CEAT Annual Report 2019

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Rating: REDUCE | CMP: Rs957 | TP: Rs886

June 12, 2019 Utilisation a challenge; margins under pressure

Analyst Meet Update We attended CEAT’s annual Investor day and are downgrading the stock
from ‘Hold’ to ‘Reduce’ on account of further downside that we see to margins
☑ Change in Estimates | ☑ Target | ☑ Reco and rise in debt levels. Given the various capacity expansions (capex of
Change in Estimates ~Rs40bn over 2-3 years) in a muted demand scenario, anticipated rise in raw
Current Previous material costs (particularly natural rubber) and management’s focus on
FY20E FY21E FY20E FY21E OEMs (mix to rise by 4-5% towards OEMs), we expect margins to subside
Target Price 886 1,100 from current levels and hence, taper our margin expectations for FY20/21E
Sales (Rs. m) 75,206 81,150 74,600 79,196 by 40/80bps to 8.9%/8.8% respectively. We cut our valuation multiple,
% Chng. 0.8 2.5
EBITDA (Rs. m) 6,693 7,181 6,913 7,642 downgrading the stock to ‘Reduce’ with a TP of Rs886, based on 14xFY21E
% Chng. (3.2) (6.0) (earlier 15xFY21E) Consol EPS.
EPS (Rs.) 63.4 63.3 68.5 73.3
% Chng. (7.6) (13.6)
 Growth outlook muted: OEM segment growth continues to be negative as
despite production cuts taken by all OEMs, there is not much shift in inventory
Key Financials
levels till now. Replacement segment, forming 55% of sales for CEAT, is
FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E
Sales (Rs. m) 62,834 69,845 75,206 81,150 growing but the growth there too is subdued.
EBITDA (Rs. m) 6,148 6,425 6,693 7,181
Margin (%) 9.8 9.2 8.9 8.8  RM cost to remain on the higher side: While crude has softened, natural
PAT (Rs. m) 2,719 2,970 2,563 2,561
EPS (Rs.) 67.2 73.4 63.4 63.3
rubber price has been inching up owing to shortage in supply (up 8% QoQ). Of
Gr. (%) (27.4) 9.2 (13.7) (0.1) the total RM basket, natural rubber forms 30-35%, synthetic rubber forms
DPS (Rs.) 11.5 13.0 14.0 -
~15% and crude & crude derivatives account for 40-50%. Management
Yield (%) 1.2 1.4 1.5 -
RoE (%) 10.8 11.1 8.9 8.3 expects overall RM cost for the company to remain flat over the current fiscal.
RoCE (%) 13.1 11.6 9.2 8.6
EV/Sales (x) 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6  Market mix to shift towards OEMs: Overall margin for CEAT will see some
EV/EBITDA (x) 7.5 8.2 7.3 7.0
PE (x) 14.2 13.0 15.1 15.1
more pressure with management focus on OEM sales increasing. The revenue
P/BV (x) 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 mix for CEAT (currently OEMs forming ~45% of total sales) is expected to shift
by 4-5% in favour of the lower margin OEM segment over the next 1-2 years
(especially for the PCR segment).
52-W High / Low Rs.1,455 / Rs.935
Sensex / Nifty 39,757 / 11,906  Capacity expansions coming in across segments: For TBR, CEAT is
Market Cap Rs.39bn/ $ 558m
adding capacity of 80K tyres/month (commenced Jan’19) at an outlay of
Shares Outstanding 40m
3M Avg. Daily Value Rs.1183.56m Rs10bn, expected to generate revenue of ~Rs15bn on full ramp-up in 1-1.5yrs.
Its current market share in TBR is 3-4%, restricted by capacity constraints &
Shareholding Pattern (%) the management hence, expects the new capacity to be fully utilised. For the
Promoter’s 51.08 PCR segment, with a capex of ~Rs20bn, the company is adding a greenfield
Foreign 24.75
Domestic Institution 7.52
capacity of 20K tyres/month (to commence Q4FY20), generating revenue of
Public & Others 16.64 ~Rs20bn, where management expects to reach full utilisation on the back of
Promoter Pledge (Rs bn) -
their pipeline of OEM orders. Current market share for PCR is at ~10% which
they are looking to increase to 15-20% over the near term. 2W capacity
Stock Performance (%)
expansion (to commence around Q2FY20) with an investment of ~Rs5bn is
1M 6M 12M
Absolute (3.7) (27.0) (30.7) expected to generate a revenue of ~Rs10bn on full utilisation. However, given
Relative (9.2) (34.3) (37.8) the subdued demand, utilisation here is a challenge. Focus will be on
maintaining market share over margins here.
Poorvi Banka
poorvibanka@plindia.com | 91-22-66322426  Debt levels to be maintained at D/E of 1:1: The company will maintain its
Debt/Equity & Debt/EBITDA at a maximum of 1:1 (currently at 0.5:1) & 3:1,
respectively and incase of debt levels going higher than this threshold, will
reduce its capital expenditure. It expects +ve FCF in FY21E.

