OR Chapter 2 Linear Programming Application and Model Part I
OR Chapter 2 Linear Programming Application and Model Part I
OR Chapter 2 Linear Programming Application and Model Part I
Chapter Two
Linear Programming: Application and Model
The components relate to the structure of a model, whereas the assumptions reveal the
conditions under which the model is valid.
Decision variables
They represent unknown quantities to be solved for. The decision maker can control the
value of the objective, which is achieved through choices in the levels of decision
variables. For example, how much of each product should be produced in order to obtain
the greatest profit?
However, the ability of a decision maker to select values of the decision variables in an
LP problem is subject to certain restrictions or limits coming from a variety of sources.
The restrictions may reflect availabilities of resources (e.g., raw materials, labor time,
etc.), legal or contractual requirements (e.g., product standards, work standards, etc.),
technological requirements (e.g., necessary compressive strength or tensile strength) or
they may reflect other limits based on forecasts, customer orders, company policies, and
so on. In LP model, the restrictions are referred to as constraints. Only solutions that
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satisfy all constraints in a model are acceptable and are referred to as feasible solutions.
The optimal solution will be the one that provides the best value for the objective
The objective function and the constraints consist of symbols that represent the decision
variables (e.g., X1, X2, etc.) and numerical values called parameters. The parameters are
fixed values that specify the impact that one unit of each decision variable will have on
the objective and on any constraint it pertains to as well as the numerical value of each
The following simple example illustrates the components of LP models:
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Linearity (proportionality)
The linearity requirement is that each decision variable has a linear impact on the objective
function and in each constraint in which it appears. In terms of a mathematical model, a
function or equation is linear when the variables included are all to the power 1 (not squared,
cubed, square root, etc.). On the other hand, the amount of each resource used (supplied) and
its contribution to the profit (or cost) in the objective function must be proportional to the
value of each decision variable. For example, if production of one unit requires 5 hours of a
particular resource, then making 3 units of that product requires 15 hours (3x5) of that
Divisibility (Continuity)
The divisibility requirement pertains to potential values of decision variables. It is assumed
that non-integer values are acceptable. However, if the problem concerns, for example, the
optimal number of houses to construct, 3.5 do not appear to be acceptable. Instead, that type
of problem would seem to require strictly integer solutions. In such cases, integer-
programming methods should be used. It should be noted, however, that some obvious
integer type situations could be handled under the assumption of divisibility. For instance,
suppose 3.5 to be the optimal number of television sets to produce per hour, which is
unacceptable, but it would result in 7 sets per two hours, which would then be acceptable.
This requirement involves two aspects of LP models. One aspect relates to the model
parameters, i.e., the numerical values. It is assumed that these values are known and
constant. In practice, production times and other parameters may not be truly constant.
Therefore, the model builder must make an assessment as to the degree to which the certainty
requirement is met. The other aspect is the assumption that all relevant constraints have been
identified and represented in the model.
The value of the objective function and the total amount of each resource used (or supplied),
must be equal to the sum of the respective individual contributions (profit or cost) by
decision variables. For example, the total profit earned from the sale of two products A and B
must be equal to the sum of the profits earned separately from A and B. Similarly, the amount
of a resource consumed for producing A and B must be equal to the sum of resources used for
A and B respectively.
It assumes that negative values of variables are unrealistic and, therefore, will not be
considered in any potential solutions. Only positive values and zero will be allowed and the
non-negativity assumption is inherent in LP models.
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ABC private limited company is engaged in the production of power and traction
transformers. Both of these categories of transformers pass through three basic processes:
core preparation, core to coil assembly, and vapor phase drying. A power transformer yields a
contribution of Birr 50,000 and traction transformer contributes Birr 10,000. The time
required in the production of these two products in terms of hours for each of the processes is
as follows.
Power transformer Traction Transformer
Core preparation 75 15
Core to Coil Assembly 160 30
Vapor Phase Drying 45 10
If the capacities available are 1000, 1500, and 750 machine hours in each processes
respectively, formulate the problem as LP?
Step1. Identify decision variables
Since the products to be produced are power and traction transformers using the available
resource to attain the objective set, we consider them as decision variables. This is because
the organization‟s problem here is how many of each product to produce in order to attain the
objective, which requires the management decision.
