52 Graphene Photonics Plasmonics and Optoelecctronics
52 Graphene Photonics Plasmonics and Optoelecctronics
52 Graphene Photonics Plasmonics and Optoelecctronics
(Invited Paper)
RAPHENE, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a
G hexagonal honeycomb lattice, is the building block of the
familiar graphite. Although there are early published reports on
graphene [1], it was not until 2004, when Geim and Novoselov
at the University of Manchester demonstrated an easy method
for isolating graphene [2], that its properties became a subject
of intense study [3]–[9]. Graphene is a covalent, π-electron 2-D
system with exceptional electrical and optical properties. At low
energies, it has a linear dispersion, no bandgap, a high Fermi
velocity (vF ≈ 106 ms−1 ), and exhibits very high carrier mobil-
ities [3]–[9]. Unlike conventional metals, its density-of-states
and Fermi energy can be tuned by electrostatic or chemical Fig. 1. Optical conductivity of graphene. (a) Optical conductivity of graphene
at high photon energies. In the visible range, the optical conductivity is close to
doping. These characteristics have made graphene a prime can- the universal value πe2 /2h. Trigonal warping and many body effects lead to a
didate for applications in nanoelectronics [8], [9]. Graphene strong resonance in the UV at 4.6 eV. (Reproduced from [13].) (b) Extinction
also interacts strongly with light, absorbing radiation over a spectrum of graphene in the IR. (T G + S is the transmission through graphene
and the substrate, T S is the reference substrate transmission.) Due to Pauli
very wide wavelength range extending from the far-infrared blocking, the absorption drops below the universal value for energies below 2|μ|
(IR) to the ultraviolet [10]–[16]. Interband and intraband single (twice the chemical potential). In the terahertz range, the absorption increases
particle excitations, as well as collective plasmon excitations, due to intraband absorption as in metals (Drude peak). However, the Drude
weight can be tuned in graphene by electrostatic doping.
are supported. The unique combination of outstanding transport
properties, wide absorption range, the ability to modulate the
absorption [17]–[19], and the short excited state lifetimes [20] different mechanisms by which light absorption in graphene can
have attracted strong interest in its use in photonics and opto- generate an electrical current. We briefly review some of the uses
electronics [8], [21]–[23]. of graphene as transparent conductive films for display appli-
Here, we discuss the properties of both single particle and cations, and in passive optical components, such as polarizers,
collective excitations of extended graphene and also of con- EM shielding, and saturable absorbers. Then, we discuss appli-
fined graphene structures (quantum wires and dots) and their cations of graphene and graphene micro- and nanostructures in
interaction with external fields and the substrate. We discuss the photodetection and light modulation.
Manuscript received April 1, 2013; revised May 23, 2013; accepted June 1, A. Single Particle Excitations
2013. Date of publication July 31, 2013; date of current version August 14,
2013. The optical conductivity of graphene at energies where the
The authors are with IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, dispersion is linear, i.e., in the near-IR and visible, has a univer-
NY 10598 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). sal value given by: σuni = πe2 /2h (see Fig. 1) [10]. Therefore,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. the absorption of suspended graphene for normally incident
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2013.2272315 light in this frequency range (and T = 0) is A = πα ≈ 2.3%,
1077-260X © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
where α is the fine structure constant, e2 /c, and c the speed of creased absorption reaching 40% in a single graphene layer was
light [10]. Using a thickness of 0.334 nm for the graphene layer, achieved in the far-IR [32].
one obtains an absorption coefficient of about 7 × 105 cm−1 , Finally, we note that graphene also exemplifies strong non-
which is about 50 times higher than the absorption of GaAs at linear
(3) optical response with an effective nonlinear susceptibility
1.55 μm, thus, demonstrating the strong coupling of light and x ∼ 10−7 esu, i.e., approximately eight orders of magnitude
graphene. At the same time, the reflectivity of graphene, R, is larger than in bulk dielectrics [33]. Furthermore, this nonlinear-
very low: R = 0.25π 2 α2 (1 − A) = 1.3 × 10−4 . At higher pho- ity is essentially dispersionless in the near-IR and visible and has
ton energies (≥3 eV) the trigonal warping of the bandstructure already been utilized in four-wave mixing applications [34], [35]
leads to deviations from the above universal optical conductiv- and Kerr effects [36].
