17 Heavy Oil
17 Heavy Oil
17 Heavy Oil
Heavy Oil
Recently, I served as cochairperson of the SPE Forum on “Enhanced Oil Tony Kovscek, SPE, is an associate
Recovery—What’s Next?” The consensus of attendees was that while there is some professor of energy-resources engineering
promising technology, no game-changing enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) technolo- at Stanford University, where he directs
gies appeared to be on the immediate horizon. In the area of heavy hydrocarbons, the heavy-oil and unconventional
on the other hand, it was expressed that in-situ upgrading of resources such as
heavy oil, tar, and oil shale could be a game changer if more-vigorous work was resources group (SUPRI-A). Kovscek
conducted in the area of upgrading. The dawn for surface upgrading of bitumen holds BS and PhD degrees from the
appears to have occurred. University of Washington and University
Various possibilities for in-situ upgrading were discussed in some detail includ- of California at Berkeley, respectively. He
ing electrical heating to create an upgrader and refinery-in-the-ground for oil shale; is the Stanford University SPE Student
solvents tailored to precipitate the asphaltene fractions of crude oil; and in-situ
Chapter faculty adviser and serves on
combustion, in which the heaviest fractions of the crude are consumed selectively
as fuel for combustion, thereby increasing the API gravity of the oil. A common the Continuing Education Committee,
theme is that in-situ upgrading is a complex process needing much more R&D. the JPT Editorial Committee, and the
The conversion of trillions of barrels of oil equivalent to a lighter, sweeter syn- Western Regional Meeting Program
thetic crude oil is an exhilarating thought, especially given the possibility that such Committee. Kovscek is review chairperson
upgrading can be accomplished in a fashion that is close to being environmentally of the SPEREE (RE) Editorial Review
benign if it is carried out in situ with geological sequestration of any carbon dioxide
created during upgrading. Considering the analogous time frame for implementa- Committee. He received the 2005 SPE
tion of the markedly simpler process of steamdrive for EOR, however, provides a Western North America Region Technical
sobering perspective. From the initial engineering report to commencement of a Achievement Award and the 2006 SPE
commercial project at Mt. Poso, a total of 20 years elapsed. Distinguished Achievement Award for
Papers for this feature span many aspects related to heavy hydrocarbons includ- Petroleum Engineering Faculty.
ing in-situ combustion, steam injection, optimization of thermal-recovery pro-
cesses, chemical-based EOR for heavy oil, as well as artificial lift. Many questions
linger for me regarding in-situ upgrading. Is an extended R&D time frame realistic
today? If a significant portion of the technical workforce is poised to retire within
a decade, where/when will the future workforce be trained for such an enormous
challenge and who will be their mentors? Ultimately, could we extract the energy
in the form of clean-burning hydrogen, or preferably methane, because of the sig-
nificant natural-gas infrastructure already in place? JPT
SPE 110479 • “World’s First Metal PCP SAGD Field Test Shows Promising
Artificial-Lift Technology for Heavy-Oil Hot Production: Joslyn Field Case” by
Jean-Louis Beauquin, Total, et al.
SPE 107949 • “Optimization of Cyclic Steam Stimulation Under Uncertainty” by
K. Revana, Halliburton, et al.
SPE 106908 • “Applicability of Water-Shutoff Treatment for Horizontal Wells in
Heavy-Oil Reservoirs” by Francesco Verre, Imperial College, London, et al.
Peace River Carmon Creek is an ultra- a poorer-quality estuarine zone with Area 6 appears to be the poorest for
heavy-oil lease in northwestern Alberta, an order of magnitude lower vertical-/ CSS application. It is thin, with very
Canada, holding nearly 1.27×109 m3 horizontal-permeability ratio compared high oil viscosity and a very thick BWZ.
