08 - Where Can We Find The Poor in The Philippines

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30 The Philippine Statistician, 2000

Vol. 49, Nos. 1-4, pp. 30-37.

Where can we find the poor in the Philippines?
Zita V.l. Albacea and Ann Inez N. Gironella"

This study aims to describe the characteristics of the residence of poor families included in the 1994
Family Income and Expenditure Survey of-the Philippines. The average barangay poverty incidence is
estimated to be 37% with a standard error of 0.63%. Also, an estimated 23.3% of the barangays have
poverty incidence greater than 60%. Twelve characteristics are associated with barangay poverty
incidence and include whether the barangay is urbanized or not, total number of stores, factories, and
financing 'institutions and the presence or absence of street pattern, housing project, newspaper
circulation, telegraph system, electricity, water works system, postal system and telephone lines in a
barangay. The high density poor barangays (barangays with poverty incidence greater than 60%) have

low total number of stores, factories and financing institutions. Although 65% of the high density
poor barangays have electricity, more than 50% of them are not urbanized and are without street
pattern, housing project, newspaper circulation, telegraph system, water works system, postal system
and telephone lines. .

KEYWORDS: Poverty; Complex Survey; Correlates of Poverty


The problem of poverty is a nationwide concern. The government as well as some non-
government organizations (NGOs) have proposed and implemented interventions to
irradicate or at least lessen poverty incidence in the country. However, most of the
beneficiaries of these measures were criticized not being the 'real' poor. A possible
reason for this may be technical in nature like locating the poor families, that is, finding
the place where most of the resident families are poor. •
Several studies were conducted to describe the poor families or households in the
Philippines. Marquez and Virola (1995).presented an updated profile of the Philippine
poor based on the 1985, 1988, 1991, and 1994 FIBS. In their study, poor households
were characterized with respect to age, sex and occupation of the household head,
source of income, expenditure and consumption pattern, payment of taxes, type and
tenure of housing, source of water supply, kind of toilet facilities, availability of
electricity, ownership of household appliances, and involvement in entrepreneurial
activities. The study concludes that the following characteristics of the poor have not
changed significantlysince 1985:

• Poor households have an average of 6 members, one more than the average
size of non-poor households.
• Heads of poor households are employed and are found in the agriculture,

fishing and forestry sector.

• Associate Professor and Professor of Statistics, respectively, Institute of Statistics, College of Arts
and Sciences, UP Los Banos, College, Laguna.

'. The Philippine Statistician, 2000

In terms of the place where the poor people are, the study only had the opportunity to

look at the poverty statistics at the regional level with rural and urban disaggregation.
The study shows that:

• Poverty incidence is lower in urban areas compared to rural areas. Also,

reduction of poverty incidence is also faster in urban areas.
• Poverty has eased in the Visayas, especially Region vn, but. has grown
worse in Mindanao.

Other studies likewise were conducted to identify indicators of poverty which are not
income-based. These indicators describe the well-being of poor households. Noriega
(1995) used the results of the 1994 Poverty Mapping Survey conducted by the

• Department of Social Welfare and Development to identify variables describing the

well-being of households for classifying, poor from the non-poor households. A
poverty classification scheme based on the social, economic and nutrition needs of the
households was developed. Studies of Orbeta and Hilario (1995) and Reyes, et al.
(1996) on Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) indicators as poverty measures, among
others, aimed to identify characteristics of the household that are related to its poverty
status which are not income-based. Orbeta and Hilario (1995), as cited in Reyes, et al.
(1996) reviewed the relationship between the Minimum Basic Needs (MBN) indicators
and income groupings using the results of the 1992 Socio-Economic Survey of Special
Group of Families. The study concludes that income is a good indicator of deprivation
except that of enabling needs of the bottom 30% of the population. Income adequately
captures the incidence of deprivation in terms of survival and security needs. Reyes, et
al. (1996) extended this study to look at the relationship of income and MBN
indicators on the population at large utilizing data from the 1991 FIES.

Balisacan, et al. (1997) identified poor households using both household-specific and
• location characteristics. The location characteristics were barangay characteristics used
as predictors in ordinary least squares regression model of predicting the natural log of
adjusted per capita income.

