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7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) - Convened Sessions

On the efficiency of solar energy harvesting with nano-dipoles

Zhongkun Ma1, Xuezhi Zheng1, Guy A. E. Vandenbosch1, V. V. Moshchalkov2

Dep. Electrical Eng,. KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, [email protected] 2 INPAC, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium experimental material parameter data. It can be proven that this affects the efficiencies considerably. Huang [4] uses only a single frequency. The second part is the efficiency by which the captured light is transformed into low frequency electrical power by the rectifier. At lower frequencies, rectifying circuits are common, but at IR and optical frequencies and in combination with nano-antennas, efficient rectification is a real challenge, see [5] where an efficiency is reached of 0.01 %. This very low figure is in sharp contrast with the efficiencies mentioned by Kotter [1] and Service [2], and it illustrates the long way still to go before real practical use can be made of solar energy harvesting with nano-antennas. This paper considers the first step only, the capturing of the IR and optical waves and the transport of the energy embedded in these waves to the terminals of the nano-antenna. It is essential to emphasize that the interaction between light and nano-antennas in the frequency bands considered can still be analyzed with a high degree of accuracy using classical electromagnetic theory [3], [6], [7]. The fact that at this small scale, no quantum effects have to be taken into account is really a crucial observation. It means that the concept of an antenna, a device able to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves rather than particles, still works.. The main target of this paper is to derive upper bounds for the efficiencies that can be reached for any possible process by which the IR and optical energy can be transformed. These upper bounds are in some way the equivalent of the theoretical efficiency upper bounds for conventional solar cells. This is done for five metals, including the most popular ones used in plasmonics. It is evident that our techniques can also be used for other metals. Note that this invited paper is totally based on [12], a paper where much more details can be found. II. RECEIVED POWER

AbstractNano-antennas or nantennas are considered as a possible alternative to conventional solar cells. The radiation efficiency of a nantenna is the first factor in the total efficiency product by which these systems are able to convert incident light into useful energy. This efficiency is investigated in terms of the metal used as conductor and the dimensions of the nano-antenna. The results define upper bounds for any possible process transforming light into electrical energy. Silver shows the highest efficiencies, with radiation efficiencies near or slightly above 90 %, and a total solar power harvesting efficiency of about 60 70 %. This is considerably higher than conventional solar cells. It is found that finetuning of the dipole dimensions is crucial to optimize the efficiency. Index TermsSolar energy harvesting, solar radiation, nano antennas, nano dipoles



Solar energy is expected to deliver a large contribution to the solution of human kinds energy problem. At this moment, 90% of the solar cells sold are crystalline silicon wafers. The disadvantage of this technology is the lower efficiency. Typical efficiencies are in the order of 20-30%. In recent years, the idea of using nano-rectennas (nanoantenna or nantenna + rectifier) to harvest solar energy has been suggested. It is claimed that the efficiency of this type of topology may be much larger. The figures mentioned go from a staggering 90% [1], to a more down-to-earth 30-40 % [2]. In this paper realistic numbers are presented for antenna efficiencies that can be reached with nano-antenna technology. These numbers are based on a detailed study of a single antenna topology, the basic dipole, for a range of different metals and different sizes. The total efficiency of nano-rectennas consists of two parts. The first part is the efficiency by which the light is captured by the nano-antenna and brought to its terminals. Due to reciprocity, this efficiency is the same as the efficiency by which the antenna is able to convert input power given at its terminals into radiation. This efficiency is thus the radiation of the antenna. Although this efficiency has efficiency been very well studied for traditional antennas, the in-depth characterization of this parameter has not yet been addressed in the nano-antenna research community. To start with, in by far most papers on nano-antennas known to the authors, only gold is considered as metal. Concerning topologies, some information can be found [3], [4]. However, Gao [3] considers only two structures of the same length and a very rough Drude model is used in the FDTD solver used, fitting the

Most solar radiation is in the visible and the near-infrared wavelength region (Figure 1). In order to form an alternative to state-of-the-art solar cells, nano-antennas have to be designed for this part of the spectrum. Since the material properties in these bands may vary a lot with frequency, studies in the lower frequency bands, as already discussed in literature [1], may be useful to build up necessary know-how,