of 7°API oil. The Carmon Creek Project to the underlying better-quality del-
targets approximately half of that oil for taic zone. This generalization does not Reference-Case CSS Design
development by cyclic steam stimula- apply to the entire Peace River field. In The reference-case CSS well configu-
tion (CSS). There are plans for a signifi- some parts of the field, the estuarine ration and steaming strategy consists
cant increase in oil production over the zone is of better quality than the deltaic of 500-m horizontal wells drilled on
next 5 years. The purpose of this study zone. Lower portions of the deltaic zone 150-m spacing. There are 16 such wells
was to optimize CSS well configuration typically have higher water saturation, drilled into a standard subsurface “pad”
and steaming strategy. termed “basal water zone” (BWZ). The measuring 1300×1200 m. Steam-injec-
total gross reservoir thickness and the tion rate is 1000 tons/d per well. The
Introduction BWZ thickness vary greatly across the first-cycle steam-injection volume
Various thermal-recovery schemes have field. Bitumen viscosity also is highly (steam slug) is 30 000 tons, and the
been piloted at Peace River. At pres- variable, both areally and vertically, length of the first production cycle is
ent, CSS is used to extract the oil, most throughout the Bluesky reservoir. 247 days. The steam slugs increase
recently with closely spaced multilateral A full-field static reservoir model in subsequent cycles. The production-
horizontal wells drilled from a central was built covering an area of approxi- period lengths after the first cycle are
surface pad. mately 2000 km2 and including more equal to 12.4 days per 1000 tons of
The CSS target is the Bluesky for- than 400 wells. The main objective steam injected in that cycle. The wells
mation, an approximately 30-m-thick was to capture and characterize the are drilled 5 m above the reservoir base
semiconsolidated-sand layer buried regional reservoir differences by use of along their entire horizontal trajectory.
at a depth of approximately 600 m a 250×250-m coarse areal grid with
and characterized by a wide range 0.5-m vertical resolution. CSS-Concept-Selection Workflow
of reservoir properties. These vary- Previous Peace River CSS history-
ing reservoir features are expected to Area Models. The full-field static matching work lead to development
result in different optimum CSS-well model was divided into six distinct of a single, consistent physical model,
configurations and steaming strategies geological areas, and a relatively fine- believed to be applicable to all areas
for each geologically unique portion of grid (25×25 m) sector model was con- of Peace River. On the basis of field
the field. structed for each of these areas. observations of initial geomechanical
Areas 1 and 2, characterized by high reservoir conditions, a steam-induced
Geological Models permeability, good seals, thick pay, fracture is most likely to be initiated
Full-Field Model. The Bluesky reser- high oil concentration, high hot-oil vertically at the heel, transforming to
voir in the Carmon Creek Project area mobility, and either an insignificant or a horizontal fracture when it reaches
generally is classified into two intervals, no BWZ, have the most favorable reser- the top of the reservoir. This physical
voir properties for CSS. model and fracture realization were
This article, written by Assistant Area 3 is poorer than Areas 1 and used in all reservoir models in this
Technology Editor Karen Bybee, con- 2 because of the thicker BWZ and study. A thermal reservoir simulator
tains highlights of paper SPE 109826, somewhat higher oil viscosity (lower was used.
“Peace River Carmon Creek Project— hot-oil mobility). A unique modeling workflow, split
Optimization of Cyclic Steam Stimulation Area 4 can be characterized by thin into the following three phases, was
Through Experimental Design,” by P.F. pay, top-gas presence, and very high oil developed to determine the optimum
Koci, SPE, and J.G. Mohiddin, SPE, viscosity. This area is likely to be very well configuration and steaming strat-
Shell International E&P, prepared for the marginal for CSS application. egy for each geological area.
2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference The estuarine zone in Area 5 is more 1. The initial phase explored the effect
and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, 11– permeable than the deltaic. The oil of grid size and accuracy. Comparison
14 November. The paper has not been viscosity of Area 5 is the highest among between horizontal and vertical CSS
peer reviewed. the six areas of Peace River. wells also was investigated.
For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
Reservoir exploitation is moving toward
large reserves of heavy crude oil.
Producing, transporting, and marketing
this heavy oil presents many problems,
including the inability of most refiner-
ies to accept heavy crude oils. Heavy
crude oils could be more acceptable if
they can be upgraded before being sent
to refineries. In-situ combustion is one
technique used to reduce oil viscosity.
When combustion is combined with
the use of a catalyst, the process is called Fig. 1—Cumulative oil production in combustion-tube experiments.
in-situ catalytic upgrading.
Comprehensive studies of enhancing
the combustion process by addition of crude oils there is a favorable modifi- to determine if this organometallic
metallic salts have shown that for some cation of the reaction kinetics. Salts, catalyst at low concentrations is able to
such as tin chloride or ferric nitrate, improve heavy-oil recovery.