ity. Many body effects also play an increasingly important role
and result in a strong saddle point excitonic resonance near the
M point of the Brillouin zone at 4.6 eV; see Fig. 1(a) [13]. The B. Collective Excitations—Plasmons
absorption of multilayer graphene is essentially additive, at least The ever-increasing use of photonics in global data commu-
at energies above 0.5 eV [10]. nications and the current interest in on-chip optical communi-
A particularly important property of graphene is that it can cations has led to increased efforts to decrease the physical size
be doped electrostatically by a gate or chemically by adding and power consumption of photonic devices [37]. One approach
dopants. The chemical potential, μ, is determined by the result-
√ involves the use of subdiffraction limit photonic devices based
ing carrier concentration η, μ = EF = πη/. An important on surface plasmons. In metals–dielectric interfaces, the time-
consequence of the Pauli principle and of doping is that in- varying electric field associated with the light exerts a force on
terband transitions are essentially blocked for photon energies the metal electron gas and drives it into a collective oscillation,
ω < 2 |μ| [Pauli blocking, Fig. 1(b)] [11], [12]. This property where the restoring force is provided by the resulting gradient of
provides a way of tuning the absorbance of graphene. the self-consistent electron field. The light is “bound” to the elec-
The excited states of graphene produced by photoexcita- trons, its momentum (wave vector) is increased and its apparent
tion or other means decay very fast by different mechanisms. wavelength is strongly decreased so that the resulting surface
An ultrashort pulse generates electron–hole pairs in a highly wave (surface plasmon polariton, SPP) provides a strong field
nonequilibrium state. Electronic interactions, i.e., Coulombic localization beyond the diffraction limit, λ0 /2. The plasmons can
carrier–carrier interactions such as Auger and impact ioniza- be propagating TM or TE waves or localized plasmons in nano-
tion, which also lead to carrier multiplication, provide the fastest and microparticles [38]. Since at a given frequency ω, the mo-
energy redistribution mechanism [24], [25]. Time-resolved mentum of the plasmon is higher than that of the same frequency
fs-scale measurements show that after about 200–300 fs a light in free space, special techniques, such as prisms or gratings,
Fermi–Dirac distribution is attained with an elevated electronic need to be used to launch the SPP [39]. The field of plasmon-
temperature Te [24], [25]. As expected, the electronic decay rate ics, involving primarily the plasmons of metals (Au, Ag, Cu,
is a function of the electron density (doping). Along with the Al) and certain other materials, is currently a particularly active
energy redistribution processes, energy dissipation takes place field [38], [40]–[42]. The plasmon frequencies of the metals are
via phonon emission. The decay via optical phonons is fast, determined by their electron concentration and the surrounding
taking place on a few picosecond time scale [26]. However, dielectric, and for noble metals lie generally in the visible and
when the excitation energy has fallen below the optical phonon near IR range. Localized plasmon frequencies also depend on
energy (about 200 meV), acoustic phonon emission is slow the shape of the particles. Graphene support plasmons, but in this
(nanoseconds), and this leads to the formation of an energy case, in the near and far-IR and terahertz ranges (0.1–10 THz).
dissipation bottleneck [27]. Due to this uncoupling of lattice Most importantly, graphene offers the unique capability of plas-
and electronic temperatures, the resulting “hot” electrons can mon tunability, since, unlike in metals, its charge density can
persist for nanoseconds. Coupling of the electrons with a polar be tuned either by electrostatic or by chemical doping [22],
substrate’s surface optical phonons may become an important [23], [43]. The plasmon frequency in graphene is given by [43]:
decay path in this case [28]. ωpl (q) = [(8EF σuni kpl )/ε]1/2 , where EF is the Fermi energy,
Optical transitions involving the free electrons of doped σuni is the universal conductivity of graphene, kpl is the plas-
graphene lead to absorption that extends into the far-IR and mon momentum, and ε is the dielectric constant of the substrate.
tetrahertz ranges. The optical conductivity in this range has, as Since in graphene EF ∝ η 1/2 it follows that ωpl ∝ η 1/4 [44],
in conventional metals, the Drude form [29]: we note that the plasmons of the massless Fermions in graphene
iDG r are a quantum effect, as is indicated by the presence of in
σ(ω) = (1)
π(ω + iΓ) the aforementioned equation. The compression of the surface
plasmon wavelength in graphene λsp relative to the excitation
where the Drude weight, D, for graphene has the form [30]:
wavelength λ0 is strong, and is governed, as is the single particle
DGr = 2EF σuni / and Γ−1 is the damping rate. This free
absorption, by the value of the fine structure constant α [22].
