John J Harada: Signaling in Plant Embryogenesis
John J Harada: Signaling in Plant Embryogenesis
John J Harada: Signaling in Plant Embryogenesis
Figure 1
(g) cot
(f) sam
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) p
ac a p
o' c gm
bc b h h
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Embryo development in a representative dicot plant. (a) Single-celled zygote of Brassica napus. (b) Two-celled embryo comprising the apical cell
(ac) that gives rise to most of the embryo proper and the basal cell (bc) that becomes part of the root apical meristem and the suspensor. (c) The
O’ line in this octant-stage embryo represents the first transverse division of the embryo proper and separates the apical (a) and central (c)
embryonic domains. The basal domain (b) is from the uppermost cell of the suspensor. (d) Periclinal divisions in the octant-stage embryo give rise
to the protoderm (p). (e) The hypophysis (h) derives from the uppermost cell of the suspensor in a globular-stage embryo. (f) In this transition-stage
embryo, the three major embryonic tissue systems are visible: protoderm (p), ground meristem (gm), and procambium (pc). (g) Five major
organs/structures along the apical–basal axis of this early torpedo-stage embryo are cotyledons (cot), shoot apical meristem (sam), hypocotyl (h),
root (r), and the root apical meristem (ram). Adapted from West and Harada [1].
however, remains unanswered. It is also not known if auxin embryonic cotyledon-like organs to emerge at the position
plays a role in initiating zygotic embryogenesis. of leaves, and activates embryo-specific genes.
Remarkably, as shown in Figure 2, embryo structures
Recent work has provided insight into signaling that occurs occasionally form on the surfaces of leaves without cultur-
during the induction of somatic embryogenesis [16••]. ing or pretreatments with auxin. These results suggest
Cultured carrot cells, destined to undergo somatic embryo- that LEC1 plays a critical role in embryo development by
genesis, are marked with a cell wall antigen recognized by directly controlling processes during early and late
the antibody, JIM8. These competent cell divide asymmet- embryogenesis. LEC1 may accomplish these diverse func-
rically, producing one daughter cell with the antigen and the tions by establishing an embryonic environment that
other without, and the epitope-free cells ultimately form permits embryo formation to occur.
somatic embryos. Thus, embryogenic competence is associ-
ated with a cell wall antigen that segregates asymmetrically Mutations of the Arabidopsis PICKLE (PKL) gene reveal
during cell division. A surprising result is that the daughter that gibberellic acid signaling may also be important in con-
cell that does not label with JIM8 requires a soluble signal trolling embryogenesis [18••]. Roots of pkl mutant seedlings
from JIM8-positive cells, thought to be an arabinogalactan accumulate lipids normally found in seeds and express
protein, to continue its development into embryos. Thus, embryo-specific genes. Moreover, culturing of excised pkl
signaling between cells of different fates is required for the roots on hormone-free media generates somatic embryos.
initiation of somatic embryogenesis, although it is not Thus, the pkl mutation either induces or fails to suppress
known if a similar requirement obtains for zygotic embryos. embryonic programs in seedling roots. Because the mutant
phenotype is suppressed by gibberellic acid, PKL is thought
Two recent studies provide insight into the factors that to function in a gibberellic acid signaling pathway. The
control embryo formation. First, the Arabidopsis LEAFY implication is that gibberellic acid signaling may be required
COTYLEDON1 (LEC1) gene that encodes a subunit of the to switch root cells from an embryonic to a vegetative fate.
CCAAT box binding transcription factor is a central regu- Thus, genetic manipulations of LEC1 and PKL gene expres-
lator of both early and late embryogenesis [17••]. The sion establish a cellular environment that permits embryo
LEC1 gene is required for the maintenance of suspensor formation to occur in the absence of hormone treatments.
cell fate, specification of cotyledon identity, initiation and
maintenance of the maturation phase, and suppression of Patterning of the embryonic axis
germination. Analyses of the Lec1– mutant phenotype Analyses of seedling lethal mutants has led to the hypoth-
and of the gene’s expression pattern suggest that LEC1 esis that the early Arabidopsis embryo is divided into three
functions exclusively during embryogenesis. Ectopic domains — apical, central and basal [19,20•]. As shown in
expression of LEC1 during postembryonic growth is suffi- Figure 1, the apical region derives from the upper tier of an
cient to induce embryo development in vegetative octant stage embryo. Although cell fate is generally deter-
tissues. Ectopic LEC1 gene expression inhibits postem- mined by position, the apical region usually contributes
bryonic development of transgenic plants, causes the shoot apical meristem and most of the cotyledons. Part
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of the cotyledons, the hypocotyl, the root, and the root api- Figure 2
cal meristem initials arise from the central domain, a region
that comes from the lower tier of an octant stage embryo.
The basal region gives rise to the quiescent center of the
root apical meristem and the central root cap cells. Basal
region cells are descendants of the hypophysis, the upper-
most cell of the suspensor. Additional support for the
existence of these domains comes from studies showing
that they correspond to transcriptional territories in globu-
lar stage embryos [21–23]. That is, specific genes, or their
promoters, are active in subdomains of either the apical,
central, or basal regions.
developing embryos [31]. Similar phenotypes have been axis. These studies provide elegant examples of signaling in
observed with Arabidopsis and tobacco mutants defective plant embryogenesis, although more work is needed to
in auxin polar transport [32–34]. Two recent studies in define, at a mechanistic level, the nature of the signals that
wheat and Brassica juncea suggest that auxin may be constitute positional information.
involved in shoot and root apical meristem formation
[35,36]. The mechanisms by which auxin acts during
embryogenesis, however, remain to be determined. I thank Marilyn West and Tami Lotan for help in preparing Figures 1 and 2,
and Neelima Sinha and Tami Lotan for their comments about the
manuscript. Work from my lab was supported by a grant from DOE.
Specification of organ identity
Signaling within the shoot apex appears to be important in References and recommended reading
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