Family Case Analysis: Presented by
Family Case Analysis: Presented by
Family Case Analysis: Presented by
Presented by:
Presented to:
The Members of the Panel
December 2019
Community Health Nursing is a specialized field of nursing practice (Maglaya, 4 th edition) which
is essential that of all nursing is based on the concept of the “worth and dignity of the individual”, caring
of, giving comfort and ease, helping people with health problems to become healed in body and mind.
The health of every member of a family inevitably influences the health of all, physical and emotional
health is inseparable. Therefore, community health nursing should consider physical and emotional
aspect of the needs of all members of the families it serves.
The family is a very important social institution that performs two major function –reproduction
and socialization. It is generally considered as the basic unit of the community of health nursing for many
reasons. It may contribute knowingly or unknowingly to the development of health and nursing problems
of its members. However, it also performs health promoting, health maintaining and disease preventing
activities. In many cases, the family is the focus of decision making on health matters. It is the source of
the most solid support and care to its member particularly to the young, the elderly, the disabled, and the
chronically ill
There have been significant changes in the way people regard the family as social institution. In
the past it has been defined as the number of persons joined together by bonds of marriage, blood or
adoption (Burgess 1963, in Friedman 1992: 8). A contemporary view (which may not necessary be the
most dominant) debunks this view by stating that family members need not to be bound by legal marriage
or by blood or adoption. Friedman defines a family to be composed of two or more people who are joined
together by bonds of sharing and emotional closeness and who identify themselves as being part of the
family. (Maglaya, 4th Edition)
Family Nursing Case Analysis is a mean by which student nurse reaches and feel the community
through its basic structure – the family. They established rapport and be familiar with the family
members, identify health related problems and do skill and time to take action to uplift the condition of
the family.
Whereof, health related problems are being identified thus making the student have a hint where
to act and do the complete nursing process.
Having this kind of case is making the student nurses to be better in their skills and cooperation in
the ground as well as to the family members. Simple deeds are being done with family because the goal is
not to give the family a reason to depend to the group but to be able for the family to solve the problems
in a specific short period of time. Making the family able to continue to comply the health teachings and
lesson as well as modification that was rendered by the student nurse after their exposure.
The family was chosen for this family case analysis with these criteria as follows: first, the family
have multi problem and a crisis inside the family, lack of housekeeping skills, lack of knowledge of
healthy lifestyle, and the head of the family lacks parenting knowledge.
Mrs. Blue’s family belongs to an extended family, a type of family structure. Is has 9 members;
the mother which is Mrs. Blue, and his 8 children. They belong to the low-class type of family and live
along a residential area flung far away from the center of the community. Their house is made up of
concrete, the roof is made up of galvanized iron and there are 3 windows one is made up of galvanized.
They’ve been living and residing in the rural community of Brgy. San Juan, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte
approximately 20 meter away from the national highway and approximately half km away from the Rural
Health Unit.
Mrs. Blue’s family belongs to a typical extended type of family and has seven children and one
grandchild. Namely Ala (29 years old), Ad (22 years old), Pri (18 years old), Al (17 years old), Pre (14
years old), Que (11 years old), Fa (8 years old) and Ezi (4 yeasr old).
Mrs blue is a widow, her husband was died last 2013. Mr. ala (29 years old) is the eldest, who is
currently working as slaughterhouse (San icolas). Mr. ad is the second child, who is currently working as
a bagger at the Savemore in Sanicolas. Pri is the 3 rd child, she is a grade 12 student. Al is the fourth child;
he is a grade 11 student. Pre is the fifth child; she is a grade 8 student. Que is the sixth child; she is a
grade 6 student. Fa is the seventh child; she is a grade 3 student. And Ezi is the grandchild, he is a
nursery. They all live in San Juan, Sanicolas, Ilocos Norte.
According to residency, the family is a patrilocal. As to the type of the family based on descent,
the family is a patrilineal since the family is closer and affiliated with the family of her husband.
In terms of decision making the family utilizes matriarchal, since her husband is already died last
2013. In case a member of family is sick, only the mother. As verbalized the motehr‘’mapan ku ipacheck-
up isuda idjay RHU ken siyak metlang ti mangistimar kanyada ‘’. The members of the family interact,
communicate and listen to each other wherever they have problems and they respect each other. The
children call their mother as ‘’mama’’ and calling their names among the sibling.
