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120 Income Tax - II

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Sp 4

Reg. No. :

NOVEMBER 2017 U/720/09-14/06622


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Distinguish between Short term and long term capital assets?
2. Give six examples of income from other sources?
3. List out deemed incomes?
4. A joint family purchased a house on 1-5-1985 (C.I:133) for
1.8 lakhs. It sold the house on 10-6-2016 (C.I.I.: 1125) for 20.
lakhs. On 14-7-2016 it purchased another house at Haridwar at
total cost of 4 laths. It did not own any other house property.
Compute the income chargeable under the “Capital Gains”.
5. From the following particulars for the year ended 31st March,
2017, compute the income under the head “Income from Other
Dividends 25,200
Dividends 12,000
Collection charges in respect of dividends @1% of dividends
Rent from letting out of a building along with plant and
machinery 30,000
Depreciation on buildings 4,000
Insurance on buildings 1,600
Office expenses relating to buildings 1,600
Repairs, rates etc. 1,600
6. The gross total income of Mrs. Usha amounted to 6, 00,000 in
the previous year ending on 31st March, 2017. She has made the
following :
To Gujarat earth quake relief fund 40,000
To Africa (public contributions India) 10,000
Donation to clean Ganga fund 20,000
To approved educational institutions 15,000
To approved temples 35,000
Clothes distributed to poor 5,000
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To Municipal Corporation for promotion of family planning

Compute the amount of deduction admissible u/s 80G for the
assessment year 2017-18
7. From the following information compute the total income for the
assessment year 2017-18.
(a) Card game loss 12,000
(b) From the activity of owning and maintaining of race horses
(i) Loss at Bombay 40,000
(ii) Profit at Bangalore 20, 000
(iii) Dividend from Indian company 6,000
(iv) Income from betting on horse race 4, 000
8. From the following information calculate the amount of
deduction u/s 80 C
Own contribution to provident fund 19,320
Employer contribution to the same was 20,000
Life insurance premium paid by Employee 12,000
Amount contributed to PPF 9,000
Amount deposited in ELSS 4,800
Repayment of housing Loan 20,500

SECTION B — (3 × 20 = 60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.

9. Briefly explain the various deductions available for individual

u/s 80?

10. Mr. X has given the following information regarding his

(a) Name of the company Date of C.I.I. Cost Date of Sale price
Purchase price Sale
A CO LTD 1-1-03 447 10,000 30-06-16 40,000
B CO LTD 1-1-04 463 30,000 31-10-16 80,000
C CO LTD 31-1-16 1081 20,000 30-12-16 26,000
D CO LTD 28-2-16 1081 18,000 31-1-17 14,000
(b) House property
Flat at marine drive 1-12-87 150 60,000 30-06-16 5,20,000
Shop 30-06-03 463 80,000 31-09-16 3,00,000
He has purchased a house for his residential use on 31-10-2016
4,00,000. He incurred an expenditure on the selling of shop

2 U/720/09-14/06622
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10,000. Compute the taxable capital gains for the Assessment

year 2017-18 (C.I.I. 1125)
11. The following are the particulars of the income of a professor of
Chennai (population more than 25lakhs) university
(a) Salary 37,400 p.m. plus grade pay 10,000 p.m from which
10% is deducted for provident fund to which university also
contributes 12%.
(b) Warden ship allowance 2,000 p.m. and dearness
allowance of 55% of salary.
(c) Rent-free bungalow of which the annual letting value is
12, 000.
(d) 8% dividend on 50 shares of 100 each in a limited
(e) 40% interest on government loan of 25,000.
(f) Income from interest on bank deposits 400
(g) Income from property let 7,200. (Computed).
(h) Profit on sale of shares (short term) 25,000.
(i) Income from royalty of copyright of his work, 9.000.
(j) Examiner ship remuneration 3,700.
(k) He paid 30,000 as donation to family planning
association of India
(l) He paid by cheque 10,000 to G.IC. under mediclaim.
(m) He deposited by cheque 20,000 in PPF
During the year, he paid 39,500 as life insurance
premium of which of 500 was paid on a joint life policy.
He maintains a scooter for going to and coming from the
university Find out his total income and tax liability..
12. Mr. X submits the following information of his incomes and
losses for the year ending 31-3-2017.Compute his total income:

