Building Regulation Part A - 1997

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Building Regulations 1997

T echnical
Gu idance
D ocu ment


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Building Regulations 1997

Technical Guidance Document A



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Introduction 2
The Guidance
Existing Buildings
Technical Specifications
Materials and Workmanship

Part A: The Requirement 3

Introduction 4
Otherapproaches 5

Sub-sectionI Sizesfor certain structural elementsfor houses and other

small buildings 6

1.1.1 Part I Basic requirementsfor stability

1.1.2 Part 2 Sizes of certain timber floor, ceiling and roof members in
The use ofthis part
1.1.3 Part 3 Thicknessofwalls in houses with not morethan two floors
includingthe ground floor 7
The use ofthis part
Wall types
Wall construction
External walls
Internal load-bearing walls
Maximum loads 8
Retained earth
Limitations on building geometry
Lateral support and end restraint
Buttressing 10
Openings and chasesin walls II
Interaction of elements 14
1.1.4 Part4 Proportions for masonrychimneysabovethe roofsurface 19
Heightto widthrelationship
1.1.5 Part 5 Strip foundationsof plain concrete
Conditionsrelatingto the sub-soil
Design provisions
Minimum widthofstripfoundations 20

Sub-section2 Design and construction ofall building types - codes, standards

and references 22
Codes, standards and references

Sub-section3 Recovering of existing r

external wallcladding
:ructuresa I tructural safetyof 26

Recovering of e roof structi .

Structural safety .. c.ernal wall ciadaing
Technical approach
Codes and standards 27
Codes and standards
Additional information


Building Regulations, I 997
Technical Guidance Document A
Introduction Existing Buildings
This documenthas been published by the Ministerfor the In the case of material alterations or changes of use of
Environment under article 7 of the Building Regulations, existing buildings, the adoption without modification of
1997. It provides guidance in relation to Part A of the the guidance in this document may not, in all
Second Schedule to the Regulations. The document circumstances, be appropriate. In particular, the
should be read in conjunction with the Building adherence to guidance, including codes, standards or
Regulations, 1997, and other documents published under technical specifications, intended for applicationto new
these Regulations. work may be unduly restrictiveor impracticable. Buildings
of architectural or historical interest are especially likely
In general, Building Regulations apply to the construction to give rise to such circumstances. In these situations,
of new buildings and to extensions and material alternative approaches based on the principles contained
alterations to buildings. In addition, certain parts of the in the document may be more relevant and should be
Regulations apply to existing buildings where a material considered.
change of use takes place. Otherwise, Building
Regulations do not apply to buildings constructedprior to Technical Specifications
I June, 1992. Building Regulations are made for specific purposes, e.g. to
provide, in relation to buildings, for the health, safety and
Transitional Arrangements welfare of persons, the conservation of energy and access
In general, this documentapplies to works, or buildings in for disabled persons. Technical specifications (including
which a material change of use takes place, where the harmonised European Standards, European Technical
works or the change of use commence or takes place, as Approvals, National Standards and Agrément Certificates)
the case may be, on or after I January, 1998. Technical are relevant to the extent that they relate to these
Guidance Document A - STRUCTURE, dated 1991, also considerations. Any referenceto a technical specification
ceases to have effect from that date. However, the latter is a referenceto so much of the specification as is relevant
document may continueto be used in the case of works, in the context in which it arises. Technical specifications
or buildings in which a material change of use takesplace - may also address other aspects not covered by the
- where the works or the change of use commence or
takes place, as the case may be, before I January, A reference to a technical specificationis to the latest
1998, edition (including any amendments, supplements or
addenda) current at the date of publication of this
- in respectof which a Fire Safety Certificate under the Technical Guidance Document. However, if this version
Building Control Regulations, 1991 to 1994, has been of the technical specification is subsequently revised or
granted, where the works or change of use updated by the issuing body, the new version may be used
commence or takes place, as the case may be, not as a source of guidance provided that it continues to
later than 3I December, 2002. address the relevantrequirementsofthe Regulations.

The Guidance Materials and Workmanship

The materials, methods of construction, standards and Under Part D Second Schedule to the Building
of the
other specifications (including technical specifications) work to which the Regulations apply
Regulations, building
which are referred to in this document are those which must be carried out with proper materials and in a
are likely to be suitable for the purposes of the workmanlike manner. Guidance in relation to compliance
Regulations. Where works are carried out in accordance with Part D is contained in Technical Guidance Document
with the guidance in this Document,this will, prima facie, D.
indicate compliance with Part A of the Second Schedule to
the Building Regulations. However, the adoption of an Interpretation
approach other than that outlined in the guidance is not In this document, a reference to a section, sub-section,
precluded provided that the relevant requirementsof the part, paragraph or diagram is, unless otherwise stated, a
Regulationsare complied with. Those involved in the reference to a section, sub-section,part, paragraph or
design and construction of a building may be required by diagram, as the case may be, of this document. A
the relevant building control authorityto provide such referenceto another Technical Guidance Document is a
evidence as is necessary to establish that the requirements referenceto the latest edition of a document published by
ofthe Building Regulations are being complied with. the Minister for the Environmentunder article 7 of the
Building Regulations, 1997. Diagrams are used in this
documentto illustrate particularaspects of construction-
they may not show all the details of construction.

Building Regulations - The Requirement

Part A of the Second Scheduleto the Building Regulations, 1997, provides as follows:

Loading Al (I) A buildingshall be designedand constructed,with due regard tothe theory

and practice of structuralenglneenng, so as to ensurethat the combined
dead, imposed and wind loads are sustained and transmittedto the ground -

(a) safely,and

(b) without causing such deflection or deformationof any partof the

building, or such movementof the ground, as will impairthe stability of
any part of another building.