The head of the family is unemployed. She takes care of her children, but she is receiving
the pension of her late husband cost of Php. 3500 per month. The main source of income is the salary of
the eldest child which Php. 5000 monthlies. As verbalized by her mother, the monthly income shall be
deducted for the SSS, PAG –IBIG. Her second child started to work as a bagger at the Savemore in San
Nicolas. The salary is about Php. 7350 per month. They are also a member of 4P’s (Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program) which includes the 3 children as well as the head of the family, the mother receiving
Php. 5200 per 2 months making it Php. 2600 per month.
The family monthly income is Php.13,100, then broken down to meet their basic needs. The food
expenses included meat, vegetables, egg, noodles, groceries which is equivalent to the amount of Php.
6976.00 per month. The utilities hich is composed of electric bill worth Php.500 per month, water worth
Php.400.00 per month, medicine worth Php. 500 per month and educational expenses worth Php.1500 per
As the elicit by the growth of the income of the family is adequate to sustain their need. The total
family expenses according to their breakdown is resulting in the total sum of Php. 9, 876.00.
Educational Attainment
The Head of the family is a high school graduate. After she graduated, she started to work, and
her eldest son is a high school graduate and he is started to work as a janitor in the slaughterhouse. The
second child is a under grad in college. He stops because of poverty. The other three is studying high
school while the two is in elementary. The youngest is studying pre-school.
The head of the family and her seven children and one grandchild are all affiliated in Church of
Jesus Christ and all of them are purely Ilocano ethnic background.
The tradition and practice of the family when it comes to their health, the family is doing
“ILLUT” when they are suffering fracture or sprain. And also, they do “ILLOT” when someone got
pregnant to the family. No other related and tradition practices on the family except to the matter
mentioned above.
When the family experience financial crisis they borrow an amount to their neighbor and to their
significant others to their community. They are member of 4P’s program of the government.
Monthly Expenses
Grocery Item Market Items Utilities
Figure 1 present the allocation of monthly expenses. Most of the allocation is on the market
items which is 38%. The least allocated expenses are the utilities which is 29%.
The family’s house is a semi-detached type with approximate area of 4 by 5 meters. The wall of the
house is made of woods, galvanized iron and concrete and the roof is made with galvanized iron. The
floor of the house is not made with tiles but a concrete pavement.
Upon home visit, we saw the house has divided into two parts, the other one serves as their rooms,
and it was divided by a curtain. There is a bed at the western part of the house, and beside it was a storage
box, and a dura box, together with an electric fan. Clothes was left hanging all over the house, most often
into the roomed area. There are also scattered clothes unto the floor of the living room. Which has also
another set of bed beside the front door,
The kitchen was located inside the house, at the southern part. The walls of the kitchen were made
with totally galvanized iron, a small wooden table was placed as the base and support of the gas burner,
and underneath is an LPG tank, which they use during cooking. Refrigerator was also present, but it is not
working properly, so they are just using it as storage only. Beside the burner, was a plastic round table
which accommodates kitchen utensils, which are not covered. There is a dirty kitchen outside the house
they use earthen stone and firewoods are stored ½ meter away the earthen stone. Sometimes they also
used in cooking their foods.
Their source of water supply was deep well, which they use during washing the dishes, cleaning, and
doing laundry. They also buy mineral water bottles for drinking.
The family is actively participating during barangay activities, like barangay meetings, fiestas, and
also, they are member of 4P’s which they attended meetings and activities of the 4P’s.
The Blue’s family experienced illnesses such as fever, common colds, headache, stomachache
and they treat it with over-the-counter drugs (OTC) such as salbutamol for cough and paracetamol
(Biogesic) for fever and headache. They also have alternative practice to alleviate the illness, if one
member of the family has a fever, the mother would do sponge bathing to lower the temperature and give
plenty of water to drink. According to Mrs. Blue, they also consult to Dr. Kwak Kwak (albularyo).
Physical Assessment
Mrs. Blue (52 years old) with a physical built of ectomorphic, without any vices. She was
diagnosed with hypertension last 16 years with maintenance of amlodipine 5 mg once a day.
Vital Signs:
T: 36.7 C
PR: 74 bpm
RR: 20 bpm
Ala (29 years old) with a body built of endomorphic, uncombed hair, unpleasant odor and looks
Vital Signs:
T: 36.5 C
PR: 78 bpm
RR: 21
BP: 140/110 mmHg
Weight: 52 kgs
Height: 1.65 m.
