard of in house trainers is found to be satisfactory. Management gives feed back
regularly on the improvement of performance of employees after attending training programmes.
Many employees felt need for training in the areas of latest technical developments.
The organization has to concentrate more on employees who are not satisfied with the present
training methods; they have to be counseled to know their reasons for not being satisfied. So that
effectiveness can be achieved.
The identification of the training needs should be done in view of fast changing technology,
management practices and infrastructure.
A standard measures before and after each training program on level of knowledge, skills,
attitudes and behavior will help to measure its effectiveness more accurately.
The company has to ask its employees to suggest types of trainings which they think is more
helpful in achieving the organizational goals.
Train the employees in all areas like personality development, technical training, and standard
operating procedures with that they can handle multi tasks and balance their pressures.
Employee‟s performance level should be considered for selecting employees for training
Evaluation of training programs should be done regularly to keep a check on the limitations and
drawbacks. And ensure the success of training programs.
o Most of the respondents rated as good and excellent towards the overall quality and
effectiveness of the training and development programs.
o The company also has to concentrate on small percentage of respondents who are not
satisfied with training programs and whom it has not helped to overcome from their short
comings or work related problems.
o Finally the training and development programs provided by Jabalpur Express are found to
be effective, credible and commendable, which can be improved further.
1. Guptha C.B, “Human Resource Management”, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Kothari C.R, “Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques”, New Age International
Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi,2014.
1. Which are the training methods undergone by you in Jabalpur Express? On-the- job training
Class room coaching
Others please specify
2. Do you agree that management of your organization identifies the training needs for the
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
3. Do you agree that Training and Development is given adequate importance in Jabalpur
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
4. Do you agree that Senior Managers in Jabalpur Express are eager to help their juniors develop
through training?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
5. Is induction training given to newcomers given adequate importance in your organization?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
6. Do you agree that training given in Jabalpur Express is realistic, useful and based on the
business strategy of the organization?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
7. Do you agree that the training in Jabalpur Express helps to acquire technical knowledge and
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
10. Do you agree that the training and development program in Jabalpur Express have increased
the skill, ability talents towards the assigned job and help in increasing in quality and
productivity of your work?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
11. Do you agree that training program increase your commitment to work?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
12. Does your training program help you in developing positive attitude and teamwork?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
13. Those who are deputed for training programmes take the training seriously?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
14. How do you rate the standards of in-house trainers in Jabalpur Express?
A. Excellent
B. Very Good
C. Good
D. Satisfactory
E. Poor
15. Do you agree that enough time was provided to learn about the subject covered in
the training program?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
16. Do you agree that the trainer provides training to meet present needs?
A. Strongly agree
B. Agree
C. Partially agree
D. Disagree
E. Highly disagree
18. Any feedback is given on your performance after attending the training programmes?
A. Continuously
B. Frequently
C. Sometimes
D. Rarely
E. Never
19. Are you fully satisfied with the quality and duration of existing training programmes?
A. Fully Satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. No opinion
D. Partially Satisfied
E. Dissatisfied