Observations of Emergent Literary Behaviors in A Literacy-Enriched Play Environment: Does Teacher Guidance Make A Difference?
Observations of Emergent Literary Behaviors in A Literacy-Enriched Play Environment: Does Teacher Guidance Make A Difference?
Observations of Emergent Literary Behaviors in A Literacy-Enriched Play Environment: Does Teacher Guidance Make A Difference?
Repository Citation
Totten, Cheryl M., "Observations of Emergent Literary Behaviors in a Literacy-Enriched Play Environment: Does Teacher Guidance
Make a Difference?" (1992). Education and Human Development Master's Theses. 1188.
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College at Brockport
by Cheryl M. Totten
College at Brockport
September 1992
Abstra ct
were recorde d during spontan eous play. The play area was
literac y-enric hed with play center s, environ mental print,
Chapter I I ...•.•......•................•.....••...•.
Review of the Literat ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapte r III
Design of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hypoth esis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Method ology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subjec ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Materi als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proced ures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Analys is of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tab le of Co nte nts (Ca n't)
Pag e
• 19
•. ••••. ••••. •. •••••. ••••••
Ch apt er IV • • • • • . . • • • • • • • •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. •. . I9
An aly sis of Dat a . . . . . . • . . .
Hy pot hes is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 19
vat ion s
Com par iso n of Bas e Lin e Ob ser ntr ol
Bet wee n the Tre atm ent and Co
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Gro ups. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
bje cts
Pos t-O bse rva tio ns of the Su
Who Rec eiv ed Tea che r Gu ida nce
ol Gro up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Com par ed to the Co ntr
................... 21
Int erp ret ati on of Hy pot hes is
. 22
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ch apt er V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
................... 22
Co ncl usi ons and Im pli cat ion s
om Tea che r . . . . . . . . . . 22
Im pli cat ion s for the Cla ssro
ch, ... 23
Im pli cat ion s for Fut ure Res ear
Re fer enc es
Ap pen dic es
Ob ser ved
A. Sp eci fic Lit era cy Ac tiv itie s
Bef ore and Aft er Tre atm ent
ore and
B. Lit era cy Sk ills Ob ser ved Bef
Af ter Tre atm ent
nte xt
C. Kno wle dge of Lit era cy in Co
Ob ser ved Bef ore and Aft er Tre atm ent
dge of
D. Qu ota tio ns Me ntio nin g Kno wle Aft er
Lit era cy Ob ser ved Bef ore and
Tre atm ent
Chapter I
The purpose of this study was to compare emergent
Question to be Answered
Definitions of Terms
writing skills.
dual cultures.
cluding knowledge of
specific activities .
knowledge of literacy in context - a child signing
a check at the
office, writing
a shopping list
in the kitchen,
or reading a
letter at the
post office.
skills - manipulat ing a writing instrumen t and pre-
pp. 5-60) .
p1_ay center - a play area marked off to represe nt a real
pre-lit eracy skills - skills that lead to· the develop ment
activit y.
symbol ic play - play experie nce that represe nts a real life
experie nce.
literacy behaviors
this study.
ment period.
Chapter II
objects as tables.
play themes.
Roskos, 1990).
lite rac y (Fi eld , 198 0). Lab elli ng cen ters and env iron -
bols (pi cto ria l cue s)
men tal obj ect s wit h pri nt and sym
y awa ren ess and dev e-
is a ben efit to chi ldr en' s lite rac
Aut hen tic, saf e pro ps
lopm ent (Neu man & Ros kos , 199 0).
pon s from the kitc hen
rela ted to lang uag e, suc h as cou
, sho uld be add ed to
and libr ary car ds from the libr ary
chi ldre n can use the ir
th~ app rop riat e cen ters so tha t
dev elbp a pur pos efu l
pri or kno wle dge of the pro ps to
ick lan d, 198 9; Neu man
lite rac y exp erie nce (Mo rrow & Str
The Eff ect of Tea che r/ Par ent Pla
avio rs
Gui dan ce on Eme rgen t Lit era cy Beh
/ par ent sup por tive
Res earc h sug ges ts tha t a tea che r
y beh avi ors . Pla y
pla y env iron men t enh anc es lite rac
tion soo n aft er bir th
beg ins wit h inf ant -ad ult inte rac
s (Wh aley , 199 0).