June 12, 2019 1


Income Statement (Rs m) Balance Sheet Abstract (Rs m)
Y/e Mar FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E Y/e Mar FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E

Net Revenues 62,834 69,845 75,206 81,150 Non-Current Assets

YoY gr. (%) 9.0 11.2 7.7 7.9
Cost of Goods Sold 38,100 41,818 45,274 49,055 Gross Block 31,294 37,778 45,592 53,092
Gross Profit 24,734 28,027 29,932 32,095 Tangibles 30,198 36,714 44,214 51,714
Margin (%) 39.4 40.1 39.8 39.6 Intangibles 1,096 1,065 1,378 1,378
Employee Cost 4,383 5,301 5,566 5,844
Other Expenses 14,204 16,301 17,673 19,070 Acc: Dep / Amortization 4,056 5,983 8,585 11,577
Tangibles 3,762 5,689 8,290 11,282
EBITDA 6,148 6,425 6,693 7,181 Intangibles 294 294 294 294
YoY gr. (%) (6.4) 4.5 4.2 7.3
Margin (%) 9.8 9.2 8.9 8.8 Net fixed assets 27,238 31,795 37,007 41,515
Tangibles 26,436 31,025 35,923 40,432
Depreciation and Amortization 1,686 1,927 2,602 2,992 Intangibles 802 770 1,084 1,084

EBIT 4,462 4,498 4,091 4,189 Capital Work In Progress 3,100 8,329 - -
Margin (%) 7.1 6.4 5.4 5.2 Goodwill - - - -
Non-Current Investments 1,786 1,875 1,875 1,875
Net Interest 974 880 1,277 1,500 Net Deferred tax assets (1,893) (2,192) (2,292) (2,392)
Other Income 295 390 585 644 Other Non-Current Assets 1,340 2,038 1,788 1,538

Profit Before Tax 3,443 3,560 3,400 3,332 Current Assets

Margin (%) 5.5 5.1 4.5 4.1 Investments 401 - - -
Inventories 7,846 10,056 9,066 9,783
Total Tax 1,340 1,251 1,088 1,066 Trade receivables 7,472 7,064 8,654 9,338
Effective tax rate (%) 38.9 35.1 32.0 32.0 Cash & Bank Balance 863 735 6,801 7,513
Other Current Assets 1,465 1,770 1,520 1,270
Profit after tax 2,103 2,309 2,312 2,266 Total Assets 52,932 65,366 68,362 74,483
Minority interest (47) (11) (13) (14)
Share Profit from Associate 230 202 238 281 Equity
Equity Share Capital 405 405 405 405
Adjusted PAT 2,719 2,970 2,563 2,561 Other Equity 25,656 27,257 29,253 31,814
YoY gr. (%) (27.4) 9.2 (13.7) (0.1) Total Networth 26,061 27,661 29,658 32,219
Margin (%) 4.3 4.3 3.4 3.2
Extra Ord. Income / (Exp) (340) (448) - - Non-Current Liabilities
Long Term borrowings 6,761 12,738 14,738 16,738
Reported PAT 2,380 2,522 2,563 2,561 Provisions 344 384 384 384
YoY gr. (%) (34.1) 6.0 1.6 (0.1) Other non current liabilities - - - -
Margin (%) 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2
Current Liabilities
Other Comprehensive Income - - - - ST Debt / Current of LT Debt 1,956 2,243 2,243 2,243
Total Comprehensive Income 2,380 2,522 2,563 2,561 Trade payables 8,705 10,529 8,654 9,338
Equity Shares O/s (m) 40 40 40 40 Other current liabilities 5,624 8,014 8,689 9,364
EPS (Rs) 67.2 73.4 63.4 63.3 Total Equity & Liabilities 52,932 65,366 68,362 74,483
Source: Company Data, PL Research Source: Company Data, PL Research

June 12, 2019 2


Cash Flow (Rs m) Key Financial Metrics

Y/e Mar FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E Year
Y/e Mar FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E

PBT 3,443 3,560 3,400 3,332 Per Share(Rs)