(a) Salary income (computed) 24,000

(b) Income from house property:
House A (income) 10,000
House B (loss) 40,000
House C (self-occupied) loss 28,000
(c) Income from business:
Cloth business (profit) 10,000
Hardware business (loss) 12,000
Speculation (profit) 12,000
Speculation (loss) 17,000
(d) Capital gains:
Short-term (gain) 8,000
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Short-term (loss) 24,000

Long-term (gain) 8,000
(e) Other Sources:
Income from betting 12,000
Income from card games 9,000
Income on securities (gross) 8,000

13. Mr. X is a Member of Parliament from Bangalore. During the

previous year 2016-17 he had the following incomes:
(a) As a member of the Parliament he received a salary of
2,500 p.m. and daily allowance of 15,100 for attending
various sessions.
(b) He held the following investments:
(i) 10% preference shares in My sugar Works Ltd. Of the
face value of 5,000
(ii) 1,000 equity shares of 10 each in Tata Finlay Ltd.
The company declared interim dividend of 15% on
15th Feb. 2016 but paid on 1st June 2016 and a final
dividend of 10% on 30-3-2017.
(iii) A 10% fixed deposit of 10,000 is held by him in
Indian Banks. Interest is credited annually.
(iv) He received dividend of 500 from a Co-operative
(c) He won 8,000 in crossword puzzles.
(d) On 1-9-2016 he purchased a plot of land for constructing
his house. On account of shortage of funds he could not get
the house constructed and hence let out the plot at 150
p.m. from 1 - 11- 2016.
(e) He has let machinery and furniture and also building to
Mr. Krishna at a monthly rent of 5,000. He spent 1,500
on the repair of the machinery, furniture and building
during the previous year. Depreciation allowed on these
assets for the previous year was 10, 000.
Compute the income of Hari Gopal under the head “Income
from Other Sources.”

4 U/720/09-14/06622
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Reg. No. :

APRIL 2018 U/720/09-15/06622


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5  8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Briefly explain the deduction u/s 54.

2. How do you tax the gift income?

3. How do you treat the income of a minor?

4. Mr. X sells a property on 5.12.2016 for 18 Lakh (Cost of

acquisition on 10.2.1992 1,00,000) expenses on purchase and
transfer are 1,000 and 10,000 respectively . On 25.3.2017
Mr. X acquired bonds issued by Rural Electrification
Corporation Ltd. For 8,00,000 and also acquired bonds issued
by National Highway Authority of India for 7,00,000 on
20.7.2017. Find out the taxable capital gain for the A.Y 2017-18.
CII for 1991-92 = 199 and 2016-17 = 1125.

5. During the previous year Mr. Y received the following gifts :

Gift received from Amount
From wife 50,000
From friend 1,00,000
From friend 56,000
From brother 65,000
By a will from grand mother 3,00,000
From friend on the occasion of marriage of Mr. Y 60,000
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From friend 25,000

Received a house property from a friend without
consideration (Stamp duty value) 15,00,000
Calculate the taxable income from other sources of Mr. Y for the
A.Y. 2017-18.

6. Master X (age 15 years) received the following incomes during

the year 2016-17.
Interest on bank deposit 75,000, Interest on government
securities 80,000, Income by acting in a film 1,00,000 and
Income by singing concert held by him 50,000. His father
income is 1,00,000 and his mother income is 1,25,000. How
do you treat the income of Master X.

7. From the following particulars compute the total income of Mr. P

for the assessment year 2017-2018.
Loss from House Property – 10,000, Short Term Capital Gain
on sale of Gold – 1,05,000, Long Term Capital Loss from sale
of shares – 85,000 and Interest on Securities – 10,000. The
Assessee has unabsorbed depreciation of as 25,000 being
brought forward from 2014-15 from the discontinued business.

8. Mr. W furnishes you the following information in respect of

donation made by him in the previous year 2016-17.
Donation to National Defense Fund 5,000, Africa Public
Contribution Fund 7,000, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation 8,000,
Poor Students for Higher studies 500, approved Charitable
Trust 40,000 His Gross Total Income 2,10,000 which include
dividends income from Indian Company amounting to 10,000
calculate the Deduction U/S 80 G.