This article, written by Assistant Tech- promote combustion of light oils,
nology Editor Karen Bybee, contains producing more-uniform combustion Experimental Method
highlights of paper SPE 107946, that occurs at a higher temperature. The experimental setup comprised six
“Increase Heavy-Oil Production in However, in another study, it was not main parts: fluid-injection system, com-
Combustion-Tube Experiments Through possible to obtain sustained combus- bustion tube, fluid-production system,
the Use of Catalyst,” by M.A. Ramirez- tion of light oil without the addition gas chromatograph, wet-test-meter sys-
Garnica, Instituto Mexicano del of metallic salts. The full-length paper tem, and a data-recording system.
Petróleo; D.D. Mamora, SPE, Texas describes a combustion experiment
A&M U.; H.R. Nares and P. Schacht- using a combination of organometallic Fluid-Injection System. The fluid-
Hernández, Instituto Mexicano del catalyst derived from either acetylace- injection system consists of two parts,
Petróleo; A.A. Mohammad, Texas tonate or alkylhexanoate compounds nitrogen injection and air injection.
A&M U.; and M.C. Cabrera-Reyes, and an air-injection system in a com- Both parts are independent (through
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, pre- bustion tube. The hydrocarbon used 1/4-in. tubing) and are opened or closed
pared for the 2007 SPE Latin American was a 12.5°API heavy crude oil from to the system with valves in the control
and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering the GOM. The catalyst was mixed panel. The injected-nitrogen or -air rate
Conference, Buenos Aires, 15–18 April. with the heavy oil before the experi- is controlled by a mass-flow controller,
The paper has not been peer reviewed. ment. The objective of this study was installed before the injection pressure
For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.
Introduction 0.01
Several countries, including Canada and 0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000
Venezuela, contain massive resources
of unconventional heavy oil and bitu- Alkali Content, ppm
men. These oil sands are character-
ized as unconsolidated, high-porosity, Fig. 1—Oil/water IFT with varying alkali content.
and high-permeability reservoirs. The
single biggest obstacle to successful oil to the production wells. However, that in actual reservoir applications, sev-
recovery from the oil sands is the high mobility-ratio concerns dominate dis- eral processes are working together to
oil viscosity. Heavy-oil reservoirs are a placement of viscous oil, and most improve oil recovery. This work consid-
special subset of the oil sands, whereby enhanced-oil-recovery processes focus ers the possible mechanisms that could
the oil viscosity at reservoir tempera- on reducing oil viscosity or improving be responsible for enhanced recovery of
ture and pressure varies on the order the mobility ratio. Unfortunately, many high-viscosity heavy oil.
of 50 to 50 000 mPa·s. While this oil of the heavy-oil reservoirs in Canada
is very viscous, it does have limited are relatively small and thin, making Materials and Experiments
mobility at reservoir conditions. As them poor candidates for expensive The heavy oil used in these experi-
much as 20% of the oil may be recov- thermal processes. This work investi- ments was from a field in Saskatchewan,
ered by solution-gas drive, but in many gates the potential of A/S flooding for Alberta, currently in primary produc-
cases, the recovery is much lower. enhanced heavy-oil recovery. tion. At ambient temperature (23°C),
To recover additional heavy oil, a fluid Surfactants are a special class of mol- the oil has a viscosity of approxi-
usually must be injected to displace ecule that is both hydrophobic and mately 11 000 mPa·s and a density of
hydrophilic; thus, the most stable con- 982 kg/m3. The heavy oil used in some
This article, written by Technology figuration for these molecules is at the of the core floods was more viscous—
Editor Dennis Denney, contains high- oil/water interface. In surfactant flood- approximately 15 000 mPa·s. This oil
lights of paper SPE 110738, “Enhanced ing, these molecules generally are inject- was from the same field; however,
Heavy-Oil Recovery by Alkali/Surfactant ed along with water to reduce the oil/ differences in handling or possibly geo-
Flooding,” by J. Bryan, SPE, and A. water interfacial tension (IFT), which logical heterogeneities were responsible
Kantzas, SPE, University of Calgary reduces capillary forces that may trap oil for the different measured viscosity
and TIPM Laboratory, prepared for the in rock pores. Alkali flooding is a special values. The aqueous phase was either
2007 SPE Annual Technical Conference subset of chemical flooding whereby the brine containing 20 000 ppm NaCl or
and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, surfactant is generated in situ through deionized (DI) water.
11–14 November. The paper has not the reaction between the injected alkali The preformed surfactant was a com-
been peer reviewed. and the acidic crude oil. It is likely mercial anionic surfactant. This surfac-
For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at www.spe.org/jpt.