978-88-907018-3-2/13 2013 IEEE


7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) - Convened Sessions

but do not necessarily offer the solutions for the concrete problems at hand in the IR and optical frequency range. Having the specific application of solar energy harvesting in mind, a new parameter is proposed to characterize the antenna: the total harvesting efficiency. This parameter is defined as

This work reports on a systematic numerical study of the radiation efficiency of IR and optical nano dipoles for five different metals. No Drude model is used but the experimental values of the material parameters are used directly. The solver used in this work is based on the solution of volumetric integral equations with the Method of Moments (MoM) [8], [9]. Following the advice given by Vasylchenko [10], it was first benchmarked against another solver and against measurements. Benchmarking of the simulation tool against measurements was done as part of previous studies [7], [11]. III. RESULTS

Figure 1. The solar spectrum. The major part of the energy is located in the visible and the near-infrared band. The contribution to the total energy of the part above 1500 nm is very small.


P ( , T ) rad ( )d

P ( , T ) d


where is the wavelength, ( ) is the radiation efficiency of the nano antenna as a function of the wavelength, and P is Plancks law for black body radiation

P ( , T ) =

2hc 2

hc kT


The dipole topology studied in this paper is depicted in Fig. 2. Since nano-dipoles have to be fabricated on a supporting layer, the effect of a glass substrate is included. Also for the glass substrate the measured permittivities are used in the analysis. For the frequency range considered this permittivity is almost constant and about 2.1. The efficiencies as a function of frequency (or free space wavelength) for different thicknesses of the substrate are plotted in Fig. 3. In practice substrates are very thick compared to the wavelength. The total efficiencies on a half space of substrate material are 61.6 % for silver, 34.3 % for gold, 50.3 % for aluminum, 29.5 % for copper, and 9.4 % for chrome. This is a bit lower than the efficiencies in vacuum. The results for vacuum can be found in [12]. This lowering effect is caused by the interference of the field waves reflected at the interfaces of the substrate. The major conclusion of this study is that 1. the presence of a substrate overall decreases the efficiencies, and 2. considering the same thickness of the glass, silver is by far superior over the other materials. IV. EXTRACTION OF THE EFFECT OF THE MATERIAL

where T is the absolute temperature of the black body (in K), h is Plancks constant (6.626*10-34 Js), c is the speed of light in vacuum (3*108 m/s), and k is the Boltzmann constant (1.38*10-23 J/K). In the case of solar energy harvesting, the temperature T is the temperature of the surface of the sun. The values calculated with (2) have to be considered upper bounds since practical solar radiation is filtered by the atmosphere. However, they provide an excellent figure of merit for the nano-antenna topologies investigated.

Figure 2. The dipole model studied. a) W and H are set equal to 40 nm and the gap G is fixed at 10 nm, b) The dipole as transmitting antenna with a model for the feeding structure located in the gap. c) The dipole as receiving antenna excited by a plane wave.

It is worthwhile to explain these results from a physical point of view. Through (2), the total harvesting efficiency is completely determined by the radiation efficiency, which is a function of frequency / wavelength. The key issue is to try to reach the highest efficiencies around 500 nm, where the solar irradiance is the largest. This can be done by choosing the proper dipole length. The reason is that this length is one of the main factors that determines the response of the dipole. However, the properties of the material also have a strong effect on the response. That explains why a different optimal length is found for different materials. Also, efficiency is totally depending on losses, and losses are determined by the imaginary part of the permittivity. It is possible to approximately assess any arbitrary material with respect to its harvesting capabilities. For this, we need to separate the effect of the plasmonic waves travelling along the dipole, and consequently the complex interferences, from the effect of the material. This is easily done for an elementary dipole antenna in free space, i.e. a dipole with very short length with respect to the wavelength. For such an antenna the radiated power is proportional to the square of the dipole moment


7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) - Convened Sessions

d=0nm : =29.3%

Radiation Efficiency


d=20nm : tot=23.5% d=200nm: =12.5% d=infinite: =29.5%

tot tot

Radiation Efficiency




d=0nm : =64.1%



d=20nm : tot=49.7% d=200nm: =28.8% d=infinite: =61.6%

tot tot



800 1000 Wavelength, nm



800 1000 1200 1400 Wavelength, nm Figure 6. Efficiencies for a copper 250 nm dipole in terms of the thickness of the glass substrate. 1



Figure 3. Efficiencies for a 250 nm silver dipole in terms of the thickness of the glass substrate.