SECTION B — (3 × 20 = 60 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

9. Briefly explain the various deduction available for individual in

respect of certain payments made by him U/S 80s.

10. Mr. A gives the following particulars about the assets sold
during the year 2017-18.
Particulars Gold Plot Silver
Selling price 4,00,000 26,24,000 3,00,000
Selling expenses – 24,000 –

6 U/720/09-14/06622
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Cost of purchase 20,000 2,80,000 1,00,000

Year of purchase 1987-88 1984-85 1999-2000
CII 150 125 389

He purchase a House for 12,00,000 on 1.2.2017. Calculate

taxable capital gain.
(CII for 2016-17 = 1125)

11. From the following particulars of Mr. T for the previous year
ended 31.2.2017. Compute his income from other sources for the
A.Y 2017-18.
Particulars Amount
Director’s fees 10,000
Interest on bank deposit 3,000
Income from undisclosed source 12,000
Winning from lottery (Net) 82,200
Royalty income 8,000
By giving lecturer in functions 5,000
Interest on loan given to relative 7,000
Interest from tax free debenture of a listed company 3,500
Dividends from shares of Indian company 6,400
Interest from post office saving bank account 500
Interest from government securities 2,200
Received as gift from friend 26,000
Received as gift from sister 50,000
Purchase a property for 6 Lakh (Stamp duty value
6.50 lakh) –
Purchased a property for 7 Lakh (Stamp duty value
9 lakh) –

He paid 20 for collecting dividends income and 1,000 for

typing manuscript of the book written by him.

12. Mr. Z submits the following details in respect of his income and
losses for the previous year 2016-17. Compute his total income.
Particulars Profit Loss
Salary computed 84,000
Income from house property
House 1 30,000
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Particulars Profit Loss

House 2 34,000
House 3 42,000
Income from business
Business A 16,000
Business B 20,000
Business (C) Speculation 22,000
Business (D) Speculation 46,000
Capital Gains :
STCG 12,000
STCL 56,000
LTCG 25,000
Income from other sources :
Income from card games 38,000
Income from betting 30,000
Loss from card games 14,020
Loss on maintenance of race
horses 12,000
Interest on Securities 8,000

13. Mr. V is employed is Delhi He submits the following particulars

of his income and payments for the assessment year 2017-18.

Income/Receipts :
Basic salary 90,000
Dearness allowance (enters into pay for service benefits) 20,000
House rent allowance 12,000
City compensatory allowance 1,200
Medical allowance 4,800
Examinership fee received from another institution 5,000
Interest from bank on fixed deposit 15,000
Interest on Govt. securities 6,00,000
Birthday gift from spouse 25,000
Payments :
Contribution to general Provident fund and life insurance
premium 17,000
Repayment of Provident fund loan 12,000
Refund of house building loan 12,000
Rent actually paid in Delhi 24,000
Investment In SBI Magnum tax saving equity scheme u/s. 80C 10,000
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Deposits under the National Saving Scheme 1992 40,000

School fees of his daughter paid during the year 15,000 (which
being the tuition fee) 15,000 each for two of his son’s college
fees ( 2,000 being development fee) is paid and the rent paid by
him is 3,000. Determine taxable income and tax for the
assessment year 2017-20

9 U/720/09-14/06622
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Reg. No. :

OCTOBER 2018 U/720/14-15/06622


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5  8 = 40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are capital assets? Explain the different types of capital


2. Explain Bond Washing Transactions.

3. Explain the deduction u/s 80D.

4. On 1.8.1997 Mr. Barath purchased a plot for . 40,000. The fair

market value of the plot on 1.4.2001 was . 80,000. On 3.8.2017
he sold the plot for . 15,00,000 and paid brokerage etc. @ 2% on
sales consideration. Out of the sale consideration he invested
. 7,35,000 in the construction of a residential house which was
completed before 30.6.2018. Compute the taxable amount of
capital gain for the Assessment Year 20 18-19 assuming he does
not own any other residential house.

5. Mr. Anil furnishes the following particulars of his income during

the Previous Year 2017-18. Compute his gross total income.