(2) In assessingwhether a building complies with sub-paragraph (I), regard shall

be had to the imposed loads and wind loads to which it is likely to be
subjected in the ordinary course of its use for the purposefor which it is

Ground movement. A2 A building shall be designed and constructed, with due regard to the theory and
practiceof structural engineering, so as to ensure that movements of thesubsoil
caused by subsidence, swelling, shrinkage or freezingwill not impairthe stabilityof
any part of the building.

Disproportionate A3 (I) A multi-storey building shall be designed and constructed, with due
collapse, regard to the theory and practiceof structural engineering, so as to ensure
that in the eventof an accident the structure will not be damagedto an
extent disproportionateto the cause ofthe damage.

(2) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (I), where a buildingis rendered

structurallydiscontinuous by a vertical joint, the building on each side of the
joint may be treated as a separate building whether or not such joint passes
through the substructure.

Definitionsfor this A4 In this Part -

Part. "dead load" meansthe force due to the static mass of all walls, permanent
partitions, floors, roofs and finishes including all other permanent construction
and services equipment affixed to the building;

"imposed load" means the load assumedto be produced by the intended

occupancy or use ofthe building including distributed,concentrated, impact,
inertiaand snow loads and the force due to the static massof moveable
partitions,butexcluding wind loads;

"multi-storeybuilding" means a buildingcomprising or including five or more

storeys, a basement storey being regarded as a storey;

"storey" means anyof the parts into which a building is dividedhorizontallyabove

or belowground level but excluding anypartof a building situated above the level
of the roofor in the roofspace, or belowthe level ofthe lowest floor, which is
intended for the protection of a water tank, or lift motor, or similar use and is not
intended for, or adapted to be used for habitable purposes, or as a work room, or
as a store room;

"wind load" means all loads due to the effect ofwind pressure or suction.

Section I
Structure - Loading and Ground Movement

ThisTechnical Guidance Document is divided into two sections.

Section I relates to the requirements in Al and A2.

Section 2 relates to the requirementin A3.

Section I
Structure - Loading and Ground Movement
Loading Al (I) A buildingshall be designed and constructed,with due regard to the theory
and practice ofstructural engineering, so as to ensure that the combrned
dead.imposedand wind loads are sustained and transmittedto the ground -

(a) safely,and

(b) without causing suchdeflectionor deformationof any part of

the building, or such movementof theground,as will impair
the stabilityof any partof another building.

(2) In assessing whether a building complies with sub-paragraph (I), regard shall
be had to theimposed loads and wind loads to which it is likely to be
subjected in the ordinary course ofits use for the purposefor which it is

Groundmovement. A2 A buildingshall be designedand constructed,with due regard to thetheoryand

practice of structural engineering, so as to ensure that movements of the subsoil
caused by subsidence, swelling, shrinkage or freezingwill not impair the stability
ofanypart of the building.

Introduction As regards (a), dead and imposed loads, other than

imposed roof loads, should be in accordance with BS
1.0.1 The safety of a structure depends on the 6399: Part I. Imposed roof loads should be in
successful combination of design and construction, accordance with BS 6399 : Part 3, using the snow
particularly: load map shown in Diagram 14 of this Technical
Guidance Document. Wind loads should be in
(a) loading, accordance with CP3 : Chapter V: Part 2, using wind
speeds based on Diagram 15 of this Technical
(b) propertiesof materials, Guidance Document.

(c) design analysis, 1.0.2 This Section is comprised of three sub-

(d) details of construction,
Sub-section I of the document applies to small
(e) safety factors, buildings with walls of traditional masonry
construction and with timber first floors and roofs.
(f) workmanship. It gives sizes for certain elements in houses with not
more than two floors including the ground floor.
This sub-section also applies to domestic garagesand
other annexes attached to such houses.
The sub-section is arranged in five parts as follows: base to the top of the wall.

Part I - Basic requirements for stability. Cavity width - the horizontal distance between the
two leaves of a cavitywall.
Part 2 - Sizes of certain timber floor, ceiling and roof
members in houses with not more than two floors Compartment wall - A wall constructed as a
including the ground floor. compartmentwall to meet the requirements of Part
B of the Second Scheduleto the Building Regulations
Part 3 - Thickness of masonry walls in houses with - Fire Safety.
not more than two floors including the groundfloor.
Pier - A member which forms an integral part of a
Part 4 - Proportions for masonry chimneys above wall, in the form of a thickened section, so as to
the roof surface. afford lateral support to the wall to which it is
bonded or securely tied.
Part 5 - Strip foundations of plain concrete.
Separatingwall - A wall or part of a wall which is
Part I gives general rules which must be observed in common to adjoining buildings and constructed to
using Parts 2 and 3. Parts 2 to 5 may be used meet the requirements of Part B of the Second
independently of each other. Scheduleto the Building Regulations- Fire Safety.

Sub-section 2 is relevant to all building types and Spacing - The distance between the longitudinal
lists standards for structural design and construction centres of any two adjacent members of the same
but, where these do not give precise guidance, type, measured in the plane of floor, ceiling, roof, or
regard should be had to par. I .0. I. other partof the structure of which members form a
Sub-section 3 provides guidance for recovering of
existing roof structures and the structural safety of Span - The distance measured along the centre line
externalwall cladding. of a member between the centres of any two
adjacent bearings or supports.
1.0.3 Other approaches- If otherapproaches
are adopted, it is essential to have regard to par. Note: The spans given in Part 2 of sub-section I of
1.0. I and to the following:- this Section for floor joists, rafters, purlins and
ceiling joists are as defined in SR I I : I 988.
(a) The numerical values of safety factors, whether
expressed explicitly or implicitly in design Supported wall - A wall to which lateral support is
equations or design values, should be derived afforded by a combination of buttressing walls, piers
from considerations of the aspects of design and or chimneys acting in conjunction with floor(s) or
construction given in par. 1.0. I as a whole. A roof.
change in any one of these aspects may affect the
safety of the structure.

(b) Loads used in calculations should allow for

possible dynamic, concentrated and peak load
effects that may occur.