LetX1 = the no of power transformers to be produced.
X2= the no of traction transformer to be produced
Step2. Determine Objective Function
From the problem above, we understand that the problem is maximization problem.
Zmax = 50,000X1+ 10,000X2
This is because, each unit of X1 contributes Birr 50,000 and X2 contributes Birr
10,000 to objective function.
Step 3. Identify constraints
Here we have two constraints: structural and non-negativity constraints. The structural
constraint is the amount of machine hours available in each process.
Step 4. Determining Parameters
Parameters are already identified in the table of the problem.
Note: Step 3 and 4 can be performed simultaneously as:
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An individual investor has Birr 70,000 to divide among several investments. The alternative
investments are municipal bonds with an 8.5% return, certificates of deposits with a 10%
return, Treasury bill with a 6.5% return, and income bonds with a 13% return. The amount of
time until maturity is the same for each alternative. However, each investment alternative has
a different perceived risk to the investor; thus it is advisable to diversify. The investor wants
to know how much to invest in each alternative in order to maximize the return. The
following guidelines have been established for diversifying the investment and lessening the
risk perceived by the investor.
1. No more than 20% of the total investment should be in an income bonds.
2. The amount invested in certificates of deposit should not exceed the amount invested
in other three alternatives.
3. At least 30% of the investment should be in treasury bills and certificates of deposits.
4. The ratio of the amount invested in municipal bonds to the amount invested in
treasury bills should not exceed one to three.
The investor wants to invest the entire Birr 70,000.
Required: Formulate a LP model for the problem.
Step1-Decision variables
Four decision variables represent the monetary amount invested in each investment
Let X1, X2, X3 and X4 represent investment on municipal bonds, certificates of deposits,
Treasury bill, and income bonds respectively.
Step2- Objective function
The problem is maximization because from the word problem we know that the objective of
the investor is to maximization return from the investment in the four alternatives.
Therefore, the objective function is expressed as:
Zmax = 0.085 X1+ 0.1X2+ 0.065X3+0.13X4
Z = total return from all investment
0.085 X1=return from the investment in municipal bonds.
0. 100 X2=return from the investment in certificates in deposit
0.065 X3=return from the investment in treasury bills
0.130 X4=return from the investment in income bonds
Step3 and 4- Model Constraints and parameter
In this problem the constraints are the guide lines established for diversifying the total
investment. Each guideline is transformed in to mathematical constraint separately.
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Infeasible solution The set of values of decision variables xj (j = 1,2,…, n) which do not
satisfy all the constraints and non- negativity conditions of an LP problems simultaneously is
said to constitute the infeasible solution to that LP problem.
Basic solution For a set of m simultaneous equations in n variables ( n>m), a solution
obtained by setting ( n-m) variables equal to zero and solving for remaining m equations in m
variables is called a basic solution.
The (n-m) variables whose value did not appear in this solution are called non-basic
variables and the remaining m variables are called basic variables.
Basic feasible solution A feasible solution to LP problem which is also the basic solution is
called the basic feasible solution. That is, all basic variables assume non-negative values.
Basic feasible solutions are of two types:
Degenerate A basic feasible solution is called degenerate if value of at least one
basic variable is zero.
Non-degenerate A basic feasible solution is called non-degenerate if value of all
m basic variables are non- zero and positive.
Optimal Basic feasible solution A basic feasible solution which optimizes the objective
function value of the given LP problem is called an optimal basic feasible solution.
Unbounded solution A solution which can increase or decrease the value of OF of the LP
problem indefinitely is called an unbounded solution.
In order to demonstrate the method, let us take a microcomputer problem in which a firm is
about to start production of two new microcomputers, X1 and X2. Each requires limited
resources of assembly time, inspection time, and storage space. The manager wants to
determine how much of each computer to produce in order to maximize the profit generated
by selling them. Other relevant information is given below:
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lines. For example corner at “b” get by substitution equation of line A with the equation of
Line S. The same for corner “c” calculated by substitution the Equation of line S and the
equation of line I. A= X 2 =10 hrs-2/5 X 1
S= X 2 = 13- X 1
I= X 2 =22-2 X 1. Therefore, b=10 hrs-2/5 X 1 = X 2 = 13- X 1 = (5, 8)
C = 13- X 1 = 22-2 X 1 = (9, 4)
Corner point Value of Max= 60X1 + 50X2
a(0,10) 60(0) + 50 (10) = 500
b (5,8) 60(5) + 50 (8) = 700
C (9,4) 60(9) + 50(4) = 740
d (11,0) 60(11) + 50(0) = 660
e (0,0) 60(0) + 50(0) = 0
Interpretation: For a firm to maximize its profit (740), it should produce 9 units of the
Model I microcomputer and 4 units of model II
Example 2:
Solving minimization problems involve where the objective functions (like cost function)
will be minimum. The constraints are connected to RHS values with > sign. But, in real
world problems, mixes of constraint is also possible. The value of RHS involves the lowest
value of the constraint.