(a) Dividend on equity shares 600

(b) Dividend on preference shares (gross) 3,200
(c) Income from letting on hire of building and 27,000
machinery under one composite lease
(d) Interest on bank deposits 2,500
(e) Director’s fees 1,200
(f) Ground rent 600
(g) Income from undisclosed sources 10,000

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(h) Winnings from lotteries (net) received 14,000

The following deductions were claimed:


(i) Collection charges of dividend 20

(ii) Allowable depreciation on building and machinery 4,000
(iii) Fire insurance on building and machinery 100

6. A firm furnished the following particulars for the Assessment

Year 2018-19

(a) Loss from business 2,00,000

(b) Loss from specified business 70,000
(c) Depreciation allowance for the current year 40,000
(d) Income from house property (computed) 4,00,000

Items carried forward from the earlier years:


(i) Business loss for the Assessment Year 2016-17 2,40,000

(ii) Depreciation allowance (unabsorbed) for the 1,00,000
Assessment Year 2017-18

Compute the firm’s gross total income for theAssessment Year


7. Calculate the qualifying amount under section 80C for the

Assessment Year 2018-19 from the information given below:
(a) Life insurance premium paid . 20,000 on his own policy.
(b) His own contribution to RPF . 5,000 and employer’s
contribution to RPF . 4,000.

(c) Repayment of loan taken for construction of residential house

. 80,000 out of which . 30,000 is interest.

(d) Purchased NSC IX issue of . 10,000.

(e) Accrued interest on NSC VIII issue amounted to . 1,000.

(f) Life insurance premium paid by him on his brother’s life

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policy was . 5,000.

8. An individual aged 82 years has the following sources of income

for the Assessment Year 2018-19:

(a) Gross Income from Salary 60,000

(b) Income from House Property (Computed) 34,000

(c) Income from Business 5,14,000

(d) Interest on securities 8,000

He has paid life insurance premium of . 8,000 and donated a

sum of . 5,000 to an approved charitable institution by cheque.
Calculate the gross tax liability of the assessee for the
Assessment Year 2018 –19.

SECTION B — (3  20 = 60 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

9. What do you understand by aggregation of income? Explain.

10. Mr. Ajay sold some of his property during the year 1.4.17 to
31.3.18 as under
(a) Jewellery costing . 80,000 (which was acquired in June
2015) was sold for . 1,00,000 in May 2017.

(b) House at Kolkata: its sale price on 31.10.17 is . 14,00,000.

Fair market value on 1.4.2001 . 3,00,000. Cost of

improvement made during 2009-10 . 29,600. Expenses on
transfer are . 25,000.

(c) Household furniture costing . 14,000 in 2009 was sold in

March 2018 for . 26,000.

(d) Car was sold on 1.12.2017 for . 45,000 its written down
value on 1.4.2017 was . 38,000.

(e) Self cultivated land was compulsorily acquired under law for
. 8,00,000 on 1.1.2018 and its cost in 2003-04 was . 65,400.

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Compute his total capital gains. Cost inflation indices are

2001-02 — 100, 2003-04—109, 2009-10 — 148 and
2017-18 —272.

11. Mr. Singh has the following investments in the Previous Year
ended 31st March. 2018:

(a) . 11,000. 10% Karnataka State Govt. Loan.

(b) . 30,000. 13.5% Debentures LMT Ltd.

(c) . 35,000. 11% Securities of Sugar Mill Co. (not listed).

(d) . 32,000 10% Tax-free commercial securities (listed).

(e) . 3,580.received as interest on Tamil Nadu Govt.


(f) . 4.500.
received as interest on the securities of Textile
Company (listed).

(g) . 3,600.
received as interest on the securities of Paper Mill
Company (not listed).

Interest on all securities is payable on 30th June and 31st

December. The bank charged 1.5% commission on Net
realisation of interest as collection charges. He was also a
director in a company from which he received . 3,000 as
director’s fees. His other incomes are:

(i) Winnings from lottery . 25,000.

(ii) Income from agriculture in Sri Lanka . 10,000.

(iii) Winnings from horse race . 15,000.

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(iv) Interest on Post Office Savings Rank Account

. 2,000.