1.0.4 Definitions - The following definitions

apply to sub-sections I to 3:

Buttressing wall - A wall designed and constructed

to afford lateral support to another wall
perpendicular to it, support being provided from the

Sub-section I I .1.2.3 The guidance given in this Part assumes that:
Sizes for Certain Structural (a) the dead and imposed loads to be sustained by
elements for Houses and other the floor, ceiling or roof of which the member
small buildings forms part do not exceed the values given in SR
II: 1988,
Part I - Basic requirements for (b) the species and grade of timber are those given
stability in SR II: 1988, and This Part must be used in conjunction with (c) floorboarding complying with BS 1297: 1987 is
Parts 2 and 3 of this sub-section. used.

1.1. 1.2 Trussed rafter roofs should be braced to I . I .2.4

Except where indicated, the cross sectional
the recommendations of l.S. 193 : 1986. Where, due dimensions given in SR II
: 1988 are basic sawn sizes
to its form of construction, a traditionally framed as defined in BS 4471 : Part I : 1987. SR II:
roof (i.e. using rafters, purlins and ceiling joists) does does not apply where these basic sawn dimensions
not have sufficient built-in resistance to instability, have been reduced by regularising or planing. For
for example from hipped returns, then bracing is timber of North American origin, SR II
: 1988
required. applies only as indicated to surfaced sizes unless the
timberhas been resawn to BS 4471 requirements.
.1 .1.3 If the roof structure is braced as described
above and adequately anchored to the structure Notches and holes in simply supported
beneath and the walls are designed and restrained in floor and roof joists should be within the following
accordance with the requirements of Part 3 of this limits:
sub-section, no special provision should be needed
to take account of loads due to the effect of wind (a) notches should be no deeper than 0.125 times
pressure or suction. However, par. I. 1.3.26 gives the depth of a joist and should not be cut closer
details of situations in which additional ties may be to the support than 0.07 times the span, nor
required. furtheraway than 0.25 times the span,

(b) holes should be no greater diameter than 0.25

Part 2 - Sizes of certain timber times the depth of the joist, should be drilled at
floor, ceiling and roof members in the neutral axis, should be not less than three
diameters (centre to centre) apart and should be
located between 0.25 and 0.4 times the span
from the support,and
Application the horizontal distance between any hole and
(c) This Part applies only to houses with not any notch should not be less than the depth of
the joist.
more than two floors including theground floor. Bearing areas and workmanship should
The use of this Part comply with the relevant requirements of BS 5268:
Part 2 : 1989. Refer also to pars. I . I .3.22 to I. 1.3.25 This Part must be used in conjunction with
of this document.
Part I of this sub-section. Timber joists, rafters and purlins may be
designed accordance with SR I I : I 988.
Part 3 - Thickness of masonry walls (b) Separating walls composed of 215 mm thick
in houses with not more than two solid concrete blocks or
bricks (refer to
Technical Guidance DocumentE for guidance on
floors including the ground floor sound insulation).

Application (c) Separating walls of cavity construction composed

of two leaves of solid or lightweight solid This Part applies to houses with not more
concrete blocks or bricks of not less than 100
than two floors including the groundfloor, with walls
mm thickness, or of clay bricks (refer to
of traditional masonry construction, with timber Technical Guidance DocumentE for guidance on
upper floors and with roofs covered with normal sound insulation).
lightweight covering including clay or concrete
pantiles. It also applies to domestic garages and Materials
otherannexes attached to such houses. The materials used should meet the
The use ofthis Part
following minimum designations, strengths and other This Part must be used in conjunction with qualities -
Part I of this sub-section. All appropriate design
Solid concrete Should havethickness required
conditions given in this part must be satisfied. Walls
should complywith the relevantrequirements of l.S.
blocks by par. I.1.3.4 and conformto the
325: Part 2: 1995. The wall types given in par. requirements of designation S5 in
accordance with l.S. 20: 1987
I .3.3 may be constructed as described in par.
Concrete Building Blocks Part I: using the materials described in par.
Normal DensityBlocks.
and subjectto the requirementsof pars. to
Lightweight Should have thickness required by

Wall Types solid par. conform to the

concrete requirements of designation B3
blocks in accordance with l.S. 20: 1974 This Part applies to external walls and
Concrete Building Blocks.
internal walls (including compartment walls and
separating walls). Hollow Should have thickness required by Wall Construction

concrete par. conform to the
blocks requirements of designation H3
in accordance with l.S. 20: 1987
External walls Concrete Building Blocks Part I:
Normal DensityBlocks.
(a) Cavity walls constructed using two leaves
composed of either, solid concrete blocks or
bricks of not less than 100 mm thickness, or of Clay bricks Should have a thickness of
103 mm, be frost resistant and
clay bricks, tied together with wall ties have 7 N/mm1 strength in
appropriateto the width of cavity. The inner leaf accordance with l.S. 91: 1983
may be constructed using 100 mm thick
Clay Building Bricks.
lightweight solid concreteblocks.
Other Should have strength and
(b) Cavity block walls constructed using 215 mm thickness equivalent to those
hollow concrete blocks. masonry
units listed above.
Internal load bearingwalls
Lintels Should be designed for the loads
and spans occurringwhere they
(a) Internal load bearing walls composed of solid or are employed and should be
lightweight solid concreteblocks or bricks.
installed strictly in accordance Note: For more detailed guidance on these terrain's,
with the manufacturers' see CP3: ChapterV: Part 2: Section 5.5.
instructions. Prestressed
concrete lintels should be Where more exposed terrain is involved or where
manufactured in accordance with there is reason to believe that design wind speeds in
I.S. 240: 1980. excess of 44 m/s may be appropriate, a separate
design check in accordance with CP3: Chapter V:
Mortar Should conform to the Part 2 should be carried out usingthe wind speeds in
requirements of designation (iii) Diagram I 5 of this Technical Guidance Document.
of I.S. 406: 1987 (nominally a Part 3 of this Technical Guidance Document is not
I: 1:6 mixture of Portland cement, applicable if the design wind speed determined in this
lime and fine aggregate). manner exceeds 44 m/s.