electron absorption can, therefore, be made very high, since
√ Specifically,
σ(ω) ∝ EF ∝ η. Using a gate field, especially using elec-
trolytic gates, carrier densities as high as η ∼ 1014 cm−2 can
be generated [31]. Also, using heavy chemical doping an in- λsp /λ0 ≈ (2αEF /εω) ≈ α ≈ 1/137. (2)
increases the number of carriers with excess energy that have through the Mott formula S = − π k 3eb T e σ1 dσdε , and thus, they
a chance of contributing to a photocurrent. Electron–phonon can be calculated from the I −VG characteristic. In contrast to
scattering, on the other hand, transfers energy from the electron the photovoltaic current discussed previously, the thermoelec-
system to the phonon system, which may produce bolometric tric current shows sign reversal in bipolar p-n junctions on the
effects such as will be discussed in Section III-C, but does not one hand, and unipolar p+ p or nn− junctions on the other. This
lead to carrier multiplication. In graphene, the Dirac electron is due to the sign change of the transconductance dσ/dε when
structure and efficient electron–electron scattering means that going from p-type transport to n-type transport. Together with
photogenerated carriers will multiply rapidly and share their the sign reversal when switching the electric field direction, this
excess energy with the electron bath, while electron–acoustic leads to a six-fold sign change in the photocurrent as a function
phonon scattering is weak, so further thermalization is limited. of the doping in the two regions [see Fig. 6(a) and (b)]. This
This effectively produces an elevated electron temperature Te behavior can be used to differentiate between photovoltaic and
above the lattice temperature increase Tph . In traditional opti- photothermoelectric effects [74].
cally active materials, hot electron operation requires very low Typical responsivities on the order of 10−3 A/W have been
temperatures, which reduces electron–phonon coupling. reported for the photothermoelectric effect in graphene simi-
lar to the ones observed in photovoltaic graphene photodetec-
tors. However, particularly high responsivities on the order of
B. Photothermoelectric Effect
10−2 A/W have been measured in suspended graphene p-n junc-
An optically generated gradient dTe /dx in the electron tem- tions [see Fig. 6(e)] [76]. In these, the interaction of substrate
perature Te , together with a spatially varying Seebeck coef- phonons with graphene electrons is prohibited in the suspended
Fig. 10(b)] [109]. This approach makes use of the supercon- absorption of graphene coupled with its excellent conductiv-
ducting gap of the contacts with high temperature dependence ity, mechanical strength, lightness, flexibility and compatibility
around the critical temperature TC , rather than the temperature with silicon technology make an ideal candidate for photonic
dependence of the graphene itself. In this case, graphene acts and optoelectronic applications. Although the light absorption of
as the absorber and heat conductor, while the superconducting graphene via interband excitations is strong, for a single atomic
tunnel junctions act as the active elements. Finally, Johnson layer, it is not sufficient for most photonic applications. How-
noise thermometry on single-layer graphene contacted by reg- ever, as we have seen, integration with silicon waveguides or in
ular metals, may also be a viable approach for ultrasensitive photonic cavities can significantly enhance the absorption, al-
graphene bolometry [110]. lowing graphene to be utilized in a variety of photonic functions
A photodetection scheme based on plasmonics of graphene, such as light guiding, routing, and light modulation and detec-
patterned into metamaterials structures such as nanoribbons, tion. In the far-IR and tetrahertz frequency ranges, light absorp-
was proposed recently [see Fig. 10(c) and (d)] [57]. As tion in graphene involves intraband transitions whose strength
we discussed in Section II-B, GNRs exhibit well defined, can be large and tunable by electrostatic or tunable doping.
width-dependent plasmonic resonances that can be excited by Just a few layers of graphene provide sufficient absorption. By
s-polarized light. The basis of this approach is to use the exci- coupling to graphene localized plasmons the light–graphene in-
tation of the intrinsic plasmons of the nanoribbons to enhance teraction can be further enhanced and wavelength-selective ab-
the photoresponsitivity of the detector. Moreover, because of the sorption is possible. Graphene plasmonics may enable, besides
dual tunability provided by choosing the width of the nanorib- transparent and conductive screens, detectors and modulators,
bon and the gate dependent tuning of the plasmon resonance, other applications such as terahertz communications, mid- and
the detector can be made frequency selective for frequencies in far-IR imaging and spectroscopy. This is just the beginning of
the IR and terahertz ranges [57]. Due to the interaction of GNR the exploration of graphene in photonics and is to be expected
plasmon with surface phonon polaritons of the SiO2 substrate that many innovations will result from future studies of this
these resonances are hybrids of the two types of excitations. fascinating material.
In the implementation of this approach, arrays of nanoribbon
with widths ranging between 80 and 200 nm were fabricated ACKNOWLEDGMENT
lithographically. Their plasmon resonances were then tuned by
gate modulation of the chemical potential to be brought succes- The authors would like to thank their coworkers H. Yan, F.
sively in coincidence with the frequency of the exciting beam, Xia, T. Low, T. Mueller, W. Zhu, V. Perebeinos, and Z. Li for all
in this case, a CO2 laser beam at 943 cm−1 . The resulting pho- their contributions to the work described here and many valuable
tocurrent was measured with both s- and p-light polarization discussions.
to determine the effect of plasmon versus interband (electron–
hole) excitation. Indeed, an order of magnitude higher photocur- REFERENCES
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