The solution space lies above the slant lines and it is not enclosed. It extends indefinitely
above the lines in the first quadrant. This means simply that cost increases without limit as
more and more units are produced. The minimum cost will occur at a point along the inner
boundary of the solution space. The origin and other points below the lines are not in the
solution space.
Zmin = 0.1x+0.07y
Subject to:
3x+2y > 18
2x+5y > 10
x, y > 0
Find the values of x and y which makes the objective function minimum?
Corner point x y Zmin=0.1x+0.07y
A 0 9 0.63
B 3.63 3.54 0.61
C 15/4 1 0.445
Class work
A specialty steel manufacture produces two types of steel (X1 and X2). The type of X1
requires 2 hours of melting, 4 hours of roving, and 10 hours of cutting. Forty hours are
available for melting, twenty four for rolling, and 60 for cutting. The profit margin for type
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X1 is 24; for type X2 is 8. Reduce the data to the equations and inequalities necessary to
determine the output mix that will maximize profit.
i) Unboundedness
Unboundedness occurs when the decision variable increased indefinitely without violating
any of the constraints. The reason for it may be concluded to be wrong formulation of the
problem such as incorrectly maximizing instead of minimizing and/or errors in the given
problem. Checking equalities or rethinking the problem statement will resolve the problem.
Max Z = 10X1 + 20X2
Subject to 2X1 + 4X2 > 16
X1 + 5X2 > 15
X1, X2 > 0
Following the above listed steps of graphical solution method, we find the following graph
for the above model:
The shaded area represents the set of all feasible solutions and as can be seen from the graph,
the solution is unbounded.
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iii) Infeasibility
In some cases after plotting all the constraints on the graph, feasible area (common region)
that represents all the constraint of the problem cannot be obtained. In other words,
infeasibility is a condition that arises when no value of the variables satisfy all the constraints
simultaneously. Such a problem arises due to wrong model formulation with conflicting
For example,
Max Z = 3X1+2X2
Subject to: 2X1 + X2 < 2
3X1 + 4X2 > 12
X1, X2 > 0
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In the problem above, using extreme point method and solving for values of corner points
simultaneously, the objective function assumes its maximum value of 2,400 at two corner
points B (50,125) and C (100,100). Therefore, the optimal solution is found on the line
segment connecting the two corner points. One benefit of having multiple optimal solutions
is a manager may prefer one of them to the others, even though each would achieve the same
value of the objective function. In practical terms, one of the two corner points is usually
chosen because of ease in identifying its values.
Other corner points are computed by identifying the two corner points and keeping the value
of the objective function constant, where 50 X1 100 and 100 X1 125. By selecting
one value for one of the decision variables from the domain, we determine the value for
another decision variable keeping the objective function‟s value. Let X1 = 80.
Then, Z = 8X1+16X2 2400 = 8(80) +16X2
16X2 = 1760
X2 = 110
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A. Formulate mathematical Model?
B. Select the point at which the optimum solution is achieved?
C. Interpret your final result?
2. Repi Soap Company wishes to make a new detergent from two of its current soaps: Soap A
and soap B. The company wants the new detergent to contain at least 20 ounces of cleaning
ingredient D. Each pound of soap A costs $0.2 and contains 5 ounces of D, whereas each
pound of B costs 0.25 and one ounce of D. Furthermore, for ecological reasons, the amount
of soap A must be no more than that of soap B. Finally, the new mixture must weight exactly
12 pounds. How many pounds of each soap should be used in the mixture in order to meet the
above requirements at a minimum cost? What is the minimum cost? (Use graphic approach)
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