Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) : Analyst Meet Update
Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) : Analyst Meet Update
Mahindra & Mahindra (MM IN) : Analyst Meet Update
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
Source: Company, PL
EBIT 48,313 47,446 61,450 72,783 Capital Work In Progress 20,379 31,287 31,287 31,287
Margin (%) 10.7 9.7 10.5 10.8 Goodwill - - - -
Non-Current Investments 1,45,745 1,71,772 1,83,022 1,94,272
Net Interest 1,456 1,122 1,177 1,177 Net Deferred tax assets (6,949) (2,772) (2,772) (2,772)
Other Income 13,064 10,364 12,406 14,853 Other Non-Current Assets 26,352 27,769 28,269 28,769
No. Date Rating TP (Rs.) Share Price (Rs.)
1 11-Jul-17 Accumulate 1478 1368
833 2 04-Aug-17 Accumulate 1471 1418
740 3 09-Oct-17 Accumulate 1471 1302
4 13-Nov-17 Accumulate 1580 1393
5 04-Jan-18 BUY 895 755
555 6 10-Jan-18 BUY 895 761
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Date: 2018.06.27 21:00:05 +05'30'