rath er tha n wit h late r inte rac tion
of sym bol ic pla y whe n
Chi ldre n use mor e com plex form s
whe n the y eng age in
the y pla y wit h the ir mot hers than
sol itar y pla y (Fi esi , 199 0). Tra inin g mot hers and car e-
during free play when litera cy mater ials are introd uced
Summa ry
Resear ch indica tes that there are both corre lation al
tate litera cy. Resear ch also sugge sts that a teach er's
model ing of litera cy behav iors using the authe ntic props
Environme nt
Procedur es
qualitat ive natural istic observa tions where the children 's
perimen ter during spontane ous play (Neuman & Roskos, 1990).
The literacy behavio rs that were noted involved specific
1 2 3 4 5
Teach er Guided B T E E p
Subje cts
Subje cts B E E E p
Witho ut
Teach er Guidan ce
play environment for one half hour daily during the morning.
Analysis of Data
Analysis of Data
Alyssa (T) And Liz (T), treatment group subjects, were pas-
play behaviors. They did not jump from one unrelated acti-
centers. (Appendix C)
(Appendix C)
with one anothe~ unlike the control group subjects. Liz (T)
her dad and postman. It appears that the reason the subjects
Interpretation of Hypothesis
group, and interacted with their peers more than the con-
trol group.
Chapter V
.a grown-up.
literacy materials .
Isenb erg, J., & Jacob , F. (1983 )~. Play ful liter acy
activ ities and learn ing preli mina ry obse rvati on.
(Rep ort No. PS-0 14-07 5). Aust in, TX: Depa rtmen t
of Educ ation . (ERIC Docu ment No. 238 577)
Kenn edy, M. (199 1). Play- langu age relat ions hips in
young child ren with deve lopm ental delay s: Impl ica-
Journ al of Speec h and Hear ing
·tion s for asses smen t.
Rese arch, ].i, 112-1 22.
Klee ck, A. & Schu ele, C. (198 7). Recu rsers to liter acy:
Norm al deve lopm ent. Topi cs in Lang uage Diso rders .
1, 13-2 1.
Mand el, K., Morro w, L., & Rand , M. (1991 ) .. Prom oting
liter acy durin g play by desig ning early child hood
class room envir onme nt. Read ing Teac her, .1,i, 396-4 02.
Morro w, L., & Stric klan d, D. (198 9). Envir onme nts rich
in prin t prom ote liter acy beha vior duing play .
Read ing Teac her, 1}, 178-1 79.
Neum an, S. & Rosk os, K. (1990 ). Play , prin t, and pur-
pose : Enric hing play envir onme nt for liter acy deve lop-
Read ing Teac her, .1,i, 214-2 21. ·
ment .
Nico lich, L. (198 1). Towa rd symb olic func tioni ng:
para l-
Stru cture of early prete nd game s and pote ntial
lels with langu age. Child Deve lopm ent, .dl., 787-7 97.
Ogur u, T. (199 1). A long itudi nal study of the relat ion-
deve -
ship betw een early langu age devel opme nt and play
lopm ent. Jour nal .of Child Lang uage, ll, 273-2 94.
Pelle grini, A. (1980 ). The relati onshi p betwee n kin-
derga rten play and achiev ement in reread ing langua ge
and writin g. Psycho logy in the Schoo ls, 11, 530-53 5.
1. Folded paper.
a name.
4. Folded paper.
items on coupons.
2. After she got home from the store, she helped Liz cook
to read.
Sect ion I - Cont rol Subj ects
1. Colo red.
1. Colo red.
2. Made writi ng mark s on note card with mark er.
her name .
1. Colo red.
2. Wrot e a lette r.
1. Colored.
1. Wrote letters.
3. Wrote "2."
and two "i's'' to sign the book out. She said the let-
ters as she signed the book out. She s~gned two more
books out.
After Treatment
read a book.
offic e to mail .
sages down on post -it note s. She took her typed lette rs
to mail them .
5. She recei ved mail from the postm an and read it.
6. She went to the libra ry durin g lunch break s to
Did not exhi bit know ledge of liter acy in cont ext.
to read it.
4. She went to visit Alyssa at the office. She borrowed
notes to send.
Appendix D
1. "That's my name."