Wall ties Should comply with l.S. 268: 1987 Retained earth - Differences in level of
Metal Wail Ties for Masonry ground or other solid construction between one
Wal!s. side of the wall and the other must be less than four
timesthe thickness ofthe wall.
Maximum Loads
Limitations on Building Geometry Vertical loads - The vertical imposed
loads should not exceed the following: Residential buildings (see Diagram 2)

Element Loading (a) No part of any wall or roof should be more than
Roof Distributed load 0.75 kN/m2. I 0 m above the lowest adjacent ground level.
Floors Distributed load 1.50 kN/m2.
Ceilings Distributed load 0.75 kNIm2. (b) The width of the building should not be less than
halfthe height of the building. Wind loads - Diagram I shows Ireland
divided into three wind zones, A, B and C. The (c) The width of a wing should not be less than half
divisions between the zones relate roughly to the 44 the height of the wing when the projection P
m/s and 47 m/s gust speed contours of the map exceeds twicethe width W2.
issued by Met Eireann.
.1.3.10 Floors should be as described below:
The design wind speed (Vs) determined in
accordancewith CP3: Chapter V: Part 2:1972 as (a) Ground floors -
amended in 1986 should not exceed 44 m/s. This Timber floors or ground supported concrete
condition will normally be satisfied if the building site floors or suspended concretefloors of maximum
is located in: span 5 m.

Zone A: On normal or slightly sloping sites (b) Upper floors -

in any terrain. Traditionaltimber floors of maximum span 5 m.

Zone B: On normal or slightly sloping sites in I The floor to floor and ceiling to ceiling
open country side with scattered heights should not exceed 2.7 m.
windbreaks or in country with many
windbreaks or in towns or cities. The roof span should not exceed 12 m.

Zone C: In country with many windbreaks or Lateral Support and End Restraint
in towns or cities.
.1.3. I3 The ends of every load-bearing wall should
be bonded or otherwise securely tied throughout
Diagram 2 SIzeand proportion Par.!. L3.9 Diagram 3 Size of openings Par.
of buildings and recesses

Pu Wi Wi Wi

Window Thickness i

Door reducing
Lowest ground level



Centreline ofbuttressingwall,pier or chimney

Wi to be not less than 0.5 H REQUIREMENTS

I. Wi + Wa+W3 should not exceed2L


2. Wi, Wior Wi should not exceed 3m

3. Pushould be greater than or equal to Wi
Hi 6

I N Wi
4. Psshould be greater than or equal to Wi+ Wi

Piers in hollow block walls should be not less than

If P is more than 2Wi then 190 mm in width and not less than 590 mm thick.
W2to be not less than 0.5 Hi
Chimneys should be not less than 490 mm thick and
be composed of units not less than 100 mm thick
their full height to a buttressing wall pier or chimney. (see Diagram 4).
The maximum length of wall between vertical
supports should not exceed 9 m. Longer walls Internal buttressing to walls in upper
should be provided with intermediate support, floors may be provided by stud partitions not less
dividing the wall into distinct lengths, by buttressing than 1.2 m long constructedfrom 35 mm x 75 mm
walls, piers or chimneys, which provide support kiln dried timber with studs at not more than 400
throughout the full height of the wall. mm centres and two rows of noggings. The end
stud of the partition should be fixed to thewall using Buttressing drilled screw fixings at the top and at each of the
The thickness of the buttressing should not be less
than 100 mm. Diagram 3 gives details of the limiting Notwithstandingthe rules in pars.
dimensions of openings and recesses in walls, to, a supported wall may contain an
including buttressing walls. unbuttressed section adjoining an opening as shown
in Diagram 5 where - Piers in solid walls should be not less than
190 mm in width and not less than 490 mm thick.

(f) the buttressing wall is properly bonded to a
Diagram4 Piers and Par. 1.1.3,15
storey height wall, pier or chimney at the
chimneys opposite side of the opening to the supported

mm (g) the supported wall is properly bonded to a

490 storey heightwall not more than 5.5 m from its
unbuttressed section,
mml ______ (h) the beam or lintel described in (e) above is
provided at each end with a bearing length of
400 mm or is supported on a padstone having a
Pier in solid block walls length of 400 mm.

Openings and Chases in Walls The number, size and position of openings
190 should not impair the stabilityof a wall or the lateral
mml support provided by a buttressing wall to a
supported wall. Construction over openings and
recesses should be adequately supported and the
Pier in hollow block walls ends of lintels and beams should be provided with
adequate bearing. All window and door lintels
should have a minimum bearing length of 150 mm.
In certain circumstances e.g. beam bearings, it may
100mm be necessary to provide padstones or longer
100 mm The maximum length of an opening or
thickness-reducing recess in any wall should not
exceed 3 m. Other dimensional criteria are given in
Diagram 3 (see also par.

(a) the opening is in the ground storey of an I . I .3.20 Openings and thickness-reducing recesses
externalbuttressing wall, in walls should not exceed 2.4 m in height (see also
(b) the opening does not exceed 2.4 m in height,
I. I .3.21 Dimensional criteria for chases -
(c) the supported wall is restrained at first floor
level or, where the building is a single storey (a) Chasesshould not impairthe stability ofthe wall.
Chases are not allowed when using hollow
building, at roof level,
(d) the supported wall is properly bonded to the
buttressing wall belowthe ground floor level, (b) Horizontal chasesshould not be deeper than 116
of thethickness of the leaf.
(e) the supported wall is bonded to the buttressing
wall above the opening by a beam or lintel (c) Vertical chases should not be deeper than 1/3 of
spanning the opening in the buttressing wall, thethickness of the leaf.