Find out his taxable income from other sources for the
Assessment Year 2018-19.

12. Shri Jagdish Prasad’s gross total income for the previous year
ending on 31st March. 2018 is . 40,15,000. He donated the
following amounts by cheque:

(a) Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund . 1,00.000.

(b) National Children’s Fund . 2,00,000.

(c) . 2,00,000 for repairs of a temple of public worship so


(d) . 1,00,000 to a local college for construction of class rooms.

(e) . 20,000 given as aid to a poor student.

(f) . 1,00,000 to Minicipality.

(g) . 50,000 to UP Government for family planning.

He deposited . 15,000 in Public Provident Fund. Determine his

total income for the Assessment Year 2018- 19.

13. The following are incomes from various sources of Mr. Mahendra
for the Assessment Year 2018-19.

(a) Rent received from house property let out to bank 1,42,000

(b) Profit from cloth business 20,000

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(c) Loss from cotton business 30,000

(d) Profit from silver speculation business 20,000

(e) Loss from speculation business of gold 30,000

(f) Interest on bank deposit (Gross) 55,000

(g) Lottery prize received (Net) 4,20,000

(h) Dividend received on shares of a Domestic Co. 8,000

(i) Amount received on maturity of life policy 50,000

(j) Royalty from books (conditions fulfilled u/s 55,000


Compute the total income and net tax liability of Mr. Mahendra
keeping the following points in mind:

(i) He spent . 13,500 on treatment of handicapped dependent.

(ii) Donation to PM National Defence Fund Rs.22,000 by



15 U/720/09-14/06622
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Reg. No. :

APRIL 2019 U/720/14-15/06622/1606622


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5 × 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Explain the following :

(a) Capital assets
(b) Short term capital assets
(c) Capital gains
(d) Cost of acquisition.
2. Describe any four items of incomes which can be included under
the head ‘Income from Other Sources’.
3. What are deemed incomes? Explain in detail the incomes which
are deemed to be the incomes of an assessee in computing his total
4. Mr. H submits the following particulars about sale of assets
during the year 2017-18 :
Jewellery Plot Gold
(Rs. ) (Rs. ) (Rs. )

Sale price 7,00,000 18,24,000 5,00,000

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Expenses on sale Nil 24,000 Nil

Cost of acquisition 1,29,000 2,26,000 1,48,000
Year of acquisition 2007-08 2004-05 2009-10
He has purchased a house for 15 lakhs on 1.3.2018. Calculate
the amount of taxable capita (gain if CII for 2004-05, 2007-08, 2009-10
and 2017-18 are 113, 129, 148 and 272 respectively.
5. Compute the ‘Income from other sources’ for the Assessment
Year 2018-19 :
(a) Income from agriculture in Pakistan 5,000
(b) Ground rent for land in Rajkot 10,000
(c) Interest on postal savings bank account 1,000
(d) Interest on deposits with IFCI 5,000
(e) Dividend from foreign company 700
(f) Rent from subletting a house 26,250
(g) Rent paid for sublet house 12,000
(h) Other expenses from sublet house 1,000
(i) Winnings from horse race 12,300
(j) Interest 36,000 on 10% Tax-free debentures (listed) of
Hem Honda Ltd.
6. Mr. Singh, a resident of India submits the following
particulars of his income for the Assessment Year 2018-19 :
(a) Income from house let out (computed) 9,500
(b) Profits from radio business 19,600
(c) Interest from firm 1,800
(d) Speculation income 1,900
(e) Short-term capital gains 3,200
(f) Long-term capital gains 1,400
The following items have been brought forward from the
preceding Assessment Year 2017-18:
(i) Loss from radio business 4,600
(ii) Unabsorbed depreciation 1,000
(iii) Speculation loss 3,200
(iv) Short-term capital loss for the year 2013-14 4,100
(v) Long-term capital loss for the year 2014-15 3,950
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(vi) B/fd loss from house property 3,000

