6 - The Soil - How To Improve The Soil
6 - The Soil - How To Improve The Soil
6 - The Soil - How To Improve The Soil
the SOIi
how to improve ttte aoll
T en -six es h ed in is
designed hand boo
I el agricul I edu n in
Th ay be pu hased a or
docu en
1. e plant e g p nt; e ro t
2. The plant: the stem; e buds; e leaves
3. The plant: the flo r
4. he ii: ho e soil is ade up
5. The soil: ho con e e soil
6. The soil: h improve
7. rop rming
nimai husband fe ing and care of animals
9. nimal husband : animal diseases; how animals
12. breeding
13. ping
Farming r
15. e a!s
16. oots and be
17. roun nuts
18. ananas
19. a ga ening
20. pland rice
21. et paddy or swamp rice
22. Cocoa
23. Coffee
24. The oil palm
25. The rubber tree
26. The modern farm business
Economic and Social Series 3/6
-ISBN 92-5-100145-6
Manure ............................... . 5
Compost ............................. . 7
Green manure ......................... . 8
Fertilizers ..... ,........................ . 9
The chief fertilizers ................... . 10
Nitrogen .......................... . 10
Phosphorus ....................... . 10
Potassium ..................... , ... . 11
How to read a label ................... . 12
Applying fertiii ................... . 13
• Farmi mal a a 111 " a 11 11 m 11 111 111 m a 111 111 111 Iii ill
Fl E
Read pages 4 to 8.
• Do they make manure and compost where you live?
• To understand what manure does
took at Booklet No. 4, page 22.
Do you know why
you should both grow crops and raise animals?
ny soils are poor
a yield a good harvest.
are difficu
Plants grow
by taking mineral salts from the soil.
plant that finps plenty of mineral salts in the soil
grows quickly.
To manu
shou Id both crops
and raise imals .
To make manure,
put and straw
{stems of rice, maize, millet)
to rot with animal droppings~
Hay stack
\!Vhen you have no animals,
and no manure,
you can make compost.
Compost is a mixture
of plants, stems of millet and maize, etc.,
refuse from the house,
remains of food such as vegetables and fruit,
which all rot together .
Dig a hole.
At the bottom of the hole
put a lot of big pebbles and stones,
so that too much water will not stand in the hole.
Throw into the hole
ali the household refuse, weeds and plants you
have cut down, and the refuse from the harvest.
\Nater the heap to make it rot.
Like manure, the compost must not dry out.
So make the heap in the shade to shelter it from the sun.
ure m
which enrich the soil;
which improves the soil structure.
soi I al! me.
a size,
a or pl
i L
They enrich the soil with humus
and make le better rvests afterwards.
lizers give soil mme I
Booklet 19).
Ii a
will pay
farmer on!
if they wili earn him mo
• If u
the w
They contain n
Nitrogen makes leaves grow
and gives them a good green colour.
In the leaves raw sap is changed
into elaborated sap (see Booklet No. 2, page 20).
Nitrogen hetps the formation
of elaborated sap.
And harvests are better.
• m
• nd
Compound fertil
contain different quantities
of nitrogen,
rn on sacks lizer.
FERTILIZER 1iogrammes
13-10-15 is fertilizer.
In this case 13
ram mes
1s case 10
um ( )
ram mes
1 lizer.
is case 15 kg.
a 1 1 15
we m
multiply the fertilizer content
the weight of the sack
and di de the result 1 , thus:
weight of sack
ph orus . . . . . . . . . 10 5
um .,, . . . . . . . 15 7
'i 2
• u can apply b
It fails all over
make a line in ea
a few centimetres away from row p
Put the rtilizer in this line
and cover it wi earth.
Fertilizer is
'put along this lirie
put the ferti Iizer at the foot of the
plants just before you earth them up.
such as palms, coffe~, cocoa,
put the rtilizer in a circle
1 or 2 metres from the tree trunk.
The feeding roots of the tree
are-at a distance 1 or 2 metres
the trunk.
• a
E p L I E
• Fertil 1s
Do not put just any ferti !izer on a crop.
Different plants have different needs.
I, a well or a m,
can ram.
Earth Branches
res up
u can
• drin
• even raise
Before making a
ask for advice
from the extension
• n
• ),
Bucket (stone)
• (noriaL
must be made
so as to bdng water to the edge of the field.
make a hole
in the ridge of the ditch.
Water flows over Ditch full of water
the field
// Opening
Field to be irrigated in ridge
Small ditch
~" \J
IVlain ditch \I ~
~4 'µ ~
\( ' "'~\J
w ~-w
if too many
the are
because the crop p share
with the trees
PP can au soil.
Cut the grass and weeds and the small trees.
Put them in a heap
to make them rot.
This (see Booklet No. 2, page 23)
will give humus to the soil.
a (see Booklet No. 5, page 21 ).
Trunk after
• u cannot sow in
the stumps get in the way.
• The stumps
go on taking food from the soil.
Around stumps
the crops are less good,
the plants are not so tall,
and rice, for example, turns yellow.
G a work.
• F
Then take out the stump.
Make a hole round the stump
that can clear r
ut the roots with an axe
or a special grubbing tool.
This tool can be made
the village blacksmith
from a leaf of a lorry spri
The blacksmith flattens
in his forge
and sharpens it on a stone.
e turns over the other end
make it hold
in a long wooden handle. Grubbing
This is 1.50 metres long. tool
is tool is used
for taking out earth
from around roots,
and also for cutting roots.
The too I cuts better
if the hand le is heavy.
Do not cut the tree trunk.
Cable to be fixed
to block and tackle
Cable fixed to tree.by
means of block and tackle
We shall study animal power next year.
But we can say something about it now;
• get your fields
for a long time.
Preparing the ground
(irrigation, r Ii grubbing)
a work.
benefit from this
• have rectangles
big enough work easily with animals.
• have
r s.
animals work quickly and well.
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ISBN 92-5-100145-6