Given: Unknown: Formula:: G Gravitational Constant
Given: Unknown: Formula:: G Gravitational Constant
Given: Unknown: Formula:: G Gravitational Constant
Law of Motion in context such as, but not
limited to, ropes and pulleys, the design
of mobile sculptures, transport of loads
1. Mass of an object weighing
on conveyor belts, force needed to move
320 lbs.
stalled vehicles, determination of safe
driving speeds on bank curved roads/plan
Given: weigh (w) = 320 lbs.
execute an experiment involving forces
Unknown: mass (m) =?
(e.g. force table, friction board, terminal
Formula: w = ma
velocity) and identifying discrepancies
between theoretical expectations and
experimental results when appropriate.
g = gravitational constant
Solution: m = w
1st Law (law of inertia) – an m = 320 lbs.
object at rest will stay at rest and 32.2 ft./s2
an object in motion will stay in m= 320 slug, ft/s2
motion at constant velocity, 32.2 ft/s2
unless acted by an unbalanced
m = 9.9379 slugs
2nd Law (law of acceleration)
– force equals mass times
acceleration. 2. Weight of a body with a mass
of 10 kg.