Diagram S Unbuttressed wall sections Par.I.I.3.17

EDUnbuttressed ection ofseparating wall


gable wall



Not more than 2.4 m

Not more than 3 m

Supported wall should

be restrained at first
floor level or at roof
level if a single storey


1)iagmm .5 Unbuttressed wall sections

Supported wall properly
bonded to the buttressing
wall below ground floor

Supported wallbondedto
buttressing wall above
opening by beam or lintel.


Supportedwall 3 m maximum

Storey height wall,

:13 m maximum




Not more than 5.5 m

13 m maximum




13 I
Interaction of Elements (a) has a pitch of less than 15°, and

I. 1.3.22 A wall in each storey of a building should (b) is in wind zone C.

extend to the full height of that storey and have
horizontal lateral supports to restrict movement at Where an opening in a floor or roof, such
right angles to its plane. as that required for a stairway (Diagram 8), adjoins a
supported wall and interrupts the continuity of
I .1.3.23 Floors and roofs should - lateral support, the following conditions should be
satisfied -
(a) act to transfer lateral forces from walls to
buttressing walls, piers or chimneys, and (a) the length of opening should not exceed 3 m
measured parallel to the supportedwall, and
(b) be secured to the supported wall by connections
specified in pars. (b) where a connection is provided other than by
anchor, this should be provided throughout the Walls should be strapped to floors at first length of each portion of the wall situated on
floor level at intervals not exceeding 2 m by each side of the opening, and
galvanised mild steel or stainless steel straps which
have a minimum 30 mm x 5 mm sectionas shown in (c) where connection is provided by mild steel or
Diagram 6 (a) and (b). stainless steel anchors or by packs, these should
be spaced closer than 2 m on each side of the
Straps need not be provided - opening to provide the same number as if there
were no opening, and
(a) in the longitudinal direction of joists, if the joists
are at not more than 800 mm centres and have (d) no other interruption of lateral support is
at least permissible.

(i) 90 mm bearing on the supported walls, or Wall ties should be provided in cavity
walls. In conditions of severe exposure, austenitic
(ii) 75 mm bearing on a timber wall plateat each stainless steel or suitable non-ferrous ties should be
end, used. The minimum quantity of ties provided should
be 2.5 per square metre for cavities of 50 - 75 mm
(b) where the joists are carried on the supported width and 3 per square metre for cavities of 76 - 110
wall by joist hangers of the restraint type mm. Extra wall ties are required at the jambs of
described in l.S. 325 and shown in Diagram 6 (c), openings as shown in Diagram 9 (for definitions of
at not more than 800 mm centres, severe exposure and for use of ties in other cavity
widths, see I.S. 325: Part 2).
(c) where floors are at or about the same level on
each side of a supported wall as shown in
Diagram 6 (d) and contact between floors and
wall is continuous or at intervals not exceeding
2 m. Where contact is intermittent, the point of
contact should be in line or nearly in line. Walls should be strapped to roofs as

shown in Diagrams 7 (a) and (b) by galvanised mild
steel straps which have a minimum 30 mm x 5 mm
section. Vertical strapping should be provided at
eaves level at intervals not exceeding 2 m as shown
in Diagram 7 (c). Additional vertical straps may be
necessarywhere the roof -
Diagram6 Lateral supportby floors Par 1.13.24

mm Noggingto
extend at

Strap not needed if

joists are at not more
than 800 mm centres
depth ofthe
joist and be
at least
r" 38 mm thick


IIlLtr .


N Contact points
Packs at2 m centresmax.



Diagram 7 Lateralsupportat roof level Par.

Strap at highest point

thatwill providea
secure connection
Ifh is greaterthan 16 t,
provide restrainthere at




Diagram8 Interruption oflateral support Par. L1.316



_______________ Lengthof permitted ope not

more than 3 m


___________ — —

Connectionprovided by timber bearing on
wall or by restrainttype joist hanger.

t more


PLAN Packs

Intermittent connection provided by packs.

Additionalpacks required near opes.
ot more ch n 3 m Opening



Intermittent connection provided by straps.

Additional straps required nearopes.

'7 I
Dtagram9 Spacingofwallties Par 11327

900 mm 900 mm for 2.5 ties per m1

750 mm 750 mm for 3.0 ties per m2


Part 4 - Proportions for masonry Part 5 - Strip foundations of plain
chimneys above the roof surface concrete
Heightto width relationship Conditions relating to the Subsoil Where a chimney is not supported by There should not be -
adequate ties or otherwise made secure, its height
(H), measured from the level of the highest point of (a) made ground or wide variation in type of subsoil
intersection with the roof surface, gutter or other within the loaded area, or
part of the building and including any flue pot or
terminal, should not be more than X times W (b) weaker type of soil at such a depth below the
where: soil on which the foundation rests as could
impairthe stabilityof the structure.
X = 4.SinwindzoneA
X = 4.0 in wind zone B Design provisions
X = 3.5 in wind zone C. The following design provisions relate to
W is the least horizontal dimension of the chimney foundations -
measured at the same point of intersection
(see Diagram I 0). (a) the foundations should be situated centrally
under the wall,
The zones are described in Diagram I. (b) strip foundations should have minimum widths in
accordance with par. I. 1.5.3,
The proportions given in this paragraph are intended
for general application. More slender chimneys may (c) concrete should be composed of cement to
be built if they can be shown by calculation to be l.S. I: 199 I and fine and coarse aggregate
stable in the particular wind environment of the conforming to l.S. 5: 1990 and be one of the
building. followinggrades -

(i) in accordance with Table 3.4 of l.S. 326:

1995 for reinforced foundations, or

(ii) Grade I 5N (characteristic 28 daystrengthof

Diagram 10 Proportions for Par. IS N/mm2) with minimum cement content
masonry 200 kg/m3 and maximum watercementratio
chimneys 0.85 for plain concrete unreinforced
foundations (when volumetric mixing is
required for small projects,a 1:7
cemenrlaggregate mix may be used),