The above-mentioned studies aimed to identify and describe the poor using household
head and household characteristics, but none described the geographic location
characteristics of poor families. The study of Marquez and Virola (1995) touched on
the residence of the poor at an even higher level of aggregation, the regional level. On
the other hand, Balisacan (1997) used barangay characteristics, but for an objective
different from describing the place where one can find the poor households. The
studies related to MBN indicators did use some location characteristics like
accessibility of potable water and electricity as components of family's basic needs but
they were used to ,characterize poor households: Hence, to further identify and locate
the poor, this study will attempt to describe the location characteristics where one can
• find the poor households in the Philippines.


The major data set needed in the computation of poverty statistics is obtained from the
Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIBS), a nationwide survey conducted by the
National Statistics Office every three years since 1985. About 25,000 households were
interviewed for every conduct of the survey in the years 1985-1994. This number was

32 Albacea and Gironella: Where can
. we find the poor in the Philippines?

deemed sufficient to provide reliable estimates of income and expenditure levels for
each province, key city and key municipality of the country. The latest available FIBS
data that can be used for analyses is that conducted in 1994 and is the one used in this

The 1994 FIBS is designed with the urban and rural areas of each province as principal
domains. Within each domain, a pre-determined number of primary sampling units
(PSUs) is selected at the first stage of sample selection procedure with probability
proportional to size. Barangays which are classified as either urban or rural are the
primary sampling units (PSUs) and households within each sample barangay comprise I

the secondary sampling units (SSUs).

Using the 1994 FIBS data set, design-based estimates of poverty incidence at the
barangay level are computed. Each household is classified as either poor or non-poor

by comparing the household income with the poverty threshold of the region where the
household belongs. The total number of poor households and total number of
households in a barangay are then estimated using the probability weights of the
sampled households. Using these two counts, poverty incidence at the barangay level is
estimated as a ratio of total number of poor households to total number of households
in a barangay. Only those barangays included in the 1994 FIBS are considered in the

The location characteristics of the sampled barangays in FIBS are identified from the
1990 Census of Population and Housing (CPH). These characteristics together with
the estimated poverty incidence provide the data for this study. They. are barangay
level data generated by following the sampling design of the 1994 FIBS which is
stratified random sampling with proportional allocation.

The barangay poverty incidence is used to categorize a sample barangay as high

density, average density and low density poor barangay. Those barangayswith poverty
incidence greater than 60% are· classified as high density poor barangays; those with
40% to 60% poverty incidence as average; and those with less than 40% poverty
incidence as low. Likewise: each barangay is cross-classified with the categories of the
following characteristics:

1. urbanized or not
2. accessible to highway or not
3. with or without street pattern
4. with or without a town/provincial hall
5. with or without a church
6. with or without a plaza
7. with or without a cemetery
8. with or without a market place

9. with or without an elementary school
10. with or without a high school
11. with or without a college or university
12. with or without a public library
13. with or without a hospital
14. with or without a barangay center

The Philippine Statistician, 2000 33

15. with or without a barangay hall

16. with or without a housing project
17. with or without a newspaper circulation
18. with or without a telephone service
19. with or without a postal service
20. with or without a water works system
21. with or without electricity
22. with or without telegraph system

The association between classification ofbarangays according to poverty incidence and

these 22 characteristics of the barangay is tested using chi-square test of independence.
Since the sampling design of the data- set used in this study is stratified random

• sampling in proportional allocation, the common Pearson chi-square test statistic was
used. Rao and Thomas (1989) reports that under the stratified random sampling with
proportional allocation, the adjusted chi-square test statistic in the test of independence
is asymptotically conservative and is well approximated by the common Pearson test.
Furthermore, barangay poverty incidence is correlated with other location
characteristics which were measured in at least the interval scale. These characteristics
are total number of stores, total number of factories,and total number of financing
institutions. The weighted Pearson product moment correlation is estimated and tested
for significance from zero. The correlation coefficients are weighted according •
to the

sampling design of FIBS.


The average poverty incidence ofFIES sample barangays is estimated to be 37% with
a standard error of 0.63%. There are sample barangays wherein all households are
poor (hence, having poverty incidence of 100%) while there are also barangays with
•• poverty incidence of 0%. The percentage distribution of barangays by density of poor
households is presented in Table 1. More than half of the sample barangays (57.5%)
have poverty incidence less than 40% or are low density poor barangays while 23.3%
of the barangays have poverty incidence greater than 60% or are high density poor

Table 1. Estimated percentage distribution of barangays by density of poor households

residing in the barangay based on the 1994 FIES.