0.8 1
d=0nm : =34.8% d=20nm : =27.6%
tot tot

Radiation Efficiency

d=0nm : tot=10.0%


d=20nm : =6.8% d=200nm: tot=5.0% d=infinite: =9.4%



Radiation Efficiency

d=200nm: tot=14.7% d=infinite: =34.3%




0.2 0.4 800 1000 1200 1400 Wavelength, nm Figure 7. Efficiencies for a chromium 250 nm dipole in terms of the thickness of the glass substrate. 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength, nm 1200 1400 0 400 600


Figure 4. Efficiencies for a gold 250 nm dipole in terms of the thickness of the glass substrate. 1
d=0nm : tot=48.9% d=20nm : =37.2% d=200nm: =25.8%
tot tot

P rad =

2 0 0 0 ( JdV ) ( J*dV ) 12 V V


Radiation Efficiency

where V is the volume of the dipole, and J is the vector current distribution flowing in it. Using the relation between the total electric field and the (polarization and conduction) current in the material, i.e. J = j ( 0 )E , the losses can be expressed as 1 1 J P loss = Re( (E J * )dV ) = Re( ( J * )dV ) 2V 2 V j ( 0 )


d=infinite: tot=50.3%




im * = 2 (J J )dV 2 (( re 0 ) 2 + im )V
so that the efficiency becomes
400 600 800 1000 Wavelength, nm 1200 1400

rad =

1 (J J* )dV 6 im V 2 0 0 (( re 0 ) 2 + im ) ( JdV ) ( J*dV )



Figure 5. Efficiencies for an aluminum 250 nm dipole in terms of the thickness of the glass substrate.

3 0


7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2013) - Convened Sessions

For a standard short dipole with cross section A and length L carrying a standard linear rooftop type of current, the integrals over the current density can be analytically calculated, yielding

intrinsic harvesting capabilities of arbitrary metals in a first approximate way. A high efficiency is needed in a band as wide as possible around 500 nm. This is only the case for silver and aluminum. V. CONCLUSIONS Upper bounds are derived for the efficiencies by which energy can be harvested from the sun using nano-antenna technology. To this goal, the parameter total harvesting efficiency is introduced. Dipoles on a glass substrate are considered. A simple approximating formula is derived to assess the intrinsic harvesting capabilities of a material. Several challenges remain. Silver is more susceptible to oxidation, which can completely destroy its superiority. VI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support from the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (FWO-V), through the FWO project G.0897.10N, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (GOA), and the Methusalem Funding by the Flemish government. REFERENCES
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rad =

1 1

3 0

8 im 1 2 2 0 0 (( re 0 ) + im ) V 1


= 1

im ,r
(( re ,r 1) +
2 2 im , r

8 3 ) k0 V

Note that this expression confirms the fact that the imaginary part of the permittivity always has to be negative. Keeping the electrical volume of the dipole constant and small, it is easily seen that the efficiency becomes depending only on the permittivity. From a material perspective, the key issue is to get the ratio

im, r

2 (( re ,r 1) 2 + im ,r )

as low as possible. This is

reached for a very low imaginary part with respect to the real part of the permittivity, or, when the real part approaches 1, for a very large imaginary part. Expression (7) is illustrated in Fig. 8 for the five metals considered while the electrical volume is kept constant at
3 k0 V =1.





Ag Au Al Cu Cr 800 1000 1200 1400 Wavelength, nm Figure 8. Small dipole efficiencies for different materials. 400 600

This means that a different dipole size at each frequency is used in order to remove the effect of the topology itself. The strong dependency of the efficiency on the permittivity is clearly visible. The steep rise around 400 nm and 600 nm, for Ag on the one hand and Au and Cu on the other hand, is clearly also seen in the efficiency curves, but modulated there by the plasmonic waves and resonance. Fig. 8 reveals why silver outclasses the other materials, and why aluminum is a good alternative. They keep a high efficiency in the whole frequency band of importance. It is important to note that expression (7) can be easily used to preliminary assess the


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