(d) minimum thickness T of concrete foundation

should be 200 mm or P, whichever is the
greater, where P is derived using Table I (see
Diagram II),
point of intersection
(e) foundations stepped on elevation should overlap

(i) twice the height of the step, or

(ii) thethickness of the foundation, or Piers and Par.
Diagram 13
(iii) 300 mm,

whicheveris greater (see Diagram 12), x x

(f) steps in foundations should not be of greater

_____ X
height than twice the thickness of the foundation
and should course with walling material (see UT ____
Diagram I 2),
ProjectionX should not be less than P
(g) foundation of piers, buttresses and chimneys
should project as indicated in Diagram I 3 and
the projectionX should never be less than P. Minimum width of strip

foundations - the previous conditions
Diagram II Foundation Par.
to the
subsoil (par. I .1.5. I) and design
dimensions relating
provisions relating to the foundations (par.
are observed and the type and condition of subsoil is
Wall should be Wall thickness known and loading at the base of the wall is within
centred on foundation.
The thickness of the P acceptable limits, the recommended widths of
foundation should foundations given in Table I may be used.
either be equal to 200
mm or P , whichever

Foundation width
should be not less
than the appropriate
STRIP FOUNDATION dimension in Table I

Diagram 12 Elevation of Par. I. 1.5.2


Foundations should unite at each change in level

MinimumoverlapL = twice heightofstep, orthickness

offoundationor300 mm,
whicheveris greater

S should notbe greater than 2 T

Table! Minimumwidth ofstrip foundations

Totalload of load-bearing walling not more than


30 40 50 60 70

Type ofsubsoil Condition of Field test Minimum width ofstrip foundation (mm)
subsoil applicable

rock not inferior to requiresat least a In each case the width (wt) ofwall pIus 150 mm
sandstone, pneumatic or other
limestone or mechanically operated
firm chalk pick for excavation

gravel compact requirespick for 400 400 500 600 650

sand compact excavation. A wooden
peg 50 mm square in
cross section hard to
drive beyond 150 mm

clay stiff cannotbe moulded withthe 400 400 500 600 650
sandy clay stiff fingers and requiresa pickor
boulder clay stiff pneumatic or othermechanically
operated spadefor its removal
clay firm can be mouldedby substantial 400 450 500 600 650
sandy clay firm pressure withthe fingers
boulderclay firm and can be excavated with
a spade

sand loose can be excavated witha spade.
silty sand loose A wooden peg 50 mm square in
clayey sand loose cross section can be easily driven
boulderclay loose

VI Note:
silt soft
irly easily mouldedin the Wherethere is any doubt as to the condition of
clay fingers and readily excavated the subsoil, and always in the case of subsoil types
sandy clay soft V, VI and VII, an appropriatesite investigation, on
silty clay soft which the foundationdesign can be based,
is essential.
silt very soft naturalsample in winter
clay very soft conditionsexudes between
sandy clay very soft fingers when squeezed in
silty clay very soft fist

In no case should the widthofthe foundationbe less than the totalwidthof the wall plus 75 mm on each side.

Sub-section 2 Foundations - general
Design and Construction of all
BS8004: 1986

Building Types - Codes, Standards Structural work of reinforced,

and References prestressed or plain concrete
l.S. 326: 1995

Introduction Structural work of composite steel

and concrete construction
1.2.1 - The following Codes, Standards and BS 5950: Part 3: Section 3.1: 1990
References are appropriate for all buildings and may
be used to meet Requirements Al and A2 provided Structural work of steel
that - BS 5950: Part I: 990
BS 5950: Part 2: 1992
- the design and construction of a structure is in BS5950:Part4: 1994
accordance with the relevant recommendations BS5950: PartS: 1987
of the Codes, Standards and References,and
Structural work of aluminium
- where alternative Codes and Standards have CP 118: 1969 using one of the principal or
been listed, the whole of the design for the same supplementary aluminium alloys designatedin Section
material should normally be based on one of the I of that code, and for the purposes of Section 5.3
codes only. of that code, the structure should be classified as a
safe-life structure.
Where referenceis made to an Irish or British Code
of Practice it should be noted that Eurocodes BS 8118: Part I: 1991, for the purposes of Section 7
covering the same topic which have been issued by
of that standard, the structure should be designed to
CEN as provisional Euronormsmay be used subject provide a safe life.
to the requirements of the Irish National Application
Documentfor the relevant Eurocode. BS8118:Part2: 1991

Codes, Standards and References Structural work of masonry

l.S. 325 Part I: 1986
IS. 325 Part 2: 1995
BS 5628: Part 2: 1985
BS 6399: Part I (For dead and imposed loads, other
than imposed roof loads) Structural work of timber
l.S. 193: 1986

BS 6399 : Part 3 (For imposed roof loads and using SR II: 1988
the snow load map in Diagram 14) BS5268:Part2: 1991

CP 3: Chapter V: Part 2: 1972 (For wind loads Structural work of glass

BS6262: 1982
(although in no case shall the factor S3 be taken at
less than I) and using the appropriate basic wind BS 6262: Part 4: 1994

speed shown on the map in Diagram I 5)

supplemented, as appropriate, by BRE Digest 346. Appraisal of existing buildings
In the case of material alterationsand changesof use
Note: the following provide guidance on the appraisal of
Exceptionally, where the actual load is greater than existing buildings including multi-storeybuildings,
the BS 6399: Part I: 1984 design loads, the actual
load should be used, having regard to par. 1.0.3 of Institution of Structural Engineers: Appraisal of
this Technical Guidance Document. existing structures, I 980.

Building Research Establishment Digest 366:
Structuralappraisal of existing buildings for change of

Construction Industry Research and Information

Association. Structural Renovation of Traditional
Buildings, Report III,

23 I
Diagram 14 Basic snow load on the ground in kN/m2 Par. 1.0.!

Ground level assumed to be 100 m above mean sea level (produced on the basis of snow depth data supplied by
Met Eireann).

