Lesson 4: The Chemistry of Carbon, The Chemistry of Life
Lesson 4: The Chemistry of Carbon, The Chemistry of Life
Lesson 4: The Chemistry of Carbon, The Chemistry of Life
You learned that hydrogen bonding is a special type of dipole-dipole attraction and is stronger
than ordinary dipole-dipole. It influences the properties of substances such as water and the
biomolecules, among others.
Let’s Begin!
A. 4 pics 1 word
Direction: Guess what specific word fits with the theme of the photos presented.
B. Completing Words
a. Hydrocarbon- these are organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
b. Organic Compounds - these are molecules that contain carbon atoms bonded to each other or to
atoms of other element.
c. Biomolecules - are large molecules of organic compound, also known as macromolecules, which
make up living things.
d. Macromolecules- also called big molecules which are synthesized and used by living things.
e. Amino Acid-it is the building block of protein.
f. Nucleotides -it is the building block of nucleic acid.
g. Functional Group-these are the specific arrangements of atoms within an organic molecule and
which impart the physical properties and chemical reactivity of the molecules in which they are
● Searching Time!
Answer the following. You may use your internet. Use extra sheet if needed.
a. What is the role of hydrogen bonding in the following biomolecules:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Protein
4. Nucleic Acid
b. Use Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the four biomolecules.
Organic compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms are called hydrocarbons. The
covalent bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms are rich in energy, making organic compounds very
good fuels. Hydrocarbons are considered nonpolar because of the almost equal distribution of electrons
attributed to relatively similar electro-negativities of hydrogen and carbon atoms.
A. Carbohydrates
● Carbohydrates have the general formula (CH2O)n. They include the monosaccharides or simple
sugars (e.g. glucose and fructose), disaccharides (e.g. lactose and sucrose), and polysaccharides
(e.g. starch and cellulose).
● Carbohydrates molecules have a large number of-OH groups that can form hydrogen bonds. This
explains the solubility of sugars in water.\
● In cellulose(the principal structural component of plants), hydrogen bonding crosslinks
individual molecules. This build up the cellulose sheets and bundles together the sheets into
stronger and more rigid structure.
● Carbohydrates are generally classified as simple or complex. The simple carbohydrates, being
small and therefore may be easily decomposed into its basic units, provide an instant source of
energy. Examples include sugars found in candies. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand,
serve as structural materials for cells. For example, chitin serves asstructural building material of
the exoskeletons of many arthropods and of the cell walls of many fungi. Complex carbohydrates
are composed of simple carbohydrates covalently bonded to each other. These covalent bonds
are broken as complex carbohydrates decompose into their component simple sugars. Another
complex carbohydrates that serves as energy source of the body is starch, which is made up of
glucose units.
B. Lipids
● Lipids are organic molecules that are insoluble in water because of their lack of many
polar and H-bonding functional groups. Lipids have a very high proportion of carbon-
hydrogen bonds.
● When placed in water, lipid molecules cling together, exposing their polar groups to the
surrounding water molecules; the nonpolar groups stay within the interior of the lipid
● Lipids like carbohydrates, consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and sometimes
phosphorus and nitrogen. One of the most common groups of lipids is phospholipids.
● Phospholipids are the main structural components of the cell membrane. They consist of
fatty acid, glycerol, a phosphate, and a nitrogen group.
● When phospholipids are placed in water, they may form liposomes or micelles.
● Liposomes are bilayered phospholipids, while micelles are monolayered.
● In both structures, the hydrophobic tails are oriented away from water molecules, while
the polar heads interacts with the water molecules via hydrogen bonding.
● A phospholipid bilayer make up the cell membrane of organisms. They are responsible
for the membrane’s semipermeability and fluidity.
● Because of the hydrophobicity of the lipid tail, lipids can serve as an effective cellular
membrane component. They also serve as storage of energy.
C. Proteins
● Proteins are complex molecules composed of one or more chains of amino acids linked
by peptide bonds.
● Peptide bonds are a type of covalent bond. An amino acid is a building block of protein.
It consists of a central carbon with the following units bonded to it-an amino group (-
NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), and side chain (R).
● The hydrogen bonding in proteins exist between the N-H of the amino group and the
C=O of the acid group. Numerous interactions result in then two major types of the
secondary structure of protein-the alpha helix and the beta pleated sheets.
● The 20 amino acids that make up proteins have side groups with varying properties.
Hence, the number and sequence of amino acids affect the properties and functions of a
particular protein. Consider haemoglobin as an example. Haemoglobin is a protein found
in the red blood cells, and is used to carry oxygen. Haemoglobin contains 574 amino
acids in a unique order.
● Insulin, the protein that regulates metabolism, is only made up of 51 amino acids odered
in a very specific way.
● Proteins may be polar or nonpolar depending on the functional group present in each
amino acid. Oftentimes, they have both polar and nonpolar parts, which allow thyem to
perform different functions as enzymes, transporters, defense from diseases, or regulators
of cell processes.
D. Nucleic Acid
● Nucleic acids act as a storage of genetic information cells. Common examples include
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Nucleic acids are made up of
repeating units of monomers known as nucleotides. These nucleotides are composed of
sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous bases that are covalently bound together.
● Cells use the information in DNA by coming up with a complementary single strand of
messenger RNA, which then directs the production of proteins needed in the living
organism. The sequence of amino acids in proteins corresponds to the nucleotide
sequence in DNA from which the RNA is transcribed.
● DNA is perhaps the most important molecule in life. It is nucleic acid that contains the
genetic information and directs the development of the development of the biochemical,
anatomical, and physiological characteristics of organisms.
● The double helix structure of the DNA protects the nonpolar nitrogenous bases in the
molecule by orienting them in the middle. The polar phosphate groups are exposed so
that the DNA will be soluble in the aqueous polar environment. This protects the
information stored in the DNA by ensuring that the DNA sequence stays intact by
keeping the DNA structure table.
● Furthermore, the helix is held together by hydrogen bonds that form between the two
strands of DNA. This allows it to form a stable double helix and thus be able to protect
the important genetic information that make up the body.
Why are sodium chloride (ionic compound) and glucose (non-ionic compound) both soluble in water?
Explain the role of intermolecular forces, especially hydrogen bonding, in proteins, carbohydrates,
nucleic acids, and lipids.