Add. Depreciation 1,686 1,927 2,602 2,992 EPS 67.2 73.4 63.4 63.3
Add. Interest 974 880 1,277 1,500 CEPS 108.9 121.1 127.7 137.3
Less Financial Other Income 295 390 585 644 BVPS 644.3 683.8 733.2 796.5
Add. Other 274 (183) 251 295 FCF 57.9 (131.3) 146.1 5.2
Op. profit before WC changes 6,376 6,185 7,529 8,119 DPS 11.5 13.0 14.0 -
Net Changes-WC 1,782 1,172 (1,148) 558 Return Ratio(%)
Direct tax (1,581) (952) (988) (966) RoCE 13.1 11.6 9.2 8.6
Net cash from Op. activities 6,577 6,405 5,393 7,711 ROIC 8.3 7.7 7.4 6.9
Capital expenditures (4,236) (11,714) 516 (7,500) RoE 10.8 11.1 8.9 8.3
Interest / Dividend Income - - - - Balance Sheet
Others 181 321 - - Net Debt : Equity (x) 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.4
Net Cash from Invt. activities (4,055) (11,393) 516 (7,500) Net Working Capital (Days) 38 34 44 44
Issue of share cap. / premium - 0 - - Valuation(x)
Debt changes (523) 6,264 2,000 2,000 PER 14.2 13.0 15.1 15.1
Dividend paid (465) (526) (566) - P/B 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2
Interest paid (974) (880) (1,277) (1,500) P/CEPS 8.8 7.9 7.5 7.0
Others - - - - EV/EBITDA 7.5 8.2 7.3 7.0
Net cash from Fin. activities (1,962) 4,857 157 500 EV/Sales 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6
Net change in cash 561 (131) 6,066 711 Dividend Yield (%) 1.2 1.4 1.5 -
Free Cash Flow 2,342 (5,309) 5,909 211 Source: Company Data, PL Research
Source: Company Data, PL Research

Quarterly Financials (Rs m)

Y/e Mar Q1FY19 Q2FY19 Q3FY19 Q4FY19
Net Revenue 17,063 17,546 17,299 17,605
YoY gr. (%) 16.9 15.2 9.9 4.4
Raw Material Expenses 10,350 10,648 10,129 10,692
Gross Profit 6,713 6,898 7,171 6,913
Margin (%) 39.3 39.3 41.5 39.3
EBITDA 1,758 1,592 1,426 1,623
YoY gr. (%) (11.0) (9.4) (10.5) 13.9
Margin (%) 10.3 9.1 8.2 9.2
Depreciation / Depletion 460 477 482 508
EBIT 1,298 1,116 943 1,116
Margin (%) 7.6 6.4 5.5 6.3
Net Interest 204 186 222 269
Other Income 37 33 40 56
Profit before Tax 1,108 943 762 497
Margin (%) 6.5 5.4 4.4 2.8
Total Tax 442 370 302 137
Effective tax rate (%) 39.9 39.3 39.7 27.5
Profit after Tax 666 572 459 361
Minority interest 6 1 5 1
Share Profit from Associates 48 58 63 33
Adjusted PAT 731 650 517 798
YoY gr. (%) 4,808.7 (16.0) (37.4) (21.2)
Margin (%) 4.3 3.7 3.0 4.5
Extra Ord. Income / (Exp) (23) (20) - (405)
Reported PAT 709 630 517 392
YoY gr. (%) 6,114.9 (9.2) (36.6) (48.7)
Margin (%) 4.2 3.6 3.0 2.2
Other Comprehensive Income - - - -
Total Comprehensive Income 709 630 517 392
Avg. Shares O/s (m) 40 40 40 40
EPS (Rs) 18.1 16.1 12.8 19.7
Source: Company Data, PL Research

June 12, 2019 3


Price Chart Recommendation History

No. Date Rating TP (Rs.) Share Price (Rs.)
1 15-Jun-18 Accumulate 1,451 1,348

1712 2 10-Jul-18 Accumulate 1,451 1,258

3 23-Jul-18 Accumulate 1,451 1,324
4 5-Oct-18 Accumulate 1,451 1,055
1086 5 29-Oct-18 Accumulate 1,255 1,106
6 7-Jan-19 Accumulate 1,255 1,285

Dec - 18
Dec - 16

Dec - 17
Jun - 16

Jun - 17

Jun - 18

Jun - 19
7 30-Jan-19 Accumulate 1,178 1,086
8 5-Apr-19 Accumulate 1,178 1,124
9 8-May-19 HOLD 1,100 1,057

Analyst Coverage Universe

Sr. No. CompanyName Rating TP (Rs) Share Price (Rs)
1 Ashok Leyland BUY 107 94
2 Bajaj Auto Reduce 2,823 3,047
3 Bharat Forge Hold 513 486
4 CEAT HOLD 1,100 1,057
5 Eicher Motors Hold 20,161 20,354
6 Exide Industries Accumulate 231 214
7 Hero Motocorp Accumulate 2,784 2,735
8 Mahindra & Mahindra BUY 815 672
9 Maruti Suzuki BUY 7,600 7,108
10 Motherson Sumi Systems Accumulate 131 119
11 Tata Motors Accumulate 192 181
12 TVS Motors Hold 474 492
13 Wabco India Accumulate 7,111 6,326

PL’s Recommendation Nomenclature (Absolute Performance)

Buy : > 15%
Accumulate : 5% to 15%
Hold : +5% to -5%
Reduce : -5% to -15%
Sell : < -15%
Not Rated (NR) : No specific call on the stock
Under Review (UR) : Rating likely to change shortly

June 12, 2019 4


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June 12, 2019 AMNISH

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