BMI: 19.1 (normal weight)
Pinkish sclera
Vital signs:
T-37.0 C
WT-43 kgs
HT-1.50 m
BMI: 19.1
Pri (18 years old) with a body building of ectomorphic,
Vital signs:
T: 36.7 C
PR: 74 bpm
RR: 20
BP: 90/70
Weight: 38 kgs
Height: 147 cm
BMI: 17.59 (underweight)
• Pale Conjunctiva
Al (17 years old) with a body built of mesomorphic, without any vices.
Vital Signs:
T: 36.7 C
PR: 68 bpm
RR: 23
BP: 110/80 mmHg
Weight: 45 kgs
Height: 161 cm
BMI: 17.36 (underweight)
T: 36.5 C
PR: 113 bpm
RR: 25 bpm
BP: 90/70 mmHg
Weight: 38 kgs
Height: 138 cm
BMI: 19.9 (normal weight)
Vital Signs:
T: 36.6 C
PR: 72 bpm
RR: 19 bpm
BP: 90/60 mmHg
Weight: 33.9 kgs
Height: 137 cm.
Upper Arm: 21cm
Pink Conjunctiva
Vital Signs:
T: 36.8 C
PR: 22 bpm
RR: 24 bpm
BP: 110/80
Weight: 19.3 kgs
Height: 138 cmUpper Arm: 18 cm
Pinkish Sclera
Vital Signs:
T: 36.1 C
PR: 113 bpm
RR: 27
Weight: 24 kgs
Height: 94cm.
Upper Arm: 15 cm
Pinkish Sclera
Fa 96 cm 28kgs 18 cm
Ezi 94 cm 24 kgs 15 cm
According to Mrs. Blue, she is not aware if she had completed her vaccination. but during
physical assessment there was BCG (bacillus-calmett-guerin) scar on his right deltoid. She also received
tetanus toxoid during her pregnancies. The children received complete immunization from the rural health
centered as reflected in the yellow card of the children. The family usually took a full bath in the morning
with soap and shampoo.
As observed during the home visit they do hand washing without soap before eating. They also
do wash their hands with water before cooking. The family eats three times a day, they just drink water if
they are thirsty.
The sleeping time of the family is 9-10 at night and wake uo at around 5:30-6:30 in the morning
except ala who work at slaughterhouse. The relaxation of the family is that they all just stay in their home
and bond during Saturdays and during Sunday which they attend church.
Mrs. blue is taking her maintenance which is amlodipine for her hypertension, and they just use
over the counter drugd for cough, colds, fever and headache and some of herbal meds like leaves of guava
and garlice clovesfor hypertension.
The family eats three times a day. In the morning they consume foods like noodles, egg or canned
goods. At lunch and dinner time, they eat vegetables and fish at times and seldomly eats meat. They
usually get vegetables within the vicinity of their house. They buy drinking water ate water station.
However, they use deep well water for washing their, clothes and for taking a bath. They take a bath
twice a day and use shampoo and soap. They changed their clothes when their clothes soaked in sweat,
dirty and after taking a bath.
According to Mrs. lue, her eldest son drinks liquor occasionally. The family visits health center to
seek consultation wherever they are having illness.
Presence of broken
Improper garbage
No drainage system
c. Presence Presence of nits and lice Members with nits Inability to provide a
of Health and lice: home environment
Deficit conducive to health
maintenance and
personal development
1. Nature of the condition or problem
Scale: Wellness State 3
Health Deficit 2 1
Health Threat 1
Foreseeable Crisis
2. Modifiability of the condition or
Scale: Easy Modifiable 1 2
Partially Modifiable 0
Not Modifiable
3. Preventive
Scale: High 2 2
Moderate 1
4. Social Concern
Scale: a condition or a problem needing
immediate action: 1 1
A condition or a problem that not needing
immediate action: 0
Not perceive as a problem or condition
needing change.
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1.Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67
2.Modifiabilty of the 2/2x2 2
3.Preventive 3/3x1 1
4.Salience of the 0/2x1 0
TOTAL 3.67
E. No drainage
Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67
2.Modifiability of the 2/2x2 2
3.Preventive 3/3x1 1
4.Salience of the 0/2x1 0
TOTAL 3.67