As shown in Table 2, one can find, based on all sample barangays of the 1994 FIES, an
average per barangay of 7 stores with a maximum value of 79 stores, 3 factories with
maximum value of 29 factories, and 7 financing institutions;
34 Albacea and Gironella: Where can
we find the poor in the Philippines?
Table 2. Characteristics of sample barangays of the 1994 FIBS based on 1990 CPH.


Total number of stores 1105 7.3 5.3 0 79
Total number of factories 1098 3.3 4.1 0 29
Total number of financing 1096 7.4 17.1 0 90

It may also be observed that 62.5% of the 1994 FIBS sample barangays are not
. urbanized while 81% have access to highways. The barangays are also described by the
presence or absence of some amenities like electricity and water works system The
percentage distribution of sample barangays by barangay amenity is presented in Table

Table 3. Percentage distribution of sample barangays of the 1994 FIBS by presence or
absence of some amenities based on the 1990 CPH.


Street pattern 63.23% 36.77%
Town/provincial hall 8.27% 91.73%
Church 87.11% 12.89%
JSlaza 42.50% 57.50%
Cemetery 24.58% 75.42%
Market 25.29% 74.71%
Elementary school 79.68% 20.32%
High school 26.76% 73.24%
College 6.72% 93.28%
Public library 4.97% 95.03%
Barangay center
Barangay hall
Housing project
Newspaper circulation
Electricity 84.64% 15.36%
Waterworks system 47.63% 52.37%
Postal service 31.03% 69.97%
Telephone lines 26.79% 73.21%

At least 80% ofthe sample barangays have a church or place of worship and one of the
basic amenities, electricity. Also, almost 80% of the sample barangays have an
elementary school while at least 60% of the barangays have street pattern to follow, a
barangay hall and a barangay center for community activities. On the other hand, a
public library is absent in about 95% of the sample barangays. Also, at least 90% ofthe
sample barangays are without a town or provincial hall, a college,and a hospital. At
least 80% of the barangays are without housing project and a telegraph system while at
least 70% are without a cemetery, a market, a high school, a college, newspaper
circulation and even telephone lines. At least 55% of the sample barangays are without
a postal service and a plaza. It is also alarming to note that 52% of the sample
barangays are without waterworks system
•• The Philippine Statistician, 2000 35

Table 4 summarizes the results of the 2 x 3 chi-square test of independence between

the presence of amenity and density of poor households, and their corresponding
computed contingency coefficients.

Table 4. Computed chi-square test statistic and corresponding estimated contingency

coefficient of the characteristics of the 1994 FIES sample barangays
computed using the 1990 CPH data


With or without telephone lines 175.746** 0.395
With or without a newspaper circulation 153.416** 0.372
With or without electricity 99.534** 0.311

• Urbanized or not
With or without postal service
With or without waterworks system
With or without a housing project 57.981** 0.239
With or without a telegraph 56.608** 0.237
With or without street pattern 42.480** 0.209
Accessible to highway or not 33.575** 0.186
With or without a hospital 33.324** 0.184
With or without a public library 29.680** 0.175
With or without' a high school 30.190** 0.174
With or without a college 22.937** 0.153
With or without a market 17.674** 0.135
With or without town/provincial hall 9.033* 0.097
With or without a barangay hall s.zoc- 0.081
With or without a barangay center 5.108 llS 0.073
With or without an elementary school 3.993 llS 0.065
With or without a plaza 3.916 llS 0.064
With orwithout a church 3.42 IllS 0.060

•• With or without a cemetery

•• significant at 1% level
0.73gns 0.028

•significant at 5% level
llS not significant at 5% level

Out of the 22 characteristics evaluated, 16 are found to have. significant association

with the density of poor households in a sample barangay based on its poverty
incidence. The presence or absence of church, plaza, cemetery, elementary school,
barangay center and hall in a barangay are not associated with the density of poor
households. A church is found in at least 87% of all sample barangays. Hence, its
presence in a barangay is not related to the barangay's density of poor households.

