Cot # 1 OBSERVER: Cherie Lou P. Lanzaderas

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COT # 1

TEACHER OBSERVED: Jennifer R. Redondo OBSERVER: Cherie Lou P. Lanzaderas

Objectives Means of Verification Description of the MOV Presented Annotations
Managed learner behavior Classroom observation tool (COT) COT # 1 with the following attachments;
constructively by applying rating sheet and/or inter-observer a. Pre-observation checklist
positive and non-violent agreement form teacher management b. Daily lesson log
discipline to ensure learning- of learner behavior using the following c. Observation notes form
focused environments. strategies: d. Summary of formative assessment
1. Providing motivation Can be found in the word problem presented with pictures. Learners were able to answer comprehension
They were also motivated when they spinned the number questions about the word problem presented because
wheel it was written in Mother Tongue language
2. Praising the learners/Giving Positive feedbacks were not captured in the DLL
positive feedback because it was only given to learners verbally by
praising them besides; DLL is not in detailed format.
3. Setting house rules/guidelines These were found before the start of the Group/Pair Activity Learners were able to follow directly the house rules
given before the activity
4. Ensuring learners’ active Learners were participative during the discussion of the They enjoyed spinning the number wheel as one of the
participation lesson. It was evidently seen in the observers’ Observation manipulatives used in the lesson
Notes Form and in using the number wheel
5. Allowing learners to express their Learners were able to express and share their ideas through I encouraged them to answer questions base on what
ideas/opinions group/pair activity and by answering comprehension they understand and in Mother Tongue language
questions/generalizations because lesson is quite difficult
6. Giving equal opportunities to Learners were given the chance to interact with each other I see to it that learners were grouped equally prior to
learners regardless of gender and mental ability through the activity and assigned different role to each member
differentiated instructions during group/pair activity and this is in a round-robin scheme to ensure learners
participation and to avoid gender-bias
7. Encouraging learners to ask Some learners were hesitant to ask questions because of the I think learners should be encouraged to give a synopsis
questions presence of the observer on a word problem or short situation presented to
ensure teaching-learning process.
8. Others (Please specify and provide

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