Current year’s depreciation amounted to 500.
You are required to compute his gross total income
and deal with the carry forward of losses.
7. From the following informations compute eligible deductions
from the gross total income of Mr. X, for the Assessment Year 2018-
(a) LIC premium paid 30,000
(sum assured 2,00,000 policy taken on 10.2.2016)
(b) Deposit in PPF 60,000
(c) Repayment of Housing loan to SBI 50,000
(d) Payment to LIC Pension Fund 30,000
(e) Interest paid on load taken for higher
education of wife 15,000
(f) Medical insurance premia paid by cheque for parents
(aged 75 years) not dependent on the assessee. 25,000
8. From the following information compute the total income and
tax liability of Mr. Raj, who is 70 years old and disabled, for the
Assessment Year 2018-19:
(a) Income from house property (computed) 70,000
(b) Income from business or profession 10,10,000
(c) Short-term capital gain 10,000
(d) Long-term capital loss in respect of assets 15,000
(e) Bank interest on savings a/c 14,000
SECTION B — (3 × 20 = 60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
9. Explain the provisions regarding set-off of losses while
computing total income.
10. Mahesh has given the following particulars about the sale of
assets on 1st March, 2018 :
Gold Securities Plot
(Rs. ) (Rs. ) (Rs. )

(a) Selling price 8,00,000 4,00,000 13,90,000

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(b) Indexed cost of

acquisition 3,00,000 2,00,000 6,00,000
(c) Selling expenses 10,000 5,000 90,000
Mahesh owned one residential house property on 1st March,
2018 being the date of transfer of aforesaid assets. He has invested in
the following assets after 31st March, 2018 but up to 31st July, 2018
being the last date of furnishing the return of income for the
Assessment Year 2018-19 :
(i) Bonds of National Highways Authority of India redeemable
after 6 years 3,00,000.
(ii) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. redeemable
after 5 years 2,40,000.
(iii) Residential house property 10,00,000.
Calculate the income taxable under the head capital gains.

11. Following are the particulars of Smt. Kiran :

(a) Interest received on Government securities 9,000
(b) Dividend received from a Foreign company 8,000
(c) Amount received from winnings of lottery 66,500
(d) Winnings from wager 25,000
(e) Income from letting on hire the private car (letting
on hire of car is not the business of Smt. Kiran) 40,000
(f) Family pension (per month) 1,500
She incurred the following expenses:
(i) Interest paid on loan taken to purchase shares and
securities 7,000.
(ii) Bank commission paid @ 2% for collecting dividend
and interest.
(iii) Spent 1,500 on purchasing lottery tickets.
(iv) Expenses of private car for the period during which
it was let out 12,000 (including depreciation of
Compute the income of Smt. Kiran under the head
‘Income from other sources’ for the Assessment Year 2018-19.

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12. Mr. Abdul donated as under in the Previous Year 2017-18 by

cheques except donation under (e):
(a) Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund 10,000
(b) National Defence Fund 20,000
(c) Mangalore university (of national eminence) 10,000
(d) Aid to poor students 2,000
(e) Books donated to an approved college 6,000
(f) Approved charitable institution 30,000
(g) Municipality, approved for promotion
of family planning 10,000
Mr. Abdul’s gross total income for the Assessment Year
2018-19 was 3,05,000. He has incurred an expenditure
of 15,000, on the medical treatment of a disabled dependent.
Calculate the deduction allowable to him.
13. From the following informations, compute the total income and
net tax liability of Smt. S. Gupta of 81 years for the Assessment Year
2018-19 :
(a) Agricultural income from India 5,00,000
(b) Rent received from house property 1,20,000
(c) Profit from an industrial undertaking
without taking into account the followings: 6,00,000
(i) Depreciation as per Income Tax Act 20,000
(ii) Business loss brought forward 50,000
(d) Profit from another business of Jewellery 4,70,000
(e) Capital gains :
(i) Short-term u/s 111A 10,000
(ii) Long-term 90,000 1,00,000
(f) Loss from speculative business 50,000
(g) Interest on Government securities 30,000
(h) Interest on savings account of
a post office (Joint a/c) 25,000
(i) Winnings from horse race 50,000
(j) Payment toward pension fund of LIC 12,000

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(k) Payment by cheque of mediclaim insurance premium

on the health of her husband aged 85 years. 35,000
(l) Deposit in public provident find account
of her husband 1,00,000


21 U/720/09-14/06622

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