In identifying the location characteristics of sample barangays, which are highly
associated with the density status, those characteristics with computed contingency
coefficient of at least 0.200 are selected. Among the 16 characteristics found to have a
significant association with the density status, only 9 have this property. This set of
. characteristics includes whether the barangay is urbanized or not and the presence or
absence of street pattern, housing project, newspaper circulation, telephone system,
electricity, water works system, postal and telegraph system in a barangay. The highest
association with density of poor households (C = 0.395) is obtained from the presence
of telephone lines while the lowest (C = 0.209) is from the presence of street pattern.

36 Albacea and Gironella: Where can
we find the poor in the Philippines?

In terms of whether the sample barangay is urbanized or not, 81.61% of the high
density poor barangays are not part of the city. The distribution of high density poor
barangays by the other eight characteristics which are found significantly associated
with the barangay poverty incidence are shown in Table 5. More than 50% of the high
density poor barangays are without street pattern, housing project, newspaper
circulation, telegraph system, water works system, and postal system and telephone
lines. However, 65% of the high density poor barangay have electricity since most of
the sample barangays are with an electrification system (84.64% have electricity, refer
to Table 3).

In terms of characteristics measured in at least the interval scale, namely: total number
of stores, factories, and financing institutions, the computed weighted Pearson
correlation coefficients with barangay poverty incidence are all negative values,
-0.3023, -0.4131, and -0.2163, respectively. The coefficients indicate that the lower
the total number of stores, factories, and financing institutions, the higher is the
barangay poverty incidence. Hence, high density poor barangays can be described as
those barangays with low count in total number of stores, factories, and financing

Table 5. Estimated percentage distribution of sample barangays of the 1994 FIBS

by presence or absence of amenities found to be associated with
barangay poverty incidence.


Street pattern 45.95% 54.05%
Housing project 4.04% 95.96%
Newspaper circulation 5.86% 94.14%
Telegraph 1.35% 98.65%
Waterworks system
Postal service 11.66% 88.34%
Telephone lines l,35% 98.65%


On the average, the poverty incidence of sample barangays is 37% with standard error
of 0.63% and at least 23% of the sample barangays have poverty incidence greater
than 60%. There are, on the average, 7 stores, 3 factories, and 7 financing institutions
per sample barangay. A high 87.11% of the sample barangays have a church while at
least 95% of them are without a public library. Elementary schools are also
predominant and so is the presence of electricity. However, more than 50% of the
sample barangays are without water works system ...
Among the 22 characteristics of the barangays studied, 12 are found to be associated
with barangay poverty incidence. Binary characteristics include urbanity of a sample
barangay, presence of street pattern, housing project, newspaper circulation, telegraph
system, electricity, water works system, postal system and telephone line. Also
included are total number of stores, factories and financing institutions.

The Philippine Statistician, 2000 37

Although at least 65% of the high density poor barangays are with electricity, 81.61%
of these barangays are not urbanized. Other characteristics of high density poor
barangays include the absence of street pattern, housing project, newspaper circulation,
telegraph system, water works system, postal system and telephone lines. High density
poor barangays are also characterized by low total number of stores, factories and
financing institutions.


and 1.8. PEREZ (1997) 'Correlates of Poverty in the Philippines', Paper presented at
the NSO-UNDP assisted project report presentation .

• MARQUEZ, N.R and RA VIROLA (1995) 'Monitoring changes in the characteristics of the
Philippine poor: 1985-1994', Proceedings on the Sixth National Convention on
Statistics, pp. 434-460.

NORIEGA, R.M. (1995) 'Alternative methodology for determining the poor from the non-
poor: Philippine case studies on poverty mapping', Proceedings of the Sixth National
Convention on Statistics, pp. 419-433.

ORBETA, A and AR HILARIO (1995) 'A note on the adequacy of income as poverty
indicator', Paper presented at the MIMAP Advisory Council meeting.

RAO, J.N.K. and D.R. THOMAS (1989) 'Chapter 4. Chi-squared tests for contingency table',
Analysis of Complex Surveys, Edited by C.J. Skinner, D. Holt and T.M.F. Smith, John
• Wiley & Sons.

REYES, M., R.R. CANCO and x.c. ILARDE (1981) 'Using MBN indicators for poverty
mapping', Paper presented at the MIMAP Advisory Council meeting.


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