Diagram 15 Wind speeds Par. LO.I



48 46

Estimated maximum gust speed (mis)with return period 50 years. Validfor a height of JO m above openlevel country.
(Data supplied by Met Eireann).

Sub-section 3 Structural safety of external wall
Recovering of Existing Roof cladding
Structures and Structural Safety of General
External Wall Cladding
1.3.2 The remainder of this sub-section includes
guidance for the design and construction of external
Recoveringof existing roofstructures wall cladding. The guidance is applicable to cladding
which by reason of weight or height would presenta
1.3.1 Where new roof coverings would impose hazard if it became detached from the building. For
higher loads on the roofstructure or where the new the purposes of this section, cladding is deemed to
material would be lighter than the original material, include glazed curtain walling but not windows.
strengthening measures may be required. The
followingprocedure is recommended: 1.3.3 These provisions are not intended to
provide guidance concerning the weather resistance
(a) arrange for a thorough structural survey of the of wall cladding which is included in Technical
existing roof structure and the vertical restraints, Guidance DocumentC.

(b) check the dry mass per unit areaof the proposed 1.3.4 Wall cladding should be capable of safely
roof covering and compare it with that of the sustaining and transmitting to the supporting
existing roof covering, structure of the building all dead, imposed and wind
(c) make allowance for the increase in load due to
water absorption, e.g. 0.3% for oven dry slates 1.3.5 Wall cladding should be securely fixed to and
and up to 10.5% for clay plain tiles and concrete supported by the supporting structure of the
tiles, building. This should comprise both vertical support
and hold back restraint.
(d) check if the roofstructure is capable of
sustaining the increased load or if the vertical I .3.6 Provision should be made, where necessary,
restraints provided to the roof structure are to accommodate differential movement of the
adequate for the wind uplift (the uplift may result cladding and the supporting structure of the building.
due to the use of lighter roofing material and/or
provisionof new underlay), 1.3.7 The cladding and its fixings should be of
durable materials, the anticipated life of the fixings
(e) provide appropriatestrengthening measures such being not less than that of the cladding. Where the
as: fixings are not readily accessible for inspection and
maintenance, particular care will be required in the
(i) replacement of defective members and choice of materials and standard of workmanship to
vertical restraints, be achieved (see Technical Guidance DocumentD).

(ii) additional structural members such as

trusses, rafters, bracings, or purlins, etc., Technical approach
required to sustain increased loading,
1.3.8 Loading - Wind loading on the wall
(iii) restraining straps, additional ties and fixings cladding should be derived from CP 3: Chapter V:
to the walls to resistwind uplift. Part 2: 1972, supplemented, as appropriate, by BRE
Digest 346, using Class A building size for
determining ground roughness factor S2. In no case
should the factor S3 be taken as less than I. Forces
imposed on wall cladding by ladders or access
cradles for the purpose of maintenance should be

derived from a consideration of the equipment likely (b) The mean of the loads which cause a
to be used. displacement of 0. I mm under direct tension and
1.0 mm underdirectshear.
1.3.9 Where the wall cladding is required to
support other fixtures, e.g. antennae, signboards, The design of certain resin bonded fixings should
etc., full account should be taken of the loads and take account of their rapid loss of strength at
forces arising from such fixtures. temperatures above 50°C.

1.3.10 Where the wall cladding is required to The componentparts of mechanical fixings should be
function as pedestrian guarding to a stairway, ramp, lockable or be otherwise mechanicallyfixed together
vertical drop or vehicle barrier, then account should to preventunintended slippage between the parts.
be taken of the additional imposed loading, as
stipulated in Technical Guidance DocumentK.
1.3.15 Movement - Guidance is given in BS
I .3.1 I For sports stadia, imposed loading should be 8200: 1985 and l.S. 325: Part 2: 1995 on the means
that stipulated in Table 3 of BS 6180, where the wall of providing for the differential movementofthe wall
cladding is required to function as pedestrian cladding and the supporting structure ofthe building.

1.3.12 Fixings - For design purposes, the Codes and Standards

strength of a fixing should be derived from tests
using materials representative of the base material of 1.3.16 The following Codes and Standards may be
the structure into which the fixing is to be anchored. used in designingwall cladding:
Account should also be taken of any inherent
weaknessesin the base material of the structure that General
may affect the strength of the fixing, e.g. cracks due BS8200: 1985
to shrinkage or flexure.
1.3. I 3 For the purpose of such tests the following CP 3: Chapter V: Part 2: 1972 Wind loads
Standards and Reference may be used: supplemented as appropriate by BRE Digest 346,
(although in no case shall the factor S3 be taken as
less than I).
BS 5080: Part I: 1993 and BS 5080: Part 2:
1986(1993). Stone and concrete cladding
I.S. 326: 1995
UEAtc Technical Guide on Anchors for use in BS8297: 1995
cracked and non-cracked concrete. MOAT No 49. BS8298: 1994

BS5427: 1976 Masonrycladding

I.S. 325: Part I: 1986
I.S. 325: Part 2: 1995
1.3.14 Where expanding bolt type fixings B55628: Part 2: 1995
are provided, their safe working shear and tensile
loads should not exceed the lower of the following Steel cladding
values - BS5950: Part I: 1990
BS5950: Part 5: 1987
(a) A factor of safety of 3 applied to: the mean
shear or tensile failure test load less 3 times the Aluminiumcladding
standard deviation derived from the tests. CP 118: 1969
BS8118: Part I: 1991

Timber cladding
BS5268: Part2: 1991

Profiled sheet cladding

BS 5427: 1976

Glass cladding
8S5516: 1991

Section 2
Disproportionate Collapse

Disproportionate A3 (I) A muki-storey buildingshall be designed and constructed with due regard
collapse. to thetheoryand practiceofstructural engineering,so asto ensure that in
theeventofan accidentthe structure will not be damagedto an extent
disproportionateto the causeofthe damage.

