Continuum Mech Problem Set #3

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Contiuum Mechanics Problem Set #3 Duedate: 92/8/27

1- Consider the motion
a) At t = 0, the corners of a unit square are at A(0,0); B(1,0); C(1,1) and D(0,1). Determine the position
of ABCD at t = 1s and sketch the new shape of the square.
b) Find the velocity v and the acceleration in a material description.
c) Find the spatial velocity field.
2- Let the motion of a continuum be given in component form by the equations:
x1 = X1 + X2t + X3t2
x2 = X2 + X3t + X1t2
x3 = X3 + X1t + X2t2
a) Show that J 6 0, and solve for the inverse equations.
b) Determine the velocity and acceleration at time t = 2s for the particle which was at point (2, 3, 4)
when t = 1s.
c) Determine the velocity and acceleration at time t = 3s for the particle which was at point (1, 1, –2)
when t = 0.
3- The position at time t of a particle initially at (X1, X2, X3) is given by:
a) For the particle that was initially at (1, 1, 0), what are its position in the following instant of time?
t=1.5s; t = 2.5s.
b) Find the initial position for a particle that is at (2, 3, 4) at t = 2s.
c) Find the acceleration at t =1s of the particle that was initially at (2, 3, 5).
d) Find the acceleration of a particle which is at (2, 3, 6) at t = 3s.
4- The temperature field in a contiuum is given by the expression

The velocity field of the medium has components

Determine the material derivative d=/dt of the temperature field.

5- Consider the motion given by: x = X+ 2X1e1
Let !" and !#$ % be differential material
elements in the undeformed configuration.
a) Find the deformed elements dx(1) and dx(2).
b) Evaluate the stretches of these elements ds1/dS1 and ds2/dS2 and the change in the angle
between them.
6- The displacement components for a body are
& ' ' ( #$ & ' )' ( #$ & $.
a) Find the strain tensor.
b) Find the change of length per unit length for an element which was at (2,2,1) and in the
direction of 2e1-e2.
c) What is the maximum unit elongation at the same point (2,2,1)?
d) What is the change of volume for the unit cube with a corner at the origin and with three of its
edges along the positive coordinate axes?
7- Check whether or not the following distribution of the state of strain satisfies the compatibility
'' ' ' '' '
*+, - ' ' '' ' . ( #$ /
'' ' ' '

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