(2) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (I), where a buIlding is rendered

structurallydiscontinuous by a verticaljoint, the building on each side of the
joint may be treated as a separate buildingwhether or not such joint passes
throughthe substructure.

Codes and Standards members are single structural elements on which

large parts of the structure rely (i.e. supporting a
2.1 The following Codes and Standards may be used floor or roof area of more than 70 m2 or 15 per cent
in designing to meet the Requirement A3 provided of the area of the storey, whichever is less). Their
the recommendations on ties and the design, which should take their importance into
recommendations on the effect of misuse or account, and the least loadings they have to
accident are followed. withstand are described in the Codes and Standards
listed above.
Structuralwork of reinforced, prestressed
or plain concrete
l.S.326: 1995

Structural work of steel

BS 5950: Part I: 1990 (The accidental loading

referred to in Clause should be chosen having
particular regard to the importance of the key
elementand the consequences of failure, and the key
elementshould always be capable of withstanding a
load of at least 34 kN/m2 applied from any direction).

Structural work of masonry

l.5.325:Part 1:1986
l.S. 325: Part 2: 1995

Additional information
2.2 Structuralfailure of any membernot designed as
a protected key element or member in any one
storey should not result in failure of the structure
beyond the immediately adjacent storeys or beyond
an areawithin those storeys of:

(a) 70 m2, or

(b) I 5 per cent of the area of the storey,

whichever is less. Protected key elements or

Standards and other references

l.S. I: 1991 Portland Cement BS 5268: Structural use of timber Part 6: Code of
practice for timber frame walls Section 6.1: 1988
l.S. 5: 1990 Aggregates for Concrete Dwellings not exceeding three storeysAMD 6743

l.S. 20: 1974 Concrete Building Blocks BS5390: 1976 (1984) Code of practice for stone
masonry AMD 4272
l.S. 20: Part I: 1987 Concrete Building Blocks,
Part I Normal DensityBlocks BS 5427: 1976 Code of practice for performance
and loading criteria for profiled sheeting in building
l.S. 91: 1983 Clay Building Bricks
BS 5516: 1991 Code of practice for design and
l.S. 189: 1974 Concrete Building Bricks installation of sloping and vertical patentglazing

IS. I 90: 1974 Calcium Silicate Building Bricks BS 5628:Code of practice for use of masonry Part
2:1985 Structuraluse of reinforcedand prestressed
l.S. 193: 1986 Timber Trussed Rafters for Roofs masonry

l.S. 240: 1980 Precast Prestressed Concrete Units BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building Part
for use in CompositeLintels I: 1990 Code of practice for design in simple and
continuous construction: hot rolled sections
I.S. 268: 1986 Metal Wall Tiesfor Masonry Walls AMD 6972

l.S. 325:Code of Practice for Use of Masonry Part I: BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building Part
I 986 Structural Use of UnreinforcedMasonry 2: 1992 Specification for materials, fabricationand
erection: hot rolled sections AMD 7766
Code of Practice for Use of Masonry Part 2:
l.S. 325:
1995 Masonry Construction BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building
Part 3: Design in composite construction Section
IS. 326: 1995 Concrete 3.1: 1990 Code of practice for design of simple and
continuous composite beams
l.S. 406: 1987 Masonry Mortars
BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building Part
1988 Structural Timber for Domestic 4: 1994 Code of practice for design of composite
Construction slabs with profiled steel sheeting

BS 1297: 1987 Specification for tongued and BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building
grooved softwood flooring Part 5: 1987 Code of practice for design of cold
formed sections AMD 5957
BS 4471: 1987 Specification for sizes of sawn and
processed softwood AMD 8901 BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building Part
6: I 995 Code of practice for design of light gauge
BS 5080: Part I: 1993 Method of test for tensile profiled steel sheeting
BS 6 I 80: I 995 Code of practice for barriers in and
BS 5080: Part 2: 1986(1993) Method for about buildings
determination of resistance to loading in shear AMD
7602 Code of practice for glazing buildings
BS 6262: 1982
AMD 4063; AMD 4582; AMD 8279
BS 5268: Structural use of timber Part 2: 1991
Code of practice for permissible stress design, BS 6262: Glazing for buildings Part 4: 1994 Code of
materials and workmanship AMD 8597 practicefor safety Human impact

BS 6399: Loading for buildings Part I: 1984 Code
of practice for dead and imposed loads AMD 4949;
AMD 5881;AMD 6031

BS 6399: Design loading for buildings Part 3

: 1988
Code of practice for imposed roof loads AMD 6033

BS 6750: 1986 Specification for modular

co-ordination in building

BS 8002: 1994 Code of practice for earth retaining

structuresAMD 8851

BS 8004: 1986 Code of practice for foundations

BS 8118: Structural use of aluminium Part I: 1991

Code of practice for design

BS 8118: Structural use of aluminium

Part 2: 1991
Specification for materials, workmanship and

BS 8200: 1985 Code of practice for design of non-

Ioadbearing externalverticalenclosures of buildings

BS 8298: 1994 Code of practice for design and

installation of natural stone cladding and lining

CP 3: Chap. V: Part 2: 1972 Wind loads AMD

4952; AMD 5152; AMD 5343; AMD 6028; AMD

CP 118: 1969 The structural use of aluminium

AMD 1129

Appraisal of existing structures Institution of

StructuralEngineers 1980

Structural renovation of traditional buildings, Report

I II. Construction Industry Research and
Information Association

Building Research Establishment Digest 346: The

assessmentof wind loads. Parts I to 8

Building Research Establishment Digest 366:

Structural appraisal of existing buildings for changeof

UEAtc Technical Guide on Anchors for use in

Cracked and Non-crackedConcrete. MOAT No. 49

ISBN 0-7076-3771-6

9 780707 637716


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